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1. Judul : Rehabilitasi Coral Bleaching dengan Antibiotik untuk Meminimalisir Bakteri Vibrio
Shiloi sp.
Latar Belakang :
Sebagai negara dengan sebutan world coral triangle, Indonesia memiliki biodiversitas terumbu
karang terbesar di dunia. Namun, kerusakan ekosistem terumbu karang di Indonesia tergolong
besar. Hampir di seluruh lokasi ekosistem terumbu karang di Indonesia terancam mengalami
kerusakan. Salah satu kerusakan yang terjadi pada ekosistem terumbu karang adalah coral
bleaching atau pemutihan pada karang. Coral bleaching umumnya terjadi karena perubahan suhu
pada ekosistem terumbu karang. Perubahan suhu ini salah satunya disebabkan oleh perubahan
iklim atau pemanasan global. Selain perubahan suhu, pemutihan terumbu karang juga disebabkan
oleh polutan dan bahan kimia yang mencemari ekosistem terumbu karang. Saat terumbu karang
dalam keadaan baik akan bersimbiosis mutualisme dengan alga zooxanthellae. Simbiosis ini akan
membantu alga dan terumbu karang memperoleh makanan. Jika terumbu karang mulai terkena
dampak coral bleaching, alga zooxanthellae akan mengalami tekanan atau stress dan alga akan
meninggalkan terumbu karang. Karang yang ditinggalkan alga akan rentan mengalami pemutihan
karena kekurangan sumber makanan yang biasa didapat saat bersimbiosis dengan zooxanthellae.
Selain itu, karang yang rentan terserang bakteri Vibrio Shiloi sp. Yang menyebabkan terumbu
karang semakin memutih dan pada akhirnya akan mati.
Jika pemutihan karang tidak segera ditangani, biodiversitas terumbu karang di Indonesia
akan mengalami penurunan kualitas yang nantinya juga akan berpengaruh pada aspek lainnya
seperti hilangnya rumah atau ekosistem bagi ikan-ikan di laut dan aset pariwisata dan pemasukan
devisa akan berkurang karena ekosistem terumbu karang juga merupakan daya tarik wisatawan

Penjelasan Singkat:
Merehabilitasi terumbu karang dengan pemberian antibiotic khusus untuk meminimalisir
bakteri Vibrio Shiloi sp. yang menyebabkan pemutihan pada karang.

2. Judul : Mattiro Tasi Spirit of the Sea

Latar Belakang :
More than 70% earth surface are covered with sea. Indonesia started an expedition to
China Sea, Indian Ocean, and also Madagascar since the 7 th century. It showed that the ancient Indonesia
has been generated tough sailors. No wonder that it inspired a folk song “my ancestor was a sailor”.
However, does the soul and spirit of sailor still exist until nowadays? Indonesia has large water areas and
for about two-thirds of its area is sea. 60% of Indonesian populations are living on coast. But most people in
Indonesia abandon their sea.

So far, Indonesia’s marine resources still untapped yet. It causes 70% of Indonesian coastal
populations are sustaining poverty. Underdeveloped education and poor level of health which characterized
with slum habitation, also be a problem for coastal habitant. Whereas, Indonesia is located in coral triangle
world ocean biodiversity. In the other hand, now Indonesia just applying physical development in form of
the government policy without non-physical development like mental revolution for its society. So how we
can restore “my ancestor was a sailor” to all society?

Learn from history, for about 7 until 11 AD, Indonesia had strong maritime kingdoms like Sriwijaya
and Majapahit with its economic life based on maritime that sustained international trading and other
marine production. Indonesia also awarded with its social diversity. One of the biggest ethnic group in
Indonesia that well known as its tough sailors are Bugis. They also have spirit and soul named “ Mattiro tasi”
(back to sea) that means assume sea as the future and sea as its friend.

To actualize the SDG 14 goals, the development needs to be done completely, both physical and
non-physical. Physical developments are including coastal infrastructure development and policies. While
the non-physical development are including maritime education and character improvements. The
existences of education and character improvements are inculcating mattiro tasi’s spirit. So what can we do
to actualize spirit of “mattiro tasi”?

As teenagers, our role are important to inculcating spirit of mattiro tasi. We as agents of change
are able to bring out the innovations, ideas, and creations especially in marine sector to change the
society’s mind-set that sea does not seem like a “big garbage” and source of difficulty anymore, but sea is
come up to our future. Our role as “ iron stock” is to provides resources and braveness to participate marine
program and practice it directly for being active in maritime sector. And we as teenagers have a role as
agents of control who is being the controller of the government policies and society’s behavior also become
a raw model in maritime sector. Teenagers are not only the development objects but also participate for
being the development’s subject. Government also needed to actualize mattiro tasi’s spirit like Indonesia
maritime center policy in order to increase marine products and mental revolution to inculcate mattiro tasi’s
spirit in society. The role of academic in implementation of marine research and business’ role like the
existence of marine projects also support to actualize mattiro tasi’s spirit. With all levels of society’s role,
maritime culture can be actualized with mattiro tasi’s spirit in all over the world.
Sea gives us its resource. Are we as a human being still abandoning the sea? We were born to life
with nature. Sea teaches us indirectly to bring out spirit in human souls to survive with our problem . We can
solve the world issues especially for its coastal population. With mattiro tasi’s spirit, together we conserve
our oceans and marine resources. With sea as our future and our friend.

Penjelasan Singkat:
Penerapan budaya local Indonesia (Suku Bugis) untuk meningkatkan wawasan masyarakat akan
potensi kemaritiman Indonesia.

(maaf kak, saya baru mengerjakan H-2 jam)

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