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Vena Masyita Meidrina Umniyati1, Abdul Kamaruddin2

English Education Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education
Tadulako University

The objective of this research is to find out if using guided conversations can develop speaking skill of
grade VIII students of SMP Satap Negeri 1 Parigi Barat. The researcher employed quasi-experimental
research design. The samples of this research were the students of VIII A as the control group and
VIII B as the experimental group selected by using cluster sampling technique. The data were
analyzed statistically in order to find out the significant difference of the students’ achievement before
and after the treatments. The result of data analysis indicates that there was a significant difference
between pretest of the experimental group was (36.30), while the control group was (36.95).The mean
score of posttest of the experimental group was (61.90) and the control group was (50). The writer
found that the tcounted (5.81) was higher than the value of the ttable (2.01) by applying 0.05 level of
significance and the degree of freedom (42). It means that the use of guided conversation can develop
speaking skill of grade VIII students of SMP Satap Negeri 1 Parigi Barat. So, guided conversation
was effective to develop students speaking skill.

Keywords: Guided conversation, Developing, Speaking skill.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah menggunakan percakapan terpimpin
dapat mengembangkan keterampilan berbicara siswa kelas VIII SMP Satap Negeri 1 Parigi Barat.
Peneliti menggunakan desain penelitian eksperimen semu. Sampel penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas
VIII A sebagai kelompok kontrol dan VIII B sebagai kelompok eksperimen yang dipilih dengan
menggunakan teknik cluster sampling. Data dianalisis secara statistik untuk mengetahui perbedaan
signifikan dari prestasi siswa sebelum dan sesudah perawatan. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan
bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara pretest dari kelompok eksperimen adalah (36,30),
sedangkan kelompok kontrol adalah (36,95). Skor rata-rata posttest kelompok eksperimen adalah
(61,90) dan kelompok kontrol adalah (50) Penulis menemukan bahwa t hitung (5,81) lebih tinggi dari
nilai ttabel (2,01) dengan menerapkan tingkat signifikansi 0,05 dan tingkat kebebasan (42). Ini
berarti bahwa penggunaan percakapan terpimpin dapat mengembangkan keterampilan berbicara
siswa kelas VIII SMP Satap Negeri 1 Parigi Barat. Jadi, percakapan terpandu efektif untuk
mengembangkan keterampilan berbicara siswa .

Kata kunci: Percakapan terpandu, Pengembangan, Keterampilan Berbicara.

INTRODUCTION ©2020 –UniversitasTadulako

as a foreign language. The effective strategy
A language is the verbal and non-verbal creates a good result in the teaching and
interaction with speaker and listener to learning process and absolutely we can
communicate thoughts, information, the improve the students’ motivation. Additionally
expression of ideas and feeling. according to Manurung (2012) Effective
Communication is a part of human’s daily teaching strategies help learners to apply,
activities. For many years, English has been analyze, and synthesize, to create new
adopted as an international language. It means knowledge, and solve new problem.
that teachers must teach the students how to There are four skills that should be
communicate in English well. mastered in learning English. There are
A strategy has an important role in listening, speaking, reading, writing. Khameis
teaching and learning process which is used by (2006: 111) states that the four skills (reading,
the teachers to achieve teaching learning goals, writing, speaking and listening) naturally
especially English teacher in teaching English appear together in every English class, even in the EFL context. Speaking needs that learner

e-Journal of ELTS (English Language Teaching Society) Vol. No. 1

not only should know how to produce specific and making English class becomes a dynamic
points of language such as grammar, place to be. There are several techniques
pronunciation, or vocabulary but also they which can be used by the teachers, one of them
understand when, why and in what ways to is guided conversation. There are some
produce language. reasons for the researcher to use guided
According to School-Based curriculum conversations.
(KTSP) in junior high school, students are First the researcher give an interesting
expected to develop communicative topic and guideline, it motivated and build
competence in spoken and written language to self-confidents the learners because they could
reach functional literacy. The students have to express their opinion based on the guideline.
be able both to understand and to create Another reason was Learners talk a lot and
various functional texts, monologues, as well give to the students to actively participate in
as essays in a form of procedure, descriptive, the classroom because teacher here just as a
recount, narrative, and report. facilitator.
Ur (1996: 120), “Classroom activities that The next reason in using guided
develop learners ability to express themselves conversation is make the students feel
through speech would therefore seem an confident, because the situation will make just
important component of a language course.” as same as in their daily living like when they
Implementing and developing new approach, talk to their neighbor, family and the others, so
method, and technique in teaching and they will enjoy English with their pleasure.
learning process. Ur (1996: p.120) also Students will not only choose what to study,
provides some characteristics of successful but also how to make conversation and why
speaking activity. that topic will be an interesting one to study.
First, the students talk a lot. As much as Guided conversation are dialogues and
possible of the period of time as long as which exercises that are the central learning devices
given to the students, because often most of the lesson begins with a model guided
the time is taken up with teacher talk or have conversation that illustrate the use of one or
many pauses. Second, distribution to all of the more functions and the structures students
students. Classroom discussion is not just require, all in the context of a meaning full
dominated by a minority of talkative exchange of communication (Molinsky and
participants: all get a chance to speak and Bliss, 1986). It means that guided conversation
contributors to the all students. Third, they are the dialogue and the question and answer
have high motivation. The students are exchanges, the students are presented with oral
interested to speak: because they are interested communication that highlight a specific aspect
in the topic and have something new to say of comprehensibility, accuracy and fluency to
about it, or because they want to contribute to help students improve their speaking skill in
get the result. The last, The Learners can constructing the sentences.
express themselves when they speak that are According to Peterson (2007), that an
relevant, easily comprehensible to each other, overview of the skills that speak English very
and of an acceptable of language accuracy. well through guided conversation there are
Based on the researcher’s observation in eight ways that often become the reference.
SMP Satap Negeri 1 Parigi Barat, she found Eight references are as follows:
some problems in speaking activities. These “First, knowing the size of difficulty and
are some problem why they could not speak easy of information gaps that exist in the
English. Students had lack of confidence, they form of conversation. Second, Make
had no topic to talk, they got difficulties in question are weighted so that the answer
arranging the words they have in mind into given to attract the attention of students
sentences, they used mother tongue, they had and the need for further study. Third,
limited vocabulary, and they did not get Listen carefully and remember what was
motivated to improve their speaking skill said or asked that the answer will be
because the teacher gave monotonous clear and focus. Forth, provide
technique. In order to solve all these problems, opportunities for student to use evidence
the teachers are supposed to exert an or reason. Fifth, inform all students to
appropriate technique so that speaking in class participate in an open conversation so
can be fun, raising general learning motivation indirectly can train yourself to do a

e-Journal of ELTS (English Language Teaching Society) Vol. No. Page 2

guided communication. Sixth, provide conversation based on the outline of
chances for students to dig deeper to get the topic.
a definitive answer from a variety of 5. Ask students to practice in front of
sources in order to create an atmosphere their friends.
of active book speaks English. Seventh, Based the problems above the researcher
students are given the chance to make formulates a researcher question as follows.
observation on the source or book “Can the use of guided conversation technique
review approve accurately so as to develop speaking skill of grade eight students
provide a report in the form of verbal of SMP Satap Negeri 1 Parigi Barat?
English. Eighth, Oral report means
students have to practice English RESEARCH METHOD
speaking skill through guided
conversation because it gives enough Grade eight students of SMP Satap
time while giving a briefing on the result Negeri 1 Parigi Barat have poor ability in
of the student report.” speaking. When the researcher conducted
observation in March 2019, she found some
According to Molinsky&Bliss problems in speaking activities. These are
(1989: IX) the procedures of teaching some problem why they could not speak
guided conversation, as step: English. Students had lack of confidence, they
Step 1: Give the model conversation had no topic to talk, they got difficulties in
offers initial practice with the arranging the words they have in mind into
function and structures of the sentences, they used mother tongue, they had
lesson and the functional limited vocabulary, and they did not get
expressions. motivated to improve their speaking skill
Step 2: Encourage the students to be because the teacher gave monotonous
inventive as the create their technique. The above problems were solved
character and situation of the using guided conversation. The researcher then
model conversation formulated a researcher question as follows.
Step 3: Present to the class each sentences “Can the use of guided conversation technique
of the model conversation a develop speaking skill of grade eight students
containing footnotes expression of SMP Satap Negeri 1 Parigi Barat?
with is alternative. In conducting the research, the writer
Step 4: Have pairs the students present the used quasi experimental design. Quasi
model conversation in the class experimental design is identified as a
comparison group that is as similar as
Step 5: Have pair the students practice all possible to the treatment group. This quasi-
the exercise using the footnoted experimental designed to find out the
expression with is alternative. effectiveness of using guided conversation
Step 6: Assign the exercise as homework technique to enhance students’ speaking skill.
and ask them to present to the The sample of this research divided into two
class next. groups, experimental and control group. The
experimental gave pretest, treatment, and
Based on the procedures above, the posttest. While the control class was not give
researcher adapted, modified, adjust both of the treatment. The pretest held before the
the guided conversation teaching procedures treatment and the posttest is done after the
to fit on her style of teaching and her treatment. The following research design was
participants. Therefore, the researcher had proposed by Best (1981: 70)
point outs the procedure of guided Pretest Treatment Post
conversation for this research as follows: Test
1. The teacher explains to the students Experimental Group 01 X 02
about the topic.
2. The teacher gives outline the text Control Group 03 04
conversation based on the topic.
3. Ask the students to make groups.
4. Ask students to make a Where: 01,03 = Pretest

e-Journal of ELTS (English Language Teaching Society) Vol. No. Page 3

X =Treatment technique. The test instrument covered pretest
02,04 = Post Test and posttest. In conducting the research, the
There, researcher needs population to researcher used test as the main instrument.
conduct her research Sugiyono (2011: 80)
states that “Population is not only people, but To collect data, the researcher employed
also all of the quantity of object or subject that two types of data collections, they was pretest
will be learnt, but also involve the whole of and posttest. Pre-test applied in order to know
characteristics of the subject or object.” The the students’ ability before the treatment being
population of this research is the grade eight conducted. Post-test administered after the
students of SMP SATAP Negeri 1 Parigi treatments done in order to know if there are
Barat. It consists of 44 students. significant achievements on the speaking skill
Sugiyono (2009: 118) states that “The or not. The test was recount students’
sample is some part of the total and experience. The researcher used same test in
characteristic that is has of the population.” It pre-test and post-test.
was necessary for the researcher to determine The researcher used the scoring system
the sample of research in order to limit the adapted from Heaton (1988:100) in order to
object so it would be easy for the researcher to analyze the students’ comprehensibility and
conduct the research. In selecting the sample accuracy in speaking skill Pretest gave at the
of this research, the writer applied cluster first meeting to the grade eight students of
sampling technique because the students in the SMP Satap Negeri 1 Parigi Barat in order to
school divided into two classes. know the basic knowledge of the students
In applying the cluster sampling, the speaking skill.
writer conducted five procedures. First, the The researcher taught in experimental
writer prepared two small pieces of papers. class, the researcher used the guided
Second, the writer wrote the name of the conversation technique to develop the
classes on the piece of paper. They are class A speaking skill, in control class teach by the
and class B. Third, all papers are put into a teacher. Since the researcher conducts quasi
small box. After that, the writer shaked the box experimental research, she focused on one
which contains the papers for a few minutes. class, so the special treatment only gave to the
Fourth, to determine the experimental group, experimental class for six times. The
the writer took the name of the class that falls researcher gave two topics to be discussed.
down first. Fifth, to determine the control After conducting the treatment, the
group, the writer did the same thing as in students gave posttest by the researcher.
experimental group. Posttest administrated to measure whether the
There are two types of variable in students speaking skill can develop by using
educational research, it is categorized into an guided conversation technique or not.
independent variable and dependent variable. Besides using test as main instruments,
Creswell (2009:50) states “Independent the researcher also used a supplementary
variables are those that (probably) cause, instrument to support the research to get more
influence, or affect outcomes. Dependent complete data. To obtain the data, the
variable is those that depend on the researcher used recorder to record the students
independent variables; they are the outcomes answer.
or results of the influence of the independent
variables.” In other word, dependent variable RESEARCH FINDINGS
is expected to change as a result of an
experimental manipulation of the independent In this part, the researcher analyzed
variable or variables The independent variable and presented the data obtained from the
on this research is the application of guided results of test of the experimental and the
conversation technique and the dependent control group by using guided conversation.
variable is the students speaking skill. The test is covering only two aspects were
Technique of data collection was the comprehensibility and accuracy. It was done to
way to get accurate data in order to support the measure the student’s ability to speak directly.
success of this research. The name of For the first one the result of pretest of
instrument used in collecting data, namely test. experimental group and the second one was
The researcher used oral performance the result of control group.

e-Journal of ELTS (English Language Teaching Society) Vol. No. Page 4

After analyzing the result from the it has a progress of mean score from 36.30 in
pretest, the researcher conducted a treatment to the pretest to 61.90 in the posttest. The result
the students of the experimental group. There of the pre-test and post-test of control group is
were six meetings of the treatment excluding presented on table 2:
pretest and posttest. To know the effectiveness Table 2
of guided conversation in developing speaking Students Score
skill, the researcher will test the hypothesis No. Initials
Pre-test Post-test
whether it is rejected or accepted. The criteria 1 AH 37.5 62.5
of the hypothesis are in the following: 2 AR 37.5 50
If the tcounted was higher than ttable, it means that
the hypothesis was accepted. However, if the 3 AS 37.5 50
ttable is higher than tcounted, it means that the 4 CK 37.5 50
hypothesis was rejected or the treatment did 5 CS 37.5 50
not give any significant for development of 6 FS 25 25
student speaking. The result of the pretest and 7 HA 37.5 50
posttest of experimental group is presented on 8 IH 50 62.5
table 1.
9 LT 37.5 50
10 LL 37.5 50
Table 1
Students Score 11 LA 37.5 50
No. Initials 12 LS 50 62.5
Pre-test Post-test
1 AR 37.5 62.5 13 MT 25 37.5
2 DW 37.5 50 14 MK 50 62.5
3 DS 50 75 15 MM 25 50
4 FD 25 62.5 16 NU 37.5 50
5 FZ 37.5 50
17 MF 37.5 50
6 FR 37.5 75
18 RR 37.5 50
7 FL 37.5 75
8 GR 25 62.5 19 SF 37.5 50
9 HS 37.5 75 20 SD 25 37.5
10 HD 37.5 50 21 SP 37.5 50
11 IS 37.5 62.5 22 UR 37.5 50
12 JR 37.5 62.5
23 ZR 37.5 50
13 KD 25 50
Total 850 1150
14 LAJ 25 50
15 MS 50 75 In calculating the students’ individual
16 MZ 37.5 50 score of the control group, the mean score
17 MA 37.5 62.5 control group in pretest was 36.95. The highest
18 MR 37.5 62.5 score is 50 and the lowest score is 25. It means
19 MZ 37.5 62.5 the pre-test in the control group was low same
20 MAL 37.5 75 as the score of experimental group in pretest
21 NR 37.5 50 before treatment. From both calculation, the
Total 762.5 1300 researcher found that the difference between
the mean score of both groups in pretest was
Based on the students’ score in the nearly equal before conducting the treatment.
pre-test above, it shows that the mean score of In the post-test, the highest score is 50 and the
experimental group in pre-test was 36.30 lowest score is 25. The highest score of the
which was totally low. The highest individual post-test of control group is 62.5 and the
score of the experimental group students on lowest score is 25. Furthermore, the researcher
the pretest was 50, while the lowest was 25. finds that the mean score of post-test of control
Compared to the standard score that used at group is 50.
SMP Satap Negeri 1 Parigi Barat is 70, it was In order to prove that the hypothesis of
found that none students met the criterion. the research was accepted or rejected. The
Furthermore, the mean score in posttest of writer tested the hypothesis. If the t-counted
experimental group was 61.90. It indicated that was higher than t-table, it means that the

e-Journal of ELTS (English Language Teaching Society) Vol. No. Page 5

hypothesis was accepted. However, if the t- students got satisfied improvement score. In
table is higher than t-counted, it means that the this activity the researcher applied guided
hypothesis was rejected or the treatment did conversation and to get better improvement to
not give any significant for development of the students score. Teacher motivated the
students speaking skill. students to generate their interest in learning.
The research indicated that guided
To test significant difference of two conversation was effective or could be used in
groups. The writer used the level of teaching speaking. It could be seen from the
significance 0.05 for one-tailed test by tables that showed us the increasing of
applying 66 of the degree of freedom (fd) Nx students score from pre-test, post-test. The
+ Ny – 2 = 42. Because df (42) is not listed on increasing because of the researcher as the
the table. The writer computed it by using teacher knew how to control the class and
interpolation in order to find out the value of t- created the active class. Besides that, Guided
table. Where the formula: conversation helped the students to understand
how to speak easily. Based on the data and
t-table = x c data analysis, it shows that the improvement of
the students score were better.
a = the subtraction of the degree of freedom The mean score of the control group
obtained from the students number in has a difference between pretest and posttest
sample and the degree of freedom whose but not significant as the experimental group.
figure precedes right before the df It shows that there is progress in both classes
obtained on the table of critical values of although they have different score. In the
students distribution. experimental group, the researcher found the
highest progress in students comprehensibility.
b = the subtraction of two degree of freedom
Every student understood the questions. When
whose figure precedes and comes after the researcher asked the students, they can
the degree of freedom obtained on the
catch the general meaning and answer the
table of critical values of the students
questions appropriately. The students also had
a significant progress in comprehensibility and
c = the subtraction of values of degree of accuracy. Nevertheless, it indicated that they
freedom in b. have progress inasmuch as at the pretest, they
were hard to speak even just a few words. In
Based on the data analysis, t-counted accuracy, most of the students good in
was 5.81 by applying 0.05 level of pronunciation, even though there was several
significance with degree of freedom (df) = 42. students who pronounced some words
The writer found that the t-table was 2.01. It incorrectly and made a little bit grammatical
means that the t-counted was higher than the t- mistakes, it showed that they have a significant
table value. Based on the statistical above, the progress since at the pretest, most of them just
writer concluded that the research hypothesis spoke Indonesian language and the others
is accepted. could not speak few words which indicated
that they could not speak accurately. In
DISCUSSION posttest, most of the students could respond
the questions which means that this technique
Guided conversation is strategy in can developing the students speaking ability.
teaching learning English that helps the By implementing this technique, the
students mastery in speaking skill. The first students were trained to speak English
activity that the researcher did pre-test, the language when performing so that the use of
result of pre-test showed that the students were mother tongue was reduced and the English
low in speaking ability. The problem was environment was built. Unconsciously, they
comprehensibility and accuracy. They often were accustomed to listen the English
did not understand what the speaker said, and language and it made them comprehend the
when they answering the question, sometimes general meaning of the English language.
they errors in pronunciation are frequent or Additionally, in preparing the conversation,
some pronunciation is unclear or error but still although the students spoke Indonesian
can be understood. But in the second the language, they got new vocabularies from

e-Journal of ELTS (English Language Teaching Society) Vol. No. Page 6

sharing and do the conversation so that they The research was conducted by using quasi
could understand the conversation and it made experimental design. Technique of analyzing
the students have an improvement in the data of this research is applied quantitative
comprehensibility. data. The quantitative data were taken from,
speaking Test. The result of data analysis
The researcher then correlated the showed that t-test value and t-table one in
findings to the previous studies conducted by which t-test value was higher than t-table
Herlina Muhamad (2014) entitled “Teaching value (for t-counted achieved 5.81, t-table
speaking skill by using guided conversation 2.01). It implies that the students speaking
technique to the seventh grade students of skill can be developed through guided
SMP PTI Palembang”. The result is that conversation. So, the hypothesis of this
guided conversation technique can improve research is accepted because there is a
students’ speaking skill. It indicated that there significant improvement of the students’
was significant improvement on students speaking skill. From the data, the researcher
pretest to posttest scores taught using guided can conclude that the students ability at
conversation technique. It is because, guided speaking has been improved by applying
conversations techniques will make students Guided Conversation Strategy.
accustom to use English in real life
communication, and apply the conversation in REFERENCES
their life.
Arikunto, S. (2006). Prosedur penelitian :Suatu
From the research above the pendekatan Praktek. Jakarta:
researcher concludes the similarity of this Rineka Cipta.
research with previous research is about the Best, JW . (1981). Research in Education.
speaking activities through conversation. Even New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
so, we have different things as well, we use a Brown, H. D. 2004. Language Assessment:
different kind of sample. Herlina’s used Principle and Classroom Practices.
convenience sampling method as the sample. New York: Longman, Pearson
Meanwhile, in this research, the researcher Education, Inc.
will use cluster sampling technique. There is
also a difference between previous research Depdiknas, 2006. Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan
and the researchers are research design. Pendidikan dan Silabus. Jakarta:
Previous research used experimental design Dikdasmen.
and the researchers will use quasi Herlina, Mohammad Hollandyah. (2014).
experimental. While Maghfira (2012) entitled Teaching Speaking Skill by Using
“Developing speaking skill of the eight grade Guided Conversation Technique
students of SMP Negeri 2 Dolo through short through Pair Taping to the Seventh
conversation”. The result of this research Grade Students of SMP PTI
indicated that there was significant Palembang. UIN Raden Patah:
improvement on students pretest to posttest Palembang.
scores taught using short conversation Khameis, M.( 2006). Using creative strategies
technique. It is because, short conversations to promote student’s speaking skill.
techniques will make students accustom to use Bachelor Thesis from Fujairah Woman
English in real life communication, and apply Collage.
the conversation in their life. Maghfira. (2012). “Developing Speaking Skill
of the Eight Grade Students of SMP
CONCLUSION Negeri 2 Dolo through Short
Conversations”. Skripsi. Palu: Faculty
Based on result and discussion about of Teacher Training and Education of
improving the students speaking ability by Tadulako University.
using guided conversation strategy could be Manurung, K. (2012). Creative Teachers and
conclude that: Effective Teaching Strategy that
This research is aimed to improve the Motivate Learners to Learn.
students‟ ability in speaking skill by applying Molinsky. S. J. & Bill. B. (1986).Express
guided conversation strategy at grade eight ways. England: Prentice Hall.
students of SMP Satap Negeri 1 Parigi Barat.

e-Journal of ELTS (English Language Teaching Society) Vol. No. Page 7

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Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D.
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e-Journal of ELTS (English Language Teaching Society) Vol. No. Page 8

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