Anda di halaman 1dari 15

Skillnya ada juga yang failed emang blum sempurna??

Skill failed mungkin karena barang2 buat gunain tuh skill gak ada..

Kalo HP jadi 250k gak ada commandnya ya?

Nambah hp gak ada, tapi kalo nambah vit sampe jebol 10k ada, @vit 10000, dijamin HP langsung mentok 1jt

Biar lv 200 n lvl job 150 saya make cheat mentok di 99?
Cek dulu gan di folder eathena\db nya..
kan ada file exp.txt sama exp2.txt
yang exp.txt nya hapus, terus rename yang exp2.txt jadi exp.txt...

buka exp.txtnyantar kan ada tulisan gini:

//Base - Normal Jobs

//Base - Adv Jobs

//Base - Baby Jobs

nah.. yg angka merah agan ganti ama max base level yg diinginkan
kalo ingin nambah max job level, caranya sama aj.. tinggal cari aj yang depannya ada bacaan //Job terus ganti
angka dibawahnya..

Normal Jobs -> Job sebelum rebirth

Adv Jobs -> Job sesudah rebirth
Baby Jobs -> Job buat baby

File apa yang harus di rubah buat naikin drop rate?

Buka servernya
Buka conf\battle\drops.conf <-pake notepad
Cari :

item_drop_common_min: [DROPRATE]
item_drop_common_max: [DROPRATE]

item_drop_heal_min: [DROPRATE]
item_drop_heal_max: [DROPRATE]

item_drop_use_min: [DROPRATE]
item_drop_use_max: [DROPRATE]

item_drop_equip_min: [DROPRATE]
item_drop_equip_max: [DROPRATE]
item_drop_card_min: [DROPRATE]
item_drop_card_max: [DROPRATE]

item_drop_mvp_min: [DROPRATE]
item_drop_mvp_max: [DROPRATE]

item_drop_add_min: [DROPRATE]
item_drop_add_max: [DROPRATE]

item_drop_treasure_min: [DROPRATE]
item_drop_treasure_max: [DROPRATE]

10000 = 100%
100 = 1%

jadi atur smua DROPRATE ke 10000 biar dropnya jadi 100% smua

Nah sekarang pengen tuh exp-nya di akumulasi. jadi bisa naik beberapa lvl.
sekarang ini, cuma naik-nya 1 lvl-1 lvl doing. gmn yah caranya biar bisa sekali naik tuh sampe 5-10 lvl?
Buka server \conf\battle\exp.conf

multi_level_up: no
Ganti ke:
multi_level_up: yes

Cara make srigala di ranger gimana ya?

Naikin skill warg mastery → pake command @item 6124 → pake skill warg mastery
kalo cara naiknya, naekin skill warg rider, terus dipake skillnya

Cara jadiin semula armor yg di curi ama monster kek mana ya ..

dy ngelepas armor tp pas  pake gak bisa katanya tidak bisa dipakai
coz tulisanya jadi merah?
itu equipmentnya ancur..
pake command @repairall

Satu lagi ada item yang kaga bisa dibuang atau di drop ..
kek mana buangnya y gan soalnya ane taro di NPC jg gag bisa /swt
-buka server\db\item_trade.txt
-hapus smua isinya
-restart servernya
bisa di drop deh benda tadi
atau kalo nggak pake @itemreset
tapi simpen dulu barang2 lainnya ke storage, krn ntar item2 di inventory bakal keapus smua klo pake command

Nah Skill nya kaga semua aktif walaupun pake command @skillall
masih ada sisa master .. kira2 seperti ini contohnya?
itu skill quest... gak bisa dibuka pake @skillall

pake command @questskill [IDSKILL]
berarti kalo holy light pake @questskill 156

@skillid Holy Light 

ntar keluar nomor nya . baru deh @questskill xxx

kenapa yak klo ane jadi GM pake peco2 atau serigala pokoknya yg ditungangin deh ..
kenapa gag muncul yak  
truz ane kan ningkatin lv nya dr 99 ke 200 bisa sih tp auranya kaga muncul gan  knp tu yak  
bisa gag gan ane make id lain trus ane jdin GM soalnya baju GM sama semua /swt
maap gan ane byk nanya dr kmrn hehe

emang gitu gan kalo GM mah -,-

edit aja baju gm nya . jadi kita jadi GM gak pake baju GM . jadi pake baju job .
cara nya apus bagian <admin>xxxx</admin>
di clientinfo.xml yang ada pada eathena.grf 


1. Buka Grf Tools -> Click Open -> Cari Eathena.grf
2. Klik TreeView -> Cari "clientinfo.xml" -> click nama file nya trus klik exteact , Target Extract kali ini ke Desktop !
[jgn close GRF tools]
3. Buat folder baru di Desktop Dengan Nama "data" Masukan "clientinfo.xml" di dalam folder data yg baru di buat
tadi ..
4. klik kanan clientinfo.xml klik -> edit[notepad] -> cari bagian yg ane omongin .
5. kalo udah klik save . balik ke GRF tools yg masih open eathena.grf
6. klik marge dir . Target Folder "data" di desktop . kalo udah yaudah
udah kelar kok . coba pake char gm

xxxx biasa nya bertuliskan nomor sample <admin>200001</admin>

apus 20001 nya  coba ke [X] Resources Trus Cari GRF tools . 
ada kok  , oiya pake beginner eathena?

truz Klo ake job 3 auranya gag muncul walaupun lv nya dah 99?
exenya blum di patch mungkin gan 
atau nggak server\conf\battle\client.conf nya blum diatur
coba cari
aura_lv: xx
ganti xx dengan minimal lvl supaya beraura

UPDATE 23/01/2012
Cara nambahin costum NPC gmna????

masukin lokasi custom npcnya disana

npc: lokasinpc
nih ane contohin script npc sederhana

prontera,152,185,4     script  Hello World    902,{

        mes "[Hello World]";
        mes "Hai " + strcharinfo(0) + " !";

        mes "[Hello World]";
        mes "Ane ganteng gak gan?";

        menu "Iya, lu ganteng",pilihan1,"Najis cuih!!!!",pilihan2;

               mes "[Hello World]";
               mes "Makasih! ^o^";

               atcommand strcharinfo(0)+":@nuke "+strcharinfo(0);
               npctalk "ANJENK LOE!";
prontera = lokasi map tempat NPCnya
152 = lokasi X tempat NPC
185 = lokasi Y tempat NPC
4 = NPC menghadap ke bawah (0 = atas; 2 = kanan; 4 = bawah; 6 = kiri;)
Hello World = nama NPCnya
902 = sprite NPCnya, list sprite ada disini, atau coba pake command @disguise
[angka] untuk melihat sprite NPCnya

untuk mengetahui lokasi, ketik /where di game


mes: menampilkan & menulis isi dari 'Message Box' NPC (biasanya diakhiri dengan
kode next;atau end;)
next: menampilkan tombol next di kotak 'Message Box'
close: menampilkan tombol close di kotak 'Message Box'
menu: menampilkan pilihan menu
end: mengakhiri script npc
npctalk: membuat NPC berbicara kayak player
atcommand: menggunakan command.. (command GM juga bisa)
strcharinfo(0): nama player yang mengklik NPCnya

@nuke -> Ngebom player

di akhir kode, jangan lupa tambahkan tanda ;

kalau mau, agan edit2 aj NPC yg udah ada

nanti juga mengerti kok
tinggal ditambah2in aj kode dari sini

Practice make Perfect

ohh gitu ya mastah ..

klo cara nambahin npc yg jual item gmn gan ..
kan ada tuh org jualan potions dll
tp ane mw isinya items2 yang ane pilih gan biar gag capek ngecheat
coba download ini : 4shared -> (ganti bahasanya di menu bar ke 3, pilih english)
atau kalo nggak pake script ini:

map,x,y,hadap  shop    Nama Toko      90,[ID ITEM 1]:[HARGA ITEM 1],[ID

ITEM 2]:[HARGA ITEM 2],[ID ITEM 3]:[HARGA ITEM 3] dst.....
prontera,100,100,4     shop    FatalEror Shop 90,4441:1,2629:1,2541:1

master klo udah ane buat NPC Jual items nya trus dimasukin dimana yah master ..

cara compile server kek mana master.

masukin ke server\npc\custom\blablabla.txt

habis itu buka server\npc\scripts_custom.conf

masukin di paling bawahnya:
npc: npc\custom\blablabla.txt
kalo cuman edit npc gak usah compile server gan

1. effect lom nyala (pake perintah /effect)
2. coba pake perintah /aura
3. file auranya gak ada
ane test dulu ..
ngmng2 ane kaga nemuin npc nya ..
x y nya ane atur 150 200 dimana tu gan
kaga ada ane muter2 prontera
coba pake command @jump 150 200
tuh posisi 150 200 kayaknya nabrak bangunan deh...

coba ganti lokasi NPCnya gan...

kalau mau tau lokasi karakter agan berdiri pake perintah /where
terus taruh di script npc nya..

sama pas dimasukin ke npc_costume

dikasih //npc: npc/custom/npcBaru.txt

tanda / ini.
apa yang \ ini gan ..
soalnya yg disitu kek gini \
yang mana aja boleh
\ dan / sama aj

dll-RE.7z : Mediafire

npc.rar : Mediafire

gan script npc yg di page one ga ada lho, redirectnya sama tuh?
Ada yang lain yang lebih lengkap?

nih gua pindah link >>

nah itu ane juga ikut nimbrung dong 
yang tanda // itukan banyak tp yang mana ya yang diilangin ?

oh iya sekalian mana nanya dong kalau mau bikin backrogroud buat client yang bmp dibagi" itu gimana ya
caranya ?

npc/script_custom.conf -> notepad

//npc: npc/custom/healers/heal_payment.txt
// -- Black Jack
//npc: npc/custom/blackjack.txt

smoga membantu

Gan itu gmna cara nambahin NPC?

kok NPC jobsmaster, warper, healer ane gk ada gan ??
gmna caranya nimbulin tuh NPC gan??

// --------------------------------------------------------------
// -                       Custom Scripts                       -
// --------------------------------------------------------------
//      All the custom scripts, remove the '//' to enable...    

// --------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------- My Scripts -------------------------
//npc: npc/location/to/script.txt
//                     Your scripts go here!!
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------- Basic  Scripts -----------------------
// -- Card Remover
//npc: npc/custom/card_remover.txt
// -- Write your name on your equipment/weapon (mini-quest)
//npc: npc/custom/sign_your_items.txt
// -- Banks
//npc: npc/custom/banks/kafra_bank.txt
//npc: npc/custom/banks/bank.txt
// -- Reset NPC
//npc: npc/custom/jobs/reset.txt
// -- Job Changer
//npc: npc/custom/jobs/jobmaster.txt
// -- Healer(s)
//npc: npc/custom/healers/heal.txt
//npc: npc/custom/healers/heal_payment.txt
// -- Black Jack
//npc: npc/custom/blackjack.txt
// -- City and Dungeon Warper
//npc: npc/custom/warper.txt
// -- Stylist
//npc: npc/custom/dye.txt
// -- Custom Penal Servitude (Jails Quest)
//npc: npc/custom/penal_servitude.txt
// -- Dev NPCs (NPCs named after devs...)
//npc: npc/custom/devnpc.txt
// -- Unofficial poetry
//npc: npc/custom/ayothaya.txt
// -- Platinum Skills
//npc: npc/custom/platinum_skills.txt
// -- Custom Shops
//npc: npc/custom/2-2shop.txt
// -- Free Falcon & Peco breeder, Free Carts
//npc: npc/custom/breeder.txt
// -- Unofficial Airplane Script
//npc: npc/custom/airplane.txt
// -- MVP Arena
// ~ If you wish to use the mvp arena, please enable both scripts.
//npc: npc/custom/MVP_arena/arena_mvp.txt
//npc: npc/custom/MVP_arena/amvp_func.txt
// -- WoE Time Setter - Lets you set War of Emperium time easily from
inside the game [Fredzilla]
//npc: npc/custom/WoE_Setter.txt
// Stock Market (Play on it, earn money, very flexible)
//npc: npc/custom/stock_market.txt
// Russian Roulette + Rock Scissors Paper (contains some OBB / OVB / OCA
etc dangerous!!! prizes!)
//npc: npc/custom/rpsroulette.txt
// Hire your Ninjas Squad and assassinate some enemy
//npc: npc/custom/shifty_assassin.txt
// Train your Monsters to fight against other players' monsters
//npc: npc/custom/mvm.txt
// A simply Raceway mini-game
//npc: npc/custom/morroc_raceway.txt
// A nice lottery (very flexible)
//npc: npc/custom/lottery.txt
// Wedding script (rewritten by Scotlex. )
// Supports Same-sex marriages.
//npc: npc/custom/marriage.txt

// --------------------------------------------------------------
// BattleGround (please read conf/battle/battleground.conf before
// uncomment battleground scripts).
// --------------------------------------------------------------
//npc: npc/custom/battleground/bg_common.txt
//npc: npc/custom/battleground/bg_tierra_01.txt
//npc: npc/custom/battleground/bg_tierra_02.txt
//npc: npc/custom/battleground/bg_flavius_01.txt
//npc: npc/custom/battleground/bg_flavius_02.txt
//npc: npc/custom/battleground/bg_kvm01.txt
//npc: npc/custom/battleground/bg_kvm02.txt
//npc: npc/custom/battleground/bg_kvm03.txt

// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Lance's Scripts (coded before joining eA Dev team)
// --------------------------------------------------------------
//npc: npc/custom/Lance/FR_HallOfFame.c
//npc: npc/custom/Lance/FR_WeatherController.c
//npc: npc/custom/Lance/FR_MailSystem.c
//npc: doc/sample/npc_dynamic_shop.txt
// --------------------------------------------------------------

// --------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------- Quests Scripts -----------------------
// -- Treasure Hunters Guild Quests (40 Quests + Special Guild Shop)
//npc: npc/custom/quests/thq/THQS_ChatingNPC.txt
//npc: npc/custom/quests/thq/THQS_GuildNPC.txt
//npc: npc/custom/quests/thq/THQS_QuestNPC.txt
//npc: npc/custom/quests/thq/THQS_Quests.txt
//npc: npc/custom/quests/thq/THQS_TTShop.txt
// -- Godly Equipments Quests
//npc: npc/custom/quests/valhallen.txt
// -- Misc
//npc: npc/custom/quests/magicalhatquest.txt
//npc: npc/custom/quests/fashion.txt
//npc: npc/custom/quests/elvenear.txt
//npc: npc/custom/quests/ironcane.txt
//npc: npc/custom/quests/sunglasses.txt
//npc: npc/custom/quests/berzebub.txt
// Bandit Beard headgear quest (very long and safe quest)
//npc: npc/custom/quests/bandit_beard.txt
// Dead Branch (and Bloody Branch) quest (safe to use)
//npc: npc/custom/quests/dead_branch.txt
// -- Removed Hats with official quests. Only 6 hats are left
//npc: npc/custom/quests/event_6_new_hats.txt
// (both Lord Kaho (GM Item), but different and quest.txt has Balmung (GM
Item) too)
// Warning! It might break your server balance.
//npc: npc/custom/quests/kaho_balmung.txt
//npc: npc/custom/quests/kahohorn.txt
// Nice Custom thanatos Tower Statues Quest
//npc: npc/custom/quests/tha_statues.txt
// -- A quest for Jewel Case for 99 Level Players of any 2nd Class
//npc: npc/custom/quests/lvl99_quest.txt
// Disable shops in the Prontera streets and open a special market place.
//npc: npc/custom/market.txt
// Quest for: Bird Nest,Lion Mask,Skeleton Manteau,Fashion Hip Sack,Sales
//npc: npc/custom/quests/may_hats.txt
// Random change of Drop/Exp rates 1x ~ 1.5x every 6 hours on your server
//npc: npc/custom/floating_rates.txt
// Extracted custom quests from the official Umbalian Quests (better, don't
//npc: npc/custom/quests/sphinx_mask.txt
//npc: npc/custom/quests/umbalian_language.txt
// Custom Kiel Mansion Dungeon Quest
//npc: npc/custom/quests/kiel_quest.txt
// Custom Bongun Accessory/Bongun taming item quest
//npc: npc/custom/quests/bongunsword.txt
// Custom Baphomet Jr. Taming item quest.
//npc: npc/custom/quests/bookofthedevil.txt
//A custom event for 3 holidays: X-Mas, Karachun and New Year
//Should be activated between 8 December and 8 January
//npc: npc/custom/events/xmas_rings_event.txt
//Grand Circlet Quest combined with Excalibur Quest
//npc: npc/custom/events/kings_items.txt
//Custom Halloween Event (gives )
//npc: npc/custom/events/hallow06.txt
//npc: npc/custom/events/uneasy_cemetery.txt
//npc: npc/custom/events/draculax.txt
//npc: npc/custom/events/2006_dogs_year.txt
//npc: npc/custom/events/valentinesdayexp.txt
//| Poring track files
//npc: npc/custom/events/p_track/p_track_core.txt
//npc: npc/custom/events/p_track/p_track_warpers.txt
hilangin // buat npc custom yg mau dipake...

UPDATE 31/07/2012
Gravity Error After Install , Download This
Nambahin Rate Exp, Ngilangin Delay, Nambah NPC , Play with item.db , Mengganti Refine Rate, Play LAN
, Nambah Custom Headgear [Xray] : 2essy2killu 

Nambah Rate Exp


Lalu cari baris base_exp_rate: 50000

Ini hitungan dalam persen ya.. jadi tahu sendiri kan % itu 1/100..
jadi misal exp rate kamu 50.000 jadi 1/100 x 50.000 = 500x rate 

Ngilangin Delay 


Lalu cari baris delay_rate: 100

Hitungan itu dalam persen.. jadi misal delay rate 100% berarti delay normal.. ganti 0
untuk no delay :maho 

Nambah NPC 

Pertama kamu harus udah punya script NPC buat ditambahin..

atur koordinat NPC itu baca barus pertama script NPC
Misal :

prontera,146,232,4 script Hypnotist#2 124,{

prontera=Nama Map
146=Koordinat X
232=Koordinat Y
4= arah NPC || 

4 = kiri bawah || 6 = kanan bawah || 0 = kanan atas || 2 = kiri atas

124=Gambar NPC ( kalau mau coba2 silahkan @disguise )

nah kalau udah atur2 koordinat ma Gambar copy itu script kedalam folder npc di
StablePack kamu


Lalu buka script_custom.conf ( X:\...\Stablepack\npc )

tambahkan baris ini 

npc: npc\custom\namafile.txt

namafile diganti dengan script NPC yang kamu letakkan ( misal kafra.txt )

Buat ngeLoad NPC pake command @Loadnpc npc/path/namafile.txt

namun ada NPC tertentu yang harus reset server ( mestinya hidden namun bila di load
menjadi visible ) 

Mengutak Atik item.db 

Oke di tutorial ini pake item sword aja ya ?





1101 = ID ( saat menggunakan @item )
Swordz = AegisName ( saat menggunakan @item )
Sword = Nama Item yang muncul
4 = Usable/Equip/etc
100 = Harga Beli di NPC
1 = Harga Jual di NPC
500 = Berat
25 = ATK
1 = defense
1 = Range ( 1 = melee ( dihitung cellnya ) )
3 = Slot Item 

Mengganti Refine Rate 



Oke misal kita mau mengganti rate tempa armor


70, 4,4, 100,100,100,100, 60, 40, 40, 20, 20, 10, // Armor

Oke skarang kita lihat pada baris


100,100,100,100, 60, 40, 40, 20, 20, 10,

ini adalah urutan tempa dari +1 ~ +10 dalam hitungan %

Nangkep kan ??

Kalau gak simak lagi..

Misal kita mau ganti rate tempa +1 jadi 1% ( ngisengin user )
ganti aja 100 yang pertama jadi 1.. menunjukan bahwa rate tempa ke +1 adalah 1 %..
Bila mau mengganti rate tempa tetap harus reset server ya 
How To Add Custom Headgear [ Normal Client ] 

Per Partnya Adalah 780kb Pass : bowoa.k.ahuamm


Cara buatID GM : green.seed 

cara jadi GM....
kalo pake ver TXT liat di save\account.txt

2000001 Test Test M 0 0 0 0 4 2011-

12-31 13:52:49 0000-00-00

note : yg saya kasih warna biru diganti dengan angka 99

keterangan tingkatan lv pemain ada di di conf\atcommand_athena.conf
99 berarti Admin 



kalo ngubah lvl jadi 150 dimana sih?

di folder db . cari exp.txt sama exp2.txt

rename tebalik yg 2 jadi exp.txt yg exp.txt jadi exp2.txt

trus buka exp.txt yg asal exp2.txt

cari line ini . trus ganti setiap bagian ini . liat ciri2 nya

//Base - Normal Jobs


1.Buka Server Kamu

2.Buka Folder conf/Battle/Client.conf Openwith Notepad/Wordpad

Cari baris Gini

// Maximum allowed 'level' value that can be sent in unit packets.

// Use together with the aura_lv setting to tell when exactly to show the aura.
// NOTE: You also need to adjust the client if you want this to work.
// NOTE: Default is 99. Values above 127 will probably behave incorrectly.
// NOTE: If you don't know what this does, don't change it!!!
max_lv: 150

// Level required to display an aura.

// NOTE: This assumes that sending max_lv to the client will display the aura.
// NOTE: aura_lv must not be less than max_lv.
// Example: If max_lv is 99 and aura_lv is 150, characters with level 99~149
// will be sent as being all level 98, and only characters with level
// 150 or more will be reported as having level 99 and show an aura.
aura_lv: 150

Dan Kamu Buka Juga Folder DB buka File Exp.txt

//Base - Normal and Baby 3rd Jobs

99,4054:4055:4056:4057:4058:4059 Yang Warna Merah Ubah Jadi 150 Begitu Dengan
Yang Dibawah ini

//Base - Adv 3rd Jobs


Kalau Job Nya

//Job - Normal and Baby Third Classes


/Job - Adv Third Classes



ara Edit Nya gampang Gan Biar Monster Bisa Show HP nya

Cara Nya buka folder config/battle/monster.conf cari bagian Kek Gini gan

// Display some mob info next to their name? (add as needed)

// (does not works on guardian or emperium)
// 1: Display mob HP (Hp/MaxHp format)
// 2: Display mob HP (Percent of full life format)
// 4: Display mob's level
show_mob_info: Tinggal masukin angka nya sesuai agan Suka

Ane Juga ada Server Editan Ane Jika Nt Suka boleh di coba gan
Os Windows XP SP3
Compile Dengan Visual Studio 2010 

feature :
- Max Lv 150/50
- 3rd job
- Max Party 24
- Max Char Slot 24
- Max Quest 3000
- Zeny 2M
- Client Support 2010-07-30aRagexeRE [hexed diff]
- Max Refine + 20
- Max Monster 10000
- Max Def 100 ++
- Monster Renewal
- Spawn Monster Renewal

Feature Fix NPC :

Fix - ClassMaster2.0.4
CocaCola [Jual Pot dll]
Fix MallPerfect
pvp warper
Quest a-z
novending [Prontera]
Renewal_refine [NPC Refine + 20]

Download Di Sini: Mediafire


caranya biar bs refine diatas +10 gmn?

buka server\src\map\status.h

#define MAX_REFINE 10

ganti ke:

#define MAX_REFINE 20

compile servernya.

terus ubah server\db\refine_db.txt

@refine 0 20

Anda mungkin juga menyukai