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Greeting for Medical Professional

TIU : peserta didik mampu berkomunikasi dengan pasien dan orang lain.

TIK : - peserta didik mampu berkomunikasi dengan pasien.

- Peserta didik mampu menggunakan pola present perfect tense dalam percakapan
- Peserta didik mengetahui kosa kata making the bed

Every medical professional needs a communication skill. When you communication to a

strangers, patients, nurses, doctors or medical staff, you need some clues and expressions to start
your conversation. In this unit you will be introduced to several common phrase starting with a
conversation and useful expressions.

A. Useful expression for medical professional

 Hello!
 Good morning, Mr. Brown.
Selamat pagi tuan Brown.
 How are you today Mrs. Rahmat?
Apa kabar anda hari ini Ny. Rahmat?
 What is your complaint?
Apa keluhan anda?

Untuk maksud yang sama boleh menggunakannya :

 What’s wrong with you?

 What’s the matter with you?
 What’s troubling you?

 Have you taken your medicine?

Sudahkah anda minum obat?
 Sleep well, Mr. Rahmat?
Selamat tidur tuan Rahmat?
 I hope you will get well soon.
Saya harap anda segera sembuh
 Can I ask you something?
Boleh saya bertanya sesuatu kepada anda?
 Does it’s hurt here?
Apakah sakit disini?

 How long have you felt like this?

Sudah berapa lama anda merasakannya?
 Let me examine you Mrs. Brown.
Mari saya periksa, Ny. Brown.
 Good bye, see you.
Selamat tinggal, sampai jumpa.

B. Useful expression for patient

 Good morning, Nurse/Midwife.
Selamat pagi, Suster.
 I am fine, and you?
Saya baik-baik dan bagaimana dengan anda?
 I am really unwell.
Saya merasa tidak enak badan.

Untuk maksud yang sama boleh menggunakannya :

 I really feel in bad shape

 I really don’t feel well.
 I am going to be sick.

 I feel like vomiting.

Rasanya saya ingin muntah.
 Ouch! It’s very painful.
Aduh sakit sekali.
 Please don’t be angry.
Mohon maaf jangan marah.
 You are very kind, nurse.
Anda sangat baik, suster.
 I have got headache.
Saya sakit kepala.
 Thank you, nurse.
Terima kasih, suster.

C. Dialogue
Nurse/Midwife and patient in the room
(perawat/Bidan dan pasiennya di dalam ruangan)
N: nurse/Midwife P: patient

N: Hello, good morning Mrs.Rosa, How are you?

Halo, selamat pagi ibu Rosa, Apa kabar?

P: I’m fine, thanks

Saya baik-baik saja, terima kasih.

N: So how do you feel, Mrs.Rosa?

Jadi apa yang anda rasakan, ibu Rosa?

P: I think there is something wrong with my stomach. Every time I eat I feel like vomiting. I
really feel unwell.

Saya pikir ada yang tidak beres dengan lambung saya. Setiap kali saya makan, rasanya saya
ingin muntah, tidak tahu bagaimana rasanya badan ini.

N: how long have you felt like this?

Sudah berapa lama anda merasakannya?

P: for about two days.

Kira-kira dua hari.

N: have you taken any medicine?

Sudahkah anda minum obat?

P: no, I haven’t!

Belum, suster!

N: ok! Let me examine you, Mrs.Rosa, Please, lie down, here.

Baiklah, mari saya periksa. Ibu Rosa. Silahkan berbaring, disini.

D. Vocabulary
These are words related with making the beds in hospital:
Bed cover : penutup tempat tidur
Back rest : penopang punggung
Bed : kasur
Bed spread : penutup tempat tidur
Bell : bel
Disposable mat (blue mat) : alas sekali pakai
Mattress : matras
Making the bed : mengganti alat tenun
Protective sheet for mattress : kain pelindung kasur
Pillow : bantal
Pillow case : sarung bantal
Rubber mat : karpet karet
Wheel locking device : alat pengunci roda

E. Grammar focus
Untuk mengungkapkan sudah atau belum. Terutama dalam pertanyaan maupun pernyataan,
dapat digunakan pola present perfect tense.
Pola verba
S + Have/has + Past Participle A(Vm) + O
Example :
+ I have taken some medicine
Saya telah minum obat.
- I haven’t taken any medicine
Saya belum minum obat.
? Have you taken any medicine?
Sudahkah anda minum obat?

F. Practice
Built a dialogue with your partner based on the situation given :
Buatlah sebuah dialog dengan teman anda berdasarkan situasi yang diberikan.
1. Nurse enters the patient’s room for asking his/her recent condition.
2. A nurse wants to make the bed.
3. Doctor called you to obtain some information about patient.
G. Exercise
I. Translate into good English
Terjemahkan kedalam bahasa inggris yang baik.
1. Sudahkahanda makan siang?
2. Maaf, saya belum bertemu Dokter Sabar.
3. Saya pikir saya harus pergi sekarang, sampai bertemu lagi nona Sinta.
4. Apakah anda pernah dirawat di rumah sakit?
5. Saya memiliki penyakit hipertensi.

II. Now look over the following questions and statements about health, the given an
appropriate to each question.

Lihatlah pertanyaan dari pernyataan tentang kesehatan di bawah ini, kemudian

berikan respons yang sesuai.

1. You look so pale. What’s the matter?

2. Lewis doesn’t look well. Is he sick?
3. What’s wrong with you?
4. Nelly has lost her weigth. Is she ill?
5. You look great now, not like yesterday?

III. Make sentences from these words in the following.

awake awoke awoken bangun/bangkit

be was, were been adalah/to be/copula
beat beat beaten mengalahkan
become became become menjadi
begin began begun mulai
bend bent bent membengkokkan



TIU : Peserta didik mampu berkomunikasi tentang pendaftaran pasien di rumah sakit.

TIK : - Peserta didik mampu bertanya untuk mendapatkan informasi khusus tentang pasien.

- Peserta didik mampu menguasai kosa kata tentang bagian-bagian dirumah sakit.

- Peserta didik mampu memahami bentuk Demonstrative.

Before entering a hospital, a patient is given an admission form. It is used to obtain
information about case history, in order to determine a patient goes to appropriate ward. After
that he/she is received by nurse. Based on a temperature chart, a case history sheet and care
report, the nurse develop a precise report of care. Therefore a nurse needs an interview.

In this unit you will be given some useful expressions for an in terview.

A. Useful Expression

 Welcome, Mr. Harry.

Selamat datang, Tuan Harry.

 I’ll show you your room, now.

Saya akan menunjukkan ruangan anda, sekarang.

 I’d like to ask you some questions.

Saya ingin bertanya beberapa pertanyaan.

 Have you ever been in a hospital?

Apakah anda pernah dirawat dirumah sakit?

 When was the last time you were hospitalized?

Kapan anda terakhir kali dirawat di rumah sakit?

 Have you had any operation?

Apakah anda pernah dioperasi?

 Are you allergic to anything?

Apakah anda alergi terhadap sesuatu?

 Do you use hearing aid?

Apakah anda menggunakan alat bantu pendengaran?

 Do you smoke? How many cigarettes in a day?

Apakah anda merokok? Berapa batang rokok dalam sehari?

 Could you tell me about you illness?

Mohon ceritakan tentang penyakit anda?

 What medicine have you taken at home?

Obat apa yang telah anda minum di rumah?

 Do you want a religious service?

Apakah anda ingin pelayanan spiritual/agama?

B. Dialogue

Nurse Sinta enters Mr. Robert’s room.

Suster Sinta masuk ke ruang Tuan Robert.

NS : Nurse Sinta Mr. R : Mr. Robert

NS : excuse me, Mr. Robert.

Permisi, tuan Robert.

Mr. R : yes, come in please.

Ya, silahkan masuk.

NS : how are you feeling today?

Bagaimana perasaan anda hari ini?

Mr. R : not too well, Nurse. Im afraid I have a bit of cold

Tidak begitu sehat. Saya agak flu/pilek.

NS : ok, Mr. Robert. I’d like to ask you some questions. Have you ever been in a hospital?

Baiklah tuan Robert. Saya ingin mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan. Apakah anda pernah
dirawat di rumah sakit?

Mr. R : yes. I have.

Ya, pernah.

NS : what is your chief complaint?

Apa keluhan utama anda?

Mr. R : I have a chest pain and I am difficult to breath.

Dada saya nyeri dan saya juga merasa sesak nafas.

NS : let me examine you, please take your dress off, Mr. Robert.

Biar saya periksa anda, tolong buka baju anda tuan Robert

C. Vocabulary

Surgical ward : bangsal bedah

Medical ward : bangsal penyakit dalam

Orthopedic ward : bangsal ortopedi

Gynecological ward : bangsal penyakit kandungan

Pediatric ward : bangsal penyakit anak

Dermatological ward : bangsal penyakit kulit

Long stay ward : bangsal rawat inap

Intensive care unit : unit perawatan intensif

X-ray department : bagian rontgen

Central sterile supply department (cssd): bagian pusat sterilisasi

Dispensary : apotek

Maternity unit : unit maternitas/kelahiran

Physiotherapy department : bagian fisioterapi

Antenatal clinic : klinik antenatal

Postnatal clinic : klinik pasca melahirkan

Psychiatric unit : bangsal psikiatrik

Admission department : bagian pendaftaran

Infectious disease unit : unit penyakit menular

Anesthetic room : ruang anestetik

Occupational therapy deparment : bagian terapi okupasi

Internist : ahli penyakit dalam

D. Grammar Focus
- Singular
- Plural

- Singular

 Book, bag, brother

 Box, glass, tomato

 Deer, fish, gross, moose, salmon, sheep, trout.

 Child, ox, foot, louse, mouse.

 AlumnA, AlumnUS, AnalySIS, PhenomeNON , DatUM

- Plural

 Books, bags, brothers

 Boxes, glasses, tomatoes

 Bentuk plural sama dengan bentuk singular.

 Children, oxen, feet, lice, mice

 AlumnAE, Alumni, AnalySES, PhenomeNA, DatA

Note : Npl : Noun Plural Nsl : Noun Singular PL : Plural SL : Singular

1. Every + Nsl -> SL

2. Each of
One of + Npl -> SL

3. Both
Much + Npl -> PL

4. All + Npl -> PL

5. All of + -{ Npl -> PL

Nsl -> SL

Study the dialoque.

Pelajari dialog ini !

The underlined words in the following conversation are noun.

Kata-kata yang bergaris dibawah adalah kata benda.

Nurse : could you tell me some facts about your childhood, Mrs. Roy?

Patient : I was born in June 1935 in a village, my father was a farmer and I am the youngest of six

Nurse : did you have any childhood diseases?

Patient : as far as I remember I had whooping cough, children fox and measles but most of the
time I was a healthy boy, in my childhood

Nurse : at what age did you go to school?

Patient : I went to school when I was 6

E. Practice

 Make at least 5 questions and answers to obtain information from your patient

 Work with your partner to practice a conversation between a nurse and a patient about admission and
case history

( You may practice in front of the class )

F. Case Study

A patient who has been on the waiting list for admission has received a letter telling him to report to
Rose ward at Syifa Hospital for admission on 24th July at 2.30 p.m. at 2.30 he arrives at the nurse’s office.

Here is the admission card she filled in :

G. Exercise

I Translate the dialogue between nurse/midwife (N/M) and patient (P) into good English.

N/M : Apakah kira-kira keluhan Anda?

P : Saya sakit kepala.

N/M : Apakah anda sudah minum obat?

P : Sudah, tetapi tidak ada perbaikan.

N/M : Anda seharusnya cukup istirahat dan minum obat secara teratur.

II Practice these question with your partner

Praktikkan pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini dengan teman anda.

a. Where do you live?

b. What is your religion?

c. Who is your relative?

d. (And) what is your occurpation?

e. (And) when were you born?

f. (Now) who’s your family doctor?

g. Are you married?

h. Do you know which doctor is in charge of your case?

i. How many brothers and sisters do you have?

j. Are you retired?

k. Is there any your family who has got heart attack?

l. Do you smoke?

m. Do you drink alcohol?

III complete the sentences below with the appropriate choice from the list

Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat ini dengan kata yang sesuai di dalam tabel

Internist Surgeon

Dermatologist Psychiatrist

Ophthalmologist Cardiologist

Obstetrician Hematologist

Pediatrician Orthopedist
1. If your skin rash gets worse, why don’t you consult

2. For chronic ulcers my brother is in the care of


3. If you get a headache from reading, go see


4. During pregnancy, a mother should pay regular visits to


5. The doctor suspected that my neighbor’s daughter had a blood disease. He suggested to
take her to a……………….

6. A mother took her sick child to see a......................................

7. My aunt may need to see a......................................

8. Dr. Joko told me to see an……………………………………….............. for my husband’s eyes.

9. Your sister may get rid of her depressive mood swings by visiting

10. If you got acute appendicitis, a…………………………………………………will take care of you.



TIU : Peserta didik mampu memberikan instruksi dengan baik.

TIK : - Peserta didik mampu menjelaskan kondisi, gejala penyakit pasien.

- Peserta didik mampu menguasai kosa kata organ tubuh manusia.

- Peserta didik mampu menggunakan question tag dalam berkomunikasi.

A nurse must be able to identify the health condition of a patient. Before a thorough
treatment is carried out, a nurse must make a record of the signs and symptoms of the disease.
Accordingly, the recording skill demands a full knowledge of identifying in which part of the body
the illness is. In this unit you will study some useful expressions how to ask your patient to do

A. Useful Expressions

 I’d like to check your body.

Saya ingin memeriksa badan anda.

 Sit down, please.


 Raise your arm, please.

Angkat tanganmu.

 We would like to make the beds, please get up.

Kami ingin merapihkan kasur anda, bangunlah.

 Can you get up alone?

Dapatkah anda bangun sendiri?

 Move your head, please.

Gerakkan kepala anda.

 Could you stand up!


 Now, lift your leg, please.

Sekarang, angkat kaki anda.

 Would you bend your back, please.

Mohon bungkukkan punggung anda.

 Lower your foot, please.

Turunkan kaki anda.

 Would you mind opening your mouth?

Coba buka mulut anda?

 All right, put out your tongue, please.

Baiklah, julurkan lidah anda.

 Now, say ah!

Sekarang, ucapkan ah!

 Could you touch your toes?

Sentuhlah jari kaki anda.

 Last but not least, would you mind wriggling your fingers.

Terakhir, gerakkan jari-jari anda.

 Lie down, please.


 Roll your sleeve up, please.

Gulung lengan baju anda.

 Hold your breath in, please.

Tahan nafas anda.

 Take your dress off, please.

Bukalah baju anda.

 Keep your eyes shut, please.

Tetaplah pejamkan mata anda.

Note :


Patient in hospital is usually anxious and fearful. It is important that hospital staff put
them at their ease, by being polite and pleasant. The expressions above teach you polite form in
English. be careful about the way your voice rises and falls when you say these sentence. Listen to
the way the sentences.

B. Dialoque
Doctor is asking medical (Nurse/Midwife) about Mrs. Karta’s health progress.

Doctor : Is there any progress with Mrs. Karta?

Apakah sudah ada kemajuan dengan Ny. Karta?

Medical : No, Doctor, she refuses to eat her food and she keeps on vomiting.

Belum dokter, dia menolak makan dan terus muntah-muntah.

Doctor : Has she taken her medicine?

Apakah dia sudah minum obatnya?

Medical : Yes, doctor. But I think it doesn’t show any changes.

Sudah dokter, tapi tampaknya tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda perubahan.

Doctor : All right. Give me her full record. I think she needs some changes her treatment.

Baiklah. Berikan saya catatan lengkapnya. Saya pikir perlu ada perubahan dalam perawatannya.

C. Vocabulary

Describe parts of the body and what are their functions?

Part of the body


Abdomen : perut Back : punggung Brain : otak

Abdominal cavity : rongga perut Backbone : tulang Breastbone : tulang dada

Ankle : pergelangan Breast : payudara
kaki Beard : janggut
Calf : betis
Arm : lengan Bladder : kandung kemih
Cartilage : tulang rawan
Artery : pembuluh nadi Blood : darah
Cell : sel
Auricle : daun telinga Bone : tulang

Cheek : pipi Chest : dada Coccyx : tulang

Cheekbone : tulang pipi Chin : dagu
Dimple : lesung pipi Jawbone : tulang rahang Shoulder : bahu

Ear : telinga Kidney : ginjal Skin : kulit

Egg cell : sel telr Knee : lutut Skull : tengkorak

Elbow : siku Larynx : laring Small intestine : usus halus

Epidermis : kulit ari Large intestine : usus besar Sole : telapak kaki

Eye : mata Leg : tungkai Sperm cell : sel sperma

Eyeball : bola mata Lips : bibir Stomach : lambung

Eyebrow : alis mata Little finger : kelingking Tear : air mata

Eyelashes : bulu mata Liver : hati Thigh : paha

Eyelid : kelopak mata Lower jaw : rahang bawah Throat : tenggorok

Face : wajah Lungs : paru Thumb : ibu jari

Finger : jari Middle finger : jari tengah Tissue : jaringan

Figer nail : kuku tangan Molar : geraham Toe : jari kaki

Fist : kepalan tangan Moustache : kumis Toe nail : kuku kaki

Flesh : daging Mole : tahi lalat Tongue : lidah

Foot : kaki Muscle : otot Tooth : gigi

Forelinger : telunjuk Nail : kuku Trunk : batang hidung

Forehead : dahi Navel : pusar Ulna : tulang hasta

Freckle : dahi Neck : leher Upper jaw : rahang atas

Gland : kelenjar Nerve : pusar Urine : air seni

Gum : gusi Nose : hidung Uterus : rahim/kandungan

Hair : rambut Pimple : jerawat Vein : pembuluh darah balik

Hand : tangan Pore : pori-pori Waist : pinggang

Head : kepala Radius : tulang lengan Womb : rahim/kandungan

Heart : jantung Rib : tulang rusuk

Heel : tumit Ring finger : jari manis

Hips : pinggul Sacrum : tulang bokong

Jaw : rahang Shinbone : tulang kering

D. Grammar Focus



(+) / (-) (-) /(+)

I am Aren’t I / am I not

Kalimat perintah Will/would/can/can’t/could you

Kalimat larangan Will you

Kalimat ajakan (let’s) Won’t you (shall we)

Mengandung kata : Nobody, Nothing, (+)
scarcely, Rarely, Seldom, Hardly, Never,
Few, Little

E. Practice

Practice with your partner or make drama in front of the class between patient and nurse.
Situation : A nurse gives some instructions to her patient. Ask your patient to do what you said.

F. Exercise

1. Make a paragraph by using the following words

Buatlah sebuah paragraf dengan menggunakan kata-kata berikut ini.

a. Hospital

b. Nurse/Midwife

c. Patient

d. Instruction

e. Medicine

2. Fill in the blank with correct question tags!

Isilah titik-titik ini dengan question tags yang benar.

Example :

You are a diabetic, Aren’t you ?

a. Mrs. Martin’s able to get up today, …………………………………..?

b. She was ill again, last month, …………………..…………………………?

c. I’m going to get better, Nurse, ………………………………………….?

d. He is looking a lot better today, ………….……………………………?

e. They are increasing nurse pay next month, …………………...?

f. He’s started his new treatment, ……………………………………….?

g. You’ve a chest x-ray recently, ……………………………………………?

h. You will remember to keep to the diet, ……………………………?

i. Mr. Arif hasn’t had surgery today, …………………………………..?

j. You are not going to hurt me, …………………………………………….?

G. Case Study

Built an instruction the correct way to lift based on the pictures. Make it by your own

Buatlah sebuah instruksi cara mengangkat tandu yang benar berdasarkan gambar ini. Buatlah dengan
kata-katamu sendiri.



TIU : peserta didik mampu berkomunikasi dalam prosedur pengobatan

TIK : - peserta didik mampu menginstruksikan prosedur pengobatan tertentu.

- Peserta didik mampu mengenali alat-alat medis dan singkatan dalam terminologi medis.

- Peserta didik mampu menggunakan direct dan indirect speech dalam percakapan.

Doing the right procedures is very important in nursing activities because they are dealing
with other people’s lives knowing how to express the appropriate steps in nursing activities.
A. Useful Expression

 First …  Move …

Pertama … Pindahkan …

 Second …  Sneeze …

Kedua … Bersih …

 Then …  Make it

Kemudian … Buat jadi …

 Take the ..  Pull away

Ambil … Tarik …

 Insert …  Press …

Masukan … Tekan …

 After that …  Finally …

Setelah itu … Akhirnya …

B. Dialogue

Julie wants sister Linda to describe how to given hypodermic injection.

Julie ingin sister Linda menerangkan pemberian suntikan hypodermic yang benar.


Julie : Sister?


Linda : Yes.

Julie : you said you would test me on hypodermic injection today?

Katanya anda akan menguji saya tentang injeksi hari ini?

Linda : oh, yes. Come in and let’s see what do you know about it. Now if I ask you give an insulin
injection, what would you need on your tray?

Oh, ya. Masuklah dan mari kita lihat apa yang anda ketahui tentang itu. Sekarang jika saya
menyuruh anda memberikan suntikan insulin apa yang anda perlukan?

Julie : Well, I have to prepare the equipment, they are syringe of one or two milliliter needles of
seventeen or twenty size, and alcohol swab.

Baik, saya harus menyiapkan alat-alatnya, yaitu spuit satu atau dua milliliter, jarum ukutan
7 belas atau dua puluh, dan kapas alcohol.

Linda : And where would you get them from?

Dan dimana anda mendapatkannya?

Julie : C.S.S.D. (central sterile supplies deparment)

Linda : Now show me how you would administer the drug.

Sekarang tunjukkan bagaimana kamu memberikan obat itu

Julie : first of all. I’d check the dogase, and then I’d like to check the cylinder for air, then I’d
clean the injection site on upper arm with alcohol swab.

Pertama-tama saya periksa dosisnya kemudian silinder udara dan bersihkan lengan atas
dengan alcohol.

Linda : And then?


Julie : I would get grasp one inch of skin and fatty tissue between my thumb and fingers and I’d
insert the needle into the skin at a 45 degree angle quickly, like this then I pull back the
plunger to see if the needle of syringe for blood return.

Saya pegang kulit dan jaringan lemak dengan ibu jari dan jari-jari tangan dengan sudut 45
derajat secara cepat lalu saya tarik kembali plunger untuk melihat apakah ada darah yang

Julie : what will you do if blood returns?

Apakah yang anda lakukan bila datah terisap?

Linda : if blood returns, I’d withdraw the needle from the skin, apply pressure to the site for
about 2 minutes prepare new medication and begin procedure again.

Jika darah terisap, saya tarik jarum dari kulit dan menekan bekas tusukan selama kira-kira
2 menit, lalu saya menyiapkan obat baru dan memulai prosedur ini lagi.

Julie : good, I hope you can do your job well.

Bagus, saya harap kamu melakukannya dengan baik.

C. Vocabulary


the following abbreviations are commonly used by doctors when they prescribe drug:

Dibawah ini singkatan-singkatan ysng mengumukan digunakan dokter ketika menulis resep obat:

b.i.d twice a day dua kali sehari

t.i.d three times a day tiga kali sehari

q.i.d four times a day empat kali sehari

p.r.n when necessary jika diperlukan

2 hrly once every two hours sekali tiap dua jam

a.c. before meals sebelum makan

p.c. after meals setelah makan

p.o. orally (through the mouth) lewat mulut

tab. Tablets tablet

caps. Capsules kapsul

There are many other abbreviations, which are commonly used by medical staff. The following list gives
you some example:

TPR temperature, pulse, and respiration suhu denyut dan pernapasan

BP blood pressure tekanan darah

CNS central nervous system sistem saraf pusat

CVS central venous system sistem vena pusat

RR respiration rate frekuensi pernafasan

BP blood pressure tekanan darah

BID brought in dead meninggal dalam perjalanan

RTA road traffic accident kecelakaan lalu lintas

HI head injury cedera kepala

OD overdose over dosis

Pt patient pasien

Ep epileptic epileptic

ChB chronic bronchitis bronhitis kronis

DVT deep vein thrombosis thrombosis vena profunda

MI myocardial infarction infark miokard

HPU has passed urine sudah buang air

SWO stomach washout cuci perut

TOP termination of pregnancy penghenti kehamilan

PV through the vagina lewat vagina

PR through the rectum lewat rectum

BIB blanket bath handuk mandi

NAD nothing abnormal delected tidak ada abnormalitas

ECG electrocardiogram elektrokardiogram

EEG electroencephalogram elektroesefalogram

D. Instrument

Study the following instruments and explain their functions.


E. Grammar focus


DIRECT SPEECH menyatakan isi INDIRECT SPEECH menyatakan isi

pembicaraan seseorang dengan mengustip pembicaraan seseorang tanpa mengutip
kata-katanya sebagaimana yang diucapkan. kata-katanya sebagaimana adanya.

Jika maka

DIRECT SPEECH doctor’s name


John said, “ I will go to hospital WH- Statement

tonight “
The teacher asked Jane why she had
Yes/No question mad many mistakes

She asked, “do you know the doctor’s TO INFINITIVE

She told the patient to sit down
WH- question
NOT to infinitive
The teacher asks Jane, “ why did you
make many mistakes?” She told me NOT TO speak

Imperatif Past

She said to patient, “sit down!” Past perfect

(negative) Past perfect

She told me, “don’t speak!”


Past simple

Past perfect


That + statement

John said (that) he would go to hospital

that night

WHETHER/IF + Statement

She asked whether/if I knew the

Note :

 Would, should, had better, might, used to, dan could di dalam indirect speech tidak mengalami perubahan.

 Kata penghubung that boleh dihilangkan.

F. Practice

I These pictures show you how a nurse washes her hand but they are not in the correct order.
Now arrange the pictures into a correct order of instruction.

Gambar-gambar berikut ini menunjukkan bagaimana perawat mencuci tangan tetapi tidak
dalam urutan yang benar. Sekarang susun gambar-gambar tersebut menjadi instruksi yang

G. Case Study

Look at these sentences which describe filling the syringe from a vial, match each one
with the diagram it describes.

Lihatlah kalimat-kalimat yang menggambarkan cara mengisi suntikan dari tabung, jodohkanlah
kalimat-kalimat tersebut dengan gambar dibawah ini.

1. She hold the vial up site down to withdraw the dose

2. She insert the needle into the vial

3. The nurse cleans the rubber stopper with an alcohol sponge

4. She pushed down the plunger and injects air into the vial

5. She draws air equal to the prescribed dose into syringe



TIU : peserta didik mampu berkomunikasi untuk memberikan saran

TIK : - peserta didik mampu menguasai kosa kata tentang penyakit dan gejala

- Peserta didik mampu mengetahui sejumlah kegiatan medis dalam bahasa inggris
- Peserta didik mampu menggunakan that-clause dalam percakapan


This unit introduces specific language forms and expressions to a particular function. In doing her
duty a nurse usually gives some advice to the patients. In that case you should give special attention to a
number of problem situation and suggested language forms which are appropriate to those situations.

A. Useful Expressions

 I’d like to suggest you that….

Saya ingin menyarankan anda bahwa…..

 Why don’t you…… Mr. Brown

Bagaimana kalau anda ……… tuan Brown

 It’s better for you to……..

Sebaiknya anda …………

 My suggestion is……….

Saran saya adalah………

 I think you should ……..

Saya pikir anda sebaiknya……

 I suggest you to…………

Saya sarankananda untuk………

 The best way to do is……….

Jalan yang terbaik adalah…….

 If you ask my advice, you have to………

Jika anda minta nasihat saya, anda harus………

 You should……..

Seharusnya anda………

B. Dialogue

Mr. Amsor is complaining about his stomachache and Linda is giving her advice.

Tuan Amsor mengeluh tentang sakit perutnya dan suster Linda memberikan nasehatnya.
A : Amsor L : Linda

A : I’m afraid my stomachache will be getting worse, nurse.

Saya khawatir sakit perut saya semakin parah, suster.

L : have you taken your medicine?

Sudahkah anda minum obatmu?

A : no, I haven’t. I forgot nurse.

Belum, saya lupa suster.

L : Oh! You should take your medicine regulary Mr. Amsor. And I’m sure you will be better soon.

Sebaiknya anda minum obat secara teratur, tuan Amsor. Dan saya yakin anda akan segera sembuh.

A : Ok, I will do it nurse. Thank you very much.

Baiklah, saya akan melakukannya, suster. Terima kasih banyak.

Conversation between Doctor and Mr. Sabar.

Doctor met Mr. Sabar and discussed about Mr. Sabar’s wife condition.

Dokter bertemu tuan Sabar dan berdiskusi tentang kondisi istri tuan Sabar.

D : I’m sorry to tell you that your wife needs an immediate surgery

Mohon maaf, saya ingin mengatakan bahwa istri anda memerlukan operasi dengan segera.

S : Does she need a blood transfusion?

Apakah dia perlu transfusi darah?

D : Yes, but you have to sign the consent form prior to the sugery.

Ya, tapi anda harus menandatangani formulir persetujuan sebelum operasi.

S : Am I allowed to meet her now?

Apakah saya diijinkan bertemu dengannya sekarang?

D : Yes, but don’t stay too long, she has bled a lot and she is too weak to talk

Ya, tapi jangan terlalu lama, ia mengalami banyak pendarahan dan ia masih terlalu lemah untuk bicara.

S : What should I do then?

Apakah yang seharusnya saya lakukan?

D : You’d better fetch the blood. A nurse will go along with you to the blood bank.

Anda sebaiknya ambil darah. Perawat akan mengantar anda ke bank darah.

C. Vocabulary

Ache : sakit Heart attack : serangan jantung

Allergy : alergi Hepatitis : radang hati

Angina pectoris : nyeri dada Hereditary disease : penyakit

Appendicitis : radang usus
buntu High blood pressure : tekanan darah
Arthritis : radang sendi
Inflammation : peradangan
Brain tumor : tumor otak
Itchy : gatal
Cancer : kanker
Infectious : infeksi
Cataract : katarak
Influenza : influenza
Chicken pox : cacar air
Internal disease : penyakit dalam
Cholera : kolera
Jaundice : sakit kuning
Conjunctivitis : konjungtivitis
Kidney problem : sakit ginjal
Contagious disease : penyakit menular
Leukemia : leukemia
Constipation : sembelit
Leucorrhea : sakit keputihan
Corpse : mayat
Low blood pressure : tekanan darah
Decayed footh : gigi berlubang rendah

Diabetes : penyakit gula Measles : campak

Diarrhea : diare Nausea : mual

Dizzy : pusing Nearsighted : mata dekat

Dysentery : disentri Nephritis : radang ginjal

Epilepsy : penyakit ayan Neuralgia : sakit saraf

False tooth : gigi palsu Orthopedics : orthopedi

Farsighted : mata jauh Pain : nyeri

Fever : demam Pale : pucat

Frostbite : radang dingin Polio : polio

Headache : sakit kepala

Rabies : penyakit anjing Syphilis : sifilis
Tetanus : tetanus
Shiver : menggigil
Tonsillitis : radang amandel
Small pox : cacar
Tremble : menggigil
Sneeze : bersin
Tuberculosis : TBC
Sprain : keseleo
Thypoid : tipus
Stomachache : sakit perut
Ulcer : luka
Stress : stress
Venereal disease : penyakit kelamin
Stroke : stroke
Wound : luka
Suppurate : bernanah

Swollen : bengkak

D. Grammar Focus

Adjective urgency with a that-clause

Adjective of urgency which can be used to express strong advice, such as necessary, essential and

Study the example :

 It is essential that we take good care of our health

 It is advisable that they not get overworked

 It is important that you not oversleep

 It is urgent that Mr. Rahmat exercises everyday

E. Practice

a. Answer all of these questions and read your answer in front of class

Jawablah semua pertanyaan dan bacakan jawaban anda di depan kelas.

1. Give your advice to situation pictured in the illustration below

a. Picture
Man is hit by car

b. Picture

A lady vomits blood

c. Picture

A man looks weak

d. Picture

A blind man is going to cross the street

2. How to face a hopeless patient?

3. What is your advice to your patient when she is in pregnancy?

4. Give you suggestions in improving the quality of Indonesian nurses?

5. What should you do if you found one of your friend cannot speak English at all?

Note : you may work in a group

b. Translate into good English

1. Ny. Ratna, anda harus istirahat total selama tiga hari

2. Sebaiknya anda mengunjungi bagian saraf di lantai tiga

3. Ingat! Jangan bekerja terlalu keras Nyonya Ana

4. Menurutmu, saya harus bagaimana?

5. Saya pikir sebaiknya anda berkonsultasi dengan dokter

Fill in the square with terms based on the available statement






1. An injury to a ligament when the joint is carried through a range of motion greater than the normal, but without
dislocation or fracture.

2. The sum of the chemical change occurring in tissue, consisting of anabolism and catabolism.

3. A body temperature is significantly below 370 C.

4. Any condition in which the urine contains blood or red blood cells.

5. Sudden insufficiency of arterial or venous blood supply due to emboli, thrombi, vascular torsion, or pressure that
produces a macroscopic area of necrosis.

6. A break, especially the breaking of a bone or cartilage.

7. Discomfort on breathing which is partly or wholly relieved by an erect sitting or standing position.

8. The membranous protective covering of the body.

9. One of two organs in the lumbar region that filters blood and excretes urine.

10. A disease marked by painful tonic muscular contractions.

11. The hollow of the back of the mount opening onto the esophagus.

12. The response of living tissue or of a an organism to a stimulus.

13. A sheet of canvas stretched to a frame with handles, used for transporting the sick of injured.



TIU : Peserta didik mampu berkomunikasi untuk menunjukkan arah

TIK : - Peserta didik menjelaskan suatu denah/peta atau menunjukkan arah

- Peserta didik menguasai kosa kata yang berhubungan dengan arah dan lokasi

- Peserta didik mengetahui penggunakan modals/awailary dalam percakapan

A nurse often finds people who ask the way or a certain place like a ward, emergency room, clinic and
etc. in this unit you will study how to give direction to people or guest particularly in a hospital.

A. Useful Expressions

 Can you show me the way to admission department please?

Dapatkan anda menunjukkan jalan ke bagian pendaftaran pasien?

 It’s not too far to walk from here.

Tidak terlalu jauh berjalan dari sini.

- Untuk maksud yang sama dapat juga dikatakan :

It’s near enough to go on foot from here.

 Go straight ahead.

Jalanlah lurus.

- Dapat juga dikatakan :

Go straight or go a long this corridor.

 Go across this corridor.

Seberangilah koridor ini.

 You can’t miss it.

Anda pasti akan menemukannya.

 Which way must I take to get to orthopedic ward.

Jalan mana yang harus saya tempuh ke bangsal orthopedic.

 You get an intersection.

Anda sampai di perempatan

- Dapat juga dikatakan :

 You arrive at an intersection

 You come to an intersection

 You reach an intersection

 Surgical ward is across the maternity unit.

Bangsal bedah bersebrangan dengan di unit maternitas.

 Excuse me, how can I get to a long-stay ward?

Permisi, dimanakah bangsal rawat inap?

A.1 Expression to ask direction

Ungkapkan untuk menanyakan arah

- Could you tell me the way to……?

- Can you direct me to……..?

- Please tell me how I can get to …… from here

- Which way is it to…….?

- Is the way to……….?

- I need direction to get to…….

- I would like to go to………

B. Dialogue

A visitor is at Medicia Hospital. He is asking a medical profesional the way to patient ward, in Mawar

Seorang pengujung di Rumah Sakit Medicia bertanya kepada seorang pegawai medis jalan menuju
bangsal di Ruang Mawar.

V : Visitor M : Medical profesional

V : Excuse me, can you show me the way to Mawar Room?

Permisi, dapatkah anda menunjukkan kepada saya jalan menuju Ruang Mawar?

M : Of course, it is only about two minutes’ walk from here. Well, first go straight ahead and then you
arrive at a T junction of this street then turn left and Mawar room is at your right side.

Tentu, hanya kira-kira 2 menit berjalan dari sini. Nah, pertama-tama jalanlah lurus dan anda sampai
di pertigaan, lalu belok kiri dan ruang Mawar ada disebelah kanan anda.

V : Where am I now?

Di mana saya sekarang?

M : You are in emergency unit.

Anda berada di unit gawat darurat.

V : Thanks a lot for your information

Terima kasih atas informasi anda.

M : That is all right, have a nice visit.

Sama-sama, semoga kunjungan anda menyenangkan.

C. Vocabulary

Across : di seberang Straight a head : lurus

At the side of : di sini Visitor : pengunjung

Intersection : perempatan Turn left : belok kiri

Get to : Tiba Turn right : belok kanan

Up the stair : Naik tangga Past the recovery room : lewat ruang
Through surgical room : lewat ruang
bedah Round cafeteria : sekitar
Go along : susuri
Corridor : jalan beratap
T junction : pertigaan yang menghubungkan dua gedung

Central hospital : Rumah sakit Drug store : apotek

Take the elevator to the second floor
Road/street : jalan raya : naik lift ke lantai dua

D. Grammar Focus





Ability Can : I can speak German Could : I could speak German when I was a child
Permission May, can, might Could, might

May I go playing football? Could I go playing football

Possibility May, might May have, might have

John hasn’t come yet. John hadn’t come yet when we got home.

He may work overtime. He might have worked overtime.

Advise Should, ought to, had better Should have, ought to have

You should study hard. You should have studied hard.

Necessary Must, have to Had to

We must eat our breakfast. We had to eat out breakfast this morning.

Probability Must Must have

He is absent today He was absent yesterday

He must be sick He must have been sick


1. Probability adalah strong possibility.

2. Larangan (prohibition) dinyatakan dengan menggunakan MUST NOT.

Contoh : you must not go out tonight (kamu dilarang pergi) / you don’t have to go out tonight (kamu tidak perlu

3. SHOULD HAVE dan COULD HAVE menyatakan penyesalan terhadap suatu aktivitas yang pada kenyataannya tidak

4. WOULD juga digunakan untuk menyatakan kebiasaan masa lalu (bermakna USED TO).

- My Grandfather would tell bedtime story when I was a child.

- My Grandfather used to tell bedtime story when I was a child.

E. Further Practice for Speaking

1. Study the map of Mawar ward below. Make a dialogue with your friend asking and giving
direction on certain place in that particular ward. Use the expression given.

Pelajari peta Bangsal Mawar dibawah ini. Buatlah dialog dengan teman anda yang menanyakan arah
jalan menuju tujuan tertentu pada bangsal tersebut.

2. Further structural practice

Notice this structure

Go right down the corridor until you get to a turning.

Use this structure to make complete sentence :

Gunakan struktur ini untuk melengkapi kalimat

1. Up the stair/reception

2. Through bulk stores/central sterile

3. Round the cafeteria/medical records

4. Past the recovery room/the scrubbing up room

5. Along the passage/dispensary

6. On/matron’s office

7. Through the plaster room/minor ops

8. Past surgical stores/the dispatcher’s office

F. Practice

Translate the conversation into good English

Terjemahkan percakapan ini ke dalam bahasa inggris yang baik

Turis : Maaf, dapatkah anda tunjukkan kepada saya jalan menuju rumah sakit pusat yang baru ?

Santi : Tentu, hanya kira-kira lima menit dari sini. Pertama-tama seberangi jalan ini dan jalan terus, pada
perempatan jalan ini ada jalan Salemba. Rumah Sakit pusat sudah dekat sekali dan berada di sebelah
kiri anda. Anda pasti akan menemukannya karena sebelanya ada Universitas Indonesia.

Turis : Oh, ya saya tahu. Terima kasih atas informasi anda.



TIU : - Peserta didik mampu berkomunikasi dengan pasien.

TIK : - peserta didik mampu berkomunikasi dalam hal makan dan minum.

- Peserta didik mampu menguasai kosa kata menu dan alat masak.

- Peserta didik mampu menggunakan pronoun yang benar dalam percakapan.

In hospital every patient needs a different and various meals it depends on his/her disease. Hospital
patient are served breakfast (buffet), a morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner. Breakfast is served
between 7 and 8 AM. The morning snack is served at 9 AM or harder out together with breakfast.

Lunch is usually served for starters and gruel type soup contains flour is usually served to patient on

Dinner consists of meat dish with garnishing and salad or sweet dish with stewed fruit. Dinner is
usually served at 5 until 6 PM.

There are some useful expressions can be used at her/his work.

A. Useful Expressions

 What would you like to eat….Mr. John?

Anda ingin makan apa….Tuan John?

 What would you like to drink?

Anda ingin minum apa?

 I have coffee, tea, and milk.

Saya punya kopi, teh, dan susu.

 I’d like to have plain rice.

Saya ingin nasi putih.

 Please do not drink, eat or smoke after midnight.

Mohon jangan minum, makan atau merokok setelah tengah malam.

 You must have an empty stomach tomorrow morning.

Anda harus mengosongkan perut besok pagi.

 Can I help you?

Dapatkah saya membantu anda?

 Let me shave you moustache.

Biar saya cukur kumis anda.

 Let me cut your nails.

Biar saya potong kuku anda.

 Do you want me to comb your hair?

Apakah anda ingin saya menyisir rambut anda?

Patient Expressions

 Nurse/Midwife, I am not comfortable.

Suster, saya merasatidak nyaman.

 This position is not comfort for me.

Posisinya tidak enak untuk saya.

 Nurse/Midwife, I cannot move my legs.

Suster, saya tidak dapat menggerakkan kaki saya.

 Please, clean my dental plate.

Mohon bersihkan lat gigi saya.

 Can you do it by yourself.

Dapatkah anda melakukannya sendiri.

 Do you like it ….Mr.Arif?

Apakah anda menyukainya….Mr. Arif?

 Do you want anything else?

Apakah anda ingin yang lain?

 Why don’t you eat Madame?

Mengapa anda tidak makan?

 Be careful, the soup is hot!

Hati-hati, sopnya masih panas!

 Please chew it well.

Kunyahlah dengan baik.

 I have no appetite today, nurse.

Saya tidak nafsu makan hari ini, suster.

 I don’t eat pork.

Saya tidak makan daging babi.

 I am a vegetarian, please don’t give me meat.

Saya seorang vegetarian, mohon jangan beri saya daging.

B. Dialogue

Medic : Did you sleep well last night?

Apakah anda tidur nyenyak semalam?

Patient : Yes I did, but now I’m very hungry, nurse?

Ya, tapi sekarang saya sangat lapar, suster?

Medic : Oh I am sorry you are not allowed to consume meat.

Oh maaf, anda tidak diijinkan mengkonsumsi daging.

Patient : Oh that’s ok, just soup with carrot and potatoes. I hope it would be nice.

Oh tidak apa-apa, sop dengan wortel dan kentang saja. Saya harap itu juga enak.

Medic : And would you like to drink?

Dan apa yang ingin anda minum?

Patient : I think it would be nice to drink a glass of avocado juice.

Saya pikir akan enak jika minum segelas jus alpukat.

Medic : Ok! Please wait a minute I’ll take it.

Baiklah, mohon tunggu saya akan ambilkan.

Patient : You are very kind, nurse.

Anda sangat baik, suster.

Medic : thank you.

Terima kasih.

C. Vocabulary

Soup spoon : sendok sup

Fork : garpu

Coffee spoon : sendok kopi

Napkin : sapu tangan, serbet

Soup plate : piring sup

Big plate : piring makan

Glass : gelas

Useful words

Desserts : hidangan penutup

Enjoyed : menikmati

Fish soup : sup ikan

Fried prawn : udang goreng

Ice tea : es teh

Keep : menyimpan

Meal : makanan

Order : pesanan

Plain rice : nasi putih

Spend : menghabiskan

Foot and drink in hospital

Makanan dan minuman di Rumah Sakit



Coffee, cocoa, and milk : kopi, coklat, dan susu.

White bread : roti tawar putih

Porridge : bubur

Butter : mentega

Jam : selai

Cheese : keju

Honey : madu

Fried rice : nasi goreng

Morning Snack


Coffee or milk : kopi dan susu

Soup milk and yogurt : susu masam dan yogurt

Sweet white bread : roti manis

Croissant : roti kroisan

Fruit : buah

Makan siang
Soup : sup

Meat dish and rice : hidangan daging dan nasi

Vegetables : sayuran

Potatoes : kentang

Fish : ikan

Chicken : ayam


Makan malam

Meat dish with garnishing : hidangan daging dan hiasan

Salad : salad

Sweet dish with stewed dish : hidangan dan direbus

Slice sausage : sosis iris

Salad and bread : salad dan roti

D. Grammar Focus

Picture table

E. Practice

1. Translate into good English

Terjemahankan ke dalam bahasa inggris yan baik

A. Anda ingin kopi susu atau air putih?

B. Nafsu makan saya hilang, suster.

C. Jangan lupa, cuci tangan dulu sebelum makan.

D. Anda ingin bubur dengan ayam goreng?

E. Anda harus makan dengan teratur.

2. Build a dialogue between nurse and patient about meals and drinks

3. Complete the following sentences putting the appropriate verb from the list below into
the correct tense:

Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat dibawah ini dengan kata kerja yang sesuai dari daftar dibawah ini
dengan kalimat yang benar:

Pick up Accept Hang

Carry out Stack Remain

Supervise transmit

1. Everyone the fact that nurse should not do domestic chores.

2. Domestic work should be by ward maids.

3. We must make certain that the people do not disease from other patient while they are
in the hospital.

4. Pick up that cloak and it in the cloakroom.

5. Nurse might patients if they did domestic work.

6. Although nurse no longer have to do domestic work, the patient’s environment their

7. Take this crockery over there and it in the cupboard.

8. Sister has to the domestic staff as well the nursing staff.

F. Case Study

1. Arrange the menu for your patient which food are good for him/her and give your
suggestion or recommendation.

Susunlah menu untuk pasien anda, menu apa yang baik berikan saran dan rekomendasi


Thypoid -Porridge -Mineral water - Do not eat hot and

spicy food
- Total bed rest





2. How are your eating habits?

Answer the questions below. Give yourself the following points for each answer A:3
B:2 C:1 fill the box score

1. Do you drink coffee?

a. 0 – 1 cup per day

b. 2- 4 cups per day

c. More than 4 cups per day

2. Do you drink mineral water?

a. 4 – 6 glasses per day

b. 2 – 3 glasses per day

c. 1 glass per day

3. Do you eat food with much sugar?

a. Almost never

b. Sometimes

c. Often

4. How often do you drink softdrink in a week?

a. Hardly ever in a week

b. Fewer than 5 cans/glasses

c. 5 or more than cans meat product

5. Do you consume low fat meat product instead of other meat product in a week?

a. Often

b. Sometimes

c. Hardly ever

6. Do you eat fresh fruit in a week ?

a. Everyday

b. Often

c. Seldom

7. Do you consume low fat milk product in a week?

a. Often
b. Sometimes

c. Hardly ever

8. Do you eat grilled food or fried meat or food ?

a. Often

b. Sometimes

c. Rarely

9. Do you eat on snacks between meals?

a. Rarely

b. Sometimes

c. Almost always

10. Do you use monosodium glutamate in cooking your food?

a. Rarely or never

b. Sometimes

c. Almost always

11. Do you eat vegetables in your daily food?

a. Everyday

b. Often

c. Seldom

12. Do you eat cereal?

a. Almost always

b. Sometimes

c. Rarely

Your score :

31-36 Excellent, you have a good eating habits

24-30 Good! Keep your health

18-23 Be careful! Change your eating habit

12-17 Oh no! watch your food menu you are taking risk.



TIU : - Peserta didik mampu berbicara dalam seminar kesehatan

TIK : - Peserta didik mampu mengekspresikan pembicaraan formal diseminar kesehatan

- Peserta didik mampu menguasai kosa kata mengenai kesehatan

- Peserta didik mampu menggunakan tenses baik kalimat aktif maupun pasif
Health Seminar usually done by students of Health Academy, medical professional in hospital or
medical staff. Many people confess that holding seminar is difficult. In this unit you will explained how to make
a successful seminar in English.

A. Useful Expressions

 First . . .  Frankly speaking . . .

Pertama . . . Terus terang . . .

 Ladies and gentlements  In the order hand . . .

Saudara-saudara sekalian Di lain pihak

 The honorable . . .  Consequently . . .

Yang terhormat . . . Sebagai akibatnya . . .

 I would like to introduce  I hope . . .

Saya ingin memperkenalkan . . . Saya harap . . .

 I’d like to thank to . . .  On behalf of . . .

Saya berterima kasih pada . . . Atas nama . . .

 In my opinion . . .  Not only … but also . . .

Menurut pendapat saya . . . Tidak hanya . . . tapi juga . . .

 I think . . .  Before talking about . . .

Saya pikir . . . Sebelum bicara tentang . . .

 As far as I’m concerned . . .  The last but not least . . .

Sejauh yang saya perhatikan . . . Yang terakhir tapi tidak kalah pentingnya

 In my point of view . . .  The conclusion is . . .

Menurut pandangan saya . . . Kesimpulannya adalah . . .

 Based on . . .  Let me conclude that . . .

Berdasarkan . . . Izinkan saya menyimpulkan bahwa . . .

 According to . . .  Finnaly . . .

Menurut . . . Akhirnya . . .

B. Dialogue
A student nurse is consulting the material of nursing seminar to her lecturer.

Seorang siswa kesehatan sedang mengkonsultasikan materi seminar keperawatan pada dosennya.

S : Health Student L : Lecturer

S : I’d like to discuss about elderly nursing care in the seminar.

Saya ingin mendiskusikan asuhan keperawatan untuk lansia dalam seminar ini.

L : Why do you choose that topic?

Mengapa anda memilih topik itu?

S : Because health care for elderly is very difficult and it needs many regulations and strategies.

Karena perawatan kesehatan untuk lansia sangat sulit dan ini membutuhkan aturan dan strategi.

L : So. What’s your opinion about elderly health care in Indonesia?

Jadi! Apa pendapatmu tentang perawatan untuk lansian di Indonesia?

S : In my opinion we still need many inprovement in caring elderly patient.

Menurut saya kita masih membutuhkan peningkatan dalam merawat pasien lansia.

L : What is the solution will you give in the seminar?

Solusi apa yang akan anda berikan pada seminar ini?

S : Based on research. One of the solutions is an attention of patient’s family in caring.

Berdasarkan riset salah satu solusinya adalah perhatian dari keluarga pasien pada perawatan.

L : That’s a good idea. I agree with you. I hope you succed in this seminar.

Itu ide yang bagus. Saya setuju dengan anda. Mudah-mudahan anda sukses pada seminar ini.

S : Thanks a lot, madam.

Terima kasih, Bu.

C. Vocabulary

Ambulance : ambulan Blood type : golongan darah

Appetite : nafsu makan Bandage : perban

Barbiturate : obat tidur Bruise : luka memar

Bacteriologist : dokter ahli kuman Clinic : klinik

Blood transfusion : transfusi darah Cure : pengobatan

Drip. Infusion : infus Medical plant : tanaman obat

Doctor : dokter Medical certificate : surat

Diagnosis : diagnosis dokter

Dentist : dokter gigi Medical examination : pemeriksaan

Dermatologist : dokter ahli
penyakit kulit Ministry of health : kementrian
External medicine : obat luar
Mouthwash : obat kumur
Fatigue : lelah
Nasal discharge : ingus
Gall : lecet
Nurse : perawat
Get tired : lelah
Nursing : keperawatan
Gynecologist : dokter ahli
penyakit Neurologist : dokter ahli
kandungan penyakit saraf

General hospital : rumah sakit Obstetrician : dokter ahli

umum kebidanan

Health centre : balai pengobatan Oculist : dokter ahli

penyakit mata
Health officer : pengawai
kesehatan Pediatrician : dokter ahli
penyakit anak
Hygiene : ilmu kesehatan
Prescription : resep dokter
Hygienist : ahli kesehatan
Personal hygiene : kebersihan
Hospital : rumah sakit

Injection : suntikan
Public health centre : balai kesehatan
Internal medicine : obat dalam

Plaster cast : gift

Internist : dokter ahli
penyakit dalam
Patient : pasien

Laxative : obat cuci perut

Radiologist : dokter ahli
Linement : obat gosok

Sanitary engineering :teknologi

Maternity : klinik bersalin
Midwife : bidan
Sanitary napkin : serbet kesehatan
Medical treatment : perawatan dokter
Sanitary regulation : peraturan
Mask : masker kesehatan
Snivel : ingus Surgeon : dokter ahli bedah

Slash would : luka retak Stethoscope : stetoskop

Saliva : liur Thermometer : termometer

Serious would : luka parah

Sweat : keringat Visiting hour : jam kunjung

Scar : bekas luka, Ward : bangsal

jaringan parut
Wheel chair : kursi roda
Specialist : dokter spesialis

D. Grammar Focus

Catatan : Complement adalah keterangan pelengkap yang perlu dicantumkan, misalnya : keterangan tempat keterangan

E. Case Study

I. In this unit you have to make a paper. Work with your group. (Each group at least
consist of 2 person). Use the care process approach. You many choose one of the
following topics.

Dalam unit ini anda harus membuat makalah. Bekerjalah dengan kelompok anda (setiap kelompok
paling banyak lima orang). Gunakan pendekatan proses pengobatan. Pilih salah satu topik dibawah

1. Pregnancy


3. Diabetes mellitus

4. Elderly Nurse Care

5. Cardiovascular

6. Thypoid

7. DHF

8. Pneumonia

9. Stroke

10. Heart attack

II. Give your opinion about these statement.

Berikan pendapat anda tentang peryataan-pernyataan ini.

1. AIDS is a dangerous disease.

2. A beautiful nurse is important.

3. English is not important for Indonesian nurses.

4. Lung cancer is caused by smoking.

5. Say no to drugs.

F. Practice

i. Translate into good English

Yang terhormat direktur Akademi Keperawatan Departemen kesehatan RI Jakarta.

Yang terhormat Saudara-saudara sekalian

Pertama, saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih atas kesempatan yang telah diberikan. Dalam
seminar kesehatan ini, saya ingin membicarakan prospek perawat Indonesia di masa depan.

Seperti kita ketahui bersama bahwa perawat Indonesia memiliki kemampuan yang baik. Oleh
karena itu, peningkatan kualitas perawat Indonesia sangat penting, terutama kemampuan bahasa
inggris sebagai sebuah syarat penting dalam menghadapi era globalisasi.

Atas nama seluruh staff Akademi Keperawatan kami ucapkan banyak terima kasih atas
perhatiannya. Kami harap seminar ini dapat bermanfaat bagi kita semua. Terima kasih.

ii. Fill in the box based on the definitions below. Identify with disease or disorder goes with
its definition.

Isilah kotak-kotak dibawah ini berdasarkan definisi berikut. Kemudian identifikasi

penyakit/gangguan yang sesuai dengan definisi tersebut.

Cancer Anemia

Anorexia Chicken Pox

AIDS Diabetes

Pneumonia Stroke

Tonsillitis Malaria
1. Inflammation or injection of the lungs in which air sacs fill with pus. It causes chest pain and coughing.

2. A disease in which the pancreas fails to produce enough insulin.

3. A malignant tumor anywhere in the body is caused by uncontrolled cell devinision.

4. A mild but contagious children’s disease. It’s accompanied by a skin rash.

5. Sudden paralysis (usually on one side of the body) caused by interruption of blood flow to the brain.

6. From the mental illness in which the person loses the desire to eat, causing severe weight loss
(especially among adolescenn females).

7. A week condition is caused by not enough red blood cells in the body or by loss of blood.

8. A disease that is caused chills, fever and sweating. It is transmitted by the bite of the anopheles

9. Inflammitted of the tonsils, causing sore throat and fever.

10. Severe weakening or destruction of the body’s immune system by the human immune deficiency



TIU : - Peserta didik mampu berkomunikasi mengenai dokumentasi kesehatan.

TIK : - Peserta didik mengisi data-data dan membuat laporan

- Peserta didik mampu menguasai kosa kata yang berkaitan dengan medis

- Peserta didik mampu menggunakan preference dalam percakapan

After the nurse has obtained the health resources and problems of the patient, she can establish the
nursing objectives. The nurse records key elements of the data base for every patient. Database has been
meet includes there entry guidelines:
1. Health history information, chief complaint (major element of complaint).

2. Physical examination and diagnostic test information (assessment of respiration and cardiovascular

3. Functional health patent (sleep, rest).

4. Analysis of data (problem list, need for nursing care, self-care, and patient education).

5. Summary of patient problems (skin problems, special diet needs).

6. Formulation of nursing diagnosis based on information fpr database.

Everyday, the nurse writes a nursing report on the patient’s care. This report concerns the progress
and effect of nursing and the chage in the health status of the patient.

A. Useful Questions

Ask your partner to answer the following questions.

 Could you tell me your complete name?

Dapatkah anda mengatakan nama lengkap anda?

 What is your chief complaint?

Apa keluhan utama anda?

 What’s your religion?

Apakah kepercayaan anda?

 Do you smoke?

Apakah anda merokok?

 Are you feverish?

Apakah anda demam?

 Do you drink alcohol?

Apakah anda minum alkohol?

 Have you stopped smoking?

Apakah anda sudah berhenti merokok?

 Could you tell me about your family?

Dapatkah anda menceritakan tentang keluarga anda?

 How many brothers and sisters do you have?

Berapa saudara laki-laki dan saudara perempuan anda?

 Are you married?

Apakah anda sudah menikah?

 What is your father’s name?

Siapa nama ayah anda?

 Have you ever suffered from a certain diseases?

Apakah anda pernah menderita penyakit tertentu?

 Are you allergic to certain foods?

Apakah anda alergi terhadap makanan tertentu?

 How are you bowel habits?

Bagaimana buang air besar anda?

 What about your bladder habits?

Bagaimana buang air kecil anda?

 Do you pass water frequently?

Apakah anda sering berkemih?

 Are you pregnant?

Apakah anda sedang hamil?

B. Vocabulary

Antibiotic : antibiotika (obat untuk infeksi bakteri)

Antifungal : antijamur (obat untuk infeksi jamur)

Antivirus : antivirus (obat untuk infeksi virus)

Antispasmodic : obat untuk mencegah spasme

Antidiuretik : obat yang menekan produksi urine

Antidespresant : obat untuk mengatasi depresi

Antipyretic : obat menurunkan suhu tubuh

Antipruritic : obat untuk mengatasi gatal-gatal

Antihelmintic : obat cacing

Bronchodilator : obat yang melonggarkan jalan nafas

Cough medicine : obat batuk

C. Grammar Focus


1. Untuk menyatakan kelebih sukaan terhadap suatu benda atau kegiatan digunakan struktur
sebagai berikut:

1. S + LIKE + Noun1 / Gerund1 + BETTER THAN + Noun1 / Gerund2

e.g Jane like + apple + better than + grape

2. S + PREFER + Noun1 / Gerund1 + TO + Noun1 / Gerund2

e.g Jane prefers + eating apple + to + eating apple

3. S + PREFER + Noun / Gerund + (RATHER) THAN + Infinitive/Gerund/Noun

e.g Jane prefers + to eat apple + rather than + eat grape

4. S + WOULD PREFER + To Infinitive + (RATHER) THAN + Infinitive/Gerund/Noun

e.g Jane would prefers + to eat apple + than + eating apple

5. S + WOULD RATHER + Infinitive + THAN + Infinitive/Gerund/Noun

e.g Jane would rather + eat apple + than + grape

2. untuk meminta seseorang untuk melakukan suatu kegiatan secara halus (implied causative)
digunakan struktur sebagai berikut :

1. S + PREFER + Someone (subject) + To infinitive

e.g I prefers he to go to bed

2. S + WOULD RATHER + Someone (subject) + to invinitive

e.g I would rather he went to bed

3. Comparison of Equality
As + adjective + as

Study these sentence

Open your mouth as wide as can, please

Put your tongue out as far as you can

Push against my hands as hard as you can

Breathe as deeply as you can

Take as much exercise as possible.

D. Case Study

Fill in the following form by asking your partner/friend. Give your friend the question that
you need in filling this form.

Isilah formulir ini dengan bertanya kepada teman anda. Berikan pertanyaan yang anda perlukan untuk
mengisi formulir ini.

E. Practice

 What do you use form the first aid or medicine for the following, the first has been done as an
example. Think of other minor illness and pain their first aid treatments.


1. Migraine Aspirin, paramex

2. A sprained ankle

3. Food poisoning

4. Fever

5. Heart attack
6. Hypertension

7. Asthma





TIU : - Peserta didik mampu melakukan wawancara kerja dalam bahasa inggris.

TIK : - Peserta didik mampu menjelaskan tentang data pribadi dan mengajukan pertanyaan

-Peserta didik mampu menulis lamaran pekerjaan dan mempersiapkan wawancara dalam
pekerjaan dalam bahasa inggris.

In order to get a good job, a nurse needs to learn about interview and making a job application.
Because it will determine the qualification of your nursing skill. In this unit you will study how to prepare for an

First step in applying a job is how to prepare an application letter. Let’s study the following letter:

A. Application

 Application letter (surat lamaran)

Your. Ref., NTrg. 70. NEC P.O. BOX. 017

Human Resource Dept

Pediatric Hospital


December 14th, 2000

Dear sir,
With references to your advertisement in the Nursing Times of 31 st November, in
which you give details of vacancies for nurse, I would you like to apply for a nurse position,
and I would be greaful if you could accept me for an interview.

I am twenty-two years old and graduted from Nursing Academy in 1996.

I enclosed my certificate of nursing academy, advance level of English and a

distinction in nursing training and curriculum vitae.

I look forward to hearing from you

Yours faithfully

Anna Widiasari

 Curriculum Vitae (CV)



Name : Anna Widiasari

Place & date of birth : Jakarta, February 14th, 1975

Sex : Female

Nationality : Indonesian

Marital Status : Single

Home address : Jln. Sunter Podomoro No.7 Jakarta 14123

Phone number : 021 – 654321


Medical surgical nursing assistance. Tryping, word processor and English is quite well.


 1981-1987 : Elementary School

 1987-1990 : Junior High School

 1990-1993 : Senior High School

 1993-1996 : Nursing Academy of Health Department


 1993-1995 : English Course at National English Center Jakarta.

 1996 : Computer Course at NEC.


 1996-1999 : Nursing Staff at Maternal and Baby Hospital

 1999 : Nursing Academy Lecturer


 1995 : Photography Workshop Committee

 1996 : Coordinating social events nonprofit.

 Replay Letter (surat balasan)


Ms. Anna Widiasari

Jl. Sunter Podomoro No. 7

Jakarta 14123

Dear Miss Anna,

Thank you for your letter of the 14th December inquiring about vacancies at nurse
We are very interested in your application and would like you to come for an
interview at his hospital on the 2nd January 2001, at 9.00 AM. We are particularly
interested in aponiting someone with good nursing skill and able to master spoken and
written English.

Any information that you can give us will of course be treated as strictly

Your Sincerely

Joko Satyanegara

Human Resources Manager

B. The Interview

Interview is very important in selecting employee or medical staff. In preparing a successful

interview you should consider your decision in an interview.

 The following questions are usually used by an interviewer (you can practice the questions
above with your partner)

 Could you tell me your name, please?

 Please tell about yourself?

 Can you speak English?

 What is your education background?

 What is your previous job?

 Do you have job experience?

 Are you ready if you have to work on Saturday and Sunday?

 Why are you interested in this job?

 What would you do if you were accepted working in this hospital?

 How much salary do you expect?

 What do you expect from this hospital?

 What should you prepare before an interview

1) You should get the information about the hospital.

You can ask to hospital staff, senior nurse or information centre in hospital.

2) Get the interviewer location.

By knowing the location and interview’s room you would be easily adapting yourself
and you could be more comfortable in your interview.

3) Find out how long it will take to get there.

Don’t be late in your interview. Because it will determine your future.

4) Make sure you know about the job.

It’s better for you to prepare and study about the job, and you should be ready in
answering unpredictable questions from interview.

5) Improve your appearance and performance.

First impression is the most lasting that’s the proverb says. It means you should
improve your appearance by waering a good, clean and tidy dress.

Don’t forget training yourself to show a good performance in the interview.

 At the interview

At the interview the applicants are suggested to do some strategies and preparation. This is
a formula to achieve a successful interview.


Smile will show that you are a nice person and communicative so the interviewer would be nice talking to you.

Open arms

Show that you are a good communicator, open and self-confidence.


You should make yourself to be friendly to everyone by greeting or listening your interview seriously.

Make the interview a good impression about yourself, so he/she will condiser and accept you become an employee of

Eye contact

Be serious in interview and try to give full attention to the interviewer. So he/she will feel that you have a good
emphaty and appreciation.


Nod is an expression that you have understood and been interested in a certain topic that is given to you by
interviewer. So your interview would be more interesting and successful.

C. Useful Expressions

 First of all I’d like to introduce myself.

Pertama-tama saya ingin memperkenalkandiri saya.

 By the way what’s your name?

Ngomong-ngomong siapa nama anda?

 I have worked as nurse.

Saya pernah bekerja sebagai perawat.

 It sounds a good scheme.

Kedengarannya itu rencana bagus.

 Well do you think you will enjoy nursing job?

Baiklah, mengapa anda tertarik pada pekerjaan perawat?

 I am sure that I can do it.

Saya yakin bahwa saya dapat melakukan.

 I imagine it will be difficult at first.

Saya membayangkan akan sulit untuk pertama kali.

 I am experienced in working at some hospitals.

Saya berpengalaman bekerja di beberapa rumah sakit.

 It’s sounds great. I like it.

Tampaknya sangat hebat. Saya suka itu.

D. Grammar Focus


Gerund adalah kata benda yang dibentuk dari verb ing, dan didalam kalimat digunakan.

Sebagai Subjek WALKING is healthy

Objek I hate SMOKING

Objek dari sebuah posisi He is in charge of ORGANIZING the


Dengan BY untuk menerangkan bagaimana I found out what QUENCH means BY

sesuatu hal dilakukan LOOKING up the dictionary

Sesudah Admit delay mention suggest look forward to

Appreciate deny mind tolerate
kerja berikut
ini Avoit discuss postpone understand

Can’t stand enjoy practice hate

Can’t help finish quit be used to

Complete keep regret be accustomed to

Consider like risk object to

E. Case Study

 Make your own application based on this vacancy.


An international hospital has vacancies for qualified candidate for the position of


The applicant should meet the following qualifications:

 Min D3 gradute

 Age 20-35 years old

 Able to speak and write good English

 Able to operate computer programs (MS word)

Please send your application with a curriculum vitae and recent photograph to PO BOX 3131

 Practice your interview with your partner/teacher.

Situation : you are being interviewed by an interviewer in hospital.

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