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Penyakit kusta disebut juga sebagai Morbus Hansen, yaitu penyakit kronik yang disebabkan oleh
kuman Mycobacterium leprae. Berbagai faktor dapat menjadi penyebab timbulnya masalah
kejadian penyakit kusta yaitu faktor umur, faktor jenis kelamin, faktor pengetahuan, faktor
ekonomi, faktor perilaku personal hygiene, faktor riwayat kontak dan faktor lingkungan fisik
rumah. Penelitian ini adalah korelasional deskriptif dimana peneliti mencoba mencari hubungan
antara variabel-variabel penelitian. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas
Nggaha Ori Angu Kabupaten Sumba Timur karena daerah ini merupakan daerah endemis Kusta.
Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Probability Sampling, dengan
besar sampel 38 responden. Hasil penelitian ini secara signifikan menunjukkan bahwa tidak
terdapat hubungan antara umur dengan kejadian penyakit kusta (p value 0,985; r = 0,003).
Kejadian penyakit kusta terbukti berhubungan dengan jenis kelamin (p value = 0,002; r = 0,486),
pengetahuan responden (p value = 0,000; r = -0,617), perilaku personal hygiene (p value = 0,001;
r = -0,508), kondisi ekonomi (p value = 0,001; r = -0,533), riwayat kontak (p value = 0,001; r = -
0,466) dan lingkungan fisik rumah (p value = 0,003; r = -0,470). Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan
dapat menjadi pedoman bagi dasar penatalaksanaan penyakit kusta bagi pihak keluarga, tenaga
kesehatan dan masyarakat untuk mencegah terjadinya penularan penyakit kusta.

Kata kunci : kondisi ekonomi, lingkungan fisik, perilaku personal hygiene. Referensi (50: 1989-

Leprosy is also known as Morbus Hansen, a chronic disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae
that first attacks the peripheral nervous system, may subsequently infect the skin, oral mucosa,
upper respiratory tract, endothelial reticulocyte system, eyes, muscles, bones, and testes . Various
factors can be the cause of the incidence of leprosy incident in the Working Area of Nggaha Ori
Angu Public Health Center of East Sumba Regency, such as age factor, gender factor,
knowledge factor, economic factor, personal hygiene factor, contact history factor and house
physical environment factor. The research is a descriptive correlation where the researcher tries
to find the relationship between research variables. The research was conducted in the Working
Area of Nggaha Ori Angu Public Health Center of East Sumba Regency because this area is
endemic area of Leprosy. The sampling technique in this study used a Probability Sampling, with
a sample size of 38 respondents. The results showed that there was no correlation between age
and the incidence of leprosy (p value = 0.985; r = 0.003) among respondents in Public Health
Center of Nggoa East Sumba.Sex factor (p value = 0,002; r = 0,486), respondent's knowledge (p
value = 0,000, r = -0,617), personal hygiene (p value = 0,001, r = -0,508), economic condition (p
value = 0,001; R = -0,533), contact history (p value = 0,001, r = -0,466) and house physical
environment (p value = 0,003; r = - 0,470) have significant relation with the incidence of leprosy
in the work area of Nggaha Ori Angu Public Health Center. It is expected that the findings of the
study can be used as a guide for the family, health workers and the public to prevent the
occurrence of transmission of leprosy.

Keywords: economic condition, physical environment, personal hygiene. Reference (50: 1989-
2016) DAFTAR ISI Halama

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