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Antonio Andrean


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti dampak dan tantangan apa sajakah yang
harus dihadapi oleh remaja yang disebabkan oleh Covid-19 khususnya dalam
bidang sosial.dan budaya. Banyak budaya sosial yang sebelumnya sudah
diterapkan lama oleh para pelajar namun pada saat di masa pandemi covid-19 ini
para remaja dituntut untuk sedikit demi sedikit mengubah kebiasaan yang sudah
ada sebelumnya dan disesuaikan dengan peraturan protokol kesehatan


This study aims to examine the impacts and challenges that adolescents have to
face due to Covid-19, especially in the social and cultural fields. Many social
cultures have previously been applied by students for a long time, but at the time
of the Covid-19 pandemic, teenagers were required to gradually change pre-
existing habits and adapt them to health protocol regulations.


A.Latar Belakang

Virus Corona adalah virus yang menyerang pada sistem pernapasan. Penyakit
karena infeksi virus ini disebut dengan COVID-19. Secara umum ada 3 gejala
yang bisa menandakan seseorang terinfeksi virus Corona, yaitu: Demam (suhu
tubuh di atas 38 derajat Celcius), Batuk, Sesak napas.Bahkan, akhir-akhir ini
ditemukan pasien positif COVID-19 yang tidak memberikan gejala apapun atau
yang biasa kita sebut OTG (orang tanpa gejala). Virus ini menular dengan cepat
dan telah menyebar ke beberapa negara, termasuk saat ini negara Indonesia.

Virus corona memberikan dampak yang cukup luas terhadap kegiatan yang
dilakukan masyarakat, salah satunya adalah dampak dalam kegiatan sosial.
Kegiatan sosial adalah kegiatan bersama anggota masyarakat yang
bersifat sosial (tidak mencari keuntungan ekonomi) di lingkungan tempat
tinggal, lingkungan pertemanan, lingkungan sekolah dll.

B.Rumusan Masalah

Bagaimana upaya pemerintah dalam menangani krisis ekonomi pada

saat pandemi covid-19 ?
Bagaimana upaya pemerintah dalam menangani krisis ekonomi pada
saat pandemi covid-19 ?
Bagaimana upaya pemerintah dalam menangani krisis ekonomi pada
saat pandemi covid-19 ?
1. Dampak sosial apa sajakah yang ditimbulkan akibat pandemi covid 19 .?
2. Tantangan apa sajakah yang harus dihadapi remaja dalam pandemi covid
19 ?

C.Tujuan Penelitian

Mengetahui dampak yang dihasilkan akibat pandemi dan tantangan yang harus
dihadapi oleh para pelajar dikala pandemi covid-19


A. Metode Penelitian

Sebagai karya ilmiah, maka tidak bisa dilepaskan dari penggunaan metode.
Secara umum metode penelitian adalah sebuah prosedur atau langkah-langkah
dalam mendapatkan pengetahuan ilmiah atau ilmu.

1. Jenis Penelitian

Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif. Penelitian kualitatif

adalah metode penelitian yang berfokus pada pemahaman terhadap fenomena
sosial yang terjadi di masyarakat.

Pada metode penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan perspektif dari partisipan

sebagai gambaran yang diutamakan dalam memperoleh hasil penelitian.

2. Instrumen Peneltitian

Pada penelitian kualitatif ini instrument penelitiannya adalah manusia

(peneliti itu sendiri) atau yang disebut Human Instrument yang berfungsi
menetapkan fokus penelitian, memilih instrument sebagai sumber data,
melakukan pengumpulan data dll serta membuat kesimpulan atas temuannya.

3. Sumber data

Data dapat diartikan sebagai fakta atau keterangan-keterangan yang akan

diolah dalam kegiatan penelitian.Menurut sumber datanya, data penelitian
dapat digolongkan sebagai data primer dan data skunder. Data primer atau
data tangan pertama, adalah data yang diperoleh langsung dari subjek
penelitian dengan mengenakan alat pengukuran atau alat pengambilan data
langsung pada subjek sebagai sumber informasi yang dicari. Data skunder
atau data tangan ke dua, yaitu data yang diperoleh lewat pihak lain, tidak
langsung diperoleh oleh peneliti dari subjek penelitiannya.

Data primer, dalam penelitian ini berupa data pokok yang dijadikan sebagai
objek kajian, yaitu berupa data dari lapangan dan observasi terhadap dampak
yang dirasakan para pelajar akibat pandemi COVID-19 khususnya dalam
bidang sosial dan budaya

Data Skunder, dalam penelitian ini berupa data-data pendukung lainnya,baik

berupa buku-buku, software, maupun internet.

4. Teknik Pengumpulan Data

penelitian kualitatif dikenal beberapa teknik pengumpulan data yang umum

digunakan. Beberpa teknik tersebut, antara lain wawancara, observasi, studi
dokumentasi dan focus grup discussion. Namun pada penelitian ini peneliti
menggunakan teknik observasi di lingkungan sekitar dan studi dokumen.

a. Observasi

Objek dari pengamatan ini adalah perilak serta dampak dari COVID-19
terhadap keluhan para pelajar yang ada di sosial media. Teknik observasi yang
akan saya gunakan adalah observasi non partisipan . Observasi non paritisipan
adalah sebuah bentuk dari paritispasi yang dimaan observer kemudian tidak akan
termasuk ke dalam sebuah kehidupan daripada orang yang dilakukan observasi

dan juga akan terpisah daripada berkedudukan sebagai seorang pengamat.

Tahapan ini observer hanya akan mengamati.


A. Dampak Sosial apa sajakah yang ditimbulkan akibat pandemi covid-19 ?

Pertama-tama dampak sosial yang ditimbulkan akibat pandemi covid-19

adalah timbulnya rasa curiga dan hilangnya kepercayaan terhadap orang-orang
yang ada di seputaran kita atau yang baru kita kenal. Sebagai contoh ketika ada
teman kita atau orang lain yang sedang batuk kita langsung menatap sinis,
mencurigai bahkan menjauhinya karena menggangap orang tersebut tertular oleh
virus corona. Padahal orang tersebut baru saja dari dokter dan hanya mengidap
penyakit demam saja.

Lalu Pada saat kita berbicang atau berjumpa baik di di lingkungan rumah
dan dengan masyarakat setempat kita pun enggan berjabat tangan, meskipun
mereka adalah orang tua, sebagaimana yang telah diajarkan oleh orang tua kita
untuk selalu menghormati yang lebih tua. Namun, situasi saat ini mengharuskan
kita untuk menghindari berjabat tangan dan harus menjaga jarak ± 2 meter bila
ingin berbicara dengan orang lain, apalagi orang yang tidak kita kenal.

Dampak sosial terhadap remaja ialah rasa bosan yang tinggi karena semua
hanya dilakukan di rumah saja dan kecewa karena pandemi belum berakhir-akhir
karena para remaja ini yang sebelumnya gemar berpergian beramai-ramai bersama
teman-teman saat ini dituntut agar sebisa mungkin hanya dirumah saja dan bahkan
ada yang tidak diperbolehkan sama sekali untuk keluar dari rumah oleh orang tua

Dampak selanjutnya adalah terbatasnya kegiatan pendidikan yang

sebelumnya kegiatan pendidikan dilaksanakan di sekolah sehingga materi-materi
dapat tersampaikan dengan mudah saat ini pendidikan hanya secara daring dan
terbatas.Dan bahkan menurut sebuah artikel kekerasan verbal yang dilakukan oleh
orang tua kepada anak meningkat 62% semenjak anak-anak bersekolah dari
rumah. Hal ini tentunya membahayakan si anak karena jika anak tersebut terus
menerus mendapat kekerasan verbal hal ini dapat berdampak pada kesehatan
mental si anak dan imunitas tubuh anak yang turun sehingga rentan terkena

B. Tantangan-Tantangan apa sajakah yang harus dihadapi oleh remaja dalam

pandemi covid-19 ?

Pertama-tama ialah jika ada teman yang mengajak berpergian sebaiknya

kita tanyakan terlebih dahulu bagaimana kondisi kesehatan teman kita tersebut
agar nantinya tidak menimbulkan konflik / ketersinggungan jika kita mencurigai
teman kita ketika sedang berpergian

Lalu tantangan yang selanjutnya ketika bertemu dengan orang yang lebih
tua ialah mengganti salam berjabat tangan dengan salam mengatupkan kedua
tangan di dada atau yang disebut “Namaste” atau memberikan laimbaian tangan
bahkan memberikan salam dengan berbicara saja sudah lebih dari cukup.

Tantangan yang serius dihadapi oleh para remaja ialah rasa bosan yang
tinggi, tidak dapat berpergian bersama dengan teman-teman dan rasa kecewa yang
tinggi karena menggangap pandemi ini tidak berakhir-akhir karena mereka hanya
di perbolehkan didalam rumah saja oleh orang tua mereka. Untuk menghadapi
tantangan ini remaja diharapkan mampu mencari hal-hal positif yang dapat
dilakukan di rumah seperti berolahraga untuk meningkatkan imunitas tubuh agar
mencegah terjangkitnya berbagai macam penyakit, lalu dapat mengeskpresikan
hobi / kelebihan yang ada dalam pribadi kita seperti bernyanyi, menulis,
menggambar , memasak, fotografi dll. Atau bahkan ingin meningkatkan iman
kerohanian kita dengan cara mengikuti meditasi . Banyak sekali kegiatan-kegiatan
positif yang dapat dllakukan dirumah khusus nya oleh para remaja untuk mengisi
waktu kosong mereka.

Lalu tantangan dalam bidang sosial pendidikan yang sebelumnya

efektifikasi pembelajaran dilakukan disekolah pada masa seperti ini para remaja
belajar dirumah secara daring dan mengakses catatan terbatas yang diberikan oleh
guru. Tentunya tantangan tersebut dapat diatasi dengan cara literasi mandiri dari
berbagai sumber bisa dari buku, internet. Tentunya niat dan semangat mandiri dari
pelajar sangat dibutuhkan saat ini agar proses pembelajaran tidak tertinggal.


A. Kesimpulan

Para remaja di masa pandemi covid-19 ini dituntut agar dapat beradaptasi
dengan cepat pada setiap perubahan budaya sosial yang ada. Dan kemandirian
para pelajar juga dilatih untuk belajar dan melakukan segala aktivitas dari rumah
baik dalam hal pendidikan, kesehatan,kreativiasi, bersosialisasi dll.

B. Saran

Indonesia adalah Negara yang besar dengna jumlah penduduk yang sangat
banyak. Oleh karena itu untuk mengatasi masalah sosial budaya yang ada ini
pemerintah berupaya cepat agar dapat memberikan vaksin covid-19 terhadap
semua rakyat Indonesia agar pandemi ini dapat berakhir dan kehidupan pun dapat
berjalan normal kembali seperti semula.
Daftar Pustaka

Bakri.2020. Pengaruh Corona terhadap Kehidupan Sosial Masyarakat.
masyarakat. (diakses 20 April 2021)

Nabila, Azmi.2020.Pengaruh Pandemi Terhadap Kesehatan Mental Remaja, Apa Saja?

. (diakses
20 April 2021)

Tim Komunikasi Gugus Tugas Nasional.2020. Lindungi Kesehatan Jiwa Anak

dan Remaja Saat Masa Pandemi COVID-19.
saat-masa-pandemi-covid-19. (diakses 20 November 2020)

Reni, Susanti.2020.Virus corona: 4 Salam Pengganti Jabat Tangan, Cegah Infeksi

Virus Corona.
pengganti-jabat-tangan-cegah-infeksi-virus-corona?page=all. (diakses 20 April

The economic crisis is a situation where the economic downturn in a
country is caused by the number of companies that close and the increase in
unployment. The world has experienced an economic crisis twice called the global
economic crisis and this time it happened again for the third time. The current
economic crisis is caused by the spread of the virus to almost all countries in the
world. The spread of this cirus causes many problems in each country. The virus
the Corona Virus or COVID-19 which has been declared a pandemic because it
has spread throughout the country. Indonesia is one of the COVID-19 infected
countries and currently the economic in Indonesia has decreased because many
businesses are closed due to lack of visitors and workers who were
laid off
because business owners are unable to pay. This pandemic not only
economic problems but also social problems because with the presence
COVID-19 death or death rates increase every day and people are given a limit to
socialize to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The economic crisis is a situation where the economic downturn in a
country is caused by the number of companies that close and the increase in
unployment. The world has experienced an economic crisis twice called the global
economic crisis and this time it happened again for the third time. The current
economic crisis is caused by the spread of the virus to almost all countries in the
world. The spread of this cirus causes many problems in each country. The virus
the Corona Virus or COVID-19 which has been declared a pandemic because it
has spread throughout the country. Indonesia is one of the COVID-19 infected
countries and currently the economic in Indonesia has decreased because many
businesses are closed due to lack of visitors and workers who were
laid off
because business owners are unable to pay. This pandemic not only
economic problems but also social problems because with the presence
COVID-19 death or death rates increase every day and people are given a limit to
socialize to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The economic crisis is a situation where the economic downturn in a
country is caused by the number of companies that close and the increase in
unployment. The world has experienced an economic crisis twice called the global
economic crisis and this time it happened again for the third time. The current
economic crisis is caused by the spread of the virus to almost all countries in the
world. The spread of this cirus causes many problems in each country. The virus
the Corona Virus or COVID-19 which has been declared a pandemic because it
has spread throughout the country. Indonesia is one of the COVID-19 infected
countries and currently the economic in Indonesia has decreased because many
businesses are closed due to lack of visitors and workers who were
laid off
because business owners are unable to pay. This pandemic not only
economic problems but also social problems because with the presence
COVID-19 death or death rates increase every day and people are given a limit to
socialize to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The economic crisis is a situation where the economic downturn in a
country is caused by the number of companies that close and the increase in
unployment. The world has experienced an economic crisis twice called the global
economic crisis and this time it happened again for the third time. The current
economic crisis is caused by the spread of the virus to almost all countries in the
world. The spread of this cirus causes many problems in each country. The virus
the Corona Virus or COVID-19 which has been declared a pandemic because it
has spread throughout the country. Indonesia is one of the COVID-19 infected
countries and currently the economic in Indonesia has decreased because many
businesses are closed due to lack of visitors and workers who were
laid off
because business owners are unable to pay. This pandemic not only
economic problems but also social problems because with the presence
COVID-19 death or death rates increase every day and people are given a limit to
socialize to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The economic crisis is a situation where the economic downturn in a
country is caused by the number of companies that close and the increase in
unployment. The world has experienced an economic crisis twice called the global
economic crisis and this time it happened again for the third time. The current
economic crisis is caused by the spread of the virus to almost all countries in the
world. The spread of this cirus causes many problems in each country. The virus
the Corona Virus or COVID-19 which has been declared a pandemic because it
has spread throughout the country. Indonesia is one of the COVID-19 infected
countries and currently the economic in Indonesia has decreased because many
businesses are closed due to lack of visitors and workers who were
laid off
because business owners are unable to pay. This pandemic not only
economic problems but also social problems because with the presence
COVID-19 death or death rates increase every day and people are given a limit to
socialize to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The economic crisis is a situation where the economic downturn in a
country is caused by the number of companies that close and the increase in
unployment. The world has experienced an economic crisis twice called the global
economic crisis and this time it happened again for the third time. The current
economic crisis is caused by the spread of the virus to almost all countries in the
world. The spread of this cirus causes many problems in each country. The virus
the Corona Virus or COVID-19 which has been declared a pandemic because it
has spread throughout the country. Indonesia is one of the COVID-19 infected
countries and currently the economic in Indonesia has decreased because many
businesses are closed due to lack of visitors and workers who were
laid off
because business owners are unable to pay. This pandemic not only
economic problems but also social problems because with the presence
COVID-19 death or death rates increase every day and people are given a limit to
socialize to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The economic crisis is a situation where the economic downturn in a
country is caused by the number of companies that close and the increase in
unployment. The world has experienced an economic crisis twice called the global
economic crisis and this time it happened again for the third time. The current
economic crisis is caused by the spread of the virus to almost all countries in the
world. The spread of this cirus causes many problems in each country. The virus
the Corona Virus or COVID-19 which has been declared a pandemic because it
has spread throughout the country. Indonesia is one of the COVID-19 infected
countries and currently the economic in Indonesia has decreased because many
businesses are closed due to lack of visitors and workers who were
laid off
because business owners are unable to pay. This pandemic not only
economic problems but also social problems because with the presence
COVID-19 death or death rates increase every day and people are given a limit to
socialize to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The economic crisis is a situation where the economic downturn in a
country is caused by the number of companies that close and the increase in
unployment. The world has experienced an economic crisis twice called the global
economic crisis and this time it happened again for the third time. The current
economic crisis is caused by the spread of the virus to almost all countries in the
world. The spread of this cirus causes many problems in each country. The virus
the Corona Virus or COVID-19 which has been declared a pandemic because it
has spread throughout the country. Indonesia is one of the COVID-19 infected
countries and currently the economic in Indonesia has decreased because many
businesses are closed due to lack of visitors and workers who were
laid off
because business owners are unable to pay. This pandemic not only
economic problems but also social problems because with the presence
COVID-19 death or death rates increase every day and people are given a limit to
socialize to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The economic crisis is a situation where the economic downturn in a
country is caused by the number of companies that close and the increase in
unployment. The world has experienced an economic crisis twice called the global
economic crisis and this time it happened again for the third time. The current
economic crisis is caused by the spread of the virus to almost all countries in the
world. The spread of this cirus causes many problems in each country. The virus
the Corona Virus or COVID-19 which has been declared a pandemic because it
has spread throughout the country. Indonesia is one of the COVID-19 infected
countries and currently the economic in Indonesia has decreased because many
businesses are closed due to lack of visitors and workers who were
laid off
because business owners are unable to pay. This pandemic not only
economic problems but also social problems because with the presence
COVID-19 death or death rates increase every day and people are given a limit to
socialize to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The economic crisis is a situation where the economic downturn in a
country is caused by the number of companies that close and the increase in
unployment. The world has experienced an economic crisis twice called the global
economic crisis and this time it happened again for the third time. The current
economic crisis is caused by the spread of the virus to almost all countries in the
world. The spread of this cirus causes many problems in each country. The virus
the Corona Virus or COVID-19 which has been declared a pandemic because it
has spread throughout the country. Indonesia is one of the COVID-19 infected
countries and currently the economic in Indonesia has decreased because many
businesses are closed due to lack of visitors and workers who were
laid off
because business owners are unable to pay. This pandemic not only
economic problems but also social problems because with the presence
COVID-19 death or death rates increase every day and people are given a limit to
socialize to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The economic crisis is a situation where the economic downturn in a
country is caused by the number of companies that close and the increase in
unployment. The world has experienced an economic crisis twice called the global
economic crisis and this time it happened again for the third time. The current
economic crisis is caused by the spread of the virus to almost all countries in the
world. The spread of this cirus causes many problems in each country. The virus
the Corona Virus or COVID-19 which has been declared a pandemic because it
has spread throughout the country. Indonesia is one of the COVID-19 infected
countries and currently the economic in Indonesia has decreased because many
businesses are closed due to lack of visitors and workers who were
laid off
because business owners are unable to pay. This pandemic not only
economic problems but also social problems because with the presence
COVID-19 death or death rates increase every day and people are given a limit to
socialize to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The economic crisis is a situation where the economic downturn in a
country is caused by the number of companies that close and the increase in
unployment. The world has experienced an economic crisis twice called the global
economic crisis and this time it happened again for the third time. The current
economic crisis is caused by the spread of the virus to almost all countries in the
world. The spread of this cirus causes many problems in each country. The virus
the Corona Virus or COVID-19 which has been declared a pandemic because it
has spread throughout the country. Indonesia is one of the COVID-19 infected
countries and currently the economic in Indonesia has decreased because many
businesses are closed due to lack of visitors and workers who were
laid off
because business owners are unable to pay. This pandemic not only
economic problems but also social problems because with the presence
COVID-19 death or death rates increase every day and people are given a limit to
socialize to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

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