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Bullying meresahkan siswa

Akhir-akhir ini, Malang adalah kota yang menjadi fokus perhatian karena kasus bullying yang
terjadi di SMP Negeri 16 Malang. Keberadaan kasus intimidasi ini mencoreng dunia pendidikan
di Indonesia. Sedangkan siswa yang kebetulan belajar di sekolah bukannya mengambil tindakan
yang tidak seharusnya terjadi.Penyebab bullying anak-anak adalah faktor lingkungan pertama.
Seseorang yang bergaul dalam lingkungan yang buruk tanpa pertahanan diri yang kuat, ia lebih
mungkin dipengaruhi oleh sesuatu yang buruk. Kedua karena media sosial sangat bebas untuk
membuat anak-anak dapat mengakses film kekerasan atau tontonan yang tidak mengajarkan
perilaku yang baik. Ketiga, keharmonisan keluarga juga mempengaruhi sikap orang tersebut.
Jika kondisi keharmonisan sebuah keluarga buruk, anggota keluarga yang lain memiliki potensi
untuk mencari pelampiasan dan lain-lain. Menurut teman korban ,penindasan ini dimulai dari
lelucon di antara para siswa. Korban diangkat oleh temannya dan terbanting ke lantai sekolah
dalam keadaan terlentang. Beberapa pihak menyesalkan pengawasan guru terhadap siswa yang
dinilai kurang. Menurut Kepala Kepolisian Kota Malang, kejadian ini terjadi saat istirahat
sekolah dan teman-teman korban mengakui itu hanya lelucon. Setelah diintimidasi, korban sudah
masuk sekolah tetapi ia kemudian terpaksa dirawat di rumah sakit karena luka memar. Tidak
hanya itu, dua jari tengah tangan kanannya harus diamputasi karena jaringan di jarinya telah
diedit. Namun, kondisi jari-jari korban lebih baik sehingga amputasi dibatalkan. Dampak dari
intimidasi ini tidak hanya mempengaruhi kondisi fisik korban tetapi juga mentalnya yang dapat
membuat korban takut , depresi, cemas, tanpa nafsu makan, dll.Karena dampak bullying
sangatlah besar bagi korban, maka hal yang dapat kita lakukan untuk mencegah agar bullying
tidak lagi terjadi adalah lebih memerhatikan anak sebagai orang tua maupun guru di sekolah,
mengedukasi siswa dengan sosialisasi bahaya perilaku bullying, menghabiskan waktu dengan
hal2 positif misal ikut organisasi, membaca buku dll. Kesimpulannya, perilaku bullying
merupakan tindak kekerasan yang harus dicegah dan sebisa mungkin tidak akan terjadi lagi
pada anak- anak maupun orang dewasa.
a case of bullying in Malang
Lately, Malang is the city that become an attention focus because of the case of bullying that
have been occurred at Junior High School 16 Malang. The existence of this bullying case
tarnished the world of education in Indonesia. Whereas students who incidentally are to study
at school instead take actions that are not supposed to occur. The causes of children bullying
are the first environmental factors. A person who gets along in a bad environment without
strong self defense,he is more likely to be affected by something bad; secondly because social
media is so free to make children can access violent or spectacle films that don't teach good
behavior. Third, family harmony also affects to someone’s attitude. If the harmony condition of
a family is bad, the other family members have a potential to looking for an impingement and
etc. According to the victim's friends, the bullying starts from a joke between students. The
victim was lifted up by his friend and slammed on the school paving in a supine state. Some
parties deplored teacher supervision of students who were rated as lacking. According to the
Malang City Police Chief, this incident occurred during school breaks and the victim's friends
admitted it was only a joke. After being bullied, the victim had entered school but he was then
forced to be hospitalized because of a bruised wound. Not only that, two middle fingers of his
right hand had to be amputated because the tissues on his finger had died. However, the
condition of victim's fingers are being better so the amputation was canceled. The impact of
this bullying does not only affect the physical condition of the victim but also his mental which
can make the victim afraid, depressed, anxious, without appetite, etc. Because the impact of
bullying is very big for victims, then what we can do to prevent bullying happen again is
attention to children by pay attention to the child's social environment, educate students by
socialize the dangers of bullying behavior, spend time with positive things eg join organizations,
reading books etc. In conclusion, bullying is an act of violence that must be prevented in order
not happen again to children or adults.

Lately, Malang is the city that become an attention focus because of the case of bullying that
have been occurred at Junior High School 16 Malang.
1. Factors that cause bullying
A. Bad environment
B. Free social media access
C. Family harmony that is not good
2. Problems of occurrence
A. Bullying starts with jokes among students
B. The victim is slammed
3. Impact
A. Bruising on the victim's body
B. Mentally disturbed victim
4. Prevention advice
A. Give attention to children
B. Educate children
C. Fill time with positive things
In conclusion, bullying is an act of violence that must be prevented in order not happen again
to children or adults.

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