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SELEKSI MASUK UNIVERSITAS PADJADJARAN (SMUP) NASKAH SELEKSI TKA MATEMATIKA BAHASA INDONESIA BAHASA INGGRIS KODE SOAL 608 Hari, Tanggal +: Minggu, 1 Joni 2008 Wakta Jumlah Sol: 75soal + 08.00 ~ 10,00 (120 menit) 2008 PETUNJUK Sebelum mengerjakan soal, telitilah nomor halaman dan jumlah soal yang terdapat pada naskah seleksi, Naskah seleksi ini terdiri atas 12 halaman dan 75 soal. Tulislah identitas Saudara dan kode soal di tempat yang telsh disediakan pada Jembar jawaban sesuai dengan petunjuk yang diberikan, Jawablah teelebih dahulu soal yang menurut Saudara mudah, Pilihlah satu jawaban yang tepat dan bitamkanlah jawaban Saudara pada lembar jawaban dengan pensil 2B. ‘Untuk keperluan corat-coret, pergunakan tempat yang Kosong pada naskah soal ini, jangan mempergunakan lembar jawaban, ‘Selama seleksi berlangsung, Saudara tidak diperkenankan bertanya atau meminta penjelasan mengenai soal yang diujikan kepada siapa pun, termasuk kepada pengawas. ‘Sctelah seleksi selesai, Saudara harus teiap duduk di tempat sampai pengawas ddatang untuk mengumpulkan lembar jawaban, Pethatikan, lembar jawaban dak kotor, tidak basah, tidak terlipat, dan tidak sobek. Hanya jawaban yang benar yang diberi nai MATEMATIKA Nii dans smemenuii persamaan 52-7807 220,008 , maka nai dari x1.x9 adalad, moor 2/ Nile da adalah. - ambos ante ned mie x £O32 ty De 6 E18 7. Simpangen kuartl dari dats: 5,64, 3,78 adalsh 12 raterata data terscbut adalah. whew a (arg 8 (3 Jomah 8 suku pertama dari deret log 2+ log 4+ log 8 + log 16+. adalah... Ae Blog? Ot B16 log? Uega $7 5 st i €. 28 log? , D.30 log? b0922"Leo8 (BP 36 tog? 8 4 ska @ dan adalah skar-akar persamaan rete Sem ra ie : ate g ~ wn ape 43 bow Sta a Lome ds .msta ; dunes dan Sat Ethrane 5 Missi + apr msc 8) soe Stary ‘memiliki invers adalah. B. (KL) OM Dia S {eCr Aa or teubrOM Chis s Bunn Sh Mead Had B08 saan 1 dar 12 9. t+ yngsnemens peaks’ \/ pena] £1 ada, Awerel Berea cdexea Daexet Eo i IC, D. Adan B>rc-A EB AdanB \ pe Peiatsnaen 22 51. imi oh. wba am <1 Bat € osset besser E perel Qe \ 2 am der yang ns le va 7 be dan gas y= Bat Ta Persanaan paris, pang menyingssne 2 dan tegak lurus pada 14, Suatu perusahean menghasikan x bush produk dengan biaya total _sebesar 730 + 20 x + x7 rpiah, ka semua -g. produk perusahaan tersebutterual dengan | harga Rp#20,00 untuk setiap produknya, 7 smaka labo maksimum yang bisa diperoleh “¢ A.Rp535090 xit Tost TSX Te BLRP35.750,00 x7) fo FT © © wary 1€. Rp37-500,00 > .Rp37550,00 3 ue B, Rp39.250,00 15. Sika #"(@) = 7 dan /@2) usa /() itu memotong sumbu x A. 0,0) C210) G0 E. 4,0) 16, Apsbila A dan Bsudat anc dengan A=! dan sob cos (A) TF B c. D. E Peserta ujian matematika terdisi atas 40 orang siswa kelas A, 30 orang siswa Kelas 1B, dan 30 orang siswa kelas C. Jike nila © ralacrata keseluruhan siswa adalah 7,2, dan nila rata-rata siswa Kelas B dan C adalah 7,0, maka nilai rata-rata siswa Kelas A. adalah aw AD6 vA 7S oer as D723 Te. Mido —po E72 8, tka a=(3, 5) dan 22, Di suatu daerah permukiman, tingkat 7 Piha eae eee ae . regan one ne (Che me y= ce Ea math © 20) ‘B. 42,0% to Ee D454% » GR) - ‘ ne ( eGR ach OB aces? 7 o4y A 2a oe 19, Grafik fingsif (2) = 5 + 15x + 9X7 at ‘akan nale untuk rial yang memenuhi Ax5 Bice C.S (C.pindah tidur ke rumah skit ~ DD. produk-prodik antinyarmuk menyerbu konsumen ©, wabah malaria dan demam berdarah 29, Simpulan yang tepat untuk teks di muka ‘dale, ‘A. sorangan wabsh penyskit yang sitimbulkan ayamuk B, obat antinyamuk alami (C- nyamuk sebagai sumber penyakit . obat antinyamuk alami bersaing dengan ‘antinyamuk bustan E, manfaattanaman hiss Halaman 4 di 12 30, Penggunaan kata yang tidak baku dalam 35, pparagraf pertama teks tersebut adalah ‘A-mengisap B. antinyarmuk tapi D. daripada E. mabuk 31, Penulisan kata serapan yang benarterdapat dalam kali. ‘A, Apotek adalah tempat penukaran rep. B. Thema adalah gagasan pokok cerita. CSecara fehnis, pekerjaan itu sangat mudsh. D, Bang swasta yang terletak i pusat kota ina semalam disatroni porampok. 36, E, Masyarakat saat ini menginginkan sesuatu yang konbrit kan janji-janji 32, *"Kasus korupsi yang melibatkan mantan pejabat itu dipetieskan oleh penyidik.” Tstlahdiperieskan bermakna, A. tidak dilanjutkan kasusnya BB tidak diumumkan tidak ditanggapi D. diproses E, dimasukkan ke dalam peti 233, “Sepoda motor tua keluaran tahun 70-an 37, ia terseok-scok dan terengah-engah ‘monelusuri jalan berbaru dan menanjak.” ‘Majas yang terkandung dalam kalimat di tas adalah, A. Titotes B metafor pleonasme D. simile . personifikash 34, Kalimat yang mengandung kata bermakna onotatfterdapat dalam... ‘A. Keluarga itu sepertinya mendapat 38 durian rantuh, kehidupan mereka berubab. B, Para pembeli menyukai durisn yang ‘matang pohon. . Durian bangkok seal menjadi unggulaa di kelasny 1D, Harga durian mengalami loktuns. EE. Kebanyakan makan durian, tidak baik bagi Kesehatan. Sila Wes Tped 2008 ‘Kata bermakna denotatif terdapet dalam alia... AA, Karena menjadi mata-mata musa, tentara bayaran itu dijatuki hukuman B, Jari tangan anak itu mencolok matanya sendiri. C. Mata-mata pelajaran yang diajarkan di sekolah berarafintereasional tw sudal memads ‘D. Mata hatinya telah buta sehingga ia ‘gelap mata, B, Setiap hari bur dia berkunjung ke mall sekadar mencuci mata, Karena melanggar peraturan, siswa itu terkena sank dari sekolahnya, Siswa itu masih sangsi akan sanksi yang dlitimpakan kepadanya Penggunaan kata sags! dan sank dalam kedua kalimat di alas menunjukkan adanya hubungan makna. A. polisemi B. sinonim C. homonim “ D. homofon E.homograt Dalam kalimat di bawah ini, bentukan kata ‘yang bermakena tempat adalah ‘A. Perkembangan ilmu dan teknologl semakin peset. B. Pemukiman gajah-gajah hutan ke tempat yang baru, sult dlskukan, . Permuliman kumuh di bantaran sungei ‘menambah semrawutnya kote iu. D. Perambaharshutan untuk kepentingsn industri perkayuan semakin marak E, Perbudakan pada zaman sckarang sudah punah. Bentukan kata berimbuban me-kam yang tepat adalah, A-mengomunikasikan [B. mensukseskan C. mensejahterakan D. menterjemahkan EE, mempopulerkan Halaman $d 12 39, Penggunaan kata berimbuhan me-i yang 43, “Tatkala bulan meredupkan eahayanya, tepatterdapat dalam Kalimat, bbarung-burung malam beterbangan menuje A. Dia merinjami sejumlah ang kepads sarangrya.” sahabat dekamya, Klause yang berpola S—P—O dalam. B, Para petani menanami ketela pohon di kalimat di alas adalah, ladangnya, ‘A. burung-burung malam bemyanyi . Pak guru mengajari cara belajar yang BB, menuju sarangnya cfektiF kepada musid-muridnya, . bolan bercahaya D. Kepala sekolsh menugasi gurunya . bulan meredupkan eahayanya ‘untuk mengawasijelannya pekan E, tatkala bulan meredup orientasi siswa. E, Presiden menganugerai tana jasa 444, Di bawah ini adalah kalimat tunggal yang, kepada tokol masyarakat yang Derstruktur K--S—P—O. Derprestai. AA, Dengan lugas dia menyanggah pandangan kami 40. “Para penumpang pesawat itu belum tah B. Seat iai dia sedang belajar Bahasa asing. 7 ‘penerbangan dtunda karena cuca C.Kami mohon, Anda tidak merokok di tburuk." sembarang tempat! Konjungsi yang tepat untuk D. Mereka borterusterang menerima ‘menggabungkan kedua Klausa ita sun dari kami adalah, , Di tempat baru inilah dia menemukan Aika siapa di sebenamya B kalau C janganjangan 45, Kalimat majemuk bertingkat yang berpola D.sebab S-P-_O dala... E.bahwa, s A. Kami mengabadikan peristiwa itu untuk 41, “Kedua anak perempuan ita cubi semporoleh pengalaman, mencubit.” 'B, Mercka mengupayakan barang ita Dalam kalimat di stas kata wlang cubit- teekiri hart ii ‘mencubit bermakna, C. Saya melibat pesawat itu terbang Areflekti? dengan eepat B. frekuentatit D. Pakar itu sedang mempelajar cara tpi C.tesiprok berkembang biak. D. kualitatif| B, Ayah dan Ibu mendampingi adik yang E.kuanttaif| sedang menonton televis 4 *Peojahat kambuhan ite tidak pemah 46, “Fabri mengambilkan temannya, Nowra, kapok meskipun hakim telah ~am-zam di dapur.” mengganjaraya dengan hukuman yang ‘Dalam kalimat di ats, frase air zam-zam berat.” berfungsi sebega Kolimat datas terdiri ata, A.objek ~ A. satu klausa B.keterangan BB. dua klausa C predikat tiga klausa D. subjek Demat klause E. pelengkap lima Klausa Sea Heh Tiga 2008 naman 6 ai 2 47, “Aisha membeli jeruk empat buah dan 49, Penulisan singkatan gelar akademik yang, ensue ii Tae” er tava ash Ch tine Fi dln ery ‘har Naga Pond SH tas br soar 8: Zar Napa Pad S81 Mt pea © Zara gets Some SSH MSL ae D Zar Naps Pera ——— 2 Hara Nepal Pad S810 me D rete $8 Reman ean at 48. “Perusshean otomoti kami mengutamakan ‘A Dingahayw HUT RI ke-62 BB, Dirgahayu ke-62 RI kepuasan pelanggzn.” ‘Kata kepuasan dalam kalimat di ates ©. HUT Ke-62R1 D. Dirgahayu HUT ke- 62 RL ‘ermasol kelas kat. ‘A. numeralia E, Dirgahayu ke 62 RI B. verba C.adverbia D.nomina B. ajektiva See Weak Tisad 2008 naman 7 dai 12 BAHASA INGGRIS Petunjuk: Pilihlah satu jawaban yang paling tepat Text 1 Fiberscopes are one of the most important outcomes ofthe science of fiber optics. Fibers made of lass and transparent acrylic plastic are capable of conveying light energy, and when thousands of these fibers are combined in what is called a fberseope, they can transmit images. The most common fiberscopes contain about $0,000 fibers, each 0,001 centimeter, or 10 microns, in diameter. For certain uses, the diameter of the fiber may be as small as S mierons. ‘Fibersoopes have a wide range of applications. In the medical feld, physicians use fiberscopes to ‘examine intemal organs and as an aid in delicate surgeries. Miniature probes have also been developed to view muscle ibe, skin tissue, and blood cells. Fiberseopes have also found varied uses in industry, particularly to inspector control operations in inaccessible areas. Bundles of fiberscopes fused together ina solid plate, called a faceplate, are being used in the manufacture of television picture tubes and other cathode-ray tbe devices. "The most far-reaching applications of fiber-optic technology are in communications. Optical fibers carry voice messages for telephone service. The sound of the voice is electronically broken down into thousands of pulses per second, which causes a transmitting laser to send coordinated pulses of light through the optical fibers. At the receiving end, the light pulses are converted to electrical Signals and the voice message is reconstructed. Light-wave communication systems can handle an immensely greater number of telephone calls and television programs than the current system, and they will form the basis ofthe “electronic superhighway" expected to crisscross the nation inthe near future ofthe information age. 51. How do optical fibers cary voice 53. The word “inaccessible” in the fourth messages? sentence of paragraph 2 means A. By fusing bundles of fiberscopes into ‘A. difficult to find. a ficeplate B. extremely smal B. By converting clectrical signals to CC. cannot be accepted light puises D. impossible to climb. C. By sending coordinated electrical E. hardto reach, « ‘pulses through optical fibers ~ D. By using eathode-ray tube devices 54. Wt can be inferred from the passage that E, By far-reaching applications of fber- fiberscopes optic technology A. have mio uses in industry than~in medicine 52, Approximately how many fibers does = B. will play a major role in the fiberscope contain? information ape A. 750,000 will decrease in importance as they B. 50,000 ~ become more common. 1,000,000 D, have reached the peak of their D. 500,000 development. BE. 25,000 will form the basis of the “electronic superhighway.” Sita ae Tepe 2008 aan 8 dat 12 ‘Text? ‘On a drop shot, a tennis player drops the ball just over the net, hoping that his or her opponent won't got to it at all or wll just barely reach it thus making @ weak return. The drop shot works well in ‘numberof situations. Tt can be used to tire an opponent, to bring a baseline player to the net, to win, points outright when an opponent is slow in moving forward ois out of position, or to substitute for the approach shot “A perfect situation fora drop shot occurs when a player's opponent is far out of court and hits ‘well to the inside of the service line. A good drop shot is a sure winner, but a bad one is equally certain disaster. The opponent who gets to the ball early has been handed the net position, which isa distinet ‘advantage forthe net rusher who will usally win the point in short order. “There are two types of drop shots, each requiring a distinct stroke, The first is used to drop slow balls descending fam the peak of the bounce. The second is used on rising balls. These shots requite excellent timing and a simple stroke, such asthe swing on waist-high volleys. 55, The primary idea of the passage is $6, From the passage, it can be infered that KoA good drop shot isa sure winner. Ka diop shot is intended to make the B.A tennis player guin points from drop ‘opponent move slower. shots B, a well-predicted position creates a C. Drop shots can make a tennis player point. win . a player gains points if the opponent 1D. Thete are two types of drop shots, eannot return the ball E, Drop shots have various kinds and 1D. a disaster happens when a player is out purposes. of the tennis court. B, a perfect situation for a drop shot gece wien player's opponent it Text 3 “The level of intelligence in bird, asa scientific inquiry, has not been as thoroughly researched as similar questions regarding primates and other mammals. However, there is a general belie that they fre more intelligent, as a class, than the reptiles, and that many species are just as intelligent as ‘mammals of comparable size. Because birds lack forelimbs with which to modify their suroundings, it is often difficult to test for intelligence as we would define it for mammals. Traditionally, biological science has maintained that most actions performed by birds that may indicate intelligence are merely ‘ingrained instintual bebaviors and that birds are unable to learn. 57, The word “they,” printed in bold refers to 58, Traditional biological science belived that A the level of inteligence in birds. A Pinds are imelligent B. primates B. primates are more intelligent than birds C.reples. reptiles are more intelligent than D.many species, primates E, birds. D. binds lack forelimbs. E, birds seem intelligent. Sas Wea Vega 2008 aun 9 dat 12 Text4 Asteroids, even small ones, can be devastating if they hit the Ear. The Grand Canyon, which jis almost a mile wide, might have been created by an asteroid only 150 fect in diameter. Experts estimate that if an object 500 foet in diameter were to hit the Earth, it could set fire to trees within a radius of 30 miles, knock down houses within one of 100 miles, and change weather patterns worldwide for as Tong as « year because ofthe dust it would throw up. In the nea fture, it maybe possible to prevent such disasters. A scanning system may soon be able to provide information on the brightness and position of objects in space. The system would be able to indicate changes in the position of these celestial objects and tell us if there is an asteroid headed for Earth, A bomb could then be carried to the asteroid by spacecraft and fired by a radio signal fiom Earth, The explosion would eause a small change in the asteoid’s orbit, but if done early enough, ‘a very slight change would be enough to cause the asteroid to miss the Earth 59, What is the main idea expressed in the 60. The change of weather paterns occurs passage? ~ A. Astoroids with $00 feet in diameter AL when asteroids hit the Barth, ‘can bur trees BB, when an object in 600 fect in diameter B. Exports may prevent disasters of hits the Ear, asteroids’ collision with the Earth. CC. when an object knocks down houses. ©. The effects and preventions of 1D. when a bomb is fied by a radio signal asteroids" collisions are predictable. from Earth, D, A system is developed to prevent E, when a scanning system can provide ‘asteroids" collisions with the Barth. information on the brightness and E. In the near future, it may be possible position of objects in space, to prevent such disasters ‘Text 5 Fruits and vegetables contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals needed for a healthy body. Whole fruits and veggies are less expensive and much more enjoyable than vitamin supplements and pills ‘Many people take vitamins to be healthier, but by eating the right foods (namely fits and _vegetables), vitamins become unnecessary. Doctors and researchers believe that anti-oxidants naturally found in fruits and vegetables can help prevent some types of cancer. By taking vitamins as opposed to eating produce, you miss out on fiber and phytochemicals that protect the body from disease. 61, ‘The passage suggests that 62. Your body is protected against illness A. you will not need vitamins by only , ‘king fruits and vegetables. ‘AL wlien you take anti-oxidants. vitamins and minerals are required for Brom the esl of researches. good health CC. ifthe fiber and phytochemicals exist in the . taking vitamin supptomenss and pills ood. makes people healthier. D. by eating whole fruits and veggies. D. doctors and researchers can help when you miss out on fiber and prevent diseases. : jhytochemicals many people take vitamins to be, healthier Sb Hea Vad 08 Halaman 10 dri 12 Pertanyaan nomor 63 sampat dengan 75 berikut tidak didasarkan atas bacaan. 63. Joan __ the letter and she will post it, but se can't finda stamp, has waitten v wrote had seritten is writing PyORP 64 She fet i and leave early. A can B. must CC. might D. hadto may 65, Hehates___ the phone, and very often just lets it ‘A. answer, ring B. to answer, toring CC. answering, ring v D._ answering, toring B. answered, inging 66, 1've just enrolled atthe Local technical college. |__ pottery classes next semester attended have attended can attend had been attending fam going to attend Fone 67. Infuriated by the interruptions, ‘A. thatthe speaker refused 10 Gontinue B. thatthe speaker continue refusing the speaker refused to continue D. the speaker's refusal to continue E. thatthe speaker is continuing to refuse 68, The ship was put into quarantine and A 1B. were forbidding 1 land C._forbade landing D. forbade to land ¥ E. forbidding to land Seb Has pad 008 6, m. n. ‘She tured out the light She didn’t want to waste electricity ‘AL. She tumed out the light so he didn’t ‘want fo waste electricity. ‘She turned out the light so as not to ‘waste electricity. ‘She turned out the light not soas to ‘waste electricity ‘She rumed out the light in order not ‘waste the electricity.” She turned out the light in order so as rot waste the electricity Pon ida’ tum up. The man {was waiting for 1B. That the man | was waiting for (C._ Twas waiting forthe man 1D. That] was waiting for the man E, That forthe man I was waiting I've given your old jacket away _ although it was too tight for yo since it was too tight for you as long a8 you are too tight 80 you are to tight and i¢ was too tight for you, moom> The windows ofthe old building on Canary Swe, ee ng aiost of which ave broken ‘most of that are broken ‘which most of them are broken.“ that most of them are broken = that which most of them are broken pone Dyslexic children cannot easly learn to read because they have trouble ‘A. associating printed letters withthe sounds of speech. B. in association printed letters with the sounds of specch, C. associate printed letters withthe sounds of speech, 1D. toassociating printed letters withthe sounds of speech. IE, associated printed letters with the sounds of speech, slaman 11 dat 12 74, Bam owls are economically valuable x B. besaise of thelr preference for small, crop-destroying mammals ‘because ther preference for small, ‘rop-destroying mammals. inspite of the fact tat their preference for small, erop-destroying mammals. despite they prefer small crop- destroying mammals. {due to of their preference for small, crop-destroying mammals, Seba Nasa Vpad 2008 75. After the war, he discovered that his let hand, ne could paint and draw. PooR> ‘keeping his right wrist steady with bby Keeping his right wrist steady with by keeping his right wrist steady with keeping his right wrist steady by so keep his right wrist steady with samen 12 dari 12

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