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270921 FM-BINUS-AA-FPT-66/R7

Assignment Case
Introduction to Programming
Computer Science O223-COMP6178-LC02608-01

Valid on Odd Semester Year 2021/2022 Revision 00

1. Seluruh kelompok tidak diperkenankan untuk:

The whole group is not allowed to:

 Melihat sebagian atau seluruh proyek kelompok lain,

Seeing a part or the whole project from another groups

 Menyadur sebagian maupun seluruh proyek dari buku,

Adapted a part or the whole project from the book

 Mendownload sebagian maupun seluruh proyek dari internet,

Downloading a part or the whole project from the internet,

 Mengerjakan soal yang tidak sesuai dengan tema yang ada di soal proyek,
Working with another theme which is not in accordance with the existing theme in the matter of the project,

 Melakukan tindakan kecurangan lainnya,

Committing other dishonest actions,

 Secara sengaja maupun tidak sengaja melakukan segala tindakan kelalaian yang
menyebabkan hasil karyanya berhasil dicontek oleh orang lain / kelompok lain.
Accidentally or intentionally conduct any failure action that cause the results of the project was copied by someone else /
other groups.

2. Jika kelompok terbukti melakukan tindakan seperti yang dijelaskan butir 1 di atas, maka nilai
kelompok yang melakukan kecurangan (menyontek maupun dicontek) akan di – NOL – kan.
If the group is proved to the actions described in point 1 above, the score of the group which committed dishonest acts (cheating or
being cheated) will be “Zero”

3. Perhatikan jadwal pengumpulan proyek, segala jenis pengumpulan proyek di luar jadwal tidak
Pay attention to the submission schedule for the project, all kinds of submission outside the project schedule will not be accepted

4. Bila Anda tidak membaca peraturan ini, maka Anda dianggap telah membaca dan menyetujuinya
If you have missed to read these regulations, so you are considered to have read and agreed on it

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270921 FM-BINUS-AA-FPT-66/R7

5. Persentase penilaiaan untuk matakuliah ini adalah sebagai berikut:

Marking percentage for this subject is described as follows:

Tugas Mandiri Proyek UAP

Assignment Project Final Exam
40% - 60%

6. Software yang digunakan pada matakuliah ini adalah sebagai berikut:

Software will be used in this subject are described as follows:


Java 8
Eclipse 2020.6

7. Ekstensi file yang harus disertakan dalam pengumpulan tugas mandiri, proyek dan uap untuk
matakuliah ini adalah sebagai berikut:
File extensions should be included in assignment, project, and final exam collection for this subject are described as follows:

Tugas Mandiri UAP

Assignment Final Exam


NetMovie is a streaming platform that offers many types of online movie. Lately, because of the
pandemic more people started to use NetMovie that is why you as a software engineer are tasked to
make an online subscription program. The requirements are:
 The application consists of 2 menus:
1. Buy new Laptop
2. Exit

 If user choses menu 1 (“Subscription Plan”), then the program will:

 Ask the user to input a subscription plan. Validate that the subscription plan must be either
“Premium”, “Regular”, or “Family” (Case Sensitive).
 Ask the user to input the duration of subscription. Validate that the duration must be between
1 to 6 month(s).

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 Ask the user to input their email address. Validate that the email address must satisfy these
o Contains only 1 “@” character.
o Ends with either “.com” or “” domain only.
o The “.” and “@” character cannot be next to each other.

 Determine the subscription price based on this table:

Subscription Plan Subscription Price

Premium 150000
Regular 100000
Family 250000

 If the user chooses to subscribe for more than 3 months add 5% subscription discount
 If the user is using a binusian email where the email address ends with add an
additional 5% binusian discount
 Calculate the Total price based on this formula:

Total Price = Subscription Price * Subscription Duration * (100 – (Subscription

discount + Binusian discount)) / 100

 Display the transaction detail that consist of email address, subscription plan, duration,
discount, and total price then ask for the user to input order confirmation. Validate that the
order confirmation must be either “yes” or “no” (Case Insensitive).

 If user choses menu 2 (“Exit”), then the program will be terminated.

If there’s something you don’t understand, feel free to ask your teaching assistants.

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