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Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

Republik Indonesia



Buku Siswa

Bahasa Inggris



Buku Siswa
Bahasa Inggris
SMALB/A - Tunanetra

Buku ini merupakan buku siswa yang

dipersiapkan Pemerintah dalam rangka
implementasi kurikulum 2013. Buku
siswa ini disusun dan ditelaah oleh
berbagai pihak di bawah koordinasi
Kementerian Pendidikan dan
Kebudayaan, dan dipergunakan dalam
tahap awal penerapan kurikulum 2013.
Buku ini merupakan “dokumen hidup”
yang senantiasa diperbaiki,
diperbaharui, dan dimutakhirkan sesuai
dengan dinamika kebutuhan dan
perubahan zaman. Masukan dari
berbagai kalangan diharapkan dapat
meningkatkan kualitas buku ini.

Bar Code

Nomor ISBN
Hak Cipta pada kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
Dilindungi Undang – Undang


Penulis : Tolibul Hadi

Penyunting materi : Dr. Hanip Pujiati
Ilustrator : Melinda Nur Aisyah & Ersa Mauliza
Penyelia Penerbitan : Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan,

Kotak katalog dalam terbitan (KDT)

Indonesia. Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

Bahasa Inggris SMALB ~Tunanetra : Buku Siswa/ Kementerian
Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. –Jakarta : Kementerian Pendidikan dan
Kebudayaan, 2016.
ix, 200hl.
x, 196 hl.
Untuk SMALB/A Kelas X

ISBN. .......................................................................... (jilid lengkap)

ISBN............................................................................ (jilid I)

I. Bahasa Inggris – Studi dan Pengajaran I. Judul

Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

Cetakan ke-1, 2016

Disusun dengan huruf Bookman Oldstyle , 12pt

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra iii


Bahasa merupakan bagian terpenting dalam dunia

pendidikan karena bahasa berfungsi sebagai pengantar
makna yang dikomunikasikan manusia dari satu orang ke
orang lain. Pendidikan dan bahasa adalah sesuatu yang tidak
bisa dipisahkan, tanpa bahasa pendidikan tidak akan
tersampaikan. Begitu juga dengan Bahasa Inggris.
Bahasa Inggris sangat penting dikuasai oleh semua orang,
termasuk juga dengan anak-anak tunanetra yang mempunyai
hak yang sama dengan anak-anak lainnya. Anak-anak
tunanetra juga memerlukan pendidikan yang setara termasuk
mendapatkan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris.
Sesuai dengan pembelajaran di sekolah, Pemerintah
Republik Indonesian telah menerbitkan Peraturan Pemerintah
Nomor 32 Tahun 2013 tentang perubahan atas peraturan
Pemerintah No 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standard Nasional
Pendidikan. Berdasarkan peraturan ini, telah ditetapkan
kebijakan baru pendidikan khususnya yang berkaitan dengan
kurikulum yang berlanjut dengan penerapan kurikulum
Kurikulum 2013 dirancang untuk menyongsong model
pembelajaran abad 21. Di dalamnya terdapat pergeseran
pembelajaran dari peserta didik diberi tahu menjadi peserta
didik mencari tahu dari berbagai sumber belajar melampaui
batas guru dan satuan pendidikan. Peran bahasa Inggris
dalam model pembelajaran seperti itu menjadi sangat sentral

iv Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

mengingat lebih banyak sumber belajar dalam bahasa Inggris
dibanding semua sumber belajar dalam semua bahasa lainnya
Sejalan dengan peran di atas, pembelajaran bahasa
Inggris untuk SMALB/A Tunanetra Kelas X yang disajikan
dalam buku ini disusun untuk meningkatkan kemampuan
berbahasa. Penyajiannya adalah dengan menggunakan
pendekatan pembelajaran berbasis teks, baik lisan maupun
tulis, dengan menempatkan bahasa Inggris sebagai sarana
berkomunikasi. Pemahaman terhadap jenis, kaidah dan
konteks suatu teks ditekankan sehingga memudahkan peserta
didik menangkap makna yang terkandung dalam suatu teks
maupun menyajikan gagasan dalam bentuk teks yang sesuai
sehingga mudah dipahami orang lain
Buku ini masih jauh dari sempurna. Oleh karena itu
saya mengharapkan masukan, kritik dan saran dari berbagai
pihak demi kesempurnaan buku ini.
Akhirnya saya menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih
yang sebesar-besarnya kepada semua pihak yang berperan
dalam penyusunan buku ini, khususnya kepada Team
profesional dari Dit.PKLK Kemendikbud, Editor, Ilustrator,
dan semua pihak yang yang telah membantu terbitnya buku
Semoga buku ini bermanfaat

Jakarta, 4 Juni 2016


Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra v


Kata Pengantar ...................................................................... iv

Daftar Isi ............................................................................... vi
Daftar Gambar ...................................................................... ix


A. Conceptual Map ........................................................... 1
Introduction ................................................................. 2
B. Materials and Learning Process .................................... 3
C. Summary ..................................................................... 25
D. Evaluation .................................................................... 27
E. Reflection ..................................................................... 31
F. Enrichment .................................................................. 32
G. Remedial ...................................................................... 33
H. Vocabulary List ........................................................... 35


A. Conceptual Map .................................................................................... 38
B. Introduction ................................................................................................ 38
C. Materials and Learning Process .................................................... 39
D. Summary ................................................................................................. 71
E. Evaluation ............................................................................................... 72
F. Reflection ...................................................................................................... 75
G. Enrichment ............................................................................................. 76
H. Remedial ....................................................................................................... 78
I. Vocabulary List ..................................................................................... 80

vi Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

A. Conceptual Map.................................................................................... 82
B. Introduction ................................................................................................ 82
C. Materials and Learning Process .................................................... 83
D. Summary ................................................................................................. 107
E. Evaluation ............................................................................................... 109
F. Reflection ..................................................................................................... 113
G. Enrichment ............................................................................................. 114
H. Remedial ....................................................................................................... 115
I. Vocabulary List ................................................................................... 120


A. Conceptual Map.................................................................................... 122
B. Introduction ................................................................................................ 122
C. Materials and Learning Process .................................................... 123
D. Summary ................................................................................................. 137
E. Evaluation ............................................................................................... 139
F. Reflection ..................................................................................................... 145
G. Enrichment ............................................................................................. 146
H. Remedial ....................................................................................................... 147
I. Vocabulary List ................................................................................... 151


A. Conceptual Map.................................................................................... 154
B. Introduction ................................................................................................ 154
C. Materials and Learning Process .................................................... 155
D. Summary ................................................................................................. 163
E. Evaluation ............................................................................................... 164

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra vii

F. Reflection ...................................................................................................... 166

G. Enrichment .............................................................................................167
H. Remedial ....................................................................................................... 168
I. Vocabulary List Vocabulary List .................................................169


A. Conceptual Map ....................................................................................172
B. Introduction ................................................................................................. 172
C. Materials and Learning Process ....................................................173
D. Summary..................................................................................................184
E. Evaluation ...............................................................................................185
F. Reflection ...................................................................................................... 186
G. Enrichment .............................................................................................187
H. Remedial ....................................................................................................... 188
I. Vocabulary List .....................................................................................189

DAFTAR PUSTAKA .................................................................................. 190

GLOSARIUM ............................................................................................... 192
PROFIL PENULIS ...................................................................................... 195

viii Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


1. Picture 1.1 Orang bersalaman ..................................................... 1
2. Picture 1.2 Foto .................................................................................. 15
3. Picture 2.1 Gambar orang ............................................................. 37
4. Picture 2.2 Tas sekolah................................................................... 37
5. Picture 2.3 Kucing ............................................................................. 37
6. Picture 2.4 Lemari ............................................................................ 53
7. Picture 2.5 Kursi ................................................................................ 53
8. Picture 2.6 Meja ................................................................................. 53
9. Picture 2.7 Papan tulis .................................................................... 53
10. Picture 2.8 Tempat tidur ................................................................ 54
11. Picture 2.9 Bantal .............................................................................. 54
12. Picture 2.10 Selimut ......................................................................... 54
13. Picture 2.11 Guling ........................................................................... 54
14. Picture 2.12 Kaca cermin ............................................................... 54
15. Picture 2.13 Lampu ........................................................................... 54
16. Picture 2.14 Piring ............................................................................ 55
17. Picture 2.15 Sendok .......................................................................... 55
18. Picture 2.16 Pisau ............................................................................. 55
19. Picture 2.17 Garpu ............................................................................ 55
20. Picture 2.18 Botol ............................................................................. 55
21. Picture 2.19 Cangkir ........................................................................ 55
22. Picture 2.20 Ember........................................................................... 56
23. Picture 2.21 Shower ........................................................................ 56

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra ix

24. Picture 2.22 Wastafel ........................................................................ 56
25. Picture 2.23 Toilet ..................................................................................56
26. Picture 2.24 Gitar ............................................................................... 58
27. Picture 2.25 Tas sekolah ................................................................. 59
28. Picture 2.26 Handphone ................................................................. 60
29. Picture 2.27 Kucing ........................................................................... 63
30. Picture 2.28 Kelinci ........................................................................... 63
31. Picture 2.29 Ikan ................................................................................ 63
32. Picture 2.30 Lumba-lumba ............................................................ 63
33. Picture 2.31 Ikan ................................................................................ 67
34. Picture 2.32 Ayam ............................................................................. 68
35. Picture 2.33 Kuda .............................................................................. 68
36. Picture 2.34 Kucing ........................................................................... 68
37. Picture 2.35 Gajah.............................................................................. 69
38. Picture 2.36 Jerapah ......................................................................... 69
39. Picture 2.37 Singa ............................................................................. 69
40. Picture 2.38 Komodo ....................................................................... 70
41. Picture 2.39 Kangguru ...................................................................... 70

39. Picture 3.1 Orang bergandengan ................................................. 81
40. Picture 4.1 .......................................................................................... 121
41. Picture 5.1 Setrika ...........................................................................153
42. Picture 5.2 Bahan-bahan untuk memasak ............................ 153
43. Picture 5.3 Bagian-bagian dari setrika ....................................155
44. Picture 6.1 Orang sedang menyanyi ........................................ 171
45. Picture 6.2 Orang sedang menyanyi ......................................... 182

x Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Chapter 1

Me, my friend and my family

In this chapter, I will learn about:

• My personal identity
• The identity of my friends
• The identity of family members

Picture 1.1. Source : Author doc.

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 1



In this chapter I will learn about how to introduce myself, how

to ask friends or others’ identity, and how to tell my family’s
identity. Finally I will tell to the other people about myself, my
friends, and my family’s identity.

2 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


Observing and questioning

Activity 1

Observe the text below. Read silently. Then, listen and

repeat after me. Say the sentence loudly,clearly and correctly

Hello, My name is Asep

I am fifteen years old
I study at SMALB/A Bandung
My hobby is reading novel
I live in Bandung, West Java.


Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 3

Answer these questions !
1. How old is Asep?
2. Where does he study?
3. What is his hobby?
4. Where does he live?

Hello, I am Nurul
I am sixteen years old
I study at SMALB/A Padang
My hobby is listening to music
I live in Padang , West Sumatra


Answer these questions !

1. How old is Nurul ?
2. Where does she study ?
3. What is her hobby?
4. Where does she live?

4 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Hello, My name is Budi
I am sixteen years old
I study at SMALB/A Medan
My hobby is playing guitar
I live in Medan , North Sumatra.


Answer these questions !

1. How old is Budi ?
2. Where does he study ?
3. What is his hobby?
4. Where does he live?

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 5

Hello, I am Ayu
I am fifteen years old
I study at SMALB/A Denpasar
My hobbies are singing and
playing ping pong.
I live in Denpasar , Bali


Answer these questions !

1. How old is Ayu ?
2. Where does she study ?
3. What is her hobby?
4. Where does she live?

6 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Activity 2

Write your identity as the text above . Say the words

loudly,clearly and correctly

Hello, my name is…. ( your name)

I am ................................... ( your age )
I study at ......................... ( your school
My hobby is… ................. ( your hobby )
I live in ............................... ( your address )


Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 7

Collecting information

Activity 3

Read the text in activity 1 and match the information to

table below.

Name Age School Hobby Live

Asep 15 SMALB/A Reading Bandung

Bandung novel

Nurul 16 SMALB/A Listening Padang

Padang music

Budi 16 SMALB/A Playing Medan

Medan guitar
Ayu 16 SMALB/A and Denpasar
Denpasar playing
ping pong

8 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


Activity 4

Based on the table above, observe the text below.Rewrite

information about Budi and Ayu. Read the text
loudly,clearly and correctly

Asep is my friend. He is fifteen years old.He studies at

SMALB/A Bandung. His hobby is reading novel. He lives
in Bandung, West Java.

Nurul is my friend. She is sixteen years old.She studies

at SMALB/A Padang. Her hobby is listening music. She
lives in Padang, West Sumatra.

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 9

Budi is my friend. .........................................................

Ayu is my friend.............................................................

10 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Observing and questioning

Activity 5


Observe these dialogs below. Listen and repeat after me.

Then, work in pairs to practice these dialogs. Act out the
dialog loudly,clearly and correctly.

Dialog 1.
Tono : Hello, How do you do?
Edo : How do you do?
Tono : What is your name?
Edo : My name is Edo, and what is your name?
Tono : Iam Tono.Where do you come from?
Edo : I come from Merauke, Papua
Tono : Are you a student?
Edo : Yes I am
Tono : Where do you study?
Edo : I study at SMALB/A Merauke

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 11

Dialog 2 .
Rina : Hello, How do you do?
Balqis : How do you do?
Rina : What is your name?
Balqis : My name is Balqis. What is your name?
Rina : I am Rina. Where do you come from?
Balqis : I come from Sabang, Aceh
Rina : Are you a student?
Balqis : Yes I am
Rina : Where do you study?
Balqis : I study at SMALB/A Sabang

Dialog 3.
Mutia : Hello, How do you do?
Syifa : How do you do?
Mutia : What is your name?
Syifa : My name is Syifa,and what is your name?
Mutia : I am Mutia. Where do you come from?
Syifa : I come from Samarinda , East Kalimantan
Mutia: Are you a student?
Edo : Yes I am
Tono : Where do you study?
Edo : I study at SMALB/A ,Samarinda.

12 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Collecting Information/Exploring

Activity 6

Work in group. After practice the dialog above, please fill in

the table below. Compare your work with the other group.

Name City/town School

Edo ...................... ......................

Balqis ...................... ......................

Syifa ...................... ......................

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 13


Activity 7

Work individually and please fill in the blank. Then

practice with your friend loudly,clearly and correctly.

Asep : Hello, How do you do?

You : ………………………..
Asep : What is your name?
You : ………………………….
Asep : I am Asep. Where do you come from?
You : ………………………….
Asep : Are you a student?
You : …………………………
Asep : Where do you study?
You :…………………………...

14 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Observing and questioning

Activity 8

Observe a student card below


Jl. Wijaya Kusuma 23, Bandung

Name : Asep
Grade :X
Student ID Number : 0102
Date of birth : December 28,
Picture 1.2. 2000
Source : Author doc.

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 15


Activity 9

Work individually,please fill in your student card below

CARD OF SMALB/A.........
.........................( your school )

Name :………(your name)

Grade :………(your grade)
Photo Student ID Number:……(your number)
Date of birth :…..(your date of

16 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Associating and Communicating

Activity 10

Please ask about all your classmates’ identity and fill out
the identity (ID) card below. Say the words loudly,clearly
and correctly.

Guiding Questions

• What is your name ?

• What is your student ID number?

• When were you born ?

• What is your address ?

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 17

CARD OF SMALB/A.........

Name :……….................
Grade :……….................
Photo Student ID Number:……....................
Date of birth :…......................

CARD OF SMALB/A.........

Name :……….................
Grade :……….................
Student ID Number:……....................
Date of birth :…......................

18 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Observing and questioning

Activity 11 Teacher

Observe the dialog below. Then, listen and repeat after

me. Work in pairs and practice these dialog loudly,clearly
and correctly.

Dialog 1.

Nurul : Can you tell me about your father?

Asep : OK, My father is a doctor. He is about
40 years old.
Nurul : How about your mother ?
Asep : My mother is a house wife. She is 38
years old.
Nurul : Do you have brother?
Asep : Yes I have . I have one brother
Nurul : Can you tell me about your brother?
Asep : My brother is a student. He studies
At Junior High School. He is 13
years old.
Nurul : Do you have sister?
Asep : I have one sister
Nurul : Can you tell me about your sister
Asep : My sister is a student too. She studies at
Elementary School. She is eight years

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 19

Dialog 2.
Budi : Can you tell me about your father?
Ayu : My father is a teacher. He is about
42 years old.
Budi : How about your mother ?
Ayu : My mother is a teacher too. She is
39 years old.
Budi : Do you have brother?
Ayu : I have one brother
Budi : Can you tell me about your brother?
Ayu : My brother is a student. He studies
at Senior High School. He is 18
years old.
Budi : Do you have sister?
Ayu : No, I don’t have sister

20 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Dialog 3.
Tono : Can you tell me about your father?
Edo : My father is a farmer. He is about 41
years old.
Tono : How about your mother ?
Edo : My mother is a farmer too. She is 40
years old.
Tono : Do you have brother?
Edo : I have one brother
Tono : Can you tell me about your brother?
Edo : My brother is a student. He studies at
Vocational High School. He is 17
Years old.
Tono : Do you have sister?
Edo : No, I don’t have sister

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 21

Collecting information

Activity 12

Based on the text above, please fill in the table below

Family Age Job School

................. ................. .................

Asep’s father

................. ................. .................

Ayu’s father

................. ................. .................

Edo’s father

................. ................. .................

Asep’s mother

................. ................. .................

Ayu’s mother

................. ................. .................

Edo’s mother

................. ................. .................

Asep’s brother

................. ................. .................

Ayu’s brother

................. ................. .................

Edo’s brother

22 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Edo’s sister ................. ................. .................

................. ................. .................

Asep’s sister

................. ................. .................

Ayu’s sister


Activity 13

Fill in the blank and practice with your friend.

Your friend : Can you tell me about your father?

You :.........................................
Your friend : How about your mother ?
You : .......................................
Your friend : Do you have brother?
You : .......................................
Your friend : Can you tell me about your brother?
You : ......................................
Your friend : Do you have sister?
You : ......................................
Your friend : Can you tell me about your sister.
You : ......................................

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 23


Activity 14.

Make a short text about your family, then present in front

of the class.

My Family
I want to tell about my family. My Father’s name
is.......He is .......years old. My father’s job is a.............
My mother;s name is............... She is ........ years old. My
mother’s job is a ...........................
I have.............. brother (s). His name is ..............
He is ................. years old.
I have .............. sister(s). Her name is .................
She is. .............. years old.
I love my family

24 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


In this chapter, I have learnt how to introduce myself. To

introduce myself , I say :
• My name is Nurul
• I am from Padang
• I study at SMALB/A Padang
• I live in Padang, West Sumatra.

Hello, My name is Asep

I come from Bandung
I study at SMALB/A Bandung
I live in Bandung, West Java.

I also learnt how to ask about my friends’ identity.I ask my

friends’ identity by asking :
• What is your name ?
• What is your student ID number?
• When were you born ?
• Where do you live?
• My name is Budi
• My Student’s ID number is 0102
• I was born in Medan
• I live in Medan, North Sumatra.

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 25

I also learnt how to ask and inform about family’s identity.
I ask and inform family’s identity by asking and saying :
• Can you tell me about your father?
• What is your father’s job?
• What is your mother’s job?
• Do you have brother?
• Do you have sister?
• How old is your father?
• How old is your sister?
• My father is a farmer
• He is about 41years old.
• My sister is a student
• She studies at Elemantary school.

26 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


I. Aspek Pengetahuan
Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.
1. Ayu ........................ ?
Asep : My name is Ayu.
A. What is your name
B. Where are you from
C. How old are you
D. Where do you come from
2. Budi .................................................?
Ayu : I come from Bali
A. What is your name
B. How old are you
C. Where do you study
D. Where do you come from
3. Ahmad : How old is she?
Daffa : ..................................
A. He is a student
B. She is sixteen years old
C. He is sixteen years old
D. She is a doctor

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 27

4. Budi : What is your father’s name?
Nia : ...........................................
A. My name is Hasan Tajudin
B. My father’s name is Hasan Tajudin
C. My brother’s name is Hasan Tajudin
D. My sister’s name is Hasan Tajudin.
5. Toni : Where do you come from?
Lia : .......................................
A. I am Lia
B. I have one brother
C. I study at SMALB
D. I come from Makassar
6. Iwan : Where do you live ?
Susi : .........................................
A. I am Susan
B. I live on Jl, Teuku Umar
C. His name is Teuku Umar
D. She is Lia
7. Nurul : Where do you study?
Budi : .................................
A. I am a student
B. I study at SMALB/A Medan
C. He study at SMALB /A Medan
D. She study at SMALB/A Medan

28 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

8. Agus : How many brother do you have?
Toto : ................................................
A. I have two brothers
B. I have two books
C. I have two pencils
D. I have two bags
9. Indah .................................................. ?
Putri : her name is Syifa
A. What is this
B. What is your friend’s name
C. Where do you live
D. What is your name
10 What is your father’s job?
A. He is a teacher
B. He lives in Bogor
C. He is my friend
D. He is a house wife

II. Aspek Ketrampilan ( Writing )

Complete this monolog below !
My name is ...
I’m from ... / I live in ...
I was born in ...
I’m ...... years old.
I go to ..... school.
I like ... because ...

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 29

My favourite pop group band is..... because..........
My favourite sport is..... because..........
I have.......brothers and sisters.
In the future, I’d like to become ... because ........

III. Aspek Ketrampilan ( Speaking )

Present the monolog above in front of the class

30 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


What knowledge did you get

from the lesson in chapter 1?


In the chapter 1 I have learnt



Did you have difficulties?

What were they?


The difficulties that I had in this

chapter were ..........................


Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 31


Arrange the jumble words in to a good sentence.

1. Name/is/what/?/your
2. Do /spell /How /you /? /your
3. From/do/come/you/?/where
4. Live /you/?/do/where
5. Favorite/?/your/what/is/school/at/subject
6. Many/ brother/? /do/have/How/you
7. Was/ I /born / Jakarta / in
8. Studies /High /She /School /at /Junior

9. Is / job /What /your / is /?

10.Can/ your /sister /you /tell /me /about/?

32 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


Question and answer about “Personal Identity”

Questions Answers
What is your name? My name is Roni
Where do you live? I live in Solo
Do you have any brothers Yes, I have/ No I don’t.
or sisters? I have one younger brother /
I have two brothers and
three sisters / I don’t have
any brothers and sisters.
What is your hobby? My hobby is playing a guitar
/ swimming / reading /
cooking / etc.
Who are you? I am a student in SMALB/A
Balik papan / I am a new
student in SMALB /A
How do you go to school? I go to school by motorcycle
/ bus / public
transportation/ on foot
What is your favorite color / My favorite color is blue.
food/ actress / etc.? My favorite food is meat ball.
My favorite actress is Tompi

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 33

Fill in your Personal Identity

Questions Answers
What is your name? .....................................
Where do you live? .....................................
Do you have any brothers .....................................
or sisters?
What is your hobby? .....................................
Who are you? .....................................
How do you go to school? .....................................
What is your favorite color / .....................................
food/ actress / etc.?

34 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


1. Live : tinggal
2. Town : kota
3. House wife : ibu rumah tangga
4. Farmer : petani
5. Job : pekerjaan
6. West : barat
7. Loudly : dengan keras
8. Clearly : dengan jelas
9. Correctly : dengan benar
10.Grade : kelas
11. Subject : mata pelajaran
12. Act out : bertindak/lakukan
13. East : timur
14. Job : pekejaan
15. Silently : dengan diam

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 35

36 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra
Chapter 2

Describing people,things and animals

In this chapter, I will learn about:

• How to describe people
• How to describe things
• How to describe animals

Picture 2.3
Picture 2.1

Picture 2.2.
Source : Author doc.

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 37



In this chapter I will learn about how to describe people , how

to describe things and how to describe animals. Finally I will
tell to the other about people’s description , things’ description
, and animal’s description.

38 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


Observing and questioning

Activity 15

Observe the dialog,then listen and repeat after me.

Practice the dialog in pairs.Say the words loudly,clearly
and correctly

Describing People
Dialog 1

What do you think

about Toni ?

He is very kind


Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 39

Dialog 2

What do you think

about Sari?

She is very diligent


Dialog 3

What do you think

About your father?

He is humble


Dialog 4

What do you think

about your mother?

Heru She is very


40 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Observing and questioning

Activity 16

Observe these sentences related with describing people

(characteristics) below. Read these sentences silently. After
that, read loudly, clearly and correctly.

• He is very kind
• She is very diligent
• She is very helpful
• He is playful
• She is talkative
• She is discipline
• He is punctual
• She is humble
• She is nice
• He is easy going

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 41


Activity 17

Please describe your classmates. Number 1 as an example.

No Name Characteristics

1. Toni Kind, helpful, easy going

2. ............ ......................................

............ ......................................

............ ......................................

............ ......................................

............ ......................................

............ ......................................

42 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


Activity 18

Describe one of your classmate by completing this dialog.

What do you think

about …………..


He/she ……………..

Your friend

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 43

Observing and questioning

Activity 19

Read these sentences loudly, clearly and correctly.

Physical Appearances

Describe about height

• He is very tall.
• He is quite short.
• He is average / normal / medium height.
Describe about build
• She is skinny.
• He is fat.
• He is thin.
Type of complexion
• She is African . She has dark skin.
• He is white. He has fair skin.
Hair Characteristics
• She has blond hair
• She has long black hair
• He has straight hair
• She has curly hair
Describing a Face
• He has oval face
• She has pointed nose
• He has large ears

44 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Activity 20

Observe these dialogs.Listen and repeat after me

Dioalog 1

I have a friend
His name is Tono
What does Tono
look like ?

He is tall.He has curly
hair and dark skin

Dialog 2.

I have a friend too. Her name is


What does Balqis look

Yuli like?

She is tall. Her hair is straight
and her skin is smooth

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 45

Dialog 3

I have a friend. Her

name is Syifa.

Mutia What does Syifa like?

She is thin.She has Hani

pointed nose.

Activity 21 Teacher

Practice these dialogs in pairs

Dioalog 1

Rani : I have a friend, his name is Tono

Susi : What does Tono look like?
Rani : He is tall.He has curly hair and dark skin

46 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Dialog 2.

Yuli : I have a friend too. Her name is Balqis

Adit : What does Balqis look like?
Yuli : She is tall. Her hair is straight and her skin is

Dialog 3.

Mutia : I have a friend. Her name is Syifa.

Hani : What does Syifa like?
Mutia : She is thin.She has pointed nose.

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 47

Collecting information

Activity 22

Please write down your classmates’ physical appearance.

Ask to your teacher about your classmates’ appearances.
Number 1 as an example.

No Name Physical Appearance

1. Tono Tall, curly hair, dark skin

2. .................. .........................................

.................. .........................................

.................. .........................................

.................. .........................................

.................. .........................................

.................. .........................................

.................. .........................................

48 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Associating and Communicating

Activity 23

Describe one of your classmate. You can ask to your

teacher about his/her physical appearance. Practice with
your friend.

I have a friend. His/her

name is……..................


What does….look like?

Your friend



Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 49

Observing and questioning

Activity 24

Observe the text below. Listen and repeat after me.

Read loudly, correctly and accurately.

My Mother

My mother is a very beautiful woman. Her

height is about 165 cm and her weight is about 55
kg. Many people said that she has a black and shiny
curly hair. She also has a pointed nose. My mother
has a light brown skin color like most common
women in Indonesia. Her red lips and white teeth
combine to form a beautiful smile. My mom is not
fat and skinny too. I think her body is proportional.
According to me,she is a very nice, a friendly,
and a patient woman. My mom loves her family so
much. She is the best mother in the world. She
never forgets her responsibilities as a mother.
Although she is very busy at work, she never forgets
her family.

50 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Collecting information

Activity 25 Teacher

Look at the text above,then write 5 characteristics of

“mother” and 5 physical appearances.

Physical appearance Characteristics

................................... ...................................

................................... ...................................

................................... ...................................

................................... ...................................

................................... ...................................

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 51


Activity 26 Teacher

Describe one of your friends or families. Write on the box

below. Then, Read your text in front of the class.


52 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Observing and questioning

Activity 27

Observe these things below. Then, listen and repeat after

me !

Things in the class room

A cupboard A chair
Picture 2.4 Source : Author doc Picture 2.5 Source : Author doc

A table A white board

Picture 2.6 Source : Author doc Picture 2.7 Source : Author doc

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 53

Things in the bed room

A bed A pillow
Picture 2.8 Source : Author doc Picture 2.9 Source : Author doc

A blanket A bolster
Picture 2.10 Source : Author doc Picture 2.11 Source : Author doc

A mirror A lamp
Picture 2.12 Source : Author doc Picture 2.13 Source : Author doc

54 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Things in the dining room

A plate A spoon
Source: :Author
doc Picture
Source: Author
: Authordoc

A knife A fork
Picture 2.14
2.16 Source : Author
Author doc
doc Picture

A bottle A mug
Source: :Author
doc PicPtiucrteur2e.129.1S7oS
r odrod
c oc

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 55

Things in the bath room

Picture 2.19 Source : Author doc

A bucket A shower
Picture 2.20Source
doc Picture 2.21
Picture Source
2.19 : Author
Source doc
: Author doc

A sink A toilet
doc Picture2.23
Picture 2.21Source
Source: Author
: Authordoc

56 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Collecting information

Activity 28


Please write down the things in your bag

The things in my bag are :


Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 57

Observing and questioning

Activity 29

Observe the dialog below. Then, listen and repeat after


Dialog 1

Picture 2.24
Picture Source
2.21 : Author
Source doc
: Author doc

Nana : Do you have favorite thing?

Asep : Yes I do. My favorite thing is a guitar.

My guitar is a classic guitar.It's brown.It has
six strings on it. I love my guitar so much.

58 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Dialog 2.

2.25 Source : Author doc

Picture 2.22

Risma : What is your favorite thing do you have?

Nurul : My favorite thing is my bag.The color is red.

My bag is strong and big.My bag has two
hanger.I love my bag.

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 59

Dialog 3

Source: :Author

Alex : Do you have favorite thing?.

Edo : My favorite thing is smartphone .the color

is black. It has a 5 inch screen.

60 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Collecting information

Activity 30 Teacher

Based on the dialogs above, complete the table below !

Name Favorite thing Characteristic feature

Asep .............. ……………………………………
Nurul ............. …………………………………….
Edo ............. …………………………………….

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 61


Activity 31

Complete the dialog below and practice with your friend !

Your friend : Do you have favorite thing?

You : ……………………………………………

62 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Observing and questioning

Activity 32 Teacher

Observe the animals below.Listen and repeat after me !

A cat A rabbit
Picture 2.24
Picture 2.27 Source
Source :: Author
Author doc
doc Picture
Source: Author
: Authordoc

A fish A dolphin
Source: :Author
doc Picture

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 63

Observing and questioning

Activity 33 Teacher

Observe the dialog below. Then, listen and repeat after me


Dialog 1.

Bambang : Do you have a favorite pet?

Hari : Yes I do. I have a cat.
Bambang : Can you describe your cat?
Hari : My cat is a female cat. It has a long
tail. It likes to lick its tail. My cat’s fur
is white and brown. So, I call it
“Si belang” because It has two colors.
Bambang : What does “ Si belang” eat?
Hari : Belang eats fish. But sometime
I also fed it tempe. It also likes tempe.

64 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Dialog 2

Roni : Do you have a pet?

Dian : Yes I do. I have a rabbit.
Roni : Can you describe your rabbit?
Dian : My rabbit is very cute . The fur is white and
soft. I like to touch it.It has two long ears. I
likes to play with my rabbit. It also has two
beautiful eyes.My rabbit likes to eat carrot. It
also likes to eat other vegetables.

Dialog 3

Rani : Do you have pet?

Desi : Yes I do . In my house I have a dog. it is
called “bambi”. It is 8 months old. it is
very small. It has black, brown and white
colors. It is very good.I play with “bambi”
every day. We like to walk to the park.

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 65

Collecting information
Activity 34

Read the dialogs above. Then write the description of each

pet in the short paragraph.

Hari’s Cat
It has a long tail. It likes to lick its tail.

Dian’s rabbit

66 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Desi’s dog

Observing and questioning

Activity 35

Observe these description below. Listen and repeat after

me !

This animal has scales and

lives in the water. Sometimes
people keep them in an

A fish
Source: Author
: Authordoc

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 67

This animal has feathers and
wings but can’t fly long
distance, it lives on a farm.

A Chicken
Picture 2.32
Picture 2.29 Source
Source :: Author
Author doc

This is a large animal.It has

mane , short fur and long tail.
People often ride these.

A horse
Picture 2.30Source

This animal is a domestic

animal. It has fur, whiskers
and a long tail

A cat

68 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


Activity 36

Match the animal names with the descriptions

1. This animal is strong. It is

called the king of beast

Picture 2.35
Source: :Author
Source Author doc

It has a big body with two
tusk. It ears are big. But its
eyes are small.

Source ::

It is very tall because It has
a very long neck, It eats
Picture 2.37
Source :

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 69

It has four legs but the front
legs are short. It can hop very
fast. We can find them in
Picture 2.38
Picture 2.35
Source: :

It is a big reptile with hard
skin and sharp teeth. It
looks like a big lizard

Picture 2.39
Source ::

70 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


In this chapter, I have learnt how to describe people . To

describe people , I say :
• I have a friend. His name is Tono
• He is tall, dark and handsome
• He is very kind.

In this chapter, I also learnt how to describe thing . To

describe thing , I say :
• My favorite thing is Smartphone .
• The color is black.
• It has a 5 inch screen.
• The width is about 5 cm
• The thick is no more than 1 cm.

In this chapter, I also learnt how to describe animal . To

describe animal , I say :
• I have a cat.
• My cat is a female cat.
• It has a long tail.
• She like to lick her tail.
• My cat’s fur is white and brown.
• I call her “sibelang” because it has two color.

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 71


Aspek : Pengetahuan
Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer
1. Tina .........................................?
Tini : He is tall, dark and hansome
A. What is your name
B. What does he look like?
C. Where are you from
D. How old are you
2. Budi .................................................?
Toni : Yes he is
A. Is he tall
B. How are you
C. How old are you
D. Are you a student
3. Rahmi : What is your favorite thing?
Romeo : ..................................
B. My name is Budi
C. My favorite thing is guitar
D. He is sixteen years old
E. She is a doctor
4. Nita : What color is your cat ?
Nia : ...........................................
A. Tall, dark and handsome
B. White and brown
C. Big and short
D. She is cute
72 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra
5. Leo : Can you describe about Lia?
Sari : .......................................
A. She is beautiful and smart.
B. It has long tail
C. It has a 5 inch screen
D. The fur is white and soft
6. Susi is a beautiful girl. Her ....... is about 170 cm
A. Age
B. Height
C. Thin
D. Fat
7. Anto : What does Balqis look like?
Rina : She is thin with ............... hair
A. Fat
B. Handsome
C. Brown
D. Big
8. My favorite thing is smart phone.
The ...... is no more than 1 cm.
A. Long
B. Thick
C. Big
D. Short
9. My rabbit is very cute. The ...... is white and soft.
A. Lips
B. Fur
C. Stomach
D. Tooth

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 73

10. He is African. He has dark .....
A. Skin
B. Nose
C. Head
D. Eyes
II. Aspek Ketrampilan ( Writing & Speaking )
Instruction : Work Individually Please write the description of
your close friend, your favorite thing and your
favorite pet.
After finish writing, present your wok in front of
the class.

74 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


What knowledge did you get

from the lesson in chapter 2?


In the chapter 2, I have learnt



Did you have difficulties?

What were they?


The difficulties that I had in this

chapter were ..........................


Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 75


Answer these questions.

1. What is C?
C is a thing. It is delicious. It often appears in a
birthday party and has many candles in its body.
The answer is : .........................
2. What is W?
It is fruit. Its color is green, but when we slice it, they
will look red inside. It’s so watery.
The answer is : .........................
3. What is P ?
P is a thing. We use it to write. We need an eraser when
we do typo while using it.
The answer is : .........................
4. What is it T ?
T looks like a cat but it is very big and
wild. It has black and yellow stripes. It eats meats.
The answer is : .........................
5. What is it C?
C has either one or two humps on its back. It used in
desert countries for riding and for carrying goods
The answer is : ..........................

76 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

6. What is Z ?
Z looks like a horse. It has black and white stripes. It
eats grass.
The answer is : ...........................
7. What is E?
E has a big body with a long trunk and two tusk. It ears
are big. But its eyes are small.
The answer is : ...........................
8. What is S?
S has a long body but it has no leg. It generally has
poison. It eats small animal especially frog.
The answer is : ..........................

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 77


1. When describe people, we usually describe about
appearances, personality and we use adjectives
2. To describe people, we usually use simple present tense.
For example:
She is beautiful.
Rina has a long hair.
Bobby is funny.
Tania has big blue eyes.
Thommas is slim and tall.
3. We can combine some adjectives to describe people.
For example:
Big blue eyes.
Long black hair.
An expensive big red clothes.


1. When we describe about objects, we usually describe
appearances and we use adjectives.
2. To describe objects, we usually use simple present tense.
For Example:
“The desk is four-legged.”
“The mirror is wide.”

78 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

“My doll is white and pretty.”
“Her computer is old.”
“Dodi’s bag is red and big.”
1. When we describe about animal, we usually describe
appearances, attitudes and we use adjectives.
2. To describe animals, we usually use simple present tense.
For Example:
“The tiger is running fast.”
“The tiger is roaring loudly.”
“The bird which is flying likes to sing.”
“My dog is very friendly and attractive.”
“My dong does not like cats.”

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 79


1. Kind : baik
2. Diligent : rajin
3. Helpful : suka menolong
4. Characteristics : sifat-sifat
5. Punctual : tepat waktu
6. Humble : rendah hati
7. talkative : banyak bicara
8.Physical Appearance : penampilan fisik
9.Wardrobe : lemari pakaian
10. Sink : bak cuci/wastafel
11. Blanket : selimut
13. fur : bulu
14. Camel : unta
15. Dolphin : ikan lumba-lumba
16. Lizard : kadal
17. Tusk : gading
18. Scales : sisik
19. Mane : bulu tengkuk kuda
20. Whiskers : sungut kucing

80 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Chapter 3

Instruction.Invitation. Prohibition and

In this chapter I will learn about :
• To give and respond to instructions
• To give and respond to invitation
• To give and respond to prohibition
• To ask for a permission

Picture 3.1 Source : Author doc

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 81



In this chapter I will learn about how to give and respond to

instruction, how to give and respond to invitation, how to give
and respond to prohibition and how to give and respond
permission . Finally I can develop oral and written texts about
to give and respond to instruction,to give and respond to
invitation,to give and respond to prohibition and how to give
and respond permission.

82 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


Observing and questioning

Activity 37

Observe the dialog below. Then, listen and repeat after


Dialog 1

In the class

Come in please !

Teacher Thank You....


Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 83

Dialog 2

In the library

Please put your

book on the table !

Librarian Alright !


Dialog 3

In the class

Open the door please !

Nurul Okay….


84 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Dialog 4

In the yard

Follow me !

Yes sir….


Collecting information

Activity 38

Copy the expression of the dialogs above, and fill in the

following points . While you are writing, say the words
loudly,clearly, and correctly.

To give instruction
Teacher says : “Come in please !”
Librarian says : “ ........................................................ “
Nurul says : “….................................................... “
Tono says : “… .................................................... ”

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 85

To respond instruction
Asep says : “Thank You.”
Dodi says : “....................................................... “
Iwan says : “… ..................................................“
Bondan says : “… ................................................... “

Observing and questioning

Activity 39

Observe the expression below. Then, listen and repeat after

me !

To ask someone to do something

Asking someone Responses

Open the book! OK

Watch the film! Sure

Sweep the floor! Of course

Draw a line! Alright

86 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Associating and Communicating
Activity 40

Write two dialogs about giving and responding the

instructions. Practice with your friend.



Your friend


Your friend

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 87

Activity 41

Work in pairs. Practice this dialog about instruction with

your friends !

Budi : Rose, can you help me please?

Rose : Yes, I’ll help you
Ray : Turn on the lamp,please!
Rose : Okay, I will do it

88 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Observing and questioning

Activity 42 Teacher

Observe the text below. Then, listen and repeat after me !

Dialog 1

In the class

Let’s go to the
canteen !



Dialog 2

In the class

Will you join us to the

library ?


OK, but wait a



Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 89

Dialog 3

In the class

Can I join you?

Sure, please
come with me
Tono Edo

Dialog 4

In the class

Please come with me

to see the principal Sorry, I am



90 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Collecting information

Activity 43


Copy the expression of the dialogs above, and fill in the

following points . While you are writing, say the words
loudly,clearly, and correctly

To give invitation
Budi says : “Let’s go to the canteen ! ”
Ayu says : “ ....................................................................................... ”
Tono says : “ ........................................................................................... ”
Balqis says : “. ................................................................................... ”

To respond invitation
Toni says : “Okay”
Dewi says : “ ............................................................................. ”
Edo says : “ ............................................................................ ”
Erika says: “ ........................................................................... “

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 91

Observing and questioning

Activity 44


Observe the expression below. Then, listen and repeat after

me !

To invite someone

Invite someone Responses

Let’s go to the library ! Sure

Shall we meet at seven? Yes, certainly I will come.

Can you come to my home? Absolutely. Count me in.

Would you like to come? I would, very much.

92 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Associating and Communicating

Activity 45

Write two dialogs about giving and responding invitation.

Practice with your friend.


Your friend

Your friend

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 93


Activity 46


Work in pairs. Practice this dialog about invitation with

your friends !

Asep : Nina, shall we come to music concert in

the hall?
Nina : When it happen?
Asep : Tonight, dear. How?
Nina : Really?
Asep : Yeah, if you can.
Nina : With pleasure, Asep. I like music very
Asep : Okay, I will pick you up at 7 pm.
Nina : Thank you, Asep.

94 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Observing and questioning

Activity 47

Observe the dialogs below. Then, listen and repeat after

Activity 45

Dialog 1

In the class

Don’t make a noise !

Alright sir...


Dialog 2

In the library

Don’t speak loud!

Librarian Okay


Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 95

Dialog 3

In the class

Don’t be late ! Sure


Dialog 4

In the yard

Don’t be shy!

Yuni Taufik

96 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Collecting information

Activity 48

Copy the expression of the dialogs above, and fill in the

following points .

To give a prohibition
Teacher says : “Don’t make a noise !”
Librarian says : “ ........................................................................ ”
Toto says : “ ............................................................................ ”
Yuni says : “. ...................................................................... ”

To respond a prohibition
Nina says : “Alright sir...”
Nia says : “. ......................................................................... ”
Adit says : “. ......................................................................... ”
Taufik says : “. ........................................................................... “

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 97

Observing and questioning

Activity 49

Observe the expression below. Then, listen and repeat

after me !

To forbid someone

Forbidding Responses

Don’t sit on the bench! OK

Don’t run in the corridor! Sure

You musn’t sleep here. Of course

No feeding the animal. Alright

98 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


Activity 50

Write two dialogs about giving and responding prohibition.

Practice with your friend.


Your friend


Your friend

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 99


Activity 51


Work in pairs. Practice this dialog about prohibition with

your friends !

Father : What are you doing,Nurul ?

Nurul : I am chatting with my friend
Father : Don’t be lazy !. You must do your
Nurul : Sure.
Father : You will get a test tomorrow.
Remember, No cheating ! Do it by
Youself !
Nurul : Alright.......

100 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Observing and questioning

Activity 52

Observe the dialogs below. Then, listen and repeat after

me !

Dialog 1

In the class

Can I use your

Sure, take the
blue one.


Dialog 2

In the class

Is this seat taken? No, the chair

Can I sit here? is broken.

Arya Fikri

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 101

Dialog 3

In the class

Can I wear
your jacket ? Sure, I have
two jackets.

Kevin Annisa

Dialog 4

In the canteen

May I borrow your

Hand phone
please? Sure. Take it,


102 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Collecting information

Activity 53

Copy the expression of the dialogs above, and fill in the

following point. While you are writing read the words clearly
and lodly.

To give a permission
Anto says : “Can I use your pen?”
Arya says : “ ................................................................... ”
Kevin says : “ ................................................................... ”
Mirna says : “................................................................. ”

To respond a permission
Rahman says : “Sure, take the blue one. ”
Fikri says : “. .................................................................. ”
Annisa says : “. .................................................................. ”
Tantri says : “. ..................................................................“

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 103

Observing and questioning

Activity 54 Teacher

Observe the expression below. Then, listen and repeat after

me !

To ask for permission

Asking for permission Responses

May I have one? Sure

May I use your pen? Alright

May I wash my hands? Of course

Do you mind if I come late? Yes / No

104 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


Activity 55

Copy the expression of the dialogs above, and fill in the

following points . While you are writing, say the words
loudly,clearly, and correctly


Your friend

You Your friend

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 105


Activity 56


Work in pairs. Practice this dialog about permission with

your friends !

Ayu : Dad, mmm you know that every year my school

holds a charity concert.
Father : It sounds good dear.
Ayu : Everyone loves to join the concert. Many social
events will be held. May I go to the concert
tonight, Dad?
Father : Of course you may. But firstly you have to
study for your final exam. And with whom are
you going to there?
Ayu : I am leaving with Rara, and we will meet our
friends at school first, then go to concert

106 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


In this chapter, I have learnt how to give and respond to the

instruction .

Giving an instruction Respond to instruction

• Come in Please !
• Open the door, please !
• Open the door! • Alright.
• Close the window! • Thank you
• Open your book page 5 ! • Okey....
• Read the text loudly! • Yes sir ...
• Repeat after me!

In this chapter, I have learnt how to give and respond to the


Giving an invitation Respond to invitation

• Let’s go to the canteen
• Can I join you? • Okay
• Will you join us to the • OK. But, wait a minute
library ? • Sure, please come with
• Please come with me to me.
see the principal ? • Sorry, I am busy.

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 107

In this chapter, I have learnt how to give and respond to the
Giving a prohibition Respond to prohibition
• Don’t be late ! • OK
• Don’t be shy ! • Alright
• Don’t speak loud! • Sure
• Don’t make noisy! • Okey

In this chapter, I also learnt how to give and respond to

Asking a permission Respond to permission
• Can I use your pen? • Sure, take the blue one.
• Can I sit here? • Yes, please.
• Can I wear your jacket ? • Sure, I have two jackets.
• May I borrow your Hand • Sure, take it.
phone please?

108 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


I. Aspek Pengetahuan
Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.
1. A : Can I use your pen?
B : ................................
A. Sure, take the blue one.
B. I don’ t like
C. Sure, I have two jackets
D. I don’t have a book.
2. A : Come in please !
B : ..........................
A. Sorry
B. Thank you
C. Get out !
D. No problem
3. A : .....................................
B : Okay.
A. Don’t be late !
B. Are you a teacher?
C. Is he fat?
D. Is she beautiful?

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 109

4. To ask a permission, Arya says :
A. What is your name?
B. Where do you live?
C. Can I borrow your pen, please?
D. Are you a student
5. A : ..................................................
A. Please put the book on the table!
B. Are you a farmer?
C. What is this?
D. Is he a doctor?
6. X : Excuse me, Sir. May I close the door? It’s windy
Y : Oh, sure.
In the dialogue, X is asking for …
A. Instruction
B. Permission
C. Prohibition
D. Information
7. borrow your dictionary?
A. Shall
B. Can
C. May I
D. Would

110 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

8. A : Don't stand up infront of the door !
B : .............................
A. Never mind
B. Oh , I am sorry
C. No problem
D. Sit down please !
9. To give a prohibition ,Budi says:..........
A. “Can I borrow your pen, please?”
B. “Don’t use the red one.”
C. “ Please put the book on the table!”
D. “Sit down please !”
10.Teacher ....................... the text loudly!
Students : Alright
A. Clean
B. Read
C. Write
D. See

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 111

II. Aspek Ketrampilan.
Role Play
Work in pairs. Practice this dialog in front of the class.

Asep : Tomorrow is Sunday, isn’t it? Let’s go

Naufal : Sounds great. Where?
Asep : Let’s go to Pelabuhan Ratu Beach,
Naufal : The waves are very big there. Don’t swim
at that beach.
Asep : Why?
Naufal : It’s dangerous. The wave may drag you
out to the open sea.
Asep : Oh, that’s too bad. I really want to go to
Pelabuhan Ratu Beach.
Naufal : But we can play sand on the sandy
Asep : Sounds interesting. Let’s go there
tomorrow then.
Naufal : OK. Don’t forget to bring the snack.
Asep : Alright.

112 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


What knowledge did you get

from the lesson in chapter 3?


In the chapter 3, I have learnt



Did you have difficulties?

What were they?


The difficulties that I had in this

chapter were ..........................


Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 113


List 3 examples of sentences : Giving instruction, giving

invitation, giving prohibition and ask permission.
Giving instruction
1. ........................................................................
2. ........................................................................
3. ........................................................................

Giving invitation
1. ........................................................................
2. ........................................................................
3. ........................................................................

Giving prohibition
1. ........................................................................
2. ........................................................................
3. ........................................................................

Ask permission.
1. ........................................................................
2. ........................................................................
3. ........................................................................

114 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra



Expressions of Instructions :
• Turn on the lamp!
• Close the door, please!
• Turn off the television!
• Please take my book
Responses :
• Okay
• Alright
• I will do it

Dialog of Instruction :
Ray : Rose, can you help me please?
Rose : Yes, I’ll help you
Ray : Turn on the lamp,please!
Rose : Okay, I will do it

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 115

• Would you like to ….
• Could you come to…
• I’d very much like
• Would you care to ….
• I’ll really happy if you come to….
Accepting an Invitation
• Thank you for inviting me.
• I would/will ….
• That would be very nice.
• I’d like to love to come.
• That’s fine.
• Sure. Why not?
Declining an Invitation
• I’m very sorry, I don’t think I can.
• I’d like to, but ….
• Thank you for asking me, but ….
• Unfortunately, I can’t ….

116 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Dialog of Invitation
Rudi Invites Maya to go to a Movie
Rudi : Hi, Maya. There will be a great film tonight. It’s
about vampire. Would you like to go to the
movie with me?
Maya : Yes, I’d like to very much. When will you pick
me up?
Rudi : I’ll pick you at 7.00. Be ready, OK!
Maya : Alright.

To express prohibition you can use:
• It is prohibited to ...
• You aren’t allowed to ...
• You mustn’t ...
• You aren’t permitted to ...
• It is forbidden to ...
Examples :
• Parking is strictly prohibited between these gates.
• Students aren't allowed to come too late to school.
• Drivers mustn't park their cars here.
• It is forbidden to walk on grass.
• Smoking isn't permitted in hospitals.
• People aren't permitted to throw rubbish here.

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 117

Dialog of prohibition
The security : Hey, you. What are you doing here?
You aren't allowed to enter this
Mr Hartono : Sorry, but I have an appointment
with Dr Leila Hartono.She's my
The security : Show me your ID card please.
Mr Hartono : Here you are, sir.
The security : Well...That sounds OK. Dr Leila
Hartono is in the 3rd floor.
You can take the lift sir.


Asking Permission Giving Permission

Can I …, please? By all means.

Could I …, please? Certainly.
Do (Would) you mind if I …? Go ahead.
I wonder if I could … I can’t see any objections.
Is it alright if I …? Yes, of course.
May I …, please? You can if you want
Etc. You may if you like.
You have my permission.

118 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Dialog of permission
Rani : Hi Hani ! Would you mind I kept this
Hani : Not at all.
Rani : I’ll come back around eleven. Is it ok?
Hani : Fine. I may not be here then. But Balqis
will be.
Rani : Fine. Shall I keep it in that corner?
Hani : Oh, yes. It’s safer there

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 119


1. Permission : izin
2. Noise : bising/berisik
3. Shy : malu
4. Principal : kepala sekolah
5. Library : perpustakaan
6. Librarian : ahli perpustakaan
7. Sweep : menyapu
8. Prohibition : larangan
9. Bench : bangku
10. Allow : mengizinkan
11. Instruction : perintah
12. Appointment : janji
13. Corridor : koridor/gang
14. Waves : ombak
15. Dangerous : bahaya

120 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Chapter 4
Notice & Announcement

In this chapter, I will learn about:

• Understand the content of a notice/ announcement
• Write a notice / announcement

Picture 4.1 Source : Author doc

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 121



In this chapter I will learn about how to understand the

content of notice /announcement and how to create notice/
announcement. Finally I get what I want and to make other
people do what I want.

122 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


Observing and questioning

Activity 57 Teacher

Observe and read these notice below. Then, listen after

Notice is a board or piece of paper containing information,
warning or instruction. It is usually made in a big board or big
paper with a picture or symbols, so people can still clearly see
it and understand the notice from a distance.
Example :
At the gate of the School






Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 123



On the School Ground




124 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra




Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 125

Activity 58 Teacher

Match the notice with the suitable explaination. Number 1

has been done.

• Students should
CLEAN throw the rubbish
into the dustbin
• Do not throw
INTO THE DUSTBIN rubbish in the room

• At a gas station

KEEP OF • Don’t do that. It is
THE GRASS very dangerous.

• Not walk on

126 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Observing and questioning

Activity 59

Observe the explaination about announcement below.

Listen and repeat after me. Please ask me if you have a

Announcement is a text that we use to announce
important information about certain occasions/
events/urgent information in a short and clear way.
The characteristics of an announcement are:
• The first part of the announcement is the head, i.e.
the title of the occasion.
• Main information of the event (location, date, and so
• The last part of an announcement is writer (the
person or institution who announces the occasion).
• The appearance of the announcement is usually eye-
catching to attract audiences` interest (with pictures
and playful fonts).
• In order to make the readers get information easily,
the sentences used in the announcement are simple
and to the point.

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 127

Observing and questioning

Activity 60

Observe and read these announcement below. Listen and

repeat after me. Then, rewrite the announcement. While
you are writing, say the words loudly,clearly, and correctly

Text 1

All students of grade X will have a study tour at the end of
the year in November or December.Start saving up.

1 August 2016



128 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Text 2


To all students, a flag ceremony will held to celebrate our

independence Day,on Monday, 17 August. Attendance is

14 August 2016

Tati Sugiharti




Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 129

Text 3


For students of ten grade!.Before you leave the classroom:

Clean the white board,Sweep the floor,Put the rubbish in
the dustbin, Turn off the AC,Close and lock the door.

1 July 2016

Ahmad Basuki

Homeroom teacher



130 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Text 4


To students of SMALB/A,we inform that English Club will

be held on Saturday,21st of November 2016.At 9.00. The
place will be at Hall of SMALB/A. Please be on time

13 February 2016

Chairman of English Club




Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 131

Associating and Collecting information

Activity 61

Observe and read these short notice/announcement

below. Listen and repeat after me. Then answer the

Text 1.


All students of grade X will have a study tour at the end of

the year in November or December.Start saving up.

1 August 2016

1. Who is the announcement for?

2. When are grade X would study tour?
3. Who announced?
4. What is the name of the principal?
5. What is suggested by the principal?

132 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Text 2.


To all students, a flag ceremony will held to celebrate our

independence Day,on Monday, 17 August. Attendance is

14 August 2016

Tati Sugiharti

1. Who is the announcement for?

2.When the flag ceremony held?
3.What is the name of the principal?
4.When was the announcement made ?
5.What the important content of the announcement?

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 133

Text 3


For students of ten grade!.Before you leave the classroom:

Clean the white board, Sweep the floor, Put the rubbish in
the dustbin, Turn off the AC,Close and lock the door.

1 July 2016

Ahmad Basuki

1. Who is the announcement for?

2. Who announced?
3. What is the name of homeroom teacher?
4.When was the announcement made ?
5.What the important content of the announcement?

134 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Text 4


To students of SMALB/A,we inform that English

Club will be held on Saturday,21st of November
2016.At 9.00. The place will be at Hall of SMALB/A.
Please be on time

13 February 2016

Chairman of English Club

1. Who is the announcement for?

2. Who announced?
3. What is the name of English Club Chairman?
4. When was the announcement made ?
5. What the important content of the announcement?

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 135


Activity 62

Work in group. Write a simple announcement. Then,

present the announcement you have written in front of the
class !

You can use of these questions to help you.

a. What is the announcement about?
b. Who is the announcement for?
c. What should they do?
d. Don’t forget the the place and the time.
e. Write, Who announced?




136 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


Notice is a board or piece of paper containing information,
warning or instruction. It is usually made in a big board or big
paper with a picture or symbols, so people can still clearly see
it and understand the notice from a distance.
• Text in a notice can be in positive and negative statements.
• Text in a negative form (with no or don`t) tell you to not do
For example: ‘NO ENTRY’ means the notice tells you to not
enter the room.
• Sentences in a notice may does not have verb. It wants you
to focus on the adjective of the object mentioned.
For example: ‘WET PAINT’ means that the notice wants you
know that the paint is still wet.
• Notice may not have subject. However, you need to remember
that subject ‘youas the reader is inferred there.
For example: a notice saying: “KEEP YOUR DISTANCE`
means that you need to keep your distance

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 137

Announcement is a text that we use to announce important
information about certain occasions/ events/urgent
information in a short and clear way.
The characteristics of an announcement are:
• The first part of the announcement is the head, i.e. the title
of the occasion.
• Main information of the event (location, date, and so on).
• The last part of an announcement is writer (the person or
institution who announces the occasion).
• The appearance of the announcement is usually eye-
catching to attract audiences` interest (with pictures and
playful fonts).
• In order to make the readers get information easily, the
sentences used in the announcement are simple and to the

138 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


ASPEK : Pengetahuan
Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.

All students must join the class meeting from 15th
December to 21st Desember 2008

Budi Santoso
1. What kind of the text is it ?
A. A letter
B. A label
C. A postcard
D. An announcement
2. what is the text about ?
A. The class meeting in a school.
B. The winner of the class meeting.
C. An invitation t o join a class meeting.
D. The plan of having a class meeting.

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 139

To : All students and teachers
Come and visit our new librabry. Lots of new books
(brand new novels and non-fiction books) are available.
You can also enjoy our newest DVDs collection.
Head of library

3. What are the things offered in the new library ?

A. Books and DVDs.
B. Old and new books.
C. New books and novels.
D. New DVDs and non-fiction books.
4. Why does the writer make the announcement ?
A. To resume a new novel.
B. To invite the reader to visit the library.
C. To let the reader know about the head of library.
D. To help the reader know where to find the DVDs.
5. Who make the announcement ?
A. Ramadhan
B. All students
C. All teachers
D. The librarian

140 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

English Conversation Club (SCC)
is opening registration for new members
join us and improve your English!
Every Thursday from 16.00 to 17.00 at the school hall
For registration, please contact
Wayan (X A)
Anissa (X B)

6. When do the members have meeting ?

A. In the morning.
B. On Thursday afternoon.
C. On Thursday morning.
D. In the afternoon at three o’clock.
7. Where do they have the meeting ?
A. In the ECC’s meeting room.
B. In the X A classroom.
C. At the school hall.
D. At the cafetaria.
8. How long does the meeting last ?
A. One and a half hours.
B. One hour.
C. One and a quarter hours.
D. Two hours.

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 141

This is a new school year and there are many new
students arround. Please be friendly and help them
understand the rules of our school.


9. Where can you find the text ?

A. At a school.
B. At a bookstore.
C. At a bank.
D. At a park.
10. Why does the principal make the announcement ?
A. To ask the students to nice and helpful to the new
B. To let the students know that they have their junior.
C. To ask the students to contact their parents.
D. To inform about the new school year.
11. Who do you think reads the announcement ?
A. New students.
B. Senior students.
C. Parents.
D. Teachers.

142 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

12. ” Please be friendly….” . What is the meaning of the
underlined word ?
A. Disturbing
B. Interesting
C. Welcoming
D. Attracting

What does this sign mean?

A. Don't drive too fast.
B. Don't be too far from this vehicle.
C. Don't be too close to this vehicle.
D. Don't drive over the speed limit.

What is the purpose of the text?

A. To warn people not to push the door
B. To advice people not to sit beside the door
C. To warn people not to lean againts the door
D. To advice people not to stand before the door

What does this notice mean?

A. You are required to step on the grass.
B. You are forbidden to step on the grass.
C. You are invited to walk on the grass.
D. You are expected to walk on the grass.

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 143

ASPEK : Ketrampilan

Work in Individually. Write a simple announcement. Then,

present the announcement you have written in front of the
class !

You can use of these questions to help you.

a.What is the announcement about?
b.Who is the announcement for?
c.What should they do?
d.Don’t forget the the place and the time.
e.Write, Who announced?




144 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


What knowledge did you get

from the lesson in chapter 4?


In the chapter 4, I have learnt



Did you have difficulties?

What were they?


The difficulties that I had in this

chapter were ..........................


Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 145


(a board, piece of paper, etc. containing) information or
Announcement is something said, written, or printed to make
known what has happened or (more often) what will happen.
An announcement can also say as something that someone
says officially, giving information about something.

Where usually we can find an announcement?

1. Television;
2. Radio;
3. Newspapers; and
4. Wall Magazine.

In writing an announcement, keep the following points:

Opening, The title/type of event;
Date/time, place; and
Contact person.

146 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


Choose A, B, C or D for the correct answer.


Where do we usually find the text?

a. At the school
b. At the beach
c. At the post office
d. At the train station

What does the text mean?

a. the truck is small
b. the truck brings fruit
c. other vehicles should run faster than the truck
d. other vehicles should be far enough from the truck

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 147


It means that only the…who own the houses at the

housing complex can go there.
a. Security guards
b. Participants
c. people
d. guests

The notice above means...

a. We must keep the place silent
b. We must keep the place clean
c. We enter the place
d. We may read aloud

148 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Question number 5 to 10 refer to following Announcement.

We are going to leave for Cibubur Campsite on:
Day : Thursday
Date : March, 30, 2016
Time : 7 a.m.
Please gather at school on time

March 20,2016
Ajat Sudrajat
Head master

5. What kind of this text?

a. An advertisement.
b. A shopping list.
c. An announcement.
d. A greeting card.

6. Who should follow the above announcement ?

a. The students.
b. The teachers.
c. The head master.
d. The parents.

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 149

7. What is the day of the activity?
a. Sunday.
b. Monday.
c. Thursday.
d. Wednesday.
8. What time do they leave for Cibubur?
a. 7.a.m
b. 7 p.m
c. 9 a.m
d. 9 p.m
9. Who announced?
a. Chief scout
b. Head master
c. Teacher
d. Student
10. What should they do?
a. gather at hall on time
b. gather at school on time
c. gather at station on time
d. gather at campsite on time

150 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


1. Trespassing : masuk tanpa izin

2. Registration : pendaftaran
3. Weapons : senjata
4. Drug : narkoba
5. Compulsary : wajib
6. Entrance : jalan masuk
7. Rubbish : sampah
8. Surveillance : pengawasan
9. Fasten : mengenakan
10. Saving up : menabung
11. Throw : melemparkan
12. Flammable : mudah terbakar
13 Substances : zat/bahan
14. Grass : rumput
15. Occasions : urusan
16. Attract : menarik/memikat
17. Vehicle : kendaraan
18. Campsite : tempat perkemahan
19. Distance : jarak
20. Residents : warga

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 151

152 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra
Chapter 5

Manual & Recipe

In this chapter I will learn about :

• instruction / operation manuals
• How to use and make recipes.

Picture 5.1 Picture 5.2 Source : Author doc

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 153



In this chapter I will learn about how to understand and use

manual, use and make recipes. Finally after learn about
manual and recipe, I will find out ways to use the iron and I
understand how to make sandwhich

154 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


Observing and questioning

Activity 63

Observe the part of Iron below. First listen to me

carefully.Then repeat after me. Say the word loudly,clearly
and correctly.


Picture 5.3 Source : Author doc

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 155

Associating and collecting information

Activity 64

Rewrite the part of Iron above. While you are writing

please say the word loudly, clearly and accuratly

Part of iron :
1. ....................................
2. ....................................
3. ....................................
4. ....................................
5. ....................................

156 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Observing and questioning

Activity 65

Observe the steps of Ironing shirt below. First listen to me

carefully.Then repeat after me. Say the sentence
loudly,clearly and correctly.


1. Plug in the electricity

2. Choose the suitable temperature for the clothes
3. Start to iron the shirt from the collar, sleeve then
4. Iron by following line if there is a fold
5. Turn the temperature dial in '0 ' position
6. After completely done, hang the shirt
7. Disconnect the iron from socket.
8. After completely ironing, put back the equipment.
9. And don’t forget, clean working area

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 157

Associating and Collecting information

Activity 66 Teacher

Work individually.. Rewrite the manual “The steps of

Ironing shirt ”. Make sure you know the meaning of every
word and spell it correctly. While you are writing, say the
words loudly ,clearly, and correctly.


1. ......................................................................
2. .....................................................................,
3. ......................................................................
4. ......................................................................
5. ......................................................................
6. ......................................................................
7. ......................................................................
8. ......................................................................
9. ......................................................................

158 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


Activity 67

Practice this procedure text orally in front of the class

Good morning, everybody. I’d like to tell you about how

to do something, that is how to ironing shirt. Before we
can do it, we should prepare the tools that we need.
They are an iron , a shirt and table for ironing . Now let
me tell you the steps of doing it.

First of all, Plug in the electricity

Then,Choose the suitable temperature for the clothes
Next, Start to iron the shirt from the collar, sleeve then
Iron by following line if there is a fold
After that, Turn the temperature dial in '0' position.
After completely done, hang the shirt
Finally, disconnect the iron from socket.
Now, after completely ironing, put back the equipment.
After completely ironing, put back the equipment

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 159

Observing and questioning

Activity 68

Let’s read the recipe silently. Then, listen to me carefully

and repeat after me. Say the sentences loudly,clearly, and

How to make a sandwich

· 2 clices of bread
· Peanut butter
· A banana
· Honey

1. Take two slices of bread.
2. Spread peanut butter.
3. Cut up a banana into small slices and put them on
one of the slices of bread.
4. Pour some honey over the bananas.
5. Put the other slice of bread on top.

160 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Associating and Collecting information

Activity 69 Teacher

Work individually.Rewrite the procedure of “How to make a

sandwich”. Make sure you know the meaning of every word
and spell it correctly. While you are writing, say the words
loudly ,clearly, and correctly.

How to make a sandwich

· .....................
· .....................
· .....................
· .....................

1. ..............................................................................
2. ..............................................................................
3. ..............................................................................
4. .............................................................................
5. .............................................................................

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 161


Activity 70

Practice this procedure text orally in front of the class

Good morning, everybody. I’d like to tell you about how

to make sandwich . Before we can make it, we should
prepare the materials .
The materials that we need to make sandwich are:
· 2 clices of bread
· Peanut butter
· A banana
· Honey

Now, Let me tell you the steps:

First, take two slices of bread.
Second, spread peanut butter.
Next, cut up a banana into small slices and put
them on one of the slices of bread.
Then, pour some honey over the bananas.
Finally, put the other slice of bread on top.

162 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


There are three definitions of "general" of the procedure

(1) Texts that explain how something works or how to use
instruction / operation manuals e.g. how to use the video,
the computer, the tape recorder, the photocopier, the fax.
(2) Texts that instruct how to do a particular activity e.g.
recipes, rules for games, science experiments, road safety
The purpose procedural text is to tell the reader how to
do or make something. The information is presented in a
logical sequence of events which is broken up into small
sequenced steps. These texts are usually written in the present
tense. The most common example of a procedural text is a
there are three generic structure (general arrangement)
(1) Goal
(2) Material Needed
(3) Methods or Steps

Sumber ENGLISHINDO.COM Referensi Belajar Bahasa Inggris


Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 163


Aspek Pengetahuan
I. Complete the following text using the words given!
The steps of making Cocktail
Prepare some kind of (1). ................. such as apple, melon,
pine apple, and papaya. (2). ........................... them after you peel
(3). .........................them into pieces like a dice. Put the cutings in
a (4)......................... add water and some (5)..........................
add block of ice. The cocktail is (6). ........................ to eat.

Bowl Ready Wash

Fruits Syrup Cut

II. Arrange sentences into correct procedure text!

How to Make Oriental Fried rice

1. Cut up meatball and chicken fillet into small pieces.
2. Grind together garlic, pepper, and salt.
3. Break and stir in one or two eggs.
4. To make oriental fried rice, you will need a plate of rice,
meatball, eggs, leeks, chicken fillet, frozen green peas
soaked in hot water, garlic, pepper and salt, and a
spoonful of oyster sauce.

164 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

5. Chop the leeks into small pieces.
How to make it:
1. Then, pour the eggs and green peas.
2. After that, pour the ground garlic, pepper and salt, adds a
spoonful of oyster sauce.
3. Put the leeks into the mixture and a plate of rice.
4. First of all, fry the chicken fillet and meatballs. Stir the
mixture well.
5. Finnaly, serve the original fried rice on a plate with hot
sauce, if you like.

Aspek Ketrampilan ( Speaking )

Present the procedure of “How to Make Oriental Fried rice”

in front of the class.

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 165


What knowledge did you get

from the lesson in chapter 5?


In the chapter 5, I have learnt



Did you have difficulties?

What were they?


The difficulties that I had in this

chapter were ..........................

166 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


Please write the material / ingridients and steps how make

something of your favorite food or drink!

Material/ ingridients :

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 167


How to charge hand phone battery

Steps :
1. Connect the charger to your hand phone.
2. Wait until the battery icon appears on the screen.
3. Charge the battery approximately 5 hours or until the
battery icon indicates that the battery is fully charged.
4. Remove the charger by pulling out from your hand phone.

How to Boil Egg

Steps :

First of all, place the raw egg in a saucepan!

Second, Run cold water into the saucepan until the water is 1
inch above the egg.
After that, Place the saucepan on a stove and cook over
medium heat until the water begins to boil.
The next, don't forget to reduce the heat to low
Then, Simmer for 2 to 3 minutes for soft-boiled eggs or 10 to
15 minutes for hard-boiled eggs.
Finally, Remove the egg with a spoon or ladle and let it cool
slowly, or run cold water over it to cool it more quickly.

168 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


1. Front tip : ujung depan

2. Pilot light : lampu pengontrol
3. Cord : kabel
4. Collar : kerah
5. Sleeve : lengan
6. Fold : melipat
7. Socket : stop kontak
8. Equipment : peralatan
10. Prepare : menyiapkan
11. Peanut butter : selai kacang
12. Spread : oleskan
13. Slices : iris
14. Saucepan : panci
15. Garlic : bawang putih :

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 169

170 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra
Chapter 6

Singing a song

In this chapter , I will learn how to :

• comprehend the meaning of the song lyrics
• express the meaning of the lyrics.

Picture 6.1 Source : Author doc

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 171



In this chapter I will learn about how to increase listening skill

and remember the new vocabulary by singing a song. Finally I
can comprehend the meaning of the song lyrics and express
the meaning of the lyrics.

172 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


Observing and questioning

Activity 71 Teacher

Listen to the following song and fill in the missing words .

You can connect to the following link in the internet :
Then, let’s sing together.

"One Big Family"

By : Maher Zein

I wonder why you and me ....(1) each other

Don't you see the .......... (2) between us?
Take a minute and see yourself in the ........ (3)
You look like me: those eyes, lips - you can't deny

Have you thought about

Why we look the same?
Why we feel the same?
Don't tell me it's by chance

Oh, you're my brother

You're my sister
We're one ........ (4) family
Oh, you're my brother
You're my .......... (5)
Just one big family

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 173

It doesn't matter if you live far away from me
You feel I feel, you bleed I bleed, you cry and I........ (6)
We sleep and ........ (7)
Sometimes we're sad, sometimes we're happy
You breathe I breathe
We love, walk, talk and we. ...... (8)

Have you thought about

Why we look the same?
Why we feel the same?
Don't tell me it's by chance

Oh, you're my ........ (9)

You're my sister
We're one big family
Oh, you're my brother
You're my sister
Just one big family

I care about you

And I wish you could realise
There's no difference between us two
We're part of one family
No matter how far you are
And even if we don’t know each other
Oh, you and me, me and you, we are ........ (10)

Oh, you're my brother

You're my sister
We're one big family
Oh, you're my brother
You're my sister
Just one big family

174 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Collecting information

Activity 72

After you fill in the missing words, rewrite the full lyrics in
your note book. While you are writing, please say the
sentence loudly, clearly and correctly.

"One Big Family"

By : Maher Zein






Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 175

Activity 73

Read the lyrics carefully.Translate the lyrics below to

Indonesian. Translations already available in the box at
random. Match it to the appropriate sentence.

"One Big Family"

By : Maher Zein

I wonder why you and me fight each other

Don’t you see the similarities between us?
Take a minute and see yourself in the mirror
You look like me : those eyes, lips – you can’t deny

• Kau mirip denganku : mata, bibir – kau tak bisa menyangkalnya

• Tidakkah kau lihat persamaan antara kita?
• Aku heran kenapa kau dan aku slalu bertengkar
• Luangkan waktu dan lihatlah dirimu di cermin

176 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Have you thought about
Why we look the same?
Why we feel the same?
Don’t tell me it’s by chance

• Pernahkah kau berpikir tentang

• Jangan katakan itu cuma kebetulan
• Mengapa kita terlihat sama?
• Mengapa kita rasakan hal yang sama?

Oh, you’re my brother

You’re my sister
We’re one big family
Oh, you’re my brother
You’re my sister
Just one big family

• Kau adalah saudariku

• Kita adalah satu keluarga besar
• Kau adalah saudariku
• Satu keluarga besar
• Oh, kau adalah saudaraku
• Oh, kau adalah saudaraku

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 177

It doesn’t matter if you live far away from me
You feel I feel, you bleed I bleed, you cry and I cry
We sleep and dream
Sometimes we’re sad, sometimes we’re happy
You breathe I breathe
We love, walk, talk and we smile

• Kau merasakan aku merasakan, kau berdarah aku berdarah,

kau menangis akupun menangis
• Tak ada hal yang bisa memisahkan kita
• Kita tidur dan bermimpi
• Kadangkala kita sedih, kadangkala bahagia
• Kau bernafas, akupun bernafas
• Kita cinta, berjalan, berbicara, dan tersenyum

Have you thought about

Why we look the same?
Why we feel the same?
Don’t tell me it’s by chance

178 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

• Jangan katakan itu cuma kebetulan
• Mengapa kita terlihat sama?
• Mengapa kita rasakan hal yang sama?
• Mengapa kita terlihat sama?

Oh, you’re my brother

You’re my sister
We’re one big family
Oh, you’re my brother
You’re my sister
Just one big family

• Satu keluarga besar

• Kau adalah saudariku
• Kita adalah satu keluarga besar
• Oh, kau adalah saudaraku
• Kau adalah saudariku
• Oh, kau adalah saudaraku

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 179

I care about you
And I wish you could realise
There’s no difference between us two
We’re part of one family
No matter how far you are
And even if we don’t know each other
Oh, you and me, me and you, we are one

• Dan kuharap kau bisa berpikir realistis

• Kita adalah bagian dari keluarga
• Seberapa jauhpun dirimu
• Dan meskipun kita tak sedang bersama
• Oh, kau dan aku, aku dan kau, kita satu
• Aku peduli padamu
• Tak ada perbedaan antara kita berdua

180 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Oh, you’re my brother
You’re my sister
We’re one big family
Oh, you’re my brother

You’re my sister
Just one big family

• Kau adalah saudariku

• Kita adalah satu keluarga besar
• Kau adalah saudariku
• Satu keluarga besar
• Oh, kau adalah saudaraku
• Oh, kau adalah saudaraku

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 181


Activity 74

Work individually. Sing the song of "One Big Family" above.

Show in front of the class. Then, present your translation
about that song.

I want to sing a song with the title

"One Big Family" By : Maher
The translation of that song is

Picture 6.2 Source : Author do

182 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Associating and Collecting information

Activity 75

Answer these questions based on the text above

1. What is the title of the song above?

1. What is the title of the song above?
2. Who is the singer?
2. Who is the singer?
3. What the song talk about?
3. What the song talk about?
4. What the message which you get from the
4. What the message which you get from the song?
5. What is the antonym of “similarities” ?
5. What is the antonym of “similarities” ?

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 183


Learning English through song

The advantages of learning English through songs :

1. Singing along with our favorite English songs will
help us to learn how to pronounce English words
2. Learning English through songs, will help us to learn
more vocabulary quickly.
3. Learning English through songs, will help us to
remember grammar patterns and learn how to use
grammar correctly in everyday conversation

184 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


1. Complete these sentences based on the audio


Her eyes, her eyes
Make the stars look like they’re not .............. (1)
Her hair, her hair
Falls ........... (2) without her trying
She’s so................ (3)
And I tell her every day

I know, I know
When I compliment her
She wont ........... (4) me
And its so, its so
Sad to think she don’t see what I see
But ................. (5) she asks me do I look okay I say

When I see your face

There’s not a thing that I would........... (6)
Cause you’re............... (7)
Just the way you are
And when you ........... (8)
The whole world …….(9) and ……(10) for awhile
Cause girl you’re amazing
Just the way you are

2. What the song talk about?

3. What the message which you get from the song?
4. Present your work in front of the class !

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 185


What knowledge did you get

from the lesson in chapter 6?


In the chapter 6, I have learnt



Did you have difficulties?

What were they?


The difficulties that I had in this

chapter were ..........................


186 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


How will learning English through songs help us ?

Using songs is a really great way to improve our pronunciation
and grammar, and we are likely to learn and remember new
vocabulary and idioms.
Pronunciation: Singing along with our favourite English songs
will help us to learn how to pronounce English words correctly
and will also help to reduce our accent. We will learn more
about the rhythm of sentences and how to link your words
together when we speak.
Vocabulary: Listening to music will help us to learn more
vocabulary quickly. We are also more likely to remember new
words and English expressions if we listen to them in a song
than if we read them or learn them in our English class
(especially if we sing along!).
Grammar: We might think that grammar needs to be learnt in
a very structured way but listening to music will help us to
remember grammar patterns and learn how to use grammar
correctly in everyday conversation.

( Taken from :http://www.bloomsbury-

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 187


I Have A Dream

I have a dream, a song to sing

To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream, I have a dream

I have a dream, a fantasy

To help me through reality
And my destination makes it worth the while
Pushing through the darkness still another mile
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream, I have a dream
I'll cross the stream, I have a dream

I have a dream, a song to sing

To help me cope with anything
If you see the wonder of a fairy tale
You can take the future even if you fail
I believe in angels
Something good in everything I see
I believe in angels
When I know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream, I have a dream
I'll cross the stream, I have a dream

1. What is the theme of this song?

2. What the message which you get from the song?

188 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


1. Advantages : keuntungan
2. Increase : meningkatkan
3. Remember : mengingat
4. Comprehend : memahami
5. Express : mengungkapkan
6. Translate : menerjemahkan
7. Vocabulary : kosa kata
8. Breathe : bernafas
9. Translations : terjemahan
10. Message : pesan

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 189


Allen, W. Stannard. 1987. Living English Structure. Hongkong:

Longman Group. Ltd.

Echols, John M dan Hasan Shadily. 2005. Kamus Inggris –

Indonesia; Cetalan XXVI. Jakarta : Gramedia
Pustaka Utama.

Gunawan, Asep, dkk. 2013. Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs Kelas

VII When English Rings the Bell. Jakarta : Pusat
Perbukuan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

Gunawan, Asep, dkk. 2014. Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs Kelas

VIII When English Rings the Bell. Jakarta : Pusat
Perbukuan Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

Murphy, Raymond. ----. English Grammar. Mute: Cambrigde

University Press.

Rohmah,Zuliati,dkk,2014. Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK

Kelas X .Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Kementerian
Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan.

Wachidah, Siti, dkk. 2015. Bahasa Inggris SMP/ MTs Kelas IX.
Jakarta : Pusat Perbukuan Kementerian Pendidikan dan

190 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 191


Act out : bertindak/lakukan

Allow : mengizinkan
Appointment : janji
Attract : menarik/memikat
Bench : bangku
Blanket : selimut
Camel : unta
Campsite : tempat perkemahan
Characteristics : sifat-sifat
Clearly : dengan jelas
Compulsary : wajib
Correctly : dengan benar
Corridor : koridor/gang
Dangerous : bahaya
Diligent : rajin
Distance : jarak
Dolphin : ikan lumba-lumba
Drug : narkoba
East : timur
Entrance : jalan masuk
Farmer : petani
Fasten : mengenakan
Flammable : mudah terbakar
Fur : bulu
Grade : kelas

192 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

Grass : rumput
Helpful : suka menolong
House wife : ibu rumah tangga
Humble : rendah hati
Instruction : perintah
Job : pekejaan
Job : pekerjaan
Kind : baik
Librarian : ahli perpustakaan
Library : perpustakaan
Live : tinggal
Lizard : kadal
Loudly : dengan keras
Mane : bulu tengkuk kuda
Noise : bising/berisik
Occasions : urusan
Permission : izin
Physical Appearance : penampilan fisik
Principal : kepala sekolah
Prohibition : larangan
Punctual : tepat waktu
Registration : pendaftaran
Residents : warga
Rubbish : sampah
Saving up : menabung
Scales : sisik
Shy : malu

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 193

Silently : dengan diam
Sink : bak cuci/wastafel
Subject : mata pelajaran
Substances : zat/bahan
Surveillance : pengawasan
Sweep : menyapu
Talkative : banyak bicara
Throw : melemparkan
Town : kota
Trespassing : masuk tanpa izin
Tusk : gading
Vehicle : kendaraan
Wardrobe : lemari pakaian
Waves : ombak
Weapons : senjata
West : barat
Whiskers : sungut kucing

194 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra


Nama Lengkap : Tolibul Hadi,SPd

Telp. Kantor/HP : 021-7512190/ 08128647627
E-mail :
Akun Facebook : Tolibul Hadi
Alamat kantor : Jl.Margasatwa Raya, Komplek Timah
Pondok Labu, Jakarta Selatan.

▪ Riwayat Pekerjaan
1. 1989 - 2005 : Guru di SLB B/C “ZINNIA” Jakarta
2. 2005 – sekarang : Guru Matpel Bahasa Inggris di
SMK Negeri 41 Jakarta

▪ Riwayat Pendidikan Tinggi dan Tahun Belajar

1. SGPLB Negeri Bandung ( 1986 – 1988 )
2. STKIP PGRI Jakarta. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
( 1999 – 2003 )

▪ Judul Buku dan Tahun Terbit

1. Bahasa Inggris SMALB Tunanetra ( Buku Guru )
Kelas X (2014)

Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra 195

196 Buku Siswa Bahasa Inggris Kelas X SMALB/A Tunanetra

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