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Analisa Dan Pembahasan

4.1. Gambaran Umum Gedung

Fungsi gedung = Rumah Toko

Lokasi gedung = Jl. Raya Aimas-Klamono Km 21,
Kabupaten Sorong
Jenis Struktur = Konstruksi Beton Bertulang
Sistem Struktur = Sistem Rangka Pemikul Momen Biasa
Jumlah Lantai = 3
Tinggi Lantai = 10.5 m
Tinngi Lantai 1 = 3.7 m
Tinggi Lantai 2 dan 3 = 3.4 m
Jenis Tanah = Tanah Keras
Mutu beton (fc') = 25 Mpa
Mutu baja (fy) = 240 Mpa

4.2. Perhitungan Pembebanan Struktur

pembebanan pada struktur gedung berdasarkan SNI 1727-2002 sebagai

berikut :

a. Perhitungan Beban Atap

Beban Mati
beban atap = = ### kg/m²
beban gording = = ### kg/m²
qD = ### kg/m²
Beban Hidup
beban tak terduga = 100.0 kg/m²
beban hujan = ### kg/m²
qL = ### kg/m²
b. Perhitungan Beban Pelat Lantai 2 dan Lantai 3
Beban Mati
Plat Lantai = 0.12 x 2400 = 288.0 kg/m²
Plafond = 11 + 7 = 18.0 kg/m²
Instalasi ME = = 25.0 kg/m²
Spesi Lantai = 0.01 x 2100 = 21.0 kg/m²
Keramik = = 24.0 kg/m² +
qD = 376.0 kg/m²

Beban Hidup pada bangunan Ruko adalah :

qL = 250 kg/m²

4.3. Perhitungan Beban Gempa Gedung

a. Menentukan katgori resiko bangunan

berdasarkan SNI 1726-2012 hal 14 Tabel 1 untuk bangunan Rumah
Toko dapat dikatagorikan sebagai gedung rumah toko :
Kategori resiko = II
b. Menentukan faktor keutamaan gempa
dari tabel 2 hal 15 SNI 1726-2012 untuk kategori resiko
Ie = 1

c. Menentukan nilai Ss dan S1

melihat peta gempa indonesia 2010 untuk probabilitas gempa 2%

dalam 50 tahun (http// dan menginput kordinat
lokasi bangunan dengan jenis tanah sedang ( SC ) (Latitude : -0.9811757,
Longitude : 131.4212271) didapat percepatan spektra :
Ss = 1.279
S1 = 0.529
kelas situs = tanah sedang (SC)

d. Menentukan kategori seismik

berdasarkan SNI 1726-2012 hal 22 Tabel 4 & 5 dengan parameter S s,

S1, dan kelas situs (SC) :
FA = 1.0
Fv = 1.3

parameter spektrum respons percepatan pada perioda pendek dan

perioda 1 detik :
SMS = Fs . S s = 1.0 x 1.279 = 1.279
SM1 = Fv . S1 = 1.3 x 0.529 = 0.688

parameter percepatan spektral desain :

SDS = 2 2
x Sms = x 1.279 = 0.853
3 3
SD1 = 2 2
x Sm1 = x 0.6877 = 0.458
3 3

dari tabel 6 dan 7 SNI 1726-2012 dengan parameter S DS, SD1, dan kategori resiko :
Kategori resiko = D

e. Membuat Respon Spectrum desain

Menentukan nilai T0 dan Ts

Sd1 0.458
T0 = 0.2 x = 0.2 x = 0.108
Sms 0.853
= Sd1 0.458
Ts = = 0.538
Sms 0.853

Menentukan nilai Sa, untuk perioda yang lebih kecil dari T 0, sprektum respon percepatan
desain diambil T = 0 detik
Sa = SDS . (0.4 + 0.6 . (T/T0))
= 0.853 ( 0.4 + 0.6 . (0 / 0.108 ))
= 0.341

untuk perioda yang lebih besar dari atau sama dengan T 0 dan lebih kecil dari atau sama
dengan TS, sprektum respon percepatan desain :
Sa = SDS = 0.853
untuk perioda lebih besar dari Ts, sprektum respon percepatan desain :
diambil T = 4 detik
Sd1 0.458
Sa = = = 0.115
T 4

0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0

Gambar 4.1 Respon Spektrum Gempa Rencana SNI 1726 : 2012

f. Perioda Fundamental Struktur

dari tabel 15 hal 56 SNI 1726-2012 dengan parameter sistem rangka beton pemikul momen :
Ct = 0.0466
x = 0.9
Ta min = 0.0466 x 10.5 0.9 = 0.387 detik
dari tabel 14 hal 56 SNI 1726-2012 dengan parameter S D1 :
Cu = 1.4
Ta max = 0.387 x 1.4 = 0.541 detik

jadi, perioda alami struktur yang diginakan :

Ta SAP x < Ta min < Ta Max
0.109 < 0.387 < 0.541

jadi, perioda alami struktur yang diginakan :

Ta SAP x < Ta min < Ta Max
0.109 < 0.387 < 0.541
Karena TaSAP lebih kecil dari Ta Min maka digunakan TA Min = 0.387

g. Gaya geser dasar nominal gempa (V statik)

dari tabel 9 hal 36 SNI 1726-2012 dengan rangka beton bertulang pemikul momen biasa :
R = 3
Cs = SDS
= ( 3
/ 1 )
= 0.284

nilai Cs tidak perlu melebihi :

Cs = 0.458
0.387 ( 3
) = 0.395
0.387 ( 1 ) = 0.395

nilai Cs tidak boleh kurang :

Cs = 0.044 x 0.853 x 1≥ 0.01
= 0.0375 ≥ 0.01

h. Berat Seismik

Perhitungan Berat Seismik (w) mengacu pada ketentuan SNI 1726 : 2012
perhitungan berat seismik (w) meliputi :

-. Berat Beban Mati Struktur

Berat beban mati pada struktur meliputi Pelat, Balok dan Kolom pada struktur bangunan.
Berat Volume Beton Bertulang adalah 2400 kg/m². Untuk nilai besaran
berat struktur dapat dilihat pada Tabel 4.1, Tabel 4.2, Tabel 4.3

Beban Mati
Lantai Luasan Pelat (m²) Berat Mati (kg)
2 2400 43.2 103,680
1 2400 43.2 103,680
Total 207,360

Tabel 4.1. Beban Mati Pada Pelat Lantai Atap dan Pelat Lantai 1 dan 2

Beban Mati Jumlah Berat

Lantai Luasan Kolom (m²)
(kg/m²) Kolom Mati (kg)
3 0.136 9,792
2 2400 0.306 30 22,032
1 0.592 42,624
Total 74,448

Tabel 4.2. Beban Mati Pada Kolom

Arah X

Beban Mati Jumlah

Lantai Luasan Kolom (m²) Berat Mati (kg)
(kg/m²) Balok
3 0.270 15,552
2 2400 0.540 24 31,104
1 0.675 38,880
Total 85,536

Arah Y

Beban Mati Jumlah

Lantai Luasan Kolom (m²) Berat Mati (kg)
(kg/m²) Kolom
3 0.216 7,776
2 2400 0.432 15 15,552
1 0.540 19,440
Total 42,768

Tabel 4.3. Beban Mati Pada Balok

Total Balok = 85,536 + 42,768
= 128,304 kg

Total beban mati pada struktur

= 207,360 + 74,448 + 128,304
= 410,112 kg
-. Berat Beban Mati Tambahan

Berat beban mati tambahan meliputi dinding batu bata. Nilai berat pada dinding bata yaitu
250 kg/m². Untuk nilai besaran pada beban mati tambahan dapat dilihat pada Tabel 4.4

Arah X

Beban Mati Luasan Batu Dinding Jumlah

Lantai Berat Mati (kg)
(kg/m²) (m²) Dinding
3 15.300 18,360
2 300 15.300 4 18,360
1 16.650 19,980
Total 56,700

Arah Y

Beban Mati Luasan Batu Dinding Jumlah

Lantai Berat Mati (kg)
(kg/m²) (m²) Dinding
3 10.064 45,288
2 300 10.064 15 45,288
1 10.952 49,284
Total 139,860

Tabel 4.4. Beban Mati Tambahan Pada Dinding

Total Dinding = 56,700 + 139,860 = 196,560 kg

-. Berat Beban Hidup

Berat beban hidup yaitu berat yang berada pada pelat lantai yang dikalikan dengan
30 persen pada beban hidup. Untuk nilai besaran pada beban mati tambahan dapat dilihat
pada Tabel 4.5

Beban Mati Berat Mati

Lantai Luasan Pelat (m²)
(kg/m²) (kg)
1 250 12,150
2 250 12,150
Total 24,300

Tabel 4.5 Beban hidup Pada Struktur Bangunan

Total berat gedung = 410112 + 196560 + 24300

= 630972 kg

jadi nilai koefisien respon seismik Cs yang digunakan adalah = 0.284

maka nilai gaya geser nominal statik ekivalen sebesar
V = 0.284 x 630,972
= 179,196.048 kg
Vt > 0,85 V
Vx = 177813.965 < 152,316.64
Vy = 178985.035 < 152,316.64

i. Menentukan Skala Gaya

x = 0.85 V = 0.85 x 179,196.048 = 0.90

Vt 177813.965
y = 0.85 V = 0.85 x 179,196.048 = 0.90
Vt 178985.035
maka skala gaya yang digunakan pada arah x dan y yaitu : 0.90
4.4 Analisa Balok

4.4.1 Perhitungan Balok Pada B 208 Lantai 1 Sebagai Berikut :

1. Menghitung Lebar Efektif (be)

1/4 . L
be ≤ 0,25 . bentang bersih balok = 0.25 . 4000
= 1000 mm
be ≤ bw + 16 . hf = 300 + 16 x 120
= 2220 mm
be ≤ bw + jarak bersih balok bersebelahan = 300 + ( 3600 - 500 )
= 3400 mm
diambil be = 1000 mm

2. Menghitung Kapasitas Balok

Mutu Beton ( fc' ) = 25 Mpa

Mutu Baja ( fy ) = 240 Mpa
Ø Tulangan = 16 mm
Ø Sengkang = 8 mm
Selimut Beton = 55 mm
Tinggi Balok (h) = 500 mm
Lebar Balok (b) = 300 mm
Lebar Efektif (be) = 1000 mm
Tebal Pelat (hf) = 120 mm
d' = Selimut Beton - Ø Sengkang - (1/2.Ø tulangan)
= 55 + 8 + ( 1 . 16 )
= 71 mm
d = h - d' = 500 - 71 = 429 mm
a. Tumpuan Kiri

Luas Penampang Tulangan

As = As bawah = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
0.25 2 . 4
= . π . 16
= 804.248 mm
As' = As atas = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
0.25 2 . 4
= . π . 16
= 804.248 mm
Pemeriksaan Rasio Tulangan

As 804.248
ρ = = = 0.0054
b.h 300 . 500

As 804.248
ρ = = = 0.0054
b.h 300 . 500

cek untuk hf < a

Untuk a < hf = 120 mm

Cc = 0.85 . fc' . a . be
= 0.85 . 25 . 120 . 1000 = 2550000 N
fs' =
( 1 - β1 .
a )
600 . ( 1 - 0.85 .
120 )
= 298.250 > 240 Mpa

Cs' = As' . fs' = 804.248 . 298.250 = 239866.882 N

Ca = Cc + Cs' = 2550000 + 239866.882 = 2789866.882 N

T = As . fy' = 804.25 . 240 = 193019.453 N

Karena T < Ca maka a < hf, maka analisis dilakukan sebagai balok persegi. Dengan lebar
balok be = 1000 mm

Cek Tulangan Desak Belum Luluh

= ρ - ρ' < β1 .
0.85 . fc'
. ( 600
600 - fy ) .

= 0.85 . 25 .
0.0054 - 0.0054 < 0.85 .

( 600
- 240 ) .
= 0.00000000 < 0.00018554

Jadi, Tulangan Desak Belum Luluh

C = T
Cc + C s = T
0.85 .fc' . b . a + As . fs + fy ,Sedangkan
a = β1 x c dan fs' = e's x Es = 0.03 ( c - d'
c ) Es = ( c - d'
c )
Dengan melakukan Subtitusi didapatkan :
( 0.85 . fc'. b )β1 x C2 + As' . 600 ( c - d'
c )= As . fy

Setelah persamaan diatas dikalikan dengan c, maka didapat :

( 0.85 . fc'. b )β1.c² + As'.600.c - As.600.d' = As'.fy
(² + (600.804.6 - 804.6.240).c - 804.6.600.53 = 0
A. = 0.85 . fc'. b .β1
= 0.85 . 25 . 300 . 0.85 = 5418.750
B. = 600.As' - As.fy
= 600 . 804.248 - 804.248 . 240 = 289529.179
C. = As'.600.d'
= 804.248 . 600 . 71 = 34260952.843

Maka persamaan menjadi :

5418.750 c² - 289529.178954835 c - 34260952.843 = 0

C = -B + B2 - 4.a.c
-289529.179 2 - 4 . 5418.750 .
C = -289529.179 +
2. 5418.75
= 57.168 mm
a = β1.C = 0.85 . 57.168 = 48.593 mm

fs' =
600 . ( cc - d' )
600 . ( 57.168 -
= -145.176 < 240 Mpa

Karena fs' < fy, maka fs' = -145.176 Mpa

Menghitung momen nominal tumpuan kiri

Mn = 0.85.fc'.a.b. ( d .
2 ) +As'.fs'.(d-d')
0.85 . 25 . 48.593 . 1000 .
Mn =
[( .
( 429
- 71
) +
( 804.25 . -145.176 ]
= 376.094 Knm

Ø Mn = 0.8 . Mn
= 0.8 . 376.094 = 300.875 kNm

Ø Mn > Mu
300.875 > 19.161
TidakButuh Perkuatan

Kontrol Lendutan Pada Balok B100

L 360
= = 15 > 2.247 (ok)
24 24

b. Tumpuan Kanan

Luas Penampang Tulangan

As = As bawah = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
0.25 2 . 4
= . π . 16
= 804.248 mm
As' = As atas = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
0.25 2 . 4
= . π . 16
= 804.248 mm
Pemeriksaan Rasio Tulangan

As 804.248
ρ = = = 0.0054
b.h 300 . 500

As 804.248
ρ = = = 0.0054
b.h 300 . 500

cek untuk hf < a

Untuk a < hf = 120 mm

Cc = 0.85 . fc' . a . be
= 0.85 . 25 . 120 . 1000 = 2550000 N

fs' =
( 1 - β1 .
a )
600 . ( 1 - 0.85 .
120 )
= 298.250 > 240 Mpa

Cs' = As' . fs' = 804.248 . 298.250 = 239866.882 N

Ca = Cc + Cs' = 2550000 + 239866.882 = 2789866.882 N

T = As . fy' = 804.248 . 240 = 193019.453 N

Karena T < Ca maka a < hf, maka analisis dilakukan sebagai balok persegi. Dengan lebar
balok be = 1000 mm

Cek Tulangan Desak Belum Luluh

= ρ - ρ' < β1 .
0.85 . fc'
. ( 600
) .
= ρ - ρ' < β1 .
. ( 600 - fy ) .

= 0.85 . 25 .
0.0054 - 0.0054 < 0.85 .

( 600
- 240 ) .
= 0.00000000 < 0.00018554

Jadi, Tulangan Desak Belum Luluh

C = T
Cc + C s = T
0.85 .fc' . b . a + As . fs + fy ,Sedangkan
a = β1 x c dan fs' = e's x Es = 0.03 ( c - d'
c ) Es = ( c - d'
c )
Dengan melakukan Subtitusi didapatkan :
( 0.85 . fc'. b )β1 x C2 + As' . 600 ( c - d'
c )= As . fy

Setelah persamaan diatas dikalikan dengan c, maka didapat :

( 0.85 . fc'. b )β1.c² + As'.600.c - As.600.d' = As'.fy
(² + (600.804.6 - 804.6.240).c - 804.6.600.53 = 0
A. = 0.85 . fc'. b .β1
= 0.85 . 25 . 300 . 0.85 = 5418.750
B. = 600.As' - As.fy
= 600 . 804.248 - 804.248 . 240 = 289529.179
C. = As'.600.d'
= 804.248 . 600 . 71 = 34260952.843

Maka persamaan menjadi :

5418.750 c² - 289529.178954835 c - 34260952.843 = 0

C = -B + B2 - 4.a.c
-289529.179 - 4 . 5418.750 .
C = -289529.179 +
2. 5418.75
= 57.168 mm
a = β1.C = 0.85 . 57.168 = 48.593 mm

fs' = 600 . ( c - d'

c )
= 600 . ( 57.168 -
= -145.176 < 240 Mpa
Karena fs' < fy, maka fs' = -145.176 Mpa

Menghitung momen nominal tumpuan Kanan

Mn = 0.85.fc'.a.b. ( d .
2 ) +As'.fs'.(d-d')
0.85 . 25 . 48.593 . 1000 .

Mn =
[( .

( 429
. 48.593

( 804.248
-145.176 ]
= 376.094 Knm

Ø Mn = 0.8 . Mn
= 0.8 . 376.094 = 300.875 kNm
Ø Mn > Mu
300.875 > 7.195
TidakButuh Perkuatan

Kontrol Lendutan Pada Balok B100

L 360
= = 15 > 2.305 (ok)
24 24

c. Lapangan

Luas Penampang Tulangan

As = As bawah = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
0.25 2 . 4
= . π . 16
= 804.248 mm
As' = As atas = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
= 0.25 . π . 16 2 . 4
= 804.248 mm
Pemeriksaan Rasio Tulangan

As 804.248
ρ = = = 0.0054
b.h 300 . 500

As 804.248
ρ = = = 0.0054
b.h 300 . 500

cek untuk hf < a

Untuk a < hf = 120 mm

Cc = 0.85 . fc' . a . be
= 0.85 . 25 . 120 . 1000 = 2550000 N

fs' =
( 1 - β1 .
a )
600 . ( 1 - 0.85 .
120 )
= 298.250 > 240 Mpa

Cs' = As' . fs' = 804.248 . 298.250 = 239866.882 N

Ca = Cc + Cs' = 2550000 + 239866.882 = 2789866.882 N

T = As . fy' = 804.25 . 240 = 193019.453 N

Karena T < Ca maka a < hf, maka analisis dilakukan sebagai balok persegi. Dengan lebar
balok be = 1000 mm

Cek Tulangan Desak Belum Luluh

= ρ - ρ' < β1 .
0.85 . fc'
. ( 600
600 - fy ) .

= 0.85 . 25 .
0.0054 - 0.0054 < 0.85 .

( 600
- 240 ) .
= 0.00000000 < 0.00018554

Jadi, Tulangan Desak Belum Luluh

C = T

Cc + C s = T

0.85 .fc' . b . a + As . fs + fy ,Sedangkan

c - d' c - d'
a = β1 x c dan fs' = e's x Es = 0.03
( c ) Es = ( c )
Dengan melakukan Subtitusi didapatkan :
( 0.85 . fc'. b )β1 x C2 + As' . 600 ( c - d'
c )= As . fy

Setelah persamaan diatas dikalikan dengan c, maka didapat :

( 0.85 . fc'. b )β1.c² + As'.600.c - As.600.d' = As'.fy
(² + (600.804.6 - 804.6.240).c - 804.6.600.53 = 0
A. = 0.85 . fc'. b .β1
= 0.85 . 25 . 300 . 0.85 = 5418.750
B. = 600.As' - As.fy
= 600 . 804.248 - 804.248 . 240 = 289529.179
C. = As'.600.d'
= 804.248 . 600 . 71 = 34260952.843

Maka persamaan menjadi :

5418.750 c² - 289529.178954835 c - 34260952.843 = 0

C = -B + B2 - 4.a.c
-289529.179 2 - 4 . 5418.750 .
C = -289529.179 +
2. 5418.75
= 57.168 mm
a = β1.C = 0.85 . 57.168 = 48.593 mm

c - d'
fs = 600 . ( c )
57.168 - 71
= 600 . ( 57.17 )
= -145.18 < 240 Mpa

Karena fs' < fy, maka fs' = -145.176 Mpa

Menghitung momen nominal tumpuan Kanan

Mn = 0.85.fc'.a.b. ( d .
2 ) +As'.fs'.(d-d')
0.85 . 25 . 48.593 . 1000 .

Mn =
[( .



( 804.248
= 376.094 Knm

Ø Mn = 0.8 . Mn
= 0.8 . 376.094 = 300.875 kNm

Ø Mn > Mu
300.875 > 36.687
TidakButuh Perkuatan

Kontrol Lendutan Pada Balok B100

L 360
= = 15 > 3.973 (ok)
24 24
4.4.2 Perhitungan Balok Pada B179 Lantai 2 Sebagai Berikut :

1. Menghitung Lebar Efektif (be)

1/4 . L
be ≤ 0,25 . bentang bersih balok = 0.25 . 4000
= 1000 mm
be ≤ bw + 16 . hf = 300 + 16 x 120
= 2220 mm
be ≤ bw + jarak bersih balok bersebelahan = 300 + ( 3600 - 500 )
= 3400 mm
diambil be = 1000 mm

2. Menghitung Kapasitas Balok

Mutu Beton ( fc' ) = 25 Mpa

Mutu Baja ( fy ) = 240 Mpa
Ø Tulangan = 16 mm
Ø Sengkang = 8 mm
Selimut Beton = 55 mm
Tinggi Balok (h) = 400 mm
Lebar Balok (b) = 300 mm
Lebar Efektif (be) = 1000 mm
Tebal Pelat (hf) = 120 mm
d' = Selimut Beton - Ø Sengkang - (1/2.Ø tulangan)
= 55 + 8 + ( 1 . 16 )
= 71 mm
d = h - d' = 400 - 71 = 329 mm
a. Tumpuan Kiri

Luas Penampang Tulangan

As = As bawah = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
0.25 2 . 4
= . π . 16
= 804.248 mm
As' = As atas = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
0.25 2 . 4
= . π . 16
= 804.248 mm
Pemeriksaan Rasio Tulangan

As 804.248
ρ = = = 0.0067
b.h 300 . 400

As 804.248
ρ = = = 0.0067
b.h 300 . 400

cek untuk hf < a

Untuk a < hf = 120 mm

Cc = 0.85 . fc' . a . be
= 0.85 . 25 . 120 . 1000 = 2550000 N

fs' =
( 1 - β1 .
a )
600 . ( 1 - 0.85 .
600 . ( 1 - 0.85 .
120 )
= 298.250 > 240 Mpa

Cs' = As' . fs' = 804.248 . 298.250 = 239866.882 N

Ca = Cc + Cs' = 2550000 + 239866.882 = 2789866.882 N

T = As . fy' = 804.25 . 240 = 193019.453 N

Karena T < Ca maka a < hf, maka analisis dilakukan sebagai balok persegi. Dengan lebar
balok be = 1000 mm

Cek Tulangan Desak Belum Luluh

= ρ - ρ' < β1 .
0.85 . fc'
. ( 600
600 - fy ) .

= 0.85 . 25 .
0.0067 - 0.0067 < 0.85 .

( 600
- 240
. ) 71
= 0.00000000 < 0.00018554
Jadi, Tulangan Desak Belum Luluh

C = T
Cc + Cs = T
0.85 .fc' . b . a + As . fs + fy ,Sedangkan

c - d' c - d'
a = β1 x c dan fs' = e's x Es = 0.03
( c ) Es = ( c )
Dengan melakukan Subtitusi didapatkan :
( 0.85 . fc'. b )β1 x C2 + As' . 600 ( c - d'
c )= As . fy

Setelah persamaan diatas dikalikan dengan c, maka didapat :

( 0.85 . fc'. b )β1.c² + As'.600.c - As.600.d' = As'.fy
(² + (600.804.6 - 804.6.240).c - 804.6.600.53 = 0
A. = 0.85 . fc'. b .β1
= 0.85 . 25 . 300 . 0.85 = 5418.750
B. = 600.As' - As.fy
= 600 . 804.248 - 804.248 . 240 = 289529.179
C. = As'.600.d'
= 804.248 . 600 . 71 = 34260952.843

Maka persamaan menjadi :

5418.750 c² - 289529.178954835 c - 34260952.843 = 0

C = -B + B2 - 4.a.c
-289529.179 2 - 4 . 5418.750 .
C = -289529.179 +
2. 5418.75
= 57.168 mm
a = β1.C = 0.85 . 57.168 = 48.593 mm

fs' = 600 . ( c - d'

c )
= 600 . ( 57.168 -
= -145.176 < 240 Mpa
Karena fs' < fy, maka fs' = -145.176 Mpa

Menghitung momen nominal tumpuan kiri

Mn = 0.85.fc'.a.b. ( d .
2 ) +As'.fs'.(d-d')

0.85 . 25 . 48.593 . 1000 .

Mn =
[( .

( 329
- 71
) +

( 804.248 . -145.176 ]
= 284.511 Knm

Ø Mn = 0.8 . Mn
= 0.8 . 284.511 = 227.609 kNm

Ø Mn > Mu
227.609 > 22.376
TidakButuh Perkuatan

Kontrol Lendutan Pada Balok B100

L 360
= = 15 > 3.787 (ok)
24 24

b. Tumpuan Kanan

Luas Penampang Tulangan

As = As bawah = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
0.25 2 . 4
= . π . 16
= 804.248 mm
As' = As atas = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
0.25 2 . 4
= . π . 16
= 804.248 mm
Pemeriksaan Rasio Tulangan

As 804.248
ρ = = = 0.0067
b.h 300 . 400

As 804.248
ρ = = = 0.0067
b.h 300 . 400

cek untuk hf < a

Untuk a < hf = 120 mm

Cc = 0.85 . fc' . a . be
= 0.85 . 25 . 120 . 1000 = 2550000 N

fs' =
( 1 - β1 .
a )
600 . ( 1 - 0.85 .
120 )
= 298.250 > 240 Mpa

Cs' = As' . fs' = 804.248 . 298.250 = 239866.882 N

Ca = Cc + Cs' = 2550000 + 239866.882 = 2789866.882 N

T = As . fy' = 804.25 . 240 = 193019.453 N

Karena T < Ca maka a < hf, maka analisis dilakukan sebagai balok persegi. Dengan lebar
balok be = 1000 mm

Cek Tulangan Desak Belum Luluh

= ρ - ρ' < β1 .
0.85 . fc'
. ( 600
600 - fy ) .

= 0.85 . 25 .
0.0067 - 0.0067 < 0.85 .

( 600
- 240
.) 71
= 0.00000000 < 0.00018554
Jadi, Tulangan Desak Belum Luluh

C = T
Cc + Cs = T
0.85 .fc' . b . a + As . fs + fy ,Sedangkan
c - d' c - d'
a = β1 x c dan fs' = e's x Es = 0.03
( c ) Es = ( c )
Dengan melakukan Subtitusi didapatkan :
( 0.85 . fc'. b )β1 x C2 + As' . 600 ( c - d'
c )= As . fy

Setelah persamaan diatas dikalikan dengan c, maka didapat :

( 0.85 . fc'. b )β1.c² + As'.600.c - As.600.d' = As'.fy
(² + (600.804.6 - 804.6.240).c - 804.6.600.53 = 0
A. = 0.85 . fc'. b .β1
= 0.85 . 25 . 300 . 0.85 = 5418.750
B. = 600.As' - As.fy
= 600 . 804.248 - 804.248 . 240 = 289529.179
C. = As'.600.d'
= 804.248 . 600 . 71 = 34260952.843

Maka persamaan menjadi :

5418.750 c² - 289529.178954835 c - 34260952.843 = 0

C = -B + B2 - 4.a.c
-289529.179 2 - 4 . 5418.750 .
C = -289529.179 +
2. 5418.75
= 57.168 mm
a = β1.C = 0.85 . 57.168 = 48.593 mm

c - d'
fs' = 600 .
( c )
= 600 . ( 57.168 -
= -145.176 < 240 Mpa

Karena fs' < fy, maka fs' = -145.176 Mpa

Menghitung momen nominal tumpuan Kanan

Mn = 0.85.fc'.a.b. ( d .
2 ) +As'.fs'.(d-d')
0.85 . 25 . 48.593 . 1000 .

Mn =
[( .

( 329
- 71
) +

( 804.248
-145.176 ]
= 284.511 Knm

Ø Mn = 0.8 . Mn
= 0.8 . 284.511 = 227.609 kNm

Ø Mn > Mu
227.609 > 7.308
TidakButuh Perkuatan

Kontrol Lendutan Pada Balok B100

L 360
= = 15 > 3.853 (ok)
24 24

c. Lapangan

Luas Penampang Tulangan

As = As bawah = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
= 0.25 . π . 16 . 4
= 804.248 mm
As' = As atas = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
0.25 2 . 4
= . π . 16
= 804.248 mm
Pemeriksaan Rasio Tulangan
As 804.248
ρ = = = 0.0067
b.h 300 . 400

As 804.248
ρ = = = 0.0067
b.h 300 . 400

cek untuk hf < a

Untuk a < hf = 120 mm

Cc = 0.85 . fc' . a . be
= 0.85 . 25 . 120 . 1000 = 2550000 N

fs' =
( 1 - β1 .
a )
600 . ( 1 - 0.85 .
120 )
= 298.250 > 240 Mpa

Cs' = As' . fs' = 804.248 . 298.250 = 239866.882 N

Ca = Cc + Cs' = 2550000 + 239866.882 = 2789866.882 N

T = As . fy' = 804.25 . 240 = 193019.453 N

Karena T < Ca maka a < hf, maka analisis dilakukan sebagai balok persegi. Dengan lebar
balok be = 1000 mm

Cek Tulangan Desak Belum Luluh

= ρ - ρ' < β1 .
0.85 . fc'
. ( 600
600 - fy ) .

0.85 . 25 .
= 0.0067 - 0.0067 < 0.85 .

( 600
- 240
.) 71
= 0.00000000 < 0.00018554
Jadi, Tulangan Desak Belum Luluh

C = T
Cc + Cs = T
0.85 .fc' . b . a + As . fs + fy ,Sedangkan

( ) Es = ( )
c - d' c - d'
a = β1 x c dan fs' = e's x Es = 0.03
c c

Dengan melakukan Subtitusi didapatkan :

( 0.85 . fc'. b )β1 x C2 + As' . 600 ( c - d'
c )= As . fy

Setelah persamaan diatas dikalikan dengan c, maka didapat :

( 0.85 . fc'. b )β1.c² + As'.600.c - As.600.d' = As'.fy
(² + (600.804.6 - 804.6.240).c - 804.6.600.53 = 0
A. = 0.85 . fc'. b .β1
= 0.85 . 25 . 300 . 0.85 = 5418.750
B. = 600.As' - As.fy
= 600 . 804.248 - 804.248 . 240 = 289529.179
C. = As'.600.d'
= 804.248 . 600 . 71 = 34260952.843

Maka persamaan menjadi :

5418.750 c² - 289529.178954835 c - 34260952.843 = 0

C = -B + B2 - 4.a.c

-289529.179 2 - 4 . 5418.750 .
C = -289529.179 +
2. 5418.75
= 57.168 mm
a = β1.C = 0.85 . 57.168 = 48.593 mm

c - d'
fs = 600 . ( c )
57.168 - 71
= 600 . ( 57.17 )
= -145.18 < 240 Mpa

Karena fs' < fy, maka fs' = -145.176 Mpa

Menghitung momen nominal tumpuan Kanan

Mn = 0.85.fc'.a.b. ( d .
2 ) +As'.fs'.(d-d')
0.85 .
25 . 48.593 . 1000 .

Mn =
[( .

( 329

- 71
) +

( 804.248
= 284.511 Knm

Ø Mn = 0.8 . Mn
= 0.8 . 284.511 = 227.609 kNm

Ø Mn > Mu
227.609 > 35.796
TidakButuh Perkuatan

Kontrol Lendutan Pada Balok B100

L 360
= = 15 > 6.745 (ok)
24 24
4.4.3 Perhitungan Balok B 115 Lantai 1 Sebagai Berikut :

1. Menghitung Lebar Efektif (be)

1/4 . L
be ≤ 0,25 . bentang bersih balok = 0.25 . 4500
= 1125 mm
be ≤ bw + 16 . hf = 300 + 16 x 120
= 2220 mm
be ≤ bw + jarak bersih balok bersebelahan = 300 + ( 4500 - 500 )
= 4300 mm
diambil be = 1125 mm

2. Menghitung Kapasitas Balok

Mutu Beton ( fc' ) = 25 Mpa

Mutu Baja ( fy ) = 240 Mpa
Ø Tulangan = 16 mm
Ø Sengkang = 8 mm
Selimut Beton = 55 mm
Tinggi Balok (h) = 500 mm
Lebar Balok (b) = 300 mm
Lebar Efektif (be) = 1125 mm
Tebal Pelat (hf) = 120 mm
d' = Selimut Beton - Ø Sengkang - (1/2.Ø tulangan)
= 55 + 8 + ( 1 . 16 )
= 71 mm
d = h - d' = 500 - 71 = 429 mm

a. Tumpuan Kiri

Luas Penampang Tulangan

As = As bawah = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
0.25 2 . 4
= . π . 16
= 804.248 mm
As' = As atas = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
0.25 2 . 4
= . π . 16
= 804.248 mm
Pemeriksaan Rasio Tulangan

As 804.248
ρ = = = 0.0054
b.h 300 . 500

As 804.248
ρ = = = 0.0054
b.h 300 . 500

cek untuk hf < a

Untuk a < hf = 120 mm

Cc = 0.85 . fc' . a . be
= 0.85 . 25 . 120 . 1125 = 2868750 N

fs' =
( 1 - β1 .
a )
600 . ( 1 - 0.85 .
120 )
= 298.250 > 240 Mpa

Cs' = As' . fs' = 804.248 . 298.250 = 239866.882 N

Ca = Cc + Cs' = 2868750 + 239866.882 = 3108616.882 N

T = As . fy' = 804.25 . 240 = 193019.453 N

Karena T < Ca maka a < hf, maka analisis dilakukan sebagai balok persegi. Dengan lebar
balok be = 1125 mm

Cek Tulangan Desak Belum Luluh

= ρ - ρ' < β1 .
0.85 . fc'
. ( 600
600 - fy ) .

= 0.85 . 25 .
0.0054 - 0.0054 < 0.85 .

( 600
- 240
. ) 71
= 0.00000000 < 0.00018554
Jadi, Tulangan Desak Belum Luluh

C = T
Cc + Cs = T
0.85 .fc' . b . a + As . fs + fy ,Sedangkan
c - d' c - d'
a = β1 x c dan fs' = e's x Es = 0.03
( c ) Es = ( c )
Dengan melakukan Subtitusi didapatkan :
( 0.85 . fc'. b )β1 x C2 + As' . 600 ( c - d'
c )= As . fy

Setelah persamaan diatas dikalikan dengan c, maka didapat :

( 0.85 . fc'. b )β1.c² + As'.600.c - As.600.d' = As'.fy
(² + (600.804.6 - 804.6.240).c - 804.6.600.53 = 0
A. = 0.85 . fc'. b .β1
= 0.85 . 25 . 300 . 0.85 = 5418.750
B. = 600.As' - As.fy
= 600 . 804.248 - 804.248 . 240 = 289529.179
C. = As'.600.d'
= 804.248 . 600 . 71 = 34260952.843

Maka persamaan menjadi :

5418.750 c² - 289529.178954835 c - 34260952.843 = 0

C = -B + B2 - 4.a.c
-289529.179 2 - 4 . 5418.750 .
C = -289529.179 +
2. 5418.75
= 57.168 mm
a = β1.C = 0.85 . 57.168 = 48.593 mm

fs' = c - d'
600 .
(c )
600 . ( 57.168 -
= -145.176 < 240 Mpa

Karena fs' < fy, maka fs' = -145.176 Mpa

Menghitung momen nominal tumpuan kiri

Mn = 0.85.fc'.a.b. ( d .
2 ) +As'.fs'.(d-d')
0.85 . 25 . 48.593 . 1125 .

Mn =
[( .
429 .
( 429
- 71
) +
( 804.25 . -145.176
= 428.331 Knm

Ø Mn = 0.8 . Mn
= 0.8 . 428.331 = 342.665 kNm

Ø Mn > Mu
342.665 > 142.193
TidakButuh Perkuatan

Kontrol Lendutan Pada Balok B115

L 450
= = 18.75 > 9.513 (ok)
24 24

b. Tumpuan Kanan

Luas Penampang Tulangan

As = As bawah = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
0.25 2 . 4
= . π . 16
= 804.248 mm
As' = As atas = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
= 0.25 . π . 16 . 4
= 804.248 mm
Pemeriksaan Rasio Tulangan

As 804.248
ρ = = = 0.0054
b.h 300 . 500

As 804.248
ρ = = = 0.0054
b.h 300 . 500

cek untuk hf < a

Untuk a < hf = 120 mm
Cc = 0.85 . fc' . a . be
= 0.85 . 25 . 120 . 1125 = 2868750 N

fs' =
( 1 - β1 .
a )
600 . ( 1 - 0.85 .
120 )
= 298.250 > 240 Mpa

Cs' = As' . fs' = 804.248 . 298.250 = 239866.882 N

Ca = Cc + Cs' = 2868750 + 239866.882 = 3108616.882 N

T = As . fy' = 804.25 . 240 = 193019.453 N

Karena T < Ca maka a < hf, maka analisis dilakukan sebagai balok persegi. Dengan lebar
balok be = 1125 mm

Cek Tulangan Desak Belum Luluh

= ρ - ρ' < β1 .
0.85 . fc'
. ( 600
600 - fy ) .

= 0.85 . 25 .
0.0054 - 0.0054 < 0.85 .

( 600
- 240 ) .
= 0.00000000 < 0.00018554

Jadi, Tulangan Desak Belum Luluh

C = T
Cc + Cs = T
0.85 .fc' . b . a + As . fs + fy ,Sedangkan
c - d' c - d'
a = β1 x c dan fs' = e's x Es = 0.03
( c ) Es = ( c )
Dengan melakukan Subtitusi didapatkan :
( 0.85 . fc'. b )β1 x C2 + As' . 600 ( c - d'
c )= As . fy

Setelah persamaan diatas dikalikan dengan c, maka didapat :

( 0.85 . fc'. b )β1.c² + As'.600.c - As.600.d' = As'.fy
(² + (600.804.6 - 804.6.240).c - 804.6.600.53 = 0
A. = 0.85 . fc'. b .β1
= 0.85 . 25 . 300 . 0.85 = 5418.750
B. = 600.As' - As.fy
= 600 . 804.248 - 804.248 . 240 = 289529.179
C. = As'.600.d'
= 804.248 . 600 . 71 = 34260952.843

Maka persamaan menjadi :

5418.750 c² - 289529.178954835 c - 34260952.843 = 0
C = -B + B2 - 4.a.c
-289529.179 2 - 4 . 5418.750 .
C = -289529.179 +
2. 5418.75
= 57.168 mm
a = β1.C = 0.85 . 57.168 = 48.593 mm

c - d'
fs' = 600 .
( c )
= 600 . ( 57.168 -
= -145.176 < 240 Mpa

Karena fs' < fy, maka fs' = -145.176 Mpa

Menghitung momen nominal tumpuan Kanan

Mn = 0.85.fc'.a.b. ( d .
2 ) +As'.fs'.(d-d')
0.85 .
25 . 48.593 . 1125 .

Mn =
[( .

( 429

- 71
) +

( 804.248
= 428.331 Knm

Ø Mn = 0.8 . Mn
= 0.8 . 428.331 = 342.665 kNm

Ø Mn > Mu
342.665 > 83.204
TidakButuh Perkuatan

Kontrol Lendutan Pada Balok B100

L 450
= = 18.75 > 7.811 (ok)
24 24

c. Lapangan

Luas Penampang Tulangan

As = As bawah = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
0.25 2 . 4
= . π . 16
= 804.248 mm
As' = As atas = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
0.25 2 . 4
= . π . 16
= 804.248 mm
Pemeriksaan Rasio Tulangan

As 804.248
ρ = = = 0.0054
b.h 300 . 500
As 804.248
ρ = = = 0.0054
b.h 300 . 500

cek untuk hf < a

Untuk a < hf = 120 mm

Cc = 0.85 . fc' . a . be
= 0.85 . 25 . 120 . 1125 = 2868750 N

fs' =
( 1 - β1 .
a )
600 . ( 1 - 0.85 .
120 )
= 298.250 > 240 Mpa

Cs' = As' . fs' = 804.248 . 298.250 = 239866.882 N

Ca = Cc + Cs' = 2868750 + 239866.882 = 3108616.882 N

T = As . fy' = 804.25 . 240 = 193019.453 N

Karena T < Ca maka a < hf, maka analisis dilakukan sebagai balok persegi. Dengan lebar
balok be = 1125 mm

Cek Tulangan Desak Belum Luluh

= ρ - ρ' < β1 .
0.85 . fc'
. ( 600
600 - fy ) .

= 0.85 . 25 .
0.0054 - 0.0054 < 0.85 .

( 600
- 240 ) .
= 0.00000000 < 0.00018554

Jadi, Tulangan Desak Belum Luluh

C = T
Cc + Cs = T
0.85 .fc' . b . a + As . fs + fy ,Sedangkan
c - d' c - d'
a = β1 x c dan fs' = e's x Es = 0.03
( c ) Es = ( c )
Dengan melakukan Subtitusi didapatkan :
( 0.85 . fc'. b )β1 x C2 + As' . 600 ( c - d'
c )= As . fy

Setelah persamaan diatas dikalikan dengan c, maka didapat :

( 0.85 . fc'. b )β1.c² + As'.600.c - As.600.d' = As'.fy
(² + (600.804.6 - 804.6.240).c - 804.6.600.53 = 0
A. = 0.85 . fc'. b .β1
= 0.85 . 25 . 300 . 0.85 = 5418.750
B. = 600.As' - As.fy
= 600 . 804.248 - 804.248 . 240 = 289529.179
C. = As'.600.d'
= 804.248 . 600 . 71 = 34260952.843

Maka persamaan menjadi :

5418.750 c² - 289529.178954835 c - 34260952.843 = 0

C = -B + B2 - 4.a.c
-289529.179 2 - 4 . 5418.750 .
C = -289529.179 +
2. 5418.75
= 57.168 mm
a = β1.C = 0.85 . 57.168 = 48.593 mm

c - d'
fs = 600 . ( c )
57.168 - 71
= 600 . ( 57.17 )
= -145.18 < 240 Mpa

Karena fs' < fy, maka fs' = -145.176 Mpa

Menghitung momen nominal tumpuan Kanan

Mn = 0.85.fc'.a.b. ( d .
2 ) +As'.fs'.(d-d')
0.85 .
25 . 48.593 . 1125 .

Mn =
[( .

( 429

- 71
) +

( 804.248
= 428.331 Knm

Ø Mn = 0.8 . Mn
= 0.8 . 428.331 = 342.665 kNm

Ø Mn > Mu
342.665 > 60.196
TidakButuh Perkuatan

Kontrol Lendutan Pada Balok B100

L 450
= = 18.75 > 14.117 (ok)
24 24
4.4.4 Perhitungan Balok Pada B 116 Lantai 2 Sebagai Berikut :

1. Menghitung Lebar Efektif (be)

1/4 . L
be ≤ 0,25 . bentang bersih balok = 0.25 . 4500
= 1125 mm
be ≤ bw + 16 . hf = 300 + 16 x 120
= 2220 mm
be ≤ bw + jarak bersih balok bersebelahan = 300 + ( 4500 - 500 )
= 4300 mm
diambil be = 1125 mm

2. Menghitung Kapasitas Balok

Mutu Beton ( fc' ) = 25 Mpa

Mutu Baja ( fy ) = 240 Mpa
Ø Tulangan = 16 mm
Ø Sengkang = 8 mm
Selimut Beton = 55 mm
Tinggi Balok (h) = 400 mm
Lebar Balok (b) = 300 mm
Lebar Efektif (be) = 1125 mm
Tebal Pelat (hf) = 120 mm
d' = Selimut Beton - Ø Sengkang - (1/2.Ø tulangan)
= 55 + 8 + ( 1 . 16 ) = 71 mm
d = h - d' = 400 - 71 = 329 mm

a. Tumpuan Kiri

Luas Penampang Tulangan

As = As bawah = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
0.25 2 . 4
= . π . 16
= 804.248 mm
As' = As atas = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
0.25 2 . 4
= . π . 16
= 804.248 mm
Pemeriksaan Rasio Tulangan

As 804.248
ρ = = = 0.0067
b.h 300 . 400

As 804.248
ρ = = = 0.0067
b.h 300 . 400

cek untuk hf < a

Untuk a < hf = 120 mm

Cc = 0.85 . fc' . a . be
= 0.85 . 25 . 120 . 1125 = 2868750 N

fs' =
( 1 - β1 .
a )
600 . ( 1 - 0.85 .
600 . ( 1 - 0.85 .
120 )
= 298.250 > 240 Mpa

Cs' = As' . fs' = 804.248 . 298.250 = 239866.882 N

Ca = Cc + Cs' = 2868750 + 239866.882 = 3108616.882 N

T = As . fy' = 804.25 . 240 = 193019.453 N

Karena T < Ca maka a < hf, maka analisis dilakukan sebagai balok persegi. Dengan lebar
balok be = 1125 mm

Cek Tulangan Desak Belum Luluh

= ρ - ρ' < β1 .
0.85 . fc'
. ( 600
600 - fy ) .

= 0.85 . 25 .
0.0067 - 0.0067 < 0.85 .

( 600
- 240 ) .
= 0.00000000 < 0.00018554
Jadi, Tulangan Desak Belum Luluh
C = T
Cc + Cs = T
0.85 .fc' . b . a + As . fs + fy ,Sedangkan

( ) Es = ( )
c - d' c - d'
a = β1 x c dan fs' = e's x Es = 0.03
c c

Dengan melakukan Subtitusi didapatkan :

( 0.85 . fc'. b )β1 x C2 + As' . 600 ( c - d'
c )= As . fy

Setelah persamaan diatas dikalikan dengan c, maka didapat :

( 0.85 . fc'. b )β1.c² + As'.600.c - As.600.d' = As'.fy
(² + (600.804.6 - 804.6.240).c - 804.6.600.53 = 0
A. = 0.85 . fc'. b .β1
= 0.85 . 25 . 300 . 0.85 = 5418.750
B. = 600.As' - As.fy
= 600 . 804.248 - 804.248 . 240 = 289529.179
C. = As'.600.d'
= 804.248 . 600 . 71 = 34260952.843

Maka persamaan menjadi :

5418.750 c² - 289529.178954835 c - 34260952.843 = 0

C = -B + B2 - 4.a.c
-289529.179 2 - 4 . 5418.750 .
C = -289529.179 +
2. 5418.75
= 57.168 mm
a = β1.C = 0.85 . 57.168 = 48.593 mm
c - d'
fs' = 600 .
( c )
= 600 . ( 57.168 -
= -145.176 < 240 Mpa
Karena fs' < fy, maka fs' = -145.176 Mpa

Menghitung momen nominal tumpuan kiri

Mn = 0.85.fc'.a.b. ( d .
2 ) +As'.fs'.(d-d')
0.85 .25 . 48.593 . 1125 .

Mn =
[( .
329 .

( 329
- 71
) +

( 804.25 . 240.000
= 403.763 Knm

Ø Mn = 0.8 . Mn
= 0.8 . 403.763 = 323.010 kNm

Ø Mn > Mu
323.010 > 87.27
TidakButuh Perkuatan

Kontrol Lendutan Pada Balok B100

L 450
= = 18.75 > 6.697 (ok)
24 24

b. Tumpuan Kanan

Luas Penampang Tulangan

As = As bawah = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
0.25 2 . 4
= . π . 16
= 804.248 mm
As' = As atas = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
0.25 2 . 4
= . π . 16
= 804.248 mm
Pemeriksaan Rasio Tulangan

As 804.248
ρ = = = 0.0067
b.h 300 . 400

As 804.248
ρ = = = 0.0067
b.h 300 . 400

cek untuk hf < a

Untuk a < hf = 120 mm

Cc = 0.85 . fc' . a . be
= 0.85 . 25 . 120 . 1125 = 2868750 N
fs' =
( 1 - β1 .
a )
600 . ( 1 - 0.85 .
120 )
= 298.250 > 240 Mpa

Cs' = As' . fs' = 804.248 . 298.250 = 239866.882 N

Ca = Cc + Cs' = 2868750 + 239866.882 = 3108616.882 N

T = As . fy' = 804.25 . 240 = 193019.453 N

Karena T < Ca maka a < hf, maka analisis dilakukan sebagai balok persegi. Dengan lebar
balok be = 1125 mm

Cek Tulangan Desak Belum Luluh

= ρ - ρ' < β1 .
0.85 . fc'
. ( 600
600 - fy ) .

= 0.85 . 25 .
0.0067 - 0.0067 < 0.85 .

( 600
- 240
. ) 71
= 0.00000000 < 0.00018554
Jadi, Tulangan Desak Belum Luluh

C = T
Cc + Cs = T
0.85 .fc' . b . a + As . fs + fy ,Sedangkan
c - d' c - d'
a = β1 x c dan fs' = e's x Es = 0.03
( c ) Es = ( c )
Dengan melakukan Subtitusi didapatkan :
( 0.85 . fc'. b )β1 x C2 + As' . 600 ( c - d'
c )= As . fy

Setelah persamaan diatas dikalikan dengan c, maka didapat :

( 0.85 . fc'. b )β1.c² + As'.600.c - As.600.d' = As'.fy
(² + (600.804.6 - 804.6.240).c - 804.6.600.53 = 0
A. = 0.85 . fc'. b .β1
= 0.85 . 25 . 300 . 0.85 = 5418.750
B. = 600.As' - As.fy
= 600 . 804.248 - 804.248 . 240 = 289529.179
C. = As'.600.d'
= 804.248 . 600 . 71 = 34260952.843

Maka persamaan menjadi :

5418.750 c² - 289529.178954835 c - 34260952.843 = 0

C = -B + B2 - 4.a.c
-289529.179 2 - 4 . 5418.750 .
C = -289529.179 +
C = -289529.179 +
2. 5418.75
= 57.168 mm
a = β1.C = 0.85 . 57.168 = 48.593 mm

c - d'
fs' = 600 .
( c )
= 600 . ( 57.168 -
= -145.176 < 240 Mpa

Karena fs' < fy, maka fs' = -145.176 Mpa

Menghitung momen nominal tumpuan Kanan

Mn = 0.85.fc'.a.b. ( d .
2 ) +As'.fs'.(d-d')
0.85 . 25 . 48.593 . 1125 .

Mn =
[( .



( 804.248
= 403.763 Knm

Ø Mn = 0.8 . Mn
= 0.8 . 403.763 = 323.010 kNm

Ø Mn > Mu
323.010 > 42.893
TidakButuh Perkuatan

Kontrol Lendutan Pada Balok B100

L 450
= = 18.75 > 14.096 (ok)
24 24

c. Lapangan

Luas Penampang Tulangan

As = As bawah = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
0.25 2 . 4
= . π . 16
= 804.248 mm
As' = As atas = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
0.25 2 . 4
= . π . 16
= 804.248 mm
Pemeriksaan Rasio Tulangan

As 804.248
ρ = = = 0.0067
b.h 300 . 400

As 804.248
ρ = = = 0.0067
b.h 300 . 400
cek untuk hf < a
Untuk a < hf = 120 mm

Cc = 0.85 . fc' . a . be
= 0.85 . 25 . 120 . 1125 = 2868750 N

fs' =
( 1 - β1 .
a )
600 . ( 1 - 0.85 .
120 )
= 298.250 > 240 Mpa

Cs' = As' . fs' = 804.248 . 298.250 = 239866.882 N

Ca = Cc + Cs' = 2868750 + 239866.882 = 3108616.882 N

T = As . fy' = 804.25 . 240 = 193019.453 N

Karena T < Ca maka a < hf, maka analisis dilakukan sebagai balok persegi. Dengan lebar
balok be = 1125 mm

Cek Tulangan Desak Belum Luluh

= ρ - ρ' < β1 .
0.85 . fc'
. ( 600
600 - fy ) .

0.85 . 25 .
= 0.0067 - 0.0067 < 0.85 .

( 600
- 240
.) 71
= 0.00000000 < 0.00018554
Jadi, Tulangan Desak Belum Luluh

C = T
Cc + Cs = T
0.85 .fc' . b . a + As . fs + fy ,Sedangkan
c - d' c - d'
a = β1 x c dan fs' = e's x Es = 0.03
( c ) Es = ( c )
Dengan melakukan Subtitusi didapatkan :
( 0.85 . fc'. b )β1 x C2 + As' . 600 ( c - d'
c )= As . fy

Setelah persamaan diatas dikalikan dengan c, maka didapat :

( 0.85 . fc'. b )β1.c² + As'.600.c - As.600.d' = As'.fy
(² + (600.804.6 - 804.6.240).c - 804.6.600.53 = 0
A. = 0.85 . fc'. b .β1
= 0.85 . 25 . 300 . 0.85 = 5418.750
B. = 600.As' - As.fy
= 600 . 804.248 - 804.248 . 240 = 289529.179
C. = As'.600.d'
= 804.248 . 600 . 71 = 34260952.843
Maka persamaan menjadi :
5418.750 c² - 289529.178954835 c - 34260952.843 = 0

C = -B + B2 - 4.a.c
-289529.179 2 - 4 . 5418.750 .
C = -289529.179 +
2. 5418.75
= 57.168 mm
a = β1.C = 0.85 . 57.168 = 48.593 mm

c - d'
fs = 600 . ( c )
57.168 - 71
= 600 . ( 57.17 )
= -145.176 < 240 Mpa

Karena fs' < fy, maka fs' = 240.000 Mpa

Menghitung momen nominal tumpuan Kanan

Mn = 0.85.fc'.a.b. ( d .
2 ) +As'.fs'.(d-d')
0.85 .
25 . 48.593 . 1125 .

Mn =
[( .
329 .

( 329
- 71
) +

( 804.248 . 240.000
= 403.763 Knm

Ø Mn = 0.8 . Mn
= 0.8 . 403.763 = 323.010 kNm

Ø Mn > Mu
323.010 > 49.446
TidakButuh Perkuatan

Kontrol Lendutan Pada Balok B100

L 450
= = 18.75 > 12.387 (ok)
24 24
4.5 Analisa Perkuatan CFRP Pada Balok
4.5.1 Perkuatan CFRP Pada Balok B100
Perhitungan perkuatan lentur balok dengan menggunakan Carbon Fiber
Reinforced Poliner (CFRP) berikut adalah data analisa pada balok B100
pada daerah Lapangan sebagai berikut

1. Data Balok

fc' = 25 Mpa
fy' = 240 Mpa
h = 500 mm
b = 300 mm
ds = 55 mm
ɸ Tul = 16 mm
ɸ Seng = 8 mm
Es = 200000 Mpa
= ds'+ɸ Seng+(1/2.ɸ Tul)
= 55 + 8 + 8 = 71 mm
= h-d'
= 500 - 71 = 429 mm

Luas Penampang Tulangan

As = As bawah = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
0.25 2 . 4 = 804.248 mm
= . π . 16
As' = As atas = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
0.25 2 . 4 = 804.248 mm
= . π . 16

Pemeriksaan Rasio Tulangan

As 804.248
ρ = = = 0.0054
b.h 300 . 500

As 804.248
ρ' = = = 0.0054
b.h 300 . 500

2. Data CFRP tipe s1012

tf = 1.2 mm
wf = 100 mm
ffu = 3100 Mpa
εfu = 1.7 % = 0.017 mm
Ef = 165000 Mpa
εcu = 0.003

- Menentukan tegangan dan regangan ultimate CFRP

ffu = Ce . ffu = 0.95 . 3100 = 2945

εfu = Ce . εfu = 0.95 . 0.017 = 0.01615

- Perhitungan Awal

β1 = 0.85
Ec = 4700 √ fc' = 4700 . √ 25 = 23500
Material CFRP
Perkuatan dengan 1 lapis
Af = n . Tf . Wf = 1 . 1.2 . 100 = 120 mm2

- Mendefinisikan regangan eksisting pada saat pemasangan CFRP

Mdl ( h - kd)
εbi =
Ier . Ec

dimana :
Mdl = 0 ( Diambil dari output SAP2000)
Ec = 23500
Es = 200000
kd = 0.334 . D = 0.334 x 429 = 143.286 mm
Es 200000
n = = = 8.511
Ec 23500

lcr = (1/3 x b x ( kd) ^3) + ( n x as x ( d - kd)^2) + (( n - 1 ) x As' x ( kd - d' ) ^2)

300 x 143.286 )3 ) ) + ( 8.511 . 804.248
x ( 429 - 143.286 )2) + (( 8.511 - 1 )
x ( 804.248 ) x ( 143.286 x 71 )2)
= 884488258.042 Nmm = 884.4883 Knm


Mdl ( h - kd) 0 . ( 500 - 143.286 )

εbi = =
Ier . Ec 884.488 . 23500
= 0.00000

- Menentukan koefisien lentur K m

= n . Ef . tf > 180000
= 1 . 165000 . 1.2 > 180000
= 198000 > 180000 (ok)


1 90000
km = x < 0.9
60 . εfu
1 90000
= x < 0.9
60 . 0.016 198000
= 0.469 < 0.9 (ok)

- Estimasi Nilai C

c = 0.2 x d = 0.2 . 429 = 85.8 mm

- Menentukan regangan efektif CFRP

( h - c )
εfe = εcu . εbi ≤ Km . εfu
c -
( 500 - 85.8 )
0.003 . - 0.00000 ≤
= 85.800
0.469 . 0.01615
= 0.01448 > 0.00758

Maka dipakai εfe = 0.00758

- Menentukan regangan baja tulangan eksisting

( d - c )
εs = εfe + εbi
( h - c )
( 429 - 85.80 )
= 0.00758 + 0.00000
( 500 - 85.80 )
= 0.00758

- Menentukan regangan baja tulangan dan CFRP

fs = Es x εs ≤ fy
= 200000 x 0.007576 ≤ 240
= 1515.152 Mpa > 240 Mpa

maka diambil fs = fy = 240 Mpa

ffe = Ef x εfe
= 165000 x 0.00758 = 1250.000 Knm

- Menentukan resultan gaya dan cek kesimbangan

As x fs + Af x ffe
C =
ϒ x fc' β1 x b
804.248 x 240 + 120 x 1250.000
0.85 x 25 . 0.85 x 300
= 63.302 mm

- Menentukan momen tahanan lentur penampang

Ø = 0.85
β1 = 0.85
ψf = 0.85
ρ = 0.0054
ρ' = 0.0054

c ( ρ - ρ' ).fy ( 0.0054 - 0.0054 ) . 240 =

d 0.85.β1.fc' = 0.85 . 0.85 . 25
= 0
= 18.0625

ρ c
Ø(b.d2 (ρ'.fy ( - 1 ) ( 1-0.425 )
ØMn = ρ' d +
- d' β1. c
( 1 )) ( ᴪf . Af. Ffe. ( h- )
( 1 )) ( ᴪf . Af. Ffe. ( h- )
d + 2

ØMn = 2
0.85 ( 300 . 429 ) . ( 0.0054 . 240 .

( 0.0054
- 1 ) . ( 1 - 0.425 . 0 ) .
( 1 -
429 ) + ( 0.85 . 240 . 0.0000 . 1250.000
0.85 . 63.302
. ( 500 -
2 )
= 0.85 ( 71046985.999868 + 0 ) = 603.899 kNm

- Kontrol momen tahanan lentur perkuatan CFRP

Ø Mn > Mu
603.899 > 0.00
TidakButuh Perkuatan
4.5.2 Perkuatan CFRP Pada Balok B 101
Perhitungan perkuatan lentur balok dengan menggunakan Carbon Fiber
Reinforced Poliner (CFRP) berikut adalah data analisa pada balok B 101
pada daerah Lapangan sebagai berikut

1. Data Balok

fc' = 25 Mpa
fy' = 240 Mpa
h = 400 mm
b = 300 mm
ds = 55 mm
ɸ Tul = 16 mm
ɸ Seng = 8 mm
Es = 200000 Mpa
= ds'+ɸ Seng+(1/2.ɸ Tul)
= 55 + 8 + 8 = 71 mm
= h-d'
= 400 - 71 = 329 mm

Luas Penampang Tulangan

As = As bawah = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
0.25 2 . 4 = 804.248 mm
= . π . 16
As' = As atas = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
0.25 2 . 4 = 804.248 mm
= . π . 16

Pemeriksaan Rasio Tulangan

As 804.248
ρ = = = 0.0067
b.h 300 . 400

As 804.248
ρ' = = = 0.0067
b.h 300 . 400

2. Data CFRP tipe s1012

tf = 1.2 mm
wf = 100 mm
ffu = 3100 Mpa
εfu = 1.7 % = 0.017 mm
Ef = 165000 Mpa
εcu = 0.003

- Menentukan tegangan dan regangan ultimate CFRP

ffu = Ce . ffu = 0.95 . 3100 = 2945

εfu = Ce . εfu = 0.95 . 0.017 = 0.01615

- Perhitungan Awal

β1 = 0.85
Ec = 4700 √ fc' = 4700 . √ 25 = 23500
Material CFRP
Perkuatan dengan 1 lapis
Af = n . Tf . Wf = 1 . 1.2 . 100 = 120 mm2

- Mendefinisikan regangan eksisting pada saat pemasangan CFRP

Mdl ( h - kd)
εbi =
Ier . Ec

dimana :
Mdl = 289.007 ( Diambil dari output SAP2000)
Ec = 23500
Es = 200000
kd = 0.334 . D = 0.334 x 329 = 109.886 mm
Es 200000
n = = = 8.511
Ec 23500

lcr = (1/3 x b x ( kd) ^3) + ( n x as x ( d - kd)^2) + (( n - 1 ) x As' x ( kd - d' ) ^2)

300 x 109.886 )3) ) + ( 8.511 . 804.248
x ( 329 - 109.886 )2) + (( 8.511 - 1 )
x ( 804.248 )x ( 109.886 x 71 ) ) 2

= 470439109.094 Nmm = 470.4391 Knm


Mdl ( h - kd) 289.007 . ( 400 - 109.886 )

εbi = =
Ier . Ec 470.439 . 23500
= 0.00758

- Menentukan koefisien lentur K m

= n . Ef . tf > 180000
= 1 . 165000 . 1.2 > 180000
= 198000 > 180000 (ok)


1 90000
km = x < 0.9
60 . εfu
1 90000
= x < 0.9
60 . 0.016 198000
= 0.469 < 0.9 (ok)

- Estimasi Nilai C

c = 0.2 x d = 0.2 . 329 = 65.8 mm

- Menentukan regangan efektif CFRP

( h - c )
εfe = εcu . εbi ≤ Km . εfu
εfe = εcu . εbi ≤ Km . εfu
c -
( 400 - 65.8 )
0.003 . - 0.00758 ≤
= 65.800
0.469 . 0.01615
= 0.00765 < 0.00758

Maka dipakai εfe = 0.00765

- Menentukan regangan baja tulangan eksisting

( d - c )
εs = εfe + εbi
( h - c )
( 329 - 65.80 )
= 0.00765 + 0.00758
( 400 - 65.80 )
= 0.013626

- Menentukan regangan baja tulangan dan CFRP

fs = Es x εs ≤ fy
= 200000 x 0.013626 ≤ 240
= 2725.170 Mpa > 240 Mpa

maka diambil fs = fy = 240 Mpa

ffe = Ef x εfe
= 165000 x 0.00765 = 1262.737 Knm

- Menentukan resultan gaya dan cek kesimbangan

As x fs + Af x ffe
C =
ϒ x fc' β1 x b
804.248 x 240 + 120 x 1262.737
0.85 x 25 . 0.85 x 300
= 63.584 mm

- Menentukan momen tahanan lentur penampang

Ø = 0.85
β1 = 0.85
ψf = 0.85
ρ = 0.0067
ρ' = 0.0067

c ( ρ - ρ' ).fy ( 0.0067 - 0.0067 ) . 240 =

d 0.85.β1.fc' = 0.85 . 0.85 . 25
= 0
= 18.0625

ρ c
Ø(b.d2 (ρ'.fy ( - 1 ) ( 1-0.425 )
ØMn = ρ' d +
- d' β1. c
( 1 )) ( ᴪf . Af. Ffe. ( h- )
d + 2

ØMn = 2
0.85 ( 300 . 329 ) . ( 0.0067 . 240 .
0.85 ( 300 . 329 ) . ( 0.0067 . 240 .

( 0.0067
- 1 ) . ( 1 - 0.425 . 0 ) .
( 1 -
329 ) + ( 0.85 . 240 . 0.0000 . 1262.737
0.85 . 63.584
. ( 400 -
2 )
= 0.85 ( 52231546.2162784 + 0.000000 ) = 443.968 kNm

- Kontrol momen tahanan lentur perkuatan CFRP

Ø Mn > Mu
443.968 > 289.007
TidakButuh Perkuatan
4.5.3 Perkuatan CFRP Pada Balok B 55
Perhitungan perkuatan lentur balok dengan menggunakan Carbon Fiber
Reinforced Poliner (CFRP) berikut adalah data analisa pada balok B 55
pada daerah Lapangan sebagai berikut

a. Lapangan
1. Data Balok

fc' = 25 Mpa
fy' = 240 Mpa
h = 500 mm
b = 300 mm
ds = 55 mm
ɸ Tul = 16 mm
ɸ Seng = 8 mm
Es = 200000 Mpa
= ds'+ɸ Seng+(1/2.ɸ Tul)
= 55 + 8 + 8 = 71 mm
= h-d'
= 500 - 71 = 429 mm

Luas Penampang Tulangan

As = As bawah = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
0.25 2 . 4 = 804.248 mm
= . π . 16
As' = As atas = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
0.25 2 . 4 = 804.248 mm
= . π . 16

Pemeriksaan Rasio Tulangan

As 804.248
ρ = = = 0.0054
b.h 300 . 500

As 804.248
ρ' = = = 0.0054
b.h 300 . 500

2. Data CFRP tipe s1012

tf = 1.2 mm
wf = 100 mm
ffu = 3100 Mpa
εfu = 1.7 % = 0.017 mm
Ef = 165000 Mpa
εcu = 0.003

- Menentukan tegangan dan regangan ultimate CFRP

ffu = Ce . ffu = 0.95 . 3100 = 2945

εfu = Ce . εfu = 0.95 . 0.017 = 0.01615

- Perhitungan Awal

β1 = 0.85
Ec = 4700 √ fc' = 4700 . √ 25 = 23500
Material CFRP
Perkuatan dengan 1 lapis
Af = n . Tf . Wf = 1 . 1.2 . 100 = 120 mm2

- Mendefinisikan regangan eksisting pada saat pemasangan CFRP

Mdl ( h - kd)
εbi =
Ier . Ec

dimana :
Mdl = 657.453 ( Diambil dari output SAP2000)
Ec = 23500
Es = 200000
kd = 0.334 . d = 0.334 x 429 = 143.286 mm
Es 200000
n = = = 8.511
Ec 23500

lcr = (1/3 x b x ( kd) ^3) + ( n x as x ( d - kd)^2) + (( n - 1 ) x As' x ( kd - d' ) ^2)

300 x 143.286 )3) ) + ( 8.511 . 804.248
x ( 429 - 143.286 )2) + (( 8.511 - 1 )
x ( 804.248 )x ( 143.286 x 71 ) ) 2

= 884488258.042 Nmm = 884.4883 Knm


Mdl ( h - kd) 657.453 . ( 500 - 143.286 )

εbi = =
Ier . Ec 884.488 . 23500
= 0.01128

- Menentukan koefisien lentur K m

= n . Ef . tf > 180000
= 1 . 165000 . 1.2 > 180000
= 198000 > 180000 (ok)


1 90000
km = x < 0.9
60 . εfu
1 x 90000
= < 0.9
60 . 0.01615 198000
= 0.469 < 0.9 (ok)

- Estimasi Nilai C

c = 0.2 x d = 0.2 . 429 = 85.8 mm

- Menentukan regangan efektif CFRP

( h - c )
εfe = εcu . εbi ≤ Km . εfu
εfe = εcu . εbi ≤ Km . εfu
c -
( 500 - 85.8 )
0.003 . - 0.01128 ≤
= 85.800
0.469 . 0.01615
= 0.003200 < 0.00758

Maka dipakai εfe = 0.00320

- Menentukan regangan baja tulangan eksisting

( d - c )
εs = εfe + εbi
( h - c )
( 429 - 85.80 )
= 0.00320 + 0.01128
( 500 - 85.80 )
= 0.012548

- Menentukan regangan baja tulangan dan CFRP

fs = Es x εs ≤ fy
= 200000 x 0.012548 ≤ 240
= 2509.689 Mpa > 240 Mpa

maka diambil fs = fy = 240 Mpa

ffe = Ef x εfe
= 165000 x 0.00320 = 527.919 Knm

- Menentukan resultan gaya dan cek kesimbangan

As x fs + Af x ffe
C =
ϒ x fc' β1 x b
804.248 x 240 + 120 x 527.919
0.85 x 25 . 0.85 x 300
= 47.312 mm

- Menentukan momen tahanan lentur penampang

Ø = 0.85
β1 = 0.85
ψf = 0.85
ρ = 0.0054
ρ' = 0.0054

c ( ρ - ρ' ).fy ( 0.0054 - 0.0054 ) . 500 =

d 0.85.β1.fc' = 0.85 . 0.85 . 240
= 0
= 173.4

ρ c
Ø(b.d2 (ρ'.fy ( - 1 ) ( 1-0.425 )
ØMn = ρ' d +
- d' β1. c
( 1 )) ( ᴪf . Af. ffe. c/d ( h- )
d + 2

ØMn = 2
0.85 ( 300 . 429 ) . ( 0.0054 . 240 .
0.85 ( 300 . 429 ) . ( 0.0054 . 240 .

( 0.0054
- 1 ) . ( 1 - 0.425 . 0 ) .
( 1 -
429 ) + ( 0.85 . 120 . 0.0000 . 527.919
0.85 . 47.312
. ( 300 -
2 )
= 0.85 ( 71046985.999868 + 0 ) = 603.899 kNm

- Kontrol momen tahanan lentur perkuatan CFRP

Ø Mn > Mu
603.899 > 657.453

Perkuatan dengan 2 lapis

Af = n . Tf . Wf = 2 . 1.2 . 100 = 240 mm2

Total As = 804.248 + 240 = 1044.248

Pemeriksaan Rasio Tulangan

As 1044.248
ρ = = = 0.0070
b.h 300 . 500

As 804.248
ρ' = = = 0.0054
b.h 300 . 500

- Mendefinisikan regangan eksisting pada saat pemasangan CFRP

Mdl ( h - kd)
εbi =
Ier . Ec

dimana :
Mdl = 657.453 ( Diambil dari output SAP2000)
Ec = 23500
Es = 200000
kd = 0.334 . d = 0.334 x 429 = 143.286 mm
Es 200000
n = = = 8.511
Ec 23500

lcr = (1/3 x b x ( kd) ^3) + ( n x as x ( d - kd)^2) + (( n - 1 ) x As' x ( kd - d' ) ^2)

300 x 143.286 )3) ) + ( 8.511 . 1044.248
x ( 429 - 143.286 )2) + (( 8.511 - 1 )
x ( 804.248 )x ( 143.286 x 71 ) ) 2

= 1051226960.604 Nmm = 1051.227 Knm

Mdl ( h - kd) 657.453 . ( 500 - 143.286 )
εbi = =
Ier . Ec 1051.227 . 23500
= 0.00949

- Menentukan koefisien lentur K m

= n . Ef . tf > 180000
= 2 . 165000 . 1.2 > 180000
= 396000 > 180000 (ok)

1 90000
km = x < 0.9
60 . εfu
1 x 90000
= < 0.9
60 . 0.01615 396000
= 0.235 < 0.9 (ok)

- Estimasi Nilai C

c = 0.2 x d = 0.2 . 429 = 85.8 mm

- Menentukan regangan efektif CFRP

( h - c )
εfe = εcu . εbi ≤ Km . εfu
c -
( 500 - 85.8 )
0.003 . - 0.00949 ≤
= 85.800
0.235 . 0.01615
= 0.00499 > 0.00379

Maka dipakai εfe = 0.00379

- Menentukan regangan baja tulangan eksisting

( d - c )
εs = εfe + εbi
( h - c )
( 429 - 85.80 )
= 0.00379 + 0.00949
( 500 - 85.80 )
= 0.01165

- Menentukan regangan baja tulangan dan CFRP

fs = Es x εs ≤ fy
= 200000 x 0.011654 ≤ 240
= 2330.789 Mpa > 240 Mpa

maka diambil fs = fy = 240 Mpa

ffe = Ef x εfe
= 165000 x 0.00379 = 625.000 Knm
- Menentukan resultan gaya dan cek kesimbangan

As x fs + Af x ffe
C =
ϒ x fc' β1 x b
1044.248 x 240 + 240 x 625.000
0.85 x 25 . 0.85 x 300
= 73.932 mm

- Menentukan momen tahanan lentur penampang

Ø = 0.85
β1 = 0.85
ψf = 0.85
ρ = 0.0070
ρ' = 0.0054

c ( ρ - ρ' ).fy ( 0.0070 - 0.0054 ) . 240 =

d 0.85.β1.fc' = 0.85 . 0.85 . x 25
= 0.02126
= 18.0625

ρ c
Ø(b.d2 (ρ'.fy ( - 1 ) ( 1-0.425 )
ØMn = ρ' d +
- d' β1. c
( 1 )) ( ᴪf . Af. ffe. c/d ( h- )
d + 2

ØMn = 2
0.85 ( 300 . 429 ) . ( 0.0054 . 240 .
( 0.0054
- 1 ) . ( 1 - 0.425 . 0.0213 ) .
( 1 -
429 ) + ( 0.85 . 240 . 0.0213 . 625.000
0.85 . 73.932
. ( 500 -
2 )
= 0.85 ( 91415016.7948726 + 1270124.3627 ) = 787.824 kNm

- Kontrol momen tahanan lentur perkuatan CFRP

Ø Mn > Mu
787.824 > 657.453
TidakButuh Perkuatan
4.5.4 Perkuatan CFRP Pada Balok B 55
Perhitungan perkuatan lentur balok dengan menggunakan Carbon Fiber
Reinforced Poliner (CFRP) berikut adalah data analisa pada balok B 56
pada daerah Tumpuan dan Lapangan sebagai berikut

a. Tumpuan
1. Data Balok

fc' = 25 Mpa
fy' = 240 Mpa
h = 400 mm
b = 300 mm
ds = 55 mm
ɸ Tul = 16 mm
ɸ Seng = 8 mm
Es = 200000 Mpa
= ds'+ɸ Seng+(1/2.ɸ Tul)
= 55 + 8 + 8 = 71 mm
= h-d'
= 400 - 71 = 329 mm

Luas Penampang Tulangan

As = As bawah = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
0.25 2 . 4 = 804.248 mm
= . π . 16
As' = As atas = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
0.25 2 . 4 = 804.248 mm
= . π . 16

Pemeriksaan Rasio Tulangan

As 804.248
ρ = = = 0.0067
b.h 300 . 400

As 804.248
ρ' = = = 0.0067
b.h 300 . 400

2. Data CFRP tipe s1012

tf = 1.2 mm
wf = 100 mm
ffu = 3100 Mpa
εfu = 1.7 % = 0.017 mm
Ef = 165000 Mpa
εcu = 0.003

- Menentukan tegangan dan regangan ultimate CFRP

ffu = Ce . ffu = 0.95 . 3100 = 2945

εfu = Ce . εfu = 0.95 . 0.017 = 0.01615

- Perhitungan Awal

β1 = 0.85
Ec = 4700 √ fc' = 4700 . √ 25 = 23500
Material CFRP
Perkuatan dengan 1 lapis
Af = n . Tf . Wf = 1 . 1.2 . 100 = 120 mm2

- Mendefinisikan regangan eksisting pada saat pemasangan CFRP

Mdl ( h - kd)
εbi =
Ier . Ec

dimana :
Mdl = 391.558 ( Diambil dari output SAP2000)
Ec = 23500
Es = 200000
kd = 0.334 . D = 0.334 x 329 = 109.886 mm
Es 200000
n = = = 8.511
Ec 23500

lcr = (1/3 x b x ( kd) ^3) + ( n x as x ( d - kd)^2) + (( n - 1 ) x As' x ( kd - d' ) ^2)

300 x 109.886 )3) ) + ( 8.511 . 804.248
x ( 329 - 109.886 )2) + (( 8.511 - 1 )
x ( 804.248 )x ( 109.886 x 71 ) ) 2

= 470439109.094 Nmm = 470.4391 Knm


Mdl ( h - kd) 391.558 . ( 400 - 109.886 )

εbi = =
Ier . Ec 470.439 . 23500
= 0.01028

- Menentukan koefisien lentur K m

= n . Ef . tf > 180000
= 1 . 165000 . 1.2 > 180000
= 198000 > 180000 (ok)


1 90000
km = x < 0.9
60 . εfu
1 90000
= x < 0.9
60 . 0.01615 198000
= 0.469 < 0.9 (ok)

- Estimasi Nilai C

c = 0.2 x d = 0.2 . 329 = 65.8 mm

- Menentukan regangan efektif CFRP

( h - c )
εfe = εcu . εbi ≤ Km . εfu
c -
( 400 - 65.8 )
0.003 . - 0.01028 ≤
= 65.800
0.469 . 0.01615
= 0.00496 > 0.00758

Maka dipakai εfe = 0.00496

- Menentukan regangan baja tulangan eksisting

( d - c )
εs = εfe + εbi
( h - c )
( 329 - 65.80 )
= 0.00496 + 0.01028
( 400 - 65.80 )
= 0.01305

- Menentukan regangan baja tulangan dan CFRP

fs = Es x εs ≤ fy
= 200000 x 0.013054 ≤ 240
= 2610.825 Mpa > 240 Mpa

maka diambil fs = fy = 240 Mpa

ffe = Ef x εfe
= 165000 x 0.00496 = 818.698 Knm

- Menentukan resultan gaya dan cek kesimbangan

As x fs + Af x ffe
C =
ϒ x fc' β1 x b
804.248 x 240 + 120 x 818.698
0.85 x 25 . 0.85 x 300
= 53.751 mm

- Menentukan momen tahanan lentur penampang

Ø = 0.85
β1 = 0.85
ψf = 0.85
ρ = 0.0067
ρ' = 0.0067

c ( ρ - ρ' ).fy ( 0.0067 - 0.0067 ) . 240 =

d 0.85.β1.fc' = 0.85 . 0.85 . 25
= 0
= 18.0625

ρ c
Ø(b.d2 (ρ'.fy ( - 1 ) ( 1-0.425 )
ØMn = ρ' d +
- d' β1. c
( 1 )) ( ᴪf . Af. ffe. c/d ( h- )
d + 2

ØMn = 2
0.85 ( 300 . 329 ) . ( 0.0067 . 240 .
( 0.0067
- 1 ) . ( 1 - 0.425 . 0 ) .
( 1 -
329 ) + ( 0.85 . 240 . 0.0000 . 818.698
0.85 . 53.751
. ( 400 -
2 )
= 0.85 ( 52231546.2162784 + 0 ) = 443.968 kNm

- Kontrol momen tahanan lentur perkuatan CFRP

Ø Mn > Mu
443.968 > 391.558
TidakButuh Perkuatan

b. Lapangan
1. Data Balok

fc' = 25 Mpa
fy' = 240 Mpa
h = 400 mm
b = 300 mm
ds = 55 mm
ɸ Tul = 16 mm
ɸ Seng = 8 mm
Es = 200000 Mpa
= ds'+ɸ Seng+(1/2.ɸ Tul)
= 55 + 8 + 8 = 71 mm
= h-d'
= 400 - 71 = 329 mm

Luas Penampang Tulangan

As = As bawah = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
0.25 2 . 4 = 804.248 mm
= . π . 16
As' = As atas = 1/4.π.(øTul)2.4
0.25 2 . 4 = 804.248 mm
= . π . 16

Pemeriksaan Rasio Tulangan

As 804.248
ρ = = = 0.0067
b.h 300 . 400

As 804.248
ρ' = = = 0.0067
b.h 300 . 400

2. Data CFRP tipe s1012

tf = 1.2 mm
wf = 100 mm
ffu = 3100 Mpa
εfu = 1.7 % = 0.017 mm
Ef = 165000 Mpa
εcu = 0.003

- Menentukan tegangan dan regangan ultimate CFRP

ffu = Ce . ffu = 0.95 . 3100 = 2945
εfu = Ce . εfu = 0.95 . 0.017 = 0.01615

- Perhitungan Awal

β1 = 0.85
Ec = 4700 √ fc' = 4700 . √ 25 = 23500

Material CFRP
Perkuatan dengan 1 lapis
Af = n . Tf . Wf = 1 . 1.2 . 100 = 120 mm2

- Mendefinisikan regangan eksisting pada saat pemasangan CFRP

Mdl ( h - kd)
εbi =
Ier . Ec

dimana :
Mdl = 647.565 ( Diambil dari output SAP2000)
Ec = 23500
Es = 200000
kd = 0.334 . d = 0.334 x 329 = 109.886 mm
Es 200000
n = = = 8.511
Ec 23500

lcr = (1/3 x b x ( kd) ^3) + ( n x as x ( d - kd)^2) + (( n - 1 ) x As' x ( kd - d' ) ^2)

300 x 109.886 )3) ) + ( 8.511 . 804.248
x ( 329 - 109.886 )2) + (( 8.511 - 1 )
x ( 804.248 )x ( 109.886 x 71 )2)
= 470439109.094 Nmm = 470.4391 Knm


Mdl ( h - kd) 647.565 . ( 400 - 109.886 )

εbi = =
Ier . Ec 470.439 . 23500
= 0.01699

- Menentukan koefisien lentur K m

= n . Ef . tf > 180000
= 1 . 165000 . 1.2 > 180000
= 198000 > 180000 (ok)


1 90000
km = x < 0.9
60 . εfu
1 x 90000
= < 0.9
60 . 0.01615 198000
= 0.469 < 0.9 (ok)
- Estimasi Nilai C

c = 0.2 x d = 0.2 . 329 = 65.8 mm

- Menentukan regangan efektif CFRP

( h - c )
εfe = εcu . εbi ≤ Km . εfu
c -
( 400 - 65.8 )
0.003 . - 0.01699 ≤
= 65.8
0.469 . 0.01615
= -0.001756 < 0.00758

Maka dipakai εfe = 0.00758

- Menentukan regangan baja tulangan eksisting

( d - c )
εs = εfe + εbi
( h - c )
( 329 - 65.80 )
= 0.00758 + 0.01699
( 400 - 65.80 )
= 0.020959

- Menentukan regangan baja tulangan dan CFRP

fs = Es x εs ≤ fy
= 200000 x 0.020959 ≤ 240
= 4191.793 Mpa > 240 Mpa

maka diambil fs = fy = 240 Mpa

ffe = Ef x εfe
= 165000 x 0.00758 = 1250.000 Knm

- Menentukan resultan gaya dan cek kesimbangan

As x fs + Af x ffe
C =
ϒ x fc' β1 x b
804.248 x 240 + 120 x 1250.000
0.85 x 25 . 0.85 x 300
= 63.302 mm

- Menentukan momen tahanan lentur penampang

Ø = 0.85
β1 = 0.85
ψf = 0.85
ρ = 0.0067
ρ' = 0.0067

c ( ρ - ρ' ).fy ( 0.0067 - 0.0067 ) . 400 =

d 0.85.β1.fc' = 0.85 . 0.85 . 240
= 0
= 0
= 173.4

ρ c
Ø(b.d2 (ρ'.fy ( - 1 ) ( 1-0.425 )
ØMn = ρ' d +
- d' β1. c
( 1 )) ( ᴪf . Af. ffe. c/d ( h- )
d + 2

ØMn = 2
0.85 ( 300 . 329 ) . ( 0.0067 . 240 .
( 0.0067
- 1 ) . ( 1 - 0.425 . 0 ) .
( 1 -
329 ) + ( 0.85 . 120 . 0.0000 . 1250.000
0.85 . 63.302
. ( 300 -
2 )
= 0.85 ( 52231546.2162784 + 0 ) = 443.968 kNm

- Kontrol momen tahanan lentur perkuatan CFRP

Ø Mn > Mu
443.968 > 647.565

Perkuatan dengan 2 lapis

Af = n . Tf . Wf = 2 . 1.2 . 100 = 240 mm2

Total As = 804.248 + 240 = 1044.248

Pemeriksaan Rasio Tulangan

As 1044.248
ρ = = = 0.0087
b.h 300 . 400

As 804.248
ρ' = = = 0.0067
b.h 300 . 400

- Mendefinisikan regangan eksisting pada saat pemasangan CFRP

Mdl ( h - kd)
εbi =
Ier . Ec

dimana :
Mdl = 647.565 ( Diambil dari output SAP2000)
Ec = 23500
Es = 200000
kd = 0.334 . d = 0.334 x 329 = 109.886 mm
Es 200000
n = = = 8.511
Ec 23500

lcr = (1/3 x b x ( kd) ^3) + ( n x as x ( d - kd)^2) + (( n - 1 ) x As' x ( kd - d' ) ^2)

300 x 109.886 )3) ) + ( 8.511 . 1044.248
x ( 329 - 109.886 )2) + (( 8.511 - 1 )

x ( 804.248 )x ( 109.886 x 71 )2)

= 568504018.022 Nmm = 568.504 Knm

Mdl ( h - kd) 647.565 . ( 400 - 109.886 )
εbi = =
Ier . Ec 568.504 . 23500
= 0.01406

- Menentukan koefisien lentur K m

= n . Ef . tf > 180000
= 2 . 165000 . 1.2 > 180000
= 396000 > 180000 (ok)

1 90000
km = x < 0.9
60 . εfu
1 x 90000
= < 0.9
60 . 0.01615 396000
= 0.235 < 0.9 (ok)

- Estimasi Nilai C

c = 0.2 x d = 0.2 . 329 = 65.8 mm

- Menentukan regangan efektif CFRP

( h - c )
εfe = εcu . εbi ≤ Km . εfu
c -
( 400 - 65.8 )
0.003 . - 0.01406 ≤
= 65.800
0.235 . 0.01615
= 0.00117 < 0.00379

Maka dipakai εfe = 0.00379

- Menentukan regangan baja tulangan eksisting

( d - c )
εs = εfe + εbi
( h - c )
( 329 - 65.80 )
= 0.00379 + 0.01406
( 400 - 65.80 )
= 0.014863

- Menentukan regangan baja tulangan dan CFRP

fs = Es x εs ≤ fy
= 200000 x 0.014863 ≤ 240
= 2972.506 Mpa > 240 Mpa

maka diambil fs = fy = 240 Mpa

ffe = Ef x εfe
= 165000 x 0.00379 = 625.000 Knm
- Menentukan resultan gaya dan cek kesimbangan

As x fs + Af x ffe
C =
ϒ x fc' β1 x b
1044.248 x 240 + 240 x 625.000
0.85 x 25 . 0.85 x 300
= 73.932 mm

- Menentukan momen tahanan lentur penampang

Ø = 0.85
β1 = 0.85
ψf = 0.85
ρ = 0.0087
ρ' = 0.0067

c ( ρ - ρ' ).fy ( 0.0087 - 0.0067 ) . 240 =

d 0.85.β1.fc' = 0.85 . 0.85 . x 25
= 0.026574
= 18.0625

ρ c
Ø(b.d2 (ρ'.fy ( - 1 ) ( 1-0.425 )
ØMn = ρ' d +
- d' β1. c
( 1 )) ( ᴪf . Af. ffe. c/d ( h- )
d + 2

ØMn = 2
0.85 ( 300 . 329 ) . ( 0.0067 . 240 .
( 0.0067
- 1 ) . ( 1 - 0.425 . 0.0266 ) .
( 1 -
329 ) + ( 0.85 . 240 . 0.02657 . 625.000
0.85 . 73.932
. ( 400 -
2 )
= 0.85 ( 67052302.9285749 + 1248831.924 ) = 580.560 kNm

- Kontrol momen tahanan lentur perkuatan CFRP

Ø Mn > Mu
580.560 > 647.565

Perkuatan dengan 3 lapis

Af = n . Tf . Wf = 3 . 1.2 . 100 = 360 mm2

Total As = 804.248 + 360 = 1164.248

Pemeriksaan Rasio Tulangan

As 1164.248
ρ = = = 0.0097
b.h 300 . 400

As 804.248
ρ' = = = 0.0067
b.h 300 . 400
- Mendefinisikan regangan eksisting pada saat pemasangan CFRP

Mdl ( h - kd)
εbi =
Ier . Ec

dimana :
Mdl = 647.565 ( Diambil dari output SAP2000)
Ec = 23500
Es = 200000
kd = 0.334 . d = 0.334 x 329 = 109.886 mm
Es 200000
n = = = 8.511
Ec 23500

lcr = (1/3 x b x ( kd) ^3) + ( n x as x ( d - kd)^2) + (( n - 1 ) x As' x ( kd - d' ) ^2)

300 x 109.886 )3) ) + ( 8.511 . 1164.248
x ( 804.248 - 109.886 )2) + (( 8.511 - 1 )
x ( 804.248 )x ( 109.886 x 71 ) ) 2

= 4919082543.443 Nmm = 4919.083 Knm

Mdl ( h - kd) 647.565 . ( 400 - 109.886 )
εbi = =
Ier . Ec 4919.083 . 23500
= 0.00163

- Menentukan koefisien lentur K m

= n . Ef . tf > 180000
= 3 . 165000 . 1.2 > 180000
= 594000 > 180000 (ok)

1 90000
km = x < 0.9
60 . εfu
1 x 90000
= < 0.9
60 . 0.01615 594000
= 0.156 < 0.9 (ok)

- Estimasi Nilai C

c = 0.2 x d = 0.2 . 329 = 65.8 mm

- Menentukan regangan efektif CFRP

( h - c )
εfe = εcu . εbi ≤ Km . εfu
c -
( 400 - 65.8 )
0.003 . - 0.00163 ≤
= 65.800
0.156 . 0.01615
= 0.01361 > 0.00253
Maka dipakai εfe = 0.00253
- Menentukan regangan baja tulangan eksisting

( d - c )
εs = εfe + εbi
( h - c )
( 329 - 65.80 )
= 0.00253 + 0.00163
( 400 - 65.80 )
= 0.00381

- Menentukan regangan baja tulangan dan CFRP

fs = Es x εs ≤ fy
= 200000 x 0.00381 ≤ 240
= 761.033 Mpa > 240 Mpa

maka diambil fs = fy = 240 Mpa

ffe = Ef x εfe
= 165000 x 0.00253 = 416.667 Knm

- Menentukan resultan gaya dan cek kesimbangan

As x fs + Af x ffe
C =
ϒ x fc' β1 x b
1164.248 x 240 + 360 x 416.667
0.85 x 25 . 0.85 x 300
= 79.247 mm

- Menentukan momen tahanan lentur penampang

Ø = 0.85
β1 = 0.85
ψf = 0.85
ρ = 0.0097
ρ' = 0.0067

c ( ρ - ρ' ).fy ( 0.0097 - 0.0067 ) . 240 =

d 0.85.β1.fc' = 0.85 . 0.85 . x 25
= 0.039862
= 18.0625

ρ c
Ø(b.d2 (ρ'.fy ( - 1 ) ( 1-0.425 )
ØMn = ρ' d +
- d' β1. c
( 1 )) ( ᴪf . Af. ffe. c/d ( h- )
d + 2

ØMn = 2
0.85 ( 300 . 329 ) . ( 0.8500 . 240 .
( 0.0067
- 1 ) . ( 1 - 0.425 . 0.0399 ) .
( 1 -
329 ) + ( 0.85 . 360 . 0.040 . 416.667
0.85 . 79.247
. ( 400 -
2 )
= 0.85 ( 9427103635.8424 + 1861767.7476 ) = 801.462 kNm
- Kontrol momen tahanan lentur perkuatan CFRP
Ø Mn > Mu
801.462 > 647.565
TidakButuh Perkuatan
4.6 Analisa Penulangan Geser Pada Balok
4.6.1 Penulangan Geser dan Perkuatan Menggunakan CFRP Pada Balok Arah Y
a. Perhitungan Penulangan Geser Pada B 100

fc' = 25 Mpa
fy = 240 Mpa
ø Tul = 16 mm
ø Seng = 8 mm
b = 300 mm
h = 500 mm
s = 120 mm
ds' = 55 mm
d' = ds' + ø Seng + (1/2.ø Tul) = 55 + 8 + 8 = 71 mm
d = h - d' = 500 - 71 =### mm

Av .fy . d ( 2 π ( 5 2 ) . 240 . 429 )

Vc = = = 134774.325 N
s 120

1 √
Vs = . fc' . b . d
1 √
= 25 . 300 429 = 107250 N
6 .

ø Vn = ø . (Vc + Vs)
= 0.85 . ( 134774.325 + 107250 ) = 205.721 kNm

Ø Vn > Vu
205.721 > 68.057
TidakButuh Perkuatan
4.6.2 Penulangan Geser dan Perkuatan Menggunakan CFRP Pada Balok Arah Y
a. Perhitungan Penulangan Geser Pada B 101

fc' = 25 Mpa
fy = 240 Mpa
ø Tul = 16 mm
ø Seng = 8 mm
b = 300 mm
h = 400 mm
s = 120 mm
ds' = 55 mm
d' = ds' + ø Seng + (1/2.ø Tul) = 55 + 8 + 8 = 71 mm
d = h - d' = 400 - 71 = 329 mm

Av .fy . d ( 2 π ( 5 2 ) . 240 . 329 )

Vc = = = 103358.398 N
s 120

1 √
Vs = . fc' . b . d
1 √
= 25 . 300 329 = 82250 N
6 .

ø Vn = ø . (Vc + Vs)
= 0.85 . ( 103358.398 + 82250 ) = 157.767 kNm

Ø Vn > Vu
157.767 < 698.773

b. Perhitungan Perkuatan Geser B 100 Menggunakan CFRP

fc' = 25 Mpa
fy = 240 Mpa
ø Tul = 16 mm
ø Seng = 8 mm
b = 300 mm
h = 400 mm
s = 120 mm
ds' = 55 mm
Es = 200000 Mpa
d' = ds' + ø Seng + (1/2.ø Tul) = 55 + 8 + 8 = 71 mm
d = h - d' = 400 - 71 = 329 mm

- Kuat Geser Nominal Yang Disumbangkan Oleh Balok

√ fc'
Vc = ( √6 ) .b.d
= ( 6 ) . 300 . 329 = 82250 N

- Kuat Geser Nominal Yang Disumbangkan Oleh Tulangan Geser

Av = 1/4 . π . ø Seng2
= 0.25 . π . 82 = 0.503 Cm2
- Geser Tulangan Sumbangan Sengkang
Av .fy . d 0.503 . 240 . 329
vs = = = 3307.469
s 12

- Perhitungan Geser Menggunakan Perkuatan CFRP

CFRP dengan jarak 1/4 x L, merupakan daerah geser pada balok dari tumpuan.
menghitung jumlah CFRP yang digunakan yaitu :
Jumlah CFRP = 1/4 . L / bentangan CFRP
= 0.25 . 3600 / 60 = 15.000

-Perkuatan CFRP menggunakan S-1012

Perkuatan 1 Lapis
Ketebalan Perstrip CFRP = 1.2 mm

Afy = Jumlah Strip . Ketebalah perstrip . Lebar CFRP . Bentangan CFRP

= 3. 1.2 . 60 . 112.5 = 24300 mm2

-Menghitung Tegangan CFRP

ffe = 0.004 . Es
= 0.004 . 200000 = 80 KNm2

-Kekuatan Geser Kontribusi CFRP

Afy . fyf . dyf
Vf =
24300 . 80 . 329
= = 10659600
karena perkuatan 3 sisi, maka koefisien ᴪ = 0.85
ᴪ Vf = 0.85 . Vf = 0.85 . 10659600 = 9060660

-Kuat Geser yang Terjadi yaitu :

Vn = Vc + Vs + ᴪ Vf
= 82250 + 3307.4687 + 9060660 = 914.622 Knm

ø Vn = ø . Vn = 0.85 . 914.622 = 777.428 kNm

Ø Vn > Vu
777.428 > 66.913
TidakButuh Perkuatan

√√ √
4.6.3 Penulangan Geser dan Perkuatan Menggunakan CFRP Pada Balok Arah X
a. Perhitungan Penulangan Geser Pada B 115

fc' = 25 Mpa
fy = 240 Mpa
ø Tul = 16 mm
ø Seng = 8 mm
b = 300 mm
h = 500 mm
s = 120 mm
ds' = 55 mm
d' = ds' + ø Seng + (1/2.ø Tul) = 55 + 8 + 8 = 71 mm
d = h - d' = 500 - 71 =### mm

Av .fy . d ( 2 π ( 5 2 ) . 240 . 429 )

Vc = = = 134774.325 N
s 120

1 √
Vs = . fc' . b . d
1 √
= 25 . 300 429 = 107250 N
6 .

ø Vn = ø . (Vc + Vs)
= 0.85 . ( 134774.325 + 107250 ) = 205.721 kNm

Ø Vn > Vu
205.721 < 1108.682

b. Perhitungan Perkuatan Geser B 100 Menggunakan CFRP

fc' = 25 Mpa
fy = 240 Mpa
ø Tul = 16 mm
ø Seng = 8 mm
b = 300 mm
h = 500 mm
s = 120 mm
ds' = 55 mm
Es = 200000 Mpa
d' = ds' + ø Seng + (1/2.ø Tul) = 55 + 8 + 8 = 71 mm
d = h - d' = 500 - 71 = 429 mm

- Kuat Geser Nominal Yang Disumbangkan Oleh Balok

√ fc'
Vc = ( √6 )
= ( 6 )
. 300 . 429 = 107250 N

- Kuat Geser Nominal Yang Disumbangkan Oleh Tulangan Geser

Av = 1/4 . π . ø Seng2
= 0.25 . π . 82 = 0.503 Cm2

- Geser Tulangan Sumbangan Sengkang

Av .fy . d 0.503 . 240 . 429
vs = = = 4312.778
s 12

- Perhitungan Geser Menggunakan Perkuatan CFRP

CFRP dengan jarak 1/4 x L, merupakan daerah geser pada balok dari tumpuan.
menghitung jumlah CFRP yang digunakan yaitu :

Jumlah CFRP = 1/4 . L / bentangan CFRP

= 0.25 . 4500 / 60 = 18.750

-Perkuatan CFRP menggunakan S-1012

Perkuatan 1 Lapis
Ketebalan Perstrip CFRP = 1.2 mm

Afy = Jumlah Strip . Ketebalah perstrip . Lebar CFRP . Bentangan CFRP

= 3. 1.2 . 60 . 112.5 = 24300 mm2

-Menghitung Tegangan CFRP

ffe = 0.004 . Es
= 0.004 . 200000 = 80 KNm2

-Kekuatan Geser Kontribusi CFRP

Afy . fyf . dyf
Vf =
24300 . 80 . 429
= = 13899600

karena perkuatan 3 sisi, maka koefisien ᴪ = 0.85

ᴪ Vf = 0.85 . Vf = 0.85 . 13899600 = 11814660

-Kuat Geser yang Terjadi yaitu :

Vn = Vc + Vs + ᴪ Vf
= 107250 + 4312.778 + 11814660 = 1192.622 Knm

ø Vn = ø . Vn = 0.85 . 1192.622 = 1013.729

Perkuatan 2 Lapis
Ketebalan Perstrip CFRP = 1.2 . 2 = 2.4 mm

Afy = Jumlah Strip . Ketebalah perstrip . Lebar CFRP . Bentangan CFRP

= 3. 2.4 . 60 . 112.5 = 48600 mm2

-Menghitung Tegangan CFRP

ffe = 0.004 . Es
= 0.004 . 200000 = 80 KNm2

-Kekuatan Geser Kontribusi CFRP

Afy . fyf . dyf
Vf =
48600 . 80 . 429
= = 27799200
karena perkuatan 3 sisi, maka koefisien ᴪ = 0.85
ᴪ Vf = 0.85 . Vf = 0.85 . 27799200 = 23629320

-Kuat Geser yang Terjadi yaitu :

Vn = Vc + Vs + ᴪ Vf
= 107250 + 4312.778 + 23629320 = 2374.088 Knm

ø Vn = ø . Vn = 0.85 . 2374.088 = 2017.975

Ø Vn > Vu
2017.975 > 1108.682
TidakButuh Perkuatan
4.6 Analisa Penulangan Geser Pada Balok
4.6.1 Penulangan Geser dan Perkuatan Menggunakan CFRP Pada Balok Arah X
b. Perhitungan Penulangan Geser Pada B 116

fc' = 25 Mpa
fy = 240 Mpa
ø Tul = 16 mm
ø Seng = 8 mm
b = 300 mm
h = 500 mm
s = 120 mm
ds' = 55 mm
d' = ds' + ø Seng + (1/2.ø Tul) = 55 + 8 + 8 = 71 mm
d = h - d' = 500 - 71 =### mm

Av .fy . d ( 2 π ( 5 2 ) . 240 . 429 )

Vc = = = 134774.325 N
s 120

1 √
Vs = . fc' . b . d
1 √
= 25 . 300 429 = 107250 N
6 .

ø Vn = ø . (Vc + Vs)
= 0.85 . ( 134774.325 + 107250 ) = 205.721 kNm

Ø Vn > Vu
205.721 > 75.26
TidakButuh Perkuatan

√√ √
TABLE: Element Forces - Frames
Frame Station OutputCase CaseType StepType P V2 V3 T
Text m Text Text Text KN KN KN KN-m
1 0 1.4 SD Combination 0 0 0 0
1 1.85 1.4 SD Combination 0 0 0 0
1 3.7 1.4 SD Combination 0 0 0 0
1 0 1.2DL+1.6LL Combination -198.797 -6.712 -5.13 -0.0017
1 1.85 1.2DL+1.6LL Combination -187.651 -6.712 -5.13 -0.0017
1 3.7 1.2DL+1.6LL Combination -176.504 -6.712 -5.13 -0.0017
1 0 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMax 15.498 89.675 -3.1 0.0966
1 1.85 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMax 23.858 89.675 -3.1 0.0966
1 3.7 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMax 32.218 89.675 -3.1 0.0966
1 0 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMin -318.214 -99.921 -4.721 -0.0993
1 1.85 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMin -309.854 -99.921 -4.721 -0.0993
1 3.7 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMin -301.494 -99.921 -4.721 -0.0993
1 0 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMax 15.498 89.675 -3.1 0.0966
1 1.85 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMax 23.858 89.675 -3.1 0.0966
1 3.7 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMax 32.218 89.675 -3.1 0.0966
1 0 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMin -318.214 -99.921 -4.721 -0.0993
1 1.85 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMin -309.854 -99.921 -4.721 -0.0993
1 3.7 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMin -301.494 -99.921 -4.721 -0.0993
1 0 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMax 70.286 91.619 -1.65 0.0971
1 1.85 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMax 76.556 91.619 -1.65 0.0971
1 3.7 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMax 82.826 91.619 -1.65 0.0971
1 0 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMin -263.425 -97.977 -3.271 -0.0987
1 1.85 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMin -257.155 -97.977 -3.271 -0.0987
1 3.7 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMin -250.885 -97.977 -3.271 -0.0987
1 0 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMax 70.286 91.619 -1.65 0.0971
1 1.85 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMax 76.556 91.619 -1.65 0.0971
1 3.7 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMax 82.826 91.619 -1.65 0.0971
1 0 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMin -263.425 -97.977 -3.271 -0.0987
1 1.85 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMin -257.155 -97.977 -3.271 -0.0987
1 3.7 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMin -250.885 -97.977 -3.271 -0.0987
4 0 1.4 SD Combination 0 0 0 0
4 1.85 1.4 SD Combination 0 0 0 0
4 3.7 1.4 SD Combination 0 0 0 0
4 0 1.2DL+1.6LL Combination -362.005 -11.267 0.398 -0.0004284
4 1.85 1.2DL+1.6LL Combination -350.858 -11.267 0.398 -0.0004284
4 3.7 1.2DL+1.6LL Combination -339.712 -11.267 0.398 -0.0004284
4 0 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMax -98.167 88.289 0.323 0.02
4 1.85 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMax -89.807 88.289 0.323 0.02
4 3.7 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMax -81.447 88.289 0.323 0.02
4 0 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMin -454.306 -105.511 0.28 -0.0207
4 1.85 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMin -445.946 -105.511 0.28 -0.0207
4 3.7 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMin -437.586 -105.511 0.28 -0.0207
4 0 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMax -98.167 88.289 0.323 0.02
4 1.85 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMax -89.807 88.289 0.323 0.02
4 3.7 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMax -81.447 88.289 0.323 0.02
4 0 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMin -454.306 -105.511 0.28 -0.0207
4 1.85 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMin -445.946 -105.511 0.28 -0.0207
4 3.7 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMin -437.586 -105.511 0.28 -0.0207
4 0 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMax 6.391 91.648 0.225 0.0201
4 1.85 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMax 12.661 91.648 0.225 0.0201
4 3.7 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMax 18.931 91.648 0.225 0.0201
4 0 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMin -349.748 -102.151 0.183 -0.0206
4 1.85 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMin -343.478 -102.151 0.183 -0.0206
4 3.7 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMin -337.208 -102.151 0.183 -0.0206
4 0 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMax 6.391 91.648 0.225 0.0201
4 1.85 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMax 12.661 91.648 0.225 0.0201
4 3.7 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMax 18.931 91.648 0.225 0.0201
4 0 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMin -349.748 -102.151 0.183 -0.0206
4 1.85 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMin -343.478 -102.151 0.183 -0.0206
4 3.7 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMin -337.208 -102.151 0.183 -0.0206
7 0 1.4 SD Combination 0 0 0 0
7 1.85 1.4 SD Combination 0 0 0 0
7 3.7 1.4 SD Combination 0 0 0 0
7 0 1.2DL+1.6LL Combination -348.044 -11.399 -0.026 8.513E-05
7 1.85 1.2DL+1.6LL Combination -336.898 -11.399 -0.026 8.513E-05
7 3.7 1.2DL+1.6LL Combination -325.751 -11.399 -0.026 8.513E-05
7 0 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMax -88.354 88.303 0.016 0.0066
7 1.85 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMax -79.994 88.303 0.016 0.0066
7 3.7 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMax -71.634 88.303 0.016 0.0066
7 0 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMin -442.856 -105.73 -0.055 -0.0065
7 1.85 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMin -434.496 -105.73 -0.055 -0.0065
7 3.7 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMin -426.136 -105.73 -0.055 -0.0065
7 0 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMax -88.354 88.303 0.016 0.0066
7 1.85 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMax -79.994 88.303 0.016 0.0066
7 3.7 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMax -71.634 88.303 0.016 0.0066
7 0 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMin -442.856 -105.73 -0.055 -0.0065
7 1.85 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMin -434.496 -105.73 -0.055 -0.0065
7 3.7 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMin -426.136 -105.73 -0.055 -0.0065
7 0 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMax 12.335 91.713 0.021 0.0066
7 1.85 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMax 18.605 91.713 0.021 0.0066
7 3.7 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMax 24.875 91.713 0.021 0.0066
7 0 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMin -342.166 -102.32 -0.05 -0.0065
7 1.85 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMin -335.896 -102.32 -0.05 -0.0065
7 3.7 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMin -329.626 -102.32 -0.05 -0.0065
7 0 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMax 12.335 91.713 0.021 0.0066
7 1.85 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMax 18.605 91.713 0.021 0.0066
7 3.7 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMax 24.875 91.713 0.021 0.0066
7 0 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMin -342.166 -102.32 -0.05 -0.0065
7 1.85 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMin -335.896 -102.32 -0.05 -0.0065
7 3.7 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMin -329.626 -102.32 -0.05 -0.0065
10 0 1.4 SD Combination 0 0 0 0
10 1.85 1.4 SD Combination 0 0 0 0
10 3.7 1.4 SD Combination 0 0 0 0
10 0 1.2DL+1.6LL Combination -348.045 -11.399 0.026 -8.364E-05
10 1.85 1.2DL+1.6LL Combination -336.899 -11.399 0.026 -8.364E-05
10 3.7 1.2DL+1.6LL Combination -325.752 -11.399 0.026 -8.364E-05
10 0 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMax -88.355 88.303 0.055 0.0065
10 1.85 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMax -79.995 88.303 0.055 0.0065
10 3.7 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMax -71.635 88.303 0.055 0.0065
10 0 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMin -442.857 -105.73 -0.016 -0.0066
10 1.85 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMin -434.497 -105.73 -0.016 -0.0066
10 3.7 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMin -426.137 -105.73 -0.016 -0.0066
10 0 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMax -88.355 88.303 0.055 0.0065
10 1.85 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMax -79.995 88.303 0.055 0.0065
10 3.7 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMax -71.635 88.303 0.055 0.0065
10 0 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMin -442.857 -105.73 -0.016 -0.0066
10 1.85 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMin -434.497 -105.73 -0.016 -0.0066
10 3.7 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMin -426.137 -105.73 -0.016 -0.0066
10 0 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMax 12.335 91.713 0.05 0.0065
10 1.85 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMax 18.605 91.713 0.05 0.0065
10 3.7 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMax 24.875 91.713 0.05 0.0065
10 0 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMin -342.167 -102.32 -0.021 -0.0066
10 1.85 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMin -335.897 -102.32 -0.021 -0.0066
10 3.7 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMin -329.627 -102.32 -0.021 -0.0066
10 0 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMax 12.335 91.713 0.05 0.0065
10 1.85 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMax 18.605 91.713 0.05 0.0065
10 3.7 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMax 24.875 91.713 0.05 0.0065
10 0 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMin -342.167 -102.32 -0.021 -0.0066
10 1.85 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMin -335.897 -102.32 -0.021 -0.0066
10 3.7 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMin -329.627 -102.32 -0.021 -0.0066
16 0 1.4 SD Combination 0 0 0 0
16 1.85 1.4 SD Combination 0 0 0 0
16 3.7 1.4 SD Combination 0 0 0 0
16 0 1.2DL+1.6LL Combination -198.797 -6.713 5.13 0.0017
16 1.85 1.2DL+1.6LL Combination -187.65 -6.713 5.13 0.0017
16 3.7 1.2DL+1.6LL Combination -176.504 -6.713 5.13 0.0017
16 0 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMax 15.498 89.675 4.721 0.0993
16 1.85 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMax 23.858 89.675 4.721 0.0993
16 3.7 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMax 32.218 89.675 4.721 0.0993
16 0 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMin -318.213 -99.921 3.1 -0.0966
16 1.85 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMin -309.853 -99.921 3.1 -0.0966
16 3.7 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMin -301.493 -99.921 3.1 -0.0966
16 0 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMax 15.498 89.675 4.721 0.0993
16 1.85 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMax 23.858 89.675 4.721 0.0993
16 3.7 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMax 32.218 89.675 4.721 0.0993
16 0 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMin -318.213 -99.921 3.1 -0.0966
16 1.85 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMin -309.853 -99.921 3.1 -0.0966
16 3.7 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMin -301.493 -99.921 3.1 -0.0966
16 0 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMax 70.286 91.619 3.271 0.0987
16 1.85 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMax 76.556 91.619 3.271 0.0987
16 3.7 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMax 82.826 91.619 3.271 0.0987
16 0 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMin -263.425 -97.977 1.65 -0.0971
16 1.85 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMin -257.155 -97.977 1.65 -0.0971
16 3.7 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMin -250.885 -97.977 1.65 -0.0971
16 0 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMax 70.286 91.619 3.271 0.0987
16 1.85 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMax 76.556 91.619 3.271 0.0987
16 3.7 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMax 82.826 91.619 3.271 0.0987
16 0 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMin -263.425 -97.977 1.65 -0.0971
16 1.85 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMin -257.155 -97.977 1.65 -0.0971
16 3.7 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMin -250.885 -97.977 1.65 -0.0971
M2 M3 FrameElemElemStation Frame P V2 M3
KN-m KN-m Text m Text KN KN KN-m
0 0 1-1 0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1-1 1.85 1 0 0 0
0 0 1-1 3.7 1 0 0 0
-6.2291 -8.1526 1-1 0 1 198.797 6.712 8.1526
3.2619 4.2654 1-1 1.85 1 187.651 6.712 4.2654
12.753 16.6835 1-1 3.7 1 176.504 6.712 16.6835
-3.6764 209.817 1-1 0 1 15.498 89.675 209.817
2.9149 43.9483 1-1 1.85 1 23.858 89.675 43.9483
11.6487 147.4647 1-1 3.7 1 32.218 89.675 147.4647
-5.8204 -222.2609 1-1 0 1 318.214 99.921 222.2609
2.058 -37.4378 1-1 1.85 1 309.854 99.921 37.4378
7.794 -121.9998 1-1 3.7 1 301.494 99.921 121.9998
-3.6764 209.817 1-1 0 1 15.498 89.675 209.817
2.9149 43.9483 1-1 1.85 1 23.858 89.675 43.9483
11.6487 147.4647 1-1 3.7 1 32.218 89.675 147.4647
-5.8204 -222.2609 1-1 0 1 318.214 99.921 222.2609
2.058 -37.4378 1-1 1.85 1 309.854 99.921 37.4378
7.794 -121.9998 1-1 3.7 1 301.494 99.921 121.9998
-1.9155 212.1784 1-1 0 1 70.286 91.619 212.1784
1.993 42.7132 1-1 1.85 1 76.556 91.619 42.7132
8.044 142.6331 1-1 3.7 1 82.826 91.619 142.6331
-4.0594 -219.8995 1-1 0 1 263.425 97.977 219.8995
1.1362 -38.6729 1-1 1.85 1 257.155 97.977 38.6729
4.1893 -126.8314 1-1 3.7 1 250.885 97.977 126.8314
-1.9155 212.1784 1-1 0 1 70.286 91.619 212.1784
1.993 42.7132 1-1 1.85 1 76.556 91.619 42.7132
8.044 142.6331 1-1 3.7 1 82.826 91.619 142.6331
-4.0594 -219.8995 1-1 0 1 263.425 97.977 219.8995
1.1362 -38.6729 1-1 1.85 1 257.155 97.977 38.6729
4.1893 -126.8314 1-1 3.7 1 250.885 97.977 126.8314
0 0 4-1 0 4 0 0 0
0 0 4-1 1.85 4 0 0 0
0 0 4-1 3.7 4 0 0 0
0.479 -13.6757 4-1 0 4 362.005 11.267 13.6757
-0.2572 7.1682 4-1 1.85 4 350.858 11.267 7.1682
-0.9934 28.0122 4-1 3.7 4 339.712 11.267 28.0122
0.4142 208.244 4-1 0 4 98.167 88.289 208.244
-0.1265 44.9373 4-1 1.85 4 89.807 88.289 44.9373
-0.6535 161.2575 4-1 3.7 4 81.447 88.289 161.2575
0.3114 -229.1483 4-1 0 4 454.306 105.511 229.1483
-0.2631 -33.9802 4-1 1.85 4 445.946 105.511 33.9802
-0.8513 -118.4392 4-1 3.7 4 437.586 105.511 118.4392
0.4142 208.244 4-1 0 4 98.167 88.289 208.244
-0.1265 44.9373 4-1 1.85 4 89.807 88.289 44.9373
-0.6535 161.2575 4-1 3.7 4 81.447 88.289 161.2575
0.3114 -229.1483 4-1 0 4 454.306 105.511 229.1483
-0.2631 -33.9802 4-1 1.85 4 445.946 105.511 33.9802
-0.8513 -118.4392 4-1 3.7 4 437.586 105.511 118.4392
0.2973 212.3219 4-1 0 4 6.391 91.648 212.3219
-0.0635 42.8 4-1 1.85 4 12.661 91.648 42.8
-0.4104 152.9052 4-1 3.7 4 18.931 91.648 152.9052
0.1945 -225.0704 4-1 0 4 349.748 102.151 225.0704
-0.2 -36.1175 4-1 1.85 4 343.478 102.151 36.1175
-0.6082 -126.7916 4-1 3.7 4 337.208 102.151 126.7916
0.2973 212.3219 4-1 0 4 6.391 91.648 212.3219
-0.0635 42.8 4-1 1.85 4 12.661 91.648 42.8
-0.4104 152.9052 4-1 3.7 4 18.931 91.648 152.9052
0.1945 -225.0704 4-1 0 4 349.748 102.151 225.0704
-0.2 -36.1175 4-1 1.85 4 343.478 102.151 36.1175
-0.6082 -126.7916 4-1 3.7 4 337.208 102.151 126.7916
0 0 7-1 0 7 0 0 0
0 0 7-1 1.85 7 0 0 0
0 0 7-1 3.7 7 0 0 0
-0.0333 -13.836 7-1 0 7 348.044 11.399 13.836
0.0154 7.2523 7-1 1.85 7 336.898 11.399 7.2523
0.0641 28.3406 7-1 3.7 7 325.751 11.399 28.3406
0.039 208.3024 7-1 0 7 88.354 88.303 208.3024
0.0158 44.9682 7-1 1.85 7 79.994 88.303 44.9682
0.1155 161.7588 7-1 3.7 7 71.634 88.303 161.7588
-0.089 -229.455 7-1 0 7 442.856 105.73 229.455
0.0072 -33.8808 7-1 1.85 7 434.496 105.73 33.8808
-0.0195 -118.4313 7-1 3.7 7 426.136 105.73 118.4313
0.039 208.3024 7-1 0 7 88.354 88.303 208.3024
0.0158 44.9682 7-1 1.85 7 79.994 88.303 44.9682
0.1155 161.7588 7-1 3.7 7 71.634 88.303 161.7588
-0.089 -229.455 7-1 0 7 442.856 105.73 229.455
0.0072 -33.8808 7-1 1.85 7 434.496 105.73 33.8808
-0.0195 -118.4313 7-1 3.7 7 426.136 105.73 118.4313
0.0452 212.4416 7-1 0 7 12.335 91.713 212.4416
0.0132 42.7988 7-1 1.85 7 18.605 91.713 42.7988
0.104 153.2808 7-1 3.7 7 24.875 91.713 153.2808
-0.0827 -225.3158 7-1 0 7 342.166 102.32 225.3158
0.0046 -36.0502 7-1 1.85 7 335.896 102.32 36.0502
-0.031 -126.9094 7-1 3.7 7 329.626 102.32 126.9094
0.0452 212.4416 7-1 0 7 12.335 91.713 212.4416
0.0132 42.7988 7-1 1.85 7 18.605 91.713 42.7988
0.104 153.2808 7-1 3.7 7 24.875 91.713 153.2808
-0.0827 -225.3158 7-1 0 7 342.166 102.32 225.3158
0.0046 -36.0502 7-1 1.85 7 335.896 102.32 36.0502
-0.031 -126.9094 7-1 3.7 7 329.626 102.32 126.9094
0 0 10-1 0 10 0 0 0
0 0 10-1 1.85 10 0 0 0
0 0 10-1 3.7 10 0 0 0
0.033 -13.836 10-1 0 10 348.045 11.399 13.836
-0.0154 7.2523 10-1 1.85 10 336.899 11.399 7.2523
-0.0639 28.3407 10-1 3.7 10 325.752 11.399 28.3407
0.0887 208.3024 10-1 0 10 88.355 88.303 208.3024
-0.0072 44.9682 10-1 1.85 10 79.995 88.303 44.9682
0.0196 161.7589 10-1 3.7 10 71.635 88.303 161.7589
-0.0392 -229.4551 10-1 0 10 442.857 105.73 229.4551
-0.0158 -33.8808 10-1 1.85 10 434.497 105.73 33.8808
-0.1153 -118.4313 10-1 3.7 10 426.137 105.73 118.4313
0.0887 208.3024 10-1 0 10 88.355 88.303 208.3024
-0.0072 44.9682 10-1 1.85 10 79.995 88.303 44.9682
0.0196 161.7589 10-1 3.7 10 71.635 88.303 161.7589
-0.0392 -229.4551 10-1 0 10 442.857 105.73 229.4551
-0.0158 -33.8808 10-1 1.85 10 434.497 105.73 33.8808
-0.1153 -118.4313 10-1 3.7 10 426.137 105.73 118.4313
0.0826 212.4416 10-1 0 10 12.335 91.713 212.4416
-0.0046 42.7988 10-1 1.85 10 18.605 91.713 42.7988
0.0311 153.2809 10-1 3.7 10 24.875 91.713 153.2809
-0.0453 -225.3159 10-1 0 10 342.167 102.32 225.3159
-0.0132 -36.0502 10-1 1.85 10 335.897 102.32 36.0502
-0.1039 -126.9094 10-1 3.7 10 329.627 102.32 126.9094
0.0826 212.4416 10-1 0 10 12.335 91.713 212.4416
-0.0046 42.7988 10-1 1.85 10 18.605 91.713 42.7988
0.0311 153.2809 10-1 3.7 10 24.875 91.713 153.2809
-0.0453 -225.3159 10-1 0 10 342.167 102.32 225.3159
-0.0132 -36.0502 10-1 1.85 10 335.897 102.32 36.0502
-0.1039 -126.9094 10-1 3.7 10 329.627 102.32 126.9094
0 0 16-1 0 16 0 0 0
0 0 16-1 1.85 16 0 0 0
0 0 16-1 3.7 16 0 0 0
6.2289 -8.1527 16-1 0 16 198.797 6.713 8.1527
-3.262 4.2655 16-1 1.85 16 187.65 6.713 4.2655
-12.7529 16.6836 16-1 3.7 16 176.504 6.713 16.6836
5.8202 209.817 16-1 0 16 15.498 89.675 209.817
-2.0581 43.9483 16-1 1.85 16 23.858 89.675 43.9483
-7.7939 147.4648 16-1 3.7 16 32.218 89.675 147.4648
3.6762 -222.2609 16-1 0 16 318.213 99.921 222.2609
-2.915 -37.4378 16-1 1.85 16 309.853 99.921 37.4378
-11.6487 -121.9998 16-1 3.7 16 301.493 99.921 121.9998
5.8202 209.817 16-1 0 16 15.498 89.675 209.817
-2.0581 43.9483 16-1 1.85 16 23.858 89.675 43.9483
-7.7939 147.4648 16-1 3.7 16 32.218 89.675 147.4648
3.6762 -222.2609 16-1 0 16 318.213 99.921 222.2609
-2.915 -37.4378 16-1 1.85 16 309.853 99.921 37.4378
-11.6487 -121.9998 16-1 3.7 16 301.493 99.921 121.9998
4.0593 212.1784 16-1 0 16 70.286 91.619 212.1784
-1.1362 42.7132 16-1 1.85 16 76.556 91.619 42.7132
-4.1892 142.6331 16-1 3.7 16 82.826 91.619 142.6331
1.9153 -219.8995 16-1 0 16 263.425 97.977 219.8995
-1.9931 -38.6729 16-1 1.85 16 257.155 97.977 38.6729
-8.044 -126.8314 16-1 3.7 16 250.885 97.977 126.8314
4.0593 212.1784 16-1 0 16 70.286 91.619 212.1784
-1.1362 42.7132 16-1 1.85 16 76.556 91.619 42.7132
-4.1892 142.6331 16-1 3.7 16 82.826 91.619 142.6331
1.9153 -219.8995 16-1 0 16 263.425 97.977 219.8995
-1.9931 -38.6729 16-1 1.85 16 257.155 97.977 38.6729
-8.044 -126.8314 16-1 3.7 16 250.885 97.977 126.8314
Kelangsingan Kolom

Data Perencanaa Kolom 𝜋

Katagori Bangunan = Bangunan Mesjid Raya
Jarak Antar Kolom (Lx) = 5.00 m
Jarak Antar Portal (Ly) = 4.00 m
Tinggi Tiap Lantai
H1 = 4m
H2 = 4m
Mutu Beton (fc') = 22.5 Mpa
Mutu Baja (fy) = 240 Mpa
Tebal Pelat = 120 mm
Dimensi Balok
Lantai 2 (B1) = 300 mm x 500 mm
Lantai 3 (B2) = 300 mm x 400 mm
Dimensi Kolom
Lantai 1 (K1) = 400 mm x 400 mm
Lantai 2 (K2) = 300 mm x 300 mm

Perhitungan Dimensi Kolom Penampang Persegi

Dimensi Kolom Penampang Persegi Sesuai Dengan Data Perencanaan Diatas Yaitu :
Lantai 1 (K1) = 400 mm x 400 mm = 160000 mm²
Lantai 2 (K2) = 300 mm x 300 mm = 90000 mm²

Perhitungan Faktor Panjang Efektif Untuk Struktur Kolom Penampang Persegi

Struktur Gedung Lt 1 H = 4m

1. Momen Inersia Penampang Kolom dan Balok

K1 = 0.7 x 1 x 400 x 400 3 = 1493333333.3 mm⁴
K2 = 0.7 x 1 x 300 x 300 3 = 472500000 mm⁴
B1 = 0.35 x 1 x 300 x 500 3 = 1093750000 mm⁴
B2 = 0.35 x 1 x 300 x 400 3 = 560000000 mm⁴
2. Modulus Elastisitas Beton
Ec = 4700 x √ 25
= 4700 x 5= 23500.000 Mpa

3. Rasio beton terfaktor maksimum

Kolom Sisi Tepi :
(K1) » βd = 6.712
= 0.021093
(K2) » βd = 11.267
= 0.106564
Kolom Tengah :
(K1) » βd = 11.399
= 0.107812
(K2) » βd = 6.713 = 0.067183
4. Rasio Kekuatan Kolom dan Balok
Panjang Bebas Kolom :
K1 = H - 1/2h B1 = 4.00 - 0.25 = 3.750 m
K2 = H - 1/2h B1 - 1/2h B2 = 4.00 - 0.25 - 0.20 = 3.550 m

Panjang Bebas Balok :

B1 = L - 1/2b K1 - 1/2b K1 = 5.00 - 0.20 - 0.20 = 4.600 m
B2 = L - 1/2b K2 - 1/2b K2 = 5.00 - 0.15 - 0.15 = 4.700 m

Kolom Tepi K1
K1 : EI = 0.4 x 23500.000 x 1493333333.3
= 13747.364 kNm²
1+ 0.021093
K2 : EI = 0.4 x 23500.000 x 472500000
= 4349.752 kNm²
1+ 0.021093
B1 : EI = 0.2 x 23500.000 x 1093750000
= 5034.435 kNm²
1+ 0.021093

13747.364 + 4349.752
Ψ atas = 3.750 3.55 = 4.5
Ψ Bawah = 0
Ψm = ( Ψ atas + Ψ bawah ) 4.5 + 0
= = 2.235
2 2

karena Ψm > 2 maka dipakai rumus berikut :

k = 0.9 √ 1 + Ψm = 0.9 √ 3.235 = 1.62

Kolom Tepi K2
K1 : EI = 0.4 x 23500.000 x 1493333333.3
= 12685.515 kNm²
1+ 0.106564
K2 : EI = 0.4 x 23500.000 x 472500000
= 4013.776 kNm²
1+ 0.106564
B1 : EI = 0.2 x 23500.000 x 1093750000
= 4645.575 kNm²
1+ 0.106564
B2 : EI = 0.2 x 23500.000 x 560000000
= 2378.534 kNm²
1+ 0.106564

Ψ atas = 3.550 = 3.6
12685.515 + 4013.776
Ψ bawah = 3.550 3.55 = 4.8

Ψm = ( Ψ atas + Ψ bawah ) 3.6 + 4.8

= = 4.187
2 2
karena Ψm > 2 maka dipakai rumus berikut :
k = 0.9 √ 1 + Ψm = 0.9 √ 5.187 = 2.05

Kolom Tengah K1
K1 : EI = 0.4 x 23500.000 x 1493333333.3
= 12671.219 kNm²
1+ 0.107812
K2 : EI = 0.4 x 23500.000 x 472500000
= 4009.253 kNm²
1+ 0.107812
B1 : EI = 0.2 x 23500.000 x 1093750000
= 4640.339 kNm²
1+ 0.107812

12671.219 + 4009.253
Ψ atas = 3.750 3.55 = 2.2
4640.339 + 4640.339
4.60 4.60
Ψ Bawah = 0

Ψm = ( Ψ atas + Ψ bawah ) 2.2 + 0.0

= = 1.117
2 2
karena Ψm > 2 maka dipakai rumus berikut :
k = 0.9 √ 1 + Ψm = 0.9 √ 2.117 = 1.31

Kolom Tengah K2
K1 : EI = 0.4 x 23500.000 x 1493333333.3
= 12671.219 kNm²
1+ 0.107812
K2 : EI = 0.4 x 23500.000 x 472500000
= 4161.891 kNm²
1+ 0.067183
B1 : EI = 0.2 x 23500.000 x 560000000
= 2466.306 kNm²
1+ 0.067183
B2 : EI = 0.2 x 23500.000 x 560000000
= 2466.306 kNm²
1+ 0.067183

Ψ atas = 3.550 = 1.1
2466.306 2466.306
4.70 4.70
12671.219 + 4161.891
Ψ bawah = 3.750 3.55 = 4.3
2466.306 2466.306
4.70 4.70

Ψm = ( Ψ atas + Ψ bawah ) 1.1 + 4.3

= = 2.727
2 2
karena Ψm > 2 maka dipakai rumus berikut :
k = 0.9 √ 1 + Ψm = 0.9 √ 3.727 = 1.74
Pemeriksaan Efek Kelangsingan Kolom Persegi

Bangunan Mesjid Raya Dengan ( = 4m

Portal tidak bergoyang ( berpengaku )

k lu
≤ 22

r = 0.3 h

Kolom Sisi Tepi

K1 » r = 0.3 x 400 = 120 mm

1.62 x 3800
» ≤ 22
» 51.257 ≥ 22 (pengaruh kelangsingan diperhitungkan)
K2 » r = 0.3 x 300 = 90 mm
2.05 x 3600
» ≤ 22
» 81.991 ≥ 22 (pengaruh kelangsingan diperhitungkan)

Kolom Tengah

K1 » r = 0.3 x 400 = 120 mm

1.31 x 3800
» ≤ 22
» 41.470 ≥ 22 (pengaruh kelangsingan diperhitungkan)
K3 » r = 0.3 x 300 = 90 mm
1.74 x 3600
» ≤ 22
» 69.499 ≥ 22 (pengaruh kelangsingan diperhitungkan)
Perhitungan Kolom Persegi Kolom Lantai 1 K1 Mesjid Raya(H) = 3.7 4M

fc' = 25 Mpa Kolom Tepi Kolom Tengah

fy = 240 Mpa Ujung atas Ujung bawah Ujung atas Ujung bawah
lu = 3.750 m Pu 301.494 318.214 426.137 442.857
b = 500 mm Mu 147.465 222.261 153.281 229.455
h = 500 mm VuD max Vu max VuD max Vu max
k tepi = 1.62 Vu 6.712 99.92 11.399 105.73
k tengah = 1.31

Perhitungan Pembesaran Momen Kolom Persegi K1

a. Momen inersia penampang kolom
Ig = 0.7 x 1 x 500 x 500 ³ = 3645833333 mm⁴
b. Modulus elastisitas beton
Ec = 4700 x √ 25 = 23500.00 Mpa
c. Rasio beban terfaktor maksimum ( Kolom Tepi K1 )
βd = V tetap terfaktor maximum = 6.712
= 0.067173
V kombinasi terfaktor maximum 99.921
Rasio beban terfaktor maksimum ( Kolom Tengah K1 )
βd = V tetap terfaktor maximum = 11.399
= 0.107812
V kombinasi terfaktor maximum 105.730
d. Kekakuan lentur ( Kolom Tepi K1 ) sesuai persamaan 2.11
EI = 0,4 . Ec . Ig 0.4 x 23500.00 x 3645833333
= = 32113.66 KNm²
( 1 + βd ) ( 1 + 0.067173 )
d. Kekakuan lentur ( Kolom Tepi K1 ) sesuai persamaan 2.11
EI = 0,4 . Ec . Ig 0.4 x 23500.00 x 3645833333
= = 30935.59 KNm²
( 1 + βd ) ( 1 + 0.107812 )
e. Beban tekuk euler ( Kolom Tepi K1 )
Pc = π² . EI 3.142857 ² x 32113.660
= = 8609.406 KN
( k x lu )² ( 1.62 x 3.750 )²
Beban tekuk euler ( Kolom Tengah K1 )
Pc = π² . EI 3.142857 ² x 30935.594
= = 12670.084 KN
( k x lu )² ( 1.31 x 3.750 )²
f. Nilai ƩPu dan ƩPc Kolom Lantai 1
ƩPu = 2 x 318.214 + 2 x 442.857 = 1522.14 KN
ƩPc = 2 x 8609.406 + 2 x 12670.084 = 42558.98 KN
g. Faktor pembesar momen
1 1 1
ᵟs = 1 - ƩPu =
1- (
= 1.05 ≥
0,75 ƩPc 31919.23
h. Momen rencana yang diperbesar ( Kolom Tepi K1 )
Mc = M2b + ᵟs M2s = 0 + 1.05 x 222.261
= 233.39 kNm
Momen rencana yang diperbesar ( Kolom Tengah K1 )
Mc = M2b + ᵟs M2s = 0 + 1.05 x 229.455
= 240.95 kNm
( OK )
TABLE: Element Forces - Frames
Frame Station OutputCase CaseType StepType P V2 V3 T
Text m Text Text Text KN KN KN KN-m
2 0 1.4 SD Combination 0 0 0 0
2 1.7 1.4 SD Combination 0 0 0 0
2 3.4 1.4 SD Combination 0 0 0 0
2 0 1.2DL+1.6LL Combination -101.08 -8.748 -6.561 0.0023
2 1.7 1.2DL+1.6LL Combination -95.318 -8.748 -6.561 0.0023
2 3.4 1.2DL+1.6LL Combination -89.557 -8.748 -6.561 0.0023
2 0 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMax -10.182 63.645 -4.04 0.069
2 1.7 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMax -5.861 63.645 -4.04 0.069
2 3.4 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMax -1.539 63.645 -4.04 0.069
2 0 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMin -143.951 -77.005 -5.969 -0.0655
2 1.7 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMin -139.63 -77.005 -5.969 -0.0655
2 3.4 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMin -135.309 -77.005 -5.969 -0.0655
2 0 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMax -10.182 63.645 -4.04 0.069
2 1.7 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMax -5.861 63.645 -4.04 0.069
2 3.4 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMax -1.539 63.645 -4.04 0.069
2 0 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMin -143.951 -77.005 -5.969 -0.0655
2 1.7 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMin -139.63 -77.005 -5.969 -0.0655
2 3.4 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMin -135.309 -77.005 -5.969 -0.0655
2 0 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMax 18.51 66.207 -2.161 0.0683
2 1.7 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMax 21.751 66.207 -2.161 0.0683
2 3.4 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMax 24.992 66.207 -2.161 0.0683
2 0 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMin -115.26 -74.443 -4.091 -0.0661
2 1.7 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMin -112.019 -74.443 -4.091 -0.0661
2 3.4 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMin -108.778 -74.443 -4.091 -0.0661
2 0 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMax 18.51 66.207 -2.161 0.0683
2 1.7 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMax 21.751 66.207 -2.161 0.0683
2 3.4 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMax 24.992 66.207 -2.161 0.0683
2 0 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMin -115.26 -74.443 -4.091 -0.0661
2 1.7 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMin -112.019 -74.443 -4.091 -0.0661
2 3.4 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMin -108.778 -74.443 -4.091 -0.0661
5 0 1.4 SD Combination 0 0 0 0
5 1.7 1.4 SD Combination 0 0 0 0
5 3.4 1.4 SD Combination 0 0 0 0
5 0 1.2DL+1.6LL Combination -187.808 -14.246 0.743 0.0003546
5 1.7 1.2DL+1.6LL Combination -182.046 -14.246 0.743 0.0003546
5 3.4 1.2DL+1.6LL Combination -176.285 -14.246 0.743 0.0003546
5 0 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMax -69.467 61.478 0.638 0.0206
5 1.7 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMax -65.145 61.478 0.638 0.0206
5 3.4 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMax -60.824 61.478 0.638 0.0206
5 0 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMin -217.438 -83.258 0.49 -0.0201
5 1.7 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMin -213.116 -83.258 0.49 -0.0201
5 3.4 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMin -208.795 -83.258 0.49 -0.0201
5 0 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMax -69.467 61.478 0.638 0.0206
5 1.7 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMax -65.145 61.478 0.638 0.0206
5 3.4 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMax -60.824 61.478 0.638 0.0206
5 0 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMin -217.438 -83.258 0.49 -0.0201
5 1.7 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMin -213.116 -83.258 0.49 -0.0201
5 3.4 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMin -208.795 -83.258 0.49 -0.0201
5 0 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMax -14.131 65.746 0.444 0.0205
5 1.7 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMax -10.89 65.746 0.444 0.0205
5 3.4 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMax -7.649 65.746 0.444 0.0205
5 0 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMin -162.102 -78.99 0.296 -0.0201
5 1.7 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMin -158.861 -78.99 0.296 -0.0201
5 3.4 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMin -155.62 -78.99 0.296 -0.0201
5 0 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMax -14.131 65.746 0.444 0.0205
5 1.7 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMax -10.89 65.746 0.444 0.0205
5 3.4 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMax -7.649 65.746 0.444 0.0205
5 0 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMin -162.102 -78.99 0.296 -0.0201
5 1.7 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMin -158.861 -78.99 0.296 -0.0201
5 3.4 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMin -155.62 -78.99 0.296 -0.0201
8 0 1.4 SD Combination 0 0 0 0
8 1.7 1.4 SD Combination 0 0 0 0
8 3.4 1.4 SD Combination 0 0 0 0
8 0 1.2DL+1.6LL Combination -178.944 -14.485 -0.105 -8.182E-05
8 1.7 1.2DL+1.6LL Combination -173.182 -14.485 -0.105 -8.182E-05
8 3.4 1.2DL+1.6LL Combination -167.421 -14.485 -0.105 -8.182E-05
8 0 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMax -62.225 61.213 -0.031 0.0075
8 1.7 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMax -57.904 61.213 -0.031 0.0075
8 3.4 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMax -53.583 61.213 -0.031 0.0075
8 0 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMin -211.16 -83.364 -0.127 -0.0076
8 1.7 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMin -206.839 -83.364 -0.127 -0.0076
8 3.4 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMin -202.517 -83.364 -0.127 -0.0076
8 0 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMax -62.225 61.213 -0.031 0.0075
8 1.7 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMax -57.904 61.213 -0.031 0.0075
8 3.4 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMax -53.583 61.213 -0.031 0.0075
8 0 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMin -211.16 -83.364 -0.127 -0.0076
8 1.7 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMin -206.839 -83.364 -0.127 -0.0076
8 3.4 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMin -202.517 -83.364 -0.127 -0.0076
8 0 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMax -9.417 65.571 -0.005601 0.0075
8 1.7 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMax -6.176 65.571 -0.005601 0.0075
8 3.4 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMax -2.935 65.571 -0.005601 0.0075
8 0 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMin -158.351 -79.006 -0.102 -0.0076
8 1.7 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMin -155.11 -79.006 -0.102 -0.0076
8 3.4 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMin -151.87 -79.006 -0.102 -0.0076
8 0 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMax -9.417 65.571 -0.005601 0.0075
8 1.7 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMax -6.176 65.571 -0.005601 0.0075
8 3.4 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMax -2.935 65.571 -0.005601 0.0075
8 0 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMin -158.351 -79.006 -0.102 -0.0076
8 1.7 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMin -155.11 -79.006 -0.102 -0.0076
8 3.4 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMin -151.87 -79.006 -0.102 -0.0076
11 0 1.4 SD Combination 0 0 0 0
11 1.7 1.4 SD Combination 0 0 0 0
11 3.4 1.4 SD Combination 0 0 0 0
11 0 1.2DL+1.6LL Combination -178.945 -14.485 0.104 7.82E-05
11 1.7 1.2DL+1.6LL Combination -173.183 -14.485 0.104 7.82E-05
11 3.4 1.2DL+1.6LL Combination -167.422 -14.485 0.104 7.82E-05
11 0 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMax -62.226 61.213 0.127 0.0076
11 1.7 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMax -57.905 61.213 0.127 0.0076
11 3.4 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMax -53.584 61.213 0.127 0.0076
11 0 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMin -211.161 -83.364 0.031 -0.0075
11 1.7 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMin -206.84 -83.364 0.031 -0.0075
11 3.4 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMin -202.518 -83.364 0.031 -0.0075
11 0 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMax -62.226 61.213 0.127 0.0076
11 1.7 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMax -57.905 61.213 0.127 0.0076
11 3.4 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMax -53.584 61.213 0.127 0.0076
11 0 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMin -211.161 -83.364 0.031 -0.0075
11 1.7 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMin -206.84 -83.364 0.031 -0.0075
11 3.4 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMin -202.518 -83.364 0.031 -0.0075
11 0 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMax -9.417 65.571 0.101 0.0076
11 1.7 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMax -6.177 65.571 0.101 0.0076
11 3.4 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMax -2.936 65.571 0.101 0.0076
11 0 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMin -158.352 -79.006 0.005372 -0.0076
11 1.7 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMin -155.111 -79.006 0.005372 -0.0076
11 3.4 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMin -151.87 -79.006 0.005372 -0.0076
11 0 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMax -9.417 65.571 0.101 0.0076
11 1.7 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMax -6.177 65.571 0.101 0.0076
11 3.4 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMax -2.936 65.571 0.101 0.0076
11 0 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMin -158.352 -79.006 0.005372 -0.0076
11 1.7 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMin -155.111 -79.006 0.005372 -0.0076
11 3.4 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMin -151.87 -79.006 0.005372 -0.0076
14 0 1.4 SD Combination 0 0 0 0
14 1.7 1.4 SD Combination 0 0 0 0
14 3.4 1.4 SD Combination 0 0 0 0
14 0 1.2DL+1.6LL Combination -187.809 -14.246 -0.743 -0.0003585
14 1.7 1.2DL+1.6LL Combination -182.047 -14.246 -0.743 -0.0003585
14 3.4 1.2DL+1.6LL Combination -176.286 -14.246 -0.743 -0.0003585
14 0 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMax -69.468 61.478 -0.49 0.0201
14 1.7 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMax -65.147 61.478 -0.49 0.0201
14 3.4 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMax -60.825 61.478 -0.49 0.0201
14 0 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMin -217.439 -83.258 -0.639 -0.0206
14 1.7 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMin -213.117 -83.258 -0.639 -0.0206
14 3.4 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMin -208.796 -83.258 -0.639 -0.0206
14 0 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMax -69.468 61.478 -0.49 0.0201
14 1.7 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMax -65.147 61.478 -0.49 0.0201
14 3.4 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMax -60.825 61.478 -0.49 0.0201
14 0 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMin -217.439 -83.258 -0.639 -0.0206
14 1.7 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMin -213.117 -83.258 -0.639 -0.0206
14 3.4 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMin -208.796 -83.258 -0.639 -0.0206
14 0 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMax -14.132 65.746 -0.296 0.0201
14 1.7 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMax -10.891 65.746 -0.296 0.0201
14 3.4 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMax -7.65 65.746 -0.296 0.0201
14 0 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMin -162.103 -78.99 -0.444 -0.0205
14 1.7 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMin -158.862 -78.99 -0.444 -0.0205
14 3.4 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMin -155.621 -78.99 -0.444 -0.0205
14 0 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMax -14.132 65.746 -0.296 0.0201
14 1.7 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMax -10.891 65.746 -0.296 0.0201
14 3.4 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMax -7.65 65.746 -0.296 0.0201
14 0 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMin -162.103 -78.99 -0.444 -0.0205
14 1.7 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMin -158.862 -78.99 -0.444 -0.0205
14 3.4 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMin -155.621 -78.99 -0.444 -0.0205
17 0 1.4 SD Combination 0 0 0 0
17 1.7 1.4 SD Combination 0 0 0 0
17 3.4 1.4 SD Combination 0 0 0 0
17 0 1.2DL+1.6LL Combination -101.08 -8.748 6.561 -0.0023
17 1.7 1.2DL+1.6LL Combination -95.318 -8.748 6.561 -0.0023
17 3.4 1.2DL+1.6LL Combination -89.557 -8.748 6.561 -0.0023
17 0 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMax -10.182 63.645 5.969 0.0655
17 1.7 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMax -5.861 63.645 5.969 0.0655
17 3.4 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMax -1.54 63.645 5.969 0.0655
17 0 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMin -143.951 -77.005 4.04 -0.069
17 1.7 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMin -139.63 -77.005 4.04 -0.069
17 3.4 1.2DL+1Eqx+1LL CombinationMin -135.309 -77.005 4.04 -0.069
17 0 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMax -10.182 63.645 5.969 0.0655
17 1.7 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMax -5.861 63.645 5.969 0.0655
17 3.4 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMax -1.54 63.645 5.969 0.0655
17 0 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMin -143.951 -77.005 4.04 -0.069
17 1.7 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMin -139.63 -77.005 4.04 -0.069
17 3.4 1.2DL+1Eqy+1.LL CombinationMin -135.309 -77.005 4.04 -0.069
17 0 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMax 18.51 66.207 4.091 0.0661
17 1.7 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMax 21.751 66.207 4.091 0.0661
17 3.4 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMax 24.992 66.207 4.091 0.0661
17 0 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMin -115.26 -74.443 2.161 -0.0683
17 1.7 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMin -112.019 -74.443 2.161 -0.0683
17 3.4 0.9DL+1Eqx CombinationMin -108.778 -74.443 2.161 -0.0683
17 0 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMax 18.51 66.207 4.091 0.0661
17 1.7 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMax 21.751 66.207 4.091 0.0661
17 3.4 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMax 24.992 66.207 4.091 0.0661
17 0 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMin -115.26 -74.443 2.161 -0.0683
17 1.7 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMin -112.019 -74.443 2.161 -0.0683
17 3.4 0.9DL+1Eqy CombinationMin -108.778 -74.443 2.161 -0.0683
M2 M3 FrameElemElemStation Frame P V2
KN-m KN-m Text m Text KN KN
0 0 2-1 0 2 0 0
0 0 2-1 1.7 2 0 0
0 0 2-1 3.4 2 0 0
-9.583 -12.7169 2-1 0 2 101.08 8.748
1.5711 2.1543 2-1 1.7 2 95.318 8.748
12.7252 17.0255 2-1 3.4 2 89.557 8.748
-5.8686 110.8536 2-1 0 2 10.182 63.645
1.402 3.942 2-1 1.7 2 5.861 63.645
11.548 131.5794 2-1 3.4 2 1.539 63.645
-8.7481 -130.2721 2-1 0 2 143.951 77.005
0.9969 -0.6496 2-1 1.7 2 139.63 77.005
7.8665 -105.576 2-1 3.4 2 135.309 77.005
-5.8686 110.8536 2-1 0 2 10.182 63.645
1.402 3.942 2-1 1.7 2 5.861 63.645
11.548 131.5794 2-1 3.4 2 1.539 63.645
-8.7481 -130.2721 2-1 0 2 143.951 77.005
0.9969 -0.6496 2-1 1.7 2 139.63 77.005
7.8665 -105.576 2-1 3.4 2 135.309 77.005
-3.1332 114.5677 2-1 0 2 18.51 66.207
0.9438 3.3018 2-1 1.7 2 21.751 66.207
7.8963 126.5848 2-1 3.4 2 24.992 66.207
-6.0128 -126.5579 2-1 0 2 115.26 74.443
0.5388 -1.2898 2-1 1.7 2 112.019 74.443
4.2148 -110.5706 2-1 3.4 2 108.778 74.443
-3.1332 114.5677 2-1 0 2 18.51 66.207
0.9438 3.3018 2-1 1.7 2 21.751 66.207
7.8963 126.5848 2-1 3.4 2 24.992 66.207
-6.0128 -126.5579 2-1 0 2 115.26 74.443
0.5388 -1.2898 2-1 1.7 2 112.019 74.443
4.2148 -110.5706 2-1 3.4 2 108.778 74.443
0 0 5-1 0 5 0 0
0 0 5-1 1.7 5 0 0
0 0 5-1 3.4 5 0 0
1.0167 -20.874 5-1 0 5 187.808 14.246
-0.2457 3.3434 5-1 1.7 5 182.046 14.246
-1.508 27.5609 5-1 3.4 5 176.285 14.246
0.8687 107.8146 5-1 0 5 69.467 61.478
-0.1512 4.9709 5-1 1.7 5 65.145 61.478
-0.9873 143.3932 5-1 3.4 5 60.824 61.478
0.6751 -139.728 5-1 0 5 217.438 83.258
-0.2227 0.1429 5-1 1.7 5 213.116 83.258
-1.3042 -101.2523 5-1 3.4 5 208.795 83.258
0.8687 107.8146 5-1 0 5 69.467 61.478
-0.1512 4.9709 5-1 1.7 5 65.145 61.478
-0.9873 143.3932 5-1 3.4 5 60.824 61.478
0.6751 -139.728 5-1 0 5 217.438 83.258
-0.2227 0.1429 5-1 1.7 5 213.116 83.258
-1.3042 -101.2523 5-1 3.4 5 208.795 83.258
0.6054 114.0624 5-1 0 5 14.131 65.746
-0.0843 3.9618 5-1 1.7 5 10.89 65.746
-0.5903 135.1272 5-1 3.4 5 7.649 65.746
0.4118 -133.4803 5-1 0 5 162.102 78.99
-0.1558 -0.8663 5-1 1.7 5 158.861 78.99
-0.9072 -109.5183 5-1 3.4 5 155.62 78.99
0.6054 114.0624 5-1 0 5 14.131 65.746
-0.0843 3.9618 5-1 1.7 5 10.89 65.746
-0.5903 135.1272 5-1 3.4 5 7.649 65.746
0.4118 -133.4803 5-1 0 5 162.102 78.99
-0.1558 -0.8663 5-1 1.7 5 158.861 78.99
-0.9072 -109.5183 5-1 3.4 5 155.62 78.99
0 0 8-1 0 8 0 0
0 0 8-1 1.7 8 0 0
0 0 8-1 3.4 8 0 0
-0.1256 -21.2001 8-1 0 8 178.944 14.485
0.0527 3.4245 8-1 1.7 8 173.182 14.485
0.2311 28.0491 8-1 3.4 8 167.421 14.485
-0.0227 107.5224 8-1 0 8 62.225 61.213
0.0495 5.3229 8-1 1.7 8 57.904 61.213
0.2662 143.5517 8-1 3.4 8 53.583 61.213
-0.1673 -139.9406 8-1 0 8 211.16 83.364
0.0306 -0.0837 8-1 1.7 8 206.839 83.364
0.0842 -100.6552 8-1 3.4 8 202.517 83.364
-0.0227 107.5224 8-1 0 8 62.225 61.213
0.0495 5.3229 8-1 1.7 8 57.904 61.213
0.2662 143.5517 8-1 3.4 8 53.583 61.213
-0.1673 -139.9406 8-1 0 8 211.16 83.364
0.0306 -0.0837 8-1 1.7 8 206.839 83.364
0.0842 -100.6552 8-1 3.4 8 202.517 83.364
0.0073 113.8924 8-1 0 8 9.417 65.571
0.0356 4.2839 8-1 1.7 8 6.176 65.571
0.2083 135.1037 8-1 3.4 8 2.935 65.571
-0.1373 -133.5706 8-1 0 8 158.351 79.006
0.0167 -1.1227 8-1 1.7 8 155.11 79.006
0.0263 -109.1031 8-1 3.4 8 151.87 79.006
0.0073 113.8924 8-1 0 8 9.417 65.571
0.0356 4.2839 8-1 1.7 8 6.176 65.571
0.2083 135.1037 8-1 3.4 8 2.935 65.571
-0.1373 -133.5706 8-1 0 8 158.351 79.006
0.0167 -1.1227 8-1 1.7 8 155.11 79.006
0.0263 -109.1031 8-1 3.4 8 151.87 79.006
0 0 11-1 0 11 0 0
0 0 11-1 1.7 11 0 0
0 0 11-1 3.4 11 0 0
0.1249 -21.2001 11-1 0 11 178.945 14.485
-0.0527 3.4245 11-1 1.7 11 173.183 14.485
-0.2304 28.0491 11-1 3.4 11 167.422 14.485
0.1668 107.5224 11-1 0 11 62.226 61.213
-0.0306 5.3229 11-1 1.7 11 57.905 61.213
-0.0837 143.5517 11-1 3.4 11 53.584 61.213
0.0222 -139.9406 11-1 0 11 211.161 83.364
-0.0495 -0.0837 11-1 1.7 11 206.84 83.364
-0.2657 -100.6551 11-1 3.4 11 202.518 83.364
0.1668 107.5224 11-1 0 11 62.226 61.213
-0.0306 5.3229 11-1 1.7 11 57.905 61.213
-0.0837 143.5517 11-1 3.4 11 53.584 61.213
0.0222 -139.9406 11-1 0 11 211.161 83.364
-0.0495 -0.0837 11-1 1.7 11 206.84 83.364
-0.2657 -100.6551 11-1 3.4 11 202.518 83.364
0.1369 113.8924 11-1 0 11 9.417 65.571
-0.0167 4.2839 11-1 1.7 11 6.177 65.571
-0.0259 135.1038 11-1 3.4 11 2.936 65.571
-0.0077 -133.5706 11-1 0 11 158.352 79.006
-0.0356 -1.1226 11-1 1.7 11 155.111 79.006
-0.2079 -109.1031 11-1 3.4 11 151.87 79.006
0.1369 113.8924 11-1 0 11 9.417 65.571
-0.0167 4.2839 11-1 1.7 11 6.177 65.571
-0.0259 135.1038 11-1 3.4 11 2.936 65.571
-0.0077 -133.5706 11-1 0 11 158.352 79.006
-0.0356 -1.1226 11-1 1.7 11 155.111 79.006
-0.2079 -109.1031 11-1 3.4 11 151.87 79.006
0 0 14-1 0 14 0 0
0 0 14-1 1.7 14 0 0
0 0 14-1 3.4 14 0 0
-1.0174 -20.8741 14-1 0 14 187.809 14.246
0.2457 3.3435 14-1 1.7 14 182.047 14.246
1.5087 27.561 14-1 3.4 14 176.286 14.246
-0.6756 107.8146 14-1 0 14 69.468 61.478
0.2226 4.971 14-1 1.7 14 65.147 61.478
1.3047 143.3932 14-1 3.4 14 60.825 61.478
-0.8692 -139.728 14-1 0 14 217.439 83.258
0.1512 0.1429 14-1 1.7 14 213.117 83.258
0.9878 -101.2522 14-1 3.4 14 208.796 83.258
-0.6756 107.8146 14-1 0 14 69.468 61.478
0.2226 4.971 14-1 1.7 14 65.147 61.478
1.3047 143.3932 14-1 3.4 14 60.825 61.478
-0.8692 -139.728 14-1 0 14 217.439 83.258
0.1512 0.1429 14-1 1.7 14 213.117 83.258
0.9878 -101.2522 14-1 3.4 14 208.796 83.258
-0.4122 114.0623 14-1 0 14 14.132 65.746
0.1558 3.9618 14-1 1.7 14 10.891 65.746
0.9076 135.1272 14-1 3.4 14 7.65 65.746
-0.6058 -133.4803 14-1 0 14 162.103 78.99
0.0844 -0.8663 14-1 1.7 14 158.862 78.99
0.5908 -109.5182 14-1 3.4 14 155.621 78.99
-0.4122 114.0623 14-1 0 14 14.132 65.746
0.1558 3.9618 14-1 1.7 14 10.891 65.746
0.9076 135.1272 14-1 3.4 14 7.65 65.746
-0.6058 -133.4803 14-1 0 14 162.103 78.99
0.0844 -0.8663 14-1 1.7 14 158.862 78.99
0.5908 -109.5182 14-1 3.4 14 155.621 78.99
0 0 17-1 0 17 0 0
0 0 17-1 1.7 17 0 0
0 0 17-1 3.4 17 0 0
9.5824 -12.7168 17-1 0 17 101.08 8.748
-1.5711 2.1543 17-1 1.7 17 95.318 8.748
-12.7247 17.0254 17-1 3.4 17 89.557 8.748
8.7477 110.8536 17-1 0 17 10.182 63.645
-0.997 3.942 17-1 1.7 17 5.861 63.645
-7.8661 131.5793 17-1 3.4 17 1.54 63.645
5.8681 -130.272 17-1 0 17 143.951 77.005
-1.402 -0.6496 17-1 1.7 17 139.63 77.005
-11.5476 -105.576 17-1 3.4 17 135.309 77.005
8.7477 110.8536 17-1 0 17 10.182 63.645
-0.997 3.942 17-1 1.7 17 5.861 63.645
-7.8661 131.5793 17-1 3.4 17 1.54 63.645
5.8681 -130.272 17-1 0 17 143.951 77.005
-1.402 -0.6496 17-1 1.7 17 139.63 77.005
-11.5476 -105.576 17-1 3.4 17 135.309 77.005
6.0124 114.5677 17-1 0 17 18.51 66.207
-0.5388 3.3018 17-1 1.7 17 21.751 66.207
-4.2145 126.5847 17-1 3.4 17 24.992 66.207
3.1329 -126.5579 17-1 0 17 115.26 74.443
-0.9438 -1.2898 17-1 1.7 17 112.019 74.443
-7.896 -110.5706 17-1 3.4 17 108.778 74.443
6.0124 114.5677 17-1 0 17 18.51 66.207
-0.5388 3.3018 17-1 1.7 17 21.751 66.207
-4.2145 126.5847 17-1 3.4 17 24.992 66.207
3.1329 -126.5579 17-1 0 17 115.26 74.443
-0.9438 -1.2898 17-1 1.7 17 112.019 74.443
-7.896 -110.5706 17-1 3.4 17 108.778 74.443
Kelangsingan Kolom

Data Perencanaa Kolom 𝜋

Katagori Bangunan = Bangunan Mesjid Raya
Jarak Antar Kolom (Lx) = 5.00 m
Jarak Antar Portal (Ly) = 4.00 m
Tinggi Tiap Lantai
H1 = 4m
H2 = 4m
Mutu Beton (fc') = 225 Mpa
Mutu Baja (fy) = 240 Mpa
Tebal Pelat = 120 mm
Dimensi Balok
Lantai 2 (B1) = 300 mm x 500 mm
Lantai 3 (B2) = 300 mm x 400 mm
Dimensi Kolom
Lantai 1 (K1) = 400 mm x 400 mm
Lantai 2 (K2) = 300 mm x 300 mm

Perhitungan Dimensi Kolom Penampang Persegi

Dimensi Kolom Penampang Persegi Sesuai Dengan Data Perencanaan Diatas Yaitu :
Lantai 1 (K1) = 400 mm x 400 mm = 160000 mm²
Lantai 2 (K2) = 300 mm x 300 mm = 90000 mm²

Perhitungan Faktor Panjang Efektif Untuk Struktur Kolom Penampang Persegi

Struktur Gedung Lt 2 H2 = 3.4 m

1. Momen Inersia Penampang Kolom dan Balok

K1 = 0.7 x 1 x 400 x 400 3 = 1493333333.3 mm⁴
K2 = 0.7 x 1 x 300 x 300 3 = 472500000 mm⁴
B1 = 0.35 x 1 x 300 x 500 3 = 1093750000 mm⁴
B2 = 0.35 x 1 x 300 x 400 3 = 560000000 mm⁴
2. Modulus Elastisitas Beton
Ec = 4700 x √ 25
= 4700 x 5= 23500.000 Mpa

3. Rasio beton terfaktor maksimum

Kolom Sisi Tepi :
(K1) » βd = 8.748 = 0.113603
(K2) » βd = 14.246 = 0.171107

Kolom Tengah :
(K1) » βd = 14.485 = 0.173756
(K2) » βd = 14.246 = 0.171107
4. Rasio Kekuatan Kolom dan Balok
Panjang Bebas Kolom :
K1 = H - 1/2h B1 = 3.40 - 0.25 = 3.150 m
K2 = H - 1/2h B1 - 1/2h B2 = 3.40 - 0.25 - 0.20 = 2.950 m

Panjang Bebas Balok :

B1 = L - 1/2b K1 - 1/2b K1 = 5.00 - 0.20 - 0.20 = 4.600 m
B2 = L - 1/2b K2 - 1/2b K2 = 5.00 - 0.15 - 0.15 = 4.700 m

Kolom Tepi K1
K1 : EI = 0.4 x 23500.000 x 1493333333.3
= 12605.330 kNm²
1+ 0.113603
K2 : EI = 0.4 x 23500.000 x 472500000
= 3988.405 kNm²
1+ 0.113603
B1 : EI = 0.2 x 23500.000 x 1093750000
= 4616.210 kNm²
1+ 0.113603

12605.330 + 3988.405
Ψ atas = 3.150 2.95 = 5.3
Ψ Bawah = 0
Ψm = ( Ψ atas + Ψ bawah ) 5.3 + 0
= = 2.667
2 2

karena Ψm > 2 maka dipakai rumus berikut :

k = 0.9 √ 1 + Ψm = 0.9 √ 3.667 = 1.72

Kolom Tepi K2
K1 : EI = 0.4 x 23500.000 x 1493333333.3
= 11986.383 kNm²
1+ 0.171107
K2 : EI = 0.4 x 23500.000 x 472500000
= 3792.567 kNm²
1+ 0.171107
B1 : EI = 0.2 x 23500.000 x 1093750000
= 4389.545 kNm²
1+ 0.171107
B2 : EI = 0.2 x 23500.000 x 560000000
= 2247.447 kNm²
1+ 0.171107

Ψ atas = 3.150 = 4.0
11986.383 + 3792.567
Ψ bawah = 3.150 3.15 = 5.2

Ψm = ( Ψ atas + Ψ bawah ) 4.0 + 5.2

= = 4.618
2 2
karena Ψm > 2 maka dipakai rumus berikut :
k = 0.9 √ 1 + Ψm = 0.9 √ 5.618 = 2.13

Kolom Tengah K1
K1 : EI = 0.4 x 23500.000 x 1493333333.3
= 11959.328 kNm²
= 11959.328 kNm²
1+ 0.173756
K2 : EI = 0.4 x 23500.000 x 472500000
= 3784.006 kNm²
1+ 0.173756
B1 : EI = 0.2 x 23500.000 x 1093750000
= 4379.637 kNm²
1+ 0.173756

11959.328 + 3784.006
Ψ atas = 3.150 2.95 = 2.7
4379.637 + 4379.637
4.60 4.60
Ψ Bawah = 0

Ψm = ( Ψ atas + Ψ bawah ) 2.7 + 0.0

= = 1.334
2 2
karena Ψm > 2 maka dipakai rumus berikut :
k = 0.9 √ 1 + Ψm = 0.9 √ 2.334 = 1.37

Kolom Tengah K2
K1 : EI = 0.4 x 23500.000 x 1493333333.3
= 11986.383 kNm²
1+ 0.171107
K2 : EI = 0.4 x 23500.000 x 472500000
= 3792.567 kNm²
1+ 0.171107
B1 : EI = 0.2 x 23500.000 x 1093750000
= 4389.545 kNm²
1+ 0.171107
B2 : EI = 0.2 x 23500.000 x 560000000
= 2247.447 kNm²
1+ 0.171107

Ψ atas = 2.950 = 1.3
2247.447 2247.447
4.70 4.70
11986.383 + 3792.567
Ψ bawah = 3.150 2.95 = 2.7
4389.545 4389.545
4.60 4.60

Ψm = ( Ψ atas + Ψ bawah ) 1.3 + 2.7

= = 2.006
2 2
karena Ψm > 2 maka dipakai rumus berikut :
k = 0.9 √ 1 + Ψm = 0.9 √ 3.006 = 1.56
Pemeriksaan Efek Kelangsingan Kolom Persegi

Bangunan Ruko Dengan ( H ) = 4m

Portal tidak bergoyang ( berpengaku )

k lu
≤ 22

r = 0.3 h

Kolom Sisi Tepi

K1 » r = 0.3 x 400 = 120 mm

1.62 x 3800
» ≤ 22
» 51.257 ≥ 22 (pengaruh kelangsingan diperhitungkan)
K2 » r = 0.3 x 300 = 90 mm
2.05 x 3650
» ≤ 22
» 83.130 ≥ 22 (pengaruh kelangsingan diperhitungkan)

Kolom Tengah

K1 » r = 0.3 x 400 = 120 mm

1.31 x 3800
» ≤ 22
» 41.470 ≥ 22 (pengaruh kelangsingan diperhitungkan)
K2 » r = 0.3 x 300 = 90 mm
1.74 x 3650
» ≤ 22
» 70.464 ≥ 22 (pengaruh kelangsingan diperhitungkan)
Perhitungan Kolom Persegi Kolom Lantai 2 K2Mesjid Raya (H) 4

fc' = 225 Mpa Kolom Tepi Kolom Tengah

fy = 240 Mpa Ujung atas Ujung bawah Ujung atas Ujung bawah
lu = 3.850 m Pu 135.309 143.951 202.518 211.161
b = 300 mm Mu 131.579 130.272 143.552 139.941
h = 300 mm VuD max Vu max VuD max Vu max
k tepi = 1.72 Vu 8.748 77.01 14.485 83.36
k tengah = 1.37

Perhitungan Pembesaran Momen Kolom Persegi K1

a. Momen inersia penampang kolom
Ig = 0.7 x 1 x 300 x 300 ³ = 472500000 mm⁴
b. Modulus elastisitas beton
Ec = 4700 x √ 225 = 70500.00 Mpa
c. Rasio beban terfaktor maksimum ( Kolom Tepi K1 )
βd = V tetap terfaktor maximum = 8.748
= 0.113603
V kombinasi terfaktor maximum 77.005
Rasio beban terfaktor maksimum ( Kolom Tengah K1 )
βd = V tetap terfaktor maximum = 14.485
= 0.173756
V kombinasi terfaktor maximum 83.364
d. Kekakuan lentur ( Kolom Tepi K1 ) sesuai persamaan 2.11
EI = 0,4 . Ec . Ig 0.4 x 70500.00 x 472500000
= = 11965.22 KNm²
( 1 + βd ) ( 1 + 0.113603 )
d. Kekakuan lentur ( Kolom Tepi K1 ) sesuai persamaan 2.11
EI = 0,4 . Ec . Ig 0.4 x 70500.00 x 472500000
= = 11352.02 KNm²
( 1 + βd ) ( 1 + 0.173756 )
e. Beban tekuk euler ( Kolom Tepi K1 )
Pc = π² . EI 3.142857 ² x 11965.215
= = 2684.105 KN
( k x lu )² ( 1.72 x 3.850 )²
Beban tekuk euler ( Kolom Tengah K1 )
Pc = π² . EI 3.142857 ² x 11352.018
= = 4001.902 KN
( k x lu )² ( 1.37 x 3.850 )²
f. Nilai ƩPu dan ƩPc Kolom Lantai 1
ƩPu = 2 x 143.951 + 2 x 211.161 = 710.22 KN
ƩPc = 2 x 2684.105 + 2 x 4001.902 = 13372.01 KN
g. Faktor pembesar momen sesuai persamaan 2.16
1 1
ᵟs = 1 - ƩPu =
1- (
= 1.08 ≥ 1 ( OK )
0,75 ƩPc 10029.01
h. Momen rencana yang diperbesar ( Kolom Tepi K1 ) sesuai persamaan 2.17
Mc = M2b + ᵟs M2s = 0 + 1.08 x 131.579
= 141.61 kNm
Momen rencana yang diperbesar ( Kolom Tengah K1 ) sesuai persamaan 2.17
Mc = M2b + ᵟs M2s = 0 + 1.08 x 143.552
= 154.49 kNm
4.7 Analisa Kolom
4.7.1 Perhitungan Kolom 40 x 40 pada Lantai 1

Data Kolom
fc' = 225 Mpa
fy' = 240 Mpa
b = 400 mm
h = 400 mm
ds = 35 mm
n = 8 bh
ɸ Tul = 16 mm
ɸ seng = 10 mm
Es = 200000 Mpa
= ds' + ɸ seng + (1/2.ɸ tul)
= 35 + 10 + 8 = 53 mm
d = h - d' = 400 - 53 = 347 mm

β1 = 0.85 untuk fc' < 30 MPa

β1 = 0.85 - 0.008 (fc' - 30) untuk fc' > 30 MPa

Faktor distribusi Tegangan, β1 = 0.85

Luas Tulangan Total 𝜋

= n x / 4 x D 2
As 𝜋
= 8 x / 4 x 16 2 = 1608.5 mm2

As' = n x 𝜋 / 4 x D
= 8 x / 4 x 16 2 = 1608.495 mm2

Jarak Antar Tulangan

( h - 2 x ds )
x =
( 400 - 2 x 35 ) = 165 mm

Rasio Tulangan
𝜌 As 1608.495
= = = 1.005 %
Ag 160000

Faktor reduksi kekuatan

f = 0.65 untuk Pn ≥ 0.1. fc' . b . h
f= 0.80 untuk Pn = 0

menghitung luasan masing - masing tulangan

As1 = 3/8 x As = 3 / 8 . 1608 = 603.1858 mm2
As2 = 2/8 x As = 2 / 8 . 1608 = 402.1239 mm2
As3 = 3/8 x As = 3 / 8 . 1608 = 603.1858 mm2

menghitung jarak tulangan terhadap beton

d1 = 2.X + ds = 2 . 165 + 35 = 365 mm
d2 = X + ds = 165 + 35 = 200 mm
d3 = ds = 35 mm

Pada Kondisi Balance

c = cb = x d1
c = cb = x d1
x 365 = 260.7143 mm
= ( 600 + 240 )

Pada kondisi garis netral terletak pada jarak c dari sisi beton tekan terluar :
Regangan pada masing - masing baja tulangan
( h - c )
εsi = 0.003 x
( 400 - 260.7143 )
= 0.003 x
260.714285714286 = 0.00160

Tegangan pada masing - masing baja tulangan

fsi = εsi x Es
= 0.00160 x 200000 = 320.548 Knm

Gaya - gaya internal pada masing - masing tulangan baja

Fsi = As' x fsi x 10^-3
= 1608.5 x 320.548 x 10^-3 = 515.600 Kn

Resultan gaya internal baja tulangan

Cs = [ Σ Fsi ] x 10^-3
= 515.600 x 10^-3 = 0.516 Kn

Momen akibat gaya internal masing - masing baja tulangan

Msi = Fsi x ( 2
- d' )
= 515.600 x ( 2 - 53 ) = 75793.186 kNm

- Momen total akibat gaya internal baja tulangan

Ms = Σ Fsi = 75793.186 kNmm

- Tinggi blok tegangan teka beton

a = β1 x C = 0.85 x 261 = 221.607 Kn

- Gaya Internal pada beton tekan

Cc = 0.85 . fc' . b . a . 10^-3
= 0.85 . 225 . 400 . 221.607 . 10^-3
= 16952.946 Kn

- Momen akibat gaya internal tekan beton

(h - a)
Mc = Cc x
( 400 - 221.607 )
= 16952.946 x = 1512142.275 mm

- Gaya aksial Nominal

Pn = Cs + Cc = 0.516 + ### = 16953.462 Knm

- Momen Nominal
Mn = Mc + Ms = 1512142.275 + 75793.186 = 1587.935 Knm

- Gaya Aksial Rencana

Pu = ɸ x Pn = 0.8 x ### = 13562.770 Kn

- Momen Rencana
Mu = ɸ x Mn = 0.8 x 1587.935 = 1270.348 Kn
4.8 Analisa Perkuatan CFRP Pada Kolom
4.8.1 Perkuatan CFRP Pada Kolom lantai 1

Data Kolom
Data Kolom
fc' = 25 Mpa
fy' = 240 Mpa
b = 400 mm
h = 400 mm
ds = 35 mm
n = 8 bh
ɸ Tul = 16 mm
ɸ seng = 8 mm
εfrp = 0.003
Es = 200000 Mpa
= ds' + ɸ seng + (1/2.ɸ tul)
= 35 + 8 + 8 = 51 mm
d = h - d' = 400 - 51 = 349 mm

a. 1 Lapis CFRP
k1 = 1.62

- Radius Sudut Pada Kolom

Rc = 0.3 . B = 0.3 . 400 = 120 mm

Ag = b.h-(4-π).Rc2
= 400 . 400 - ( 4- π ) . 120 2
= 147638.934 mm2

Luas Tulangan Total 𝜋

= n x / 4 x D 2
As 𝜋
= 8 x / 4 x 16 = 1608.5 mm2

As' = n x / 4 x D 2
= 8 x / 4 x 16 2
= 1608.5 mm2

As 1608.5
ρ = = = 0.01222
b.h 400 . 329


400 2 400
1 - . 400 - 2 . 120 +
400 400
= . 400 - 2 . 120 /
( 3. 147638.934 ) - 0.01222
1 - 0.01222
-28800 + -28400 / 442916.790
= = -0.131
= = -0.131

b Ae 400
ks = . = . -0.131 = -0.131
h Ac 400

ffrp = Efrp . εfrp = 231000 . 0.003 = 693 Mpa

fl 1 lapis = 2 ffrp . 2 tfrp

h2 . b2
= ( 2. 920 ) . ( 2. 1.2 )
400 2 + 400 2
= 1.38

fcc 1 Lapis = fc' + kl + ks + fl

= 25 + 1.619 + -0.131 + 1.3800 = 27.868 Mpa

kolom dengan 1 lapis

fcc' = 27.868 Mpa

- Estimasi Nilai c

0.003 . Es . D 0.003 . 200000 . 349

c = = 249.286 mm
fy + 0.003 . Es = 240 + 0.003 . 200000

a = 0.85 . cb = 0.85 . 249.286 = 211.8929 mm

c - d' 249.286 - 51
εs' = = 0.795415
c = 249.286

fy 240
εs = = = 0.0012
Es 200000

εs' > εs maka tulangan desak luluh

fs = εs . Es = 0.0012 . 200000 = 240

- Gaya Internal Pada Beton Tekan

Cc = 0.85 . fcc' . a . b
= 0.85 . 27.868 . 211.893 . 400
= 2007.703 kNm

- Resultan Gaya Internal Baja Tulangan

Cs = As' . fs = 1608.5 . 2007.703 = 3229.382 kNm

Ts = As . Fy
= 1608.5 . 240 = 386.039 kNm
- Gaya Aksial Nominal

Pn = Cc + Cs - Ts
= 2007.703 + 3229.382 - 386.039 = 4851.046 kNm

Gaya Aksial Rencana

Pu = ɸ x Pn = 0.65 x 4851.046 = 3153.180 Kn

- Momen Nominal
h a 400 211.893
- = - = 94.054 mm
2 2 2 2

h 400
- d' = - 51 = 149.000 mm
2 2

h 400
d - = 349 - = 149.000 mm
2 2

Mn = Cc.((h/2)-(a/2)) + Cs.((h/2)-d') + Ts.(d-(h/2))

= ( 2007.703 . 94.054 ) + ( 3229.382 .
149 ) + ( 386.039 . 149 )
= 727.529 kNm

- Momen Rencana

Mu = ɸ x Mn = 0.65 x 727.529 = 472.894 Kn

Ø Mu > Mu
472.894 > 233.391
TidakButuh Perkuatan
4.8 Analisa Perkuatan CFRP Pada Kolom
4.8.1 Perkuatan CFRP Pada Kolom lantai 1

Data Kolom
Data Kolom
fc' = 25 Mpa
fy' = 240 Mpa
b = 300 mm
h = 300 mm
ds = 35 mm
n = 8 bh
ɸ Tul = 16 mm
ɸ seng = 8 mm
εfrp = 0.003
Es = 200000 Mpa
= ds' + ɸ seng + (1/2.ɸ tul)
= 35 + 8 + 8 = 51 mm
d = h - d' = 300 - 51 = 249 mm

a. 1 Lapis CFRP
k1 = 1.62

- Radius Sudut Pada Kolom

Rc = 0.3 . B = 0.3 . 400 = 120 mm

Ag = b.h-(4-π).Rc2
= 300 . 300 - ( 4- π ) . 120 2
= 77638.934 mm2

Luas Tulangan Total 𝜋

= n x / 4 x D 2
As 𝜋
= 8 x / 4 x 16 = 1608.5 mm2

As' = n x / 4 x D 2
= 8 x / 4 x 16 2
= 1608.5 mm2

As 1608.5
ρ = = = 0.01630
b.h 300 . 329


300 2 300
1 - . 300 - 2 . 120 +
300 300
= . 300 - 2 . 120 /
( 3. 77638.934 ) - 0.01630
1 - 0.01630
-28800 + -28500 / 232916.786
= = -0.250
= = -0.250

b Ae 300
ks = . = . -0.250 = -0.250
h Ac 300

ffrp = Efrp . εfrp = 231000 . 0.003 = 693 Mpa

fl 1 lapis = 2 ffrp . 2 tfrp

h2 . b2
= ( 2. 920 ) . ( 2. 1.2 )
400 2 + 400 2
= 1.38

fcc 1 Lapis = fc' + kl + ks + fl

= 25 + 1.619 + -0.250 + 1.3800 = 27.749 Mpa

kolom dengan 1 lapis

fcc' = 27.749 Mpa

- Estimasi Nilai c

0.003 . Es . D 0.003 . 200000 . 249

c = = 177.857 mm
fy + 0.003 . Es = 240 + 0.003 . 200000

a = 0.85 . cb = 0.85 . 177.857 = 151.1786 mm

c - d' 177.857 - 51
εs' = = 0.713253
c = 177.857

fy 240
εs = = = 0.0012
Es 200000

εs' > εs maka tulangan desak luluh

fs = εs . Es = 0.0012 . 200000 = 240

- Gaya Internal Pada Beton Tekan

Cc = 0.85 . fcc' . a . b
= 0.85 . 27.749 . 151.179 . 300
= 1069.722 kNm

- Resultan Gaya Internal Baja Tulangan

Cs = As' . fs = 1608.5 . 1069.722 = 1720.643 kNm

Ts = As . Fy
= 1608.5 . 240 = 386.039 kNm
- Gaya Aksial Nominal

Pn = Cc + Cs - Ts
= 1069.722 + 1720.643 - 386.039 = 2404.326 kNm

Gaya Aksial Rencana

Pu = ɸ x Pn = 0.65 x 2404.326 = 1562.812 Kn

- Momen Nominal
h a 300 151.179
- = - = 74.411 mm
2 2 2 2

h 300
- d' = - 51 = 99.000 mm
2 2

h 300
d - = 249 - = 99.000 mm
2 2

Mn = Cc.((h/2)-(a/2)) + Cs.((h/2)-d') + Ts.(d-(h/2))

= ( 1069.722 . 74.411 ) + ( 1720.643 .
99 ) + ( 386.039 . 99 )
= 288.160 kNm

- Momen Rencana

Mu = ɸ x Mn = 0.65 x 288.160 = 187.304 Kn

Ø Mu > Mu
187.304 > 141.608
TidakButuh Perkuatan
Balok Lt 1 30/50

Perhitungan Balok arah Y B100

Kombinasi Tumpuan Kiri Tumpuan Kanan Lapangan

Dead 12.853 14.866 82.928
Live 20.251 25.667 133.248
1.4D 17.994 20.813 116.099
1.2D+1.6L+0.5Lr 47.824 58.097 312.710
1.2D+1.0EQX+L 35.964 43.770 232.781
1.2D+1.0EQY+L 36.640 44.384 232.082
0.9D+EQX 11.871 13.643 74.654
0.9D+EQY 12.533 14.257 74.675
2.247 2.305 3.973
Perhitungan Balok arah x B55

Kombinasi Tumpuan Kiri Tumpuan Kanan Lapangan

Dead 84.795 26.084 175.404
Live 129.463 45.043 279.355
1.4D 118.713 36.518 245.566
1.2D+1.6L+0.5Lr 308.895 103.731 657.453
1.2D+1.0EQX+L 232.714 77.216 490.168
1.2D+1.0EQY+L 231.667 76.606 489.945
0.9D+EQX 77.812 24.348 158.191
0.9D+EQY 76.675 23.738 157.968
9.513 7.811 14.117
Data Geser Balok
Member Load Vu (kn)
Dead 297.857
Live 469.533
1.4D 417.000
1.2D+1.6L+0.5Lr 1108.682
1.2D+1.0EQX+L 828.059
1.2D+1.0EQY+L 827.297
0.9D+EQX 269.168
0.9D+EQY 268.407
Dead 260.691
Live 489.225
1.4D 364.967
1.2D+1.6L+0.5Lr 1095.589
1.2D+1.0EQX+L 802.471
1.2D+1.0EQY+L 802.264
0.9D+EQX 235.308

0.9D+EQY 234.832
Dead 192.565
Live 303.578
1.4D 271.499
1.2D+1.6L+0.5Lr 725.047
1.2D+1.0EQX+L 540.963
1.2D+1.0EQY+L 541.696
0.9D+EQX 174.851
0.9D+EQY 175.584
Dead 166.096
Live 311.552
1.4D 233.673
1.2D+1.6L+0.5Lr 698.773
1.2D+1.0EQX+L 511.666
1.2D+1.0EQY+L 511.997
0.9D+EQX 150.395
0.9D+EQY 150.806

Kolom 40x40 Lt 1 Kolom 30x30 Lt 2

K7 K5
Kombinasi MU Kombinasi MU
Dead 189.758 Dead 165.808
Live 301.467 Live 303.845
1.4D 265.661 1.4D 232.131
1.2D+1.6L+0.5Lr 710.057 1.2D+1.6L+0.5Lr 685.122
1.2D+1.0EQX+L 531.284 1.2D+1.0EQX+L 504.315
1.2D+1.0EQY+L 529.809 1.2D+1.0EQY+L 503.285
0.9D+EQX 172.889 0.9D+EQX 150.727
0.9D+EQY 171.414 0.9D+EQY 149.677

Data Geser Kolom

Member Load Vu (kn)
Dead 76.304
Live 121.247
1.4D 106.825
1.2D+1.6L+0.5Lr 285.889
1.2D+1.0EQX+L 214.171
1.2D+1.0EQY+L 213.219
0.9D+EQX 70.034
0.9D+EQY 69.082
Dead 87.002
Live 155.902
1.4D 121.803
1.2D+1.6L+0.5Lr 353.846
1.2D+1.0EQX+L 261.219
1.2D+1.0EQY+L 260.579
0.9D+EQX 79.216
0.9D+EQY 78.576
Balok Lt 2 30/40

Perhitungan Balok arah Y B101

Kombinasi Tumpuan Kiri Tumpuan Kanan Lapangan

Dead 11.386 12.557 68.756
Live 21.202 23.317 129.063
1.4D 15.941 17.579 96.258
1.2D+1.6L+0.5Lr 47.587 52.375 289.007
1.2D+1.0EQX+L 35.019 38.518 211.258
1.2D+1.0EQY+L 35.378 38.828 211.062
0.9D+EQX 10.401 11.434 61.892
0.9D+EQY 10.759 11.744 61.912
3.787 3.853 6.745
Perhitungan Balok arah x B56

Kombinasi Tumpuan Kiri Tumpuan Kanan Lapangan

Dead 92.904 20.776 153.718
Live 175.045 38.199 289.439
1.4D 130.066 29.086 215.205
1.2D+1.6L+0.5Lr 391.558 86.049 647.565
1.2D+1.0EQX+L 287.465 63.566 474.612
1.2D+1.0EQY+L 286.812 63.261 473.984
0.9D+EQX 84.548 19.134 138.606
0.9D+EQY 83.895 18.829 138.429
6.697 14.096 12.387
Deflecion Geser Momen
Kolom Persegi Kolom bulat

Kolom Persegi Kolom

Geser 5.24 5.44 6.47 6.66 4.54 4..99 6.75 5.24 5.44 6.47
Momen 11.74 12.24 14.57 16.96 8.73 11.19 15.14 9.21 9.54 11.3
Deflecion 0.0084 0.008777 0.01471 0.010716 0.005229 0.008007 0.01083 0.00871 0.00898 0.0106
Kolom Persegi Kolom
Geser 5.24 5.44 6.47 6.66 4.54 4..99 6.75 5.24 5.44 6.47

Kolom Persegi Kolom bulat

Kolom bulat
6.66 6.47 6.75 4.99 5.76 11.69
11.69 11.3 11.87 8.78 11.04 6.66
0.01102 0.0106 0.01123 0.00831 0.00643 0.01102
Kolom bulat
6.66 6.47 6.75 4.99 5.76 11.69


Kolom Persegi

1 2 3 4


Kolom : 1306 1285 1322 1335

Momen Kolom Bula
9.21 9.54 11.3 11.69 11.3 11.87 8.78
5.24 5.44 6.47 6.66 6.47 6.75 4.99
0.008708 0.008975 0.010596 0.011024 0.010597 0.011227 0.008312

Kolom bulat 1285 1322 1335 1324 1304

Momen 9.21 9.54 11.3 11.69 11.3 11.87
Geser 5.24 5.44 6.47 6.66 6.47 6.75
Deflection 0.008708 0.008975 0.010596 0.011024 0.010597 0.011227

Kolom bulat 1285 1322 1335 1324 1304

Momen 9.21 9.54 11.3 11.69 11.3 11.87
Geser 5.24 5.44 6.47 6.66 6.47 6.75
Deflection 0.008708 0.008975 0.010596 0.011024 0.010597 0.011227

Kolom Persegi
Geser 5.24 5.44 6.47 6.66 6.47 4.54
Momen 11.74 12.24 14.57 16.96 14.58 8.73
Deflecion 0.008403 0.008777 0.01471 0.010716 0.010472 0.005229
Kolom bulat Kolom Persegi
Momen 9.21 9.54 11.3 11.69 11.3 11.87






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Deflection Momen Geser

1324 1304

11.04 6.66

5.76 11.69

0.006427 0.011024

8.78 11.04 6.66

4.99 5.76 11.69
0.008312 0.006427 0.011024

8.78 11.04 6.66

4.99 5.76 11.69
0.008312 0.006427 0.011024

4..99 6.75
11.19 15.14
0.008007 0.01083
8.78 11.04 6.66

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