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The writer : Maya Damayanti, S.Pd

Grade : IX

School : SMP Islam Assalafiyah Cibiuk



TAHUN 2021



Alhamdulillah, all the praises and thanks be to Allah the most beneficent and the
most merciful, The writer has finished writing this module entitled “LEARNING
MATERIAL REPORT TEXT”. This module is intended to fulfill one of the
requirement for PPG 2021. This module is written to improve the students’ skills in
writing skills

The writer hopes that the result of this learning could give motivation and
inspiration to build the students’ achievement in English. The main point of learning
English are vocabulary and a good understanding of the material.

The writer got difficulty in finishing this module. Therefore, the write greatly
appreciates all comments and criticism of this module to improve it. the writer
hopes that this paper will be useful for the reader especially for the students.

Garut, July 2021

The writer

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PREFACE ........................................................................................................... i

TABLE OF CONTENT ......................................................................................... ii

LEARNING OBJECTIVES ................................................................................... iii

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 1

1. Short Description.............................................................................................. 1

2. Relevance ........................................................................................................ 1

3. Learning Guide................................................................................................. 1

MAIN SECTION .................................................................................................. 2

1. Learning Outcome............................................................................................ 2

2. Learning Material and Learning Activities......................................................... 3

3. Exercises.......................................................................................................... 5

CLOSE SECTION ................................................................................................ 7

1. Summary .......................................................................................................... 7

2. Reflection ......................................................................................................... 7

3. Written Text Rubric .......................................................................................... 7

4. Formative Text ................................................................................................. 7

5. Answers Key .................................................................................................... 9

6. Refference........................................................................................................ 10

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3 memahami dan menerapkan pengetahuan (faktual, konseptual, dan prosedural) berdasarkan rasa
ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya terkait fenomena dan kejadian
tampak mata.
4 mengolah, menyaji, dan menalar dalam ranah konkret (menggunakan, mengurai, merangkai,
memodifikasi, dan membuat) dan ranah abstrak (menulis, membaca, menghitung, menggambar,
dan mengarang) sesuai dengan yang dipelajari di sekolah dan sumber lain yang sama dalam
sudut pandang/teori
3.9 membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks information
report lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait mata pelajaran lain di
Kelas IX, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

4.9.1 menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks information report lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan sederhana, terkait
topik yang tercakup dalam mata pelajaran lain di Kelas IX
4.9.2 menyusun teks information report lisan dan tulis, sangat pendek dan sederhana, terkait
topik yang tercakup dalam mata pelajaran lain di Kelas IX, dengan memperhatikan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks

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A. Introduction
Writing is one of skills in English including writing a text. According to Retnowati
(2017) writing skill is a prominent challenge for most of English teachers in
secondary level of education. She said that Writing activities are not always easy
for most students due to many intertwining factors in writing process . English have
many text type that should be learned by the students. One of text type is report text. As
we know that report is also known as information report about something. It is a result of
systematic observation and analyses. Report text is usually about the provable facts.
Report texts are used to record, organise, and store information relating to categories of
things. Report texs are divided into four types such as classifying, compositional,
comparative and historical reports. In this module, the writer will explains about
classifying report.
This module is designed to provide learning activities for the students. It is used to
develop their comprehension skills about type of text expecially report text. The learnings
of this module shall focus on the knowledge to apply their writing skill for students.

1. Short descriptions
Report text is a text which presents information about something (animals, natural
phenomena , plants, etc). It is as a result of systematic observation and analyses. A
repor text starts from general information to details, such as physical description,
habitat, diet, and breeding system) “Report text contains technical terms and
accurate information, compared to composing other kinds of text, writing report
text is more challenging since as an academic type of text, it requires more
advanced knowledge both of grammar and vocabulary” (Retnowati,2017)

2. Relevance
The main objective of this learning is to help you in comparing the definition of genre
text (classifying report and compositional report). The students will study social
function, generic structure, and language feature of report text.

3. Learning guide

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There are organized of

this module:
A. Introduction
1. Short descriptions
2. Relevance
3. Learning guide
B. Main Section
1. Learning Outcome
2. Learning Material and Learning Activities
3. Exercises
C. Close Section
1. Summary
2. Reflection
3. Formative test
4. Answers Key
5. Reference

B. Main Section
1. Learning Outcomes
a. Attitude
To internalize, uphold, and put into action religious, moral, and ethical values,
integrity, accountability, independence, tolerance, care, mutual respect, peace,
collaboration, and nationalism.
b. Knowledge
Having studied the learning materials and experienced learning activities of
this type of text, you are expected to be able:

 To analyse differences and similarities of social function between some report

 To analyse differences and similarities of the structure between some report
 To analyse differences and similarities of the language feature between some
report text

c. Skills
 To compare the difference between some report text

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 To write the report text

2. Learning Material and Learning Activities

Teks 1

Read the whole text carefully.

Types of Whales – Whale Species in Antarctica

Whales are not only the largest animals alive today, they are the largest animals to
have ever lived. Hunted to the edge of extinction, they are making something of a comeback,
though some species are recovering more quickly than others.

Blue whale

The largest animals ever to have lived, dwarfing even the largest dinosaurs, all figures
about blue whales are awesome. Their circulatory system pumps 10 tonnes of blood through
its body using a heart the size of a small car. A child could crawl down the whales’ main blood
vessel, the aorta. In its development, a blue whale calf can drink 50 gallons of its mother’s
milk and gain 200 lbs per day. The largest individuals have been estimated at being 150-220
tonnes. Blue whales are light grey/blue to dark grey while at the surface, but seen underwater
they are luminous aqua blue.

Southern Right Whale

The name was given by the early whalers because they were the “right” whales to
kill. They have large amounts of oil, blubber and baleen or whalebone, they are slow
swimming (easy to catch), are often found close to shore and float when killed. Right whales
have a large bulbous head and lack the streamlined shape of other whales. The head has large
callosities that are home to a whole collony of whale barnacles, parasitic worms and whale

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Sei Whale

These are among the most elusive of the larger whales, not coming very close to land
at any time and not forming large groups or “schools”. Sei is pronounced “Say”. They are
found like many whales in both Northern and Southern hemispheres following the best
feeding at different times of year. Only the larger older individuals tend to go very far south,
they are relatively rare in Antartica.

Humpback Whale

Probably the best known of the large whales as they often collect in groups near to
land and draw attention to themselves by their behaviour. Breaching, lob-tailing, and flipper-
slap are common and often occur several times in a row. They are slow swimmers (allows
tourist boats - and whalers – to get close). Males at breeding time sing the longest and most
complex songs in the animal kingdom.


a. Social function

Classifying report
To organise and describe a field or topic into a class and subsclass hierarchy

b. Generic Structure
According to S. Raharjo, and D. Nirmala (2016) the generic structure most
presenters used was Greeting and Salutation–Self Introduction–Topic
Introduction–Body–Summary–Conclusion, in which the Body mostly consists of
Background or Object of the Study, Problem Statement, Aims of the Study,
Research Method, and Results and Discussion, and the Summary consists of
Conclusion and Suggestion.

 Title
 General statement : The writer describes about aspect of things that will be
informed in general
 Description : The writer describes the things that will be discussed in detail /
rest paragraph

c. Language feature

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 Use of general
 Use of relating verbs to describe features
 Some use of action verbs when describing behaviour
 Use of timeless present tense to indicate usualness
 Use of technical terms
 Use of paragraphs with topic sentences to organise bundles of information;
repeated naming of the topic as the beginning focus of the clause.

1. Exercises
I. Based on text 1, fill in the table below!
General Statement


II. Arrange these paragraph into a good text!

Teks 2

1 An Electric current is produced when electrons jump from one atom to another.
Each atom can olnly have a fixed number of electrons. When an atom gets an extra
electron, it immediately passes it along to a neighbouring atom. In this way, the
electron travels through millions of atom.

2 There is abundant electricity in nature. If you run a comb through your hair, you will
find that the comb can pick up small pieces of paper. This is called statis electricity.
The lightening that can be seen during a storm is also electricity. An electrical
charge builds up in the clouds until it passes down to the earth as a flash of

3 Everything in the world is made up of atoms. Atoms have a central core. The central
core is surrounded by electrons. The electrons spin around the core or nucleus just
as our earth revolves around the Sun.

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III. Watch the video

below! Compare the text 2 with the video! Please answer these questions

Write a report text by using your own words based the video that you have

General Statement


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C. Close Section
1. Summary
Report text is one of important text that we should learned. Many functions of
learning this text such us we will know the comparison of type text (classifying
report and compositional report) and how to write a good report text by
learning the specific of social function, generic structure and language feature
of this text.

2. Reflection

You can able to …..

analyse the description of

analyse the description of
type text of report
Compare between
classifying and
compositional report
To write the report rex

3. Written Text Rubric

Aspek yang dinilai Skor
1. Comprehension 40
2. Vocabulary 25
3. Grammar 35

4. Formative Test

Choose the correct answer by crossing A,B,C or D

The Following text is for qustions 1 - 5
Komodo Dragon

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Komodo dragon is
the largest lizard on earth. It lives within the scrub and land of some
Indonesian islands. Komodo dragon is the world’s heaviest lizard, advising
one hundred fifty pounds or a lot of. The most important Komodo ever
measured was quite ten feet (3 meters) long and weighed 366 pounds (166
kg) however, the common size of Komodo within the wild is about eight feet
(2.5 meters) long and two hundred pounds or 91 kg.
Komodo has gray scale skin, a pointed snout, powerful limbs, and a muscular tail.
They use their keen sense of smell to find decaying an animal remains from many
miles away. They additionally hunt different lizards yet as massive mammals
and generally barbarian. The Komodo dragon’s teeth are nearly utterly coated by its
gums. Once it feeds, the gums bleed, making a perfect culture for virulent
microorganism. The microorganism that boards the Komodo dragon’s spit causes
blood disease, or septicemia, in its victims. A dragon can bite its prey, then follow it till
the animal is simply too weak to hold on. This lizard species is vulnerable by looking,
loss of prey species, and surrounding loss.

1. What is the type text of report?

A. Compositional report
B. Comparative report
C. Historical report
D. Classifying report
2. Where does komodo live?
A. The scrub
B. The land
C. The scrub and land of some Indonesian islands
D. Indonesian island
3. These are features of komodo, except ……
A. Prehensile tail
B. Muscular tail
C. Powerful limbs
D. A pointed snout
4. They use their keen sense of smell to find decaying an animal remains from many
miles away. The word “they” refers to ……….

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A. Lizard
B. Komodo
C. The island
D. mammals
5. What is the social function of the text
A. To explain the phenomena
B. To describe and describe a field or topic according to its part
C. To organize and describe a field or topic into a class and subclass hierarchy
D. To explain how to do something
6. What is the similar meaning of “heaviest”?
A. Similarities
B. Greatest
C. Smallest
D. tallest
7. What is the opposite meaning of “weak”?
A. Strong
B. Big
C. Thin
D. Fat
8. Orangutans are being ………….. by hunters
A. kill
B. kills
C. killed
D. take
9. The central core is …………….. by electrons
A. being surround
B. surrounded
C. abudance
D. abundant
10. Tigers are ……… hunters these days
A. kills
B. being killed
C. killed
D. kill

5. Answers Key

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Text 2

1 Everything in the world is made up of atoms. Atoms have a central core. The central
core is surrounded by electrons. The electrons spin around the core or nucleus just
as our earth revolves around the Sun.

2 An Electric current is produced when electrons jump from one atom to another.
Each atom can olnly have a fixed number of electrons. When an atom gets an extra
electron, it immediately passes it along to a neighbouring atom. In this way, the
electron travels through millions of atom.

3 There is abundant electricity in nature. If you run a comb through your hair, you will
find that the comb can pick up small pieces of paper. This is called statis electricity.
The lightening that can be seen during a storm is also electricity. An electrical
charge builds up in the clouds until it passes down to the earth as a flash of

Formative Test
1. D
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. B
7. A
8. C
9. B
10. B

6. Reference

Zaida, Nur. 2018. Bright An English. Erlangga


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FORSOCIAL COMMUNICATION. Kementrian Pendidikan dan
Retnowati, 2017. Improving Students Skill On Writing Report Text Using References
(A Report On Best Practice Conducted At Grade 9 Of SMP Negeri 1 Dramaga
Raharjo S & Nirmala D. 2016. Generic Structure and Cohesive Devices: A Study
on the Final Project Report Presentation of the Accounting Students of
Polines Semarang. Parole Journal of Linguistic and education.

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