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Document No:4600042271-RA-



Risk Assessment/ Register


18 -
t Risk



Risk Assessment Title (Activity) : BUILD NEW PAINTING ROOM Department: Construction, Engineering, Electrical, Mechanical, and EHS

Preparation Collect material and fabrication material, mobilisasi material, Civil Works, Steel Structure Works, MEP Works, Install and demolish
Risk Assessment Scope and Application: Support By: PT. VALE INDONESIA
Scaffolding, Housekeeping

Reference Documents: Golden Rules PT. Vale. Permenakertrans RI Nomor Per.13/MEN/X/201. KEPMEN 555 Tahun 1995. Undang-undang No.1 tahun 1970 Site Project: PT. PETRA ENERGY INTERNATIONAL - SOROWAKO LUWU TIMUR Year: 2019

Facilitator Assessment Team Members

Syarief S Fadhlin Azmi Kamal Lismon Juanda S
Jubang Ali Imran Arnel Pasiuk

Current Controls Current Risk Proposed Additional Residual Risk


Health & Safety Risk/ Additional Detail


No. Sub Activity HSE Impact Hazard/ Aspect Status
Environmental Impact (if required) Elimination/ Substitution/ Signage & Warnings/ Elimination/ Substitution/ Signage & Warnings/


Engineering Controls Administrative/ PPE Controls Engineering Controls Administrative/ PPE Controls

1 Persiapan: Safety Tersandung, Terpeleset, Hit by falling pieces/ Manusia/Pekerja: Normal 1. Tutup dengan cover/pelindung 1. Konsep tata graha/ house Minor Rare LOW
Collect Material & Terjatuh, Terbentur structures/ equipment/ tools permukaan yang tidak rata atau keeping dilakukan dengan benar.
Fabrication all Material terdapat lubang. Atur, rapikan, dan kelompokkan
Incident akibat semua alat dan material secara
kegiatan/aktivitas dan 2. Tutup dengan rapi, teratur, dan mudah dicari.
peralatan kerja & posisi cover/pelindung untuk lintasan kabel, 2. Lakukan
material, permukaan lantai, selang di atas permukaan lantai. Toolbox meeting di awal shift.
lingkungan kerja.
3. Sediakan tool
box untuk memasukkan peralatan kerja
setelah digunakan. .

3. Jalankan program 5R ditempat

4. Gunakan peralatan kerja yang 4.
standar. Buat jalur/rute yang aman untuk

5. Selalu menjaga jarak/posisi anggota

badan dengan material yang akan 5. Tidak bekerja dengan
diangkat/diposisikan. terburu-buru.

6. 6. Tidak memaksakan
Pegang handle peralatan atau material diri ketika bekerja.
dengan benar dan kuat. Permukaan 7. Pasang
tangan dan benda harus kering. rambu/safety sign.

7. 8. Patuhi semua rambu

Khusus peralatan kerja buatkan gagang keselamatan di tempat kerja.
terbuat dari karet atau bahan berbahan
anti slip.
9. Selalu
menggunakan metode tiga titik
8. tumpu ketika naik/turun tangga.
Permukaan pijakan/lantai harus bersih
Safety Tangan/anggota tubuh Contacts with sharp/ Manusia/Pekerja: Normal 1. Drop Down
Perhatikan List sisi struktur yang 1. Tidak bekerja dengan terburu-
bagian Serious Occasional Medium 1. Beri tanda atau pewarnaan pada 1. Gunakan pakaian kerja berbahan Minor Rare LOW
dan kering. Bersihkan dari genangan, 10. Pasang safety
tergores, lecet, teriris, piercing/ abrasive surfaces tajam.
becek, lumpur, oli, minyak, dll. buru.
sign, rambu K3L di area kerja. bagian sudut tepi yang tahan api (fire reterdant).
tangan terpotong. Tangan/anggota tubuh 2. Haluskan bagian-bagian tepi yang 2. Tidak memaksakan tajam/berbahaya. 2. Beri
tergores, tersayat, tangan tajam menggunakan gerinda. diri ketika bekerja pita barikade
11. Pasang 2. Pasang tanda atau pewarnaan pada bagian
terpotong, terkena luka 3. Potong kawat yang (merah/kuning) disekitar 3. area
Lengankerja. atap atau cover untuk pencegahan sudut atau tepi yang tajam.
bakar. meruncing. 4. kerja tidak boleh digulung. api yang jatuh dari atas.
Gunakan alat pelindung
9. Jangan membawa atau tambahan yang 3. 3. Gunakan APD tambahan
memegangapi ketika
bendamelakukan pekerjaan 4.12.
ketika naik/turun Gunakan
prosedur Pasang blanket atau selimut tahan khusus dan standar untuk
pemotongan/pengelasan. 5. Tidak
tangga. berbahan SOP/JSA/RA.
mengacu kulit (tebal) ketika api untuk pekerjaan pekerjaan pemotongan/pengelasan.
berada tepat dibawah aktivitas bekerja. pemotongan/pengelasan dari atas. (Apron, welding mask,
pemotongan/pengelasan. 10. Gunakan 5.13.
Semua handgloves,dll)
barikade fisik/pagar pembatas pada pekerja wajib menggunakan
Semua pekerja APD
wajib menggunakan 4. Sediakan kotak P3K
jalur yang berbahaya. (PPE) standar
APD (PPE) sesuai
standar & sesuai lengkap dengan isinya dan terdapat
Safety Tangan terjepit, Hit by projection materials Manusia/pekerja: Normal 1. Gunakan peralatan kerja yang 1. Merapikan area kerja. Moderate Unlikely LOW
tertindis/tertindih. (tools, parts, fragments, Terjepit diantara, standar. 2.
sparks) tertimpa material yang 2. Gunakan Menempatkan tools/peralatan kerja
terjatuh, terkena permukaan alat bantu angkat camelock, webbing dan material ditempat yang aman.
yang tajam atau akibat sling, dongkrak, dll, dan kondisi layak
penggunaan tools yang digunakan. 3. Tidak
salah. menempatkan/memposisikan
anggota tubuh pada bagian titik-titik
Menjaga jarak/posisi anggota
badan dengan material yang akan

5. Lakukan pengangkatan dengan

teknik yang benar.
Gunakan sarung tangan tebal
berbahan kulit.

7. Periksa kelayakan semua

peralatan kerja/alat angkat
(inspeksi rutin).

8. Tidak direkomendasikan
menggunakan peralatan kerja yang
mengalami kerusakan (aus, sobek,
retak, pecah, patah, dll) atau sudah
9. Jangan mencungkil
material/beban yang berat
menggunakan pipa atau
penanganan manual dengan cara

10. Minta bantuan orang

lain untuk membantu pekerjaan.
11. Hindari bekerja di
tempat/ruang yang sempit.

12. Jangan berada dibagian

bawah material yang sedang

13. Tidak bekerja dengan terburu-

Health Mata kemasukan partikel Exposure to powder/ Mata kemasukan serbuk Normal 1. Hindarkan menyemprot langsung 1. Selalu perhatikan pergerakan
14. Ikuti prosedur Serious Occasional Medium 1. Pasang Cover atau tabir 1. Gunakan kacamata Minor Rare LOW
kecil yang beterbangan particulate gerinda atau benda asing partikel debu pada permukaan atau posisi orang
penanganan lain yang
material yang benar
sedang penghalang ketika melakukan safety/standar selama bekerja.
yang lainnya. menggunakan air pressure. melintas
dan amanatau bekerja
(manual didekat
& mechanic penggerindaan.
2. Arahkan percikan gerinda penggerindaan.
lifting). 2. Pasang pencahayaan 2. Gunakan Faceshield ketika
ketempat yang aman. (lampu kerja) tambahan jika cahaya menggerinda
3. 2. Hentikan kurang memadai. 3. Pasang sign jika
Bersihkan semua permukaan material sementara pekerjaan apabila sedang melakukan pekerjaan
dari karat, debu, tanah, dll sebelum banyak terdapat debu. menggerinda/memotong.
melakukan fabrikasi untuk mengurangi 3. Hindari mengucek mata
paparan debu/partikel. apabila memakai sarung tangan 4. Pasang pita barikade di sekitar
4. Jangan meletakkan gerinda atau kondisi tangan kotor. area pekerjaan.
langsung ke tanah untuk menghentikan 5. Pasang eye
putaran gerinda apabila masih kondisi wash portable didekat area
rpm tinggi. pekerjaan.

Health Terpapar/Terhirup Debu. Exposure to powder/ Manusia/Pekerja: Abnormal 1. Sediakan ruang khusus/kontainer 1. Gunakan masker debu ditempat Minor Rare LOW
Gas berbahaya. particulate Terpapar/terhirup debu, gas pekerja dan didesign standar sesuai berpotensi debu.
berbahaya dari proses kondisi area kerja.
kegiatan atau gas 2. Semua
buang/proses dari pabrik. pekerja wajib membawa Respirator
2. Pasang terpal pelindung untuk memasuki area proses pabrik.
mengisolasi pekerjaan dari potensi debu
disekitar area kerja.
3. Pasang atap Gunakan catridge respirator yang
pelindung untuk melindungi kejatuhan standar terdapat kode untuk filter
debu dari atas kepala. gas berbahaya dan layak pakai.
Patuhi semua rambu dan prosedur
keselamatan yang diberlakukan di
area tersebut.

Segera menyingkir dari luapan
Drop Down List
debu, gas yang keluar ke tempat
yang lebih aman.
Safety Terkena/menyentuh Exposure to high Manusia/Pekerja: Abnormal Drop Down Listdengan cover
1. Pasangkan/tutup 1. Arahkan percikan api potong Moderate Unlikely LOW
permukaan benda panas. temperatures bagian permukaan yang panas. (oxy/Acytelene), percikan gerinda
ke arah yang aman.
tersentuh/menyentuh 2.
benda/permukaan benda Jangan berada/berdiri dibawah
panas ketika bekerja. bangunan jika ada pekerjaan
pengelasan, pemotongan.

3. Jangan berada/menempatkan
diri didekat kegiatan pengelasan,
pemotongan, penggerindaan
Gunakan sarung tangan berbahan
kulit (tebal).

Gunakan pakaian kerja berbahan
tahan api (fire reterdant) di area
proses pabrik. 6.
Pakaian kerja tidak boleh digulung.

7. Patuhi semua
prosedur dan rambu keselamatan
yang ada.

8. Pasang rambu, sign

atau tanda dimana terdapat
sumber/rawan panas dari sumber
mesin atau akibat proses

9. Pasang pita pengaman/barikade

di area pekerjaan.

Safety Terkilir, Keselo Static muscle overload Manusia/Pekerja: Normal Dropkelayakan
1. Periksa Down List peralatan kerja 1. Perhatikan
Tidak dengan &sengaja
tempatkan posisi
(bercanda) Serious Occasional Medium 1. Gunakan alat bantu (katrol) 1. Minta bantuan rekan kerja Minor Rare LOW
Akibat posisi pekerja, atau alat angkat bantu lainnya sebelum anggota tubuh dengan benar
memegang/menyentuh camelock, Leverblock, dll bila apabila mengangkat beban berat.
penggunaan tools yang digunakan. selama bekerjapanas.
sumber/benda agar terhindar dari melakukan pengangkatan di area 2. Jangan membebankan
salah, dll. 2. Gunakan ergonomy. yang sulit di jangkau. pengangkatan pada satu titik tumpu
tools/peralatan kerja standar (jangan 2. 2. anggota tubuh.
dimodifikasi) & sesuai peruntukkannya. Jangan terlalu memaksakan diri Gunakan kendaraan forklift untuk 3. Lakukan peregangan
ketika bekerja. kegiatan mengangkat & (stretching) sebelum bekerja.
3. Hindari sikap menurunkan material. 4.
terburu-buru. Ikuti prosedur JSA/SOP pekerjaan
4. Sebelum dengan benar.
bekerja karyawan harus sehat
jasmani & rohani. 5.
Hindari bekerja diruang
sempit/ruang gerak terbatas.
Approval Level
Table of Frequency/Probability
Level Description
Other Environment
The event is inserted in an non harmful environment and/or there are adequate and sufficient controls
The environmental aspect occurs once
Rare 2 acting on its main possible causes. It is estimated that the event/consequence could occur once every 100
a year or less than once per year.
years or longer.

The environmental aspect occurs more

The event is inserted in a little harmful environment and/or there is a satisfactory level of preventive
Unlikely 3 than once a year and less (or equal)
controls in place. It is estimated that the event/consequence could occur in a 10 to 100 year timeframe.
than once per month.

The event is inserted in a harmful environment and/or there are some missing or inadequate controls The environmental aspect occurs more
Occasional 5 related to important possible causes. It is estimated that the event/consequence could occur in a 1 to 10 than one time per month and less (or
year timeframe. equal) than once per week.

The event is inserted in a very harmful environment and/or there are several missing or inadequate
The environmental aspect occur more
Likely 9 controls related to important possible causes. The occurrence of the event/consequence over a one-year
than once a week.
time horizon is almost certain.

It is estimated that the event/consequence could occur several times per year (e.g. once or more per
Frequent 13 The environmental aspect occurs daily.
WEIGHTS 2 3 5 9 13

32 CATASTROPHIC 64 96 160 288 416 Risk > 144

16 CRITICAL 32 48 80 144 208

104 > Risk > 72

8 SERIOUS 16 24 40 72 104 64 > Risk > 26

4 MODERATE 8 12 20 36 52 Risk < 24

2 MINOR 4 6 10 18 26


WEIGHTS 2 3 5 9 13

32 CATASTROPHIC 64 96 160 288 416 VERY HIGH



8 SERIOUS 16 24 40 72 104 MEDIUM*

4 MODERATE 8 Non Significant


*MEDIUM 26 - Non significative

2 MILD/ MINOR 4 6 10 18 26
Severity table
Effects to Health Environment Environment
Level Safety Reputational Social & Human Rights Financial
(Occupational Health) (environmental aspect) (environmental risk)

The occurrence do not go

over the internal limits of the
Limited repercussion: Public awareness
Without significative environmental impact. company and/or its units.
Low-concern reversible effects or Incidents requiring only may exist but no public concern. The
Minor 2 For consumption, it refers to less than 10% No significant environmental impact. Limited impact (a person or a < US$ 10.000
without known adverse effects. first-aid. occurrence do not go over the internal
of the total. family), without affecting
limits of the company and/or its units.
physical integrity and with no
need for urgent remediation..

Local/regional repercussion: it involves

Significant environmental impact, restricted
Little significative impact, limited to the some local public interest, some attention
to the boundaries of the enterprise, Local impact (neighborhood,
Incidents without absence extent of the project or reversible with from local strategic political authorities
affecting only anthropized areas, possible community) without affecting US$ 10.000 - US$
Moderate 4 Reversible effects causing concern. (requiring work restricion, immediate action. and/or local media, with potential adverse
to control by adopting containment actions, physical integrity and with no 100.000
medical treatment). For consumption, it refers to 10% to 20% of aspects for operations. Limited
cleanliness, and operational adequacy need for urgent remediation.
the total. repercussion in the organizational
without adverse environmental effects.

Regional/ national repercussion: Regional

public/media/political concern. Situation of
medium impact with imminent risk of the
Average impacts, which may or may not Significant environmental impact, restricted media and strategic local and regional
extrapolate the enterprise limit, able to to the boundaries of the enterprise, political authorities involvement. Regional
Regional impact (one or
change the environmental quality (air, affecting anthropized and/or natural areas, public interest is common; wide
more municipalities), without
water, soil and natural resources) or possible to control by adopting containment repercussions in the regional media, some US$ 100.000 -
Serious 8 Severe reversible effects. Incidents with absence. affecting physical integrity
reversible with mitigating and corrective actions, cleanliness, and operational coverage in the national media; and US$ 1.000.000
and with no need for urgent
actions. adequacy, and requires a mitigation project regional political attention. There may be
For consumption, it refers to more than and repair of the adverse environmental adverse involvement of action groups
20% and less than 40% of the total. effects. and/or local government. Attention to
possible labor union and social networks
reactions. Local repercussion in the
organizational environment.

National repercussion:
National public/media/political concern.
Situation of high impact as it involves
Severe impacts, reaching areas outside the
Significant environmental impact, reaching national public interest; national media
project limit, with the potential to cause
the outer limits of the enterprise, affecting coverage; repercussions from strategic Limited impact (a person or a
irreversible impacts on the environment,
Permanent disabling incidents anthropized areas, possible to control by governmental authorities (local, regional, family), without affecting US$ 1.000.000 -
Critical 16 Irreversible effects even with mitigating and corrective actions.
or 1 (one) fatality. adopting containment actions, cleanliness, national), with restrictive measures physical integrity, but US$ 10.000.000
Require extensive restoration measures.
and operational adequacy, without adverse to the business. Also tends to mobilize requiring urgent remediation.
For consumption, it refers to more than
environmental effects. action groups. Attention to possible labor
40% and less than 60% of the total.
union and social networks reactions. Local
and regional repercussion in the
organizational environment.

National and International

Severe impacts on sensitive areas or public/media/political concern.
extending out of the enterprise limit. Impact Situation of high impact as it involves
considered above the maximum acceptable Significant environmental impact, reaching national and international public interest;
Local (neighborhood,
levels. Persistent environmental impact that the outer limits of the enterprise, affecting national and international media coverage;
community) or regional (one
causes or may cause severe reduction in anthropized and/or natural areas, possible repercussions from strategic governmental
Incident resulting in it multiple or more municipalities)
Catastrophic 32 Life-threatening or disabling diseases. the availability of resources, assessment by to control by adopting containment actions, authorities (local, > US$ 10.000.000
fatalities. impact, without affecting
a competent authority and/or cleanliness, and operational adequacy and regional, national), with restrictive
physical integrity, but
alteration/severe reduction of requires a mitigation project and repair to measures to the business. Also tends to
requiring urgent remediation.
habitat/biodiversity. the adverse environmental effects. mobilize action groups. Attention to labor
For consumption, it refers to more than union and social networks reactions.
60% of the total National repercussion in the organizational


HSE Effect Type Risk/ Effect of Incident
Environmental Impact

Environmental Particulate material emission Air quality change

Air Pollutants Emission (Black Smoke, SOX,

Environmental NOX, CH4, COX, CFC, VOC) Soil quality change

Environmental Odour emission Change in water quality

Environmental Heat Emission Water silting
Environmental Vapour Emission Nuisance to the neighborhood
Environmental Noise Emission Resource availability reduction
Environmental Vibration Emission Change or reduction of biodiversity
Environmental Consumption of fossil fuels Room temperature variation

Environmental Consumption of forest resource (wood, Change in the air quality

charcoal) Change in soil quality
Change in the air quality
Environmental Power consumption
Change in water quality
Change in soil quality
Environmental Water consumption
Change in water quality
Change in air quality
Environmental Generation of inert waste Change in soil quality
Environmental Change in water quality
Change in air quality
Environmental Generation of non inert waste
Nuisance to the neighborhood
Change in water quality
Environmental Generation of hazardous waste
Nuisance to the neighborhood
Change in soil quality
Environmental Generation of Industrial Wastewater
Nuisance to the neighborhood
Change in air quality
Environmental Generation of Sanitary Wastewater Change in soil quality
Nuisance to the neighborhood

Change in water quality

Environmental Generation slurry Change in soil quality
Nuisance to the neighborhood

Change in water quality

Environmental Acid drainage Change in air quality
Nuisance to the neighborhood

Change in soil quality

Change in water quality
Environmental Ships Ballast Launch
Change in air quality
Nuisance to the neighbourhood

Change in soil quality

Environment Explosion Loss of Trees
Change in Habitat Lingkungan
Change in Soil Quality
Environment Fire Change in Water Quality
Change in Habitat Lingkungan
Change in Soil Quality
Change in Water Quality
Environment Forest Fire
Change in Habitat
Change or Reduction in Biodiversity
Environment Leak/ water spill Lingkungan
Leakage/ spillage of non-hazardous liquid
waste (sanitary effluent) Lingkungan
Environment Leakage/ spillage of hazardous liquid
waste (industrial waste) Lingkungan
Environment Leaking gases (flammable/ toxic/
Environmental polluting) Lingkungan
Risks Environment Leak/ spill of pulps or rejects Lingkungan
Environment Disruption of waste chutes Lingkungan
Environment Disruption of Barrage or dams Lingkungan
Collapse of piles (ores, sterile, among
other materials) or slopes Lingkungan
Environment Overflowing of silos (inputs and products)
Failure or Collapse in the Environmental
Control System Lingkungan
Environment Wild animals road kill Lingkungan
Environment Carrying of Fines/ Sediments/ Solid Lingkungan
Environment Erosion Lingkungan
Environment Interference in water availability Lingkungan
Environment Falling load/ ore Lingkungan
Environment Falling material/ product/ waste at sea
Environment Radioactive sources leakage Lingkungan
Health Contact/ exposure to chemicals Chronic Health Effects Kesehatan
Health Exposure to Metallic fumes Acute effects to Health Kesehatan
Exposure to non-ionizing radiation sources
(solar radiation, magnetic fields, etc.)
Health Exposure to - Vapors / mist / fog Kesehatan
Health Exposure to biological agents Kesehatan
Health Exposure to high temperatures Kesehatan
Health Exposure to low temperatures Kesehatan
Health Exposure to high or low light Kesehatan
Health Health Exposure to powder/ particulate Kesehatan
Health Exposure to abnormal pressures Kesehatan
Health Exposure to noise Kesehatan
Health Exposure to humidity Kesehatan
Exposure to Vibration (full body or
localized) Kesehatan
Health Exposure to others Kesehatan
Health Mental/ cognitive overcharging
Health Dynamic muscle overload Kesehatan
Health Static muscle overload Kesehatan
Safety Physical Aggression First Aid Keselamatan
Safety Drowning Medical Treatment Case Keselamatan
Animal attack (venomous, wild, insects
Safety Restricted Work Cas
etc.) Keselamatan
Safety Hit by - Others Lost Work Case Keselamatan
Hit by falling pieces/ structures/
Safety Fatality
equipment/ tools Keselamatan
Safety Struck by lightning Keselamatan
Hit by projection materials (tools, parts,
fragments, sparks) Keselamatan
Running over - Vehicles or motorized
equipment Keselamatan
Running over - Rail Vehicles or
equipments Keselamatan
Safety Hit against - Structure and equipment
Safety Collision/ Rollover/ Overturning Keselamatan
Safety Collapse of structures/ Equipment/
Buildings Keselamatan

Contact with - moving or rotating parts of

structures, machinery or equipment
Safety Contact with energized surface Keselamatan
Collapsing of slopes, cuttings,
embankments and similar Keselamatan
Contact/ exposure to material/ substance
of extreme temperatures Keselamatan
Safety Contact/ exposure to chemicals Keselamatan
Contacts with sharp/ piercing/ abrasive
surfaces Keselamatan
Safety Explosion Keselamatan
Safety Exposure to high temperatures Keselamatan
Safety Exposure to low temperatures Keselamatan
Safety Exposure to abnormal pressures Keselamatan
Safety Implosion Keselamatan
Safety Fire Keselamatan
Safety Toxic substance release Keselamatan
Safety Release of other substances Keselamatan
Safety Emergency aircraft landing Keselamatan
Safety Pressing of the body or body parts Keselamatan
Safety Aircraft fall Keselamatan
Safety Person falling from different level Keselamatan
Safety Fall of vehicle/ equipment into water or
sea Keselamatan
Safety Slip/ Trip/ Fall(same level) Keselamatan
Safety Mental/cognitive overcharging
Safety Dynamic muscle overload Keselamatan
Safety Static muscle overload Keselamatan
Safety Burying/ Engulfment Keselamatan

Social And Human Traffic accidents involving traditional

Rights communities and / or indigenous peoples;

Social And Human Changes in the incidence of sexually

Abuse of labor rights of migrant workers
Rights transmitted diseases in the community;

Changes in the incidence of diseases

Social And Human
Access to vulnerable workers transmitted by human contact in the
Social And Human Accidents involving the holes resulting Changing the occurrence of sexual
Rights from borrow pits exploitation of children and adolescents;

Social And Human Changing access to public facilities

Drowning in dams
Rights conditions;
Social And Human Changes in the conditions of access to
Change in non-replicable cultural heritage
Rights leisure removed from families;

Social And Human Changes in vector behavior Changes in the conditions of access to
Rights public services of the removed families

Social And Human

Land acquisition Changing the conditions for mobility
Social And Human
Bullying Changing community mobility conditions
Social And Human Changing cultural aspects of the removed
Sexual harassment
Rights families
Social And Human
Trampling of animals Changing levels of violence
Social And Human
Trampling people Changing social ties of the removed families
Social And Human Access lock Change in ability to generate income
Rights families removed
Social And Human Generation of manure Changes in the availability of water for the
Rights local communit
Social And Human Degrading working conditions Change in local cultural identity
Change in the conditions of generating
Social And Human
Water consumption income (agriculture, fishing, walking,
mining activity)

Social And Human Implicated supplier of hiring or accused of Changes in living conditions of the families
Rights involvement in human rights violations removed

Social And Human Changes in health conditions of the

Hand decommissioning work
Rights neighborhood
Social And Human Pile collapse (ores, sterile, among other Changes in the health status of the
Rights materials) or embankment removed families
Gender discrimination, minority or
Social And Human Changes in health conditions of indigenous
otherwise in procurement procedures and
Rights peoples and traditional communities
/ or remuneration
Social And Human
Generation Industrial Wastewater Increased demand for public transportation
Social And Human Increased incidence of vector-borne
Generation of Wastewater toilets
Rights diseases
Social And Human Emission of particulate matter Increase in irregular occupations, invasions
Rights and office areas

Social And Human Air Pollutants Emission (Black Smoke, SOX,

Increase of disorderly occupations
Rights NOX, CH4, COX, CFC, VOC)

Social And Human Increase in the cost of living (food,

Odor emissions
Rights consumer goods, trade and services)
Social And Human Increasing the number of pregnancies in
Heat emission
Rights adolescence
Social And Human Increase in the number of occurrences of
Steam emission
Rights violence against women
Social And Human
Noise emissions Increase in underemployment rates
Social And Human
Vibration emission Cultural, social and religious conflicts
Social And Human
Improper use of smaller (s) of age Territorial conflicts

Contributing to the loss of identity and / or

Social And Human erosion of traditional cultural values ​of
Rights indigenous peoples and traditional

Social And Human

Generation of inert waste Real estate speculation
Social And Human Generation of non-inert waste Nuisance to the neighborhood
Social And Rights
Human Rights
Social And Human Generation of hazardous waste Labor irregularities
Social And Human Fire Death or impact on the safety of
Rights community members
Social And Human
Forest Fire Loss of biodiversity
Social And Human
Inhibiting the free movement of workers Loss of access to cultural heritage

Prejudice to the practices and recognized

Social And Human
Exhausting work days religious spaces / used by traditional
communities and / or indigenous peoples
Prostitution and sexual abuse of adults and
Social And Human sexual exploitation of children and
Launch Ship Ballast
Rights adolescents, traditional communities and /
or indigenous peoples

Social And Human Migration due to the presence of the

Reduction of local productive activities
Rights enterprise
Artisanal and small-scale mining in the Overloading of public infrastructure
Social And Human
project area or the area of ​influence of (lighting, road infrastructure, squares,
the project or operation signaling, electricity etc)
Social And Human
Crossing the railway line Overload of the public sewerage network
Social And Human Deprivation of labor rights related to
Utility overload education
Rights compensation, vacation and licenses
Close to indigenous peoples or less
Social And Human
traditional communities (away or equal to Overload of public health services
10 km)
Social And Human
Ionizing radiation Violation of human rights of communities
Realization of workers' salaries deductions
Social And Human
causing them to be in debt to the Violation of human rights workers

Social And Human Refusal to recognize and engage with

Rights legally constituted association of workers

Social And Human Removal of non-replicable cultural

Rights heritage
Social And Human
Involuntary removal vulnerable
Social And Human Retention documentation identifying
Rights workers
Social And Human
Disruption of dam or dams
Social And Human
Overflow effluent
Social And Human Overuse and / or unreasonable use of
Rights force by private security
Social And Human Overuse and / or unreasonable use of
Rights force by public security
Social And Human
Water leak
Social And Human
Effluent leakage
Social And Human Leakage of flammable gases
Social And Human Greenhouse gas leak
Social And Human Toxic gas leak
Social And Human
Leak or spill of chemicals
Social And Human Leakage, spillage or falling materials, pulp
Rights or waste into water bodies
Social And Human Leaking sewage / Leak and Spill Produso
Rights Chemicals
Social And Human Wastewater generation / Leak and
Rights Chemical Spill
Social And Human
Hand discrimination of local workers

Disregard of the religious practices of

Social And Human employees (observances of religious
Rights holidays, times and locations suitable for
worship during the work shift)


Kebakaran hutan
Kebocoran / tumpahan air
Kebocoran / tumpahan limbah cair tidak berbahaya
(limbah sanitasi)
Kebocoran / tumpahan limbah cair berbahaya (limbah

Gas bocor (mudah terbakar / beracun / mencemari)

Kebocoran / tumpahan pulp atau tolak
Gangguan peluncuran limbah
Gangguan Barrage atau bendungan
Keruntuhan tumpukan (bijih, steril, di antara bahan
lainnya) atau lereng

Limpahan silo (input dan produk)

Gagal atau Runtuh dalam Sistem Kontrol Lingkungan

Binatang liar membunuh jalan
Membawa Denda / Sedimen / Padatan
Gangguan ketersediaan air
Beban jatuh / bijih tambang/mineral

Bahan / produk / limbah yang jatuh di laut

Kebocoran sumber radioaktif
Kontak / paparan bahan kimia
Paparan asap logam
Paparan sumber radiasi non-pengion (radiasi matahari,
medan magnet, dll.)
Paparan ke - Uap / kabut / kabut
Paparan agen biologis
Paparan suhu tinggi
Paparan suhu rendah
Paparan cahaya tinggi atau rendah
Paparan serbuk / partikel
Paparan tekanan abnormal
Paparan terhadap kebisingan
Paparan kelembaban
Paparan terhadap Getaran (seluruh tubuh atau
Paparan orang lain

Penambahan biaya mental / kognitif yang berlebihan

Kelebihan otot dinamis
Kelebihan otot statis
Agresi Fisik

Serangan hewan (berbisa, liar, serangga, dll.)

Dipukul oleh - Lainnya

Terkena pecahan / struktur / peralatan / alat

Tersambar petir
Dipukul oleh material proyeksi (alat, bagian, fragmen,
bunga api)

Lari - Kendaraan atau peralatan bermotor

Kendaraan atau peralatan yang melintasinya

Pukul terhadap - Struktur dan peralatan

Tabrakan / Rollover / Menjungkirbalikkan

Runtuhnya struktur / Peralatan / Bangunan

Kontak dengan - memindahkan atau memutar bagian-

bagian struktur, mesin atau peralatan
Kontak dengan permukaan yang berenergi

Runtuh lereng, stek, tanggul dan sejenisnya

Kontak / paparan bahan / bahan dari suhu ekstrem

Kontak / paparan bahan kimia
Kontak dengan permukaan yang tajam / menusuk /
Paparan suhu tinggi
Paparan suhu rendah
Paparan tekanan abnormal
Pelepasan zat beracun
Pelepasan zat lain
Pendaratan pesawat darurat
Menekan tubuh atau bagian tubuh
Pesawat jatuh
Orang yang jatuh dari level yang berbeda

Jatuhnya kendaraan / peralatan menjadi air atau laut

Slip / Trip / Jatuh (level yang sama)

Penambahan biaya mental / kognitif yang berlebihan

Kelebihan otot dinamis
Kelebihan otot statis
Terkubur / Menelan/tertelan

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