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220221 FM-BINUS-AA-FPT-66/R7

Project Case
Pattern Software Design
Computer Science E213-COMP6114-SW05-01

Valid on Even Semester Year 2020/2021 Revision 00

1. Seluruh mahasiswa tidak diperkenankan untuk:

All students are not allowed to:

1 Berdiskusi dan/atau bekerja sama dengan mahasiswa lainnya

Discuss and/or work together with other student participants
2 Melihat sebagian atau seluruh jawaban mahasiswa lain
Seeing a part or the whole answer from another student

3 Membuka dan menyalin dari BUKU atau CATATAN, VIDEO dari pengajar
(recording kelas, VBL, Youtube, dsb) dan REFERENSI lainnya
Open and copy from any resources such as notes, videos (class recording, VBL, Youtube, etc) and other
4 Membuka dan menyalin jawaban dari internet (google, stackoverflow, dsb)
Open and copy answer from the internet (google, stackoverflow, etc)
5 Mengerjakan soal yang tidak sesuai dengan tema yang ada di soal,
Working with another theme which is not in accordance with the existing theme in the matter of the case,

6 Melakukan tindakan kecurangan lainnya,

Committing other dishonest actions,

7 Secara sengaja maupun tidak sengaja melakukan segala tindakan kelalaian yang
menyebabkan hasil karyanya berhasil dicontek oleh orang lain / kelompok lain.
Accidentally or intentionally conduct any failure action that cause the results of the project was copied by someone else /
other groups.

2. Jika mahasiswa terbukti melakukan tindakan seperti yang dijelaskan butir 1 di atas, maka nilai
mahasiswa yang melakukan kecurangan (menyontek maupun dicontek) akan di – NOL – kan.
If the student is proved to the actions described in point 1 above, the score of the student which committed dishonest acts (cheating
or being cheated) will be “Zero”

3. Perhatikan jadwal pengumpulan jawaban, segala jenis pengumpulan jawaban di luar jadwal tidak
Pay attention to the submission schedule, all kinds of submission outside the schedule will not be accepted

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4. Bila Anda tidak membaca peraturan ini, maka Anda dianggap telah membaca dan menyetujuinya
If you have missed to read these regulations, so you are considered to have read and agreed on it

5. Persentase penilaiaan untuk matakuliah ini adalah sebagai berikut:

Marking percentage for this subject is described as follows:

Tugas Mandiri Proyek UAP

Assignment Project Final Exam
40% 60% -

6. Software yang digunakan pada matakuliah ini adalah sebagai berikut:

Software will be used in this subject are described as follows:

Visual Studio 2019 (ASP.NET)
Visual Studio 2019 - SAP Crystal Reports
Firefox / Chrome

7. Ekstensi file yang harus disertakan dalam pengumpulan tugas mandiri dan proyek untuk
matakuliah ini adalah sebagai berikut:
File extensions should be included in assignment and project collection for this subject are described as follows:

Tugas Mandiri Proyek UAP

Assignment Project Final Exam
Folder Project (SLN, CS, Folder Project (SLN, CS,
LDF, EDMX, Image Files LDF, EDMX, Image Files
(JPG / PNG)) (JPG / PNG))

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220221 FM-BINUS-AA-FPT-66/R7


Sweet Planet

Sweet Planet is a newly beverage shop in Bluejack Land.

As a web developer, you are asked to create a website using ASP.NET for this beverage shop. You
are also required to use Domain Driven Design method to develop the website. The required layers
- View
View layer, or Presentation Layer, is responsible for showing information to the user and
interpreting the user's commands. This layer is the home for all user interfaces in the project.
- Repository
Repository layer responsible for giving access to the database and model layer via its public
interfaces to acquiring references to preexisting domain objects. It provides methods to manipulate
the object, such as add and delete, which will encapsulate the actual manipulation operation of
data in the data store (or database). Repository also provides methods that select objects based on
some criteria and return fully instantiated objects or collection of objects whose attribute meets
those criteria.
- Factory
You need to encapsulate all complex object creation in this layer. For example, when the client
needs to create an aggregate object (an object that holds a reference to another object), the object
factory must provide an interface for creating these objects. It is important to note that an object
returned by the factory must in a consistent state.
- Model
The model layer is responsible for representing concepts in the business or information about the
business situation.

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The following is the Entity Relationship Diagram for SWeet Planet’s Database:

Figure 1. Entity Relationship Diagram of SWeet Planet’s Database

The descriptions for each page are as follows:

1. Home Page
This page allows users to see SWeet Planet’s beverage information fetched from the database.
The beverage's information that must be shown is Beverage Name, Type, Description, and Price.

The page has the following buttons:

- Insert Beverage: Redirects the user to Insert Beverage Page.
- Update Beverage: Redirects the user to Update Beverage Page and the selected
beverage’s ID will be passed using the URL’s query string parameter.
- Delete Beverage: Deletes the selected beverage from the database and refreshes the
data table.

2. Insert Beverage
The user will be redirected to this page when they clicked the Insert Beverage Button provided at
the Home Page. Display error message if the user inputted invalid data. When the user has inputted
all the fields correctly and pressed the Insert Button, the inputted beverage information will be
added and saved into the database.

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The following table shows existing fields on this page and the validation for each field:

Field Information
 Must be filled
Beverage Name
 Must be unique base on beverage name and type
 Must be filled
Type  Must be between “Milk Tea”, “Milk Shake”, “Smoothies”, and “Coffee
& Latte”
Description  Must be filled
 Must be filled
Price  Must be numeric
 Must be between 20000 and 50000

3. Update Beverage
The users will be redirected to this page when they clicked the Update Beverage Button provided
at the Home Page. All the to-be-updated beverage’s current data will be shown in this page and the
users can change those data before submitting it again by pressing the Update Button. The
beverage’s data will be fetched from the database by using the beverage’s ID provided from the
URL’s query string parameter. When the user has inputted all of the fields correctly and pressed
the Update Button, the beverage’s information in the database will be updated. Display error
message if the user inputted invalid data. The following table shows existing fields in the page and
the validation for each field:

Field Information
 Must be filled
Beverage Name
 Must be unique base on beverage name and type
 Must be filled
Type  Must be between “Milk Tea”, “Milk Shake”, “Smoothies”, and “Coffee
& Latte”
Description  Must be filled
 Must be filled
Price  Must be numeric
 Must be between 20000 and 50000

If you do not understand, please ask your assistant!

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