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Materi #87, Reported Speech (i)

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kita menyebut reported
speech sebagai kalimat tid-
ak langsung. Reported
speech digunakan untuk Reported speech (atau indirect
melaporkan/menyampaikan speech) umumnya
kembali perkataan yang te-
menggunakan ‘say‘, ‘tell‘ dan
lah disampaikan oleh orang
‘ask‘ sebagai reporting verbs.
Contoh: NEXT

 She said that she had been

to Jakarta.

 He told me to close the


 She asked me where I

Direct speech yang diubah
would go.
menjadi reported speech
dapat berupa:

1. Reported Statements  statements

 Reported statement adalah pernyataan yang  imperatives

dilaporkan. Dalam melaporkan sebuah pernyataan dapat  yes/no questions
dilakukan di waktu sekarang (present) atau waktu lam-
 Wh-questions / information
pau (past).
 Apabila reporting verb (say/tell/ask) tersebut dalam
bentuk present, present perfect atau future tense,
kita dapat melaporkan pernyataan langsung tanpa ada
Materi #87, Reported Speech (i)

 Dari contoh diatas, kita melihat tidak terjadi perubahan tenses dalam reported
speech, hanya saja berubahnya kata ganti (pronoun) I menjadi She. Perubahan kata
ganti ini terjadi dalam setiap reported speech.

 Sedangkan, apabila reporting verb (say/tell/ask) tersebut dalam bentuk past, maka
kita perlu mengubah tense dari direct speech.
Materi #87, Reported Speech (i)

2. Reported Yes/no Questions

Reported questions adalah pertanyaan yang dilaporkan. Ketika kita melaporkan sebuah
pertanyaan, maka laporan tersebut tidak lagi berbentuk pertanyaan, melainkan berubah
menjadi pernyataan (statement).

Direct Speech Reported Speech

(kalimat langsung) (Kalimat tidak langsung)
 They asked me, “Are you happy?  They asked me if I was happy.
 He asked me,”Do you like swimming?”  He asked me if I like swimming.
 She asked me, “Did you pass the exam?.  She asked me whether I had passed the exam.
 He asked me, “Have you driven a car?”  He asked me whether I had driven a car?

Jika direct speech dalam bentuk past perfect maka tense tidak perlu diubah lagi.


>>> He said, "I had eaten before coming here".

>>> He said that he had eaten before coming here.


Transform into reported speech!

1. He said, "I never love you"

2. Rina asked me, "do you like to paint?"

3. Doni and Dina said, "we didn't go because it was raining."

4. The president announces, "there are hundreds of patient who have recovered from covid-19"

5. Gery asked me, "have you worked as a cashier?"

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