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NAMA : ______________________________________________________

1. Di akhir pekan, keluarga Sadako selalu pergi 5.

Tidak semua tempat wisata yang dikunjungi
terletak di luar kota.
Simpulan yang tepat tentang kegiatan keluarga
Sadako di akhir pekan adalah ...
A. Selalu pergi berwisata bukan di luar kota
B. Selalu pergi berwisata di luar kota
C. Tidak selalu berwista, kecuali bukan di luar
D. Tidak selalu berwisata, kecuali di luar kota 6. Diketahui segitiga ABC mempunyai panjang
E. Selalu pergi berwisata, di luar kota atau sisi AC = b cm, BC = a cm dan a+b = 12 m. Jika
bukan di luar kota sudut A sebesar 600 dan sudut B sebesar 300,
maka panjang sisi AB = … cm
2. Kelapa : Santan = Biri-biri : ... A. −12√3 − 12
A. Wol B. 12√3 − 12
B. Kapas C. 12 − 6√3
C. Sutra D. 12 + 6√3
E. 12√3 + 12
D. Katun
E. Ternak
2𝑥 −2 9 3𝑥
7. Jika matriks A = ( ), B = ( ) dan
𝑥 3𝑦 + 2 8 −4
3. (1) Angka kematian ibu akibat kehamilan 5 6
C=( ) memenuhi A + B = C t dengan C t
usia muda masih tergolong tinggi −8 7
transpose matriks C, maka 2x + 3y = ….
(2) pemerintah mengkaji ulang
A. 3
peraturan perundangan yang mengatur
B. 4
batasan minimal usia menikah
C. 5
Manakah di bawah ini yang menggambarkan
D. 6
hubungan pernyataan (1) dan (2)?
E. 7
A. Pernyataan (1) adalah penyebab dan
pernyataan (2) adalah akibat.
8. Suatu SMA unggulan akan menyusun tim
B. Pernyataan (2) adalah penyebab dan
cerdas cermat yang beranggotakan 2 siswa IPS
pernyataan (1) adalah akibat
dan 3 siswa IPA. Jika di SMA tersebut terdapat
C. Pernyataan (1) dan (2) adalah penyebab,
4 siswa IPS dan 5 siswa IPA yang berprestasi,
namun tidak saling berhubungan
maka komposisi tim cerdas cermat dapat
D. Pernyataan (1) dan (2) adalah akibat dari
dibentuk dengan ….. cara
dua penyebab yang tidak saling
A. 20
B. 30
E. Pernyataan (1) dan (2) adalah akibat dari
C. 60
suatu penyebab yang sama.
D. 90
E. 360
4. 11, 16, 23, 34, 39, 46, 57, 62, ...
A. 67
9. Jika g(x) = 2x + 4 dan (gof)(x) = 2x2 + 4x + 6, maka
B. 69
(fog)(1) adalah …
C. 71
A. 36
D. 73
B. 39
E. 75
C. 46
D. 48

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NAMA : ______________________________________________________

E. 49 C. Memindahkan kata tabrakan antara truk dan

bus di Jalan Arteri itu ke setelah tandah koma
10. Seorang penjahit akan membuat 2 model (,)
pakaian. Dia mempunyai persediaan kain batik D. Menambahkan tanda koma (,) sebelum kata
40 meter dan kain polos 15 meter. Model A sehingga
memerlukan 1 meter kain batik dan 1,5 meter E. Menghilangkan kata untuk
kain polos, sedang model B memerlukan 2
meter kain batik dan 0,5 meter kain polos. Hutan merupakan penopang kelestarian kehidupan
Maksimum banyak pakaian yang mungkin di bumi karena tidak hanya menyediakan bahan
dapat dibuat adalah … pangan ataupun bahan produksi, melainkan juga
A. 10 menjadi penghasilk oksigen, penahan lapisan tanah,
B. 20 dan penyimpan cadangan air.
C. 22
D. 25 13. Kalimat tersebut menjadi kalimat baku apabila
E. 30 diperbaiki dengan cara...
A. Menambahkan tanda koma (,) sebelum kata
(1) Apabila menyoal dan memerhatikan karena
penempatan guru, khususnya guru bidang studi, B. Menulis kembali kata hutan setelah kata
kita sering menemukan adanya masalah karena
penempatan yang tidak sesuai dengan kebutuhan di C. Mengubah kata ataupun menjadi dan
lapangan. (2) Beberapa sekolah mendapatkan guru D. Mengubah kata melainkan menjadi tetapi
baru untuk bidang studi yang sudah cukup atau E. Mengubah kata penyimpan menjadi
bahkan sudah kelebihan. (3) Sementara itu, guru menyimpan
bidang studi yang dibutuhkan tidak didapat karena
terbatasnya jatah pengangkatan. Tanaman dapat menyerap gas-gas yang
membahayakan manusia karena memproduksi
11. Dalam paragraf di atas, terdapat bentukan kata oksigen melalui proses fotosintesis.
yang salah karena tidak sesuai dengan konteks
kalimatnya, yakni... 14. Kalimat tersebut merupakan perluasan dari
A. kata menyoal (kalimat 1). kalimat dasar...
B. kata memerhatikan (kalimat 1) A. Tanaman menyerap gas.
C. kata mendapatkan (kalimat 2) B. Gas membahayakan manusia.
D. Kata kelebihan (kalimat 2) C. Tanaman memproduksi oksigen.
E. Kata didapat (kalimat 3) D. Manusia menyerap oksigen.
E. Tanaman membahayakan.
Karena tabrakan antara truk dan bus di Jalan Arteri
itu terjadi pada malam hari dan tidak ada saksi mata, Sebelum diselenggarakan pemilihan model Rexa
sulit diidentifikasi penyebabnya sehingga polisi 2015, personalia perusahaan itu melakukan
tidak mudah untuk menentukan yang bersalah konsolidasi untuk menentukan kriteria lomba untuk
dalam peristiwa itu. mendapatkan pemenang yang lebih bermutu.

12. Kalimat di atas menjadi kalimat baku jika 15. Makna kata konsolidasi dalam kalimat di atas
diperbaiki dengan cara... adalah ...
A. Mengganti kata dan dengan kata dengan A. Pengondisian
B. Menambahkan kata maka sebelum kata sulit B. Penetapan
C. Penyaringan
D. Perundingan

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NAMA : ______________________________________________________

E. Peneguhan exclusivity under the guise of protection.

Homeschooling attempts to construct a word for the
A child that often does not match reality.
Schools are communities that not only
emphasize collective learning but also encourage 16. The idea of Passage A which is different from
sports and creativity in the form of extracurricular that in Passage B is ....
activities which serve as a utility to instill societal A. Danger of social gaps because of different
values into the next generation. Parents that teach socio-economic statuses.
their own children have less reason to do so. B. Parents involvement in children’s
Both society and the government have a right education in and outside schools.
to influence the child’s development, not only C. The government’s roles as a learning
because the government plays a part in protecting facilitator and a child protector.
the child, but because of the important role the future D. Importance for a child to interact with other
adult will play as a citizen of society. individuals in school.
Naturally, parents will have the right to E. Phenomena of a child’s exclusiveness and
influence the development of the child. But narrow-mindedness.
homeschooling allows parents to become sole
dictators of the child’s progress, which is harmful. 17. Both passages may be best summarized as ....
While some parents’ curriculum’ may be A. Educating children at home is more
aligned with that of the public, there are no suitable than sending them to formal
safeguards against parents that may teach their kids schools.
with beliefs that will raise them to become harmful B. Shcools should develop quality assurance
citizens. These beliefs can include gross intolerance so that children get the right education.
for particular monitory groups supported by false C. The government and schools are
information. responsible to ensure the creation of good
B D. Schools are the right place for children to
A crucial part of an education outside of the interact for social value internalization.
home is the interactional amongst the student that is E. Homeschooling should be discouraged for
used to prepare them to have construction its inability in fulfilling children’s need of
engagements with fellow citizens. Interacting with socialization.
other children who may be taught different belief
systems and come from different social-economic Text 3
statuses and religious or ethnic backgrounds prepare Sometimes, race and ethnicity are used
students for their future, where the potential, of interchangeably, but it is important to understand
having to deal with someone who is different is that they are two different things, else they would
almost inevitable. not have two different names. Race has been defined
While there may be attempts by parents to as, human pupulation, that is believed to be distinct
socialize their childeren through other means like in some way from other human beings based on real
joining sports teams or youth clubs, these or imagined physical differences. The race
organizations are centered around similarity. School classification is rooted more in the idea of biological
is a mizture that does not filter out student, and there classification of humans, based on the morphological
is an inherent social value to such a mix. features, such as skin color or facial characteristics.
Goverments have a duty to provide children More often than not, an individual is externally
with the potential to interact with other children of classified into a racial group, instead of the
different backgrounds. The only way to do this is to individual choosing, where he/she belongs as part of
eliminate systems like homeschooling that promote his/her identity. The whole concept of race and

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NAMA : ______________________________________________________

specific racial group is often controversial, because 19. What can be inferred from the passage about
of their impact on social identity and how the race and ethnicity?
identity influences a person’s position in the social A. Race is something that you are born with,
fabric. Some examples of race include, Chinese, the but ethnicity can be controlled to some
Indians, the Arabs, etc. The term ethnicity is derived extent
from the Greek word ethnos, which roughly B. Race and ethnicity are both innate
translates to ‘nation’. More commonly it is said to be characteristics
people of the same race, who share a distinctive C. Both race and ethnicity migh be the reasons
culture. In the modern day usage, the word ethnicity for discrimination.
is used to reflect the different kinds of encounters D. People can easily identify to which
industrialized states have with the different types of ethnicity a person belongs, but not to which
so called ‘subordinate’ groups, such as immigrants race he is affiliated
and colonized subjects. To explain it further, E. People cannot choose which ethnicity and
ethnicity refers not to the physical characteristics, but race they want to belong to
to the social traits, which are shared by a certain
group of human population. The distinction is 20. Which of the follwoing statements about the
examples of ethnicity include the Hispanics or the passage si FALSE?
between race and ethnicity is the fact ethnic A. The word race and ethnicity are
affiliations. To elaborate the point further, ethnically occasionally use to mean each other.
a person can be called Irish or Polish, but if the B. Race is based more on people’s physical
difference has to be made on the basis of race, then appearance.
the person is classified as black or white. The next C. The concept of racial labeling might lead to
fundamental difference is that race is socially social conflict
imposed and is also hierarchical. At the same time, a D. The term ethnicity has always been defined
person has no control over his or her race. It is more the same
about how you are perceived by others around you. E. Ethnicity is based more on people’s social
But when it comes to ethnicity, a person can have characteristics than physical ones
control over ethnicity up to a certain limit. We will
take an example to understand the point better. If a
person is born in India to Indian parents, but is
adopted by a French family in France, ethnically he
feels French, eats French food, culture, etc. However,
when the person travels to the United States, he is
treated racially as Asian.

18. What is the best title of the passage?

A. Race and Ethnicity, Similarities and
B. The differences between Race and Ethnicity
C. Race and Ethnicity are Used
D. The Definition of Race and Ethnicity
E. Race and Ethnicity: Some Common

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NAMA : ______________________________________________________


1. E
2. A
3. A
4. B
5. B
6. B
7. C
8. C
9. E
10. C
11. A
12. D
13. D
14. A
15. D
16. B
17. D
18. B
19. A
20. C

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