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World Health Organization (WHO) memperkirakan 41 juta anak di bawah lima tahun

mengalami kelebihan berat badan. Sebanyak 159 juta mengalami pertumbuhan yang terhambat
dan hampir 20 juta anak di bawah lima tahun atau balita menderita malnutrisi berat akut. Gizi
buruk atau malnutrisi perlu dideteksi sejak dini karena menjadi masalah yang terus
berkelanjutan, malnutrisi pada balita ditandai dengan resistensi terhadap hormon pertumbuhan
atau Growth Hormone (GH). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Kadar Growth
Hormone (GH) Pada Balita Malnutrisi Umur 36-60 Bulan di Makassar dan Mengetahui faktor-
faktor yang mempengaruhi. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan
antara kadar Growth Hormone(GH) dengan status gizi dengan p value 0,000 dan terdapat
perbandingan kadar Growth Hormone (GH pada balita dengan status gizi normal dengan nilai
mean 10,677±3,981 dan balita dengan status gizi malnutrisi dengan nilai mean 1,874±1,779,
sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa kadar Growth Hormone(GH) rendah pada balita malnutrisi

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 41 million children under five are
overweight. A total of 159 million are experiencing stunted growth and nearly 20 million
children under five suffer malnourished. malnourished needs to be detected early because it is an
ongoing problem, malnutrition is characterized by resistance to Growth Hormone (GH). The
purpose of this study was to determine the levels of Growth Hormone (GH) in malnourished
children aged 36-60 months in Makassar and to determine the factors that influence it. The
results of this study were that there was a relationship between levels of growth hormone (GH)
and nutritional status with a p value of 0.000. there are differences in levels of growth hormone
(GH), the children with normal nutrition had average of 10.677. ± 3,981 and malnourished
children under five had a mean of 1,874 ± 1,779, so it could be concluded that there were low
levels of growth hormone (GH) in malnourished children under five.

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