Anda di halaman 1dari 44



Jumlah soal 40
Waktu pengerjaan soal
01 1-15 Structure
03 25 menit
16-40 Written expression

02 Dikerjakan setelah Listening

04 Nilai maksimal 680
1. Kesempatan terbaik Anda untuk
meningkatkan skor Anda di TOEFL dalam
waktu singkat
2. Mudah dipelajari
3. Tipe soal berulang ulang
4. Tipe kalimat sama seperti Bahasa Indonesia
5. 95% hanya perlu untuk menelaah struktur
dari sebuah kalimat tanpa harus mengetahui
makna dari suatu kalimat
2 macam pendekatan dalam
Menjawab soal structure
1. Pendekatan analitis

Seorang peserta tes yang menggunakan pendekatan analitis dengan

cepat menganalisis tata bahasa kalimat untuk melihat elemen apa
yang hilang (dalam Structure (1-15) atau elemen mana yang salah
(dalam Written expression (16-40).
2 macam pendekatan dalam
Menjawab soal structure
2. Pendekatan intuitif

Seseorang yang menggunakan pendekatan kedua hanya memilih jawaban

yang "kedengarannya benar" (dalam Structure) atau yang "terdengar salah"
(dalam Ekspresi Tertulis). Meskipun Panduan ini menekankan yang
pertama Pendekatan, yang kedua juga dapat berguna, terutama bagi orang
yang belajar bahasa Inggris terutama dengan Reading dan Listening
daripada dengan mempelajari tata bahasa dan tulisan (Grammar).
Jika Anda tidak yakin yang mana pendekatan
bekerja paling baik untuk Anda, ikuti test TOEFL
yang sudah kita siapkan setelah kursus ini
Cek dan Analisa, mana kemampuan anda yang
Apakah satu pendekatan memberi Anda hasil
yang jauh lebih baik skor? Anda juga dapat
menggabungkan dua pendekatan: jika Anda
"terjebak" (tidak dapat memilih jawaban)
menggunakan satu metode, Anda dapat
beralih ke metode lain.
Taktik for Written Expression

1. Bacalah setiap kalimat, cari kesalahan yang jelas terlihat.

Taktik for Written Expression

2. Jika Anda belum menemukan kesalahannya, baca kembali

kalimat tersebut dengan cermat, berkonsentrasi pada
bagian yang digarisbawahi. Periksa daftar dan jenis
kesalahan yang paling umum
a) bentuk kata
b) pilihan kata
c) paralelisme
d) kata kerja
e) kata ganti
f) kata benda tunggal / jamak)
Taktik for Written Expression

3. Jika Anda masih tidak dapat menemukan kesalahan,

coba hilangkan opsi yang tampaknya benar. Jika
lebih dari satu pilihan tersisa, beri tanda dengan
nomor item itu pada lembar jawaban Anda, dan lalu
tebak dan lanjutkan.
Taktik for Written Expression

4. Jika Anda menyelesaikan sebelum waktu habis,

kembali dan kerjakan masalah Structure & Written
expression yang ditandai sulit itu. Pastikan Anda
memiliki jawaban untuk setiap soal
Apasih yang diujikan di written
expression? Soal nomor 16-40
1. Word Form 21%
Contoh pertanyaan (WORD FORM)

1. Corn played an important role in the cultural of the cliff-dwelling Indians of the Southwest.
a b c d
Contoh pertanyaan (WORD FORM)

1. Corn played an important role in the cultural of the cliff-dwelling Indians of the Southwest.
a b c d
In (preposition) + NOUN
The + NOUN + of NOUN
Cultural (adjective) => Culture (NOUN)
Contoh pertanyaan (WORD FORM)

2. Scientists belief that the continents once formed a single continent surrounded by an
a b c
enormous sea.
Contoh pertanyaan (WORD FORM)

2. Scientists belief that the continents once formed a single continent surrounded by an
a b c
enormous sea.
Belief (NOUN) => VERB (believe)
Apasih yang diujikan di written
expression? Soal nomor 16-40
2. Word Choice 15%

1. Make vs Do
2. Like, Alike, As
3. So, Such, Too, As
4. Another (Singular) vs Other (Plural)
5. Because ( S +V ) vs Because of + NOUN
6. When/While vs During
7. Many + N Plural countable vs Much + N Plural Uncountable
8. No + not DLL.
Contoh pertanyaan (WORD CHOICE)

Willa Cather is known for My Antonia and another novels of the American frontier.
a b c d
Contoh pertanyaan (WORD CHOICE)

Willa Cather is known for My Antonia and another novels of the American frontier.
a b c d

Another + SINGULAR
Another + Novels
Another => Other + NOVELS
Apasih yang diujikan di written
expression? Soal nomor 16-40
3. Word Choice 10%

1. Subject-Verb Agreement
2. Tenses
3. Incorrect verb form
Contoh pertanyaan (VERB)

Personal taxes for Americans rose sharply since 1945.

a b c d
Contoh pertanyaan (VERB)

Personal taxes for Americans rose sharply since 1945.

a b c d
Taxes = N plural
For = prep
Rose = Verb
Sharply = adverb (KK)

Since = time signal untuk PRESENT PERFECT

Rose (V2) => have risen (present perfect)
Jawabannya; C
Contoh pertanyaan (VERB)

Minerals in seawater exists in the same proportions in all of the oceans of the world.
a b c d
Contoh pertanyaan (VERB)

Minerals in seawater exists in the same proportions in all of the oceans of the world.
a b c d

S ; minerals = plural / jamak

V ; exists = singular => exist = plural
Subject – Verb agreement
Jawabannya; B
Apasih yang diujikan di written
expression? Soal nomor 16-40
4. Parallel Structures 9%
Contoh pertanyaan (PARALLEL)

As a young man, George Washington liked boating, to hunt, and fishing.

a b c d
Contoh pertanyaan (PARALLEL)

As a young man, George Washington liked boating, to hunt, and fishing.

a b c d
Parallel = setara
Noun, Noun, and Noun
Adjective, Adjective, and Adjective
To hunt => Hunting (Ving)
Jawabannya ; C
Apasih yang diujikan di written
expression? Soal nomor 16-40
5. Pronouns 8%

1. Error in Noun Agreement

2. Pronoun Form
3. Type of pronoun
4. Unnecessary pronoun
Contoh pertanyaan (PRONOUN)

Jackrabbits have powerful rear legs that enable it to leap long distances.
a b c d
Contoh pertanyaan (PRONOUN)

Jackrabbits have powerful rear legs that enable it to leap long distances.
a b c d

It => balik ke NOUN

It => jackrabbits (PLURAL)
It => them
Jawabannya; B
Apasih yang diujikan di written
expression? Soal nomor 16-40
6. Singular/Plural Nouns 8%

1. Singular vs plural
2. Irregular nouns
3. Plural form of non-countable
Contoh pertanyaan (Singular Plural)

One of the most beautiful state capitol is the Utah State Capitol, located in Salt Lake City.
a b c d
Contoh pertanyaan (Singular Plural)

One of the most beautiful state capitol is the Utah State Capitol, located in Salt Lake City.
a b c d

ONE OF (wajib bertemu dengan NOUN PLURAL)

Capitol => Noun plural + “S” capitols
Jawabannya ; b
Contoh pertanyaan (Singular Plural)

As childs grow older, their bones become thicker and longer.

a b c d
Contoh pertanyaan (Singular Plural)

As childs grow older, their bones become thicker and longer.

a b c d

Child (singular) => children (plural)

Jawabannya; A
Apasih yang diujikan di written
expression? Soal nomor 16-40
7. Verbals (Infinitives, Gerunds, and Participles) 6%

1. Incorrect Choice of Verbal

2. Incorrect Choice of Participle
3. Incorrect Forms of Infinitives
Contoh pertanyaan (Verbal)

The writer Edgar Allan Poe is usually credited with invent the short story.
a b c d
Contoh pertanyaan (Verbal)

The writer Edgar Allan Poe is usually credited with invent the short story.
a b c d
Invent => inventing (gerund) + N (the short story)
Apasih yang diujikan di written
expression? Soal nomor 16-40
7. Prepositions 6%

1. Errors in Preposition Choice

2. Incorrect Inclusion or Omission of Prepositions
Contoh pertanyaan (PREPOSITION)

The pitch of a tuning fork depends of the size and shape of its arms.
a b c d
Contoh pertanyaan (PREPOSITION)

The pitch of a tuning fork depends of the size and shape of its arms.
a b c d

Depend + ON
Interest + IN
Apasih yang diujikan di written
expression? Soal nomor 16-40
7. Word Order 5%

1. Adjective + Noun
2. Possessive + Noun
3. Adverb + Adjective
Contoh pertanyaan (Word Order)

Goods such as flowers fresh and seafood are often shipped by air.
a b c d
Contoh pertanyaan (Word Order)

Goods such as flowers fresh and seafood are often shipped by air.
a b c d

Flowers = NOUN
fresh = adjective

Fresh flowers (NOUN PHRASE)

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