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MATA PELAJARAN : Bahasa Inggris
MATERI POKOK : Teks Descriptive
ALOKASI WAKTU : 2 x 40 menit

A. Kompetensi Inti
1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya
2. Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab, peduli (toleransi,
gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan
lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan keberadaannya.
3. Memahami pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa ingin
tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian
tampak mata.

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

3.7 Membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, 37.1. Mengidentifikasifungsi social dan unsur
dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks deskriptif kebahasaan dari ungkapan menyatakan dan
lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta menanyakan tentang deskripsi Tempat
informasi terkait dengan deskripsi orang, favorit secara pendek dan sederhana, sesuai
binatang, dan benda, sangat pendek dan konteks
sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks 37.2. Menyebutkan menyatakan dan menanyakan
penggunaannya tentang deskripsi orang, secara pendek dan
sederhana, sesuai konteks
37.3. Merespon ungkapan menyatakan dan
menanyakan tentang deskripsi Tempat,
secara pendek dan sederhana, sesuai

4.7.1 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait Mempresentasikan makna secara
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur
kebahasaan teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
sangat pendek dan sederhana, terkait orang, teks deskriptif tulis, pendek dan
binatang, dan benda sederhana terkait Tempat Favorit.
4.7.2 Menyusun teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis, Menulis teks tulis sederhana tentang
sangat pendek dan sederhana, terkait orang, deskripsi tempat favorit dengan
binatang, dan benda, memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan
sesuai konteks.
C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Setelah mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran, peserta didik diharapkan dapat

mengidentifikasi, membedakan, menyusun teks deskriptif menyatakan dan menanyakan
Tempat Favorit dengan santun dengan memperhatikan unsur kebahasaan yang baik dan
struktur teks yang benar.

D. Materi Pembelajaran

1. Fungsi Sosial
Mengenalkan dan mengidentifikasi gambar tempat tempat Favorite

2. Struktur teks.
Generic structure:
- Identifications
- Descriptions

3. Unsur kebahasaan
- Kata tanya : What? Which? How?
Questions Answers
What are ……..? there are ….
Where is ……. ? It is beside…...
Are there …….? There are …..
Where is …….
- Nama Tempat favorit sekitar kita.
- Kata ganti : she, he, They, This, That, Those, These, etc.
- Kata kerja dalam simple present tense : be and have/has, etc.
- Preposition place : in, on, between,beside, abovetc., etc

E. Metode pembelajaran
Discovery learning
F. Media, Alat, dan Sumber Belajar
1. Media : Multimedia dan Gambar
2. Alat : Infocus,
3. Sumber Belajar :,

G. Langkah-langkah Kegiatan pembelajaran

 Pendahuluan
a. Guru mengecek kesiapan siswa belajar baik secara fisik maupun psikologis dengan
memberi salam dan menanyakan keadaan .
b. Guru berinteraksi dengan siswa dengan menanyakan tentang tempat favoritnya
c. Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau kompetensi yang akan dicapai
d. Guru menyampaikan garis besar cakupan materi dan penjelasan tentang kegiatan
yang akan dilakukan siswa untuk menyelesaikan latihan-latihan dan tugas dalam

 Kegiatan Inti
a. Pengamatan (observation)
Melalui aplikasi siswa mengamati gambar kemudian
disajikan pertanyaan terkait gambar tersebut pada link:
b. Mempertanyakan (Questioning)
1) Siswa membuat pertanyaan berkaitan dengan gambar yang disimak (pada tahap
2) Guru menyampaikan pertanyaan penuntun (leading question) untuk
membangkitkan rasa ingin tahu siswa

- Do you know what we learn?

- Is it your Favorite room?

kemudian menyajikan tayangan video melalui link:

c. Menalar (Associating)
1) Siswa membuat kesimpulan sementara tentang materi ajar yang sedang
2) Guru memberikan penguatan dengan menjelaskan materi ajar yang akan
dipelajari dengan menyajikan sebuah teks deskriftif kemudian siswa secara
berkelompok mengamati fungsi sosial dan struktur kebahasaan dar teks
Contoh Text:

My Bedroom
This is my bedroom. As you can see, my bedroom is not really big but still
confortable. In my bedroom there is one bed. On the bed there are two pillows and a
blanket. Beside of my bed there is small desk. On the desk I can put anything I need
such as my laptop, my book and everything. Move to the wall. On the wall I put on
posters from my idol. Beside of my desk I have big wardrobe. So I can put my T-shirt,
my pan or everything. Oh yah, I forget it. I have a grey carpet in my bedroom.
So this is my bedroom. My favorite place in the house.

Descriptive text is to give description about someone, something, or a place

Generic structure a
Identification: introducing the object
Description about characteristics
Language features
- Use adjectives: confortable, big wardrobe, small desk, grey carpet,
favorite place.
- Use present simple :
I have a grey carpet in my bedroom
There is a big wardrobe in my bedroom
- Use Preposition of Place : in, on, beside,

d. Eksperimen (Experimenting)
Siswa melakukan latihan-latihan secara bertahap dari yang mudah hingga yang
Latihan 1: Menjawab pertanyaan dari text yang tersedia.

My Bedroom
This is my bedroom. As you can see, my bedroom is not really
big but still confortable.
In my bedroom there is one bed. On the bed there are two pillows
and a blanket. Beside of my bed there is small desk. On the desk I
can put anything I need such as my laptop, my book and everything.
Move to the wall. On the wall I put on posters from my idol. Beside
of my desk I have big wardrobe. So I can put my T-shirt, my pan
or everything. Oh yah, I forget it. I have a grey carpet in my
So this is my bedroom. My favorite place in the house.

Questions Answers
1) The text describes about …….. 1) ……………………………..
2) the generic structure of the text are ………. 2) ……………………………..
3) The identification is on …….. paragraph 3) ……………………………..
4) The description is on ……….. paragraph 4) ……………………………..
5) The social function of the text is ……….. 5) ……………………………..
e. Mengkomunikasikan hasil (Networking)
 Melalui ap google form guru memberikan soal terkait text yang sedang

1) This …… my bedroom ( is / am / are )

2) There ……. pillow on the bed ( is / am / are )
3) There …….. blue blanket on the bed ( is / am / are )
4) You can put laptop ….. desk ( under / on / in )
5) I put poster …… ( in / on / beside )
6) I ……… a computer in a corner ( had / has / have)
7) In my bedroom ….. small desk. ( there is / there are / there was)
8) I …….. a big wardrobe in my bedroom. ( has / have / have to/
9) I ……. Bookshelf beside my bedroom. (have/has/had
10) There …….. two carpets on the floor ( is / am / are )

f. Siswa melakukan Refleksi diri dengan menulis kendala-kendala dan hal-hal yang telah
dikuasai dalam reflektif journal.
- Could you describe what descriptive is
- What is the generis structure of the text
- What is social function of the text?

 Kegiatan Penutup.
a. Guru bersama-sama dengan peserta didik membuat rangkuman/kesimpulan tentang
menyatakan dan menanyakan sifat orang.
b. Melakukan penilaian dan/atau refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah dilaksanakan
secara konsisten dan terprogram,
c. Memberikan tugas mendiskripsikan tokoh Idola peserta didik .
a. Menyampaikan rencana pembelajaran pada perte muan berikutnya.
No Aspek Teknik Bentuk Instrumen

1. Sikap Observasi Kegiatan Lembar Observasi

pada proses
2. Pengetahuan Tes tertulis Soal uraian

3. Ketrampilan Penilaian Praktik Lembar pengamatan


Bagi siswa yang telah mencapai target pembelajaran sebelum waktu yang telah
dialokasikan berakhir, perlu diberikan kegiatan pengayaan.

Bagi siswa yang belum mencapai target pembelajaran pada waktu yang telahdialokasikan,
perlu diberikan kegiatan remedial
Lembar Kerja Pesera Didik
Name : ……………………..
Class : ……………………..
1. Pre-Activity 1

Look at the picture and imagine that is your bedroom.

Please mention 10 kinds of the things in your bedroom
1. ………..
2. ………..
3. ………..
4. ………..
5. ………..
6. ………..
7. ………..
8. ………..
9. ………..
10. ………..

Main Activity 2

Read the text and answer the questions!

Hello everyone, I would like to tell about my favorite place in my house.
Actually the place can be own self and more confortable my bedroom. I will tell
you every single thing in my bedroom. Let’s check it out.
This is my bedroom. As you can see, my bedroom is not really big but still
confortable. In my bedroom there is one bed. On the bed there are two pillows and
a blanket. Beside of my bed there is small desk. On the desk I can put anything I
need such as my laptop, my book and everything. Move to the wall. On the wall I
put on posters from my idol. Beside of my desk I have big wardrobe. So I can put
my T-shirt, my pan or everything. Oh yah, I forget it. I have a grey carpet in my
So this is my bedroom. My favorite place in the house.

1) The text describes about ……..

2) the generic structure of the text are ……….
3) The identification is on …….. paragraph
4) The description is on ……….. paragraph
5) The social function of the text is ………..

To answer the questions please open the link:

Main Activity 3
Fill in the blank word.

1) This …… my bedroom ( is / am / are )

2) There ……. pillow on the bed ( is / am / are )
3) There …….. blue blanket on the bed ( is / am / are )
4) You can put laptop ….. desk ( under / on / in )
5) I put poster …… ( in / on / beside )
6) I ……… a computer in a corner ( had / has / have)
7) In my bedroom ….. small desk. ( there is / there are /
there was)
8) I …….. a big wardrobe in my bedroom. ( has / have /
have to/
9) I ……. Bookshelf beside my bedroom. (have/has/had
10) There …….. two carpets on the floor ( is / am / are )

To aswer the question pleas open the link:

Main Activity 4 (For Your Homework)

Make a paragraph talking about ‘My Bedroom”

My Bedroom

Post Activity:

1) What can be described in a descriptive text?

2) What is a generic structure of descriptive text?
3) What tenses can be used in writing descriptive text?
4) What is the first paragraph talk about?
No Nama Aspek yang di amati Skor
Percaya diri Tanggung jawab

BT (Belum Tampak) skor 1, MT (Mulai Tampak) skor 2, M M (Mulai Membudaya) skor 3

Rubric on assessing the students writing of Deskriptive Text

Aspect Score Performance Description Weighting

The topic is complete and clear and the details

are relating to the topic

Content (C) The topic is complete and clear but the details
are almost relating to the topic
40% 4 x
The topic is complete and clear but the details
- Topic 2
are not relating to the topic
- Details
The topic is not clear but the details are not
relating to the topic

Identification is complete and descriptions are

arranged with proper connectives

Identification is almost complete and

Organization (O)
3 descriptions are arranged with almost proper
20% connectives 2 x

- Identification Identification is not complete and descriptions

- Description are arranged with few misuse of connectives

Identification is not complete and descriptions

are arranged with few misuse of connectives

Grammar (G) 4 Very few grammatical inaccuracies 2x

20% Few grammatical inaccuracies but not effect
on meaning
- Use simple present
tense 2 Numerous grammatical inaccuracies

1 Frequent grammatical inaccuracies

4 Effective choice of words and word forms

Few misuse of vocabularies, word forms, but

not change the meaning

Limited range confusing words and word

Vocabulary (V) form

Very poor knowledge of words, word forms, 2x

and not understandable
- Adjectives
It has frequent errors of punctuation and

It is dominated by errors of punctuation and


Score =

Mengetahui, Kuningan,… Oktober 2021

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Idtasar, S.Pd.I Nanang Supriatna, S.Pd.

NIP. -
Satuan Pendidikan : SMP Islam Al-Barokah
Kelas : VII th Grade
Mata Pelajaran : Bhs. Inggris
Tema : Descriptive Text
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 Menit

Please open he link and answer the question.
Main Activity 1

Please go to the link

Answer the questions ?

1. Who describe it ?
2. What does she describe ?
3. What is her favorite room?
4. Can you describe the
Pre-Activity 3
Look at the picture and imagine this is your bedroom.

Then, try to answer the next questions by click this link :

1. ____________
1. ____________
2. ____________
3. ____________
4. ____________
MAIN-ACTIVITY 2 Descriptive Text
Lets Study this
I want to tell you about my bedroom. This room is my Identification
favorite place to live in. (general Statement)
There are many kinds of furniture in my bedroom. In the
corner of my room, there is my bed. I always make a bed
after I wake up in the morning. I put a colorful bed cover
on it. On th left side of my bed, I put a big wooden Description
wardrobe. I always put my clean clothes inside it. On the (physical Apperiance
right side, I have a night table and a chair. There is a
telephone and some video CDs in the drawer. There is also
a clock with its alarm to wake me up.
Those are all my things in my bedroom. I always keep Description
my room nicely to make it the comfortable place to live in. Personalities

 Descriptive test is a kind of text which gives decription about an object such as person,
animals, thing or place.
 Focus on ONE specific object:  Language features:
Place • use adjectives (the underlined
 Generic Structure: words)
• Identification (general • use present simple tense
• Description (physical
appearance & personalities)
Read the text and answer the questions!

I want to tell you about my bedroom. This room is my favorite place to live
in. There are many kinds of furniture in my bedroom. In the corner of my
room, there is my bed. I always make a bed after I wake up in the morning. I
put a colorful bed cover on it. On th left side of my bed, I put a big wooden
wardrobe. I always put my clean clothes inside it. On the right side, I have a
night table and a chair. There is a telephone and some video CDs in the
drawer. There is also a clock with its alarm to wake me up. Those are all my
things in my bedroom. I always keep my room nicely to make it the
comfortable place to live in.

1) The text describes about ……..

2) the generic structure of the text are ……….
3) The identification is on …….. paragraph
4) The description is on ……….. paragraph
5) The social function of the text is ………..

To answer the questions please open the link:
Fill the blank word

1) This …… my bedroom ( is / am / are )

2) There ……. pillow on the bed ( is / am / are )
3) There …….. blue blanket on the bed ( is / am / are )
4) You can put laptop ….. desk ( under / on / in )
5) I put poster …… ( in / on / beside )
6) I ……… a computer in a corner ( had / has / have)
7) In my bedroom ….. small desk. ( there is / there are / there was)
8) I …….. a big wardrobe in my bedroom. ( has / have / have to/
9) I ……. Bookshelf beside my bedroom. (have/has/had
10) There …….. two carpets on the floor ( is / am / are )

To aswer the question pleas open the link:
Main Activiy 4
Describe the picture bellow using some sentences

1. ………………..
2. ……… ………….
3. ……………. ……………....
4. ………………………………
5. ………………………………
6. ………………………………
7. ………………………………
8. ………………………………
9. ………………………………
10. ………………………………
For you Homework
After You write the sentences based on the picture.
Please make a paragraph talking about Cat.
Just one paragraph consist of 10 sentences.

My Bedroom
Post Activity
After you learned about descriptive text, please answer the
1) What can be described in a descriptive text?
2) What is a generic structure of descriptive text?
3) What tenses can be used in writing descriptive text?
4) What is the first paragraph talk about?

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