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“Evaluation of Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-diabetic activity of Indian

Bauhinia vahlii (stem bark)”

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Sejak dulu tanaman merupakan sumber yang sangat diperlukan untuk pengobatan. Studi produk alami
bertujuan untuk menentukan nilai obat pada tanaman dengan mengeksplorasi dari pengetahuan ilmiah
yang telah ada, penggunaan tradisional dan penemuan agen berpotensi kemoterapi. Peradangan dianggap
sebagai bentuk fisiologis utama dari mekanisme pertahanan yang membantu tubuh untuk melindungi diri
dari infeksi, luka bakar, bahan kimia beracun, alergen atau rangsangan beracun lainnya. Efek samping
dari obat anti-inflamasi yang tersedia saat ini menimbulkan masalah besar selama penggunaan klinis.
Oleh karena itu, diperlukan pengembangan obat anti-inflamasi yang lebih baru dan lebih ampuh dengan
efek samping yang lebih rendah.
Diabetes mellitus adalah penyakit dengan etiologi yang berbeda. Hal ini ditandai dengan terjadinya
penurunan karbohidrat, protein dan metabolisme lemak yang disebabkan oleh ketidakcukupan sekresi
insulin dalam tubuh. Sekitar 140 juta orang di seluruh dunia menderita penyakit diabetes. Penyakit
diabetes menjadi masalah kesehatan serius di masyarakat negara-negara berkembang, dimana
prevalensinya terus meningkat dan pengobatannya relatif mahal atau tidak tersedia. Strategi alternatif
untuk farmakoterapi modern penyakit diabetes mellitus sangat dibutuhkan saat ini, karena
ketidakmampuan dari terapi modern yang ada untuk mengontrol semua aspek gangguan patologis, serta
besarnya biaya dan kemiskinan untuk banyak penduduk pedesaan di negara berkembang. Oleh karena itu,
bahan tanaman dianggap menjadi sumber alternatif untuk mencari tahu agen baru untuk antidiabetes.
Bauhinia vahlii adalah pohon panjat raksasa hijau yang pernah ada dan penjalar terbesar di India dan
dapat tumbuh memanjang hingga 10-30 m. Batang pohon dapat menebal hingga 20 cm. Pohon ini
mempunyai cabang gemuk ditutupi dengan rambut halus kaku. Daunnya mempunyai ukuran sangat
bervariasi, berbentuk hati kedalam, berwarna hijau, berlekuk tumpul, bulat; mempunyai panjang tangkai
daun 3-6 inch, gemuk. Bunga berwarna putih. Buahnya berupa kulit kayu datar dengan rambut halus kaku,
panjangnya 20-30 cm. Tanaman ini telah dilaporkan memiliki agathisf lavone, flavonoid, asam betulinic,
triterpen, campesterol dan steroid di daun, catechin, asam galat metil ester, benzenoid, mopanol dan 4-O-
metil ester. Tanaman ini juga dilaporkan mengandung kaemferol, quercetin, rutin, asam betulinic,
stigmasterol, sitosterol di daun.

1. Apakah ekstrak kulit batang Bauhinia vahlii memiliki efek anti inflamasi dan efek anti diabetes?
2. Apakah ekstrak kulit batang Bauhinia vahlii dapat diamati dengan skrining fitokimia pendahuluan?
3. Apakah ekstrak kulit batang Bauhinia vahlii dapat diamati efek toksisitas akut?

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi anti inflamasi, aktivitas anti-diabetes dari ekstrak
kulit batang Bauhinia vahlii menggunakan induksi karagenan pada kaki tikus udem dan Streptozotocin
untuk induksi diabetes. Ekstrak ini juga dipelajari untuk efek toksisitas akut dan skrining fitokimia
Alat yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah soxhlet, penggiling mekanik. Sedangkan bahan yang
digunakan adalah Streptozotocin (STZ), karagenan, petroleum eter, benzene, kloroform, etanol, tanaman
Bauhinia vahlii, mencit albino Swiss (20-25g), tikus wistar pria (150-200 g).
3.1. Persiapan Bahan Tanaman
Kulit Batang Bauhinia vahlii

- dikeringkan selama beberapa minggu

- dihancurkan dengan tangan dan dikeringkan lagi
- digiling menjadi bubuk kasar dengan bantuan penggiling mekanik
- digunakan alat soxhlet dengan bahan bubuk (1.400 g) dan diekstraksi berturut-turut dengan
petroleum eter (60-80 ml) untuk menghilangkan lemak zat aktif
- diekstraksi dengan benzen, kloroform dan etanol 95% untuk meningkatkan kepolaran.
- difiltrasi setiap campuran melalui kertas saring whatmann.

Filtrat (Petroleum eter, benzene, kloroform, dan etanol)

- diuapkan dengan rotary evaporator pada 5 sampai 6 rpm dan pada suhu 40°C (perlakuan ini
menghasilkan getah berkonsentrat sebagai hasil ekstrak kasar)
- dibekukan, dikeringkan dan diawetkan pada suhu 4°C.

Berbagai Ekstrak Kulit Batang Bauhinia vahlii

3.2. Skrining fitokimia

Berbagai Ekstrak Kulit Batang Bauhinia vahlii

- Tes fitokimia kualitatif untuk identifikasi alkaloid, flavonoid, steroid, glikosida, saponin, tanin
dan terpenoid dilakukan dengan prosedur standar.


3.3. Penelitian Toksisitas akut (LD50)

Mencit Albino Swiss dari 2 jenis kelamin (20-25 gr)

- dilakukan sesuai metode Karber untuk studi toksisitas akut

- dibagi menjadi enam kelompok dengan setiap kelompok terdiri dari enam hewan
- diperlukan selama 90 hari untuk menentukan LD50 berbagai ekstrak Bauhinia vahlii
- digunakan larutan gum akasia (2%) sebagai alat untuk mempersingkat berbagai ekstrak
- diberikan secara oral pada tikus dengan tingkat dosis berbeda tiap kelompok, yang telah berpuasa
- dihitung dan ditetapkan LD50 dari berbagai ekstrak
Dosis 353 mg/kg

3.4. Uji Aktivitas Anti-inflamasi


- dibagi menjadi 6 kelompok dengan setiap kelompok terdiri dari enam dan dipuasakan selama 12
jam sebelum percobaan
- diukur volume dari kaki belakang tikus dengan menggunakan plethysmometer dan kemudian 0,1
mL 1% b/v larutan karagenan disuntikkan secara subkutan ke daerah sub plantar tepat berada di
belakang kaki
- diukur pada 1, 2, 3, dan 4 jam setelah injeksi karagenan
- ditentukan volume kaki tikus (Kosolven (2% larutan gum akasia, P.O), berbagai ekstrak dari
Bauhinia vahlii sebagai suspensi dalam 2% larutan gum akasia (P.O) dan ibuprofen (10 mg/kg,
P.O) diberikan 30 menit sebelum injeksi karagenan. Kelompok yang menerima kosolven sebagai
kontrol. Kaki belakang tikus diukur volumenya secara plethysmometrically sebelum dan sesudah
injeksi karagenan, dengan interval selama 4 jam)
- dinyatakan dengan rata-rata ± SEM dan data dianalisis dengan metode ANOVA dilanjutkan
dengan uji-t test (signifikan jika P < 0,05)


3.5. Uji Aktivitas Anti Diabetes


- dibuat diabetes dengan injeksi intraperitonial dari Streptozotocin (STZ 60 mg/kg berat badan)
yang dilarutkan dalam buffer sitrat (0,1 M, pH 4,5)
- dikonfirmasi dibetes jika adanya STZ dengan mengukur kadar glukosa darah tikus yang
dipuasakan selama 48 jam setelah injeksi STZ
- dinyatakan diabetes jika kadar gula darah di atas 250 mg/dL
- diambil sampel darah dari ujung ekor pada 12, 24, 36 dan 48 jam setelah pemberian STZ
- diukur kadar glukosa darah pada 2, 4, 8, 12 dan 24 jam setelah pemberian oral Glibenklamid dan
berbagai ekstrak dari Bauhinia vahlii
- ditemukan bahwa adanya produksi hiperglikemia yang stabil setelah 48 jam
- dinyatakan dengan rata-rata ± standard error dan data dianalisis dengan metode ANOVA diikuti
oleh Dunnett’s Multiple Comparison Test (signifikan jika P < 0,05).


Hasil tes fitokimia pendahuluan mengungkapkan terdapatnya alkaloid, flavonoid, fitosterol, senyawa
fenolik, dan glikosida. Sementara karbohidrat, protein, asam amino, gum dan musilago dinyatakan tidak ada
(Tabel 1). Studi toksisitas akut berbagai ekstrak Bauhinia vahlii yang telah dilakukan dan LD50 dari semua
ekstrak terletak antara 3.000-4.000 mg/kg berat badan. LD50 yang di dapat, dalam kisaran dosis yang lebih
tinggi sehingga ekstrak aman dan 1/10 dari rata-rata dari semua ekstrak yaitu 353 mg/kg ditetapkan sebagai
dosis untuk prosedur screening farmakologis.
Aktivitas anti-inflamasi ekstrak petroleum eter, kloroform dan etanol Bauhinia vahlii secara signifikan
menurunkan edema kaki tikus yang disebabkan oleh karagenin pada tikus dengan dosis 353 mg/kg
dibandingkan dengan ibuprofen standar (100 mg/kg) ditunjukkan pada Tabel 2. Efek anti-inflamasi yang
signifikan ini mungkin karena penghambatan setiap mediator inflamasi oleh glikosida atau steroid yang ada
dalam ekstrak.

Hasil efek antidiabetes digambarkan dalam Tabel 3. Aktivitas antidiabetes pada tikus yang induksi
diabetes menggunakan streptozotocin dari tabel ditunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol dan kloroform Bauhinia
vahlii pada tingkat dosis 353 mg/kg, menunjukkan penurunan yang signifikan dalam tingkat gula darah 2
sampai 24 jam secara progresif sebanding dengan glibenklamid standar.

Dari evaluasi disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak petroleum eter, kloroform dan etanol Bauhinia vahlii
menunjukkan penurunan yang signifikan pada peradangan tikus dibandingkan dengan obat ibuprofen standar
(P <0,05) dan ekstrak kloroform dan etanol menyebabkan penurunan yang signifikan dalam kadar glukosa
darah dibandingkan dengan obat glibenklamid standar (P <0,05). Hasil ini menunjukkan kemanjuran Bauhinia
vahlii sebagai agen terapi yang efektif dalam pengobatan dari radang akut.

Ekstrak petroleum eter, kloroform dan etanol kulit batang Bauhinia vahlii mempunyai aktifitas sebagai
anti inflamasi ditunjukkan pada menurunnya peradangan pada tikus dibandingkan dengan obat ibuprofen, dan
sebagai anti diabetes, ekstrak kloroform dan etanol kulit batang Bauhinia vahlii ditunjukkan menurunnya kadar
glukosa darah tikus dibandingkan dengan obat glibenklamid.

Penelitian lebih lanjut ekstrak kulit batang Bauhinia vahlii dijadikan dalam sediaan seperti apa yang
cocok untuk pasien, adanya penelitian lebih lanjut tentang ekstrak ini apakah ada interaksi dengan obat lain,
dan publikasi lebih lanjut bahwa ekstrak kulit batang Bauhinia vahlii mempunyai aktifitas sebagai anti
inflamasi dan anti diabetes.
S1382 Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (2012)S1382-S1387

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Document heading doi: 襃 襃 2012 by the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine. All rights reserved.

Evaluation of Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-diabetic activityof Indian

Bauhinia vahlii (stembark)
Das Surya Narayan1*, Patro Varanashi Jagannath2, Dinda Subas Chandra3
Gayatri College of Pharmacy, Jamadarpali, Sambalpur, Odisha, India
Roland Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Berhampur, Odisha, India
School of Pharmaceutical Education & Research, Berhampur University, Berhampur-760007, Odisha, India


Article history: Objective: To evaluate the anti-inflammatory and antidiabetic property of Bauhinia vahlii (stem
Received 10 August 2012 bark) with preliminary phytochemical profile of the extracts. Methods: The dried whole plant
Received in revised from 11 September 2012 material (1 400 g) was packed in soxhlet apparatus and extracted successively with Pet. Ether (PE)
Accepted 8 December 2012
to defat the drug, petroleum ether was removed from the powdered defatted drug which was then
Available online 28 December 2012
extracted with benzene (BE), chloroform(CE) and 95% of Ethanol (EE) as increasing polarity and
all extracts screened for anti-inflammatory and antidiabetic activity using carrageenan induced
Keywords: paw edema and streptozotacin induced diabetic respectively. The toxicity and phytochemical
Phytochemicals screening were done using standard procedure. Result: The preliminary phytochemical tests
Anti-inflammatory revealed the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, phytosterol, phenolic compounds, and glycoside.
Antidiabetic While carbohydrates, protein, gums and amino acids were absent. The acute toxicity study
Bauhinia vahlii stem bark of various extracts of Bauhinia vahlii was conducted and dose of 353 mg/kg is fixed for anti-
inflammatory and antidiabetic perperty. The pet ether, chloroform and ethanolic extract of
Bauhinia vahlii significantly decreased the paw edema induced by carrageenin in rats at a dose
of 353 mg/kg comparable to standard ibuprofen (100 mg/kg). Similarly in case of antidiabetic
property, the ethanolic and chloroform extract of Bauhinia vahlii at a dose level 353 mg/kg,
showed significant reduction in blood sugar level from 2 to 24 h in progressive manner comparable
to standard glibenclamide (5mg/kg).

1. Introduction available anti-inflammatory drugs pose a major problem

during their clinical uses [3]. Therefore, the development of
Plants are indispensible sources of medicine since time newer and more potent anti-inflammatory drugs with lesser
immemorial. Studies on natural product are aimed to side effects is necessary.
determine medicinal values of plants by exploration of Diabetes mellitus is a group of disorders with different
existing scientific knowledge, traditional uses and discovery aetiologies. I t is characterized by derangements in
of potential chemotherapeutic agents. Phytochemicals are carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism caused by the
used as templates for lead optimization programs, which are complete or relative insufficiency of insulin secretion and/
intended to make safe and effective drugs [1]. or insulin action [4]. Approximately 140 million people
Inflammation is considered as a primary physiologic worldwide suffer from diabetes [5].The disease becomes
defense mechanism that helps body to protect itself against a real problem of public health in developing countries,
infection, burn, toxic chemicals, allergens or other noxious where its prevalence is increasing steadily and adequate
stimuli. An uncontrolled and persistent inflammation may treatment is often expensive or unavailable[6]. Alternative
act as an etiologic factor for many of these chronic illnesses strategies to the current modern pharmacotherapy of
[2]. Although it is a defense mechanism, the complex events diabetes mellitus are urgently needed [7], because of the
and mediators involved in the inflammatory reaction can inability of existing modern therapies to control all the
easily be induced [2]. The side effects of the currently pathological aspects of the disorder, as well as the enormous
cost and poor availability of the modern therapies for many
*Corresponding author: Das Surya Narayan, Assoc. Prof, (Pharm Analysis & Quality
Assurance) Gayatri College of Pharmacy, Jamadarpali, Sambalpur, Odisha.
rural populations in developing countries.
Tel: -09437158382 Diabetes mellitus is ranked seventh among the leading
E-mail: ,
Das Surya Narayan et al./Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (2012)S1382-S1387

causes of death and third when it’s fatal complications are has been deposited in the Herbarium of the Department of
taken into account [8]. Traditional preparations of plant School of Pharmaceutical Education & Research, Berhampur
sources are widely used almost everywhere in the world to University, Berhampur-760007, India for future reference.
treat this disease. Therefore, plant materials are considered
to be the alternative sources for finding out new leads for 2.3. Experimental animals
hypo- /antihyperglycemic agents.
Bauhinia vahlii[9] is a gigantic climbing ever green tree S wiss albino mice ( 20 - 25 g ) and M ale W istar rats
and largest creeper in India and can grow up to 10-30 (150-200 g) were purchased from the animal house of Gosh
m long. The woody stem can get as thick as 20 cm. The enterprises, Kolkata and housed in polypropylene cages
spreading stout branches are covered with rusty fine hair. at room temperature with proper ventilation. Prior to the
Branchlets[10] densely pubescent and terminating in a pair experiments, mice and rats were fed with standard diet for
of revolute tendrils; young branches, tendrils, petioles, 1 week in order to adapt to laboratory conditions. They were
underside of leaves especially along the nerves and fasted over night but allowed free access to water before the
inflorescence clothed with dense ferruginous tomentum. experiment. The experimental protocols were approved by
Leaves [11] very variable in size, often up to 18 in. diam., Institutional Animal Ethics Committee (Reg. No.1339/ac/10/
as broad as long or broader, deeply cordate, 11-15 nerved, CPCSEA).
cleft through about 1/3 of the length, sub-coriaceous, dark
green and glabrescent above more or less downy beneath; 2.4. Preparation of plant material
lobes obtuse, rounded; petiole 3-6 in. long, stout. Flowers[11]
white, on long slender pedicles, in terminal corymbose or The whole plant was first sun dried for several weeks,
corymbose racemes. crushed by hands and dried again. Then the crushed parts
Fruit [12] is a flat woody pod with fine rusty hairs, 20-30 of the plant were ground into coarse powder with the help
cm long. The plant has been reported to have agathisf of a mechanical grinder. By using the concept of the nature
lavone,flavonoid,betulinic acid,triterpene,campesterol of solubility and distribution of the active ingredients,
and steroid in leaves [13] , catechin,gallic acid methyl powdered material (1 400 g) was packed in soxhlet apparatus
ester,benzenoid,mopanol and 4-O-methyl ester[13]. The [17] and extracted successively with Pet. Ether (60-80,) to

plant is also reported to contain kaemferol, quercetin, rutin defat the drug, petroleum ether was removed from the
, betulinic acid[14] and Quercitrin, Stigmasterol, Sitosterol[16] powdered defatted drug which was then extracted with
in leaves. benzene, chloroform and 95 % of E thanol as increasing
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the anti- polarity. The whole each mixture then underwent filtration
inflammatory, anti-diabetic activity of Bauhinia vahlii stem through what man filter paper. The filtrates (Pet. Ether,
bark extracts using carrageenan induced rat paw edema Benzene, Chloroform and Ethanol filtrate) obtained were
and Streptozotocin induced diabetic. The extracts were evaporated by rotary evaporator at 5 to 6 rpm and at 40 °C
also studied for its acute toxicity effects and preliminary temperature. It rendered a gummy concentrates. The gummy
phytochemical screening. concentrate was designated as crude extract of respective
solvent which was then freeze dried and preserved at 4 °C.

2. Materials and methods 2.5. Phytochemical screening

2.1 Materials Qualitative phytochemical tests for the identification of

alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids, glycosides, saponins, tannins
Streptozotocin (STZ) was purchased from Sigma Chemicals and terpenoids were carried out for all the extracts by
Co. (St. Louis, MO, USA), Carrageenan was procured from standard procedure [18-21] (Table 1).
Himedia laboratories, Mumbai, India. All other chemicals
and solvents(Pet.ether,Benzene,Chloroform and Ethanol) 2.6 Acute toxicity study (LD50)
used were of analytical grade and obtained commercially
from Merck- Limited, India, Mumbai. Acute toxicity study [22-23] was performed according to
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
2.2. Collection and identification of plant material was performed as per Karber s method. Swiss albino mice
of either sex weighing between 20-25 g were divided into
The Plant Bauhinia vahlii were collected in the month of six groups with six animals each.and of 90 d were used to
October from Padiabahal, Sambalpur, Odisha , India. The determine LD50 of various extracts of Bauhinia vahlii. The
plant material was taxonomically identified by Dr. (Mrs.) Uma gum acacia solution (2%) was used as a vehicle to suspend
Devi, Head, Department of Botany, Govt. Women’s College, various extracts. The extracts were administered orally at
Sambalpur, Odisha. A voucher specimen (GWC/B-315/09) different dose levels to group of six mice each, which have
S1384 Das Surya Narayan et al./Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (2012)S1382-S1387

been fasted overnight. The LD50 values of various extracts are 2.9. Method: Carrageenan-Induced Paw Edema in Rats
calculate and dose is fixed as 353 mg/kg.
A nti-inflammatory activity was evaluated using the
2.7. Experimental design Carrageenan induced rat paw oedema according to the
technique of Winter et al [26-31]. The animals were housed
Thirty-Six experimental animals were randomly selected in cages under standard laboratory condition. They had
and divided into six groups denoted as Group I, Group II, free access to standard diet and water. The animal were
Group III, Group IV, Group V and Group VI, consisting of 6 divided into 6 groups of six animals each and fasted for 12
Wistar rats in each group. Each group received a particular h before the experiment. The initial right hind paw volume
treatment i.e. control, standard and the four doses of the of the rats were measured using a plethysmometer and then
extract. Prior to any treatment, each rat was weighed properly 0.1 mL of 1% w/v carrageenan solution in normal saline
and the doses of the test samples and control materials were was subcutaneously injected into the sub plantar region
adjusted accordingly. Group III to Group VI received the of the right hind paw. The volume of right hind paw was
crude extract orally at the doses of 353 mg/kg of body weight. measured at 1, 2, 3, and 4 h after carrageenan injection, and
Group II received intraperitoneal administration of Ibuprofen the paw volume was determined. The data were expressed
at a dose of 100 mg/kg as standard for anti-inflammatory as paw volume (ml), compared with the initial hind paw
study, while Group I was kept as control giving 2% gum volume of each rat. Cosolvent (2% gum acacia solution, p.o),
acacia solution in normal saline water. various extracts of Bauhinia vahlii as suspension in 2% gum
Similarly forty-two animals were selected and divided acacia solution (p.o) and ibuprofen (10 mg/kg, p.o) [25] was
into seven groups denoted as Group I, Group II, Group III, administered 30 min before carrageenan injection. The group
Group IV, Group V, Group VI and Group VII consisting of 6 received Co solvent was treated as control.The hind paw
Wistar rats in each group. Each group received a particular volume was measured plethysmometrically before and after
treatment i.e. normal control, diabetic control, standard and the carrageenan injection, at hourly intervals for 4 h (Table
the four doses of the extract. Prior to any treatment, each 2).
rat was weighed properly and the doses of the test samples Vc-Vt
% inhibition of edema= ( ) 伊100
and control materials were adjusted accordingly. Group IV Vc
to Group VII received the crude extract orally at the doses of Where, VT = mean paw volume of test group
353 mg/kg of body weight. Group III received intraperitoneal VC = mean paw volume of control group
administration of Glibenclamide at a dose of 5 mg/kg-body
weight as standard drug for anti-diabetic study, while Group 2.10. Anti diabetic Activities
II was kept as diabetic control giving 2% gum acacia solution
in normal saline water. 2.11. Induction of diabetes in rats [32-33]
Rats were made diabetic with an intraperitoneal injection
2.8. Anti-inflammatory Activity of Streptozotocin (STZ 60 mg/kg body weight) dissolved in
citrate buffer (0.1 M, pH 4.5). Diabetes was confirmed in STZ
The anti-inflammatory activity of Bauhinia vahlii was rats by measuring the fasting blood glucose level 48 h after
studied using acute ( carrageenan induced paw edema ) the injection of STZ. Rats with blood glucose level above 250
models of inflammation. The experiment protocols were mg/dL were considered to be diabetic and were used in this
approved by the Institutional Animal Ethics Committee prior experiment.
to the conduct of the animal experiments (Reg. No.1339/
ac/10/CPCSEA). 2.12. Estimation of blood glucose
This model is based on the principle of release of various Blood samples were collected from the tail tips at 12, 24,
inflammatory mediators by carrageenan. Edema formation 36 and 48 h after streptozotacin administration and found
due to carrageenan in the rat paw is biphasic event. The that stable hyperglycemia produced after 48 h. The blood
initial phase is attributed to the release of histamine sugar level was measured by digital display glucometer (One
and serotonin. The second phase of edema is due to the touch -Johnson & Johnson Ltd.). Initial blood sample were
release of prostaglandins, protease and lysosome[24,25]. taken before the oral administration of the standard drug
Subcutaneous injection of carrageenan into the rat paw (Glibenclamide) and extracts. The blood glucose levels were
produces inflammation resulting from plasma extravasations, measured at 2, 4, 8, 12 and 24 h after oral administration of
increased tissue water and plasma protein exudation along Glibenclamide and various extracts of Bauhinia vahlii (Table
with neutrophil extravasations, all due to the metabolism of 3).
arachidonic acid[26]. The first phase begins immediately after
injection of carrageenan and diminishes in two hours. The 2.13. Statistical Analysis
second phase begins at the end of first phase and remains For Anti-inflammatory screening all experimental results
through third hour up to five hours. were expressed as mean依SEM and data were assessed by
Das Surya Narayan et al./Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (2012)S1382-S1387

ANOVA Method followed by student’s t-test. P<0.05 was 3.3. Anti-inflammatory activity
considered as statistically significant. While for Anti-
diabetic activity, all results are expressed as mean依 The pet ether, chloroform and ethanolic extract of Bauhinia
standard error. The data was analyzed statistically using vahlii significantly decreased the paw edema induced by
ANOVA followed by Dunnett’s Multiple Comparison Test carrageenin in rats at a dose of 353 mg/kg comparable to
using SPSS 10.0 statistical software. The level of significance standard ibuprofen (100 mg/kg) shown in Table 2.
was fixed at 5%.
3.4. Antidiabetic activity

3. Result The result of antidiabetic effect depicted in Table 3. From

the table it is revealed that the ethanolic and chloroform
3.1. Phytochemical constituents of the plant extract of Bauhinia vahlii at a dose level 353 mg/kg, showed
significant reduction in blood sugar level from 2 to 24 h in
The preliminary phytochemical tests revealed the presence progressive manner comparable to standard glibenclamide.
of alkaloids, flavonoids, phytosterol, phenolic compounds,
and glycoside. While carbohydrates, protein, gums and
amino acids were absent (Table 1). 4. Discussion

3.2. Acute toxicity study Inflammation is a common phenomenon and it is a reaction

of living tissues towards injury. Steroidal anti-inflammatory
The acute toxicity study of various extracts of Bauhinia agents will lyse and possibly induce the redistribution of
vahlii was conducted and the LD50 of all extracts found lymphocytes, which cause rapid and transient decrease in
to lay between 3 000-4 000 mg/kg body weight. The LD50 peripheral blood lymphocyte counts to affect longer term
is in a higher dose range so the extracts are safe and 1/10 response. B. vahlii belongs to family Caesalpiniaceae is a
average of all extracts i.e. 353 mg/kg was taken as dose for common plant of Western Odisha. Phytochemical evaluation
pharmacological screening procedure. of the various extracts of Bauhinia vahlii reveals the
presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, phytosterol, phenolic

Table 1
Preliminary Phytochemical Investigation of various extracts and powder of Bauhinia vahlii.
Test for Carbohydrates - - - - -
Test for Gums and Mucilages + - - - -
Test for Proteins and Amino Acid + - - - -
Test for Fixed Oils and Fats + + + + +
Test for Phytosterols + + + + +
Test for Glycosides - - - + -
Tests for Saponins + - - - +
Tests for Flavonoids + + _ + +
Tests for Alkaloids + - - - +
Tests for Tannins and Phenolic Compounds - + + - +

Table 2
Anti-inflammatory activity of various extracts of Bauhinia vahlii (Stem bark).
Mean paw volume (mL) 依 SEM
Treatment Dose (mg/kg) Time in minutes
60 120 180 240
Control(2% gum acacia) - 0.48依0.03 0.78依0.09 0.85依0.12 0.89依0.14
Ibuprofen 0.29依0.07 (39.6) 0.28依0.07 (64.1) 0.24依0.06 (71.80) 0.23依0.13 (74.2)
* * * *
Pet.Ether. Ext 0.33依0.13(31.25) 0.41依0.09 (47.4) 0.49依0.01 (42.4) 0.42依0.07 (52.8)
* * *
Benzene. Ext 325 0.45依0.09(6.3) 0.73依0.12 (6.4) 0.78依0.15 (8.2) 0.78依0.11(12.3)
Chloroform. Ext 0.36依0.07(25) 0.34依0.09 (56.4) 0.35依0.07 (58.8) 0.32依0.11 (64)
* * *
Ethanol. Ext 0.36依0.12 (25) 0.42依0.13 (46.2) 0.57依0.17 (33) 0.50依0.09 (43.8)
* * * *
Each value is mean依SEM (n=6), Denotes significant difference compared to control value at P<0.05.
S1386 Das Surya Narayan et al./Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine (2012)S1382-S1387

Table 3
Antidiabetic activities of various extracts of Bauhinia vahlii stem bark.
Blood Sugar level in mg/dL
Group Time (h)
2h 4h 8h 12 h 24 h
I Normal control - 88.4依2.07 87.4依1.12 87.1依0.6 87.6依1.7 87.2依1.03
II Diabetic control 2% Gum acacia solution 288.4依8.06 286.7依9.14 287.1依10.4 289.6依7.6 293.2依5.23
III Glibenclamide 5mg / kg /Day 227.0依4.04 171.0依4.57 139.4依2.64 122.2依2.3 114.0依3.7
* * * * *

IV Pet.Ether Ext 320mg/kg 284.3依7.3 281.2依9.4 280.6依9.2 280.3依5.1 288.8依8.1

V Benzene. Ext 320mg/kg 289.4依5.2 284.0依7.5 285.4依9.3 289.2依9.5 292.4依5.3
VI Chloroform. Ext 320mg/kg 260.4依7.5 246.0依3.5 227.3依8.6 212.7依6.3 269.4依8.3
* * * * *

VII Ethanol. Ext 320mg/kg 268.4依5.8 252.2依3.4 233.4依8.1 194.7依2.7 194.7依2.7

* * * * *

All values are expressed as mean依 SEM, n=6, P<0.05 significant compared to control.

compounds, and glycoside. Here anti-inflammatory activity

was performed based on the folk lore information by using
the method, Conflict of interest statement
C arrageenan induced inflammation model for the
estimation of anti-inflammatory effect. The development We declare that we have no conflict of interest.
of oedima in the paw of the rat after the injection of
Carrageenan is due to the release of histamine, serotonin,
and prostaglandin [38-39]. Stem bark extracts of B.vahlii Acknowledgement
showed significant anti inflamatory activity. This significant
anti-inflammatory effect may be due to the inhibition of This study was supported by the grants from AICTE (8024/
any inflammatory mediators by the glycosides or steroids [39] RIFD/MOD-75/2010-11), New Delhi, India. The Authors are
present in the extract. extremely grateful to Prof. Ashok Kumar Satpathy , Director
Similarly the treatment of diabetes with medicines of plant and Prof (Dr).S.K.Mohapatra, Principal, Gayatri college of
origin that proved much safer than synthetic drugs is an Pharmacy,Sambalpur, Odisha,India for providing necessary
integral part of many cultures throughout the world and facilities to carry out this work.
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