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Nama : Lili Andriani

Program Study : Ilmu Keperawatan
Judul : Gambaran Faktor Resiko Petugas Dengan Hasil PCR
Terkonfirmasi Positif Di Rumah Sakit Krakatau Medika
Cilegon Tahun 2020

VII Bab, 73 Halaman, 8 Tabel, 2 Gambar, 11 Lampiran

Sars cov-2 penyebab Covid-19 merupakan penyakit infeksi yang menjadi
pandemik saat ini. Infeksi virus ini menjadi permasalahan tersendiri bagi petugas
kesehatan, karena banyaknya pasien yang dirawat dan menjadi penyebab paparan
terhadap petugas. Ada banyak faktor resiko penyebab paparan Covid-19 pada
petugas antara lain kurang patuh dalam melakukan kebersihan tangan, jam kerja
yang lebih lama, penggunaan APD yang kurang tepat pada saat melakukan
tindakan aerosol seperti pemasangan ETT, RJP, suction, petugas memiliki
anggota keluarga yang positif Covid-19. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah Untuk
mengetahui Gambaran Faktor Resiko Petugas Dengan Hasil PCR Terkonfirmasi
Positif Di Rumah Sakit Krakatau Medika Cilegon Tahun 2020. Desain penelitian
dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif yang bersifat eksploratoris dan
deskriptif dengan tehnik pengambilan sample menggunakan total sampling
berjumlah 30 responden. Hasil analisis univariat didapatkan self risk assessment
and management baik sebanyak 18 petugas (60%), petugas yang patuh
melaksanakan prosedur PPI sebanyak 19 petugas (63.3%) dan petugas merasa
beban kerja yang berlebihan sebanyak 17 petugas (56.7%). Saran bagi RSKM
melaksanakan self risk assessment and management bagi petugas kesehatan dan
petugas non kesehatan yang dilanjutkan dengan pemeriksaan PCR secara berkala.
Meningkatkan supervisi kepatuhan melaksanakan prosedur PPI minimal 1 x
/bulan kepada seluruh petugas baik petugas kesehatan ataupun petugas non

Kata Kunci : Covid-19, petugas kesehatan, self risk assessment and

management, beban kerja
Daftar pustaka : 24 (2017 - 2020)

Nama : Lili Andriani

Program Study : Nursing
Judul : The Overview of the Risk Factor from Health and Non-
health Worker to positive confirmed PCR results at
Krakatau Medika Cilegon in 2020

VII Chapter, 73 Pages, 8 Tables, 2 Pictures, 11 Appendix

Sars cov-2, which causes Covid-19, is an infectious disease that currently

becoming a pandemic. This viral infection is a problem for health workers,
because many patients are treated and cause exposure to officers. There are many
risk factors that cause Covid-19 exposure to officers, including less compliance
with hand hygiene, longer working hours, inappropriate use of PPE when
performing aerosol actions such as ETT, CPR, suction, officers having positive
family members. Covid-19. The purpose of this study was to determine the
description of the risk factors for officers with positive confirmed PCR results at
the Krakatau Medika Hospital Cilegon in 2020. The research design in this study
was quantitative research that was exploratory and descriptive in nature with
sampling techniques using total sampling of 30 respondents. The results of
univariate analysis obtained good self-risk assessment and management of 18
officers (60%), 19 officers who obeyed PPI procedures (63.3%) and 17 officers
(56.7%) felt that the workload was excessive. Suggestions for RSKM to carry out
self-risk assessment and management for health workers and non-health workers,
followed by regular PCR examinations. Improve compliance supervision in
implementing PPI procedures at least once per month for all officers, both health
workers and non-health workers.

Keywords : Covid-19, health workers, self risk assessment and

management, workload

Bibliography : 24 ( 2017-220)


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