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Michael A. Leman

Program Studi Kedokteran Gigi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado

Abstrak: Prinsip preparasi kavitas dari Black yang menekankan “perluasan untuk
pencegahan” telah dipraktekkan oleh para dokter gigi selama lebih dari 100 tahun. Banyak
dokter gigi masih berpendapat bahwa karies gigi dapat dirawat dengan upaya restorasi gigi
yang terkena. Pada kenyataan pengeboran dan selanjutnya penambalan gigi hanya
menghilangkan gejala, tanpa menghentikan penyakit tersebut secara menyeluruh. Dewasa ini,
pemeliharaan struktur gigi yang sehat harus menjadi tujuan utama pada setiap perawatan gigi
karena proses terjadinya karies gigi dan mekanisme kerja fluorida sebagai agen pencegah
karies semakin dipahami. Oleh karena itu “pencegahan untuk perluasan” merupakan motto
baru yang lebih tepat untuk menggantikan “perluasan untuk pencegahan”. Minimum
Intervention Dentistry (MID) merupakan pendekatan baru penanganan karies gigi yang
diawali dengan proses identifikasi dan perawatan pencegahan dan selanjutnya upaya restorasi
yang seminimal mungkin. Berpatokan pada konsep MID maka perawatan karies gigi telah
mengalami pergeseran dari intervensi restorasi menjadi intervensi pencegahan, sehingga di
masa mendatang intervensi restorasi mungkin tidak akan digunakan lagi.
Kata kunci: karies gigi, pencegahan, demineralisasi dan remineralisasi

Abstract: For more than a hundred years, Black’s principles of cavity preparation, which
emphasized “extension for prevention”, have been widely practiced by dentists. Most dentists
have believed that dental caries could be controlled by restoring a decayed tooth. However,
drilling and filling only reduce symptoms, without eradicating the disease. Today,
preservation of a healthy tooth structure must be the main objective of every dental treatment
because the process of dental caries, and the role of fluoride as an anti-caries agent, have been
understood. Thus, prevention for extension is the appropriate term to replace extension for
prevention. Minimum Intervention Dentistry (MID) is a new approach in managing dental
caries which consider identification and preventive treatment first, and then restoration with
minimal invasive treatment. MID’s concept encourages dentistry “to move” from operative
surgical to preventive treatment in the management of dental caries. Thus, almost totally
eliminating operative intervention in the future.
Keywords: dental caries, prevention, demineralization and remineralization

Dental caries and periodontal disease are contains a wide variety of bacteria, but only
probably the most common chronic disease a few specific species of bacteria are
in the world. Although dental caries has believed to cause dental caries; Strepto-
affected humans since prehistoric time, the coccus mutans and Lactobacilli are among
prevalence of this disease has greatly them.2
increased in this modern time on a world- Dental caries, an infectious3 trans-
wide basis, which is an increase strongly missible disease,4 is also known colloquially
associated with dietary change.1 The mouth as tooth decay or dental cavities2 that are

132 Jurnal Biomedik, Volume 1, Nomor 3, November 2009, hlm 131-141

caused by Streptoccoccus mutans. It occurs structures.7

in three phases: 1) initial interaction of The history of dentistry demonstrates a
bacteria with tooth surface mediated by commitment of life-long learning.11 Today’s
adhesins; 2) accumulation of the bacteria in understanding of the cause and progress of
a biofilm, and the production of glucose and dental caries has changed to such an extent
glucans by the bacterial enzyme, glucosyl- that entirely new ways of managing dental
transferase; and 3) formation of lactic acid, caries as a disease needs to be looked at and
resulting in localized dissolution and considered.12 It is suggested that knowledge
destruction of calcified tissues.5 has advanced to a stage where the disease
Dental caries is a dynamic process,3 can be handled biochemicaly and behavi-
and is not completely irreversible as pre- ouraly with a high level of success. The ori-
viously thought.6 The caries process must gins of the disease are well understood, and
also be thought of as a dynamic alteration a far more effective approach is to prioritize
between demineralization and remineraliza- prevention, but to heal the early stage lesion
tion. This represents a competition between if prevention has not been entirely suc-
the pathologic factors (such as bacteria and cessful.8
carbohydrates) and the protective factors It has been recognized for over five de-
(such as saliva, calcium, phosphate, and cades that fluoride may have both beneficial
fluoride).3 and potentially harmful effects on dental
In the past, dentistry’s approaches to health.13 Widespread use of fluoride has
caries treatment were surgically removing been a major factor in the decline of the
diseased tissues and replacing them with prevalence and severity of dental caries (i.e.
dental restorative materials.7 For a long time tooth decay) in this modern time. Fluoride is
the profession has accepted that dental the ionic form of the fluorine element, the
caries should be treated mechanically rather 13th most abundant element in the earth’s
than biologically.8 Up to the present, time crust. Fluoride concentrated in plaque and
the profession has used a classification of saliva inhibits the demineralization of sound
cavities that were proposed by G.V. Black enamel and enhances the remineralization
over one hundred years ago. Traditionally, of demineralized enamel.14
the management of dental caries by dental One treatment philosophy that is gain-
surgeons was an extension for prevention ing in popularity around the world is Mini-
surgical approach, based on Black’s cavity mum Intervention Dentistry (MID).13 This
design.10 The classification was designed MID is a modern approach to the manage-
before the widespread use of radiographs; ment of oral diseases, and its principles are
thus, lesions were not diagnosed until they very simple: identifying, preventing, and
were visible to the naked eye and therefore, restoring.11 In MID, fluoride is a main factor
by modern standards, were relatively large.9 that is used in both preventive and control
The remaining crown of the tooth could be treatment.
severely weakened and the end result was The aim of this paper is to provide the
often a continuum of replacement dentistry understanding that dental caries is a
leading to further weakening with a poten- dynamic process that can actually be
tial loss of vitality.8 reversed. Thus, in preventive treatment,
Preservation of a healthy set of natural dentists treat patients with only a minimal
teeth for each patient should be the object- intervention technique.
ive of every dentist in this modern time. As
cited in Murdoch and Mc Lea, Miles sum- A NEW CAVITY CLASSIFICATION
marized that the loss of even a part of a This cavity classification used by the
human tooth should be considered “a ser- profession, is called Black classification.
ious injury”, and that dentistry’s goal should G.V.Black identified this classification. 9
be to preserve the natural health of tooth Traditional cavity preparations were design-
Leman, Moving From Operative to Preventive Treatment in Dental Caries Management 133

ed at a time when carious lesions were inherent limitations of the present classifi-
mostly diagnosed at more advanced states,7 cation are far too rigid for simple modifi-
because, in general, radiographs were not cation, and it is suggested that it is time to
used. Therefore, a cavity was not diagnosed get serious about reviewing the concept.9
until it was large enough to be identified In the modern understanding of adhe-
with the naked eye. There have been many sion and remineralization, it is no longer
changes and much progress in the under- necessary to remove all unsupported demi-
standing of caries, as well as other forms of neralized enamel around the cavity margin.
the progressive loss of tooth structure. The The concept of self cleansing areas has been

Table 1. Caries classification and treatment option for Minimal Intervention Dentistry based on
Mount and Hume. 8,15
Site 0 1 2 3 4
(no cavity) (minimal) (moderate) (enlarged) (extensive)
(pit and
fissure or
smooth 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
surfaces) fissure seal Minimal Equivalent to Requires Lost cusp or
intervention Black class 1 protecttion of similar, caries re
(caries removal, (caries removal remaining tooth moval internal
sealent or GI) internal remin structure, caries remin with GI,
with GI, GI or removal internal GI or composite
composite or remin with GI, or amalgam
amalgam GI or composite (lamination)
(lamination) or amalgam
area with
teeth) 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
External remin* Beyond remin, Moderate Requires Bulk loss of
caries removal, involvement, protection of tooth surfaces,
open access(GI caries removal remaining tooth vital pulp
or composite), internal remin structure, caries therapy, internal
tunnel(GI), box with GI, GI or removal internal remin with GI,
or slot (GI or composite or remin with GI, review for GI or
composite or amalgam GI or composite composite or
amalgam) (lamination) or amalgam amalgam
(lamination) (lamination)
one third
of the
crown or 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4
following External remin* External and More extensive, Approximal root Two or more
gingival internal remin caries removal surfaces, caries surfaces, vital
recessio and/ or minimal internal remin removal internal pulp therapy,
n, the intervention with GI, GI or remin with GI, internal remin
exposed (caries removal, composite or GI or composite with GI, review
root) GI or amalgam or amalgam for GI or
composite) (lamination) (lamination) composite or
*remin= remineralization
134 Jurnal Biomedik, Volume 1, Nomor 3, November 2009, hlm 131-141

discarded; removal of all affected dentine As time progressed and dentists gained
from the axial wall of the cavity is strictly a better understanding of the caries proces-
contraindicated because of the possibility of ses, visible clinical signs of white spot ena-
inhibiting remineralization and healing.9 mel lesions offered early indications of pa-
Because all cavities, by today’s stand- tients who were at greater risk for dental
ards, are large,9 it has been proposed that problems. Nowadays, clinicians realize that
the Black classification of cavity designs recognition tools are diagnostic tools that
can be replaced by a new classification sys- allow dentists to gather data that support
tem advocated by Mount and Hume.7 A new early intervention and determine clinical
caries classification describes dental caries decisions. These tools are based on a
by site (1=pit and fissures, 2= contact area, collective understanding of the caries
3= cervical) and by size (from 0 to 4). process and the stages of its progression.11
(Table 1).15 Diagnostic tools include those that are
specific to saliva, bacteria, acid production,
and ion deficiencies (fluoride, calcium, and
CONCEPT OF MINIMUM INTER- phosphate), which have been associated
VENTION DENTISTRY with increased caries risk. Mechanical tools,
on the other hand, can evaluate tooth demi-
Identification neralization directly. These tools include
The first step of MID requires the laser fluorescence, quantitative light
assessment of a patient’s caries risk.6 It will fluorescence, translumination, and digital
make the patient more aware of his dental radiography.11 Identification in diagnostic
health through education thus an applicable tools includes the following:
preventive treatment plan can be insti-
gated.16 Historically, oral health problems Analysis of saliva
were noted when a negative clinical out- An analysis of saliva may provide
come effect became visible, including frank some important information about appro-
cavitated carious lesions and loosening of priateness of secretion rates and the buf-
teeth with apparent bone loss.11 fering capacity, as well as numbers of both
Through a series of demineralization Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacilli.
and remineralization cycles, the tooth alter- While bacterial counts may be helpful in
nately loses and gains calcium and phos- assessing populations, they may not be
phate ions, depending on the microenviron- accurate for an individual patient. However,
ment. When the pH is less than 5.5, subsur- knowing what constitutes the high values
face enamel or dentine will demineralize. for the numbers of colony-forming units
Fluoride enhances the uptake of calcium (CFU) may provide helpful information in
and phosphate ions and can form fluoro- identifying high-risk patients.1 Several
apatite. Fluoroapatite demineralizes with a testing kits are available commercially,
pH of less than 4.5, making it more resistant including GC Saliva Check (GC America,
to demineralization from an acid challenge Alsip,etc), which assess unstimulated and
than from hydroxiapatite. In early carious stimulated saliva flow rates and pH, as well
lesions, there is a subsurface demineraliza- as the buffering capacity.10
tion of the enamel. As caries progresses into
dentine, the surface of the enamel eventu- Evaluation of caries activity
ally cavitates. Once cavitation occurs, it be-
comes difficult to control plaque accumula- Several caries activity tests have been
tion. In areas of difficult access, the plaque developed to help in detecting the presence
also may hinder the availability of calcium, of oral conditions associated with an in-
phosphate, and fluoride ions, which in turn creased risk of caries. For individual pa-
may decrease the potential for reminerali- tients, currently no single caries activity test
zation.7 can predict caries with a high degree of
Leman, Moving From Operative to Preventive Treatment in Dental Caries Management 135

certainty. Because many of these tests rely vantage of the tooth’s capacity to remine-
on samples of salivary bacteria, the relia- ralize, one must first alter the oral environ-
bility on such a test is limited because bac- ment, to tip the balance in favor of remine-
teria in the saliva may not necessarily ralization and away from demineralization. 7
represent the bacteria in the plaque. Another Prevention means “ to prevent”16 and oral
test that measures the plaque index (amount hygiene is the primary prevention against
of plaque present) supplemented with an dental caries.2 The primary goal of a caries
analysis of diet and saliva, has more pro- prevention program should be to reduce the
mise for accuracy than any single caries numbers of cariogenic bacteria.1 For the
activity test. Dental radiographs also pro- MID concept, this means education and
vide useful information in diagnosing cari- practical oral hygiene guidance, promoting
ous lesions.1 measures to halt the progress of caries, and
Laser caries detection, using "DIAG- actively promote remineralization of tooth
NOdent" (Kavo) to quantify the amount of structure.16 Non-specific preventive strate-
organic material in the pits and fissures, gies, such as education about the risk of
allow us to differentiate between stain and excessive frequency of eating, the use of
decay. This early detection allows the prac- fluoride in the diet and in dentifrices, edu-
titioner to easily remove the decay before it cation about the benefits of fastidious daily
has compromised the tooth due to increased tooth cleaning, are still appropriate.8 Pre-
dentinal decay proliferation and the result- vention includes the following:
ing undermining of healthy enamel and
structural compromise. The early detection Plaque removal
will allow the dentists to remove decay Daily removal of plaque by dental
without compromising the structural inte- flossing, tooth brushing, and rinsing is the
grity of the tooth, and to restore that tooth single best measure for preventing both
with a long lasting, esthetic, and functional caries and periodontal diseases. Mechanical
material.8 plaque removal by brushing and flossing
has the advantage of not eliminating the
Understanding the patient’s current normal oral flora. Plaque removal in high-
health, diet, and giving appropriate risk patients should be done frequently.
guidance Flossing, brushing, and thorough rinsing
Knowing certain factors pertaining to after every meal is indicated for this group.
the patient’s history can assist in the Patients without active diseases do not need
diagnosis of caries and identification of intensive intervention in their self-care
high-risk patients. Such factors include age, program.1
gender, fluoride exposure, smoking habits,
alcohol intake, medications, dietary habits, Promotion of remineralization using
economic and educational status, and gene- fluoride materials
ral health. The increase of smoking, alcohol Fluoride is often recommended to pro-
consumption, usage of medications, and tect against dental caries.2 Fluoride in trace
sucrose intake results in increasing the risks amounts increases the resistance of tooth
of caries development. Children and elderly structure to demineralize, and is, therefore,
adults have higher risk. Decreased fluoride a particularly important consideration for
exposure, lower economic status, lower caries prevention. When fluoride is avail-
educational attainment, and poor general able during cycles of tooth demineraliza-
health also increase the risks.1 tion, it is a major factor in reducing caries
activity.1 Fluoride ions increase the resist-
ance of the hydroxyapatite in enamel and
PREVENTION dentine to dissolution by plaque acids17 by
In the noncavitated lesion, to take ad- forming fluorapatite.5
136 Jurnal Biomedik, Volume 1, Nomor 3, November 2009, hlm 131-141

Fluoride, a cornerstone on modern pre- or less, the preventive effect of fluoride is

ventive dentistry, exerts it anti-caries effect lost. The caries rate gets higher in popula-
by three different mechanisms.10 First, the tion that is lacking in sufficient fluoride
presence of the fluoride ion greatly en- exposure. On the other hand, excessive
hances the precipitation of calcium and fluoride exposure (10 ppm or more) results
phosphate ions present in saliva into the in fluorosis, a brownish discoloration of
structure of fluorapatite. This insoluble enamel, termed mottled enamel.1
precipitate replaces the soluble salts con-
taining manganese and carbonate that were Fluoridated salt
lost because of bacterial-mediated demine- Administration of fluoride via salt in-
ralization. This exchange process results in take is an alternative where the local situa-
the enamel becoming more acid resistant. tion is not suitable for water fluoridation.18
Second, incipient, noncavitated, carious Some countries have introduced controlled
lesions are remineralized by the same fluoridated salt as a means of reducing the
process. Third, fluoride has antimicrobial prevalence of dental caries among their res-
activity. In low concentrations, fluoride ions pective populations. Studies have produced
inhibit the enzymatic production of gluco- consistent data indicating its effectiveness
syltransferase. This glucosyltransferase pre- in reducing dental decay.18 Related to the
vents glucose from forming extracellular optimum concentration of fluoride in salt
polysaccharides, and this reduces bacterial needed to reduce the incidence of dental
adhesion and slows ecologic succession. caries, it must take into account the level of
The intracellular polysaccharides formation salt intake and the concentration of fluoride
is also inhibited, and this prevents storage of in drinking-water in individual geographical
carbohydrates by limiting microbial meta- areas; however, 200 mg of fluoride/kg of
bolism between the host’s meals. Thus, the salt has been suggested to be a minimum
duration of caries attack is limited to peri- value. 13
ods during and immediately after eating.1
Fluoridated milk
Delivery systems for fluoride Fluoridated milk has been used as a
Fluoridation of water supplies fluoride source, especially for young child-
The availability of fluoride to reduce ren through school programs.18 The admi-
caries risk is primarily achieved by fluori- nistration of fluoridated milk to children is
dated community water systems.1 Fluorida- considered to be a suitable means of in-
tion of water supplies, where possible, re- creasing their intake of fluoride.13 Numbers
mains the most effective public health mea- of studies have shown it to be effective.18
sure for the prevention and treatment of
dental decay. This is attributable to the fact Fluoride toothpaste
that water is a dietary component required Of all the delivery systems in use at
and used by everyone, and, therefore, present time, fluoride toothpaste has been
benefits for all sectors of the community.18 the subject of the most comprehensive test-
When fluoridated water is the main source ing. A wide range of well-controlled studies
of drinking water, a low concentration of has been carried out and almost all of these
fluoride is routinely introduced into the have demonstrated considerable reductions
mouth. Some of this fluoride is taken up by in dental decay resulting in greatly improv-
dental plaques; some is transiently present ed oral health.18 Brushing twice a day is a
in saliva, which serves as a reservoir of reasonable social norm that is both effective
plaque fluoride; and some is loosely held on and convenient for most people’s daily
the enamel surfaces.14 routines, and this practice has become a
The optimal fluoride level for public basic recommendation for caries preven-
water supplies is about 1 ppm. At 0.1 ppm tion.14 Children who begin using fluoride
Leman, Moving From Operative to Preventive Treatment in Dental Caries Management 137

toothpastes at age <6 years are at higher risk Tablets and lozenges are manufactured with
for enamel fluorosis, because their swal- 1.0, 0.5, or 0.25 mg fluoride. To maximize
lowing reflexes are not always well con- the topical effect of fluoride, tablets and
trolled. Therefore, they should be super- lozenges are intended to be chewed or
vised during brushing, and use only a small sucked for 1-2 minutes before being
amount (e.g. pea-sized portion) of tooth- swallowed. For infants, supplements are
paste.18 The types of toothpastes include: available as a liquid and used with a
 Standard toothpastes usually contain
1000-1450 ppmF. They also contain
mild abrasives (such as calcium phos- Fluoride mouth rinses
phates, calcium carbonate, and silica) Fluoride mouth rinse is a concentrated
which give the toothpastes their clean- solution intended for daily or weekly use.
ing power. Common ingredients include The fluoride from mouth rinse, like that
sodium fluoride, triclosan (which kills from toothpaste, is retained in the dental
germs), and sodium lauryl sulphate plaque and saliva to prevent dental caries.
(which helps the toothpaste to mix with The most common fluoride compound used
water). in mouth rinse is sodium fluoride. Over-the-
 Children's toothpastes contain only counter solutions of 0.05% sodium fluoride
around 500 ppmF (230 ppm fluoride) for daily rinsing are
 Sensitive toothpastes contain around available for use by people aged >6 years.14
1450 ppmF; they contain salts of stron- Fluoride mouth rinsing is not recommended
tium, a chemical substance that is simi- for children under 6 years of age.18
lar to calcium
 Whitening toothpastes contain around Fluoride gels
1450 ppmF as well as mild abrasives Professionally applied gels are indi-
that may help to remove stains on the cated for individuals at risk of dental de-
tooth surface cay.18 Fluoride gel is often formulated to be
 High fluoride toothpastes contain higher highly acidic (pH of approximately 3.0).
concentrations of sodium fluoride (about The duration of application for this treat-
2800 ppmF). They are recommended for ment is 4 minutes. In clinical practice, ap-
patients who have high risks of tooth plying fluoride gel for 1 minute rather than
decay19 4 minutes is common, but the efficacy of
this shorter application time has not been
Fluoridated supplements tested in human clinical trials. Since the
Dietary fluoride supplements in the usages of such applications are relatively
form of tablets, lozenges, or liquids infrequent, generally at 3 to 12 month inter-
(including fluoride-vitamin preparations) vals, fluoride gel poses little risk for enamel
have been used throughout the world since fluorosis, even among patients aged < 6
the 1940s. Most supplements contain years. Such gels are available as acidulated
sodium fluoride as the active ingredient. phosphate fluoride 1.23% (12.3 ppm)

Table 2. Dietary fluoride supplement dosage schedule3

Fluoride dosage (milligrams per day) at fluoride in water concentration of
Age of child <0,3 ppm 0,3 to 0,6 ppm >0,6 ppm
Birth to 6 months None None None
6 months to 3 years 0,25 None None
3 years to 6 years 0,5 0,25 None
6 years to 16 years 1 0,50 None
138 Jurnal Biomedik, Volume 1, Nomor 3, November 2009, hlm 131-141

fluoride, sodium fluoride 0.9%(9.04 ppm) improves the buffering of the pH drop that
fluoride, and stannous fluoride 0.15%(1 occurs after eating.1
ppm) fluoride preparations. 14
Pit and fissure sealants
Fluoride varnish Although fluoride treatment is most
Highly concentrated fluoride varnish is effective in preventing smooth surface car-
painted directly onto the teeth. Fluoride ies, they are less effective in preventing pit
varnish is not intended to adhere perma- and fissure caries. Sealants have three im-
nently; this method holds a high concen- portant preventive effects. First, sealants
tration of fluoride in a small amount of mechanically fill pits and fissures with an
material in close contact with the teeth for acid-resistant resin. Second, since the pits
many hours. Fluoride varnish has some and fissures are filled, sealants deny Strep-
practical advantages (e.g., ease of applica- tococcus mutans and other cariogenic or-
tion, non-offensive taste, and use of smaller ganisms’s preferred habitats. Third, sealants
amounts of fluoride than required for gel render the pits and fissures easier to be
applications). Such varnishes are available cleaned by tooth brushing and mastication.1
as sodium fluoride 2.26% (2.26 ppm) The use of sealants is an effective pre-
fluoride or difluorsilane 0.1%((1 ppm) ventive treatment for caries. Indications for
fluoride preparations.14 the use of sealants are to: (1) prevent caries
in newly erupted teeth, (2) arrest incipient
Diet and xylitol gums caries, (3) prevent odontopathogenic bacte-
Dietary sucrose has two important rial growth in sealed fissures, and (4) pre-
detrimental effects on plaque. First, frequent vent infection of other sites. They should be
ingestion of foods containing sucrose provi- used on the pits and fissures of patients at
des a stronger potential for colonization of high risk for caries as an alternative to
Streptococcus mutans, enhancing the caries restorations. 1
potential of the plaque. Second, mature
plaque exposed frequently to sucrose rapid-
ly metabolizes it into organic acids, result-
ing in a profound and prolonged drop in pH. Even though diagnostic and preventive
Caries activity is most strongly stimulated measures have been improved and more
by the frequency, rather than the quantity of widely used, the repair of destruction caus-
ingested sucrose.1 ed by the carious process is still necessary
Nonfermentable dietary sweeteners, for many patients.1 “Control” means “treat-
such as xyliytol, sorbitol, aspartame, sac- ment of caries and maintenance of restored
charine, are recommended wherever pos- teeth.16 When the MID’s concept is applied,
sible. Polyols such as xylitol are “anti- restoration is the last resort.11 With the
cariogenic,” as shown by decreased acid MID’s concept, only the active caries area is
fermentation by Streptococcus mutans.10 removed (where remineralisation is not
Xylitol is a natural five-carbon sugar obtain- possible)7 and this is a rationale behind the
ed from birch trees1 and it is a sweetener cavity classification system proposed by
that looks and tastes like sucrose but is not Mount and Hume.16
fermented by cariogenic bacteria.20 In accordance with the new paradigm,
It is usually recommended that a primary and permanent teeth are restored
patient chews for 5 to 30 minutes, a piece of with minimally invasive restorative protocol
xyliytol gum after eating and snacking. and biomimetic materials.11 Minimally in-
Chewing any sugar-free gum after meals vasive treatment is comprised of aspects in
reduces the acidogenicity of plaque because cavity preparation (e.g. air abrasion, laser
chewing stimulates salivary flow, which treatment, and sono-abrasion), caries remo-
Leman, Moving From Operative to Preventive Treatment in Dental Caries Management 139

val (e.g. selective caries removal, laser Preparations with air abrasion
treatment) and cavity restoration (e.g. Air abrasion is a technique that uses
Atraumatic Restorative Treatment, Pre- kinetic energy to remove carious tooth
ventive resin restoration, sandwich resto- structure.7 Air abrasion is used to remove
rations).8 Minimizing the amount of tooth the areas of decay in pits and fissures, and
structure removed during cavity preparation to prepare cavitates for restoration with
preserves natural tooth structure and that adhesive materials.22 A powerful narrow
means that dentists can rely less on resto- stream of moving aluminium oxide particles
rative materials. When restorative materials is directed against the surface to be cut.
are needed, biomimetic materials that repli- When these particles hit the tooth surface,
cate the natural characteristic of enamel, they abrade it, without heat, vibration, or
dentin, and cement produce better clinical noise. The particles exit at the tip of the
outcomes.11 handpiece, so it is an end-cutting device. It
Adhesive dental materials make it pos- has been proposed that air abrasion
sible to conserve tooth structure by using technology can be used to both diagnose
minimally invasive cavity preparations, be- early occlusal-surface lesions and treat them
cause adhesive materials do not require the with minimal tooth preparation.7
incorporation of mechanical retention fea-
tures. The material used in MID is glass
ionomer. As cited from Hallgren et al. by DISCUSSION
Wilding, glass ionomer cements have been
shown to release fluoride for a period up to In the restorative era, the decision
6 months.17 process for managing caries is centered on
an almost unconscious planning of which
Atraumatic Restorative Treatment surface to fill and with what kind of
(ART) material. Classical restorative treatment of
dental caries only removes surgically the
Atraumatic Restorative Treatment carious tissue and does not halt the disease
(ART) uses manual excavation of dental itself. As cited from the NHS centre by
caries, which eliminates the need of anes- Pitts, once a restoration is placed, the tooth
thesia and the use of expensive equipment, is likely to be subjected to a series of
and restores the cavity with glass ionomer, replacement restorations. On the other hand,
an adhesive material that binds to the tooth restorations have been shown to fail by a
structure and releases fluoride as it stimula- number of factors, such as inadequate pre-
tes remineralization. Selected teeth for ART paration, marginal failure of the restoration
are prepared by removing decay with hand of the tooth leading to secondary caries at
instruments. Then they are restored with approximal sites, which are the principal
FUJI IX, GC glass ionomer (GC, Chicago, problems. 23
Ill) with the press finger technique that Minimum Intervention Dentistry
automatically places sealants on the occlu- (MID) is the modern medical approach of
sal tooth surface. Lopez et. al concluded that dental caries management, where restora-
ART needed to be considered as a prevent- tion of a tooth becomes the last treatment
ive and treatment modality for caries in decision rather than a first consideration.16
communities with no dentists.21 The goal of MID is to initially stop the pro-
gress of dental caries with preventive caries
Preparation with high-speed hand pieces management, and to empower patients
A high-speed hand piece and small (through information, skills, and motiva-
burs are used to prepare the cavity. Clinical tion) to be in charge of their own oral
studies of these conservative restorations health.24 As cited from Mertz-Fairhurst et
have shown 70 percent survival at an ave- al. by Bresciani, MID were more favorable
rage of seven years.7 than conventional treatments in 10 years of
140 Jurnal Biomedik, Volume 1, Nomor 3, November 2009, hlm 131-141

studies. 25 Internet]. Nodate [cited 2006 July 18].

However, many dentists are no longer Available from: http://www.caobisco.
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