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SOAL Teriring salam : dr. Robert Valentino Tarigan, S.Pd Nama : ___________________________
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Cabang Medan:
 Jl. Prof. H.M. Yamin, SH No. 251  (061) 4569363 Medan
KUIS SERI No. Stb : ___________________________
 Jl. Sekip No. 12 A  (061) 4530271 Medan
Jl. Kapt. Muslim No.148–A  (061) 8450964 Medan 9 Lembar Jawaban Kuis
 Jl. Yos Sudarso No.79  (061) 6623349 Medan
 Jl. Pinang Baris 119–K  (061) 8473921 Medan
 Jl. Sisingamangaraja No. 265  (061) 7877335 Medan Group : ___________________________
 Jl. Yos Sudarso Km.20 No.A-1 Sp.Ktr  (061) 77839185 Medan
 Jl. Besar Medan No. 41  (061) 7031688 Delitua)
 Jl. Kapt. Purba Perumnas Simalingkar No. 1 – B  (061) 8361900 Medan INGGRIS Tentor : ___________________________
Topik : Permission Program : Reguler
Hari/Tgl : ___________________________
Kelas : IV SD Semester I
Make Permission suitable to the situations below. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
1. John wants to borrow your pen. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
What will he say ? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
2. You want to sit on the chair. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
What will you say ? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
3. Dodi wants to use your ruler. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
What will he say ?
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
4. Diana is very hungry. She needs some food. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
What will she say ?
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
5. Wati wants to pass through.
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
What will she say ?
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
6. Bill wants to enter the room.
What will he say ? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
7. Julius wants to read the magazine.
What will he say ? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
Give the responses to Permission below.
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
8. “Do you mind if I use this ruler ?” __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
“………… I will use it soon”.
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
9. “Can I borrow this type-writer ?” __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
“………… I don’t use it”. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
10. “May I go home now ?” __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
“………… You have finished your homework”. __________________________________________________

Seorang pemenang tidak pernah putus asa dalam mencapai cita-cita dan seorang yang mudah putus asa tidak pernah jadi pemenang
Cabang Luar Medan : * Jl. Kartini (Perguruan Taman Siswa) L. Pakam * Jl. Sudirman 66 & (061) 8829436 Binjai * Jl. S. Ketaren Blok-C. Komp. Ruko L. Raja Munthe Nilai
Depan RSU & (0628) 21840 K.Jahe * Jl. Merdeka No. 254 (SMU-USI P. Siantar) * SMU PLUS PARTUHA MAUJANA Simalungun * Jl. S.M.
Raja 321/394 Kisaran - Asahan & (0623) 42920 * Jl. Cut Nyak Dhien No. 234-C (Simpang Jl. Sekip) & (0624) 325925 R Prapat * Jl. Patuan
Nagari No. 47 Porsea - Tobasa * Jl. Diponegoro No. 16 Tarutung * Jl. Rangkea Sipagagan (Belakang Hotel Kenari) Tarutung * Jl. Sultan
Hasanuddin No. 25 (Depan Mesjid Raya Baru) & (0634) 26619 Sidimpuan * Jl. Pari No. 7 Lampriet & (0651) 32709 B. Aceh * Yayasan
Pendidikan Arun (YAPENA) Lhokseumawe * Jl. Listrik No. 67 & (0645) 47079 Lhokseumawe * Jl. Dr. F. Lumban Tobing (Depan SPBU)
Pangururan * Jl. Sisingamangaraja No. 44 (di samping BRI) & (0631) 22681 Sibolga * Jl. Merdeka No. 1168/1170 Perdagangan & (0622)
697585 * Jl. Durian No. 7D & (0761) 7025878 Pekan Baru * Jl. Bahagia (Belakang Bank Muamalat) T. Balai * Jl. Besar Tembung No. 1 A &
(061) 7385619 * Jl. Raya Pelabuhan I Belawan (Gedung BPL/Sebelah BRI Belawan) & (061) 91294752/ HP : 085275379376 * Jl. Ahmad Yani Paraf Tentor Bidang Study :
(Komp. Ruko Nusa Deli Indah) & (0621) 7007030 Tebing Tinggi

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