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Disusun Oleh : Kelompok 5

Amelia Avianti Saritjang 1109005067

I Putu Agus Antara Putra 1309005040

I Wayan Eka Darmawan 1309005050

Khoirul Nikmah 1309005075

Febio Tomasini Marciano Meus 1309005087

Mersy Rambu Maramba Ndiha 1309005127

I Putu Agus Indra Gunawan 1309005143





Laparotomy merupakan penyayatan pada dinding abdomen atau peritoneal atau dapat
diartikan sebagai pembedahan dinding abdomen melalui insisi ventral abdomen atau flank
(dinding perut samping). Laparotomy dapat dibagi menjadi bebrapa jenis, antara lain :
Laparotomy flank, medianus dan paramedianus. Masing-masing jenis Laparotomy ini dapat
digunakan sesuai dengan fungsi, organ target yang akan dicapai, serta jenis hewan yang akan
dioperasi. Untuk hewan besar, umumnya menggunakan laparotomy flank karena teknik ini
dapat meminimalisir terjadinya resiko prolapsus ataupun hernia, sedangkan hewan kecil
dapat menggunakan laparotomy medianus ataupun paramedianus. Laparotomy flank dapat
dibagi menjadi 2 yaitu: laparotomy flank kiri dan kanan. Laparotomy flank kiri merupakan
indikasi untuk operasi rumenotomi, abomasopexy, caesaria, splenectomi, reticulitis
traumatika , torsio uteri, dan lain-lain. Sedangkan laparotomy flank kanan digunakan indikasi
untuk operasi daerah intestinum, caecum, colon omentopexy sisi kanan dan abomasopexy.
Untuk sapi yang temperamennya tenang operasi dilakukan dengan posisi berdiri dengan
anestesi regional. Pada hewan kecil, laparotomi yang umumnya dilakukan adalah laparotomi
medianus dengan daerah orientasi pada bagian abdominal ventral tepatnya di linea alba.
Kata kunci : Laparotomy, Hewan Besar, Hewan Kecil

Laparotomy is an incision in the abdomen or peritoneal and can be interpreted as the ventral
abdominal surgery through an incision in the abdomen or flank. Laparotomy is divided into
several types, among others: flank laparotomy, median and paramedianus. Each type of
laparotomy can be used in accordance with the function, organ targets to be achieved, as well
as the type of animal to be operated. For large animals, generally using flank laparotomy
because this technique can minimize the risk of prolapse or a hernia, while small animals can
use a median laparotomy or paramedianus. Flank laparotomy can be divided into two: the left
and right flank laparotomy. Left flank laparotomy is an indication for surgery rumenotomi,
abomasopexy, Caesaria, splenectomi, reticulitis traumatic, uterine torsion, and others. used
right flank laparotomy indications for surgery area intestine, cecum, colon omentopexy right
side and abomasopexy. For cattle temperament quiet operation is performed in a standing
position with regional anesthesia. In small animals, laparotomy is generally done with the
area median laparotomy orientation on the part precisely in the ventral abdominal linea alba.
Key word :Laparotomy, Large Animals, Small Animals.


Puji syukur penulis ucapkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, atas limpahan rahmat-

Nya lah penulis dapat menyelesaikan paper ini secara maksimal dengan judul “Bedah

Abdominal : Teknik Operasi dan Indikasi Laparotomy “.

Paper ini dibuat guna memenuhi tugas untuk mata kuliah Ilmu Bedah Khusus yang

penulis ikuti di Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, Universitas Udayana.

Tidak lupa, penulis ucapkan terima kasih kepada dosen pengampu mata kuliah Ilmu

Bedah Khusus untuk segala bimbingan dan dukungannya. Selain itu, penulis juga

mengucapkan terima kasih kepada segala pihak yang turut serta membantu dalam pembuatan

paper ini sehingga paper ini dapat selesai tepat pada waktunya. Karena paper ini belum

sepenuhnya sempurna, maka penulis membutuhkan kritik dan saran yang bersifat


Denpasar, 5 Oktober 2016



RINGKASAN ........................................................................................................................ i
KATA PENGANTAR .......................................................................................................... ii
DAFTAR ISI........................................................................................................................ iii
DAFTAR GAMBAR ........................................................................................................... iv
DAFTAR LAMPIRAN ..........................................................................................................v
1.1 Latar Belakang........................................................................................................1
1.2 Rumusan Masalah ..................................................................................................1
2.1 Tujuan Penulisan ....................................................................................................2
2.2Manfaat Penulisan ..................................................................................................2
3.1Pengertian Laparotomy ...........................................................................................3
3.2Tujuan dan Manfaat Laparotomy ............................................................................3
4.1Persiapan pre-operasi Laparotomy ..........................................................................5
4.2Teknik dan Indikasi Laparotomy pada Hewan Besar..............................................5
4.3Teknik dan Indikasi Laparotomy pada Hewan Kecil ..............................................7
4.4Perawatan Pasca Laparotomy ................................................................................13
5.1Simpulan ................................................................................................................14
5.2Saran ......................................................................................................................14
DAFTAR PUSTAKA ..........................................................................................................15


Gambar 1 ................................................................................................................................6
Gambar 2 ................................................................................................................................7
Gambar 3 ................................................................................................................................7
Gambar 4 ................................................................................................................................8
Gambar 5 ................................................................................................................................9
Gambar 6 ................................................................................................................................9
Gambar 7 ................................................................................................................................9
Gambar 8 ..............................................................................................................................10
Gambar 9 ..............................................................................................................................10
Gambar 10 ............................................................................................................................10
Gambar 11 ............................................................................................................................11
Gambar 12 ............................................................................................................................11
Gambar 13 ............................................................................................................................11
Gambar 14 ............................................................................................................................12
Gambar 15 ............................................................................................................................12
Gambar 16 ............................................................................................................................12


Lampiran 1. Exploratory Laparotomy in the Dog & Cat

Lampiran 2. Comparative Evaluation of Midventral and Flank Laparotomy Approaches in
Lampiran 3. Two-step protocol for surgical treatment of complicated or bilateral perineal
hernia in dogs: Laparotomy followed by herniorrhaphy


1.1 Latar Belakang

Laparatomi merupakan suatu tindakan operasi yang lokasinya berada pada daerah
abdomen. Menurut Jong dan Sjamsuhidayat (2004) bedah laparatomi merupakan
teknik sayatan yang dilakukan pada daerah abdomen yang dapat dilakukan pada
bedah digestif dan kandungan.
Laparatomi terdiri atas laparatomi flank, laparatomi medianus dan laparatomi
paramedianus. Laparatomi flank terbagi menjadi flank kanan dan flank kiri.
Laparatomi flank kiri untuk melihat organ abomasum, rumen, dan uterus. Sedangkan
laparatomi flank kanan untuk melihat organ abomasum, omentum, intestine, caecum,
kolon, dan uterus kanan. Sehingga laparotomy jenis ini lebih umum dilakukan pada
hewan besar, sedangkan kedua jenis laparotomy yang lain (laparotomy medianus dan
paramedianus) sering dilakukan pada hewan kecil. Dari ketiga laparotomy tersebut,
memiliki keuntungan masing-masing. Laparotomi dengan menggunakan metode
medianus, keuntungannya adalah mudah dalam menemukan daerah yang akan disayat
dengan melihat linea alba dan umbilicalis. Selain itu daerah tersebut jarang terjadi
pendarahan. Tetapi dengan melakukan laparatomi medianus ini, kemungkinan akan
terjadinya hernia cukup tinggi. Hal tersebutlah yang melatar-belakangi penulis untuk
membuat paper ini, sehingga mahasiswa mampu menentukan metode yang digunakan
dalam tindakan operasi laparotomy sesuai yang dianjurkan dan meminimalisir
terjadinya kesalahan dalam kerja.
1.2 Rumusan Masalah
Adapun rumusan masalah dari paper ini, sebagai berikut :
1. Apa saja yang dipersiapkan pada pre-operasi laparotomy?
2. .Bagaimana teknik dan indikasi laparotomy pada hewan besar?
3. Bagaimana teknik dan indikasi laparotomy pada hewan kecil?
4. Bagaimana cara perawatan pasca laparotomy?



2.1 Tujuan Penulisan

Adapun tujuan dari penulisan ini, antara lain :

1. Untuk mengetahui yang dipersiapankan pada pre-operasi laparotomy,

2. Untuk mengetahui teknik dan indikasi laparotomy pada hewan besar,

3. Untuk mengetahui teknik dan indikasi laparotomy pada hewan kecil,

4. Untuk mengetahui cara perawatan pasca laparotomy.

2.2 Manfaat Penulisan

Manfaat yang dalam penulisan paper ini didapat secara luas. Diantaranya

manfaat yang didapat untuk penulis sendiri adalah, menambah wawasan tentang

bedah. Terutama bedah abdominal berupa teknik operasi dan indikasi laparotomy

pada hewan kecil dan besar. Selain itu, manfaat lain juga didapat untuk teman sejawat

atau mahasiswa yaitu, memberikan informasi baru tentang perkembangan ilmu bedah

yang mungkin belum didapatkan pada bangku perkuliahan.



3.1 Pengertian Laparotomy

Laparotomy(celiotomy) berasal dari dua kata terpisah, yaitu ‘laparo’ yang

berarti rongga perut/abdomen dan ‘tomi’ yang berarti penyayatan. Laparotomy

didefinisikan sebagai penyayatan pada dinding abdomen atau peritoneal atau dapat

diartikan sebagai pembedahan dinding abdomen melalui insisi ventral abdomen atau

flank (dinding perut samping).

Laparotomy terdiri dari beberapa jenis, antara lain : Laparotomy flank,

medianus dan paramedius. Masing-masing jenis Laparotomy ini dapat digunakan

sesuai dengan fungsi, organ target yang akan dicapai, serta jenis hewan yang akan

dioperasi. Pada umumnya, Laparotomy yang dilakukan terhadap hewan kecil

menggunakan Laparotomy medianus dengan daerah orientasi pada bagian abdominal

ventral tepatnya di linea alba. Organ-organ pada saluran pencernaan, saluran limfatik,

saluran urogenital dan saluran reproduksi merupakan organ tubuh yang berada dirung

abdomen. Semua organ tersebut dapat ditemukan dengan tekni operasi Laparotomy.

Pada hewan besar, umumnya menggunakan laparotomy flank. Laparotomy

flank merupakan pembedahan dinding abdomen samping. Terdapat dua macam

Laparotomy flank, yaitu Laparotomy flank kanan yang sering dilakukan untuk melihat

organ rumen dan operasi Caesar dan Laparotomy flank kiri digunakan untuk melihat

organ hati, kolon dan abomasum yang bergerak ke kanan.

3.2 Tujuan dan Manfaat Laparotomy

Laparotomy memiliki tujuan untuk pengobatan ataupun untuk meneguhkan

suatu diagnosa. Untuk hewan besar seperti sapi atau kuda posisi hewan seringkali
dalam keadaan berdiri tetapi untuk anjing atau kucing selalu dalam keadaan rebah
dorsal. Letak irisan pada hewan besar didaerah flank sedangkan anjing atau kucing

didaerah ventral abdomen. Tahapan yang harus diperhatikan untuk kelancaran operasi
atau kesuksesan operasi sebagai berikut :
1. Anestesi sebelum dilakukan harus betul sempurna , sehingga tidak ada rasa sakit
dan muskulus juga dalam keadaan relaksasi sempurna, bila ada rasa sakit maka isi
abdomen akan dihentakan dan berhamburan keluar.
2. Praktek antiseptika yang optimal, kalau tidak akan memperlama kesembuham
bahkan bisa berakiobat fatal.
3. Insisi yang dilakukan tidak boleh kurang tetapi tidak berlebihan, yang penting
dapat mengekspose organ yang dimaksud, bila terlalu kecil akan menyebabkan
trauma atau bisa sobek.
4. Jangan memperlakukan organ secara kasar karena akan menyebabkan edema atau
nekrosa jaringan.
5. Mengatasi perdarahan dengan baik, tampon,ligasi jangan membiasakan dengan
kauterisasi/panas api.Hemostasis yang jelek akan mempengaruhi pandangan
dokter pada obyek dan banyak kehilangan darah > 1/3 koma.
6. Kembangkan sikap dan trampil dalam operasi dan berorientasi pada hubungan
anatomi dan fisiologi struktur organ yang dioperasi.
7. Kerjasama yang harmonis dari team bedah.



4.1 Persiapan Pre-Operasi Laparotomy

1. Persiapan alat, bahan, dan obat
Sterilisasi alat dengan menggunakan autoclave selama 15 menit. Selain
itu, juga dipersiapkan alat bedah minor, towl klaim, pinset anatomis dan
2. Obat-obatan
Mempersiapkan obat-obatan yang digunakan, seperti desinfektan
(alcohol, iodine), preanastesi (atropine sulfat), sedative (cloropromazine,
xylazine), anastesi ( ketamine, lidokain), anti radang (vitamin K), cairan
infus (NaCL fisiologis, laktat einger) dan antibiotic (ampicillin, tetramycin)
3. Persiapan hewan
Memeriksa fisik hewan sebelum dilakukan operasi laparotomy. Hal ini
bertujuan jika terjadi hal yang tidak stabil maka dapat distabilkan terlebih
dahulu. Selain itu, hewan juga dipuasakan selama 12 jam agar hewan tidak
munrtah saat teranastesi.
4. Persiapan ruang operasi
Ruang operasi harus dibersihkan dengan desinfektan, meja operasi
didesinfeksi dengan menggunakan alcohol 70%. Penerangan ruang operasi
sangat penting untuk menunjang operasi.

4.2 Teknik dan Indikasi Laparotomy pada Hewan Besar

Laparatomi dilakukan dorso-lateral rongga perut atau di daerah fossa
paralumbal yaitu di flank kiri atau kanan. Sesuai dengan tempat irisan dibedakan
anterior dan posterior laparatomi. Pada hewan besar tidak dilakukan paramedian
atau median laparatomi karena adanya resiko akibat tekanan isi rongga abdomen
dan berat badan yang menyebabkan prolapsus ataupun hernia. Laparotomy dapat
dibagi menjadi 2, yaitu :

a. Laparatomi pada flank kiri
Indikasi : untuk operasi rumenotomi, abomasopexy, caesaria, splenectomi,
reticulitis traumatika , torsio uteri, dan lain-lain.
b. Laparatomi pada flank kanan
Indikasi : untuk operasi daerah intestinum, caecum, colon omentopexy sisi
kanan dan abomasopexy. Untuk sapi yang temperamennya tenang operasi
dilakukan dengan posisi berdiri dengan anestesi regional.
Teknik Operasi
Adapun teknik operasi laparotomi pada hewan besar (sapi) yaitu :
1. Lakukan anestesi regional(paravertebral ataupun epidural anestesi).
2. Rambut yang cukup panjang dicukur dan didesinfeksi pada daerah yang akan
3. Buat sayatan vertikal di tengah dari fossa paralumbal dan di bagian ventral
prosesus transversus vertebrae lumbalis.
4. Sayatan kulit di tekan secara halus, kemudian pisahkan kulit dengan subkutan
dari m.obliqus abdominis eksternus, lapisan ini juga disayat vertikal sampai m.
obliqus abdominis internus.
5. Sayatan dilanjutkan sampai m. abdominis transversus dan akan terlihat
peritoneum. Tindakan selanjutnya tergantung dari jenis operasinya.
6. Penutupan dilakukan lapis demi lapis dengan urutan pertama yaitu peritoneum
dengan pola jahitan menerus atau kombinasi menerus dengan jahitan matras
atau kombinasi dengan sederhana tunggal dengan catgut chromic ataupun
benang katun.

Gambar 1. Saluran pencernaan sapi

Gambar 2. Incisi pada daerah flank dexter

Gambar 3. Penutupan dinding perut (Peritoneum-Muskulus-Kulit)

4.3 Teknik dan Indikasi Laparotomy pada Hewan Kecil
Pada hewan kecil, laparotomi yang umumnya dilakukan adalah laparotomi
medianus dengan daerah orientasi pada bagian abdominal ventral tepatnya di linea
Macam Laparotomy:
1. Laparotomy Anterior (Dorsal/Cranial). Daerah insisinya antara umbilicus dan
cartilago xiphoideus.
2. Laparotomy Posterior (Ventral/Caudal). Daerah insisinya antara umbilicus dan
tepi pelvis (lihat gambar 4).

Gambar 4. Skema Laparotomi Anterior (A), Laparotomi Posterior (B), skema
potongan melintang muskulus abdomen anjing
Tempat Incisi
1. Incisi Garis Tengah Cranial (Cranial Midline/ Linea Mediana Cranial), mulai
dari umbilicus sampai cartilago xiphoideus.
Indikasi : Mencapai diaphragma, hepar, gaster dan pylorus.
2. Incisi Garis Tengah Caudal (Caudal Midline/ Linea Mediana Caudal) pada
hewan jantan.
Indikasi : Mencapai vesica urinaria, kelenjar prostat, colon dan abdomen bagian
3. Incisi Garis Tengah Caudal pada hewan betina, yang dimulai dari umbilicus
sampai tepi pelvis.
Indikasi : Mencapai ovarium, uterus, usus, vesica urinaria dan abdomen bagian
4. Incisi paramedian, di bagian lateral linea mediana melalui m. rectus abdominis.
Indikasi : mencapai ren, lien dan discus intervertebralis lumbalis.

Gambar 5. Macam-macam tempat incisi laparotomi

Gambar 6. Skema incisi Laparotomi pada anjing jantan dan betina

Teknik Operasi dan Indikasi
Operasi Langsung pada linea alba
1. Tandai bagian yang akan diinsisi, yakni processus xiphoideus pada bagian
cranial dan pubis pada bagian kaudal. Berikan jarak 5-10 cm dari garis tengah
tubuh sisi ventral kesisi lateral.

Gambar 7. Operasi step 1

2. Suntikan anestesi bupivakain IM (2 mg/kgBB) mulai dari garis tengah tubuh
sisi ventral bagian cranial sampai kaudal.

Gambar 8. Operasi Step 2

3. Lakukan insisi dengan teknik four corner draping. Pada hewan jantan
(anjing,kucing), pegang bagian preputium dengan forcep dan arahkan kebagian
lateral dari garis tengah tubuh untuk mencegah kontaminasi urin. Untuk
mengatasi permasalahan insisi, dapat dilakukan insisi pada bagian parapreputial,
sehingga memisakan otot prepusium. Pembuluh darah yang ada dapat diligasi
dengan elektrocautery diikuti dengan insisi untuk memperlihatkan linea alba pada
bagian tersebut.

Gambar 9. Operasi Step 3

4. Setelah insisi pada kulit, jepit pembuluh darah bagian subkutan dengan
electrocautery. Insisi otot rektus secara lateral untuk memperlihatkan linea alba.
Hindari menginsisi terlalu lebar untuk mencegah terbentuknya dead space dan
bentukan subsekuen serosa.

Gambar 10. Operasi Step 4

5. Buat tusukan kecil dengan scapel pada linea alba dan masukan satu jari untuk
memastikan tidak ada jaringan yang menempel pada bagian tersebut. Tusukan
tersebut membuatu darah akan masuk kedalam rongga perut dan menjauhkan
organ abdomen kearah dorsal.

Gambar 11. Operasi Step 5

6. Masukan pinset kedalam linea alba pada posisi yang telah dilubangi dan buat
insisi pada bagian atasnya dimulai dari posisi cranial kearah kaudal. Dengan
posisi ujung pinset mengarah kekranial.

Gambar 12. Operasi Step 6

7. Alternative lain untuk membuka rongga abdomen adalah dengan teknik
menjepit linea alba dengan pinset sehingga terangkat dan lakukan tusukan dengan
posisi bagian tajam scapel mengarah keatas.

Gambar 13. Operasi Step 7a

Gambar 14. Operasi Step 7b

8. Teknik membuka rongga abdomen dapat pula dilakukan dengan gunting

9. Setelah rongga abdomen terbuka, lindungi bagian yang dipotong dengan kain
khusus dan gunakan balfour retractor untuk membuka dan mempertahankan
bukaan abdomen.

Gambar 15. Operasi Step 9

10.Lakukan pemeriksaan pada organ abdomen secara sistematis.

Gambar 16. Operasi Step 10

11.Setelah pemeriksaan, cuci organ abdomen dengan cairan hangat (saline) dan
hisap saline dengan alat penghisap setelah selesai dicuci.

12. Tutup bagian abdomen dengan 3 lapisan jahitan.
 Bagian dalam ditutup dengan jahitan pola simple continue suture atau
simple interrupted suture. Bahan yang digunakan adalah polydioxanone
atau polygliconate. Pada waktu menutup linea alba, jahitan harus
dilakukan bersamaan dengan pembungkus otot rectus abdominis.
 Pada bagian subkutan, jahitan dilakukan dengan pola simple continue
suture dan bahan yang dipakai adalah material absorbable monofilament.
Ikatan yang dilakukan harus kuat dan tidak ada dead space. Karena itu,
perlu menjaga agar pada saat penjahitan dilakukan sedekat mungkin
(serapat mungkin).
 Pada bagian kulit dilakukan jahitan dengan pola simple continue suture
atau ford interlocking atau intradermal pattern with buried knots atau
dengan staples.

4.4 Perawatan Pasca Laparotomy

Perawatan pasca oprasi laparotomy pada hewan baik hean kecil maupun besar
dapat dilakukan dengan pemberian antibiotik topikal dan general, pemberian pakan
dan air yang cukup, perlindungan pada luka operasi, pemberian infus dan vitamin
jika diperlukan, serta pembukaan jahitan pada hari ke 10-14 pasca operasi.



5.1 Simpulan
Laparotomy merupakan penyayatan pada dinding abdomen atau peritoneal

atau dapat diartikan sebagai pembedahan dinding abdomen melalui insisi ventral

abdomen atau flank (dinding perut samping). Laparotomy terdiri dari beberapa jenis,

antara lain : Laparotomy flank, medianus dan paramedius. Pada hewan besar, jenis

laparotomy yang digunakan yaitu laparotomy flank sedangkan pada hewan kecil

menggunakan laparotomy medianus ataupun paramedius.

Laparotomy memiliki tujuan untuk pengobatan ataupun untuk meneguhkan

suatu diagnosa. Untuk hewan besar seperti sapi atau kuda posisi hewan seringkali

dalam keadaan berdiri tetapi untuk anjing atau kucing selalu dalam keadaan rebah

dorsal. Letak irisan pada hewan besar didaerah flank sedangkan anjing atau kucing

didaerah ventral abdomen.

Adapun beberapa hal yang harus dilakukan dalam laparotomy, antara lain:

persiapan pre-operasi, operasi laparotomy, dan perawatan pasca operasi laparotomy.

5.2 Saran
Untuk kepentingan pendiagnosaan ataupun pengobatan pada sapi ataupun

anjing yang berhubungan dengan abdominal, maka laparotomy dapat diberikan akan

tetapi laparotomy harus sesuai dengan prosedur yang telah ditetapkan agar tidak

terjadi kesalahan ataupun meminimalisir terjadinya infeksi sekunder akibat operasi

yang dilakukan.


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Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Journal of Veterinary Medicine
Volume 2014, Article ID 920191, 6 pages

Research Article
Comparative Evaluation of Midventral and
Flank Laparotomy Approaches in Goat

A. A. Abubakar,1 R. A. Andeshi,1 A. S. Yakubu,1 F. M. Lawal,1 and U. Adamu2

Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto 2346, Nigeria
Department of heriogenology and Animal Production, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto 2346, Nigeria

Correspondence should be addressed to A. A. Abubakar;

Received 29 May 2014; Revised 21 July 2014; Accepted 21 July 2014; Published 24 August 2014

Academic Editor: Vito Laudadio

Copyright © 2014 A. A. Abubakar et al. his is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

he aim of the study was to compare two laparotomy approaches (lank and midventral). Ten (� = 10) apparently healthy goats of
diferent breeds and sex, average age of 12 ± 2.1 months, and average weight of 13.4 ± 2 kg were used for the investigation. he goats
were randomly divided into lank and midventral groups, each group comprising ive goats (� = 5). Standard aseptic laparotomy
was performed under lumbosacral epidural anaesthesia with mild sedation. Postsurgical wound score showed signiicant diference
(� < 0.05) in erythema at 18–24 hours and 10–14 days ater surgery between the two approaches; signiicant diference of dehiscence
between the two groups was also recorded at 10–14 days ater surgery. Total white blood cells (WBC) and lymphocytes counts were
signiicantly diferent (� < 0.05) at the irst and second week ater surgery. here was signiicant diference of platelets critical value
and platelets dimension width at the irst and second week ater surgery. Signiicant diference of packed cells volume between
the two approaches was also recorded one week ater surgery. It was concluded that midventral laparotomy approach can be
conveniently and safely performed under aseptic precautions without fear of intra- and postoperative clinical problems.

1. Introduction for evisceration if wound dehiscence is to occur, and the

overlapping arrangement of the oblique muscles in the lank
Laparotomy in goat is an invasive surgical procedure into the helps maintain the integrity of the abdominal wall if wound
abdominal cavity that allows visual examination of abdom- complication occurs [7].
inal organs and documentation and correction of certain he lank laparotomy approach is the most widely used
pathologic abnormalities observed [1, 2]. Generally, it consti- among small ruminants surgeons for accessing abdominal
tutes the single largest group of surgical operations carried and pelvic organs. However, the approach is associated with
out in ruminants [3, 4]. Laparotomy is indicated for explo- some challenges: animals tend to rub the surgical site during
ration of abdominal and pelvic cavities and other surgical healing against available solid objects leading to loosening
procedures involving abdominal and pelvic organs; other of sutures and subsequently formation of wound dehiscence,
speciic indications are caesarean section, embryo transfer to prolonged lateral recumbency in goats under anaesthesia is
produce transgenic goats, ovariectomy, rumenotomy, aboma- associated with decrease in rumen stasis thereby predisposing
sotomy, ventral abdominal herniorrhaphy, intestinal resec- the animal to bloat and toxemic lactic acidosis, and the
tion, anastomosis, and cystotomy [5–11]. Two approaches accessibility to the distant organs (far proximal or distal to
(lank and midventral) have been recognized and are cur- the point of incision) is also limited [12]. We hypothesized
rently in use in both small and large animals surgery; that midventral laparotomy approach could be an alternative
however in ruminants lank approach is the most widely and to lank laparotomy approach without much intra- and
frequently practiced [1, 2]; due to the fact that surgical site postsurgical complications. To test this hypothesis we com-
can be visualized and observed from a distance and access pare the surgical wound assessment, intra- and postsurgical
healing, it was also reported to have reduced potential risk assessment, haematological proile, and subjective healing
2 Journal of Veterinary Medicine

interval of the two laparotomy approaches. he aim of the Table 1: Criteria used to score intraoperative and postsurgical
study was to compare and evaluate lank and midventral complications.
laparotomy approaches in goats.
0 1 2
2. Material and Methods Haemorrhage None Mild Severe
Seroma None Mild Severe
Ten (� = 10) apparently healthy goats free of any der-
matological lesions with average age of 12 ± 2.1 months Wound istula None Mild Severe
(mean ± SD), male and female of diferent breeds, and Incisional hernia None Mild Severe
average weight of 13.4 ± 2 kilograms (mean ± SD) were used
for the investigation. he goats were kept at the Usmanu
Danfodiyo University Veterinary Teaching Hospital facilities Each animal was placed on dorsal recumbency exposing the
and were conditioned for two weeks during which they were midventral region. Laparotomy was done through linea alba
evaluated and stabilized for surgery. During evaluation serial in all female goats with little paramedian incision at the level
blood sampling was done for comprehensive haematology to of prepuce in all the males according to standard procedure
ascertain that the goats are it for surgery and fecal sample described by [1, 3, 4]. he incision was closed routinely in
was also collected to ascertain the intestinal worms burden. three layers from within outward (linea alba, subcutaneous
he goats were maintained on daily ration comprising wheat layer, and skin) with the same suture materials as described
bran, bean husks, ground nut hay, and water ad libitum. he in FA group. he linea alba was closed using interrupted hor-
goats were randomly grouped into lank (FA) and midventral izontal mattress pattern with simple interrupted reinforce-
(MVA) approaches. Five (� = 5) goats were allocated to each ment. 5% acetaminophen injection 10 mg kg−1 intramuscular
group. (Cadence Pharmaceutical Inc., Ireland) was administered for
3 days ater surgery to take care of postoperative pain. Long
acting 15% amoxicillin injection 20 mg kg−1 (Vetrimoxin) was
2.1. Surgical Procedure. Feed and water were withdrawn from administered once ater surgery.
animals at least 12 hours prior to the surgery. he let lank
region of each goat in the FA group was prepared for routine
aseptic surgery by clipping the hairs around the proposed 2.1.1. Surgical Wound Assessment. he clinical appearance of
surgical site; the site was scrubbed with Purit solution the skin was assessed and scored twice: 18–24 hours and 10–14
containing chlorhexidine gluconate B. P. 0.3% W/V (Saro days ater surgery as described by [15] using 4-point scoring
Lifecare Limited, Lagos, Nigeria) and rinsed with methy- scale, based on the following criteria: discharge, swelling,
lated spirit (Binji Pharmaceutical Company, Sokoto, Nige- erythema, and dehiscence.
ria). Regional anesthesia was achieved with plain lignocaine
hydrochloride and lignocaine injection B. P. 2% (Sahib Singh 2.1.2. Haematology. Blood samples were collected from each
Agencies, Mumbai, India) at 4 mg kg−1 through lumbosacral animal in the two groups through the jugular vein ater
epidural anaesthesia as described by [13]. he epidural space thorough disinfection of the area with methylated spirit; the
was identiied by loss of resistance to injection of 1 mL of sample was collected using 5 mL syringe and needle into
air ater piercing the ligamentum lavum. Mild sedation EDTA bottles. he samples were collected before surgery
was achieved using xylazine 20 (xylazine HCl 20 mg mL−1 , as baseline, 18–24 hours ater surgery, and subsequently
on weekly interval till complete healing when sutures were
Kepro Holland) at 0.025 mg kg−1 intramuscular and atropine
removed. he samples were analyzed using digital auto-
sulphate 0.6 mg mL−1 (Laborate Pharmaceuticals India) at mated haemoanalyser (Full Automated Blood Cell Counter
0.05 mg kg−1 intramuscular as vagolytic agent. PCE-210, Erma Inc., Tokyo, Japan) according to procedure
Goats in FA group were placed on right lateral recum- described [16].
bency exposing the let lank. Laparotomy was done accord-
ing to standard procedure described by [1, 3, 14]. he laparo-
tomy was routinely closed from within outward; muscle 2.1.3. Intra- and Postoperative Complications. Intra- and post-
layers were closed using Becton chromic catgut of the size surgical complications were assessed using 3-point scoring
of 1/0 and atraumatic 1/2 circle taper point needle (Anhui system designed by ourselves; parameters considered were
Kangning Industrial Groups, China) using interrupted hor- intraoperative haemorrhages, postsurgical seroma, incisional
izontal mattress suture pattern with simple interrupted rein- hernia, and wound istula (Table 1).
forcement. he subcutaneous layer was closed using Becton
chromic catgut of the size of 2/0 and atraumatic 1/2 circle 2.2. Subjective Healing Interval. Subjective healing interval
taper point needle using simple continuous suture pattern. was determined by visual observation and taking notes of
he skin was closed using Ford interlocking pattern with days of apparent surgical site healing according to [17].
Agary nylon of the size of 0 and atraumatic 3/8 curved,
cutting needle (Agary PharmaceuticalsLtd, Xinghuai, China). 2.3. Statistical Analysis. Data generated from the four param-
In MVA group, the cranial midventral area was prepared eters (surgical wound scoring, haematology, surgical compli-
for aseptic procedure as described in FA group. Regional cations, and healing interval) were tabulated and mean and
anesthesia was also achieved as described in FA group. standard deviation were computed in each case. Student’s
Journal of Veterinary Medicine 3

Table 2: Postsurgical wound assessment score of lank and midven- Table 3: Intra- and postsurgical complications scores of lank and
tral approaches at 18–24 hours and 10 days (mean ± SD). midventral approaches (mean ± SD).

Scores Parameters Groups Scores

Parameters Groups 18–24 hrs 10–14 days ater Intraoperative complication
ater surgery surgery FA 1.40 ± 0.55
Discharge FA 0.80 ± 0.45 0.00 ± 0.00 MVA 1.00 ± 0.70
MVA 0.80 ± 0.84 0.00 ± 0.00 Postoperative complications
FA 1.80 ± 0.45 0.50 ± 0.56 FA 0.00 ± 0.00
Swelling Incisional hernia
MVA 2.00 ± 0.00 0.80 ± 0.45 MVA 0.00 ± 0.00
FA 1.40 ± 0.55a 0.25 ± 0.50a FA 0.00 ± 0.00
Erythema Seroma
MVA 0.80 ± 0.45b 0.00 ± 0.00b MVA 0.00 ± 0.00
FA 0.00 ± 0.00
Dehiscence FA 0.00 ± 0.00 0.25 ± 0.50a Wound istula
MVA 0.00 ± 0.00
MVA 0.00 ± 0.00 0.00 ± 0.00b
ab here is no signiicant diference (� > 0.05).
Pair of means bearing diferent superscript are signiicantly diferent (� <

3.3. Haematological Proiles. here were variations of total

�-test was used to compare statistical signiicant diference white blood cells (WBC) count of the two approaches before
between the lank and midventral variables of each parameter surgery, at 18–24 hours, and at the irst and second week
at 95% conident interval using GraphPad Instat Statistical ater surgery; the midventral group had higher WBC value
sotware package 2010. � value was considered signiicant at all the intervals with signiicant diferences (� < 0.05)
when � value is less than 0.05. at irst and second week ater surgery (Table 4). here were
slight variations of total granulocytes between the two groups
3. Results with the midventral group having the higher values at all
the intervals, but there is no signiicant diference between
3.1. Postsurgical Wound Assessment. At 18–24 hours ater the two groups (Table 4). he lymphocytes values of the two
surgery, there was serous discharge in all groups; the mean groups also varied and the midventral approache had the
discharge scores were (0.80±0.45 and 0.80±0.84) for lank and highest value. here were signiicant diferences (� < 0.05)
midventral approaches, respectively. here was no signiicant recorded between the two approaches at irst and second
diference between the two groups when compared. At 10–14 week interval: 21.33 ± 8.22 lank approach against 28.32 ±
days ater surgery, there was no discharge observed (Table 2). 11.98 midventral approach and 15.20 ± 3.52 lank approach
Midventral group had higher swelling score (2.00 ± 00) against 25.48 ± 6.00 midventral approach (Table 4). here
in comparison with lank approach (1.8 ± 0.45) and the were also slight variations of monocytes values between the
overall swelling score was higher at 18–24 hours ater surgery lank and midventral approaches at diferent timing interval;
compared to 10–14 days ater surgery (0.50 ± 0.56 and 0.80 ± the midventral had higher values when compared with lank
0.45) in lank and midventral, respectively (Table 2). here approach but there were no signiicant diferences between
was no signiicant diference between lank and midventral the two approaches at any given time interval (Table 4).
approach both at 18–24 hrs and at 10–14 days ater surgery. he values of the platelets varied slightly between the two
he lank approach at 18–24 hours had higher erythema approaches, with the midventral approach having a higher
score (1.40 ± 0.55) when compared with midventral group value when compared with lank approach, and there was no
(0.80 ± 0.45) and there was signiicant diference (� < 0.05) signiicant diference between the two approaches at all the
of erythema between the two approaches (Table 2). At 10–14 timing intervals (Table 5). he platelets critical values varied
days ater surgery, lank approach had higher erythema score between the two approaches with the midventral having the
(0.25 ± 0.50) while midventral approach had no erythema higher values; there was signiicant diference (� < 0.05) at
record and there was signiicant diference (� < 0.05) second week interval between the lank and midventral
between the two approaches. approach (0.15 ± 0.04 against 0.25 ± 0.08), respectively
Dehiscence was not recorded at 18–24 hours ater surgery (Table 5). he mean platelets volumes also showed slight vari-
in all the groups; however, at 10–14 days ater surgery ations between the two groups, but there was no signiicant
dehiscence was observed in lank approach with signiicant diference between the groups at any of the timing intervals;
diference (� < 0.05) between the two groups (Table 2). the midventral approach had higher values when compared
with the lank approach (Table 5). he platelets dimension
3.2. Intra- and Postsurgical Complications. Intraoperative width values were slightly higher in midventral approach
haemorrhage score was higher in lank approach (1.4 ± 0.55) compared to lank approach and a signiicant diference (� <
when compared with midventral approach (1.00±0.70); there 0.05) was recorded between the two approaches at 18–24-
was no signiicant diference (� > 0.05) between the two hour interval (Table 5).
groups (Table 3). here were no postoperative complications he packed cells volume of the two approaches showed
of incisional hernia, seroma, and wound istula recorded. slight variations with the midventral approach having the
4 Journal of Veterinary Medicine

Table 4: Total leucocytes and diferential leucocytes counts before and ater surgery of the lank and midventral approaches (mean ± SD).

Mean scores
Parameters Groups
Before surgery 18–24 hrs ater surgery One week ater surgery Two weeks ater surgery
FA 25.48 ± 4.19 37.70 ± 3.90 34.93 ± 3.12a 32.98 ± 5.28a
Total WBC (×103 /�ℓ)
MVA 33.86 ± 9.96 50.52 ± 16.32 51.08 ± 5.07b 45.62 ± 6.85b
FA 11.10 ± 3.69 13.24 ± 3.45 10.23 ± 5.72 13.85 ± 5.33
Granulocytes (×103 /�ℓ)
MVA 11.38 ± 4.41 20.90 ± 10.51 18.62 ± 5.07 15.06 ± 3.52
FA 11.74 ± 3.27 19.16 ± 2.61 21.33 ± 8.22a 15.20 ± 5.05a
Lymphocytes (×103 /�ℓ)
MVA 33.86 ± 3.40 24.06 ± 7.37 28.32 ± 11.98b 25.48 ± 6.00b
FA 2.60 ± 0.89 4.08 ± 1.21 3.35 ± 0.66 3.88 ± 0.66
Monocytes (×103 /�ℓ)
MVA 4.14 ± 1.02 5.60 ± 1.54 4.12 ± 0.44 5.06 ± 3.52
Pair of means bearing diferent superscript are signiicantly diferent (� < 0.05).

Table 5: Platelet characteristics before and ater surgery of the two approaches (mean ± SD).

Mean scores
Parameters Groups
Before surgery 18–24 hrs ater surgery One week ater surgery Two weeks ater surgery
3 FA 287.20 ± 123.58 375.60 ± 99.58 369.95 ± 144.66 269.75 ± 128.18
Platelets (×10 /�ℓ)
MVA 351.40 ± 75.20 416.60 ± 94.88 376.20 ± 90.78 444.40 ± 149.93
FA 0.16 ± 0.07 0.21 ± 0.06 0.21 ± 0.08 0.15 ± 0.04a
Platelets critical value (%)
MVA 0.20 ± 0.04 0.24 ± 0.05 0.22 ± 0.03 0.25 ± 0.08b
FA 5.60 ± 0.14 5.68 ± 0.22 5.60 ± 0.09 5.55 ± 0.24
Mean platelets volume (�ℓ)
MVA 5.72 ± 0.09 5.74 ± 0.08 5.72 ± 0.22 5.68 ± 0.13
FA 683.90 ± 0.37 684.80 ± 0.29a 684.30 ± 0.05 684.30 ± 0.47
Platelets dimension width (�ℓ)
MVA 684.26 ± 0.13 684.22 ± 0.20b 684.2 ± 0.18 684.12 ± 0.18
Pair of means bearing diferent superscript are signiicantly diferent (� < 0.05).

higher PCV values when compared with the lank approach. 35

here was signiicant diference (� < 0.05) recorded at one
Subjective healing interval (days)

week interval between the two approaches (Table 6). here 12
were no signiicant diferences (� > 0.05) between the 25
14 13
two approaches in all other erythrocytic indices (red blood 12 11
cells count, haemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume, mean 20
corpuscular haemoglobin, mean corpuscular haemoglobin 17
concentration, and red blood cells distribution width). How- 15
13 13 12
ever, the values of midventral approach are higher at diferent 10
timing intervals in all other erythrocytic indices (Table 6).
3.4. Subjective Healing Interval. he mean subjective healing
intervals were 13.0 ± 1.14 and 12.4 ± 0.5 for lank and
1 2 3 4 5
midventral approach. Midventral approach had lower mean Number of animals per group
healing intervals in days compared to the lank approach.
here was no signiicant diference (� = 0.643) between the MVA
two groups when compared (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Subjective healing interval (days) of the animals lank (FA)
4. Discussions and midventral (MVA) approaches.

Laparotomy is commonly indicated either for exploratory

purposes when clinical diagnosis is uncertain or for ther- placement in dorsal recumbency. he two main indications
apeutic surgical intervention when speciic diagnosis has in bovine are ventral abomasopexy and cesarean section,
been made [2]. Flank approach is the most commonly in which it ofers advantages in the delivery of oversized
practiced technique among large animal surgeons with the or emphysematous fetuses and in complicated deliveries,
animal under local anaesthesia [18]. Ventral paramedian or including uterine tears [12, 19].
midventral laparotomy approach is an alternative practice Surgical wound assessment showed signiicant diference
by few large animal surgeons that necessitates the animal of erythema both at 18–24 and at 10–14 days ater surgery
Journal of Veterinary Medicine 5

Table 6: Erythrocytic indices before and ater surgery of the two approaches (mean ± SD).

Mean scores
Parameters Groups
Before surgery 18–24 hrs ater surgery One week ater surgery Two weeks ater surgery
FA 12.32 ± 1.35 12.79 ± 1.23 12.23 ± 1.32 12.10 ± 2.07
RBC (×106 /�ℓ)
MVA 13.13 ± 0.51 13.69 ± 0.52 13.36 ± 0.85 13.03 ± 1.05
FA 21.92 ± 2.56 24.66 ± 5.24 16.15 ± 2.85a 22.75 ± 5.98
PCV (%)
MVA 25.22 ± 1.19 25.90 ± 1.15 25.72 ± 4.37b 23.84 ± 3.07
FA 8.12 ± 1.36 8.98 ± 2.25 8.63 ± 1.51 8.68 ± 2.19
Haemoglobin (g/d)
MVA 9.16 ± 0.43 9.84 ± 0.59 9.86 ± 1.28 9.30 ± 1.36
FA 17.72 ± 2.56 19.08 ± 2.37 17.58 ± 0.88 18.58 ± 1.98
Mean corpuscular volume (�ℓ)
MVA 19.10 ± 2.09 18.06 ± 0.57 14.10 ± 2.09 18.20 ± 1.13
FA 6.50 ± 0.42 6.88 ± 0.95 6.78 ± 0.50 7.00 ± 1.13
Mean corpuscular haemoglobin (pg)
MVA 6.92 ± 0.04 7.13 ± 0.26 7.37 ± 0.61 7.04 ± 0.48
FA 36.80 ± 2.16 36.26 ± 3.50 38.5 ± 1.94 37.36 ± 2.18
Mean corpuscular haemoglobin con. (g/L)
MVA 36.32 ± 1.91 37.96 ± 1.90 38.58 ± 3.12 38.94 ± 1.82
FA 30.18 ± 4.71 32.00 ± 4.37 30.98 ± 4.86 29.80 ± 6.19
RBC distribution width (%)
MVA 32.18 ± 1.26 34.48 ± 1.96 33.40 ± 2.23 32.92 ± 2.72
Pair of means bearing diferent superscript are signiicantly diferent (� < 0.05).

with lank approach having the highest erythema score and muscle mass when compared to poor vasculatures associated
this could be due to surgical trauma elucidated by the with tendons and ligament in the linea alba. his could serve
traumatic surgical instruments on the sot tissue in the as one of the advantages of midventral approach particu-
course of surgery; this is because the lank region has three larly when dealing with nonelective laparotomy in which
layers of abdominal muscles that have to be passed through the patient hematocrit reading is below normal range. he
before getting access into the abdominal cavity in comparison packed cell volume (PCV) of the lank approach decreased
with midventral approach through linea alba aponeurosis signiicantly one week ater surgery when compared with
(ligament) which is passed through before gaining access to midventral approach; this could be due to high intraoperative
abdominal cavity; the ligament poorly responds to pressure of hemorrhage recorded. his inding was in line with the
traumatic surgical instruments which brought about the less inding of [20, 21], both in a study involving laparotomy
erythematous response. he high erythema score recorded with goat; they noted that remarkable hematocrit decreased
in lank approach could also be a result of abdominal ater surgery with signiicant diference. [8] also reported
muscles tissue response to absorbable suture materials used signiicant decrease in PCV in postoperative abdominal
for apposing the muscles mass which is more bulky than surgery in bovine.
that of midventral approach. he overall scoring showed Higher values of total white blood cells count and
higher erythema earlier before surgery at 18–24 hours and lymphocytes count were recorded in midventral approach
this inding is consistent with the studies conducted by [15, at the second week ater surgery with signiicant diference
17] where signiicant diferences among the variables were when compared with the lank approach and this could be
observed. attributed to high persistent chronic inlammatory response
Dehiscence was also observed in the lank approach at in the course of tissue repair or it could be due to surgical
10–14 days ater surgery with signiicant diference when stress because midventral approach is more stressful in
compared with midventral approach; this could be a result relation to surgical positioning than lateral recumbency. Our
of scratching the surgical site (lank) with available objects in inding is also in line with those of [20, 21] who also recoded
the pen as a result of tissue irritation in the course of healing elevated values leukocytes count. But [8] noticed an average
process. It could also be due to self-mutation with horn of total leukocytes value within normal physiologic range ater
hind limbs in response to tissue irritation. Dehiscence score abdominal surgery in dairy cows. Percentage platelets critical
was by far less in midventral approach due to lesser chances of value recorded was higher in midventral approach; this could
scratching and self-mutilation around the region. Our inding be due to lesser whole blood loss observed intraoperatively
was contrary to that of [15], which recorded no dehiscence in as decrease in whole total blood volume leads to gross
a similar study using canine species, and that of [17], which interference of the diferent components of the blood cells
recorded mild dehiscence both at 18–24 hours and at 10– including platelets. his may also serve as an advantage in
14 day ater surgery but without signiicant diference in a midventral approach because the higher the platelets critical
similar study using caprine species. values, the quicker the chances of blood clotting response.
he intraoperative hemorrhage score recorded was higher here were slight variations of means subjective heal-
in the lank approach compared with the midventral ing interval of the two approaches but without signiicant
approach, though without signiicant diference; this could be diference (� = 0.643), with the lank approach having
a result of high vascular channels available in the abdominal higher means number of days (13± 1.14) to complete surgical
6 Journal of Veterinary Medicine

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[6] M. hibier and B. Guérin, “Embryo transfer in small rumi- Journal of Dental Research, vol. 89, no. 3, pp. 219–229, 2010.
nants: the method of choice for health control in germplasm
exchanges,” Livestock Production Science, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 253–
270, 2000.
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Two-step protocol for surgical

treatment of complicated or bilateral
perineal hernia in dogs:
Laparotomy followed by
J. Dörner (1) and G. Dupré (2)


Incidence of recurrences after surgical repair of perineal hernias in dogs is a well-known and frequently observed
problem. Depending on the method used, recurrence rates can be as high as 45% [Bellenger, 1980; Burrows and
Harvey, 1973]. Particularly in cases of complicated perineal hernias with concomitant diseases of the rectum and/
or prostate or urinary bladder retrolexion, morbidity is considerably increased. These concurrent conditions are
also responsible for higher recurrence rates after perineal hernia surgery. On the basis of a case report originally
presented by [Brissot et al. 2004], this paper describes a two-step protocol for surgical repair of complicated, bilateral
or recurrent perineal hernia. Before performing the perineal herniorrhaphy, laparotomy is carried out as the initial
step of repair, including colopexy, vasopexy and – in dogs with urinary bladder retrolexion – also cystopexy.
During laparotomy, alterations of the affected organs (urinary bladder, rectum, prostate gland) cannot only be
evaluated macroscopically but can immediately be treated surgically. A few days later, herniorraphy is performed
using an internal obturator muscle lap for closure of the hernia or other modiied methods like supericial gluteal
muscle transposition or fascia lata graft.
This article focuses on the advantages and disadvantages of this two-step protocol and gives a description of speciic
indications for this procedure.
Key words: Perineal hernia, dog, herniorraphy, laparotomy, colopexy

This paper originally appeared in: Wiener Tierärztliche recurrent hernia.

Any additional complication contributes to the severity of PH and
Monatsschrift* (2008), 95: p. 269-276 should be carefully evaluated during the initial examination.
Rectal alterations associated with PH are classiied as deviation
Introduction (abnormal rectal orientation), sacculation (symmetric or
asymmetric sudden increase in rectal diameter) and diverticulum
Diagnosis of perineal hernias (PH) is based on the patient´s history (protrusion of rectal mucosa associated with tearing of the
and physical and rectal examinations. Hernias are characterized muscular wall of the rectum) [Mann and Boothe, 1985;
as unilateral or bilateral, simple or complicated (with additional Krahwinkel, 1975; Hosgood et al., 1995].
pathologies of urinary bladder and/or prostate or rectum) or Brissot et al. established a grading scheme for rectal lesions

(1) Clinic of Surgery and Ophthalmology, Vienna University of Veterinary Medicine; Veterinärplatz 1, A-1210 Vienna.
(2) Univ. Prof. Dr. Gilles Dupré, Clinic of Surgery and Ophthalmology, Vienna University of Veterinary Medicine; Veterinärplatz 1, A-1210 Vienna.
* Presented by VÖK (Austria)

EJCAP - Vol. 20 - Issue 2 October 2010

Fig. 1: Right-sided perineal bulging; male Dachshund (8.5 years) Fig. 2: Perineal cystocentesis

where 0 = no lesion, 1 = deviation without rectal dilation, 2 for transposition, i.e. in small dogs, in recurrent PH or in dogs
= mild rectal dilation, 3 = severe unilateral, or mild to severe with severe atrophy of the obturator muscle, a fascia lata graft
bilateral dilation. or a polypropylene hernia mesh can be used to close the defect
Mild rectal dilation is deined as asymmetric dilation with [Vnuk et al., 2006; Bongartz et al. 2005].
accumulation of impacted faeces but without any visible perineal the high incidence of perineal hernias with concomitant lesions
deformation. Manual evacuation of the rectum is usually possible of the rectum, prostate or bladder [Dupre et al. 1993, 1996
without any problems. in contrast, asymmetric rectal dilation and 2000] has led to the development in 1993 of a two-step
with massive faecal impaction and obvious perineal swelling is approach for surgical repair of complicated or bilateral PH. As a
qualiied as severe dilation. irst step, laparotomy is performed followed by the second step,
Retrolexion of the urinary bladder is clinically assessed the perineal herniorraphy using an internal obturator muscle
by palpation of a more or less luctuant perineal swelling lap [Dupre et al., 1993]. With this protocol, the mentioned
(depending on bladder illing). the bladder is no longer palpable authors carried out a long-term outcome study. During four
in the caudal abdomen. Ultrasonography of the abdomen is years, a total of 41 dogs with complicated or bilateral perineal
recommended. the perineal region can also be examined by this hernias were treated according to this protocol, and outcome
technique, and an ultrasound-guided puncture of the swelling was followed for more than six months. Satisfactory results were
may be advisable in selected cases; aspiration of urine conirms obtained in complicated PH using laparotomy in combination
the tentative diagnosis of bladder retrolexion. with colopexy (ColP), cystopexy (CYSP) or vas deferens pexy
According to Brissot et al. [2004], PH is deined as complicated (DeFP) as additional treatment [Bilbrey et al., 1990; Huber et al.,
if the following criteria are met: recurrent PH, unilateral PH 1997; Dupre et al., 1993; Maute et al., 2001].
with severe rectal dilation, PH with concurrent prostate disease on the basis of one case report, this paper describes the protocol
requiring surgical intervention (e.g. prostate omentalization) or recommended by Brissot et al. [2004] discussing advantages and
PH in combination with urinary bladder retrolexion. disadvantages of the technique.
the traditional approach to treatment of perineal hernias is
by closure of the defect using the pelvic diaphragm. Several
techniques have been described like the transposition of the
Case report
supericial gluteal muscle [Spreulll and Frankland, 1980; Weaver An 8.5 year old male intact Smooth Dachshund was presented
and omamegbe, 1981], the internal obturator muscle lap to the Clinic of Surgery and ophthalmology at the Vienna
[Weaver and omamegbe, 1981; Hardie et al., 1983; Sjollema University of Veterinary Medicine with a history of long-standing
and van Sluijs, 1989; orsher,1986; Hosgood et al., 1995] or a defecation problems and tenesmus. in addition, the dog showed
combination of both [Raffan, 1993]. Also remote laps like the acute anuria, which had started the day before. A right-sided
semitendinosus muscle lap have been used [Chambers and soft and luctuant perineal swelling of about the size of a ist
Rawlings, 1991]. in cases where the obturator muscle is not apt was observed (Fig. 1).

Two-step protocol for surgical treatment of complicated or bilateral perineal hernia in dogs - J. Dörner and G. Dupré

A clinical and rectal examination was performed. the patient addition to severe dilation of the rectum (grade 3) there were also
displayed cardiovascular instability, dry and reddened mucosae, retrolexion of the bladder and sonographically evident prostate
a weak pulse and a cardiac frequency of 200 beats/min. inner alterations. For this reason, laparotomy was recommended as
body temperature was 38.9 °C and the patient´s abdomen was the initial step of the staged surgery protocol.
painful on palpation. the urinary bladder could not be palpated After premedication with 0.2 mg/kg butorphanol (Butomidor®)
in the abdomen. and 0.1 mg/kg diazepam (Valium®), anaesthesia was induced
Rectal examination to assess the grade of rectal alterations with 1.5 mg/kg etomidate (etodmidat-lipuro®). the dog was
revealed severe dilation and deviation of the rectum to the right, then intubated and anaesthesia was maintained with isolurane
with massive faecal impaction and obvious perineal bulging. in oxygen. in addition, the patient received a perioperative
Based on abdominal, perineal and rectal palpation indings, a constant rate infusion of butorphanol (0.2 mg/kg/h).
unilateral perineal hernia was diagnosed. the luctuant swelling Before starting the procedure, the caudal part of the dog´s
in the perineal region was punctured yielding urine. As this was rectum was manually evacuated and the patient was positioned
a clear sign of bladder entrapment in the hernia, immediate in dorsal recumbency.
therapy was indicated and it was tried to introduce a urinary Before opening the peritoneal cavity, the dog was castrated. For
catheter into the urethra. this was not possible due to bladder surgical repair or at least improvement of the rectal dilation, an
retrolexion so the bladder had to be emptied by perineal incisional musculo-muscular colopexy was performed by digitally
cystocentesis (Fig. 2). once the bladder had been reduced in retracting the caudal part of the colon into the abdominal cavity
size, it could be advanced cranioventrally into the abdomen by and making a longitudinal seromuscular incision of 3-5 cm in
applying moderate pressure. With the bladder in normal position, the antimesenterial side of the distal descending colon. At the
it was possible to place the urinary catheter. A closed system (a same level, on the left abdominal wall (approx. 3 cm lateral to
catheter directly connected to a scaled urine bag) was used to the linea alba) another incision of the same length was made
collect and measure the produced urine. the catheter was sewed in the peritoneum and through the underlying muscular layer
to the tip of the prepuce and remained in place until surgery was (Fig. 3). then, the incisional edges of colon and abdominal wall
performed. After stabilization of the patient´s cardiovascular were apposed and pexied by two rows of simple continuous
system by administration of a shock treatment infusion (60 ml/ sutures (Fig. 4). each suture included the submucosa of the
kg lactated Ringer´s solution [Ringerlactat Fresenius®] during 30 colon but extreme care was taken in order not to perforate the
minutes) and analgesics (0.1 mg/kg methadone [Heptadon®]), mucosa completely, as this would have meant severe bacterial
ultrasonography of the abdomen was performed. contamination of the entire surgical ield.
Sonographic examination revealed a hyperechoic, dense and to prevent recurrence of bladder retrolexion, the urinary bladder
enlarged prostate (5.4 x 4 cm) with inhomogeneous parenchyma was also ixed to the abdominal wall performing an incisional
as well as several irregularly shaped intraprostatic cysts of up musculo-muscular cystopexy (Fig. 5). For that purpose, two
to 0.8 cm. the urinary bladder was small with an irregularly incisions were made: the irst one of about 2-3 cm in the ventral
thickened wall. Mesenteric and sublumbar lymph nodes were pole of the bladder (taking care not to damage the mucosa)
not enlarged. Both testicles showed homogeneous texture of and another one into the abdominal wall, at the same level as
intermediate echogenicity. Perineal tissue was characterized by the irst incision and some centimetres from the midline. then,
signiicant liquid accumulation around the rectum and by severe the bladder was ixed to the abdominal wall by placing several
oedema. Wall thickness of the ampulla recti was increased simple interrupted sutures.
measuring up to 3 mm. A vasopexy should contribute to maintain bladder and prostate
According to perineal hernia (PH) classiication as mentioned in in a cranial position. Both the right and the left ductus deferens
the introduction, the dog suffered from a complicated PH, as in were secured to the abdominal wall (Fig. 6). Approximately 1-2

Fig. 3: Incision in the left abdominal wall to prepare colopexy Fig. 4: Two rows of simple continuous sutures were used for colopexy

EJCAP - Vol. 20 - Issue 2 October 2010

Fig. 5: Cystopexy Fig. 6: Vas deferens pexy

cm above the colopexy site on the left side, an incision was periosteum along the caudal border of the ischium. the internal
made into the peritoneum and the underlying muscular layer, obturator muscle was then dissected in cranial direction up to
and the deferent duct was ixed by two simple interrupted the obturator foramen and elevated from the ischium. then,
sutures placed at a certain distance to each other. the same the muscle was transposed dorsomedially to allow apposition
procedure was performed on the right side to secure the right between the coccygeus, levator ani and external anal sphincter
deferent duct. muscle, and simple interrupted sutures were placed to ix the
For all pexies, 3-0 or 4-0 monoilament synthetic absorbable lap. As the internal obturator muscle was very weak in this dog
suture was used. As the patient´s prostate was enlarged and – a phenomenon frequently observed in dogs of small breeds
several intra- and paraprostatic cysts had been detected, – an additional fascia lata graft was used. For this purpose, a
two biopsies were taken from the prostatic parenchyma part of the fascia lata (Fig. 8) was taken from the ipsilateral
for pathohistological examination and microbial cultures. thigh, directly placed into the perineal defect and secured to
Considering the reduced size of the intraprostatic cysts, it the adjacent muscles using simple interrupted sutures. Routine
was decided to refrain from performing an omentalization closure of all surgical wounds was done using 3-0 monoilament
of the prostate. After lavage of the abdominal cavity using synthetic sutures (Fig. 9).
warm Ringer´s solution, the abdomen was closed in three immediately after surgery, rectal examination was performed to
layers. Postoperatively, the patient was given buprenorphine evaluate the irmness of the pelvic diaphragm.
(temgesic®; 0.3 mg/kg every 8 hours) and carprofen (Rimadyl®;
4.4 mg/kg every 24 hours). Fig. 7: Positioning of the patient for herniorrhaphy and harvesting
After two days of hospitalization, the dog was discharged from of the fascia lata graft
the clinic for home care during the next four days. the owner
was instructed to administer 2 ml lactulose (laevolac®) orally
twice a day in order to facilitate defecation.
Four days after the irst intervention, the dog was again
hospitalized to prepare the second step of the staged surgery
protocol and perform herniorrhaphy.
Premedication and anaesthesia were the same as for the irst
surgery. in addition, epidural anaesthesia was performed
administering 1 mg/kg bupivacaine (Carbostesin®) and 0.2 mg/
kg methadone (Heptadon®). the dog was placed in sternal
position with the pelvis slightly elevated. the entire tail was
clipped and ixed over the back in cranial direction without
applying excessive tension. the rectum was digitally evacuated
removing a small quantity of faeces, and the anal sacs were
manually expressed. A purse-string suture was placed around
the anus to achieve its temporary closure. the lumbosacral area,
the perineum and the caudolateral part of the right thigh were
also clipped and aseptically prepared for surgery (Fig. 7).
Herniorraphy was performed by ioMF (internal obturator
muscle lap) [Hardie et al. 1983] using 0 monoilament synthetic
absorbable sutures. the fascia was incised at the origin of the
internal obturator muscle and an incision was made into the

Two-step protocol for surgical treatment of complicated or bilateral perineal hernia in dogs - J. Dörner and G. Dupré

Sluijs, 1989; Hosgood et al., 1995; White and Herrtage, 1986].

if no cystopexy is carried out in patients with PH and bladder
retrolexion, recurrence is observed in most cases [Sjollema
and Van Sluijs, 1989). However, it remains unknown whether
reposition of the bladder and cystopexy are able to avoid the
development of future dysuria of neurological origin. Further
investigation is required to evaluate the inluence of vas deferens
pexy and cystopexy on the development of neurologically
induced dysuria. in any case, cystopexy does reduce the risk
of increased pressure applied to force urine out and with
it the pressure exerted on the pelvic diaphragm. Vasopexy
stabilizes the bladder neck and the prostate and at the same
time improves ixation of the colon by the coloprostatic fascia
[Bilbrey et al., 1990; Dupre et al. 1993). However, recurrence of
vesical retrolexion is possible if only vasopexy has been carried
out, as there is a time span of several days between laparotomy
Fig. 8: Fascia lata graft and herniorrhaphy. For this reason, the authors recommend to
perform a cystopexy in all cases of retrolexion of the urinary
During eight days after herniorrhaphy, metronidazole (12.5 mg/ bladder.
kg b.i.d.) was administered orally. Analgesics (carprofen 4.4 mg/ the role of prostate lesions in the pathogenesis of perineal hernias
kg q24h) were given during ive days after surgery. local cleaning remains unclear, although they frequently occur in association
of the wound and feeding a low-ibre diet to reduce faecal with PH (10 – 51 %) [Matthieseen, 1989; Sjollema and Van Sluijs,
volume were recommended. in addition, lactulose (laevolac®) 1989; Bilbrey et al., 1990; Hosgood et al., 1995; Dupre et al.,
or Pascomucil®, respectively, should be given to facilitate 1996 and 2000; Maute et al., 2001; niebauer et al., 2005]. As
defecation. Rectal examination performed ten days after this means a relatively high coincidence of both pathologies, it is
surgery did not reveal any sacculation of the rectum. Healing recommended to systematically explore the prostate in all dogs
of the surgical wounds occurred without any complications and with PH performing rectal and ultrasonographic examinations
the dog showed no dificulties to defecate. Four months after prior to surgery. During laparotomy, the prostate can then be
surgery the dog was still asymptomatic. examined macroscopically; at the same time, any necessary
surgical intervention (e.g. prostate omentalization) can be
carried out and biopsies can be obtained.
Discussion Possible postoperative complications include primarily local
Perineal hernias are classiied as complicated if the following wound infections and partial suture dehiscence. in any case,
criteria are met: unilateral PH with rectal lesions grade 2 or prolonged duration of surgery seems to have a negative
worse, unilateral PH with bladder retrolexion and/or prostatic inluence on the wound infection risk.
disease, or recurrent PH. Bilateral or complicated PH can be Correlations between wound infection and duration of surgery,
successfully treated using laparotomy to perform incisional types of preoperative positioning and surgical skin preparation,
colo-, vaso- and cystopexy and, if necessary, surgical treatment suture material, temporary anal closure (which did not yield
of prostatic lesions (prostate omentalization, cyst resection),
followed by herniorrhaphy. Recurrence rate is low and in most Fig. 9: Postoperative status after herniorrhaphy and harvesting of
cases the inal outcome is satisfactory. in the study carried out the fascia lata graft
by Brissot et al. [2004], a total of 41 dogs with complicated PH
were treated using the two-step protocol, and in 90 % of the
cases, PH could be permanently resolved.
Rectal disorders included dilations, sigmoidal deviation or
diverticulum [Mann and Boothe, 1985; Krahwinkel, 1983;
Hosgood et al., 1995; Dupre et al., 1993]. in dogs with rectal
dilation, colopexy reduces the rectal diameter avoiding further
accumulation of faeces; in addition, reduction of the pressure
on the pelvic diaphragm is achieved by cranial ixation of the
rectum [Huber et al., 1997; Dupre et al., 1993, Maute et al, 2001].
Colopexy not only corrects rectal deviations, but also reduces
the size of any existing sacculation. By this procedure, the linear
morphology of the colorectal ampulla can be re-established. this
also reduces the possibility of faecal accumulation in the rectum
[Huber et al., 1997; Dupre et al., 1993, Maute et al, 2001].
Perineal hernias associated with retrolexion of the urinary
bladder show higher mortality rates (30 %) and worse prognosis
than cases without bladder retrolexion [SJollema and Van

EJCAP - Vol. 20 - Issue 2 October 2010

Complication Number Percent Course

repair of bilateral or complicated perineal hernias is that pexying
the organs in the initial laparotomy creates more perineal space.
local sepsis 7 17 Healing by local As colopexy resolves rectal dilation or deviation and vasopexy
together with cystopexy stabilizes bladder and prostate, the
local abscess at 4 10 n=2 Re-intervention perineal space is almost empty at the time of herniorrhaphy.
the ColP site (laparotomy) this means a better overview and easier identiication of
Perineal suture 3 7 Healing by local important anatomic structures like the muscles of the pelvic
dehiscence treatment diaphragm, the pudendal nerve, the caudal rectal nerve and
tenesmus 18 41 n = 14 intermittent artery, the internal obturator muscle and its tendon as well as
n = 4 Permanent the rectal wall. Herniorrhaphy is considerably easier on account
Urine 15 36 n = 3 Up to 15 days of this improved overview of the surgical ield, which facilitates
incontinence postoperative exact reconstruction of anatomical structures and minimizes
n = 5 Up to 6 months the duration of surgery. Keeping the duration of surgery short
postoperative reduces the risk of perioperative infection.
n = 7 > 6 months Better identiication of anatomic structures also contributes to
postoperative a reduced risk of faecal incontinence, as this complication often
occurs due to compression of the caudal rectal nerve. two to
four days are considered to be the ideal lapse of time between
PH = perineal hernia
laparotomy and herniorrhaphy, as longer periods could neutralize
ioMF = internal obturator muscle lap
the positive effect of colopexy consisting in the reduction of
ColP = colopexy
rectal dilation. Disadvantages of performing laparotomy as a
CYSP = Cystopexy
irst separate step of this surgical technique to repair bilateral
DeFP = Vas deferens pexy
and complicated perineal hernias refer to the general drawbacks
PoM = omentalization of the prostate
associated with two interventions and to higher costs. However,
Table 1: Postoperative complications observed in the study these are fully offset by the beneits of this staged protocol:
performed by Brissot et al. [2004] in 41 dogs Additional problems (rectum, urinary bladder, prostate) can be
resolved during one and the same surgery. Bladder and prostate
signiicant advantages with regard to the postoperative can be directly evaluated macroscopically and immediate
infectious state of the wound) and perioperative antibiotic surgical interventions like partial cystectomy, omentalization of
therapy were evaluated in several studies [Sjollema and Van the prostate or biopsies, if needed, can be performed.
Sluijs, 1989; Hosgood et al., 1995; Matthieseen, 1989; lorinson By cranial ixation of the prolapsed organs in the abdominal
and grösslinger, 2002]. cavity the pressure on the pelvic diaphragm is reduced.
in rare cases, abscesses may develop at the colopexy site. All this facilitates the following herniorrhaphy so that the
this complication was commonly observed after laparoscopic duration of surgery is shorter.
ixation of the colon, which might be due to the fact that using long-term results are very good and complication rates are
this method, the depth of each suture cannot be controlled as low.
exactly as during laparotomy [Brissot et al., 2004] (table 1).
Persistent or intermittent postoperative tenesmus during the two-step protocol is primarily indicated for dogs with
defecation has been described in rare cases. involuntary urine bilateral PH but also patients with complicated PH (i.e. recurrent
dribbling during sleep or walking has also been observed. this perineal hernias, unilateral PH with marked rectal dilation, PH
urinary incontinence almost always resolved within the irst two with concurrent prostatic pathologies that need surgical repair,
weeks after surgery [Brissot et al., 2004]. PH associated with retrolexion of the urinary bladder) are ideal
occurrence of rectal prolapse, formerly a frequent complication candidates for this surgery. For all these cases, the two-step
(7-42 %) in the immediate postoperative phase [orsher, 1986; protocol can be considered as the method of choice.
Sjollema and Van Sluijs, 1989; Popovitch et al., 1994; Hosgood
et al., 1995] could be reduced by performing a colopexy during
laparotomy. in the study carried out by Brissot et al. [2004],
none of the patients developed this complication.
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perineal hernia. Vet Surg. 1990; 19: 24-27
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hyperplasia [guilford, 1996].
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in 4-8 % of the cases, postoperative urine dribbling was Vet Surg 2005; 34: 405-413
observed [White and Herrtage, 1986; Sjollema and Van Sluijs, Brissot Hn, Dupré gP, Bouvy BM. Use of laparotomy in a Staged
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Exploratory Laparotomy
in the Dog & Cat
Lysimachos G. Papazoglou,
Aristotle University of hessaloniki
hessaloniki, Greece

Eleni Basdani, DVM, PhD

Bessy’s Klinik
Zurich, Switzerland

Exploratory laparotomy is routinely per- 1. Surgical bowl, 2. bulb syringe for irrigation, 3. laparotomy pads, 4. 4 x 4” gauze
formed in small animal practice and is sponges, 5. monopolar diathermy cable, 6. suction tube, 7. Poole suction tip, 8.
indicated when organ dysfunction or Babcock tissue forceps, 9. Allis tissue forceps, 10. No 15 and 10 scalpel blades, 11.
Bard Parker scalpel handle, 12. Backhaus towel clamps, 13. curved and straight
trauma involving the abdominal cavity
Metzenbaum scissors, 14. straight Mayo scissors, 15. Balfour retractors, 16.
requires deinitive diagnosis along with
Debakey tissue forceps, 17. Rat-tooth thumb forceps, 18. Mayo-Hegar needle
surgical treatment and prognosis.1 Sur-
holders, 19. straight and curved Rochester-Carmalt hemostatic forceps, 20.
gical exploration provides information straight and curved mosquito hemostatic forceps.
through inspection, palpation, and/or
hollow organ luminal mucosa observa-
tion. Samples can be obtained for micro-
biologic and cytologic examination or ary tree; spleen and stomach; duode-
biopsy for histopathologic examination. num and pancreas), caudal quadrant WHAT YOU WILL NEED
Abdominal exploration should be per- (jejunum, ileum, and colon; urinary
formed in a timely manner to increase bladder; urethra and prostate or d Necessary instrumentation

the likelihood of successful diagnosis uterus), right paravertebral region by for performing an
and management without negatively retracting the mesoduodenum, and left exploratory laparotomy
afecting the patient. paravertebral region by retracting the includes a well-equipped
mesocolon (kidneys, adrenal glands, general surgery pack.
Swabs and sponges
A ventral midline laparotomy of adequate ureters, and ovaries).2
should be counted at the
length from xiphoid to the pubis is the
A ventral midline laparotomy beginning and the end
standard approach to explore the entire of surgery.
abdominal cavity in a systematic manner. of adequate length from
Every surgeon may develop his or her xiphoid to the pubis is the
own technique, but a suggested method standard approach to explore
includes exploring the cranial quadrant the entire abdominal cavity in
(diaphragm; liver, gallbladder, and bili- a systematic manner.

October 2015 15



Generously clip and prepare the surgical site, extend-
1 ing cranially to the xiphoid, caudally to the pubis, and
over 5 to 10 cm from the ventral midline on either side.
Express the bladder through the abdominal wall.

Author Insight:
Midline laparotomy incision should extend from
xiphoid to pubis.


2 3


Use a 4-corner draping technique: in male dogs, grasp

the prepuce with towel forceps and position laterally to
the midline to avoid urine spillage into the surgical site;
penis and prepuce can be covered by 1 of the lateral
drapes. Make a parapreputial skin incision, dividing the
Inject preincisional block (2 mg/kg bupivacaine) along preputial muscles and sealing external pudendal vessels
the ventral midline from the beginning to the end of with elecrocautery following the incision to allow relec-
the proposed incision in a fan-like fashion to iniltrate tion of the prepuce and penis laterally to visualize the
subcutaneous and muscular tissues. his technique linea alba. In female dogs and all cats, extend the ventral
provides postoperative analgesia for at least 24 hours.3,4 midline incision from xiphoid to pubis.

16 October 2015


4 6


After skin incision, seal subcutaneous vessels via elec- Insert thumb forceps with the tips placed caudally to
rocautery and undermine subcutaneous tissues from lift upward on the linea alba and make a cranial to cau-
attachment to the rectus sheath 1 cm laterally to visual- dal incision. Extend the incision cranially by directing
ize the linea alba. Avoid excessive undermining to pre- thumb forceps with tips placed cranially.
vent vascular compromise of the fascia and dead space
creation and subsequent seroma formation.



Make a stab incision to the linea alba with a scalpel and 7B

insert a inger into the incision to ensure entry to the
abdominal cavity and to conirm that there are no adhe-
sions between the abdominal wall and intra-abdominal
organs. A stab incision and letting air into the abdomi-
nal cavity also allows the abdominal organs to “fall”
dorsally, away from the ventral aspect of the abdominal
wall, making the subsequent extension of the midline
incision safer.

An alternative technique to enter the abdominal cavity

is to lift the linea alba with thumb forceps and make a
stab incision with the cutting edge of the scalpel blade
pointing upward (A). Use Mayo scissors to extend the
incision (B).

October 2015 17



8 10A



When treating dogs, excise the falciform ligament

with elecrocautery or by placing a ligature at its
base to improve exposure to the cranial abdomen. Use a systematic approach for abdominal explora-
tion. Abdominal organs should be inspected by
direct vision and palpation. Gently lift the right
lobe of the duodenum and mesoduodenum toward
STEP 9 the left side of the animal to allow exposure of the
right kidney, adrenal gland, ovary, and ureter (A).

9 Gently lift the colon and mesocolon toward the

right side of the animal to expose abdominal
organs of the left paravertebral fossa (B).


After the abdomen is entered, protect wound edges

with moistened laparotomy pads and place Balfour

18 October 2015

11A 12A




he midline laparotomy incision is closed in 3 lay-

ers. he abdominal wall is closed using the exter-
nal leaf of the rectus abdominis muscle sheath in a
simple continuous or simple interrupted suture
pattern. Most surgeons favor a continuous
Following abdominal exploration, lavage the polydioxanone or polyglyconate suture pattern,
abdominal cavity using large volumes of warm which provides a quick and secure closure.
normal saline solution, which aids in removal of Sutures should be placed 5–10 mm from the inci-
contaminants and patient warming (A, B).2,5 sion edge and spaced 5–10 mm apart, depending
Completely remove lavage luid by suction before on the size of the animal (A).6,7 Suture size
closing the abdomen to avoid compromise of depends on the animal’s weight (animals <5 kg:
defense mechanisms.2 3/0; 5–20 kg: 2/0; 20–40 kg: 0; and >45 kg: 1)(B).

Author Insight:
Closure of the linea alba must include the
external leaf of the rectus sheath.

October 2015 19


13A 14A


13B 14B 20 September 2015

For the second layer, subcutaneous closure is most commonly

accomplished in a simple continuous pattern using 3/0 synthetic
absorbable monoilament suture to eliminate dead space and
ROSTRAL decrease tension in the incision, allowing skin edges to be placed in
close apposition (A). Bury knots in the beginning and end of the
Place 6 throws at the beginning and 7 at the suture pattern (B). In male dogs, preputial muscle should be
end of the continuous pattern (A).8,9 Sutures apposed separately with a couple of simple interrupted sutures to
should be placed tightly enough, depending reposition the penis normally.
on the suture material used, to get the inci-
sion edges into apposition (B).

Author Insight:
Sutures should not be placed too tightly as this can
cause ischemic necrosis of the incision edges; however,
they must be tight enough to achieve adequate
apposition of the incision edges.

20 October 2015

15A 15C


15B 15D


Close skin using a simple continuous (A), Ford interlocking (B), or intradermal pattern with buried knots
(C), or use staples (D).

1. Boothe HW, Skater MR, Hobson HP, et al. Exploratory celiotomy in room-temperature abdominal lavage solutions on core body
200 nontraumatized dogs and cats. Vet Surg. 1992;21(6):452-457. temperature in dogs undergoing celiotomy. JAAHA. 2005;41(1):61-67.
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2008;44(2):60-66. Surg. 1987;16(4):269-272.
4. Campagnol D, Teixeira-Neto FJ, Monteiro ER, Restitutti F, Minto BW. 8. Mufy TM, Kow N, Iqbal I, Barber MD. Minimum number of throws
Efect of intraperitoneal or incisional bupivacaine on pain and the needed for knot security. J Surg Educ. 2011;68(2):130-133.
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Analg. 2012;39(4):426-430. security and tensile strength of suture materials. Vet Surg.
5. Nawrocki MA, MacLaughlin R, Hendrix PK. The efects of heated and 2014;43(1):73-79.

October 2015 21

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