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Rumus Simple Future Tense
Simple future tense dibentuk dari modal auxiliary verb “will” atau “shall” dan bare
infinitive (bentuk dasar verb) atau dibentuk dari phrasal modal “be going to” dan bare
Rumus Simple Future Tense Contoh Kalimat Simple Future Tense

He will win.
kalimat positif (+) (Dia akan menang.)

 S + will + bare infinitive They are going to come.

 S + be (am/is/are) going to + bare infinitive (Mereka akan datang.)

He won’t win.
kalimat negatif (-) (Dia tidak akan menang.)

 S + will + not + bare infinitive They aren’t going to come.

 S + be (am/is/are) + not + going to + bare infinitive (Mereka tidak akan datang.)

Will he win?
kalimat interogatif (?) (Apakah dia akan menang?)

 Will + S + bare infinitive Are they going to come?

 Be (am/is/are) + S + going to + bare infinitive? (Apakah mereka akan datang?)

Time Expressions pada Simple Future Tense

Berikut beberapa time expression (keterangan waktu) yang dapat digunakan pada simple
future tense.
Contoh Kalimat
Time Expression
Simple Future Tense

What are you going to

do tonight?
(Apa yang akan kamu
lakukan malam ini?)

 today (hari ini) Nobody knows what

 tonight (malam ini) will happen tomorrow.
 tomorrow (besok) (Tidak ada yang tahu
 soon (segera) apa yang akan terjadi
 next Saturday/week/month/year(Sabtu/minggu/bulan/tahun depan) esok hari.)
 at 7:00 (pada pukul tujuh), at 7:00 tomorrow (pada pukul tujuh esok
hari), at 7 o’clock (pada pukul tujuh), at about 7 o’clock (sekitar It will be available to
pukul 7), around 7 (sekitar pukul tujuh) patients soon.
 until December (Sampai bulan Desember) (Itu akan tersedia bagi
pasien segera.)

We’ll see you next

(Kami akan
menemuimu minggu

I’ll pick you up around

(Saya akan
menjemputmu sekitar
pukul 7.)

Fungsi dan Contoh Kalimat Simple Future Tense

1. Simple future tense (will) untuk membuat keputusan secara spontan untuk melakukan
sesuatu (tanpa rencana).
Wait a minute. I will wash my hands.
1 (Tunggu sebentar. Saya akan mencuci tangan.)

You look nervous. I‘ll give you a glass of water.

2 (Kamu tampak cemas. Saya akan memberimu segelas air.)

2. Simple future tense (will) untuk memprediksi masa depan (tanpa rencana).
The doom won’t happen in 2020.
1 (Kiamat tidak akan terjadi pada tahun 2020.)

Which hotels do you think will offer the best service?

2 (Hotel yang mana yang kamu pikir akan menawarkan pelayanan terbaik?)

He‘ll be angry.
3 (Dia akan marah.)

The sandstorm will come.

4 (Badai pasir akan datang.)

I think he will pass.

5 (Saya pikir dia akan lulus.)

3. Present continuous tense digunakan untuk menyatakan arrangement (rencana yang sudah
dipikirkan sebelumnya).
I‘m visiting South Korea tomorrow.
1 (Saya akan mengunjungi Korea Selatan besok.)

2 She‘s going to the physiotherapist next monday.

(Dia akan ke fisioterapis senin depan.)

I‘m going to send this letter tomorrow.

3 (Saya akan mengirimkan surat ini besok.)

He is going to go to French to continue his study.

4 (Dia akan pergi ke Perancis untuk melanjutkan sekolahnya.)






Spent 24 hours

I need more hours with you

You spent the weekend

Getting even, ooh ooh

We spent the late nights

Making things right, between us

But now it's all good baby

Roll that Backwood baby

And play me close

'Cause girls like you

Run around with guys like me

'Til sundown, when I come through

I need a girl like you, yeah yeah

Girls like you

Love fun, yeah me too

What I want when I come through

I need a girl like you, yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah

I need a girl like you, yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah

I need a girl like you, yeah yeah

I spent last night

On the last flight to you

Took a whole day up

Trying to get way up, ooh ooh

We spent the daylight

Trying to make things right between us

And now it's all good baby

Roll that Backwood baby

And play me close

'Cause girls like you

Run around with guys like me

'Til sundown, when I come through

I need a girl like you, yeah yeah

Girls like you

Love fun, yeah me too

What I want when I come through

I need a girl like you, yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah

I need a girl like you, yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah

I need a girl like you, yeah yeah

I need a girl like you, yeah yeah

I need a girl like you

Maybe it's 6:45

Maybe I'm barely alive

Maybe you've taken my shit for the last time, yeah

Maybe I know that I'm drunk

Maybe I know you're the one

Maybe I'm thinking it's better if you drive

'Cause girls like you

Run around with guys like me

'Til sundown, when I come through

I need a girl like you, yeah yeah

'Cause girls like you

Run around with guys like me

'Til sundown, when I come through

I need a girl like you, yeah yeah

Girls like you

Love fun, yeah me too

What I want when I come through

I need a girl like you, yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah

I need a girl like you, yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah

I need a girl like you

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