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Dampak negatif full day school terhadap perkembangan anak

a. Terlalu banyak memusatkan kegiatan disekolah daripada di rumah dengan orangtua dan keluarga lainnya.
b. Kurangnya kasih sayang dari orangtua.
c. Anak akan mudah stress karena setiap hari dituntut untuk memenuhi kegiatan-kegiatan penuh disekolah.
d. Anak cenderung berpotensi mengalami tekanan psikis.
e. Perkembangan anak dalam hal sosial kurang, karena anak seharian berada disekolah.
Dampak full day school terhadap orangtua
a. Orangtua tidak akan khawatir akan kualitas pendidikan dan kepribadian putra-putrinya karena anak-
anaknya dididik oleh tenaga kependidikan yang terlatih dan profesional.
b. Orangtua tidak merasa khawatir dengan keberadaan putra-putrinya antara lain: pengaruh negative kegiatan
anak diluar sekolah dapat dikurangi seminimal mugkin karena waktu pendidikan anak disekolah lebih lama
terencana dan terarah.
c. Orangtua tidak merasa khawatir karena harus meninggalkan anaknya saat mereka bekerja.
B. Dampak negatif full day school terhadap orangtua
a. Orangtua tidak terlalu dekat dengan anaknya, bahkan sang anak lebih dekat dengan gurunya.
b. Orangtua tidak terlalu peduli dengan perkembangan anaknya, karena sedikitnya waktu bertemu antara
orangtua dan anaknya.

Ada beberapa kasus yang perlu ditelaah lebih jauh: Pertama, kurangnya eksplorasi anak di dunia
bebas, duniayang tidak terikat dengan desain pendidikan. Padahal di dunia itu anak sering kali menemukan
dan mengembangkan talentanya. Menurut teori piaget pikiran anak bukanlah suatu kotak yang kosong
sebaliknya anak memiliki sejumlah gagasan tentang dunia fisik dan alamiah, yang berbeda dengan gagasan
orang dewasa. Anak-anak datang ke sekolah dengan gagasan-gagasan mereka sendiri. pada dasarnya anak
adalah makhluk yang berpengetahuan yang selalu termotivasi untuk memperoleh pengetahuan. Cara terbaik
untuk memelihara motivasi akan pengetahuan ini ialah membiarkan anak untuk secara spontan berinteraksi
dengan lingkungan. Pendidikan harus menjamin bahwa pendidikan tidak akan menumpulkan rasa
keingintahuan anak dengan menyusun suatu kurikulum yang sangat kaku yang merusak irama dan langkah
belajar anak itu sendiri Kedua, ada sebagian sekolah full day yang kurang memperhatikan kondisi fisik dan
psikis anak. Penulis melihat adanya materi-materi yang lebih beroreintasi kognitif pada jam-jam siang.
Ketiga, adanya sebagian sekolah full day yang minim fasilitas, sehingga kemungkinan terjadinya kebosanan
belajar yang tinggi. Keempat, Mahalnya biaya pendidikan sekolah full day, menyebabkan terjadinya
dikotomi pendidikan; sekolah eksklusif dan sekolah biasa. Masyarakat berekonomi lemah jelas-jelas tidak
mungkin melirik sekolah full day. Kelima, kerjaguru diforsir 8 sampai 9 jam di sekolah. Apakah hal tersebut
juga dimungkinkan terjadi di SD YIMI Gresik, khususnya terkait dengan perkembangan sosial peserta didik?

Keempat, pentingnya juga dikaji tentang dampak FDS ini pada kegiatan belajar informal yang dilakukan
sebagian siswa di luar sekolah pada sore hari. Pada kegaiatan belajar mengaji di TPA, misalnya, atau pada
berbagai jenis kursus yang dipilih siswa sesuai dengan bakat mereka. Secara bisnis dan ekonomi, FDS ini
mengancam eksistensi ribuan TPA, lembaga bimbingan belajar, kursus keterampilan, dan sejenisnya di
Indonesia. Bisa jadi, kelompok inilah salah satu yang keberatan dengan kebijakan sekolah sehari penuh ini,
karena mengganggu jalannya roda usaha mereka.
Dengan konsep full day school, siswa akan lebih banyak menghabiskan waktunya di sekolah. Sehingga
mereka yang ikut program bimbel akan kesulitan untuk menyesuaikan jadwal belajar di tempat bimbel.

"Lambat-laun bimbel tidak akan laku, atau memang ini strategi dari Mendikbud yang baru untuk melawan
bimbel," kata Iwan.

Menurutnya, ada keuntungan tersendiri jika siswa lebih banyak menghabiskan waktu belajar di sekolah.
Mereka akan lebih fokus belajar daripada melakukan kegiatan tidak bermanfaat di luar sekolah.

Tapi bagi pemilik usaha bimbel, konsep full day school justru dipandang merugikan. Sebab mereka akan
kehilangan peserta didik di tempat bimbelnya.

Sementara jika konsep full day school ingin berjalan, sekolah menurutnya harus memiliki sarana dan
prasarana pendukung. Sehingga siswa akan nyaman berada di sekolah dari pagi hingga sore.

"Kalau sekolahnya menyenangkan, siswa pasti betah. Sebaliknya, jika sekolah tidak nyaman, anak tidak
akan betah. Makanya harus diciptakan situasi di sekolah yang menyenangkan," ungkap Iwan.

Agar sekolah menjadi tempat nyaman, pihak sekolah harus memiliki berbagai terobosan menarik bagi siswa.
Sehingga siswa tidak jenuh saat berada di sekolah.

Jangan sampai (sistem ‘full day school’, red.) tujuannya bagus untuk mendidik siswa, tetapi justru
membuat siswa jenuh dan tidak optimal dalam mengikuti pembelajaran. Beban siswa menjadi berlebihan,”

Bermain merupakan kodrati setiap anak, bahkan menjadi kebutuhan rohani setiap individu. Bagi siswa,
sekolah yang sampai sehari penuh mengurangi waktu mereka untuk bermain dan menyosialisasikan
pribadi mereka. Ketika sampai di rumah sudah sore, badan capek, sehingga tidak sempat berkunjung ke
rumah teman untuk bermain. Hal tersebut mengakibatkan kurang terlatihnya jiwa sosial terhadap
lingkungan rumahnya, karena teman yang dimilikinya hanyalah teman di sekolah. Selain itu, mereka
kurang tanggap terhadap lingkungan. Setelah pulang dan sampai di rumah, jarang keluar rumah. Jika
keluarpun, jauh dari lingkungan rumah. Meskipun program ini telah di berhentikan oleh Presiden
Jokowi dikarenakan banyaknya masyarakat yang protes, namun ada masih beberapa sekolah yang
masih menerapkan Full Day School ini karena dinilai bagus untuk diterapkan kepada siswanya.
Dari yang saya lihat Hanya beberapa sekolah negeri saja yang mampu menerapkan program Full
Day School ini, tetapi kebanyakan sekolah swasta menerapkan Full Day School ini dikarenakan
sistem ini dinilai sesuai dengan keadaan siswanya. Jika dilihat dari presentase hanya 20% sekolah
Negeri di Indonesia yang mampu menerapkan program Full Day School ini itupun sebagian besar
hanya yang berada di daerah perkotaan saja dan 80% lainnya di laksanakan oleh sekolah sekolah

Melihat keadaan Indonesia saat ini memang sangat menyedihkan, Bukan hanya permasalahan
sarana dan prasarana pendidikan di Indonesia, bahkan orang-orang yang seharusnya menjamin
pendidikan di indonesiapun justru mencuri hak-hak anak-anak bangsa dengan melakukan korupsi
dana pendidikan yang seharusnya dapat dimanfaatkan bersama untuk kepentingan generasi muda
Indonesia. Selama lebih dari setengah abad Indonesia merdeka, tentunya sangatlah sedih melihat
kondisi pendidikan di Indonesia yang sangat memprihatinkan. Pendidikan yang hanya terpusat
atau terfokus di daerah perkotaan atau yang mudah terjangkau merupakan permasalahan utama di
Indonesia. Sementara di daerah terpencil atau daerah perbatasan justru kurang perhatian bahkan
dicampakkan. Lebih parah lagi, banyak anak-anak bangsa di daerah perbatasan yang tidak
mengenal akan bangsa dan negaranya sendiri apalagi mengenai pengetahuan umum. pendidikan
di Indonesia yang masih sangat kurang akan perhatian dari pemerintah.

Kondisi sarana dan prasarana pendidikan yang mulai terlihat hidungnya di daerah pelosok
belumlah cukup untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan bangsa kita. Pemerintah juga perlu
memperhatikan tenaga pengajar yang dikirim ke daerah tersebut, bukannya mengirim tenaga
pengajar yang professional tetapi mengirim tenaga pengajar yang memiliki masalah di daerah
perkotaan sebelumnya dan dimutasi ke daerah pelosok, itu yang banyak terjadi saat ini. Keadaan
ini juga disebabkan karena keterbatasan infrastruktur dan keterasingan daerah pelosok yang
menyebabkan rasa enggan tenaga pengajar disana. Indonesia butuh tenaga pengajar yang betul-
betul ikhlas dan tersentuh hati nuraninya akan kemirisan pendidikan di Indonesia khususnya di
daerah pelosok. Masyarakat bukan hanya pemerintah harus meningkatkan perhatian terhadap
saudara-saudara kita di daerah pelosok baik dari segi pendidikan maupun kesejahteraan. Selain
memerhatikan kondisi pendidikan bagi anak-anak bangsa, pemerintah sangat perlu memerhatikan
kesejahtraan tenaga pengajar kita khususnya yang berjuang di perbatasan Negara Indonesia.

Full day school negative impact on child development

a. Focusing too much on school activities rather than at home with parents and other families.

b. Lack of love from parents.

c. Children will be easily stressed because every day they are required to fulfill full activities at school.

d. Children tend to potentially experience psychological stress.

e. The development of children in social matters is lacking, because children all day are in school.

The impact of full day school on parents

a. Parents will not worry about the quality of education and personality of their children because their
children are educated by trained and professional education personnel.

b. Parents do not feel worried about the existence of their children, among others: the negative influence
of children's activities outside of school can be reduced to a minimum because the time of children's
education in school is longer planned and directed.

c. Parents don't worry because they have to leave their children when they work.

B. Full day school negative impact on parents

a. Parents are not too close to their children, even the child is closer to his teacher.

b. Parents do not really care about the development of their children, because there is little time to meet
between parents and their children.

There are a number of cases that need to be explored further: First, the lack of exploration of children in
the free world, the world that is not bound by educational design. Even though in the world children often
find and develop their talents. According to Piaget's theory the child's mind is not an empty box whereas
the child has a number of ideas about the physical and natural world, which are different from the ideas
of adults. Children come to school with their own ideas. basically children are knowledgeable beings who
are always motivated to gain knowledge. The best way to maintain motivation for this knowledge is to
allow children to spontaneously interact with the environment. Education must ensure that education will
not blunt the child's curiosity by arranging a very rigid curriculum that damages the rhythm and steps of
the child's learning. Secondly, there are some full-day schools that pay less attention to their physical and
psychological condition. The author sees the existence of materials that are more cognitively affected
during the afternoon hours. Third, there are some full day schools that lack facilities, so the possibility of
high learning boredom. Fourth, the high cost of full day school education, causes the education dichotomy;
exclusive schools and ordinary schools. Weak economic communities are clearly not likely to glance at full
day schools. Fifth, the workforce is suspended 8 to 9 hours in school. Is this also possible in YIMI Gresik
Elementary School, specifically related to the social development of students?

Fourth, the importance is also examined about the impact of FDS on informal learning activities carried
out by some students outside the school in the afternoon. In the activities of learning to recite at TPA, for
example, or in various types of courses students choose according to their talents. In business and
economics, this FDS threatens the existence of thousands of landfills, tutoring institutions, skills courses,
and the like in Indonesia. It could be that this group is one of those who object to this full-day school policy,
because it disrupts the running of their business wheels.
With the full day school concept, students will spend more time in school. So that those who join the
Bimbel program will find it difficult to adjust the study schedule at the Bimbel venue.

"Gradually the Bimbel will not sell well, or indeed this is the strategy of the new Minister of Education and
Culture to fight the Bimbel," said Iwan.

According to him, there are distinct advantages if students spend more time studying in school. They will
focus more on learning than doing activities that are not useful outside of school.

But for the bimbel business owner, the concept of full day school is actually seen as harmful. Because they
will lose students in the place of counseling.

While if the concept of full day school wants to run, according to him the school must have supporting
facilities and infrastructure. So that students will be comfortable in school from morning to evening.

"If the school is fun, students will feel at home. Conversely, if the school is not comfortable, the child will
not feel at home. So it must be created a pleasant situation in school," said Iwan.

In order for schools to be comfortable places, the school must have various breakthroughs that appeal
to students. So that students do not get bored while in school. Do not arrive (the system ‘full day
school’, red.) Aims to educate students, but it actually makes students bored and not optimal in
participating in learning. Students' burdens become excessive, "he said. Playing is the nature of every
child, and even becomes the spiritual need of every individual. For students, schools that are up to a full
day reduce their time to play and socialize themselves. When I arrived home, I was tired, so I didn't have
time to visit a friend's house to play. This resulted in a lack of trained social soul towards his home
environment, because his friends were only friends at school. In addition, they are less responsive to the
environment. After returning home and arriving at home, they rarely leave the house. If you go out,
away from the home environment.

Although this program has been stopped by President Jokowi due to the large number of people
protesting, there are still some schools that still implement this Full Day School because it is considered
good to be applied to their students. From what I see Only a few public schools are able to implement
this Full Day School program, but most private schools apply this Full Day School because this system is
assessed according to the circumstances of their students. If seen from the percentage, only 20% of
state schools in Indonesia are able to implement the Full Day School program, and most of them are
only in urban areas and the other 80% are carried out by private schools.
Seeing the current state of Indonesia is indeed very sad, not only the problem of educational facilities
and infrastructure in Indonesia, even those who should guarantee education in Indonesia actually steal
the rights of the nation's children by corrupting education funds which should be used together for the
sake of Indonesian young generation. For more than half a century of independent Indonesia, of course
it is very sad to see the condition of education in Indonesia very alarming. Education that is only
centralized or focused in urban areas or that is easily affordable is a major problem in Indonesia. While
in remote areas or border areas, there is even less attention and even discarded. To make matters
worse, many of the nation's children in the border areas do not know their own nation and country
especially regarding general knowledge. education in Indonesia is still very lacking in attention from the
The condition of educational facilities and infrastructure that began to look at his nose in remote areas
was not enough to improve the quality of our nation's education. The government also needs to pay
attention to the teaching staff sent to the area, instead of sending professional teaching staff but
sending teaching staff who have problems in urban areas before and transferred to remote areas, that is
what happens today. This situation was also caused by limited infrastructure and alienation of remote
areas which caused reluctance to the teaching staff there. Indonesia needs teachers who are truly
sincere and touched by their conscience for the slope of education in Indonesia, especially in remote
areas. The community is not only the government must increase attention to our brothers and sisters in
remote areas both in terms of education and welfare. In addition to paying attention to the condition of
education for the nation's children, the government really needs to pay attention to the welfare of our
teaching staff, especially those who fight on the border of the State of Indonesia.

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