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NIM : 191136


Seorang ahli bedah ortopedi

Tuan. Andrew adalah seorang dokter, dia adalah seorang ahli bedah ortopedi, dan dia bekerja di Ameze pusat medis.

Sebagian besar pasiennya bermasalah dengan tulang dan persendian. Pasien dengan sistem

muskuloskeletal seperti: patah, dislokasi (persendian), dan keseleo selalu dating kepadanya untuk

mendapat perawatannya. Dan untuk pasien, yang memiliki penyakit serius mereka harus dirawat

di bangsal ortopedi kemudian menjalani operasi/bedah. Ada banyak bangsal di rumah sakit

seperti, bangsal medis, bangsal bedah, bangsal ortopedi dan bangsal bersalin.

Beberapa perawat membantunya merawat pasiennya di rumah sakit itu. Nina, Merry,

dan Lenny adalah perawat. Mereka bekerja di bangsal ortopedi juga. Mereka mengurus semua

pasien di bangsal ortopedi. Ada 3 shift disana, pagi, sore, dan shift akhir (malam). Setiap pagi,

mereka melakukan beberpa pekerjaan keperawatan seperti; mengukur tanda-tanda vital pasien

( suhu, tekanan darah, nadi, tingkat pernafasan). Obat injeksi, memberika obat oral, pemasangan

infus, membalut luka dan juga menemani dokter mengunjungi pasien. Dr. Andrew tidak bekerja

sendiri di Amaze pusat medis tetapi juga ada banyak jenis dokter spesialis yang bekerja di rumah

sakit, mereka adala dokter kulit, ahli jantung, dokter anak, ahli bedah, dll. Setiap dokter memiliki

kemampuan dan mereka harus bekerja secara profesional.


1. Whats is the name of hospital? The hospital name is Amaze Medical Center.
2. What is Mr. Andrew? He is an orthopedic surgeon.
3. Who is his patient? Patient with musculoskeletal system such as; fracture, dislocation, and sprain.
4. why his patient need to be hospitalized? Because his patient have serious illness, they
must hospitalized in orthopedic ward then get operation/surgey.
5. Who help Mr. Andrew? And who are they? Someone help Mr. Andrew are Nina, Merry,
and Lenny. They are nurses.
6. Where do they work? They work in orthopedic ward too.
7. How many shift does the hospital have? There are 3 shift there, morning, afternoon, and
late shift.
8. What are their job in the morning shift? Every morning, they do some nursing jobs such
as: measuring the patients vital signs (temperature, blood pressure, pulse, repiration rate)
injecting medicines, giving oral medicines, applying infusion, wound dressing and also
accompanying a doctor in visiting the patients.
9. Who else works in the hospital? There are many kinds of specialist doctor work in the
hospital, they are dermatologist, cardiologist, pediatrician, surgeon, etc.
10. How many wards in the hospital? An what are they? They are many wards in that
hospital such as; medical ward, surgical ward, orthopedic ward, and maternity ward.

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