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Pembimbing I Muhammad Fathi, SST.OP., MPH, Pembimbing II

Atika Febri Anggriani, STr.Kes, Aldya Chintyafanny
Prodi Diploma Tiga, Jurusan Ortotik Prostetik, Poltekkes Kemenkes

TUJUAN PENULISAN : Untuk mengetahui dan memahami penatalaksanaan

dan fungsi (KAFO) knee ankle foot orthosis.
LATAR BELAKANG : Polio atau poliomyelitis merupakan penyakit menular
akut yang disebabkan oleh virus yang menyerang sel anterior sumsum tulang
belakang dan inti motorik batang otak sehingga dapat mengakibatkan
terjadinya kelumpuhan dan atrofi pada otot. Penyakit ini ditandai dengan
munculnya demam, lelah, sakit kepala, mual, kaku di leher, serta sakit di
tungkai dan lengan. ortotis prostetik berkewajiban untuk ikut serta dalam
program rehabilitasi medis dengan memberikan ortosis. Alat bantu knee ankle
foot orthosis (KAFO) umum di preskripsikan bagi pasien dengan riwayat
poliomyelitis dan berfungsi untuk memperbaiki gaya berjalan, memberikan
stabilitas saat berjalan.
SUBJEK : Subjek dalam penulisan ini adalah pasien Post Polio Paralysis
dari Klego, Boyolali.
HASIL ASSESMENT : Subjek mengalami post polio paralysis pada
tungkai kiri. Terdapat athropy otot, sensitifitas baik, tidak ada luka,
valgus/varus negatif, kontraktur hip flexor, kontraktur knee flexor, knee joint
stabil, pasien mengalami talipes valgus, pasien mengalami pes cavus, dan
terdapat LLD 0,5 cm.
PROSTHETIC PRESCRIPTION : Berdasarkan hasil assessment penulis
memberikan pelayanan Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis (KAFO) desain custom
plastic anterior shell, dengan menggunakan drop lock knee joint dan flexible
ankle joint. Kemudian pemberian insole medial arch dan anti slip pada foot
HASIL : Hasil analisa pada fitting Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis diketahui
bahwa pasien mampu berjalan tanpa memegang lutut.
KESIMPULAN : dalam Penatalaksanaan Orthotik Prosthetik yang tepat
sesuai prosedur seorang Ortotis Prosthetis berperan penting dalam dunia
rehabilitasi medis untuk mewujudkan masyarakat sehat dan mandiri.
Kata kunci : Post Polio Paralysis, Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis.


Advisor I Muhammad Fathi, SST.OP., MPH, Advisor II Atika Febri
Anggriani, STr. Kes, Aldya Chintyafanny
Diploma Three Study Program, Prosthetic Orthotic Department,
Health Ministry of Health, Surakarta

WRITING OBJECTIVE : To know and understand the management and

function (KAFO) of knee ankle foot orthosis.
BACKGROUND : Polio or poliomyelitis is an acute infectious disease caused
by a virus that attacks the anterior cells of the spinal cord and the brain stem
motor nuclei so that it can result in paralysis and atrophy in the muscles. This
disease is characterized by the appearance of fever, fatigue, headache, nausea,
stiffness in the neck, and pain in the legs and arms. prosthetic orthotics are
obliged to participate in a medical rehabilitation program by providing
orthosis. Knee ankle foot orthosis (KAFO) aids are commonly described for
patients with a history of poliomyelitis and serve to improve gait, providing
stability while walking.
SUBJECT : The subjects in this paper are Post Polio Paralysis patients from
Klego, Boyolali.
ASSESSMENT RESULTS : Subjects experienced post polio paralysis in
the left leg. There is muscle athropy , good sensitivity, no injuries, valgus /
negative varus, hip flexor contractures, knee flexor contractures , stable knee
joints, patients have talipes valgus , patients have pes cavus , and there is 0.5
cm LLD.
PROSTHETIC PRESCRIPTION : Based on the results of the assessment
the authors provide Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis (KAFO) custom plastic
anterior shell design , using a drop lock knee joint and flexible ankle
joint . Then administering medial arch insole and anti slip on the foot
RESULTS : The results of the analysis on the Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis
fitting revealed that the patient was able to walk without holding the knee.
CONCLUSION : In the proper management of prosthetic orthotics in
accordance with the procedures of a prosthetic orthotic plays an important
role in the world of medical rehabilitation to create a healthy and
independent society.
Keywords: Post Polio Paralysis, Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis

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