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(HPK 006)




Herry Irawansyah, S.T., M.Eng.



Modul ajar Bahasa Inggris untuk Teknik Mesin ini dibuat sebagai dasar pengetahuan
bagaimana Bahasa Inggris digunakan dalam komunikasi dalam Teknik Mesin. Tujuan dari
modul ini adalah untuk memberikan mahasiswa pemahaman dalam membaca dan memahami
buku teks Bahasa Inggris dalam bidang Teknik Mesin. Dalam modul ini memaparkan bahan
bacaan dasar Teknik Mesin meliputi Engineering Material, Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanic,
Thermodynamic, Manufacturing Process, and Element Machine. Penulis berharap dengan
adanya modul ini membantu mahasiswa dapat memahami buku teks Berbahasa Inggris yang
menjadi bahasa utama dalam berbagai buku pengantar Teknik Mesin. Penulis menyadari
bahwa dalam modul ini terdapat banyak kekurangan, untuk itu kritik dan masukan dari
pembaca sangat diharapkan untuk menjadikan modul ini lebih baik lagi.

BAB I ENGINEERING MATERIAL ................................................................................ 1

BAB II HEAT TRANSFER................................................................................................. 8

BAB III FLUID MECHANIC........................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.3

BAB IV THERMODYNAMIC ......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.7

BAB V ENERGY CONVERSION .................................................................................... 25

BAB VI MANUFACTURING PROCESS ......................................................................... 31

BAB VII MACHINE ELEMENTS ......................................................................................... 36

DAFTAR PUSTAKA .............................................................................................................. 42


Capaian Pembelajaran:

1. Mahasiswa mampu memahami teks ilmiah tentang Material Teknik

2. Mahasiswa mampu menterjemahkan teks ilmiah tentang Material Teknik
3. Mahasiswa mampu menuliskan teks ilmiah dengan grammar yang tepat


It is conventional to classify the materials of engineering into the six broad classes shown
in Figure 1.1 : metals, polymers, elastomers, ceramics, glasses and composites. The members
of a class have features in common: similar properties, similar processing routes, and, often,
similar applications.
Metals have relatively high moduli. They can be made strong by alloying and by
mechanical and heat treatment, but they remain ductile, allowing them to be formed by
deformation processes. Certain high-strength alloys (spring steel, for instance) have
ductilities as low as 2%, but even this is enough to ensure that the material yields before it
fractures and that fracture, when it occurs, is of a tough, ductile type. Partly because of their
ductility, metals are prey to fatigue and of all the classes of material, they are the least
resistant to corrosion.
Ceramics and glasses, too, have high moduli, but, unlike metals, they are brittle. Their
‗strength‘ in tension means the brittle fracture strength; in compression it is the brittle
crushing strength, which is about 15 times larger. And because ceramics have no ductility,
they have a low tolerance for stress concentrations (like holes or cracks) or for high contact
stresses (at clamping points, for instance). Ductile materials accommodate stress
concentrations by deforming in a way which redistributes the load more evenly; and because
of this, they can be used under static loads within a small margin of their yield strength.
Ceramics and glasses cannot. Brittle materials always havea wide scatter in strength and the
strength itself depends on the volume of material under load and the time for which it is
applied. So ceramics are not as easy to design with as metals. Despite this, they have
attractive features. They are stiff, hard and abrasion-resistant (hence their use for bearings

and cutting tools); they retain their strength to high temperatures; and they resist corrosion
well. They must be considered as an important class of engineering material.
Polymers and elastomers are at the other end of the spectrum. They have moduli which are
low, roughly SO times less than those of metals, but they can be strong - nearly as strong as
metals. A consequence of this is that elastic deflections can be large. They creep, even at
room temperature, meaning that a polymer component under load may, with time, acquire a
permanent set. And their properties depend on temperature so that a polymer which is tough
and flexible at 20°C may be brittle at the 4°C of a household refrigerator, yet creep rapidly at
the 100°C of boiling water. None have useful strength above 200°C. If these aspects are
allowed for in the design, the advantages of polymers can be exploited. And there are many.
When combinations of properties, such as strengthper- unit-weight, are important, polymers
are as good as metals. They are easy to shape: complicated parts performing several functions
can be moulded from a polymer in a single operation. The large elastic deflections allow the
design of polymer components which snap together, making assembly fast and cheap. And by
accurately sizing the mould and pre-colouring the polymer, no finishing operations are
needed. Polymers are corrosion resistant, and they have low coefficients of friction. Good
design exploits these properties.
Composites combine the attractive properties of the other classes of materials while
avoiding some of their drawbacks. They are light, stiff and strong, and they can be tough.
Most of the composites at present available to the engineer have a polymer matrix - epoxy or
polyester, usually – reinforced by fibres of glass, carbon or Kevlar. They cannot be used
above 250°C because the polymer matrix softens, but at room temperature their performance
can be outstanding. Composite components are expensive and they are relatively difficult to
form and join. So despite their attractive properties the designer will use them only when the
added performance justifies the added cost.

Figure 1.1 The menu of engineering materials.

The classification of Figure 1.1 has the merit of grouping together materials which have
some commonalty in properties, processing and use. But it has its dangers, notably those of
specialization (the metallurgist who knows nothing of polymers) and of conservative thinking
('we shall use steel because we have always used steel'). In later chapters we examine the
engineering properties of materials from a different perspective, comparing properties across
all classes of material. It is the first step in developing the freedom of thinking that the
designer needs.


Present Tense

The simple present tense refers to action and events that are general (i.e., they have no
spesific [or definite] time to which they refer). In academic writing, present tense verbs refer
to states or habitual (and repeated) activities (e.g., be-verbs, linking verbs (become, seem,
appear), consist, believe, know)
Simple present tense verbs are not marked for plural and first-person singular subject (e.g.,
I, we, you, they), but are marked by –s or –es for third person singular subjects (e.g., he, she,

Function and Uses

In general terms, in academic writing the present tense is strongly associated with verbs
that refer to mental and logical states, whereas the past tense denotes spesific actions and

events in the past time (Biber et al., 1999). For the purposes of written academic discourse
outside of references to spesific past time events, such as those in business case studies or
spesific events, the present tense provides a relatively safe venue because in academic text
the uses of the simple present tense are highly conventionalized (Swales, 1990) and hence,
may be appropriate in various contexts.

Contoh kalimat menggunakan Present Tense (terjadi sebagai kebiasaan atau kenyataan
Manganese steel is very hard Baja mangan sangat keras
Uranium is expensive Uranium mahal
I live in Banjarmasin Saya tinggal di Banjarmasin
I work in an office ..................................................
I have breakfast at six Saya makan pagi pada jam enam
He cleans the house every day Dia membersihkan rumah setiap hari
We go to the steam power plant every month Kami pergi ke PLTU itu setiap bulan
We calculate mass in kilogrammes Kami menghitung massa dalam satuan
......................................................................... Mereka memanaskan baja stainless sampai
................................................................. dengan 600 oC
You cut shaft and bolt Kamu memotong poros dan baut
I watch television until ten o‘clock Saya menonton TV sampai jam sepuluh
He reads thermodynamic book before going Dia membaca buku termodinamika
to bed sebelum pergi tidur
He takes a rest after work Dia beristirahat setelah bekerja
She speaks French fluently Dia bicara bahasa Perancis dengan lancar
The teacher explains clearly Guru itu menerangkan dengan jelas


Selection And Substitution Of Materials

In view of the material properties and characteristics discussed in the preceding

section, the actors involved in the selection of a suitable material in the design of a thermal
system are:
1. Satisfactory thermal properties

2. Manufacturability
3. Static, fatigue, and fracture characteristics
4. Availability
5. Cost
6. Resistance to temperature and corrosion
7. Environmental effects
8. Electric, magnetic, chemical, and other properties

Material selection is not an easy process because of the many considerations that need
to be taken into account. These lead to a variety of constraints, many of which may be
conflicting. Though cost is an important parameter in the selection, it is not the only one. We
want to choose the best material for a given application while satisfying many constraints.
However, information on material properties is often not available to the desired detail or
accuracy. The range of available materials has increased tremendously in recent years,
making material selection a very involved process. However, the choice of the most
appropriate material for a given application is crucial to the success of the design in today‘s
internationally competitive environment. With a proper choice of materials, the system
performance can be improved and costs reduced. In several cases, material substitution is
needed because of regulations stemming from environmental or safety considerations. For
example, the incentive for improvements in gasoline, including addition of ethanol, arises
from pollution, availability, cost, and political considerations.
Substitution of asbestos by other insulating materials is due to the health risks of
asbestos. Obviously, all such considerations complicate material selection and substantial
effort is generally directed at this aspect of design. The basic procedure for material selection
may be described in terms of the following steps.

1. Determination of material requirements.

The thermal process or system being designed is considered to determine the
conditions and environment that the chosen material must withstand. From this consideration,
the desired properties and characteristics, along with possible constraints, are obtained. For
example, the simulation of a furnace would indicate the temperatures that the materials
exposed to this environment must endure. Similarly, the expected pressures in an extruder
would provide the corresponding requirements for the selected material.

2. Consideration of available materials.

Material property databases are available and may be employed to compare the
material requirements with the properties of obtainable materials. In such a search, the focus
is on the desired properties and characteristics. The requirements in terms of thermal
properties will be largely considered at this stage for thermal processes. Cost, environmental
effects, and other considerations and constraints are not brought in. Therefore, a large number
of material choices may emerge from this step. This is done mainly to avoid eliminating any
material that meets the appropriate requirements.

3. Selecting a group of possible materials.

From the materials that would satisfy the main requirements of the application, a
smaller group is chosen for a more detailed consideration. At this stage, other considerations
and constraints are brought in. Thus, a material that is very desirable due to its thermal
properties may be eliminated because of cost or undesirable environmental impact. Gold,
which is a good choice for electronic circuit elements because of its inert nature, is retained
only for surface plating due to the cost. Manufacturability of the material to obtain a given
part is also an important consideration at this stage. Information on previously used materials
for the given problem and for similar systems may also be used to narrow the list of possible
materials. Since there may be several requirements for the material properties, a weighted
index that takes all of these into account, according to their relative importance, may also be
employed. A short list of possible materials is thus obtained.

4. Study of material performance.

A detailed study of the materials obtained from the preceding step is undertaken to
determine their performance under the specific conditions expected to be encountered in the
given application. Experimental work may also be carried out to obtain quantitative data and
to characterize these materials. Available literature on these materials and information on
their earlier use in similar environments are also employed. There are many standard sources
for material property data (Dieter, 2000); some of them were mentioned earlier.

5. Selection of best material.

Based on the information gathered on the short list of possible materials, the most
appropriate material for the given application is chosen. The cost and availability of the
material are very important considerations in the final selection. However, there are many
cases where cost may have to be sacrificed in the interest of superior performance. In a few
cases, the material may be developed to meet the specific needs of the problem. This is true

in many electronic systems where the materials employed for the circuit board, the circuitry,
and the connections are developed as variations from existing composite materials, ceramics,
solder, etc. (Dally, 1990).


Alloy : paduan Heat treatment:perlakuan panas

Brittle : getas; rapuh Impact Strength : kekuatan kejut
Briquette : Briket Impact stress : tegangan tumbuk
Ceramic: keramik Load : beban
Composite : komposit Metal : Logam
Corrosion : karat; korosi Polymer: polimer
Creep :mulur Stiff: kaku; keras
Deformation : perubahan bentuk; Stiffenes : kekakuan
deformasi Stress :tekanan
Ductile :dapat diregang; dapat dikempa; Tension : tegangan
dapat bengkok ; sifat kenyal Toughness : keuletan; daya tahan suatu
Ductility : sifat dapat diregang; sifat dapat bahan terhadap lenturan dan puntiran
dikempa; sifat kenyal berulang-ulang
Fatigue fracture : keretakan lelah Yield point : titik patah; batas kenyalan;
Fracture : patahan; retakan batas lumer
Fragile : rapuh; dapat pecah; lemah Yield strenght : kuat luluh ; tegangan luluh


Capaian Pembelajaran:

1. Mahasiswa mampu memahami teks ilmiah tentang Perpindahan Kalor

2. Mahasiswa mampu menterjemahkan teks ilmiah tentang Perpindahan Kalor
3. Mahasiswa mampu menuliskan teks ilmiah dengan grammar yang tepat


We all know from experience that a cold canned drink left in a room warms up and a
warm canned drink left in a refrigerator cools down. This is accomplished by the transfer of
energy from the warm medium to the cold one. The energy transfer is always from the higher
temperature medium to the lower temperature one, and the energy transfer stops when the
two mediums reach the same temperature.
You will recall from thermodynamics that energy exists in various forms. In this text we
are primarily interested in heat, which is the form of energy that can be transferred from one
system to another as a result of temperature difference. The science that deals with the
determination of the rates of such energy transfers is heat transfer.
You may be wondering why we need to undertake a detailed study on heat transfer. After
all, we can determine the amount of heat transfer for any system undergoing any process
using a thermodynamic analysis alone. The reason is that thermodynamics is concerned with
the amount of heat transfer as a system undergoes a process from one equilibrium state to
another, and it gives no indication about how long the process will take. A thermodynamic
analysis simply tells us how much heat must be transferred to realize a specified change of
state to satisfy the conservation of energy principle. In practice we are more concerned about
the rate of heat transfer (heat transfer per unit time) than we are with the amount of it. For
example, we can determine the amount of heat transferred from a thermos bottle as the hot
coffee inside cools from 90°C to 80°C by a thermodynamic analysis alone. But a typical user
or designer of a thermos is primarily interested in how long it will be before the hot coffee
inside cools to 80°C, and a thermodynamic analysis cannot answer this question.
Determining the rates of heat transfer to or from a system and thus the times of cooling or
heating, as well as the variation of the temperature, is the subject of heat transfer.

Thermodynamics deals with equilibrium states and changes from one equilibrium state to
another. Heat transfer, on the other hand, deals with systems that lack thermal equilibrium,
and thus it is a nonequilibrium phenomenon. Therefore, the study of heat transfer cannot be
based on the principles of thermodynamics alone. However, the laws of thermodynamics lay
the framework for the science of heat transfer. The first law requires that the rate of energy
transfer into a system be equal to the rate of increase of the energy of that system. The second
law requires that heat be transferred in the direction of decreasing temperature. This is like a
car parked on an inclined road that must go downhill in the direction of decreasing elevation
when its brakes are released. It is also analogous to the electric current flowing in the
direction of decreasing voltage or the fluid flowing in the direction of decreasing total
The basic requirement for heat transfer is the presence of a temperature difference. There
can be no net heat transfer between two mediums that are at the same temperature. The
temperature difference is the driving force for heat transfer, just as the voltage difference is
the driving force for electric current flow and pressure difference is the driving force for fluid
flow. The rate of heat transfer in a certain direction depends on the magnitude of the
temperature gradient (the temperature difference per unit length or the rate of change of
temperature) in that direction. The larger the temperature gradient, the higher the rate of heat
Heat transfer is commonly encountered in engineering systems and other aspects of life,
and one does not need to go very far to see some application areas of heat transfer. In fact,
one does not need to go anywhere. The human body is constantly rejecting heat to its
surroundings, and human comfort is closely tied to the rate of this heat rejection. We try to
control this heat transfer rate by adjusting our clothing to the environmental conditions. Many
ordinary household appliances are designed, in whole or in part, by using the principles of
heat transfer. Some examples include the electric or gas range, the heating and air-
conditioning system, the refrigerator and freezer, the water heater, the iron, and even the
computer, the TV, and the VCR. Of course, energy-efficient homes are designed on the basis
of minimizing heat loss in
winter and heat gain in summer. Heat transfer plays a major role in the design of many other
devices, such as car radiators, solar collectors, various components of power plants, and even
spacecraft. The optimal insulation thickness in the walls and roofs of the houses, on hot water
or steam pipes, or on water heaters is again determined on the basis of a heat transfer analysis
with economic consideration.

Heat transfer equipment such as heat exchangers, boilers, condensers, radiators,
heaters, furnaces, refrigerators, and solar collectors are designed primarily on the basis of
heat transfer analysis. The heat transfer problems encountered in practice can be considered
in two groups: (1) rating and (2) sizing problems. The rating problems deal with the
determination of the heat transfer rate for an existing system at a specified temperature
difference. The sizing problems deal with the determination of the size of a system in order to
transfer heat at a specified rate for a specified temperature difference.
A heat transfer process or equipment can be studied either experimentally (testing and
taking measurements) or analytically (by analysis or calculations). The experimental
approach has the advantage that we deal with the actual physical system, and the desired
quantity is determined by measurement, within the limits of experimental error. However,
this approach is expensive, time-consuming, and often impractical. Besides, the system we
are analyzing may not even exist. For example, the size of a heating system of a building
must usually be determined before the building is actually built on the basis of the
dimensions and specifications given. The analytical approach (including numerical approach)
has the advantage that it is fast and inexpensive, but the results obtained are subject to the
accuracy of the assumptions and idealizations made in the analysis. In heat transfer studies,
often a good compromise is reached by reducing the choices to just a few by analysis, and
then verifying the findings experimentally.


Past tense

In English, past tense is sometimes called the definite past employed largely in ―historical
or biographical statements which have specific people, placesm or object as their topics‖.
The past forms or regular verbs take the marker –ed or the past forms of irregular verbs (e.g.,
sang, wrote, grew ).

Function and Uses

Verbs used in the past tense refer to actions, events, or states that took place or existed in
the past and no longer continue in the present. The meaning of the past tense in reference to
spesific past time activities can be somewhat distinct from those in constructions with ―state
past‖. For example, (1) In early American history, the family assumed responsibilty for
educating its children. In this context, it is important to note the role of time adverbs that can

greatly assist in identifying the time of the action or event. Sentence (1) is marked by the past
time adverb phrase in early American history. However, even if the adverb phrase is omitted,
the action remains in the past time. For example, (2) the family assumed responsibilty for
educating its children.The meaning of the past tense use with the verb assumed implies that
the actions was performed or a state existed in the past and was finished in the past.

Past Tense (terjadi pada waktu lampau).

I was sick last month Saya saki pada bulan yang lalu
Vera was busy last Wednesday Vera sibuk pada Rabu yang lalu
You were at home last night Kamu di rumah tadi malam
We were at john‘s last Sunday Kami di rumah John hari Minggu yang lalu
Tom bought a car in 1997 Tom membeli mobil pada tahun 1997
They built the house last year Mereka membangun rumah itu tahun yang
I sent the letter the day before yesterday Saya mengirim surat itu kemarin lusa
You hurt Susan this morning Kamu menyakiti Susan tadi pagi
We went camping last April Kami pergi berkemah pada April yang lalu
Mike left school six months ago Mike selesai sekolah enam bulan yang lalu
We swam in the sea last Saturday Kami berenang di laut pada Sabtu yang lalu
I visited Paris last December Saya mengunjungi Paris pada Desember
yang lalu


We have discussed different types of materials in chapter 1, their general properties, and
typical areas of application. Though most of the properties mentioned earlier are of interest in
engineering systems, let us now focus on thermal processes and systems. Obviously, many
material properties are of particular interest in thermal systems; for instance, a low thermal
conductivity is desirable for insulation and a high thermal conductivity is desirable for heat
removal. A large thermal capacity, which is the product of density and specific heat, is
needed if a slow transient response is desired and a small thermal capacity is necessary for a
fast response. The material properties that are of particular importance in thermal systems,
along with their usual symbolic representation employed in this book, are:

1. Thermal conductivity, k

2. Specific heat, C
3. Density, 𝜌
4. Viscosity, µ
5. Latent heat during phase change, hsl or hfg
6. Temperature for phase change, Tmp or Tbp
7. Coefficient of volumetric thermal expansion, β
8. Mass diffusivity, DAB

Here, the subscripts sl, fg, mp, bp, and AB refer to solid-liquid, liquid-vapor, melting
point, boiling point, and species A diffusing into species B, respectively. The phase change
may occur over a range of temperatures, which is the case for an alloy or a mixture. The
specific heat may be at constant pressure or at constant volume, these being essentially the
same for solids and liquids, which may generally be taken as incompressible. Several other
thermal properties such as the coefficient of linear thermal expansion, heat of sublimation,
and thermal-shock resistance are also of interest in thermal systems.
Corrosion resistance and range of temperature over which the material can be used are
important considerations. Similarly, strength, toughness, stiffness, and others, are important
in the design because of the need to maintain the structural integrity of the system. Material
cost and availability are obviously important in any design process. Manufacturability of the
material is also important, as mentioned earlier. Waste disposal and environmental impact of
the material are additional considerations in the characterization and evaluation of the


boiler : ketel
Condition of Equilibrium : syarat-syarat kesetimbangan
Conductivity : sifat dapat menghantar
heat exchanger : alat penukar kalor
insulation : isolasi panas
rates of heat transfer : laju perpindahan kalor
Temperature gradient : landas temperatur; selisih temperatur


Capaian Pembelajaran:

1. Mahasiswa mampu memahami teks ilmiah tentang Mekanika Fluida

2. Mahasiswa mampu menterjemahkan teks ilmiah tentang Mekanika Fluida
3. Mahasiswa mampu menuliskan teks ilmiah dengan grammar yang tepat


Fluid mechanics is the study of fluids either in motion (fluid dynamics) or at rest (fluid
statics) and the subsequent effects of the fluid upon the boundaries, which may be either solid
surfaces or interfaces with other fluids. Both gases and liquids are classified as fluids, and the
number of fluids engineering applications is enormous: breathing, blood flow, swimming,
pumps, fans, turbines, airplanes, ships, rivers, windmills, pipes, missiles, icebergs, engines,
filters, jets, and sprinklers, to name a few. When you think about it, almost everything on this
planet either is a fluid or moves within or near a fluid.
The essence of the subject of fluid flow is a judicious compromise between theory and
experiment. Since fluid flow is a branch of mechanics, it satisfies a set of welldocumented
basic laws, and thus a great deal of theoretical treatment is available. However, the theory is
often frustrating, because it applies mainly to idealized situations which may be invalid in
practical problems. The two chief obstacles to a workable theory are geometry and viscosity.
The basic equations of fluid motion (Chap. 4) are too difficult to enable the analyst to attack
arbitrary geometric configurations. Thus most textbooks concentrate on flat plates, circular
pipes, and other easy geometries. It is possible to apply numerical computer techniques to
complex geometries, and specialized textbooks are now available to explain the new
computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approximations and methods.
The second obstacle to a workable theory is the action of viscosity, which can be
neglected only in certain idealized flows. First, viscosity increases the difficulty of the basic
equations, although the boundary-layer approximation found by Ludwig Prandtl in 1904 has
greatly simplified viscous-flow analyses. Second, viscosity has a destabilizing effect on all
fluids, giving rise, at frustratingly small velocities, to a disorderly, random phenomenon
called turbulence. The theory of turbulent flow is crude and heavily backed up by experiment
(Chap. 6), yet it can be quite serviceable as an engineering estimate. Textbooks now present

digital-computer techniques for turbulent-flow analysis, but they are based strictly upon
empirical assumptions regarding the time mean of the turbulent stress field.
From the point of view of fluid mechanics, all matter consists of only two states, fluid
and solid. The difference between the two is perfectly obvious to the layperson, and it is an
interesting exercise to ask a layperson to put this difference into words. The technical
distinction lies with the reaction of the two to an applied shear or tangential stress. A solid
can resist a shear stress by a static deformation; a fluid cannot. Any shear stress applied to a
fluid, no matter how small, will result in motion of that fluid. The fluid moves and deforms
continuously as long as the shear stress is applied. As a corollary, we can say that a fluid at
rest must be in a state of zero shear stress, a state often called the hydrostatic stress condition
in structural analysis. In this condition, Mohr‘s circle for stress reduces to a point, and there is
no shear stress on any plane cut through the element under stress.

Future tense

The future tense marks the future time that follows now. The future tense is marked by
auxiliary verbs will or going to + the base (infinitive) form of the main verb. Another
common means of marking the future is the employment of the present tense in conjunction
with future time adverbials (e.g., tomorrow, next month, in 2020). The usage of the present
simple tense to refer to future activities is particularly prevalent with subordinate clauses of
time and condition marked by such conjunction as if, whether, when, before (e.g.,The interest
rates will rise when the Federal Reserve Board approves the new fiscal policy).

The general function of the future tense is to refer to future actions, events, or states.
However, the meaning of the future tense expressed either by means of the auxiliary verb will
or the simple present tense represent ―a marked future of unusual definiteness, attributing to
the future the degree of certainty‖ usually associated with the present and the past.

Future Tense (akan terjadi / akan melakukan sesuatu)

I shall be at home tonight Saya akan berada di rumah nanti malam
We shall be there on Saturday Kami akan berada disana pada hari Sabtu
He will be busy tomorrow Dia akan sibuk besok
I shall take the camera Saya akan mengambil camera
We shall go to the lake next week Kami akan pergi ke danau minggu depan

They will come next month Mereka akan datang bulan depan
He will tell you later Dia akan memberitahumu nanti
He will clean the room Dia akan membersihkan ruangan
She will finish her work Dia akan menyelesaikan pekerjaannya
John will come back tomorrow John akan kembali besok
If you go, I shall come with you Jika kamu pergi, saya akan ikut denganmu
If he drops that glass, it will break Jika dia menjatuhkan gelas itu, pasti akan pecah
If she works hard, she will succeed Jika dia bekerja keras, dia akan berhasil
The chief will punish them if the disobey Pimpinan itu akan menghukum mereka jika
him mereka tidak mematuhinya
Your health will suffer if you don‘t stop Kesehatanmu akan terganggu jika kamu tidak
smoking berhenti merokok
Mr Ricardo will smoke a cigar after he Tuan Ricardo akan mengisap cerutu setelah
finishes his lunch selesai makan siang
Before you go, Mary will make you a cup Sebelum anda pergi, Mary akan membuatkan
of tea the untuk anda
Leo will ring Tom as soon as he gets home Leo akan menelpon Tom pada saat dia tiba di


Nanofluidics deals with fluid flow and fluid-particle transport around objects or in
systems, devices, and conduits where one characteristic length is at least 1 to 800 nm. The
advantages of microfluidics, such as small material volumes for fast-processing, high-
throughput, disposable low-cost devices, etc., hold also in nanofl uidics. However, due to the
extralarge surface-area-to-volume ratio, say, , the proximity of the walls and their surface
characteristics cause formidable scientific and engineering challenges in describing
accurately the fluid flow and particle dynamics. In electroosmosis, for example, the EDL
(electrical double layer) with an effective thickness in the range of, say, may greatly affect
transport and reactions in nanofluidic structures.
When the hydraulic diameter, of nanoconduits is below, say, 10 nm, fl uids may have
to be regarded as a collection of molecules rather than continua. Specifically at the nanoscale
of, say, 10 to 20 nm one has to deal with greatly amplifi ed surface force/flux/process effects
as well as materials, biochemical elements, and/or compounds which may change their

mechanical, optical, and electrical properties. In addition, intermolecular forces may have a
greater impact than hydrodynamic forces. In fact, intrinsic material properties can be
manipulated and controlled via ―atom-by-atom build-up,‖ leading to new nanoscale structures
and hence material properties. Thus, nanoscale devices feature fluid and solid properties
which are governed by a confl uence of classical physics and quantum mechanics (see Figure
1.1). Furthermore, at the nanolevel new device manufacturing and production techniques are
possible, for example, molecular self-assembly, templating, and fragmentation. As part of
nanotechnology, nanofluidics is of fundamental importance. It encompasses the analysis of
fluid flow and heat/mass transfer in nanochannels, the dynamics of nanoparticles in liquids
(labeled ―nanofluids‖), and operation of micro/nanoscale devices, reactors, and systems.
Concerning nanofluids, their applications can be found in rather diverse research areas.
Examples include consumer products such as cosmetics, sunscreens and cleaners, cooling of
microsystems as well as tumor imaging and drug delivery as part of nanomedicine.
Nanoparticles, in general, with their higher surface area and denser surface atom
packing as well as diverse shapes (e.g., spheres, tubes, rings, hexagons, wires, ovals, ribbons,
etc.), are employed to control large-scale material properties. As a result, lighter and stronger
composites, better conducting devices, and stain-resistant fabrics have been marketed. In
summary, whenever possible nanofluidics is described by the system of (reduced) Navier-
Stokes equations, augmented by electrostatic or magnetohydrodynamic body forces, as
appropriate. However, for flow in nanochannels with the interactions and resulting motion of
molecules are numerically evaluated with molecular dynamics (MD) simulation for liquids or
a direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method for rarefied gases.
Of course, with the prevalence of nanomaterials rapidly rising, their possibly
detrimental impact on human health and the environment has to be seriously considered.


Shear stress : tegangan geser

Viscosity : kekentalan
viscometer: alat untuk pengukur kekentalan
viscid: kental; melekat
viscous : kenyal; kental
viscous resistance : tahanan viskos


Capaian Pembelajaran:

1. Mahasiswa mampu memahami teks ilmiah tentang Termodinamika

2. Mahasiswa mampu menterjemahkan teks ilmiah tentang Termodinamika
3. Mahasiswa mampu menuliskan teks ilmiah dengan grammar yang tepat


An important step in any engineering analysis is to describe precisely what is being

studied. In mechanics, if the motion of a body is to be determined, normally the first step is to
define a free body and identify all the forces exerted on it by other bodies. Newton‘s second
law of motion is then applied. In thermal systems engineering, the term system is used to
identify the subject of the analysis. Once the system is defined and the relevant interactions
with other systems are identified, one or more physical laws or relations are applied.
The system is whatever we want to study. It may be as simple as a free body or as
complex as an entire chemical refinery. We may want to study a quantity of matter contained
within a closed, rigid-walled tank, or we may want to consider something such as a pipeline
through which natural gas flows. The composition of the matter inside the system may be
fixed or may be changing through chemical or nuclear reactions. The shape or volume of the
system being analyzed is not necessarily constant, as when a gas in a cylinder is compressed
by a piston or a balloon is inflated.
Everything external to the system is considered to be part of the system‘s surroundings.
The system is distinguished from its surroundings by a specified boundary, which may be at
rest or in motion. You will see that the interactions between a system and its surroundings,
which take place across the boundary, play an important part in thermal systems engineering.
It is essential for the boundary to be delineated carefully before proceeding with an analysis.
However, the same physical phenomena often can be analyzed in terms of alternative choices
of the system, boundary, and surroundings. The choice of a particular boundary defining a
particular system is governed by the convenience it allows in the subsequent analysis.
Two basic kinds of systems are distinguished in this book. These are referred to,
respectively, as closed systems and control volumes. A closed system refers to a fixed

quantity of matter, whereas a control volume is a region of space through which mass may
flow. A closed system is defined when a particular quantity of matter is under study. A closed
system always contains the same matter. There can be no transfer of mass across its
boundary. A special type of closed system that does not interact in any way with its
surroundings is called an isolated system.
Figure 4.1 shows a gas in a piston–cylinder assembly. When the valves are closed, we
can consider the gas to be a closed system. The boundary lies just inside the piston and
cylinder walls, as shown by the dashed lines on the figure. The portion of the boundary
between the gas and the piston moves with the piston. No mass would cross this or any other
part of the boundary. In subsequent sections of this book, analyses are made of devices such
as turbines and pumps through which mass flows. These analyses can be conducted in
principle by studying a particular quantity of matter, a closed system, as it passes through the
device. In most cases it is simpler to think instead in terms of a given region of space through
which mass flows. With this approach, a region within a prescribed boundary is studied. The
region is called a control volume.
Mass may cross the boundary of a control volume. A diagram of an engine is shown
in Fig. 4.2a. The dashed line defines a control volume that surrounds the engine. Observe that
air, fuel, and exhaust gases cross the boundary. A schematic such as in Fig. 4.2b often
suffices for engineering analysis. The term control mass is sometimes used in place of closed
system, and the term open system is used interchangeably with control volume. When the
terms control mass and control volume are used, the system boundary is often referred to as a
control surface.
In general, the choice of system boundary is governed by two considerations: (1) what
is known about a possible system, particularly at its boundaries, and (2) the objective of the
analysis. For Example… Figure 4.3 shows a sketch of an air compressor connected to a
storage tank. The system boundary shown on the figure encloses the compressor, tank, and all
of the piping. This boundary might be selected if the electrical power input were known, and
the objective of the analysis were to determine how long the compressor must operate for the
pressure in the tank to rise to a specified value. Since mass crosses the boundary, the system
would be a control volume. A control volume enclosing only the compressor might be chosen
if the condition of the air entering and exiting the compressor were known, and the objective
were to determine the electric power input.

Figure 4.1 Closed system : A gas in a piston cylinder assembly

Figure 4.2 Example of a control volume (open system) : an automobile engine

Figure 4.3 Air compressor and storage tank


Part of Speech
The parts of speech provide the essential vocabulary for discussing grammar and good
writing. Throughout this book—and in real life—you‘ll encounter choices concerning verb
tenses (was going went?), pronoun cases (they or them?), or capitalization of nouns (senator
or Senator?). If you don‘t know what verbs, pronouns, and nouns even are, you won‘t get far
in learning to pick the right word for each situation.

A noun simply gives the name of a person (Sammy, man), place (Philadelphia, city),
thing (Toyota, car), or idea (philosophy, warmth, love).
You‘ll notice that some of the nouns mentioned in the previous paragraph are
capitalized and some are not. Proper nouns (particular persons, places, things, or ideas) are
capitalized, whereas common nouns (everyday names of persons, places, things, or ideas)
are not. Nouns are divided into several other categories. Concrete nouns name things that
can be seen, felt, heard, touched, or smelled (star, water, album, television, flower). Abstract
nouns name concepts, beliefs, or qualities (freedom, capitalism, courage). Compound nouns
consist of more than one word, but count as only one noun (Franklin County Community and
Technical College). Count nouns are persons, places, or things that can be (surprise!)
counted (three cars, seventy-six trombones); noncount nouns cannot be counted (unease,
happiness) and are always singular. Collective nouns are sometimes counted as one unit (that
is, considered to be singular) and sometimes counted separately (that is, considered to be
plural). Army, herd, pack, and family are all collective nouns. In a sentence, a noun will act
either as a subject or some type of complement (predicate nominative, direct or indirect
object of a verb, or object of a preposition).

To figure out which type a pronoun is (some pronouns can be more than one), look at
the way the word is used in the sentence.
1. Personal pronouns represent people or things: I, me, you, he, him, she, her, it, we, us,
they, them.
2. Possessive pronouns show ownership (possession): mine, yours, hers, his, theirs, ours.

3. Demonstrative proouns demonstrate or point out someone or something: this, that, these,
4. Relative pronouns relate one part of the sentence to another: who, whom, which, that,
5. Reflexive pronouns (sometimes called intensive pronouns) reflect back to someone or
something else in the sentence: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves,
6. Interrogative pronouns interrogate (ask a question): who, whom, which, whose, what.
7. Indefinite pronouns, contrary to their label, sometimes refer to a definite (specific)
person, place, or thing that has already been mentioned in the sentence. Indefinite pronouns
include all, another, any, anybody, anyone, anything, both, each, either, everybody, everyone,
everything, few, many, most, much, neither, no one, nobody, none, nothing, one, other, others,
several, some, somebody, someone, and something.

A special category of adjectives—articles—consists of just three words: a, an, and
the. A and an are called indefinite articles because they do not indicate anyone or anything
specific (a house, an honor); the is called a definite article (actually, it‘s the only definite
article) because it does name someone or something specific (the owl, the transit system).
Another subcategory of adjectives is called determiners. These are adjectives that make
specific the sense of a noun; they help determine to which particular units the nouns are
referring (e.g., the country, those apples, seven pencils).

A verb is defined as ―a word that expresses action or being.‖ Verbs that express
action are action verbs. Action verbs are the most common verbs, and they are easy to spot.
Action verbs can be divided into two categories: transitive and intransitive. The textbook
definition of a transitive verb is ―a verb that takes an object.‖ What does that mean? If you
can answer whom? or what? to the verb in a sentence, then the verb is transitive.

An adverb is a word that modifies (describes, gives more information about) a verb,
adjective, or other adverb. The adverbs in that sentence are yesterday (modifies the verb ran),

quite (modifies the adjective relieved), very (modifies the adverb quickly), quickly (modifies
the verb ran), and frantically (modifies the verb waving).

Modelling Vapor Power Systems

The processes taking place in power-generating systems are sufficiently complicated

that idealizations are required to develop thermodynamic models. Such modeling is an
important initial step in engineering design. Although the study of simplified models
generally leads only to qualitative conclusions about the performance of the corresponding
actual devices, models often allow deductions about how changes in major operating
parameters affect actual performance. They also provide relatively simple settings in which to
discuss the functions and benefits of features intended to improve overall performance.
The vast majority of electrical generating plants are variations of vapor power plants
in which water is the working fluid. The basic components of a simplified fossil-fuel vapor
power plant are shown schematically in Fig. 4.4. To facilitate thermodynamic analysis, the
overall plant can be broken down into the four major subsystems identified by the letters A
through D on the diagram. The focus of our considerations in this part of the chapter is
subsystem A, where the important energy conversion from heat to work occurs. But first, let
us briefly consider the other subsystems. The function of subsystem B is to supply the energy
required to vaporize the water passing through the boiler. In fossil-fuel plants, this is
accomplished by heat transfer to the working fluid passing through tubes and drums in the
boiler from the hot gases produced by the combustion of a fossil fuel. In nuclear plants, the
origin of the energy is a controlled nuclear reaction taking place in an isolated reactor
building. Pressurized water, a liquid metal,

Figure 4.4 Component of a simple vapor power plant

or a gas such as helium can be used to transfer energy released in the nuclear reaction to the
working fluid in specially designed heat exchangers. Solar power plants have receivers for
concentrating and collecting solar radiation to vaporize the working fluid. Regardless of the
energy source, the vapor produced in the boiler passes through a turbine, where it expands to
a lower pressure. The shaft of the turbine is connected to an electric generator (subsystem D).
The vapor leaving the turbine passes through the condenser, where it condenses on the
outside of tubes carrying cooling water. The cooling water circuit comprises subsystem C.
For the plant shown, the cooling water is sent to a cooling tower, where energy taken up in
the condenser is rejected to the atmosphere. The cooling water is then recirculated through
the condenser.
Concern for the environment and safety considerations govern what is allowable in
the interactions between subsystems B and C and their surroundings. One of the major
difficulties in finding a site for a vapor power plant is access to sufficient quantities of
cooling water. For this reason and to minimize thermal pollution effects, most power plants
now employ cooling towers. In addition to the question of cooling water, the safe processing
and delivery of fuel, the control of pollutant discharges, and the disposal of wastes are issues
that must be dealt with in both fossil-fueled and nuclear-fueled plants to ensure safety and

operation with an acceptable level of environmental impact. Solar power plants are generally
regarded as nonpolluting and safe but as yet are not widely used.
Returning now to subsystem A of Fig. 4.4, observe that each unit of mass periodically
undergoes a thermodynamic cycle as the working fluid circulates through the series of four
interconnected components. Accordingly, several concepts related to thermodynamic power
cycles introduced in previous chapters are important for the present discussions. You will
recall that the conservation of energy principle requires that the net work developed by a
power cycle equals the net heat added. An important deduction from the second law is that
the thermal efficiency, which indicates the extent to which the heat added is converted to a
net work output, must be less than 100%. Previous discussions also have indicated that
improved thermodynamic performance accompanies the reduction of irreversibilities. The
extent to which irreversibilities can be reduced in power-generating systems depends on
thermodynamic, economic, and other factors, however.

Vapor : uap
Steam : uap
Wet steam: uap basah
Chimney : cerobong asap
Boundary layer : lapis batas
Heat exchanger : alat penukar kalor
Cooling tower : menara pendingin


Capaian Pembelajaran:

Mahasiswa mampu memahami teks ilmiah tentang Konversi Energi

Mahasiswa mampu menterjemahkan teks ilmiah tentang Konversi Energi
Mahasiswa mampu menuliskan teks ilmiah dengan grammar yang tepat


Energy conversion paths are either direct or indirect. With indirect technologies the line of
energy conversion is the following: the primary source is exothermally oxidized (burnt), the
chemical energy being converted into thermal energy. By a thermal agent (motor fluid), the
thermal energy is used as such, or by using a thermal machine (turbine, engine) it is
converted into mechanical energy actuating an energy-generating working engine or
generator. With direct technologies thermal intermediation is eliminated along with its
thermodynamic imperfections, and electrical energy is directly gained, for instance, from the
chemical energy of fuel. Wind energy falls into this category.
There are several competitive possibilities for converting primary energy into
electrical energy: hydraulic, wind-driven, electrochemical, and nuclear (including fusion);
solar energy may be directly utilized on a photovoltaic line.
Of all primary energy forms suitable for sustainable development, wind energy is the most
advantageous: it is practically inexhaustible, nonpolluting, available everywhere, and free of
charge, since no primary extraction is required. In converting the wind energy to other forms,
the following stages are to be noted: extraction, conversion, storage, and consumption. For
wind, energy storage is necessary both because of the limitations of wind (it is irregularly
distributed in time and space, and it is dilute, that is, it has low concentration per unit area),
and because of the variety of its consumers. Figure 5.1 presents a general diagram of
extraction, conversion, storage, and utilization of wind energy. In the first stage (extracting
energy from wind), mechanical energy is gained as rotation, translation, or oscillation,
depending on the type of the extraction installation. This motion may be used in the second
stage for conversion into another form of energy by liquid pumping, gas compression, or
electrical or heat generation. The energy gained may be stored by using pneumatic or
hydraulic systems, electric batteries, heat, hydrogen, flywheels, etc. This is the third stage.

The fourth stage, that of consumption, consists in supplying energy to consumers in the form
of heat, electricity, water, etc.
A comparison between different energy storage systems. For compressed air, starting with
the data from the literature, which takes into consideration only the mechanical component of
the energy, we have also taken into consideration the possibilities of utilizing the thermal

Figure 5.1 Energy conversion paths.


Comparative and superlative degree adjectives have the function of comparing nouns (e.g.,
big difference – bigger difference). Comparative/superlative degree constructions can have a
small number of syntactic constructions, of which three are prevalent in academic writing:

1. Comparative/superlative degree forms with the markers –er/est

2. Phrasal comparatives with more/most (e.g., more/most complex)

3. Structures with comparative clauses than and as ... as:
The report is longer than I expected (it to be)
The prices for commodities are (not) as high as analysts predicted (them to be)
For monosyllabic adjectives, as well as two syllable adjectives with –y, -ly, or –le
endings, comparative and superlative degrees are marked by –er and –est and discussed in
practically every grammar textbook (e.g., hot – hotter – hottest ; pretty – prettier – presttiest).
In academic writing, comparative degree adjectives with –er are far more prevalent than other
comparative constructions. In addition, academic writing in general employs more
comparatives than other types of writing, such as fiction or news.
Other comparative degree adjective adhere to a phrasal pattern with more/most +
adjective (e.g., more accurate, most prominent). Like –er comparative form, more and most
phrases are also found more frequently in academic text than any other.
In addition to the more/most comparative and superlative degree adjectives, all
adverbs with the –ly suffix also take more/most forms of comparative and superlative
degrees. Such adverbs are far more numerous than those that take –er/-est comparative forms
simply because more adverbs end in –ly than those that do not. Those adverbs that have
forms identical to adjectives (e.g., early–earlier–earliest, low-lower-lowest, friendly-
friendlier-friendliest, fast-faster-fastest, late-later-latest) follow the adjective comparative
degree pattern for words with similar syllable structure.


Gas Turbine

The modern gas turbine engine used for aircraft propulsion is a complex machine
comprising many systems and subsystems that are required to operate together as a complex
integrated entity. The complexity of the gas turbine propulsion engine has evolved over a
period of more than 70 years. Today, these machines can be seen in a wide range of
applications from small auxiliary power units (APUs) delivering shaft power to sophisticated
vectored thrust engines in modern fighter aircraft. The military imperative of air superiority
was the driving force behind the development of the gas turbine for aircraft propulsion. It had
to be lighter, smaller and, above all, it had to provide thrust in a form which would allow
higher aircraft speed.
Since aircraft propulsion is, by definition, a reaction to a flow of air or gas created by
a prime mover, the idea of using a gas turbine to create a hot jet was first suggested by Sir
Frank Whittle in 1929. He applied for and obtained a patent on the idea in 1930. He attracted
commercial interests in the idea in 1935 and set up Power Jets Ltd. to develop a demonstrator
engine which first ran in 1937. By 1939, the British Air Ministry became interested enough to
support a flight demonstration. They contracted Power Jets Ltd. for the engine and the

Gloucester Aircraft Co. to build an experimental aircraft. Its first flight took place on 15 May
1941. This historic event ushered in the jet age.
Operation of the gas turbine engine is illustrated by the basic concept shown
schematically in Figure 4.1. This compressor-turbine ‗bootstrap‘ arrangement becomes self-
sustaining above a certain rotational speed. As additional fuel is added speed increases and
excess ‗gas horsepower‘ is generated. The gas horsepower delivered by a gas generator can
be used in various engine design arrangements for the production of thrust or shaft power, as
will be covered in the ensuing discussion. In its simplest form, the high-energy gases exit
through a jet pipe and nozzle as in a pure turbojet engine (the Whittle concept). This produces
a very high velocity jet which, while compact, results in relatively low propulsion efficiency.
Such an arrangement is suitable for high-speed military airplanes which need a small frontal
area to minimize drag.

Figure 5.2 Gas turbine basics – the gas generator.

Figure 5.3 Typical single-shaft engine arrangement

The next most obvious arrangement, especially as seen from a historical perspective,
is the single-shaft turbine engine driving a propeller directly (see the schematic in Figure 4.2).
As indicated by the figure the turbine converts all of the available energy into shaft power,
some of which is consumed by the compressor; the remainder is used to drive the propeller.
This arrangement requires a reduction gearbox in order to obtain optimum propeller speed.
Furthermore, the desirability of a traction propeller favors the arrangement whereby the
gearbox is attached to the engine in front of the compressor.
The Rolls-Royce Dart is an early and very successful example of this configuration.
This engine comprises a two-stage centrifugal compressor with a modest pressure ratio of
about 6:1 and a two-stage turbine. The propeller drive is through the front of the engine via
an in-line epicyclic reduction gearbox. The Dart entered service in 1953 delivering 1800 shaft
horsepower (SHP). Later versions of the engine were capable of up to 3000 SHP and the
engine remained in production until 1986.


Solar energy: energi surya

Wind driven: penggerak angin
Nuclear: nuklir
Utilization : peralatan


Capaian Pembelajaran:

1. Mahasiswa mampu memahami teks ilmiah tentang Proses Manufaktur

2. Mahasiswa mampu menterjemahkan teks ilmiah tentang Proses Manufaktur
3. Mahasiswa mampu menuliskan teks ilmiah dengan grammar yang tepat


Manufacturing processing is the procedure by which materials are formed into the desired
shapes. Materials are formed into preliminary shapes, near net shapes, and then the final
shaping and finishing operations are performed. Final treatments for material property
improvement or surface improvement and assembly operations are the final stages in the
manufacturing process.
Shaping processes can be classified into two main categories: primary shaping
processes and secondary processing. The primary shaping processes form the overall shape of
the product or of the components that will be joined to form the final product shape. The most
common primary shaping processes are casting, bulk deformation processes such as forging
and extrusion, sheet metal working, and machining. Other primary shaping processes include
powder metallurgy and slush casting; these are sometimes included as casting or forging
processes. One process, machining, is also frequently used as a secondary step for the other
primary shaping processes. Thus, machining is used to improve the basic shape produced by
casting or deformation processing as well as to produce the basic shape. Machining is the
only process considered to be both a primary shaping process and a secondary shaping
The purpose of the secondary processing is to provide the final shape surfaces to meet
some of the product requirements such as surface or dimensional tolerances. There frequently
are several secondary shaping processes necessary to meet the product specifications. The
emphasis of this chapter is to present an overview of the basic manufacturing processes. The
following chapters will discuss the process selection basics and the basic manufacturing
processes in more detail. For optimal product design, the optimal primary shaping and
secondary processing operations must be selected together and not independently. Table 6.1

indicates the general focus of primary shaping processes and secondary finishing operations.
The selection of the primary shaping process is critical in controlling overall product costs.
The shaping process selection is dependent upon the material and the product design. Both
the shaping process and the material affect the product design, and this makes manufacturing
so difficult to optimize.
The primary manufacturing processes considered are casting, deformation processing
(both bulk deformation and sheet metal deformation), machining (both chip generating
processes and chipless processes), and powder processing. The discussion of the processes
will emphasize metal materials, because most processes have been applied to metals, but
similar analyses can be extended to other materials, such as ceramics, polymers, glasses,
wood, and composites of these and other materials. Some processes, such as slush casting and
powder metallurgy, have some characteristics of both casting and forming.
Table 6.1 Primary Component Processing Operations and Secondary Processing Operations

Passive Sentences

The uses of the passive voice in formal writing has a number of important textual
functions. One of these is to project an academic indirectness, detachment, and objectivity in
what Johns (1997) called ―the author evacuated prose‖ considered to be requisite in Western
scientific tradition, and particularly so in natural sciences and engineering. However, in

reaction to the conventionalized use of passive in rigidly structured academic discourse in the
United States, much writing instruction and many composition text discourage the use of the
passive voice except on rare occasions.

In additons to creating an impression of detachment and objectivity, a more sophisticated

function of the passive voice is to develop cohesive text by organizing information in
sentences along the known/ old to new/important pattern in sentences. For example:

“The population problems is most pronounced in Third World nations. The population of
the African continent exceeds 650 million”

“In the 1930s and 1940, live music was generally considered superior to recorded music.
Early disk jockey made a significant contribution to change the public opinion”.

In these examples, the passive voice constructions shift the new/important idea to the end
of the sentence and thus help create lexical and semantic cohesive chain by connecting the
end of the first sentence to the beginning to the next.

There are probably few constructions in writing instruction that have been subject to as
much debate and controversy as the use of passive voice. The opponet claim that active voice
is more emphatic, vigorous, and clear than passive; that in active the doer of the action is
placed in the sentence subject position; and that ―active verbs are usually more effective
because they are simpler and more direct‖


Manufacturing process controls include all systems and software that exert control over
roduction processes. Control systems include process sensors, data processing equipment,
actuators, networks to connect equipment, and algorithms to relate process variables to
product attributes. Since 1995, the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Industrial
Technology‘s (OIT) program management strategy has reflected its commitment to
increasing and documenting the commercial impact of OIT programs. OIT‘s management
strategy for research and development has been in transition from a ―technology push‖
strategy to a ―market pull‖ strategy based on the needs of seven energyand waste-intensive
industries—steel, forest products, glass, metal casting, aluminum, chemicals, and petroleum
refining. These industries, designated as Industries of the Future (IOF), are the focus of OIT

programs. In 1997, agriculture, specifically renewable bioproducts, was added to the IOF
The National Research Council Panel on Manufacturing Process Controls is part of
the Committee on Industrial Technology Assessments (CITA), which was established to
evaluate the OIT program strategy, to provide guidance during the transition to the new IOF
strategy, and to assess the effects of the change in program strategy on cross-cutting
technology programs, that is, technologies applicable to several of the IOF industries. The
panel was established to identify key processes and needs for improved manufacturing
control technology, especially the needs common to several IOF industries; identify specific
research opportunities for addressing these common industry needs; suggest criteria for
identifying and prioritizing research and development (R&D) to improve manufacturing
controls technologies; and recommend means for implementing advances in control
technologies. The panel‘s responses to these tasks are described below.


Assemble: memasang (mesin); melakukan montasi

Forging: kerja tempa; penempa; pelumeran; barang tempaan
powder metallurgy : metalurgi serbuk
pouring basin : sekat tuang; lubang tuang
pour point: titik lumer
casting: pengecoran
steel casting: baja cor


Capaian Pembelajaran:

1. Mahasiswa mampu memahami teks ilmiah tentang Elemen Mesin

2. Mahasiswa mampu menterjemahkan teks ilmiah tentang Elemen Mesin
3. Mahasiswa mampu menuliskan teks ilmiah dengan grammar yang tepat


When designing a new machine, we usually start by looking for a patent and other
information about what has been done in this field. It is a rare case when we need to make
something completely new. Generally, we can often find a machine in service that closely
meets our needs as evidenced by its function (and sometimes also by parameters such as
capacity, output etc.). Such a machine is called a prototype.
The only documentation available for our prototype is often just a data sheet or some
servicing instructions, and it may be difficult to obtain. So it definitely would be
advantageous to go to the prototype and study it in service. In that way we begin to obtain
more of an idea of the similar machine that we are to create.
What next? Let us suppose that we like the prototype, and it is highly desirable (in
order to save time and money) to follow its design as closely as possible. We have only some
visual information, and we will have to fill in the missing information using our own abilities.
In other words, to understand, interpret and replicate the design of the prototype in every
detail depends completely on our knowledge, our experience, and the intuition (called
―mechanical aptitude‖) that we have developed from the experience.
Unfortunately, even if we know something, we may forget about it; also we can miss
it when considering the numerous factors and options of the design. If it isn‘t at the forefront
of our mind, there is little chance to think of it at the right time. Therefore, there is no
substitute for studying typical design features of units and details beforehand, for future use.
If practiced frequently, this should bring the intimate knowledge that becomes part of an
instinctive feeling for the right solution.


A conjunction joins words in a sentence; that is, it provides a junction between words.
Conjunctions are divided into three categories:
1. Coordinating conjunctions include but, or, yet, so, for, and, and nor. You might want to
remember them by using the mnemonic word boysfan.
2. Correlative conjunctions cannot stand alone; they must have a ―relative‖ nearby, usually in
the same sentence. The pairs include both/and, either/or, neither/nor, not only/also, and not
only/but also.
3. Subordinating conjunctions are used in the beginning of dependent clauses (words that
have a subject and verb but which cannot stand alone as sentences). You may remember that
dependent clauses are sometimes called subordinate clauses.
The most common ones are the following:
after how than
although if that
as if though
in order that
as in unless
in that
as long as until
inasmuch as
as much as when
now that
as soon as whenever
assuming that where
providing that
because wherever
before whether
so long as
even though while
so that
Conjunction adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan kalimat-kalimat.
Diantaranya adalah :
And Dan But Tetapi, melainkan, kecuali
Or Atau So Maka, demikian, karena itu
Till Hingga, sampai Until Hingga, sampai
Because Karena, sebab As Ketika, karena, seperti, sedangkan,
As if Seolah-olah As soon as Segera setelah

After Setelah Before Sebelum
Although Walaupun Though Walaupun
For Karena, untuk However Namun, tetapi, bagaimanapun
If Jika Unless Kalau tidak
In case Kalau, seandainya In case of Kalau-kalau, untuk persiapan
In order to Agar, supaya Yet Tetapi, namun, meskipun demikian
Nevertheless Walaupun While Sementara
demikian, akan
When Bila, kapan,ketika Whence Dari mana
Whenever Kapanpun Where Dimana
Whereas Padahal, sedangkan Wherefore Mengapa

Contoh :
There are two type of plastic, thermoplastics Terdapat dua tipe plastik, termoplastik dan
and thermosets termoset plastik
Susan can swim but Gina can‘t Susan bisa berenang tetapi Gina tidak bisa

You can go out or stay at home Kamu bisa pergi keluar atau tinggal di rumah
John is ill, so he can‘t go to school John sakit, maka dia tidak bisa pergi ke
Unstable structures can be dangerous because Ketidakstabilan struktur bisa berbahaya
they have to be stabilized karena itu strukturnya harus distabilkan
I go to work after I have breakfast Saya pergi kerja setelah makan pagi
Turn the light off before you go Matikan lampu itu sebelum kamu pergi
He worked in a bank till he was forty Dia bekerja di bank hingga dia berusia empat
puluh tahun
Susan will wait here until they arrive Susan akan menunggu disini hingga mereka
He walks to school although he has a bike Dia berjalan kaki ke sekolah walaupun dia
mempunyai sepeda
She has a cat though she doesn‘t like it Dia mempunyai kucing walaupun tidak
He worked hard and yet he failed Dia bekerja keras namun demikian dia gagal
There was no news nevertheless, he went on Tidak ada kabar walau demikian, dia terus
hoping berharap
I can‘t do this sum for it‘s too difficult Saya tidak bisa mengerjakan hitungan ini
karena terlalu sulit
I saw him as he was crossing the street Saya melihat dia ketika sedang menyebrangi
He stayed at home as he felt tired Dia tinggal di rumah karena merasa letih
He talks as if he knows all about it Dia bicara seolah-olah tahu semua tentang
masalah itu
He will ring Tom as soon as he gets home Dia akan menelpon Tom segera setelah tiba
di rumah
The man doesn‘t talk when he is working Orang itu tidak bicara pada saat bekerja
Please visit us whenever you come to Silakan kunjungi saya kapanpun anda datang
London ke London
Later, however, he decided to go Lalu, bagaimanapun, dia memutuskan untuk
Maria read a novel while Jane was cooking Maria membaca novel sementara Jane sedang

He stoped for a minute where the path ended Dia berhenti sebentar dimana gang itu buntu
I like that boy whereas they hate him Saya suka anak itu sedangkan mereka


Product engineers and mechanical designers use a wide range of skills and knowledge in
their daily work, including the following:
1. Sketching, technical drawing, and computer-aided design
2. Properties of materials, materials processing, and manufacturing processes
3. Applications of chemistry such as corrosion protection, plating, and painting
4. Statics, dynamics, .strength of materials, kinematics, and mechanisms
5. Oral communication, listening, technical writing, and teamwork skills
6. Fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and heat transfer
7. Fluid power, the fundamentals of electrical phenomena, and industrial controls
8. Experimental design and performance te.sting of materials and mechanical systems
9. Creativity, problem solving, and project management
10. Stress analysis
11. Specialized knowledge of the behavior of machine elements such as gears, belt drives,
chain drives, shafts, bearings, keys, splines, couplings, seals, springs, connections (bolted,
riveted, welded, adhesive), electric motors, linear motion devices, clutches, and brakes.
Consider that you are the designer of a speed reducer that is part of the power
transmission for a small tractor. The tractor's engine operates at a fairly high speed, while the
drive for the wheels must rotate more slowly and transmit a higher torque than is available at
the output of the engine. To begin the design process, let us list t\\e functions of the speed
reducer. What is it supposed to do? Some answers to this question are as follows:

1. To receive power from the tractor's engine through a rotating shaft.

2. To transmit the power through machine elements that reduce the rotational speed to a
desired value.
3. To deliver the power at the lower speed to an output shaft that ultimately drives the wheels
of the tractor.

Now the design requirements should be stated. The following list is hypothetical, but
if you were on the design team for the tractor, you would be able to identify such
requirements from your own experience and ingenuity and/or by consultation with fellow
designers, marketing staff, manufacturing engineers, service personnel, suppliers, and
customers. The product realization process calls for personnel from all of these functions to
be involved from the earliest stages of design.
Careful preparation of function statements and design requirements will ensure that
the design effort is focused on the desired results. Much time and money can be wasted on
designs that, although technically sound, do not meet design requirements. Design
requirements should include everything that is needed, but at the same time they should offer
ample opportunity for innovation.
Evaluation criteria should be developed by all members of a product development
team to ensure that the interests of all concerned parties are considered. Often weights are
assigned to the criteria to reflect their relative importance. Safety must always be the
paramount criterion. Different design concepts may have varying levels of inherent safety in
addition to meeting stated safety requirements as noted in the design requirements list.
Designers and engineers are legally liable if a person is injured because of a design error.
You must consider any reasonably foreseeable uses of the device and ensure safety of those
operafing it or those who may be close by. Achieving a high overall performance should also
be a high priority. Certain design concepts may have desirable features not present on others.
The remaining criteria should reflect the special needs of a particular project. The following
list gives examples of possible evaluafion criteria for the small tractor.
Mechanical design is the process of designing and/or selecfing mechanical
components and putting them together to accomplish a desired function. Of course, machine
elements must be compatible, must fit well together, and must perform safely and efficiently.
The designer must consider not only the performance of the element being designed at a
given fime but also the elements with which it must interface.


Shaft : poros
Nut : mur
Bolt: baut


Cengel,A Yunus, Boles, A Michael. Thermodynamics An Engineering Approach. McGraw

Hill International Editions,:New York, 1994

Cengel,A Yunus. Heat Transfer.

El-Wakil, M.M., Power Plant Technology. McGraw Hill International Editions, Singapore,

Pulkrabek, Willard W. 2004. Engineering Fundamental of the Internal Combustion Engine.

Pientice Hall, New York.

Glendinning, Eric H., 1974. English in Mechanical Engineering. Oxford University


Ashby, Michael F., Material Selection in Mechanical Design,2nd edition. Department of

Engineering, Cambridge University, England. 1999

Klebanov. Boris M., Barlam. David M., Nystrom. Frederic E., Machine Elements Life and
Design,CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, New York

Creese, Robert C.,1999, Introduction to Manufacturing Processes and Materials, Marcel

Dekker Inc, New York

MacIsaac, Bernie., Langton Roy, 2011. Gas Turbine Propulsion Systems. John Wiley &
Sons, United Kingdom

Jaluria, yogesh. Design and Optimization on Thermal System. CRC Press Taylor & Francis
Group, New York


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