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“Real-time monitoring of water quality of stream water using sulfur-

oxidizing bacteria as bio-indicator”

Dosen: Andi Kurniawan S. Pi., M. Eng., D. Sc.

Disusun oleh :

Muhammad Abdul Aziz (185080101111016)







DAFTAR ISI ........................................................................................................................ ii

1 PENDAHULUAN ....................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Latar Belakang.............................................................................................. 1
1.2 Rumusan Masalah ....................................................................................... 2
1.3 Tujuan ............................................................................................................ 2
2 PEMBAHASAN ......................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Deskripsi Teknologi SCMR ........................................................................ 3
2.2 Tujuan Teknologi SCMR ............................................................................. 4
2.3 Arah Pengembangan ................................................................................... 4
2.4 Keunggulan Teknologi SCMR ................................................................... 5
2.5 Kelemahan Teknologi SCMR ..................................................................... 5
DAFTAR PUSTAKA ......................................................................................................... 6


1.1 Latar Belakang

Teknologi Biomonitoring adalah metode yang paling tepat untuk

mengumpulkan data secara instan dan relavan dalam ekosistem akuatik.
Metode ini diperlukan untuk melakukan pemantauan efisien sumber daya air
agar kualitas air yang dikelola dalam ekosistem akuatik menghasilkan hasil
yang baik, dimana kualitas air tersebut tidak terkontaminasi yang nantinya
menimbulkan sumber penyakit pada manusia dan organisme lainnya.
Metode Biomonitoring memantau kualitas air berdasarkan pada variasi dalam
respon organisme dengan adanya polutan. Banyak jenis organisme, seperti
ikan, ganggang, sel hidup, Daphnia spp. dan berbagai invertebrata telah
digunakan sebagai bioindikator karena mereka menanggapi efek toksik dari
logam berat dan kontaminan lainnya dalam lingkungan akuatik. Bakteri
sulfur-oxidizing (SOB) telah digunakan sebagai bioindikator untuk
mendeteksi logam berat dan bahan kimia beracun lainnya dalam air. Dalam
air yang tidak tercemar, SOB mengoksidasi unsur belerang untuk asam sulfat
di bawah kondisi aerobik. Produksi ion hidrogen dari reaksi ini menurunkan
pH air, sementara SO2 meningkatkan konduktivitas listrik air. Namun,
aktivitas SOB menghambat adanya bahan kimia beracun, yang
mengakibatkan peningkatan pH dan penurunan konduktivitas listrik air.
Dalam studi ini, berbasis SOB online toksisitas-sistem monitoring
(menggunakan SOB sebagai bioindikator) dikembangkan di dekat sungai
untuk menguji dan mengevaluasi sistem monitoring SOB dengan memantau
aliran air alami selama lebih dari enam bulan. Sistem ini diuji oleh air limbah
babi dan polutan lainnya.

1.2 Rumusan Masalah

1. Bagaimana cara kerja sistem monitoring?

2. Bagaimana keunggulan dan kelemahan dalam menggunakan teknologi

1.3 Tujuan

1. Mengetahui cara kerja sistem monitoring

2. Mengetahui kelemahan dan keunggulan sistem tersebut


2.1 Deskripsi Teknologi SCMR

Sistem Monitoring dipasang di sebuah stasiun Monitoring di dekat

Sungai Bukhan di Chuncheon, Korea. Air dipompa dari Sungai ke tangki
influent di Stasiun sampai meluap (air di dalam tangki adalah influent untuk
sistem Monitoring). Tiga reaktor persegi identik (masing-masing reaktor
bekerja Vol.: 70 mL) dibangun dari akrilik. Reaktor yang dikemas dengan 50
mL (82 g) partikel belerang dari SMCR, dan udara diperkenalkan dari bagian
bawah reaktor pada laju aliran 200 mL/menit. Reaktor ditempatkan di dalam
inkubator yang dipertahankan pada 40 C. Biosensor SOB dioperasikan
dalam mode kontinyu dan semicontinuous (dijelaskan secara rinci di bawah
Pompa, katup, pemanas, dan EC meter dimonitor atau dikendalikan
menggunakan programmable logic controller (PLC) dan HMI Software
(SCADA, KDTSYSTEMS, sungnam, Korea). Panel depan pengaturan PLC
dirancang dengan layar sentuh, yang memungkinkan kita untuk mengontrol
pengoperasian Sistem Monitoring.

 Reaktor SOB (R1) dioperasikan dalam mode kontinu, seperti sebelumnya

dijelaskan oleh. Dalam mode ini, aliran air itu terus dipompa ke reaktor
SOB menggunakan peristaltic pompa, yang menyediakan waktu retensi
hidrolik 30 menit.
 Dua lainnya reaktor SOB (R2 dan R3) dioperasikan di semicontinuous
seperti yang dijelaskan oleh Gurung et al. (2012).
Dalam hal ini , air dipompa ke reaktor SOB di 60 mL/menit. Reaktor R2
menerima 0,5 menit cepat makan dengan 30 menit reaksi waktu dengan
SOB, sementara reaktor R3 menerima 0,5 min dari cepat akan (dimulai
15 menit setelah reaksi R2 telah dimulai) diikuti waktu reaksi 30 menit
dengan SOB.
 Ketiga reaktor itu dioperasikan dan diberi makan dengan air sungai yang
relatif tidak tercemar untuk dari enam bulan untuk menguji sistem.
Biosensor kemudian diberi makan dengan air limbah babi diencerkan

(diencerkan 50:1) sebagai racun. Di kemudian hari percobaan, yang SOB
biosensor diberi makan dengan baik 30 mg/LNO2-N atau 2 mg/L Cr6þ
sebagai toxicants.

A schematic representation of SOB biosensor.

2.2 Tujuan Teknologi SCMR

Teknologi ini akan sangat berguna dalam melakukan evaluasi dampak

pembangunan terhadap kehidupan perairan. Mendapatkan gambaran
perubahan struktur dan keanekaragaman biologis suatu perairan akibat
terjadinya pencemaran di lahan perairan tersebut.

2.3 Arah Pengembangan

Teknologi ini dikembangkan dengan menggunakan bioreaktor mode

fed-batch yang telah dimodifikasi dan dikombinasikan dengan bakteri SOB.
Pengembangan teknologi ini ditujukkan untuk wilayah perairan yang dekat
dengan kawasan industri. Teknologi ini digunakan sebagai tanda untuk
mengetahui kualitas perairan tersebut akibat buangan limbah industri, selain
dapat digunakan sebagai tanda kualitas perairan teknologi ini juga mampu

digunakan untuk meminimalisir polutan akibat limbah buangan industri berkat
adanya bakteri SOB di dalam reaktor tersebut.

2.4 Keunggulan Teknologi SCMR

Sistem SOB ini sederhana untuk, lebih sensitif terhadap polutan, lebih
mudah dan lebih ekonomis untuk beroperasi, dan relatif lebih murah. Sistem
biomonitoring yang diciptakan dan diuji dapat diintegrasikan ke dalam
keamanan air dan jaringan keamanan sebagai komponen dari peringatan
dini, sistem online yang dengan cepat memperingatkan manajer air jika
adanya kehadiran bahan kimia beracun dalam air.

2.5 Kelemahan Teknologi SCMR

Sistem Monitoring toksisitas dioperasikan selama lebih dari enam bulan

dengan aliran air sebagai influent. Akan tetapi, sistem SOB tidak bisa
mendeteksi toksisitas dalam aliran air yang relatif tidak tercemar alami.
Polutan dan kontaminan, termasuk logam berat berada di bawah standar
kualitas air yang tidak terdeteksi dalam air sungai.


Hassan, S. H. A., A. Gurung., W. Kang., B. S. Shin., M. Rahimnejad., B. H.

Jeon., J. R. Kim., S. E. Oh. 2019. Real-time monitoring of water quality of
stream water using sulfur- oxidizing bacteria as bio-indicator.
Chemosphere. 223.

Chemosphere 223 (2019) 58e63

Contents lists available at ScienceDirect

journal homepage:

Real-time monitoring of water quality of stream water using sulfur-

oxidizing bacteria as bio-indicator
Sedky H.A. Hassan a, b, Anup Gurung a, Woo-chang Kang a, Beom-Soo Shin c,
Mostafa Rahimnejad d, Byong-Hun Jeon e, Jung Rae Kim f, Sang-Eun Oh a, *
Department of Biological Environment, Kangwon National University, 192-1 Hyoja-2-dong, Gangwondo, Chuncheon, 200-701, South Korea
Botany & Microbiology Department, Faculty of Science, New Valley University, 72511, El-Kharga, Egypt
Department of Biosystems Engineering, Kangwon National University, Gangwon-do, South Korea
Biotechnology Research Lab., Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Noshirvani University, Babol, Iran
Department of Natural Resources and Environment Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, 133-791, Republic of Korea
School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Pusan National University, Busan, 46241, Republic of Korea

h i g h l i g h t s

 Biomonitoring of toxic chemicals is the most effective method in aquatic ecosystems.

 Real time monitoring system based on sulfur oxidizing bacteria has been developed.
 The SOB biosensor can detect toxic chemicals in continuous & semicontinuous modes.
 The addition of 2 mg/L Cr6þ to SOB biosensor results in complete inhibition of SOB.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In aquatic ecosystems, real-time water-quality (WQ) biomonitoring has become the most effective
Received 8 October 2018 technology for monitoring toxic events by using living organisms as a biosensor. In this study, an online
Received in revised form WQ monitoring system using sulfur oxidizing bacteria (SOB) was tested to monitor WQ changes in real-
9 January 2019
time in natural stream water. The WQ monitoring system consisted of three SOB reactors (one contin-
Accepted 12 January 2019
uous and two semi-continuous mode reactors). The SOB system did not detect any toxicity in relatively-
Available online 31 January 2019
unpolluted, natural stream water when operated for more than six months. When diluted swine
wastewater (50:1) was added to the influent of the reactors, the system detected toxic conditions in both
Nitrite ion (NO
the continuous and semi-continuous operational modes, showing 90% inhibition of SOB activity within
2 -N)
Biomonitoring 1 h of operation. The addition of 30 mg/L NO 2 -N or 2 mg/L of Cr

to the influents of SOB reactors
Chromium resulted in the complete inhibition of the SOB activity within 1e2 h. The results demonstrated the
Swine wastewater successful application of an SOB bioassay as an online toxicity monitoring system for detecting pollutants
Toxicity from stream or river waters.
© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction chromatography, high-performance liquid chromatography and

atomic absorption spectroscopy can be used to identify water
Contaminated water represents a source of disease in humans pollutants (e.g., heavy metals and other toxic chemicals) in water
and other organisms (Bae et al., 2012; Hassan et al., 2012) making (van Wezel et al., 2010; Hassan et al., 2012). Although these
efficient monitoring of water resources is necessary for reliably chemical-specific instruments are sensitive and quantitative
managing water quality (WQ) in aquatic ecosystems. Chemical- (Woutersen et al., 2011), they cannot provide comprehensive, real-
specific sensors or chemical instruments; such as gas time information on water samples containing complex chemical
compounds, each of which differs in its effects on aquatic ecosys-
tems (van der Schalie et al., 2001). Therefore, it is very crucial to
develop and improve existing toxicity monitring methods and tools
* Corresponding author. to proactively detect hazardous substances in aquatic ecosystems
E-mail address: (S.-E. Oh).
0045-6535/© 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S.H.A. Hassan et al. / Chemosphere 223 (2019) 58e63 59

(Kholodkevich et al., 2008). (water in the tank was the influent for the monitoring system).
In recent years, biomonitoring technologies have become Three identical rectangular reactors (each reactor working vol.:
viewed as the most appropriate methods for collecting real-time 70 mL) were constructed from acrylic. The reactors were packed
data of instantaneously ecologically relevant heavy metals in with 50 mL (82 g) of sulfur particles from the SMCR, and air was
aquatic ecosystems (Hansen, 2008; Zhou et al., 2008). In particular, introduced from the bottom of the reactor at a flow rate of 200 mL/
biomonitoring methods to continuously monitor water quality min. The reactors were placed inside an incubator maintained at
have been based on variations in the response of organisms to the 40  C. The SOB biosensors were operated in continuous and semi-
presence of pollutants (based on changes in the physiology and/or continuous modes (described in detail below). A schematic dia-
behavior of organisms) (Chen et al., 2012; Hassan et al., 2012). Many gram of the online toxicity-monitoring system, with its working
types of organisms, such as fish (Mishra et al., 2000), algae (Zhang module is shown in Fig. 1. The pumps, valves, heaters, and EC
et al., 2012), living cells (Wolf et al., 2013), Daphnia spp. meters were monitored or controlled using a programmable logic
(Guilhermino et al., 2000) and various invertebrates (Beyene et al., controller (PLC) and HMI software (SCADA, KDTSYSTEMS, Sung-
2009) have been used as bioindicators because they respond to the nam, Korea). The front panel of the PLC setup was designed with a
toxic effects of heavy metals and other contaminants in aquatic touch screen, which allowed us to control the operation of the
environments. monitoring system.
Recently, sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (SOB) have been used as SOB reactor (R1) was operated in continuous mode, as previ-
bioindicators for detecting heavy metals and other toxic chemicals ously described by (Van Ginkel et al., 2011). In this mode, stream
in water (Van Ginkel et al., 2011; Hassan et al., 2016). In unpolluted water was continuously pumped to the SOB reactor using peri-
water, SOB oxidizes elemental sulfur (Sº) to sulfuric acid (H2SO4) staltic pumps, which provided a hydraulic retention time of 30 min.
under aerobic conditions (Madigan et al., 2009). The production of The other two SOB reactors (R2 and R3) were operated in semi-
hydrogen ions (Hþ) from this reaction decrease the water pH, while continuous mode, as described by Gurung et al. (2012). In this
4 increases the electrical conductivity (EC) of the water (Hassan mode, water was pumped to the SOB reactors at 60 mL/min.
et al., 2012). However, activity of SOB is inhibited in the presence of Reactor R2 received 0.5 min of rapid feeding with 30 min of reac-
toxic chemicals, which results an increase in pH and a decrease in tion time with the SOB, while reactor R3 received 0.5 min of rapid
EC (Oh et al., 2011). Thus, changes in EC (in response to changes in feeding (begun 15 min after the reaction of R2 had begun) followed
the physiological activity of SOB) can be used to provide an by 30 min of reaction time with the SOB. All three reactors were
ecologically-relevant indicator of toxicity that can support standard operated and fed with relatively, unpolluted river water for more
toxicity tests using online biomonitors (Van Ginkel et al., 2010; than six months to test the system. The biosensors were then fed
Hassan et al., 2012, 2013). with diluted swine wastewater (diluted 50:1) as a toxicant. In later
SOBs are important bioindicator species because they can sense experiments, the SOB biosensors were fed with either 30 mg/L
a wide range of pollutants, from heavy metals to oxidized con- NO2 -N or 2 mg/L Cr

as toxicants. The reactions of the SOB
taminants (Gurung et al., 2011). In this study, an SOB-based online (indicated by the decrease in EC) were calculated according to
toxicity-monitoring system (using SOB as a bioindicator) was equation (1) (continuous mode) and equation (2) (semi-continuous
developed and installed near a stream to test and evaluate an SOB- mode):
monitoring system by monitoring the natural stream water for over In continuous mode:
six months. Also, the system was tested by spiking swine waste-
water and other pollutants such as NO 2 -N, and Cr

2. Materials and methods

ECout;t  ECout
2.1. Sulfur master culture reactor (SMCR)
Toxicity ¼ 1   100 (1)
ECss  ECin

SMCR operated in a fed-batch mode, the SMCR provided a where, ECss ¼ steady state EC value, ECin ¼ influent EC value,
consistent supply of SOB-attached sulfur particles. Aerobic, return- ECout,t ¼ EC at time ‘t’ after injection of toxicant, ECout ¼ EC of
activated sludge was used as an inoculum, which had been effluent after injection of toxicant.
collected from the Chuncheon Wastewater Treatment plant in In semi-continuous mode:
Chuncheon City (Gangwondo, Korea). The SMCR contained 500 g of
Sº (about 1e4 mm diameter) placed in a 1-L beaker and filled with
500 mL of tap water. Chlorine and chloramines in tap water were
removed by air sparging and adding activated carbon (200 mg/L)
before being added to the SMCR, and incubated at 30  C for four
days in batch mode. After incubating for four days, the SMCR was
operated in fed-batch mode (all the tap water was wasted and
500 mL of tap water was fed every two days). The SMCR was
operated under aerobic conditions, using a stone diffuser with a
flow rate of 1.5 L/min and incubated. A drop in pH and an increase
in EC indicated SOB growth in the SMCR. The SMCR was operated
for more than 30 days in fed-batch mode before being used in the
online toxicity monitoring system.

2.2. Monitoring system construction and operation

The monitoring system was installed in a monitoring station

near the Bukhan River in Chuncheon, Korea. Water was pumped
from the stream to an influent tank at the station until it overflowed Fig. 1. A schematic representation of SOB biosensor.
60 S.H.A. Hassan et al. / Chemosphere 223 (2019) 58e63

" # swine wastewater had high COD and BOD as 12,000e20,000 and
ECslope;t 4500e7500 mgL1, respectively. NHþ 
4 -N, T-P, Cl , TSS, and VSS were
Toxicity ¼ 1   100 (2)
ECslope; no inhibition 2500e4,000, 400, 2000e2,500, 3000e5,000, and
2500e3600 mgL1, respectively. Moreover, toxic heavy metals,
where, if toxicity value < 0%, then toxicity ¼ 0%. such as Cr6þ, Zn2þ, Cu2þ, Cd2þ, Ni2þ, Pb2þ, and As2þ were 0.08, 2.7,
1112.3, 0.005, 1.4, 0.31, and 0.01 mgL1, respectively.
2.3. Chemicals and analyses The toxicity monitoring system was operated for more than six
months with stream water as influent. However, the SOB system
All chemicals were of analytical grade. NO2-N (in the form of could not detect any toxicity in the relatively-unpolluted natural
NaNO2, Sigma-Aldrich) and Cr6þ (in the form of K2Cr2O7, Sigma- stream water. Pollutants and contaminants, including heavy metals
Aldrich) were used as toxic chemicals in the experiments. When were below established water-quality standards or were not
NO2 -N and Cr

were spiked to the influent, toxicity was moni- detected in the stream water (Table 1).
tored by measuring changes in EC. The reactors were also fed with Typical effluent EC values in the SOB reactors for either 12 h or 1
diluted swine wastewater and the resulting effluent EC values were month are shown in Fig. 2A and B, respectively. For the R1 reactor
monitored by an EC meter (M-Cubic Cooperation, Daejeon, Korea). operated under continuous mode, the effluent EC value remained
EC values and toxicities were automatically recorded at 2 min in- constant at app. 0.9e1.10 mS/cm, while the influent EC values were
tervals. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) and biochemical oxygen 0.2e0.25 mS/cm. This means that there was oxidation of sulfur to
demand (BOD), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphate (TP), total sol- sulfate by SOB. In the R2 and R3 reactors, during the period of rapid
uble salts (TSS), and volatile soluble salts (VSS), ammonia (NHþ
4 -N)
feeding (0.5 min) EC values sharply decreased to app. 0.56e0.6 mS/
were measured according to the standard methods (APHA, 1998). cm upon mixing with influent since influent EC is much lower than
Concentrations of Cl, NO  2 3-
3 -N, NO2 -N, SO4 , and PO4 -P were
ECs in reactors 2 and 3. During the 30-min reaction, EC increased
measured using an ion chromatograph (ICS-900, Dionex, USA). linearly to 1.37e1.47 mS/cm (R2) and to 1.55e1.67 mS/cm (R3).
Concentrations of dissolved heavy metals such as Cr6þ, Zn2þ, Cu2þ, After the SOB reactors had been operating for more than six
Cd2þ, Ni2þ, Pb2þ, and As2þ were measured by using ICP-AES (OP- months, diluted swine wastewater (50:1, stream water to waste-
TIMA 7300 DV, PerkinElmer, USA). water) was pumped into the reactors. Fig. 3A shows the effect of
swine wastewater on SOB activity in the reactors under both
3. Results and discussion continuous and semi-continuous modes. The diluted swine
wastewater was toxic to SOB since EC declined as soon as the
Physicochemical parameters of Bukhan river water and swine wastewater was introduced into the reactor. The toxicity of diluted
wastewater are shown in Table 1. The pH and EC of Bukhan stream swine wastewater could be explained by the existence of toxic
water were 7.7 ± 0.68, and, 98 ± 5 mS cm1, respectively. The NHþ 4-
heavy metals and other pollutants such as COD, NHþ 
4 -N, Cl , and
N, TN, NO3 -N, and COD were 0.104 ± 0.047, 1.9 ± 0.102, 1.26 ± 0.25
heavy metals (Table 1). In reactor R1, EC in effluent decreased to
and 2.7 ± 0.5 mg/L, respectively. However, heavy metals, such as that of the influent within about 1 h (influent EC of diluted swine
Cr6þ, Zn2þ, Cu2þ, Cd2þ, Ni2þ, Pb2þ, As2þ, and other organic pollut- wastewater was 1.4 mS/cm). This increase in influent EC could be
ants such as phenol, chloroform, dichloromethane, benzene, ethyl explained by the presence of ions in diluted swine wastewater. In
benzene, toluene, dibromochloromethane, 1.4-dioxane, tetra- reactors R2 and R3, EC also declined after adding the diluted, swine
chloroethylene, carbon tetrachloride, trichloroethylene, tetra- wastewater. In all the reactors, the EC of the effluent reached the EC
chloroethylene, were not detected. Pollutants and contaminants, of the influent (diluted swine wastewater) within approximately
including heavy metals were below established water-quality 1 h; thereafter, the EC value stabilized until stream water (without
standards or were not detected in the stream water. In contrast, swine wastewater) was pumped into the reactors. The SOB reactors
were filled with diluted swine wastewater for nearly 2 h and were
then filled with unpolluted stream water (i.e., without swine
wastewater). In less than 1 h after filling with unpolluted stream
Table 1 water, the EC of the effluent increased in all reactors, while the EC of
Physicochemical parameters of Bukhan river and swine waste water. the influent declined to match that of the stream water and then
Parameters Bukhan river Swine wastewater stabilized. These results indicate the possibility of the recovery of
pH 7.7 ± 0.68 8.3 ± 0.53
the SOB biosensor after addition of stream water. Similar results
EC (mS cm1) 98 ± 5 e were observed by Gurung et al. (2011) who, revealed that the SOB
TSS (mg L ) e 3000e5000 biosensor could be recover from the toxicity of textile industry
VSS (mg L1) e 2500e3600
NHþ 1
4 -N (mg L ) 0.104 ± 0.047 2000e4000
COD (mg L1) 2.7 ± 0.5 12,000e20000
Cl (mg L1) 29 ± 2.6 2000e2500
T-N (mg L ) 1.9 ± 0.102 3000e4500
NO3 -N (mg L ) 1.26 ± 0.25 e
T-P (mg L1) 0.013 ± 0.008 400
BOD (mg L1) 1.4 ± 0.1 4500e7500
TOC (mg L1) 1.9 ± 0.5 e
Cr6þ (mg L1) ND 0.08 ± 0.001
Zn2þ (mg L1) ND 2.7 ± 0.03
2þ 1
Cu (mg L ) ND 112.3 ± 1.3
Cd2þ (mg L1) ND 0.005 ± 0.0001
2þ 1
Ni (mg L ) ND 1.4 ± 0.01
Pb2þ (mg L1) ND 0.31 ± 0.03
As2þ (mg L1) ND 0.01 ± 0.0001
Mg2þ (mg L1) e 39.5 ± 0.4
Ca2þ (mg L1) e 27.2 ± 0.3
Fig. 2. Typical results showing the stabilized EC values of SOB reactors: (A) 12 h and
ND ¼ not detected., - ¼ not available
(B) 1 month.
S.H.A. Hassan et al. / Chemosphere 223 (2019) 58e63 61

Fig. 3. Responses of SOB to diluted swine wastewater: (A) effect on EC and (B) toxicity
due to swine wastewater. Fig. 5. (A) Effect of NO2-N on EC and (B) toxicity of NO2-N on the SOB activity.

effluent after dilution (100:1) as the concentration of toxic chem- the next experiment (flushing with stream water and adding sulfur
icals is very low, thereby reducing the toxicity. particles from the SMCR), the system was spiked with 30 mg/L
As determined by the slope-intercept calculation (equation (2)), NO 
2 -N. Fig. 5 shows the effect of NO2 -N on SOB activity. As soon as

we found diluted swine wastewater was toxic to SOB. That is, we the NO 2 -N was spiked to the reactors, SOB activity was inhibited (as
found that when the diluted, swine wastewater was added to evidenced by continuous decline in EC in the effluent EC) (Fig. 5A).
reactor R2, EC decreased from approximately 22 mS/cm/min to In reactor R1, the addition of NO 2 -N decreased the EC of the

12 mS/cm/min within 1 h (indicating a die-off of SOB). In reactor R3, effluent until it matched the EC of the influent EC after about 3e4 h
EC decreased from 30 mS/cm/min to 10 mS/cm/min within an hour. of operation. Similarly, in both reactors R2 and R3, EC rapidly
In continuous mode, swine wastewater was also very toxic to SOB, declined until the EC of the effluent matched that of the influent
reaching almost 100% (Fig. 3B), while in the R2 and R3 reactors (within approximately 4 h). The pattern of toxicity (SOB) response
(semi-continuous operation), the maximum rate of toxicity to NO 2 -N was very similar to that of the SOB response after Cr

attained was approximately 80%. These results reveal that SOB is addition. NO 2 -N caused an average toxicity of approximately 95% to

very sensitive to contaminants in aquatic environments. After the the SOB (Fig. 5B). The impact of NO 2 -N on toxicity persisted for

swine wastewater experiment, the reactors were filled with only 4e5 h even after relatively unpolluted stream water had been
stream water to clean the reactors. Sulfur particles in the reactors flushed through the reactors.
were then replaced with sulfur from the SMCR to prepare for the Some known heavy metals such as Cr6þ and Cu2þ cause cellular
next experiment. toxicity related to protein damage, oxidative damage, DNA damage,
After resumption of pumping of stream water to the reactors (to and membrane leakage (Abskharon et al., 2010; Van Ginkel et al.,
obtain a baseline EC), Cr6þ (toxicant) was introduced to the re- 2011). Toxic effects of NO 2 -N or Cr

could be explained by the
actors. Fig. 4 (A and B) shows the effect of Cr6þ on SOB activity. As free, protonated, undissociated form (HNO2, H2Cr2O7). The pKa
soon as 2 mg/L Cr6þ was added to the influent, the EC of the effluent value of HNO2 is 3.1, while, H2Cr2O7 has two pKa's: 0.2 and 6.51.
gradually decreased in all reactors (Fig. 4A). In the R1 reactor When pH < pKa, these acids are predominantly protonated and
(continuously-fed), approximately 50% of the SOB activity was capable of entering the bacterial cell and deprotonate at the higher
inhibited after 4 h of operation. In the R2 and R3 reactors (semi- pH inside the cell. This raises intracellular Hþand acts as an un-
continuously fed), EC decreased sharply after introduction of Cr6þ coupler, thereby weakening the proton motive force for energy
to the system. The effluent's EC equaled the influent's EC in all the conservation (Ma et al., 2010; Van Ginkel et al., 2011). The high
reactors after 6 h of operation. Cr6þ was more toxic to SOB than sensitivity of the SOB biosensor at low concentrations could be
swine wastewater because the recovery period was quite pro- related to its low operating pH. In addition, under acidic conditions,
longed after spiking with Cr6þ. Percent toxicity also increased NOþ or NO radicals form spontaneously from NO 2 . The suscepti-

immediately after the reactors were fed with the toxicant. The bility of bacteria to the toxicity of NO2 e results fom the formation
toxicity value was higher in the R2 reactor than in the R1 and R3 of metal nitrosyl complexes that occurs when NOþ or NO radicals
reactors, but in all the reactors, toxicity persisted even after the interact with bacterial enzymes (Zumft, 1993). The nitrosyl com-
system was fed with relatively unpolluted stream water. plexes are more toxic than that of NO 2 -N itself (Van Ginkel et al.,

After the reactors were again returned to baseline condition for 2011).
The sulfur particles in the reactors must be replaced with the
sulfur particles in the SMCR when toxic chemicals are introduced to
the reactors and SOB activity is inhibited. Fig. 6 shows the typical
change in EC after the sulfur particles were replenished. Right after
the replenishment, the pattern of EC became more or less irregular,
but EC maintained a stable, baseline pattern showing no lag phase.
In recent years, biomonitoring systems have been developed to
monitor water quality in real-time in aquatic environments
(Kholodkevich et al., 2008; Storey et al., 2011). Despite recent ad-
vances in both biomonitoring capabilities and communication
technologies, there is as yet no universally-accepted monitoring
procedure for assessing water quality and detecting toxic sub-
stances in aquatic environments (Storey et al., 2011; Bae and Park,
2014). Although many biomonitoring methods incorporate micro-
sensors (Waich et al., 2007) and use nanotechnology (Riggs et al.,
Fig. 4. (A) Effect of Cr6þ on EC and (B) toxicity of Cr6þ to SOB.
62 S.H.A. Hassan et al. / Chemosphere 223 (2019) 58e63


This research was supported by Korea Ministry of Environment

as “The SEM project: 2018002450001” and by a 2016 Research
Grant from Kangwon National University (No. D1000866-01-01)
This subject is supported.


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