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Oleh :

Aidil Fitra 118280082

Adhitia Wibowo 118280084

Michael Christian Surya Atmaja 118280086




Fluida adalah suatu zat yang dapat mengalir bisa berupa cairan atau gas. Pada dasarnya,
transportasi fluida merupakan penerapan dari neraca momentum, di mana tekanan bertindak
sebagai besaran potensial energi mekanik. Pada saat fluida mengalir dalam sistem perpipaan,
besar sekali kemungkinan adanya hilang-hilang energy mekanik. Fluida yang mengalir dalam
sistem perpipaan akan mengalami kehilangan energy (Headloss) karena adanya gesekan
antara fluida dengan pipa.Tujuan dilakukan praktikum ini untuk mempelajari karakteristik
sistem perpipaan, menentukan velocity head, headloss pada fluida yang mengalir didalamnya
dan konstanta. Dengan densitas air pada (25oC) sebesar 997,08 kgm-3, dan viskositas air
(25oC) sebesar 0.000894 kgm-1s-1 serta variasi ukuran pipa (0,006; 0,01; dan 0,017) m, variasi
kecepatan aliran fluida (13, 18, 23, 28, dan 33 ) m/s diperoleh velocity head masing – masing
sebesar (8,622449; 16,53061; 26,9898; 40; dan 55,56122) m. Headloss pada pipa 0,006 m,
masing – masing sebesar (0,163827; 0,247959; 0,391352; 0,54; dan 0,722296) m. Headloss
pada pipa 0,01 m, masing – masing sebesar (2,50051; 4,463265; 6,747449; 9,2; dan
12,22347) m. Headloss pada pipa 0,017 m, masing – masing sebesar (2,155612; 3,802041;
5,937755; 8, dan 10,55663) m. pada ukuran pipa terdapat diameter masing – masing (0,006;
0,001; dan 0,0017) m. Apabila diameter pada pipa besar disertai bertambahnya kecepatan
aliran fluida, maka headloss suatu fluida semakin besar. Hasil plot dari kecepatan aliran
fluida terhadap headloss diperoleh nilai K (26,549; 16,001; dan 26,641) sehingga semakin
besar diameter pipa disertai besarnya kecepatan fluida maka konstanta yang diperoleh
semakin besar. Hasil plot dari velocity head terhadap headloss diperoleh nilai K (0,012;
0,2048; dan 0,1776) sehingga besar diameter pipa maka semakin kecil velocity head suatu

Kata Kunci : Aliran Fluida, headloss, velocity head


DAFTAR ISI...........................................................................................................................iii
DAFTAR TABEL...................................................................................................................iv
DAFTAR GRAFIK..................................................................................................................v
1.1 Latar Belakang..................................................................................................................5
1.2 Tinjauan Pustaka..............................................................................................................6
2.1 Tujuan Percobaan.............................................................................................................8
2.2 Sasaran Percobaan............................................................................................................8
3.1 Perangkat dan Alat Ukur.............................................................................................9
3.2 Bahan...........................................................................................................................9
3.3 Skema Alat.....................................................................................................................9
3.4 Prosedur kerja.................................................................................................................11
3.4.1 Penentuan densitas air keran....................................................................................11
3.4.2 Penentuan Viskositas Air keran...............................................................................12
3.4.3 Prosedur Start Up.....................................................................................................13
3.4.4 Prosedur Shotdown..................................................................................................14
4.1 Data densitas dan viskositas air......................................................................................15
4.2 Data hasil perhitungan....................................................................................................15
4.3 Nilai K dari perbandingan kecepatan dan head loss...................................................16
4.4 Nilai K dari perbandingan hv dan hl...........................................................................16
5.1 Kesimpulan.....................................................................................................................22
5.2 Saran...............................................................................................................................22
DAFTAR PUSTAKA.............................................................................................................23

Tabel 3.1. Keterangan Gambar 3.1.......................................................................................9
Tabel 4.1 densitas dan viskositas air..................................................................................14
Tabel 4.2 Data Hasil Perhitungan.....................................................................................14
Tabel 4.3 Nilai K dari perbandingan kecepatan dan head loss........................................15
Tabel 4.4 Nilai K dari perbandingan hv dan hl.................................................................15


Grafik 1. Grafik hubungan V dan hl pada Smooth pipe 6 mm.........................................16

Grafik 2. Grafik hubungan V dan hl pada Smooth pipe 10 mm.......................................17

Grafik 3. Grafik hubungan V dan hl pada Smooth pipe 17 mm........................................17

Grafik 4. Grafik hubungan hv dan hl pada Smooth pipe 6 mm.......................................18

Grafik 6. Grafik hubungan hv dan hl pada Smooth pipe 17 mm.....................................18

Grafik 5. Grafik hubungan hv dan hl pada Smooth pipe 10 mm.....................................19

1.1 Latar Belakang
Untuk mengalirkan fluida dari tempat yang satu ke tempat yang lain diperlukan suatu
peralatan. Selain peralatan utama yang digunakan, ada bagianbagian yang tidak kalah
penting, dimana dalam bagian ini sering terjadi peristiwaperistiwa yang dapat mengurangi
efisiensi kerja yang diinginkan. Bagian dari peralatan ini dapat berupa pipa-pipa yang
dihubungkan. Dalam menggunakan pipa yang harus diperhatikan adalah karakteristik dari
fluida yang digunakan, misalnya: sifat korosi, explosive, racun, suhu dan tekanan (Tim
Penyusun, 2012).
Dalam suatu sistem aliran, tidak mungkin fluida hanya mengalir melalui sebuah
pipa. Di dalam aliran fluida ini akan terdapat bermacam jenis pipa, bervariasi ukuran ID pipa,
bahkan kemungkinan adanya perubahan ukuran ID pipa, seperti
enlargement dan contraction, dan lain-lain (Tim Penyusun, 2016).

Praktikum ini dilakukan untuk mempelajari karakteristik sistem perpipaan, serta

fluida yang mengalir di dalamnya. Apabila fluida dilewatkan ke dalam pipa maka akan
terjadi gesekan antara pipa dengan fluida tersebut. Besarnya gesekan yang terjadi
tergantung pada kecepatan, kekerasan pipa, diameter dan viskositas fluida yang digunakan.
Gesekan yang terjadi dapat mempengaruhi aliran fluida dalam pipa, aliran ini dapat terjadi
secara laminar atau turbulen yang nilainya dapat didekati dengan bilangan Reynolds.

1.2 Tinjauan Pustaka
1.2.1 Tipe Aliran Fluida
Ada tiga tipe aliran fluida didalam pipa, yaitu :
a) Aliran Laminer
Aliran ini merupakan aliran fluida dengan kecepatan rendah. Partikelpartikel
fluida mengalir secara teratur dan sejajar dengan sumbu pipa. Reynold menunjukkan
bahwa untuk aliran laminer berlaku Bilangan
Reynold, NRe < 2100. Pada keadaan ini juga berlaku hubungan head loss berbanding
lurus dengan kecepatan linear fluida, atau H α V. Aliran laminar mempunyai ciri-ciri
sebagai berikut:
a) Terjadi pada kecepatan rendah.
b) Fluida cenderung mengalir tanpa adanya pencampuran lateral.
c) Berlapis-lapis seperti kartu.
d) Tidak ada arus tegak lurus arah aliran.
e) Tidak ada pusaran (arus Eddy)
Dalam aliran laminar ini viskositas berfungsi untuk meredam kecenderungan
terjadinya gerakan relative antara lapisan. Sehingga aliran laminar memenuhi hokum
viskositas Newton, yaitu :

τ =μ
τ = tegangan geser
μ = viskositas dinamik
u = kecepatan pada jarak y dari dinding
du/dy = perubahan kecepatan dibagi dengan jarak sepanjang mana perubahan
itu terjadi

b) Aliran Turbulen
Aliran ini merupakan aliran fluida dengan kecepatan tinggi. Partikel-partikel
fluida mengalir secara tidak teratur atau acak didalam pipa. Reynold menunjukkan
bahwa untuk aliran turbulen berlaku bilangan Reynold, NRe > 4000. Pada keadaan ini
juga berlaku hubungan head loss berbanding lurus dengan kecepatan linear
berpangkat n, atau H α Vn. Aliran turbulen mempunyai ciri-ciri sebagai berikut:

a) Terbentuk arus Eddy
b) Terjadi lateral mixing
c) Secara keseluruhan arah aliran tetap sama
d) Distribusi kecepatan lebih uniform atau seragam.

c) Aliran Transisi
Aliran ini merupakan aliran fluida dengan kecepatan diantara kecepatan linear dan
kecepatan turbulen. Aliran berbentuk laminar atau turbulen sangat tergantung oleh
pipa dan perlengkapannya. Reynold menunjukkan bahwa untuk aliran transisi berlaku
hubungan bilangan Reynold, 2100 < NRe < 4000.
Untuk mengetahui tipe aliran fluida dalam pipa, yang paling mudah dengan
menghitung bilangan Reynold (Re):

ρ Di V
Di = diameter dalam pipa
ρ = rapat massa fluida
V = laju alir fluida
μ = viskositas fluida
Ketentuan aliran fluida dalam pipa
Re < 2000 tipe aliran laminar
Re 2000-3000 transisi
Re > 3000 tipe aliran turbulen

1.2.2 Bilangan Reynold dan Jenis Fluida

Bilangan Reynold adalah bilangan tanpa dimensi yang nilainya bergantung

pada kekasaran dan kehalusan pipa sehingga dapat menentukan jenis aliran dalam
pipa (Tim Penyusun, 2012). Profesor Osborne Reynolds menyatakan bahwa ada dua
tipe aliran yang ada di dalam suatu pipa yaitu :
1. Aliran laminar pada kecepatan rendah dimana berlaku h α v.
2. Aliran Turbulen pada kecepatan tinggi dimana berlaku h α vn.

2.1 Tujuan Percobaan
Praktikum ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mempelajari karakteristik sistem
perpipaan, serta fluida yang mengalir di dalamnya.
2.2 Sasaran Percobaan
Dari praktikum ini praktikan diharapkan dapat :

 Menentukan hubungan laju alir dan head loss.

 Menentukan hubungan bilangan Reynold dengan pipe friction coefficient.

 Menentukan nilai K masing-masing fitting.

 Menghitung konstanta yang diperlukan pada perhitungan laju alir fluida.

3.1 Perangkat dan Alat Ukur
Perangkat dan alat ukur yang digunakan pada percobaan ini adalah:

a) Satu set peralatan SOLTEQ

b) Viskometer Ostwald

c) Piknometer

d) Stopwatch

e) Gelas ukur 1 Liter

f) Neraca analitis

g) Ember, lap bersih, dan tissue

3.2 Bahan
Bahan yang diperlukan pada percobaan ini adalah:

a) Aqua dm

b) Air keran
3.3 Skema Alat

Gambar 3.1 Alat perpipaan SOLTEQ

Kode Keterangan Kode Keterangan

A 6 mm smooth bore pipe K In-line y strainer
B Sudden contraction L 90o elbow
C 10 mm smooth bore pipe M 90o bend
D Sudden enlargement N 90o T
E 17 mm smooth bore pipe O Pitot static tube
F 17 mm artificial roughened
P Venturimeter
G 45o elbow Q Orificemeter
H 45o Y R Outlet control valve
I Gate valve S Water manometer
J Globe valve T Digital manometer

Tabel 3.1. Keterangan Gambar 3.1

3.4 Prosedur kerja

3.4.1 Penentuan densitas air keran


Piknometer dan
aseton disiapkan

Piknometer dicuci
, dan

Piknometer kosong Massa

ditimbang; massa piknometer
dicatat kosong

Aqua dm dimasukkan ke Piknometer ditutup Dinding luar piknometer

dalam piknometer hingga rapat hingga aqua dm dikeringkan dengan tissue
tepat penuh meluap atau lap kering yang bersih

Diulang Suhu aqua dm Piknometer berisi

menggunakan air dalam piknometer aqua dm ditimbang;
keran diukur massa dicatat

Temperatur Massa
aqua dm piknometer
+ fluida

Piknometer dikosongkan
Densitas air keran
dibilas dengan aseton
; Selesai

air keran

3.4.2 Penentuan Viskositas Air keran


Bersihkan dan keringkan


Masukkan aqua dm ke
dalam viskometer

Cairan dihisap dari ujung atas

reservoir B hingga melewati m

Cairan dibiarkan mengalir; waktu dari Waktu m

titik m ke n dicatat ke n

Ulangi prosedur untuk mencari

waktu m ke n air keran

Viskositas air keran dicari

dengan membandingkan
air keran
terhadap viskositas aqua dm


3.4.3 Prosedur Start Up


Alat disiapkan

Isi bak penampung air dengan air

hingga mencapai setengah atau
lebih tinggi bak penampung

Buka seluruh keran

; pompa dan
manometer disambungkan ke
power supply

Power supply


3.4.4 Prosedur Shotdown


Seluruh valve dibuka

Power supply

Isi bak penampung

dikuras dan

Bereskan peralatan


4.1 Data densitas dan viskositas air
T (oC)
( )
μ ( mskg )
25 997.08 0.000894

Tabel 4.1 densitas dan viskositas air

4.2 Data hasil perhitungan
Hv (velocity
L (m) D (m) V (m/s) Hl (Head Loss)
13 8.622449 0.163827
18 16.53061 0.247959
0.006 0.006 23 26.9898 0.391352
28 40 0.54
33 55.56122 0.722296
13 8.622449 2.50051
18 16.53061 4.463265
0.01 0.001 23 26.9898 6.747449
28 40 9.2
33 55.56122 12.22347
13 8.622449 2.155612
18 16.53061 3.802041
0.017 0.0017 23 26.9898 5.937755
28 40 8
33 55.56122 10.55663

Tabel 4.2 Data Hasil Perhitungan

4.3 Nilai K dari perbandingan kecepatan dan head loss
Jenis pipe K

Smooth pipe 6 mm 34.947

Smooth pipe 10 mm 2.0541

Smooth pipe 17 mm 2.3683

Tabel 4.3 Nilai K dari perbandingan kecepatan dan head loss

4.4 Nilai K dari perbandingan hv dan hl
Jenis pipe K

Smooth pipe 6 mm 0.012

Smooth pipe 10 mm 0.2048

Smooth pipe 17 mm 0.1776

Tabel 4.4 Nilai K dari perbandingan hv dan hl

V vs hl
30 f(x) = 34.95 x + 8.56
25 R² = 0.98
V (m/s)

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
hl (head loss)

Grafik 1. Grafik hubungan V dan hl pada Smooth pipe 6 mm

Persamaan linierisasi =

y = 34,947x + 8,5638

maka nilai K = 34,947

V vs hl

30 f(x) = 2.05 x + 8.57
25 R² = 0.99
V (m/s)

2 4 6 hl (head8 loss) 10 12 14

Grafik 2. Grafik hubungan V dan hl pada Smooth pipe 10 mm

Persamaan linierisasi =

y = 2,0541x + 8,5662

maka nilai K = 2,0541

V vs hl
30 f(x) = 2.37 x + 8.58
V (m/s)

20 R² = 0.99
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
hl (head loss)

Grafik 3. Grafik hubungan V dan hl pada Smooth pipe 17 mm

Persamaan linierisasi =

y = 2,3683x + 8,5763

maka nilai K = 2,36683

hv vs hl
0.6 f(x) = 0.01 x + 0.06
R² = 1

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Grafik 4. Grafik hubungan hv dan hl pada Smooth pipe 6 mm

Persamaan linierisasi =

y 0,012x + 0,0587

maka nilai K = 0,012

hv vs hl

10 f(x) = 0.2 x + 0.98

R² = 1

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Grafik 5. Grafik hubungan hv dan hl pada Smooth pipe 10 mm

Persamaan linierisasi =

y = 0,2048x + 0,9766

maka nilai K = 0,2048

hv vs hl
10 f(x) = 0.18 x + 0.84
8 R² = 1

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Grafik 6. Grafik hubungan hv dan hl pada Smooth pipe 17 mm

Persamaan linierisasi =

y = 0,1776x + 0,8429

maka nilai K = 0,1776


Pada percobaan ini digunakan smooth bore pipe dengan ukuran 6 mm , 10 mm , 17 mm,
dengan kecepatan yang bervariasi yaitu 13 m/s , 18 m/s , 23 m/s , 28 m/s dan 33 m/s. Pada saat
perhitungan pipa berdiameter 6 mm saat v = 13 m/s didapatkan bilang Reynold sebesar 87022.76.
Berdasarkan moody diagram didapatkan friction sebesar 0.019, kemudian menghitung Hv
didapatkan 8.622449 dan menghitung Hl didapatkan 0.163827. Pada saat v = 18 m/s didapatkan
bilang Reynold 120493.1 , berdasarkan moody diagram didapatkan friction sebesar 0.015
kemudian menghitung Hv didapatkan 16.53061 dan menghitung Hl didapatkan 0.247959. Pada saat
v = 23 m/s didapatkan bilangan Reynold sebesar 187433.6 berdasarkan moody diagram didapatkan
friction sebesar 0.0145 ,kemudian menghitung Hv didapatkan 26.9898 dan nilai Hl didapatkan
0.39152. Pada saat v = 28 m/s didapatkan bilangan Reynold sebesar 187433.6 berdasarkan moody
diagram didapatkan friction sebesar 0.0135 ,kemudian menghitung Hv didapatkan 40 dan nilai Hl
didapatkan 0.54. Pada saat v = 33 m/s didapatkan bilangan Reynold sebesar 220903.9 berdasarkan
moody diagram didapatkan friction sebesar 0.013 ,kemudian menghitung Hv didapatkan 55.56122
dan nilai Hl didapatkan 0.722296. Pada saat perhitungan pipa berdiameter 10 mm , Pada saat v =
13 m/s didapatkan bilangan Reynold sebesar 14503.79 berdasarkan moody diagram didapatkan
friction sebesar 0.029 ,kemudian menghitung Hv didapatkan 8.622449 dan nilai Hl didapatkan
2.50051. Pada saat v = 18 m/s didapatkan bilangan Reynold sebesar 220903.9 berdasarkan moody
diagram didapatkan friction sebesar 0.027 ,kemudian menghitung Hv didapatkan 16.53061 dan
nilai Hl didapatkan 4.463265. Pada saat v = 23 m/s didapatkan bilangan Reynold sebesar 25660.56
berdasarkan moody diagram didapatkan friction sebesar 0.025 ,kemudian menghitung Hv
didapatkan 26.9898 dan nilai Hl didapatkan 6.747449. Pada saat v = 28 m/s didapatkan bilangan
Reynold sebesar 31238.94 berdasarkan moody diagram didapatkan friction sebesar 0.023
,kemudian menghitung Hv didapatkan 40 dan nilai Hl didapatkan 9.2. Pada saat v = 33 m/s
didapatkan bilangan Reynold sebesar 36817.32 berdasarkan moody diagram didapatkan friction
sebesar 0.022 ,kemudian menghitung Hv didapatkan 55.56122 dan nilai Hl didapatkan 12.22347.
Pada saat perhitungan pipa berdiameter 17 mm saat v = 13 m/s didapatkan bilang Reynold sebesar
24656.45. Berdasarkan moody diagram didapatkan friction sebesar 0.025, kemudian menghitung
Hv didapatkan 8.622449 dan menghitung Hl didapatkan 2.155612. Pada saat v = 18 m/s didapatkan
bilangan Reynold sebesar 34139.45 berdasarkan moody diagram didapatkan friction sebesar
0.023 ,kemudian menghitung Hv didapatkan 16.53061 dan nilai Hl didapatkan 3.802041. Pada saat
v = 23 m/s didapatkan bilangan Reynold sebesar 43622.95 berdasarkan moody diagram didapatkan

friction sebesar 0.022 ,kemudian menghitung Hv didapatkan 26.9898 dan nilai Hl didapatkan
5.937755. Pada saat v = 28 m/s didapatkan bilangan Reynold sebesar 53106.2 berdasarkan moody
diagram didapatkan friction sebesar 0.02 ,kemudian menghitung Hv didapatkan 40 dan nilai Hl
didapatkan 8. Pada saat v = 33 m/s didapatkan bilangan Reynold sebesar 62589.45 berdasarkan
moody diagram didapatkan friction sebesar 0.019 ,kemudian menghitung Hv didapatkan 55.56122
dan nilai Hl didapatkan 10.55663.

Dari penjelasan diatas dapat kita ketahui bahwa ukuran pipa berpengaruh terhadap headloss
yang dihasilkan. Dapat dilihat dari headloss yang dihasilkan dari pipa berdiameter 6mm
menghasilkan nilai headloss yang cendrung lebih kecil dibandingkan dari pipa yang lainnya.
Kecepatan aliran fluida juga berpengaruh terhadap nilai headloss yang didapatkan, semakin cepat
aliran fluida maka nilai headloss yang didapatkan semakin besar pula. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari
kurva yang cendrung linier yang artinya kecepatan aliran fluida berbanding lurus dengan headloss.
Selanjutnya kecepatan velocity head juga berpengaruh terhadap headloss , semaki tinggi nilai
velocity head maka nilai Hv dan Hl juga semakin tinggi pula. Nilai Reynold juga berpengaruh
terhadap headloss, yaitu semakin tinggi nilai Reynold yang dihasilkan maka maka nilai headloss
yang didapatkan juga tinggi.

5.1 Kesimpulan
Dari percobaan aliran fluida maka didapatkan hasil kesimpulan sebagai berikut :

1. Pada percobaan ini ukuran pipa sangat berpengaruh terhadap headloss. Dapat dilihat
pipa yang berukuran 6mm memilik nilai headloss yang lebih kecil dibandingkan pipa
dengan dia meter 10 mm dan 17 mm.

2. Velocity head dan kecepatan aliran fluida berbanding lurus dengan nilai headloss yang

3. Pada kurva kecepatan terhadap headloss ukuran pipa berbanding lurus terhadap nilai
konstanta. Sedangka pada kurva velocity head terhadap headloss ukuran pipa
berbanding terbalik.

5.2 Saran
Dari percobaan aliran fluida maka didapatkan hasil saran sebagai berikut:

Sebaiknya pada pratikum selanjutnya ditambah lagi variasi dan variable yang berbeda
agar lebih mendapatkan hasil yang lebih bagus lagi.

Geankoplis, C.J. 1993. Transport Process and Unit Operation, 3rd edition,
Prentice Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.

Giles, R.V. 1986. Mekanika Fluida dan Hidraulika. Ed. 2., Jakarta: Erlangga
Diterjemahkan oleh: Ir. Herman Widodo Soemitro.

Tim Penyusun. 2012. Penuntun Praktikum Operasi Teknik Kimia I. Program Studi
D-III Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik Universitas Riau. Pekanbaru

Tim Penyusun. 2016. Penuntun Praktikum Laboratorium Teknik Kimia Edisi 2.

Program Studi S1 Teknik Kimia Fakultas Teknik Universitas Riau.Pekanbaru


 Contoh Perhitungan pada smooth pipe 6 mm


997.08× 13 ×0.006


Menggunakan grafik moody dengan nilai Re 87022.75932 dan jenis pipa smooth didapat f
sebesar 0.019

f LV

0.019 × 0.006× 132

0.006 ×2 ×9.8





 Contoh Perhitungan pada smooth pipe 10 mm


997.08× 13 ×0.001


Menggunakan grafik moody dengan nilai Re 87022.75932 dan jenis pipa smooth didapat f
sebesar 0.029

f LV2

0.029 × 0.001×13 2
0.01× 2× 9.8





 Contoh Perhitungan pada smooth pipe 10 mm


997.08× 13 ×0.0017


Menggunakan grafik moody dengan nilai Re 87022.75932 dan jenis pipa smooth didapat f
sebesar 0.025

f LV2

0.025 × 0.0017× 132

0.017 ×2 ×9.8





Lembar Kendali Keselamatan Kerja
No. Bahan Sifat Bahan Tindakan Penanggulangan
1. Air (Aquades)  Tidak berbau  o
Titik leleh 0 C  Tidak perlu penanganan
 Berfase cair dalam  Titik didih 100oC khusus
suhu ruang  Specific gravity  Hindari kontak langsung
 Tidak beracun 0.99823 g/ml dengan bahan
 Tidak berbahaya  Viskositas 1.002

Kecelakaan yang mungkin terjadi Penanggulangan

Hubungan pendek arus listrik dengan air Putus aliran listrik dari sumbernya atau
hubungi pihak yang berwajib
Kebocoran bahan Pastikan dalam keadaan baik

Perlengkapan Keselamatan Kerja

1. Sarung Tangan
2. Jas Lab

Safety Data Sheet
according to Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 58 / Monday,
March 26, 2012 / Rules and Regulations

Issue date: 11/15/2013 Revision date:

06/26/2020 Supersedes: 06/12/2018 Version: 1

SECTION 1: Identification
1.1. Identification

Product form : Substanc

Substance name : Water
CAS-No. : 7732-18-
Product code : LC26750
Formula : H2O
1.2. Recommended use and restrictions on use

Use of the substance/mixture : For laboratory and manufacturing

use only.
Recommended use : Laboratory chemicals
Restrictions on use : Not for food, drug or household
1.3. Supplier

LabChem, Inc.1010 Jackson's Pointe Ct. Zelienople, PA 16063 - USA

T 412-826-5230 - F 724-473-0647 -

1.4. Emergency telephone number

Emergency number : CHEMTREC: 1-800-424-9300 or +1-

SECTION 2: Hazard(s) identification
2.1. Classification of the substance or mixture

GHS US classification
Not classified

2.2. GHS Label elements, including precautionary statements

Not classified as a hazardous chemical.

Other hazards not contributing to : None.

2.4. Unknown acute toxicity (GHS US)

Not applicable
SECTION 3: Composition/Information on ingredients
3.1. Substances

Substance type : Mono-constituent

Name Product % GHS US

identifier classification
Water (CAS-No.) 100 Not classified
(Main constituent) 7732-18-5

3.2. Mixtures

Full text of hazard classes and H-statements : see section 16

Not applicable
SECTION 4: First-aid measures
4.1. Description of first aid measures

First-aid measures general : If you feel unwell, seek medical advice (show the label where possi
First-aid measures after : Allow affected person to breathe fresh air. Allow the victim to res
inhalation Adverse effects not expected from this product.
First-aid measures after skin : Adverse effects not expected from this product. Take off contamin
contact clothing.
First-aid measures after eye : Adverse effects not expected from this product.
First-aid measures after ingestion : Do NOT induce vomiting. Adverse effects not expected from th

2. Most important ect (acute and delayed)
symptoms and eff s Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met.
Potential Adverse human health :
effects and symptoms
Symptoms/effects : Not expected to present a significant hazard under anticipated
conditions of normal use.
4.3. Immediate medical attention and special treatment, if necessary

Treat symptomatically.

SECTION 5: Fire-fighting measures

5.1. Suitable (and unsuitable) extinguishing media

Suitable extinguishing media : Foam. Dry powder. Carbon dioxide. Water

spray. Sand.
5.2. Specific hazards arising from the chemical

Fire hazard : Not

5.3. Special protective equipment and precautions for fire-fighters

Firefighting instructions : Use water spray or fog for cooling exposed containers. Exercise
caution when fighting any chemical fire.
Protection during firefighting : Do not enter fire area without proper protective equipment,
including respiratory protection.
SECTION 6: Accidental release measures
6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures

6.1.1. For non-emergency personnel

Emergency procedures : Evacuate unnecessary


6.1.2. For emergency responders

Protective equipment : Equip cleanup crew with proper
Emergency procedures : Ventilate area.
6.2. Environmental precautions

Prevent entry to sewers and public waters. Notify authorities if liquid enters sewers or
public waters.
6.3. Methods and material for containment and cleaning up

Methods for cleaning up : Soak up spills with inert solids, such as clay or diatomaceous earth
as soon as possible.
6.4. Reference to other sections

See Heading 8. Exposure controls and personal protection.

SECTION 7: Handling and storage

7.1. Precautions for safe handling

Precautions for safe handling : Wash hands and other exposed areas with mild soap and water
before eating, drinking or
smoking and when leaving work.
7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities

Storage conditions : Keep container closed when

not in use.
Incompatible products : Metallic sodium.
Incompatible materials : Sources of ignition. Direct

SECTION 8: Exposure controls/personal protection

8.1. Control parameters

Water (7732-18-5)
No additional information available

8.2. Appropriate engineering controls

Appropriate engineering : Provide adequate general and local
controls exhaust ventilation.
8.3. Individual protection measures/Personal protective equipment

Personal protective equipment:

Safety glasses.

Eye protection:
Chemical goggles or safety glasses

Respiratory protection:
None necessary.
Personal protective equipment

Other information:
Do not eat, drink or smoke during

SECTION 9: Physical and chemical properties

9.1. Information on basic physical and chemical properties

Physical state : Liquid

Color : Colorless
Odor : None.
Odor threshold : No data available
pH : 7
Melting point : 0 °C
Freezing point : No data available
Boiling point : 100 °C
Critical temperature : 374.1 °C
Critical pressure : 218.3 atm
Flash point : No data available
Relative evaporation rate (butyl : No data available
Flammability (solid, gas) : Non flammable.
Vapor pressure : 17.535 mm Hg
Vapor pressure at 50 °C : 92.51 mm Hg
Relative vapor density at 20 °C : No data available
Relative density : 1
Specific gravity / density : 0.99823 g/ml
Molecular mass : 18 g/mol
Solubility : Soluble in acetic acid. Soluble in acetone. Soluble in ammonia.

Soluble in ammonium chloride. Soluble in ethanol. Soluble in
glycerol. Soluble in hydrochloric acid. Soluble in methanol.
Soluble in nitric acid. Soluble in sulfuric acid. Soluble in sodium
hydroxide solution. Soluble in propylene glycol.
Log Pow : No data available
Auto-ignition temperature : No data available
Decomposition temperature : No data available
Viscosity, kinematic : 1.004 mm²/s
Viscosity, dynamic : 1.002 cP
Explosion limits : No data available
Explosive properties : Not applicable.
Oxidizing properties : None.
9.2. Other information

VOC content : 0%
SECTION 10: Stability and reactivity

10.1. Reactivity

No additional information available

10.2. Chemical stability

Stable under normal conditions.

10.3. Possibility of hazardous reactions

Not established.

10.4. Conditions to avoid

Extremely high or low temperatures.

10.5. Incompatible materials

Metallic sodium.

10.6. Hazardous decomposition products

Hydrogen. oxygen.
SECTION 11: Toxicological information

11.1. Information on toxicological effects

Acute toxicity (oral) : Not classified

Acute toxicity (dermal) : Not classified
Acute toxicity (inhalation) : Not classified

Water (7732-18-5)
LD50 oral rat ≥ 90000 mg/kg
ATE US (oral) 90000 mg/kg body weight
Skin corrosion/irritation : Not
pH: 7
Serious eye damage/irritation : Not
pH: 7
Respiratory or skin sensitization : Not classified
Germ cell mutagenicity : Not classified

Carcinogenicity : Not classified (Based on available data, the classification criteria are
not met)

Reproductive toxicity : Not classified

STOT-single exposure : Not classified

STOT-repeated exposure : Not classified

Aspiration hazard : Not classified

Viscosity, kinematic : 1.004 mm²/s

Likely routes of exposure : Skin and eye contact

Potential Adverse human health effects and symptoms

Symptoms/effects : Not expected to present a significant hazard under anticipated
conditions of normal use.

SECTION 12: Ecological information

12.1. Toxicity

No additional information available

12.2. Persistence and degradability

Water (7732-18-5)
Persistence and degradability Not established.
12.3. Bioaccumulative potential

Water (7732-18-5)
Bioaccumulative potential Not established.
12.4. Mobility in soil

No additional information available

12.5. Other adverse effects

Other information : No other effects

SECTION 13: Disposal considerations

13.1. Disposal methods

Waste disposal : Dispose in a safe manner in accordance with

recommendations local/national regulations.

SECTION 14: Transport information

Department of Transportation
In accordance with DOT
Not regulated

Transport by
Not regulated


SECTION 15: Regulatory information

15.1. US Federal regulations

Water (7732-18-5)
Listed on the United States TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) inventory
All components of this product are listed, or excluded from listing, on the United States
Environmental Protection Agency Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) inventory
15.2. International regulations CA

Water (7732-18-5)
Listed on the Canadian DSL (Domestic Substances List)


No additional information available

National regulations
No additional information available
15.3. US State regulations

California Proposition 65 - This product does not contain any substances known to the state of
California to cause cancer, developmental and/or reproductive harm

SECTION 16: Other information

according to Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 58 / Monday, March 26, 2012 / Rules and Regulations

Revision date : 06/26/202
Other information : None.

NFPA health hazard : 0 - Materials that, under emergency

conditions, would offer no hazard
beyond that of ordinary combustible
NFPA fire hazard : 0 - Materials that will not burn under
typical fire conditions, including
intrinsically noncombustible materials
such as concrete, stone, and sand.
NFPA reactivity : 0 - Material that in themselves are
normally stable, even under fire

Hazard Rating
Health : 0 Minimal Hazard - No significant risk to health
Flammability : 0 Minimal Hazard - Materials that will not burn
Physical : 0 Minimal Hazard - Materials that are normally stable, even under
fire conditions, and will NOT react with water, polymerize,
decompose, condense, or self-react. Non-Explosives.
Personal protection :A
A - Safety glasses

SDS US LabChem

Information in this SDS is from available published sources and is believed to be accurate. No warranty,
express or implied, is made and LabChem Inc assumes no liability resulting from the use of this SDS. The
user must determine suitability of this information for his application.

Safety Data Sheet
according to Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 58 / Monday, March 26, 2012 /
Rules and Regulations

Date of issue: 11/12/1998 Revision date: 04/24/2018

Supersedes: 04/24/2018 Version: 1.3

SECTION 1: Identification
1.1. Identification

Product form : Substance

Substance name : Acetone
Chemical name : 2-Propanone
CAS-No. : 67-64-1
Product code : LC10420, LC10425
Formula : C3H6O
Synonyms : 2-propanone / beta-ketopropane / dimethyl formaldehyde /
dimethyl ketone / dimethylketal / DMK (=dimethyl ketone) / keto
propane / methyl ketone / pyroacetic acid / pyroacetic ether /
pyroacetic spirit
1.2. Recommended use and restrictions on use

Use of the substance/mixture : Solvent

Chemical raw
Recommended use : Laboratory chemicals
Restrictions on use : Not for food, drug or
household use
1.3. Supplier

LabChem, Inc.
Jackson's Pointe Commerce Park Building 1000,
1010 Jackson's Pointe Court Zelienople, PA 16063 -

T 412-826-5230 - F 724-473-0647
1.4. Emergency telephone number

Emergency number : CHEMTREC: 1-800-424-9300 or +1-

SECTION 2: Hazard(s) identification
2.1. Classification of the substance or mixture

GHS-US classification

Flammable liquids H225 Highly flammable liquid

Category 2 and vapour
Serious eye H319 Causes serious eye
damage/eye irritation
irritation Category
Specific target organ H336 May cause drowsiness or
toxicity (single dizziness
exposure) Category
Full text of H statements : see section 16

2.2. GHS Label elements, including

precautionary statements GHS US labeling
Hazard pictograms (GHS US) :


Signal word (GHS US) : Danger

Hazard statements (GHS US) : H225 - Highly flammable
liquid and vapour H319 -
Causes serious eye
H336 - May cause drowsiness or dizziness
Precautionary statements (GHS US) : P210 - Keep away from heat, hot surfaces, open flames, sparks. - No
P233 - Keep container tightly closed.
P240 - Ground/bond container and receiving equipment.
P241 - Use explosion-proof electrical,
lighting, ventilating equipment P242 - Use
only non-sparking tools.
P243 - Take precautionary measures

against static discharge. P261 - Avoid

breathing mist, spray, vapors.
04/23/2019 EN (English US) Page 1

P264 - Wash exposed skin
thoroughly after handling. P271 -
Use only outdoors or in a well-
ventilated area.
P280 - Wear eye protection, face protection, protective
clothing, protective gloves. P303+P361+P353 - IF ON SKIN
(or hair): Remove/Take off immediately all contaminated
clothing. Rinse skin with water/shower.
P304+P340 - IF INHALED: Remove person to fresh air and keep
comfortable for breathing. P305+P351+P338 - If in eyes: Rinse
cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses,
if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing
P312 - Call a POISON CENTER or
doctor/physician if you feel unwell. P337+P313
- If eye irritation persists: Get medical
P370+P378 - In case of fire: Use dry chemical powder, alcohol-
resistant foam, carbon dioxide (CO2) to extinguish
P403+P233 - Store in a well-ventilated place. Keep
container tightly closed. P405 - Store locked up.
P501 - Dispose of contents/container to comply with local,
state and federal regulations P235 - Keep cool.
2.3. Other hazards which do not result in classification

Other hazards not contributing to : None.


2.4. Unknown acute toxicity (GHS US)

Not applicable
SECTION 3: Composition/Information on ingredients
3.1. Substances 26
Substance type : Mono-constituent

Name Product % GHS-US

identifier classification
Acetone (CAS-No.) 67- 100 Flam. Liq.
(Main constituent) 64-1 2, H225
Eye Irrit.
2A, H319
3, H336

3.2. Mixtures

Full text of hazard classes and H-statements : see section 16

Not applicable
SECTION 4: First-aid measures
4.1. Description of first aid measures

First-aid measures general : Check the vital functions. Unconscious: maintain adequate airway
and respiration. Respiratory arrest: artificial respiration or oxygen.
Cardiac arrest: perform resuscitation. Victim conscious with labored
breathing: half-seated. Victim in shock: on his back with legs slightly
Vomiting: prevent asphyxia/aspiration pneumonia. Prevent cooling
by covering the victim (no warming up). Keep watching the victim.
Give psychological aid. Keep the victim calm, avoid physical strain.
Depending on the victim's condition: doctor/hospital.
First-aid measures after : Remove the victim into fresh air. Respiratory problems: consult a
inhalation doctor/medical service.
First-aid measures after skin : Wash immediately with lots of water. Soap may be used. Do not
contact apply (chemical) neutralizing agents. Remove clothing before
washing. Take victim to a doctor if irritation persists.
First-aid measures after eye : Rinse immediately with plenty of water. Remove contact lenses, if
contact present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Do not apply neutralizing
agents. Take victim to an ophthalmologist if irritation persists.
First-aid measures after ingestion : Rinse mouth with water. Immediately after ingestion: give lots of
water to drink. Do not give milk/oil to drink. Do not induce
vomiting. Give activated charcoal. Call Poison Information Centre
( Consult a doctor/medical service if you
feel unwell. Ingestion
of large quantities: immediately to hospital. Doctor: gastric lavage.
4.2. Most important symptoms and effects (acute and delayed)

Symptoms/effects : Not expected to present a significant hazard under anticipated

conditions of normal use.
Symptoms/effects after : EXPOSURE TO HIGH CONCENTRATIONS: Feeling of weakness.
inhalation Irritation of the respiratory tract. Nausea. Vomiting. Headache.
Central nervous system depression. Dizziness. Narcosis.
Excited/restless. Drunkenness. Disturbed motor response. Respiratory
difficulties. Disturbances of consciousness.
Symptoms/effects after skin : ON CONTINUOUS EXPOSURE/CONTACT: Dry skin. Cracking of
contact the skin.
Symptoms/effects after eye : Irritation of the eye tissue.

Symptoms/effects after : Dry/sore throat. Risk of aspiration pneumonia. Symptoms similar to
ingestion those listed under inhalation. AFTER ABSORPTION OF LARGE
QUANTITIES: Irritation of the gastric/intestinal mucosa. Change in
the blood composition. Change in urine output. Renal disease.
Enlargement/disease of the liver.
Symptoms/effects upon : Not available.
skin. Skin rash/inflammation. Dry/sore throat. Headache. Nausea.
Feeling of weakness. Loss of weight. Possible inflammation of the
respiratory tract.
4.3. Immediate medical attention and special treatment, if necessary

Obtain medical assistance.

SECTION 5: Fire-fighting measures

5.1. Suitable (and unsuitable) extinguishing media

Suitable extinguishing media : Quick-acting ABC powder extinguisher. Quick-acting BC powder

extinguisher. Quick-acting class B foam extinguisher. Quick-acting
CO2 extinguisher. Class B foam (alcohol-resistant). Water spray if
puddle cannot expand.
Unsuitable extinguishing media : Water (quick-acting extinguisher, reel); risk of puddle
expansion. Water; risk of puddle expansion.
5.2. Specific hazards arising from the chemical

Fire hazard : DIRECT FIRE HAZARD. Highly flammable liquid and vapour.
Gas/vapor flammable with air within explosion limits. INDIRECT
FIRE HAZARD. May be ignited by sparks. Gas/vapor spreads at
floor level: ignition hazard. Reactions involving a fire hazard: see
"Reactivity Hazard".
Explosion hazard : DIRECT EXPLOSION HAZARD. Gas/vapour explosive with air
within explosion limits. INDIRECT EXPLOSION HAZARD. Heat

may cause pressure rise in tanks/drums: explosion risk. may be
ignited by sparks. Reactions with explosion hazards: see
"Reactivity Hazard".
Reactivity : Violent to explosive reaction with many compounds. Prolonged
storage: on exposure to light: release of harmful gases/vapours.
5.3. Special protective equipment and precautions for fire-fighters

Firefighting instructions : Cool tanks/drums with water spray/remove them into safety.
Physical explosion risk: extinguish/cool from behind cover. Do
not move the load if exposed to heat. After cooling: persistant
risk of physical explosion.
Protection during firefighting : Heat/fire exposure: compressed air/oxygen apparatus.
SECTION 6: Accidental release measures
6.1. Personal precautions, protective equipment and emergency procedures

6.1.1. For non-emergency personnel

Protective equipment : Gloves. Protective goggles. Protective clothing. Large spills/in

enclosed spaces: compressed air apparatus.
Emergency procedures : Keep upwind. Mark the danger area. Consider evacuation. Seal off
low-lying areas. Close doors and windows of adjacent premises. Stop
engines and no smoking. No naked flames or sparks. Spark- and
explosion-proof appliances and lighting equipment. Keep containers
Wash contaminated clothes.

6.1.2. For emergency responders

Protective equipment : Equip cleanup crew with proper

Emergency procedures : Ventilate area.
6.2. Environmental precautions

Prevent spreading in sewers.

6.3. Methods and material for containment and cleaning up

For containment : Contain released substance, pump into suitable containers. Plug the
leak, cut off the supply. Dam up the liquid spill. Try to reduce
evaporation. Measure the concentration of the explosive gas-air
mixture. Dilute/disperse combustible gas/vapour with water curtain.
Provide equipment/receptacles with earthing. Do not use
compressed air for pumping over spills.
Methods for cleaning up : Take up liquid spill into inert absorbent material, e.g.: sand, earth,
vermiculite. Scoop absorbed substance into closing containers. Spill
must not return in its original container. Carefully collect the
spill/leftovers. Damaged/cooled tanks must be emptied. Do not use
compressed air for pumping over spills. Clean contaminated surfaces
with an excess of water. Take collected spill to
manufacturer/competent authority. Wash clothing and equipment
after handling.

6.4. Reference to other sections

See Heading 8. Exposure controls and personal protection.

SECTION 7: Handling and storage
7.1. Precautions for safe handling

Precautions for safe handling : Use spark-/explosionproof appliances and lighting system. Take
precautions against electrostatic charges. Keep away from naked
flames/heat. Keep away from ignition sources/sparks. Measure the
concentration in the air regularly. Work under local
exhaust/ventilation. Comply with the legal requirements. Remove
contaminated clothing immediately. Clean contaminated clothing.
Handle uncleaned empty containers as full ones. Thoroughly
clean/dry the installation before use. Do not discharge the waste into
the drain. Do not use compressed air for pumping over. Keep
container tightly closed.
Hygiene measures : Do not eat, drink or smoke when using this product. Wash
contaminated clothing before reuse. Wash hands and other exposed
areas with mild soap and water before eating, drinking or smoking
and when leaving work.
7.2. Conditions for safe storage, including any incompatibilities

Storage conditions : Keep only in the original container in a cool, well ventilated place
away from : Heat sources, Direct sunlight, incompatible materials.
Keep container closed when not in use.
Incompatible products : Strong bases. Strong acids.
Incompatible materials : Sources of ignition. Direct sunlight.
Storage temperature : 15 - 20 °C
Heat-ignition : KEEP SUBSTANCE AWAY FROM: heat sources. ignition sources.
Prohibitions on mixed storage : KEEP SUBSTANCE AWAY FROM: oxidizing agents. reducing
agents. strong acids. (strong) bases. halogens. amines.
Storage area : Store in a cool area. Keep out of direct sunlight. Store in a dry area.
Store in a dark area. Ventilation at floor level. Fireproof storeroom.

Provide for an automatic sprinkler system. Provide for a tub to
collect spills. Provide the tank with earthing. Meet the legal
Special rules on packaging : SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: closing. with pressure relief
valve. clean. opaque. correctly labelled. meet the legal
requirements. Secure fragile packagings in solid containers.
Packaging materials : SUITABLE MATERIAL: steel. stainless steel. carbon steel.
aluminium. iron. copper. nickel. bronze. glass. MATERIAL TO
AVOID: synthetic material.

SECTION 8: Exposure controls/personal protection

8.1. Control parameters

Acetone (67-64-1)
ACGIH ACGIH TWA (ppm) 250 ppm
ACGIH ACGIH STEL (ppm) 500 ppm
NIOSH NIOSH REL (TWA) (mg/m³) 590 mg/m³
NIOSH NIOSH REL (TWA) (ppm) 250 ppm

8.2. Appropriate engineering controls

Appropriate engineering : Emergency eye wash fountains should be available in the immediate
controls vicinity of any potential
8.3. Individual protection measures/Personal protective equipment

Personal protective equipment:

Safety glasses. Gloves. Protective clothing. Face shield. High gas/vapor concentration: gas mask with filter
type A.

Materials for protective clothing:

GIVE GOOD RESISTANCE: butyl rubber. tetrafluoroethylene. GIVE LESS RESISTANCE:
chlorosulfonated polyethylene. natural rubber. neoprene. polyurethane. PVA. styrene-butadiene rubber.
GIVE POOR RESISTANCE: nitrile rubber. polyethylene. PVC. viton. nitrile rubber/PVC

Hand protection:
Eye protection:
Safety glasses
Skin and body protection:
Head/neck protection. Protective clothing
Respiratory protection:
Full face mask with filter type AX at conc. in air
> exposure limit
Other information:
Do not eat, drink or smoke during use.

SECTION 9: Physical and chemical properties

9.1. Information on basic physical and chemical properties

Physical state : Liquid

Appearance : Liquid.
: Colourless

: Aromatic odour Sweet odour Fruity odour

Odor threshold : No data available

pH : 7 (10 g/l)

Melting point : -95 °C

Freezing point : No data available

Boiling point : 56 °C

Critical temperature : 235 °C

Critical pressure : 47010 hPa
Flash point : -17 °C (Closed cup)

Relative evaporation rate (butyl

acetate=1) : 6 Relative evaporation rate
(ether=1) :2
Flammability (solid, gas) : Non flammable.

Vapor pressure : 247 hPa (20 °C)

Vapor pressure at 50 °C : 828 hPa

Relative vapor density at 20 °C :2

Relative density : 0.79

Relative density of saturated gas/air

mixture : 1.2
Specific gravity / density : 786
Molecular mass : 58.08 g/mol
Solubility : Soluble in water. Soluble in ethanol. Soluble in ether. Soluble
in dimethyl ether. Soluble in petroleum spirit. Soluble in
chloroform. Soluble in dimethylformamide. Soluble in
oils/fats. Water: complete

Log Pow : -0.24 (Test data)

Auto-ignition temperature : 465 °C

Decomposition temperature : No data available

Viscosity, kinematic : 0.417 mm²/s

Viscosity, dynamic : 0.32 mPa·s (20 °C)

Explosion limits : 2 - 12.8 vol %

60 - 310 g/m³
Lower explosive limit
(LEL): 2 vol % UEL:
12.8 vol %

Explosive properties : No data available.

Oxidizing properties : None.

9.2. Other information
Minimum ignition energy : 1.15 mJ
Specific conductivity : 6000000 pS/m (25 °C)
Saturation concentration : 589 g/m³
VOC content : 100 %
Other properties : Gas/vapour heavier than air at 20°C. Clear. Highly
volatile. Neutral reaction.
SECTION 10: Stability and reactivity

10.1. Reactivity

Violent to explosive reaction with many compounds. Prolonged storage: on exposure to light: release of
harmful gases/vapours.
10.2. Chemical stability

Unstable on exposure to light.

10.3. Possibility of hazardous reactions

Reacts with (strong) oxidizers.

10.4. Conditions to avoid

Direct sunlight. Extremely high or low temperatures.

10.5. Incompatible materials

Strong acids. Strong bases. Strong oxidizers.

10.6. Hazardous decomposition products

fume. Carbon monoxide. Carbon dioxide.

SECTION 11: Toxicological information

11.1. Information on toxicological effects

Likely routes of exposure : Inhalation; Skin and eye contact

Acute toxicity : Not classified

Acetone (67-64-1)
LD50 oral rat 5800 mg/kg (Equivalent or similar to OECD 401, Rat, Female,
Experimental value, Oral)
LD50 dermal rabbit 20000 mg/kg (Equivalent or similar to OECD 402, Rabbit, Male,
Experimental value, Dermal)
LC50 inhalation rat (mg/l) 76 mg/l (Other, 4 h, Rat, Female, Experimental value, Inhalation
ATE US (oral) 5800 mg/kg body weight
ATE US (dermal) 20000 mg/kg body weight
ATE US (gases) 30000 ppmV/4h
ATE US (vapors) 71 mg/l/4h
ATE US (dust, mist) 71 mg/l/4h
Skin corrosion/irritation : Not
pH: 7
Serious eye damage/irritation : Causes serious
eye irritation. pH:
7 (10 g/l)
Respiratory or skin sensitization : Not classified
Germ cell mutagenicity : Not classified
Based on available data, the classification criteria are not met
Carcinogenicity : Not classified

Reproductive toxicity : Not classified

Based on available data, the classification
criteria are not met Specific target organ toxicity – single exposure : May
cause drowsiness or dizziness.

Symptoms/effects after : EXPOSURE TO HIGH CONCENTRATIONS: Feeling of weakness.
inhalation Irritation of the respiratory tract. Nausea. Vomiting. Headache.
Central nervous system depression. Dizziness. Narcosis.
Excited/restless. Drunkenness. Disturbed motor response. Respiratory
difficulties. Disturbances of consciousness.
Symptoms/effects after skin : ON CONTINUOUS EXPOSURE/CONTACT: Dry skin. Cracking of
contact the skin.
Symptoms/effects after eye : Irritation of the eye tissue.
Symptoms/effects after : Dry/sore throat. Risk of aspiration pneumonia. Symptoms similar to
ingestion those listed under inhalation. AFTER ABSORPTION OF LARGE
QUANTITIES: Irritation of the gastric/intestinal mucosa. Change in
the blood composition. Change in urine output. Renal disease.
Enlargement/disease of the liver.
Symptoms/effects upon : Not available.
skin. Skin rash/inflammation. Dry/sore throat. Headache. Nausea.
Feeling of weakness. Loss of weight. Possible inflammation of the
respiratory tract.

SECTION 12: Ecological information

12.1. Toxicity
Ecology - general : Not classified as dangerous for the environment according to the
criteria of Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008.
Ecology - air : Not included in the list of substances which may contribute to
the greenhouse effect (IPCC). Not included in the list of
fluorinated greenhouse gases (Regulation (EU) No 517/2014).
Not classified as dangerous for the ozone layer (Regulation
(EC) No 1005/2009).
Ecology - water : Not harmful to crustacea. Not harmful to fishes. Inhibition of
activated sludge. Not harmful to algae. Not harmful to plankton.

Acetone (67-64-1)
LC50 fish 1 5540 mg/l (EU Method C.1, 96 h, Salmo gairdneri, Static system,
Fresh water, Experimental value, Nominal concentration)
12.2. Persistence and degradability

Acetone (67-64-1)
Persistence and degradability Biodegradable in the soil. Biodegradable in the soil under
anaerobic conditions. Readily biodegradable in water.
Biochemical oxygen demand 1.43 g O₂/g substance
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) 1.92 g O₂/g substance
ThOD 2.2 g O₂/g substance
BOD (% of ThOD) 0.872 (20 day(s), Literature study)
12.3. Bioaccumulative potential

Acetone (67-64-1)
BCF fish 1 0.69 (Pisces)
BCF other aquatic organisms 1 3 (BCFWIN, Calculated value)
Log Pow -0.24 (Test data)
Bioaccumulative potential Not bioaccumulative.
12.4. Mobility in soil

Acetone (67-64-1)
Surface tension 0.0237 N/m
Ecology - soil No (test)data on mobility of the substance available.

12.5. Other adverse effects

Other information : Avoid release to the


SECTION 13: Disposal considerations

13.1. Disposal methods

Waste disposal : Do not discharge into drains or the environment. Remove waste in
recommendations accordance with local and/or national regulations. Hazardous waste
shall not be mixed together with other waste. Different types of
hazardous waste shall not be mixed together if this may entail a risk
of pollution or create problems for the further management of the
waste. Hazardous waste shall be managed responsibly. All entities
that store, transport or handle hazardous waste shall take the
necessary measures to prevent risks of pollution or damage to people
or animals. Recycle by distillation. Incinerate under surveillance with
energy recovery.
Additional information : Hazardous waste according to Directive 2008/98/EC, as amended
by Regulation (EU) No 1357/2014 and Regulation (EU) No
Ecology - waste materials : Avoid release to the environment.

SECTION 14: Transport information

Department of Transportation (DOT)

In accordance with DOT

Transport document description : UN1090 Acetone,

3, II

UN-No.(DOT) : UN1090
Proper Shipping Name (DOT) : Acetone
Transport hazard class(es) (DOT) : 3 - Class 3 - Flammable and combustible liquid 49 CFR 173.120
Packing group (DOT) : II - Medium Danger
Hazard labels (DOT) : 3 - Flammable liquid

DOT Packaging Non Bulk (49 CFR : 202
DOT Packaging Bulk (49 CFR : 242
DOT Special Provisions (49 CFR : IB2 - Authorized IBCs: Metal (31A, 31B and 31N); Rigid plastics
172.102) (31H1 and 31H2); Composite (31HZ1). Additional Requirement:
Only liquids with a vapor pressure less than or equal to 110 kPa at 50
C (1.1 bar at 122 F), or 130 kPa at 55 C (1.3 bar at 131 F) are
T4 - 2.65 178.274(d)(2) Normal 178.275(d)(3)
TP1 - The maximum degree of filling must not exceed the degree of
filling determined by the following: Degree of filling = 97 / 1 + a (tr -
tf) Where: tr is the maximum mean bulk temperature during
transport, and tf is the temperature in degrees celsius of the liquid
during filling.
DOT Packaging Exceptions (49 CFR : 150
DOT Quantity Limitations Passenger : 5L
aircraft/rail (49 CFR 173.27)
DOT Quantity Limitations Cargo : 60 L
aircraft only (49 CFR 175.75)
DOT Vessel Stowage Location : B - (i) The material may be stowed ‘‘on deck’’ or ‘‘under deck’’ on a
cargo vessel and on a passenger vessel carrying a number of
passengers limited to not more than the larger of 25 passengers, or
one passenger per each 3 m of overall vessel length; and (ii) ‘‘On
deck only’’ on passenger vessels in which the number of passengers
specified in paragraph (k)(2)(i) of this section is exceeded.
Other information : No supplementary information available.

Transportation of Dangerous Goods

Transport document description : UN1090 ACETONE, 3, II

UN-No. (TDG) : UN1090
Proper Shipping Name : ACETONE

(Transportation of Dangerous
TDG Primary Hazard Classes : 3 - Class 3 - Flammable Liquids
Packing group : II - Medium Danger
Explosive Limit and Limited : 1L
Quantity Index
Passenger Carrying Road Vehicle : 5L
or Passenger Carrying Railway
Vehicle Index
Passenger Carrying Ship Index : Forbidden

Transport by sea

Transport document description : UN 1090 acetone, 3, II

UN-No. (IMDG) : 1090
Proper Shipping Name (IMDG) : acetone
Class (IMDG) : 3 - Flammable liquids
Packing group (IMDG) : II - substances presenting
medium danger
EmS-No. (1) : F-E
EmS-No. (2) : S-D

Air transport

Transport document description : UN 1090 Acetone,

(IATA) 3, II
UN-No. (IATA) : 1090
Proper Shipping Name (IATA) : Acetone
Class (IATA) : 3 - Flammable
Packing group (IATA) : II - Medium

SECTION 15: Regulatory information

15.1. US Federal regulations

Acetone (67-64-1)
Listed on the United States TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) inventory
RQ (Reportable quantity, section 304 of EPA's 5000 lb
List of Lists)
SARA Section 311/312 Hazard Classes Immediate (acute)
health hazard Fire
All components of this product are listed, or excluded from listing, on the United States
Environmental Protection Agency Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) inventory

15.2. International regulations CA
Acetone (67-64-1)
Listed on the Canadian DSL (Domestic Substances List)


No additional information available

National regulations
Acetone (67-64-1)
Listed on the Canadian IDL (Ingredient Disclosure List)
15.3. US State regulations

California Proposition 65 - This product does not contain any substances known to
the state of California to cause cancer, developmental and/or reproductive harm

SECTION 16: Other information

Revision date : 04/24/2018

Other information : None.

Full text of H-phrases: see section 16:

H225 Highly flammable liquid and vapour
H319 Causes serious eye irritation
H336 May cause drowsiness or dizziness

significant irritation.
NFPA fire hazard : 3 - Liquids and solids (including finely divided suspended solids) that
can be ignited under almost all ambient temperature conditions.
: 0 - Material that in themselves are normally stable, even under fire
NFPA reactivity conditions.

Hazard Rating
Health : 1 Slight Hazard - Irritation or minor
reversible injury possible
: 3 Serious Hazard - Materials capable of ignition under almost all normal temperature
conditions. Includes flammable liquids with flash points below 73 F and boiling points
above 100 F. as well as liquids with flash points between 73 F and 100 F. (Classes IB &
: 0 Minimal Hazard - Materials that are normally stable, even under fire conditions, and will
NOT react with water, polymerize, decompose, condense, or self-react. Non-Explosives.
Personal protection :C
C - Safety glasses, Gloves, Synthetic apron

SDS US LabChem

Information in this SDS is from available published sources and is believed to be accurate. No
warranty, express or implied, is made and LabChem Inc assumes no liability resulting from
the use of this SDS. The user must determine suitability of this information for his applicatio


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