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Our exellencies all Annuqayah clerics and their family who honored by Allah
Our respectd jury and beloved young Muslims friends
Allah said in His Sacred Book : (QS : al-Kahfi 13-14)

“They were youth who believed in their Lord, and we advanced them in guidance. We give strenght
to their behold. they stood up and said “Our Lord is the Lord of the heavens and earth. never shall we
call upon any god other than Him : if we did, we should indeed have uttered an enormity”.
O my dear young Muslims!
Islam is a salvation religion. It salvages human beings from any forms of deficiency, asks the
people to build a society that is free from any illness.
But the question is how to build a muslim society which complies with Islam values?
Know, a muslim society is a strong society. The basis of the society is brotherhood and
helping each other. Its pillars are the spiritual power and the capability to implement good values.
Therefore the Messenger directed Islam to realize the goodness. Firstly the goodness for the
happiness in personal life, the the happiness in familial life, and finally the happiness in societal life.
Thus, Islam gives deep attention to familial education and its members. Know that family is
the first and prime element for the formation of a society. No society when there is no groups of
family that are bounded in certain social rules. If the familial elements are good the society is also
good. If the familial elements are bad the society is also bad. It is why Islam give deep consideration
to the familial life. Islam has worked hard to build the unity of families and strengthened its building,
educated the familial members with love, endearment, and noble Islam characters.
O the young muslims who believers
Know that the youth is the one of important elements of a family. They are the spirit of a
family who are always enthusiastic. Their blood are always boiling. Their muscles are strong. In a
society, the youth are the heart that continuously beats. They are always optimistic. In every
revolution, the youth is the most important element to gain success. In every movement, they are
the expected power. Know that on the shoulders of the youth the burden of responsibility resides.
By their support of important programs can be implemented. By their thought an advance culture
can be spread out. By their strong will the freedom can be established and the muslim position can
be laid in a high place.
O young muslims audience
If the youth are the spirit of the family the youth must have strong belief. If the youth are
the heart of a society the youth must be honest and dependable. If the youth are the important
agents for the success of a goal, they must know the time and use it well. If the youth are the ones
who have responsibility to bear a big burden they must have strong and healty body. If the youth are
the main support for the execution of any project, they must be skillful and deft. If the youth are the
pillars of the chosen people, they must have the awareness of Islam.
How come the youth can develop their society when they are the people with weak belief,
their hearts are always hesitant, their brains often get confused, and they fall into consuming drugs?
How come they build a muslim community when they continuously do immorality?
My dear young muslims
You must be careful and must always remember the danger of the prohibited drugs. If you
want to build an Islamic family you must have the awareness of Islam. If you want to build a muslim
community which is free from any social illness and deficiencies you must obey Allah and His
Remember what had been said by Imam Syafi’iy

“The young men today are the leaders of the future”

Be afraid of Allah, promise and train yourself about leadership. Be a good model for the
people by showing your noble characters and sacrifices, until Allah give us happiness, and nobility for
our nation. Allah had shown us the straight path.
Wassalamualaikum wr wb.

Pengasuh PP Annuqayah beserta keluarga besar PP yang dirahmati Allah

Yang terhormat Juri dan Teman2 Muslim muda yang saya cintai

Firman Allah dalam QS : al-Kahfi 13 -14

artinya :
“ Sesungguhnya mereka itu adalah pemuda-pemuda yang beriman kepada Tuhan mereka
dan Kami tambahkan kepada mereka petunjuk. Dan Kami telah meneguhkan hati mereka di waktu
mereka berdiri, lalu mereka berkata :”Tuhan kami adalah Tuhan langit dan bumi. Kami sekali-kali
tidak menyeru Tuhan selain Dia. Sesungguhnya kami kalau demikian telah mengucapkan yang amat
jauh dari kebenaran”
Wahai para pemuda muslim!
Islam adalah agama yang menyelamatkan. Ia menyelamatkan manusia dari segala bentuk
penyimpangan, mengajak ummatnya untuk membangun masyarakat yang selamat dari segala
Bagaimana bangunan masyarakat muslim yang dikehendaki Islam?
Ketahuilah, masyarakat muslim adalah masyarakat yang kuat. Dasarnya adalah tali
persaudaraan dan saling tolong-menolong. Pilarnya adalah kekuatan rohani dari kemampuan
mewujudkan nilai-nilai yang luhur. Dengan demikian, Rasulullah mengarahkan Islam untuk
mewujudkan kemaslahatan. Pertama, adalah kemaslahatan untuk kebahagiaan hidup secara
personal, kemudian keluarga dan akhirnya kebahagiaan masyarakat.
Oleh sebab itu, Islam sangat memperhatikan pendidikan keluarga beserta anggota-
anggotanya. Ketahuilah, keluarga adalah unsur pertama dan utama bagi terbentuknya masyarakat.
Tidak ada masyarakat jika tidak ada kumpulan keluarga yang terikat dalam tatanan sosial. Jika unsur
keluarganya baik, maka masyarakat baik. Jika unsur keluarganya jelek, maka masyarakatnya jelek.
Itulah sebabnya, mengapa Islam sangat memperhatikan keluarga. Islam bekerja keras membangun
kesatuan keluarga dan memperkuat bangunannya, mendidik jiwa anggota-anggota keluarga dengan
cinta, kasih sayang, lemah lembut dan akhlak Islam yang luhur.
Wahai para pemuda yang beriman!
Ketahuilah, pemuda adalah bagian dari anggota keluarga yang terpenting. Dalam keluarga, ia
merupakan ruh keluarga yang selalu bergelora. Darahnya senantiasa mendidih. Urat-uratnya kuat.
Dalam masyarakat, pemuda adalah jantung masyarakat yang selalu berdenyut. Tekadnya meluap-
luap. Dalam setiap revolusi, pemuda adalah unsur terpenting dalam meraih keberhasilan. Dalam
setiap, ia adalah kekuatan yang menjadi tumpuan harapan. Ketahuilah, diatas pundak para pemuda,
beban tanggung jawab dipikulkan. Dengan dukungan mereka, program-program penting bisa
terlaksana. Dengan pikiran mereka, kebudayaan yang maju bisa tersebar luas. Dengan kekuatan
mereka, nilai-nilai kemanusiaan dan akhlak dikokohkan. Dengan ambisi mereka, kebebasan bisa
ditegakkan dan derajat ummat Islam ditinggikan.
Wahai para pemuda muslim!
Jika pemuda adalah ruh keluarga, maka pemuda harus memiliki iman yang kuat. Jika
pemuda jantung masyarakat, Maka pemuda harus jujur dan amanah. Jika pemuda adalah agen
penting untuk keberhasilan suatu cita-cita, maka ia harus mengetahui nilai waktu dan
memanfaatkannya. Jika pemuda adalah orang yang mengemban beban tanggung jawab, maka ia
harus kuat dan sehat, jika pemuda adalah penyokong utama kelancaran berbagai macam proyek,
maka ia harus mahir dan terampil. Jika pemuda adalah pilar orang-orang pilihan, maka ia harus
memiliki kesadaran Islam.
Bagaimana mungkin para pemuda mukmin bisa membangun masyarakat, sementara mereka
adalah orang-orang yang lemah iman, hati mereka ragu-ragu, akal mereka sering kebingungan dan
mereka tenggelam dalam obat-obat terlarang. Bagaimana mungkin para pemuda muslim mampu
membangun masyarakat Islam sementara mereka terus menerus melakukan kemaksiatan?
Wahai para pemuda!
Kalian harus hati-hati dan selalu ingat bahaya narkoba, jika kamu hendak membangun
keluarga yang islami, kamu wajib memiliki kesadaran Islam. Jika kamu hendak membangun
masyarakat Islam dan bebas dari berbagai penyakit –penyakit sosial dan berbagai penyimpangan
perilaku sosial, kamu wajib taat kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya.
Ingat ucapan Imam Syafi’iy

artinya ; “Para pemuda hari ini adalah pemimpin masa datang”.

Bertakwalah kepada Allah, berjanji dan berlatihlah memimpin masyarakat. Jadilah kalian
teladan yang baik dengan menampilkan akhlak yang mulai dan pengorbanan sampai Allah
menetapkan kebahagiaan dan kemuliaan bagi bangsa kita. Allahlah yang menunjukkan kita ke jalan
yang lurus.
Wassalamualaikum wr wb.


Hello friends today I’m going to tell you another new story and the title is “Lazy Son”
A rich farmer used to live in a village with his wife and son. His son was very lazy and on the
other hand the rich farmer was very hard-working. He used to go to his farm where all his business
was spread. The farmer was very upset with his son’s lazy attitude. ”Son, wake up, let’s come and
help me to work there”, said the farmer. “Oh not now dad, let me sleep for a while”, replied his son.
Finally, the farmer went to his farm alone.
After some days the farmer got very sick and died soon. Even after dad Sukris didn’t any
interest in father business. And business were having massive lost in the business. Seeing this, his
mother said “Son, the business were having massive loss in the business. “Mom, so what can I do, I
have never gone to the farm with dad”.
“Do one thing son, your grandfather lives in the next village, he has a great knowledge of this
businesss, you can go and meet him, he must be having a solution for this problem” . “Alright mom, I
will go there tomorrow morning”. Next morning Sukris went to Grandpa. “greeting, grandpa”. “God
bless you son, how are you?”After dad’s death we are facing a great loss in business, “Mom tell me
that I should come to you for your expertise now you can only help us.” “ Your mother is absolutely
right, I have a solution for your problem.” Tell me granpa quickly”. “ You have to do one thing like a
young everly day.”
“All right I will do the same what you told me”. So, the next morning Sukris started waking
up before sunrise. He first went to the mosque and he went to look after business. He goes to look
after all his business every morning. Seeing him coming to work everyday labors were discussing
with each other. “Did you see the boss is coming everyday to work so from now on it seems that we
have stop all the scams. “You are right otherwise we will be trapped”. Gradually all the labors saw
that Sukris was taking around his farm and in fear of to be trapped they stopped all the scam and
after the closure of the scam. The loss in the business also decrease and Sukris and mom gradually
became rich again.
Wow look mom

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