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Vaksin rsabdiwaluyo rsabdiwaluyo @rsabdiwaluyo

caring for your health

AstraZeneca Efek Samping

Vaksin AstraZeneca
Gejala yang perlu
Vaksin dengan nama resmi “Vaxzevria” ini, lebih
Efek Samping Frekuensi Sakit kepala berat,
Pandangan kabur
dikenal dengan sebutan vaksin “AstraZeneca.” Nyeri/bengkak/gatal di area sekitar
penyuntikan, kelelahan, sakit kepala, Pendarahan terus
Vaksin ini adalah vaksin vector adenoviral pegal-pegal, nyeri otot/sendi, mual, Umum menerus
(rekombinan) yaitu mengandung virus flu biasa yang demam >38°C Nyeri dada
telah dimodifikasi sehingga tidak dapat bereplikasi/
Bengkak kemerahan di area sekitar
berkembang di dalam tubuh manusia, tetapi dapat injeksi, diare, muntah Lebih Jarang
menimbulkan respon kekebalan terhadap COVID-19.
Penurunan nafsu makan, pusing,
mengantuk, berkeringat,
Nyeri perut
Izin Vaksin AstraZeneca pembengkakan kelenjar getah

di Indonesia bening, ruam kulit

Vaksin AstraZeneca sudah mengantongi izin dari: Penggumpalan darah, sindrom

kebocoran kapiler Sangat Langka
Memar / lebam
BPOM EUA2158100143A1 menjamin bahwa merah keunguan,
vaksin ini aman dan berkualitas atau pendarahan
Efek samping langka di bawah kulit
Fatwa MUI menyatakan vaksin ini bersifat
mubah (diperbolehkan) penggumpalan darah
Trombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS)
adalah sindroma penggumpalan darah yang terjadi
Cara Pemberian pada kadar trombosit rendah. Penggumpalan darah Tungkai membengkak
Vaksin AstraZeneca dapat terjadi di pembuluh darah otak, perut, dan paru.
TTS dapat menyebabkan kecacatan jangka panjang dan
atau dingin
Vaksinasi diberikan dengan cara suntikan di lengan, kematian.
sebanyak 2 kali, yang mana dosis kedua diberikan 12 Sumber:
1. Kementerian Kesehatan RI. Surat Edaran No. HK.02.02/II/841/2021. Informasi Mengenai Vaksin COVID-19 AstraZeneca.
minggu setelah dosis pertama. 1 dari 100.000 orang; 1 dari 5 di antaranya berujung 2. HSE Our Health Service. AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine.

pada kematian. 3. European Medicines Agency. AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine: benefits and risks in context.

4. Melbourne Vaccine Education Centre. Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome.

Vaksin AstraZeneca Penyebab:

• Kemungkinan akibat kelainan respon imun tubuh
Beberapa hal yang menjadi kontraindikasi vaksin • Sistem imun tubuh (antibodi) malah menyerang
AstraZeneca adalah: Unduh Aplikasi
trombosit dan membentuk penggumpalan darah RS Abdi Waluyo
• Alergi terhadap vaksin/komponen vaksin
• Riwayat alergi berat / syok anafilaksis pada untuk mendaftar
Periode berisiko: Vaksinasi Anda
pemberian dosis pertama vaksin AstraZeneca 4 - 20 hari setelah vaksinasi (umumnya dosis pertama) Sekarang!

Jl. H.O.S. Cokroaminoto 31-33 Menteng Jakarta Pusat 10350, Indonesia Telp. (021) 3144989 (hunting) Fax. (021) 31930866
AstraZeneca rsabdiwaluyo rsabdiwaluyo @rsabdiwaluyo

Vaccine Side Effects of Symptoms needing

AstraZeneca Vaccine medical attention
Severe / worsening
This vaccine, officially named “Vaxzevria”, is more headache, Blurred
commonly known as “AstraZeneca.” Side Effect Frequence vision
This vaccine uses adenovirus vaccine vector Pain/swelling/itch near the injection Persistent bleeding
(recombinant), which contains modified common flu area, feeling tired, headache,
muscle/joint pain, nausea, fever Common Pain in
vaccine that cannot replicate in human body but can >38oC the chest
still initiate immune response to COVID-19.
Redness/swelling near the injection
area, diarrhea, vomiting Less Common
Authorization for AstraZeneca Pain in
the stomach
Vaccine in Indonesia Reduced appetite, dizziness,
sleepiness, sweating, swollen lymph Rare
AstraZeneca Vaccine have obtained an emergency gland, rash
user authorization:
Blood clot, capillary leak syndrome Very Rare Bruises / reddish-
BPOM EUA2158100143A1 guarantees
this vaccine’s safety and quality
purplish spots, or
blood blisters
under the skin
Fatwa MUI states that this vaccine is “mubah”
(allowed for emergency use) Rare Side Effect of Blood Clots
Trombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS)
Administration of is blood clotting with a low blood platelet count. This
Swelling or coldness
AstraZeneca Vaccine can occur in the vessels of the brain, abdomen, and
lungs. TTS can cause serious long term disability and in a leg
This vaccine is injected into the upper arm, for 2 death.
doses. The second dose is administered 12 weeks Sources:
after the first dose. 1 in 100.000 people; 1 in 5 of these people may die
1. Kementerian Kesehatan RI. Surat Edaran No. HK.02.02/II/841/2021. Informasi Mengenai Vaksin COVID-19 AstraZeneca.
2. HSE Our Health Service. AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine.

AstraZeneca Vaccine
3. European Medicines Agency. AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine: benefits and risks in context.

4. Melbourne Vaccine Education Centre. Thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome.

• Possibly due to abnormal immune response
Several contraindication for AstraZeneca Vaccine • Antibodies react with platelets forming blood
include: clots instead
• Allergy reaction toward the vaccine/components RS Abdi Waluyo
Risk period:
of vaccine apps now, to book
4 - 20 days after vaccination (usually after the first your Vaccination!
• Severe history of allergy / anaphylactic shock after
receiving the first dose of the vaccine

Jl. H.O.S. Cokroaminoto 31-33 Menteng Jakarta Pusat 10350, Indonesia Telp. (021) 3144989 (hunting) Fax. (021) 31930866

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