Anda di halaman 1dari 71




3.1 Menerapkan cara perawatan sistem kelistrikan
4.1 Merawat secara berkala sistem kelistrikan
3.11 mengevaluasi hasil perawatan berkala kelistrikan kendaraan ringan
4.11 Melakukan pengujian hasil perawatan berkala kelistrikan kendaraan ringan

3.2 Menerapakan cara perawatan perlengkapan kelistrikan tambahan (Asesoris)

4.2 Memasang Perlengkapan Kelistrikan Tambahan (Asesories)
3.12 Mendiagnosis kerusakan system kelistrikan dan kelengkapan tambahan
4.12 Memperbaiki sistem kelistrikan dan kelengkapan tambahan

3.3 Menerapkan cara perawatan sistem starter

4.3 Merawat secara berkala sistem starter
3.13 Mendiagnosis kerusakan sistem starter
4.13 Memperbaiki sistem starter

3.4 Menerapkan cara perawatan sistem pengisian

4.4 Merawat secara berkala sistem pengisian
3.14 Mendiagnosis kerusakan sistem pengisian
4.14 Memperbaiki sistem pengisian

3.5 Menerapkan cara perawatan sistem pengapian konvensional

4.5 Merawat secara berkala sistem pengapian konvensional
3.15 Mendiagnosis kerusakan sistem pengapian konvensional
4.15 Memperbaiki sistem pengapian konvensional

3.6 Menerapkan cara perawatan sistem pengapian elektronik

4.6 Merawat secara berkala sistem pengapian elektronik
3.16 Mendiagnosis kerusakan sistem pengapian elektronik
4.16 Memperbaiki sistem pengapian elektronik

3.7 Menerapkan cara perawatan sistem penerangan dan panel instrument

4.7 Merawat berkala sistem penerangan dan panel instrument
3.17 Mendiagnosis kerusakan sistem penerangan dan panel instrument
4.17 Memperbaiki sistem penerangan dan panel instrument

3.8 Menerapkan cara perawatan sistem Air Conditioning (AC)

4.8 Merawat berkala sistem Air Conditioning (AC)
3.18 Mendiagnosis kerusakan sistem Air Conditioning (AC)
4.18 Memperbaiki sistem Air Conditioning (AC)

3.9 Menerapkan cara perawatan sistem audio

4.9 Merawat berkala sistem audio
3.19 Mendiagnosis kerusakan sistem audio
4.19 Memperbaiki sistem audio
3.10 Menerapkan cara perawatan sistem pengaman
4.10 Merawat secara berkala sistem pengaman
3.20 Memperbaiki sistem pengaman
4. 20 Memperbaiki sistem pengaman

3.11 mengevaluasi hasil perawatan berkala kelistrikan kendaraan ringan

4.11 Melakukan pengujian hasil perawatan berkala kelistrikan kendaraan ringan
3.21 Mengevaluasi hasil perbaikan kelistrikan kendaraan ringan
4.21 Mengelola hasil perbaikan kelistrikan kendaraan ringan

3.12 Mendiagnosis kerusakan system kelistrikan dan kelengkapan tambahan

4.12 Memperbaiki sistem kelistrikan dan kelengkapan tambahan
• Prosedur dan teknik perawatan system kelistrikan
• Teknik perawatan Komponen system kelistrikan
• Prosedur pengecekan hasil perawatan system kelistrikan
• Prosedur dan teknik analisis kerusakan system kelistrikan kendaraan ringan
• Teknik penggantian Komponen system kelistrikan kendaraan ringan
• Prosedur pengecekan hasil perbaikan system kelistrikan kendaraan ringan
• Prosedur dan teknik perawatan kelistrikan tambahan (asesoris)
• Teknik pemasangan Komponen s kelistrikan tambahan (aseoris)
• Prosedur pengecekan hasil perawatan perlengkapan kelistrikan tambahan (asesoris)
• Prosedur dan teknik analisis kerusakan system kelistrikan dan kelengkapan tambahan
• Teknik penggantian Komponen system kelistrikan dan kelengkapan tambahan
• Prosedur pengecekan hasil perbaikan system kelistrikan dan kelengkapan tambahan
• Prosedur dan teknik perawatan system starter
• Teknik perawatan Komponen system starter
• Prosedur pengecekan hasil perawatan system starter
• Prosedur dan teknik analisis kerusakan sytem starter
• Teknik penggantian Komponen system starter
• Prosedur pengecekan hasil perbaikan system starter

• Prosedur dan teknik perawatan system pengisian

• Teknik perawatan Komponen system pengisian
• Prosedur pengecekan hasil perawatan system pengisian
• Prosedur dan teknik analisis kerusakan sytem pengisian
• Teknik penggantian Komponen system pengisian
• Prosedur pengecekan hasil perbaikan system pengisian
• Prosedur dan teknik perawatan system pengapian konvensional
• Teknik perawatan Komponen system pengapian konensional
• Prosedur pengecekan hasil perawatan system pengapian konvensional
• Prosedur dan teknik analisis kerusakan system pengapian konvensional
• Teknik penggantian Komponen system pengapian konvensional
• Prosedur pengecekan hasil perbaikan system pengapian konvensional
• Prosedur dan teknik peperawatan system pengapian elektronik
• Teknik perawatan Komponen system pengapian elektronik
• Prosedur pengecekan hasil perawatan system pengapian elektronikl
• Prosedur dan teknik analisis kerusakan system pengapian elektronik
• Teknik penggantian Komponen system pengapian elektronik
• Prosedur pengecekan hasil perbaikan system pengapian elektronik
• Prosedur dan teknik perawatan system penerangan panel dan instrument
• Teknik perawatan Komponen system penerangan panel dan instrument
• Prosedur pengecekan hasil perawatan system penerangan panel dan instrument
• Prosedur dan teknik analisis kerusakan system penerangan dan panel instrument
• Teknik penggantian Komponen system penerangan dan panel instrument
• Prosedur pengecekan hasil perbaikan system penerangan dan panel instrument
• Prosedur dan teknik perawatan gangguan system Air conditioning (AC)
• Teknik perawatan Komponen system Air Conditioning (AC)
• Prosedur pengecekan hasil perawatan system Air conditioning (AC)
• Prosedur dan teknik analisis kerusakan Air Conditioning (AC)
• Teknik penggantian Komponen Air Conditioning (AC)
• Prosedur pengecekan hasil perbaikan Air Conditioning (AC)
• Prosedur dan teknik perawatan gangguan system audio
• Teknik perawatan Komponen system audio
• Prosedur pengecekan hasil perawatan system audio
• Prosedur dan teknik analisis kerusakan system audio
• Teknik perbaikan Komponen system audio
• Prosedur pengecekan hasil perbaikan system audio
• Prosedur dan teknik perawatan system pengaman
• Teknik perawatan Komponen system pengaman
• Prosedur pengecekan hasil perawatan system pengaman
• Prosedur dan teknik perbaikan kerusakan system pengaman
• Teknik perbaikan Komponen system pengaman
• Prosedur pengecekan hasil perbaikan system pengaman
• Prosedur dan teknik analisis kerusakan system kelistrikan kendaraan ringan
• Teknik penggantian Komponen system kelistrikan kendaraan ringan
• Prosedur pengecekan hasil perbaikan system kelistrikan kendaraan ringan
• Prosedur dan teknik analisis hasil pemeriksaan dan gangguan kelistrikan kendaraan ringan
• Teknik pengujian akhir hasil perbaikan kelistrikan kendaraan ringan
• Prosedur pengecekan hasil perbaikan kelistrikan kendaraan ringan
• Prosedur dan teknik analisis kerusakan system kelistrikan dan kelengkapan tambahan
• Teknik penggantian Komponen system kelistrikan dan kelengkapan tambahan
• Prosedur pengecekan hasil perbaikan system kelistrikan dan kelengkapan tambahan
Program Keahlian : Teknik Otomotif
Kompetensi Keahlian : Teknik Kendaraan Ringan Otomotif
Mata Pelajaran : Pemeliharaan Kelistrikan Kendaraan Ringan

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ndaraan Ringan Otomotif
aan Kelistrikan Kendaraan Ringan

3.1.2 siswa mampu Menentukan cara perawatan sistem kelistrikan

4.1.2 Siswa mampu Memeriksa hasil perawatan sistem kelistrikan

3.11.2 Siswa mampu Merumuskan hasil perbaikan kelistrikan kendaraan ringan
4.11.1 Siswa mampu Menilai pengujian hasil perbaikan kelistrikan kendaraan ringan
4.11.2 Siswa mampu Membandingkan hasil pengujian perbaikan kelistrikan kendaraan ringan

3.2.2 Siswa Mampu Menentukan cara memasang perlengkapan kelistrikan tambahan (asesoris)

4.4.2 Siswa Mampu Mengontrol hasil pemasngan perlengkapan kelisstrikan tambahan (asesoris
3.12.2 Siswa Mampu Mendeteksi letak kerusakan komponen sistem kelistrikan dn kelengkapan tambahn
4.12.1 Siswa Mampu Memperbaiki kerusakan sistem kelistrikan dan kelengkapan tambahn

3.3.2 Siswa mampu Menentukan cara perawatan sistem starter

4.3.1 Siswa Mampu Melakukan perawatan berkala sistem starter
4.3.2 siswa Mampu Memeriksa hasil perawatan berkala sistem starter
3.13.2 Siswa Mampu Mendeteksi letak kerusakan komponen sistem starter
4.13.1 Siswa Mampu Memperbaiki kerusakan sistem starter

3.4.2 Siswa mampu Menentukan cara perawatan sistem pengisisan

4.4.1 Siswa mampuMelakukan perawatan berkala sistem pengisian
3.14.2 Siswa mampu Mendeteksi letak kerusakan komponen sistem pengisian
4.14.1 Siswa mampu Memperbaiki kerusakan sistem pengisian

3.5.2 Siswa mampu Menentukan cara perawatan sistem pengapian konvensional

4.5.1 Siswa mampuMelakukan perawatan berkala sistem pengapian konvensional
4.4.2 Siswa mampuMemeriksa hasil perawatan berkala system pengapian konvensional
3.15.2 Siswa mampu Mendeteksi letak kerusakan komponen sistem pengapian konvensional
4.15.1 Siswa mampu Memperbaiki kerusakan sistem pengapian konvensionall

3.6.2 Siswa mampu Menentukan cara perawatan sistem pengapian elektronik

4.6.1 Siswa mampu Melakukan perawatan berkala sistem pengapian elektronik
3.16.2 Siswa mampu Mendeteksi letak kerusakan komponen sistem pengapian elektronik
4.16.1 Siswa mampu Memperbaiki kerusakan sistem pengapian elektronik

3.7.2 Siswa mampu Menentukan cara perawatan system penerangan panel dan instrument
4.7.1 Siswa mampu Melakukan perawatan berkala sistem penerangan panel dan instrument
4.7.2 Siswa mampu Memeriksa hasil perawatan berkala si stem penerangan panel dan instrument
3.17.2 Siswa mampu Mendeteksi letak kerusakan komponen sistem penerangan dan panel instrument
4.17.1 Siswa mampu Memperbaiki kerusakan sistem penerangan dan panel instrument

3.8.1 Siswa mampu Menjelaskan fungsi komponen system air conditioning (AC)
3.8.2 Siswa mampu Menentukan cara perawatan berkala sistem air conditioning (AC)
4.8.1 Siswa mampu Melakukan perawatan berkala sistem air conditioning (AC)
3.17.2 Siswa mampu Mendeteksi letak kerusakan komponen sistem Air Conditioning
4.18.1 Siswa mampu Memperbaiki kerusakan sistem Air Conditioning

3.9.2 Siswa mampu Menentukan cara perawatan sistem audio

4.9.1 Siswa mampu Melakukan perawatan berkala sistem audio
4.9.2 Siswa mampu Memeriksa hasil perawatan berkala sistem audio
3.19.2 Siswa mampu Mendeteksi letak kerusakan komponen sistem audio
4.19.1 Siswa mampu Memperbaiki kerusakan sistem audio
3.10.2 Siswa mampu Menentukan cara perawatan sistem pengaman
4.10.1 Siswa mampu Melakukan perawatan berkala sistem pengaman
3.20.2 Siswa mampu Mendeteksi letak kerusakan komponen sistem pengaman
4.20.1 Siswa mampu Memperbaiki kerusakan sistem pengaman

3.11.2 Siswa mampu Merumuskan hasil perbaikan kelistrikan kendaraan ringan

4.20.1 Siswa mampu Menilai pengujian hasil perbaikan kelistrikan kendaraan ringan
3.21.2 Siswa mampu Merumuskan hasil perbaikan kelistrikan kendaraan ringan
4.21.1 Siswa mampu Menilai pengujian hasil perbaikan kelistrikan kendaraan ringan

3.12.2 Siswa mampu Mendeteksi letak kerusakan komponen sistem kelistrikan dn kelengkapan tambahn
4.12.1 Siswa mampu Memperbaiki kerusakan sistem kelistrikan dan kelengkapan tambahn
1. Stan kelisterikan dalam keadaan rusak (kurang 3 Stand)
2. Pembelajaran jadi kurang maksimal
3. Perlu perawatan panel kelistrikan secara berkala karena sering di overhoull
sistem penerangan

1. alrm. Power window dll

2. Sistem kelisterikan untuk sound sistem


1. ECO SISTEM (SISTEM STARTER) belum tersedia di sekolah

2. Pembelajaran jadi kurang maksimal
1. Stand sistem starter belum ada

1. Stand pengisian belum tersedia di sekolah

2. Pembelajaran jadi kurang maksimal

1. Stand pengisian belum tersedia di sekolah

2. Pembelajaran jadi kurang maksimal

1. Unit kurang
2. Butuh waktu untuk tranfer ilmu ke seluruh siswa

1. Stand system penerangan panel dan instrument belum tersedia

2. pengadaan komponen aksesoris
1. kelistrikan interior
2. lampu jauh, leting dll

1. Stand system air conditioning (AC) belum tersedia

2. Pembelajaran jadi kurang maksimal

1. Stand sistem audio belum tersedia

2. Pembelajaran jadi kurang maksimal
1. komponen-komponennya


Form 4.
Pemetaan Peralatan yang Dibutuhkan



Peralatan yang Dibutuhkan *

Kompetensi Dasar
No Nama
1 3.1 Menerapkan cara perawatan 1.    Electrical Wiring Diagram Simulator for car
sistem kelistrikan

2.    Lighting and Can Bus Worksheet

3.    Automotive Multimeter
4.    Advanced Automotive Electric ircuit Training
2 3.2 Menerapakan Perlengkapan 1.    Alarm, Central Lock and Power Windows
Kelistrikan Tambahan (Asesoris) Stand With Wiring Panel
3 3.3 Menerapkan cara perawatan 1.    Car Starting and Charging System Trainer
sistem starter (Generator Circuit )
2.    Car Starting and Charging System Trainer
(Generator Circuit )

4 3.4 Menerapkan cara perawatan 1.    Car Starting and Charging System Trainer
sistem pengisian (Generator Circuit )
4 3.4 Menerapkan cara perawatan 1.    Car Starting and Charging System Trainer
sistem pengisian (Generator Circuit )

2.    Charging Systems Trainer

5 3.5 Menerapkan cara perawatan 1.    Automotive Multimeter
sistem pengapian konvensional

6 3.6 Menerapkan cara perawatan 1.    DLI Igniton System Trainer

sistem pengapian elektronik
6 3.6 Menerapkan cara perawatan 1.    DLI Igniton System Trainer
sistem pengapian elektronik

2.    Motronic System Simulator

7 3.7 Menerapkan cara perawatan  1. UNIT SIGRA

sistem penerangan dan panel

8 3.8 Menerapkan cara perawatan 1.    Automotive Air Conditioning System Simulator
sistem Air Conditioning (AC)
2.    Air Conditioner Inside Cleaning of Car

3.    Recycle AC
4.    Automotive Air Conditioning Training System
with Auto Fault

5.    Car Air Conditioner Trainer

9 3.9 Menerapkan cara perawatan  UNIT SIGRA

sistem audio
10 3.10 Menerapkan cara 1.       Desktop Type Immobilizer Ignition Control
perawatan sistem pengaman Simulator
2.    Automobile Data Transmission System CAN
Bus Training Stand
3.    Air Bag System Simulator with Auto Fault
11 3.11 Mengevaluasi hasil 1.    Electrical Wiring Diagram Simulator for car
perawatan berkala kelistrikan
kendaraan ringan

2.    Electrical Wiring Diagram Simulator for car

3.    Standard Battery Charger

5.    Automotive Multimeter

6.    Interactive Automotive Electronic Learning
with Universal Engineering Platform
12 3.12 Mendiagnosis kerusakan 1. Vehicle ECU Trainer and Simulator
sistem kelistrikan dan
kelengkapan tambahan

13 3.13 Mendiagnosis kerusakan 1.    Car Starting and Charging System Trainer
sistem starter (Generator Circuit)
14 3.14 Mendiagnosis kerusakan 1.    Car Starting and Charging System Trainer
sistem pengisian (Generator Circuit )

2.    Charging Systems Trainer

3.    Automotive Multimeter
15 3.15 Mendiagnosis kerusakan
sistem pengapian konvensional

16 3.16 Mendiagnosis kerusakan 1.    DLI Igniton System Trainer

sistem pengapian elektronik

2.    DLI Igniton System Trainer

17 3.17 Mendiagnosis kerusakan

sistem penerangan dan panel
18 3.18 Mendiagnosis kerusakan 6.    Automotive Air Conditioning System Simulator
sistem Air Conditioning (AC)
Conditioning (AC)
7.    Air Conditioner Inside Cleaning of Car

8.    Recycle AC
8.    Recycle AC

9.    Automotive Air Conditioning Training System with Auto Fault

10.  Car Air Conditioner Trainer

19 3.19 Mendiagnosis kerusakan
sistem audio
20 3.20 Mendiagnosis kerusakan 1.       Desktop Type Immobilizer Ignition Control
sistem pengaman Simulator

2.    Automobile Data Transmission System CAN

Bus Training Stand
3.    Air Bag System Simulator with Auto Fault
21 3.21 Mengevaluasi hasil
perbaikan kelistrikan kendaraan

Peralatan yang Dibutuhkan * Kondisi Saat Ini

Spesifikasi Jumlah Ada Kurang Lebih Keterangan
Sistem simulasi pengkabelan 1 ADA 3 RUSAK
kelistrikan pada kendaraan dan dapat
diaplikasikan untuk berbagai macam
sistem kelistrikan.
Main power: 2A / 220V AC
Integrated on board modules embeded
with interface connection board 192
connection test point warning light True
/ False
Connection system: Bluetooth V.2 /
128kbps and USB
Upgradable modules and software
Can be connected with printer Expandable to 7 stations, using single PC
as a server
Teaching modules: 2 modules (car
elctrical body, EFI).
Digunakan untuk pembelajaran
interaktif mengenai sistim kelistrikan
lampu dan can bus pada kendaraan
1. The real and operable CAN data
transmission network system and
lighting system fully demonstrate
the composition of the vehicle
network system. Circuit elements that
manipulate various data transmission
signals, such as gear switch,
throttle signal, speed signal, water
temperature signal, anti-theft signal,
power window switch signal, door
lock signal, etc., truly demonstrate
the working process of CAN data
transmission network system.
2. The training platform panel adopts
4mm thick high-grade aluminumplastic
plate with corrosion resistance,
blast resistance, pollution resistance,
fire resistance, and moisture
resistance. The surface is treated
with a special process spray primer;
the panel is printed with a color
circuit that never fades; students can
be intuitive Comparing the circuit
diagram and 
 Type : Digital Multimeter
Article No. KW060276
Description Automotive Multimeter
D C Voltage (V) : 326 mV, 3.26, 32.6, 326,
1000 +/-(0.5% +/- 2d)
ACVoltage (V) : 3.26, 32.6, 3 26, 750 +/-
(1.2% +/- 4d)
DC Current (A) : 326 MicroA, 3260 MicroA,
32.6 mA, 326 mA, 10 +/-(1.2% +/- 3d)
AV Current (A) : 326 MicroA,3260 MicroA,
32.6 mA, 326 mA, 10 +/-(1.5% +/- 5d)
Resistance (Ohm) : 326, 3. 26 K,32.6 K,
326 K, 3.26 M, 32.6 M +/-(2.0% +/- 4d)
RPM (Tach) (Rpm) : 600 to 320, 6000 to
12000 (x10) +/-(2.0% +/- 4d)
Dwell Angle : 3 CYL to 0-120.0 Deg. , 4
CYL t o 0-92.0 Deg. , 5 CYL to 0-72.0 Deg. ,
6 CYL to 0-60.0 Deg., 8 CY L to 0-45.0 Deg.
+/-(2.0% +/- 4d)
Duty Cycle 1.0% to 90.0%+/-(2.0% +/- 5d)
Frequency (Hz) 320, 32 00, 32K +/-(1.5%
Temperature ( Deg. C/ Deg. F) : -20 to
320/-20 to 750+/-(3.0% +/- 2Deg. C), -4 to 320/-4 to 1400 +/-(3.0% +/- 3 Deg. F)
Diode Check Test Cur rent 0.6 mA, Open
Circuit Voltage 3.0 V
Continuity Check Audible Thres hold <
20 dB
Dimension (H x W x D) (MM) : 189 x 91 x
Weight (Gr) : 450
 Sistem untuk pelatihan sirkuit listrik
1) Light circuit practice module
- Made by LED light system (Head light,
Turn signal, Taillight)
- Experiment panel should be carved in
AL coating panel and printed
- Consist of a headlight, a multi-function
switches, relays,connection terminals
and so on.
2) Side Mirror folding practice module
- Arrangement of parts of Side Mirror
- Consist of a folding set, a connect
terminal, side mirror folding switch
3) Door/ Window circuit practice module
- Arrangement of parts of Door/Window
and checking theory and operation by
composing actual window circuit
- Consist of door actuator, window motor
connect terminal, side mirror door
4) Horn circuit practice module
- Test of horn system circuit
- Theory education, circuit completion
and test of horn system
5) Ignition practice module
- Test of Ignition practice module
- Consist of ignition plug, Gap measuring
device, air intake,Vmeasuring Device 6) Injection practice module
- Test of Injection practice
- Consist of 4 injector, delivery pipe,
injector Voltage Measuring Device
7) Multi function input switch module
- Test of Multi channel input switch
- Consist of multi function switch, key
switch, emergency switch, connector
Digunakan untuk pembelajaran
interaktif mengenai sistim alarm,
central lock, dan power window pada
kendaraan ringan
1. Kerangka (standing) terbuat dari
besi kotak 4 mm
2. Cat Duco
3. Roda Ukuran 3inch 4buah (2
permanen, 2 bebas)
4. Akrilik
5. Binding Post
6. Banana Jack
7. 1 Unit Pintu
8. Modul centralock
9. Modul alarm
10. Power window switch
11. Motor power window
12. Sirine
13. Switch contact
14. Indicator lamp
15. Regolator window
16. Spion
17. Fuse
18. Battery / Power Suplay 1 ADA 2 RUSAK
 Digunakan sebagai perangkat
pelatihan prinsip dasar kelistrikan
starter dan sistem pengisian daya.
Deskripsi Spesifikasi Produk : 1. Motor
stater 12 volt 2. Altenator 12 volt 35 - 60
ah 3. IC regulator system 4. Volt meter
dan amper meter 5. Braket starter dan
alternator dibuat fleksibel 6. Panel
wiring diagram untuk perakitan wiring
alternator dan starter 7. Baterai 12 volt
45 ah 8. Motor listrik 1 HP single phase
220-230 VAC 50 hz 9. Stand terbuat
dari rangka besi dengan pengecatan
oven 10. Dilengkapi dengan roda
caster untuk mobilisasi 11. Dilengkapi
dengan manual book
the physical objects, understand and
analyze the working principle of the
vehicle network system.
3. A detection terminal is installed on
the panel of the teaching board,
which can directly detect the electrical
signals of each circuit component
of the CAN data transmission
network system on the panel, such as
resistance, voltage, current, frequency
signal, etc.
4. A diagnostic seat is installed on
the teaching board panel, which
can be connected to a dedicated
or general-purpose car decoder
to perform ECU code query on the
control unit of the engine system,
automatic transmission system,
instrument system, ABS system, and
comfort system connected to the
vehicle network. , Read the fault code,
clear the fault code, read the data
stream, perform component testing, parameter setting, waveform
analysis, key matching and other selfdiagnostic
5. The teaching board uses ordinary
220V AC power supply, which is
converted into 12V DC power supply
through internal circuit transformer
rectification. No battery is needed,
which reduces the trouble of charging.
The 12V DC power supply has a short
circuit prevention function. 1 Ada 4 RUSAK
Digunakan sebagai perangkat pelatihan
prinsip dasar kelistrikan starter dan
sistem pengisian daya.
A practice unit through which students
can practice the principles of basic
composition circuit of relay and power
distribution of ignition switch with
education purpose of basic electric and
electronic system.
All components are from an actual
 Digunakan sebagai perangkat
pelatihan prinsip dasar kelistrikan
starter dan sistem pengisian daya.
Deskripsi Spesifikasi Produk : 1. Motor
stater 12 volt 2. Altenator 12 volt 35 - 60
ah 3. IC regulator system 4. Volt meter
dan amper meter 5. Braket starter dan
alternator dibuat fleksibel 6. Panel
wiring diagram untuk perakitan wiring
alternator dan starter 7. Baterai 12 volt
45 ah 8. Motor listrik 1 HP single phase
220-230 VAC 50 hz 9. Stand terbuat
dari rangka besi dengan pengecatan
oven 10. Dilengkapi dengan roda
caster untuk mobilisasi 11. Dilengkapi
dengan manual book
Digunakan untuk pembelajaran
interaktif mengenai sistim pengisian
aki pada kendaraan ringan.
New vehicle components, connectors,
and factory wire colors.
• Provides an Basicd level of
instruction by duplicating on-vehicle
troubleshooting procedures.
• Intermittent and hard faults can
be inserted using the Instructor
Management Program (IMP) via a
computer connected to the trainer or
over the ATech Network System (ANS).
• Hard faults can be inserted by using the
built in keypad on the Charging System.
• Compatible with ATech’s Instructor
management Program (IMP).
• Ability to perform service manual test
• Courseware includes Instructor Guide,
Student Manual, and Service Manual
 Type : Digital Multimeter
Article No. KW060276
Description Automotive Multimeter
D C Voltage (V) : 326 mV, 3.26, 32.6, 326,
1000 +/-(0.5% +/- 2d)
ACVoltage (V) : 3.26, 32.6, 3 26, 750 +/-
(1.2% +/- 4d)
DC Current (A) : 326 MicroA, 3260 MicroA,
32.6 mA, 326 mA, 10 +/-(1.2% +/- 3d)
AV Current (A) : 326 MicroA,3260 MicroA,
32.6 mA, 326 mA, 10 +/-(1.5% +/- 5d)
Resistance (Ohm) : 326, 3. 26 K,32.6 K,
326 K, 3.26 M, 32.6 M +/-(2.0% +/- 4d)
RPM (Tach) (Rpm) : 600 to 320, 6000 to
12000 (x10) +/-(2.0% +/- 4d)
Dwell Angle : 3 CYL to 0-120.0 Deg. , 4
CYL t o 0-92.0 Deg. , 5 CYL to 0-72.0 Deg. ,
6 CYL to 0-60.0 Deg., 8 CY L to 0-45.0 Deg.
+/-(2.0% +/- 4d)
Duty Cycle 1.0% to 90.0%+/-(2.0% +/- 5d)
Frequency (Hz) 320, 32 00, 32K +/-(1.5%
Temperature ( Deg. C/ Deg. F) : -20 to
320/-20 to 750+/-(3.0% +/- 2Deg. C), -4 to 320/-4 to 1400 +/-(3.0% +/- 3 Deg. F)
Diode Check Test Cur rent 0.6 mA, Open
Circuit Voltage 3.0 V
Continuity Check Audible Thres hold <
20 dB
Dimension (H x W x D) (MM) : 189 x 91 x
Weight (Gr) : 450
 Untuk mempelajari cara kerja sistem
pengapian elektrik dengan model
tanpa distributor (CDI).
composition : Crank sensors, injectors,
spark plugs, fan, relay, RPM meter, selfdiagnosis
jack, emergency switches,
fuses, Key switch, ATS, TPS, WTS, MAP,
HO2S Minimum 2 Training Contents
Untuk mempelajari sistem pengapian
elektronik dengan tipe motronik.
tipe motronik Composition : Crank
sensors, injectors, spark plugs, fan,
relay, RPM meter, self- diagnosis jack,
emergency switches, fuses, Key switch,
ATS, TPS,WTS, MAP, HO2S Minimum 2
Training Contents


 Untuk mempelajari secara menyeluruh
sistem A/C pada kendaraan dilengkapi
dengan wiring diagrammnya, dan
penunjuk tekanan untuk masing
masing saluran A/C.
Compressor: approx. 5HP motor, inverter
RPM control type.
Composition : Compressor, condenser,
dryer, expansion valve, the orifice tube,
the evaporator,Blowers, piping, cooling
fans, the unit,
the control panel, Motor with speed
control, pressure (high-1, low-3), approx.
7 temperature gauge, etc. approx. 10
Fault insertion available approx. 3 PCB
board available to safety protection PCB
Board is connect PC with USB
Minimum 5 Training Contents
Manual Book
Modul Automototive A/C System
Untuk membersihkan bagian dalam
- Real-time switch control of cleaning
function is flexible and simple
- Cleaning tube uses adjustable coil pipe
- Power source of the equipment is
compressed air which is economical
and reliable
- Endoscope uses microspur HD
processing to produce clear and bright
images - Synchronized image of big and small
displays allows operators and users to
- It improves working environment of
engine and cooling efficiency of air
Technical Parameter:
- Working air pressure: approx. 2-8kg/cm2
- Voltage: AC 220V
Untuk daur ulang AC.
Recovery, vacuum, charge
LCD display
Leakage hunting
Semi- automatically operation
High/low pressure protection
Technical parameter:
- Input power approx. 800W
- Recovery ability approx. 350g/min
- Charge ability approx. 1000g/min
- Vacuum speed approx. 5mз/h
- Cylinder capacity approx. 10kg
- Compressor power approx. 3/8 HP
Sistem untuk pelatihan AC otomotif.
- Compressor : approx. 5 HP motor,
inverter RPM control type.
- HFC -134a.
- Composition : Compressor, condenser,
dryer, expansion valve, the orifice
tube,the evaporator, Blowers, piping,
cooling fans, the unit, the control
panel,Motor with speed control,
pressure (high-1, low-3), 7 temperature
gauge etc.
- 10 Fault insertion available
- 3 PCB board available to safety
- PCB Board is connect PC with USB or RS
Digunakan untuk pembelajaran
interaktif mengenai sistim air
conditioning pada kendaraan ringan.
1. Motor approx. 220 VAC/3HP,
2. Evaporator
3. Condenser
4. Filter, thermometer and manometer

PADA DISKRIPSI   - - - - - -  - 

Parts of ignition system are set on a panel
with power and wiring terminal,being
able to be seen the overall system at a
glance. By manipulating the controller,
able to check the waveforms and
changes in accordance with RPM speed.
The panel composing the ignition circuit
is made with aluminum CNC treated
Composition : Crank sensors, injectors,
spark plugs, fan, relay, RPM meter, selfdiagnosis
jack, emergency, switches,
fuses, Key switch, ATS, TPS, WTS, MAP,
• Mobile stand on four wheels
• Training stand equipped
• Central control unit CAN GATEWAY 2.0
• Functioning engine control unit
• Control instrument panel
• Electronic steering column locking
• Ignition lock, key and immobilizer
• Car airbag systems control unit (SRS)
• Automobile door central locking control
• The car door glass lifting mechanism
with controls
• All training stand components must
be connected in a single network,
presented in the form of an electronic
circuit with system components and
contacts for measuring. Contacts
are removable, making it possible to
simulate at least 20 system errors
• Ensured the possibility of running
control unit identification and
diagnostics using 16 - pin diagnostic
• Training stand ensured the possibility to
run diagnostics for all devices installed
in the control unit CAN network with
automatic help search, including the
following diagnostic operations
- Control unit identification reading
- Ensured the ability of detected systemic
error reading / deletion
- Ensured the possibility of system
parameters control
• Ensured the possibility of the control
unit coding / configuration, and the
engine actuators activation
• The stand has a closed structure- no
visible system installation elements and
sealed electrical circuits, wiring
• In training stand included
- Automobile oscilloscope
- EOBD diagnostics equipment
- Network power supply (220 / 12V) and a
battery (12V)
- CAN maintenance analyzer
• Training stand size: 2000x1600x1000
Simulator untuk sistem kantong udara
dengan kesalahan otomatis.
- Able to understand composition of
air bag system of automobile and
fundamental principles.
- Understanding the linkage among
Safety belts, airbags, PPD (Passenger
Presence Detector) and acknowledging
operation condition.
- Measuring change in waveform in
accordance to resistance by adjusting
the resistance from the seatbelt and air
- Able to measure by a multimeter,
oscilloscope, diagnosis etc.
- Composition : Driver/passenger seat
airbags, airbag modules, seat belts,
PPD sensor, air regulators, 2 air tanks
(approx. 10L), etc

Sistem simulasi pengkabelan

kelistrikan pada kendaraan dan dapat
diaplikasikan untuk berbagai macam
sistem kelistrikan.
Main power: 2A / 220V AC
Integrated on board modules embeded
with interface connection board 192
connection test point warning light True
/ False
Connection system: Bluetooth V.2 /
128kbps and USB
Upgradable modules and software
Can be connected with printer Expandable to 7 stations, using single PC
as a server
Teaching modules: 2 modules (car
elctrical body, EFI).
Main power: 2A / 220V AC
Integrated on board modules embeded
with interface connection board 192
connection test point warning light True
/ False
Connection system: Bluetooth V.2 /
128kbps and USB
Upgradable modules and software
Can be connected with printer
Expandable to 7 stations, using single PC
as a server
Teaching modules: 2 modules (car
elctrical body, EFI)
Untuk mengisi tenaga aki mobil yang
sudah kosong.
Input Voltage (Volt AC 50-60Hz): 1 Ph x
Power: 1,7 - 7,5 KW
Nominal battery voltage: 12 / 24 Volt
Average charging current: 50 Amp
Effective charging current: 75 Amp max
Charging positions: 4
Boosting current (Amp 0 Volt DC): 500 Boosting current (Amp 1 Volt / EL): 330
Battery capacity (Ah min/max): 35 / 600
Dimensions: 470 x 320 x 750 mm
Weight: 25,5 kg
 Type : Digital Multimeter
Article No. KW060276
Description Automotive Multimeter
D C Voltage (V) : 326 mV, 3.26, 32.6, 326,
1000 +/-(0.5% +/- 2d)
ACVoltage (V) : 3.26, 32.6, 3 26, 750 +/-
(1.2% +/- 4d)
DC Current (A) : 326 MicroA, 3260 MicroA,
32.6 mA, 326 mA, 10 +/-(1.2% +/- 3d)
AV Current (A) : 326 MicroA,3260 MicroA,
32.6 mA, 326 mA, 10 +/-(1.5% +/- 5d)
Resistance (Ohm) : 326, 3. 26 K,32.6 K,
326 K, 3.26 M, 32.6 M +/-(2.0% +/- 4d)
RPM (Tach) (Rpm) : 600 to 320, 6000 to
12000 (x10) +/-(2.0% +/- 4d)
Dwell Angle : 3 CYL to 0-120.0 Deg. , 4
CYL t o 0-92.0 Deg. , 5 CYL to 0-72.0 Deg. ,
6 CYL to 0-60.0 Deg., 8 CY L to 0-45.0 Deg.
+/-(2.0% +/- 4d)
Duty Cycle 1.0% to 90.0%+/-(2.0% +/- 5d)
Frequency (Hz) 320, 32 00, 32K +/-(1.5%
Temperature ( Deg. C/ Deg. F) : -20 to
320/-20 to 750+/-(3.0% +/- 2Deg. C), -4 to 320/-4 to 1400 +/-(3.0% +/- 3 Deg. F)
Diode Check Test Cur rent 0.6 mA, Open
Circuit Voltage 3.0 V
Continuity Check Audible Thres hold <
20 dB
Dimension (H x W x D) (MM) : 189 x 91 x
Weight (Gr) : 450
Untuk mempelajari modul modul
kelistrikan yang terdapat pada
kendaraan, lengkap sesuai dengan
modul kelistrikan yang diinginkan.
Power supply DC output : +/- 0~20V 2A,
±5V 1A, ±15V 1A
AC output 240V 0.5A, 12V 0.5A, Digital
Multimeter AC/DC Voltage : 1mV~400V
DC Current 1mA~4A , Resistance 0~4
MΩ, Function Generator 1Hz ~ 100Khz
(Max 20Vp-p) sinewave, trianglewave,
squarewave, sawtoothwave Realtime control OS
Laboratory CPU : min Quadcore/1.33Ghz,
RAM : DDR approx. 2GB, In memory
approx. min 32GB,
Out Memory Maximum 128GB support,
LCD : approx. 10” IPS Screen, Resolution
approx. 1280x800, Touch pannel : 10
point capacitive multi-touch screen
Size approx. 257x172x10mm
Input Power Bandwith 25MHz, Inner
Oscilloscope Channels 2
(Option) Vertical Resolution 8 bits
Bandwitdth approx. 25MHz
Input ranges +50mV~+20V , Overvoltage
protection +100V
Memory approx. 16Kb , Maximum
sample rate 200ms
Trigger modes : none, auto, repeat, single,
Automatic measurements : scope mode,
statistics Spectrum mode : frequency
at peak, amplitude at peak THD db,
SNR-SINAD, SFDR totalpower, average
amplitude at peak Mask limit testing : mask generation
(numeric or graphical) SDK/API :
32 and 64 bit
Including 5 minimum training
Manual Book
Modul Kelistrikan Otomotif
 Digunakan untuk pembelajaran
interaktif mengenai sistim ECU
menggunakan mikrokontoler pada
kendaraan ringan. Specification:
1. Microcontroller
2. Drivers
3. Signal processing
4. Data acquisition using PC and Monitor
 Digunakan sebagai perangkat
pelatihan prinsip dasar kelistrikan
starter dan sistem pengisian daya.
Deskripsi Spesifikasi Produk : 1. Motor
stater 12 volt 2. Altenator 12 volt 35 - 60
ah 3. IC regulator system 4. Volt meter
dan amper meter 5. Braket starter dan
alternator dibuat fleksibel 6. Panel
wiring diagram untuk perakitan wiring
alternator dan starter 7. Baterai 12 volt
45 ah 8. Motor listrik 1 HP single phase
220-230 VAC 50 hz 9. Stand terbuat
dari rangka besi dengan pengecatan
oven 10. Dilengkapi dengan roda
caster untuk mobilisasi 11. Dilengkapi
dengan manual book
 Digunakan sebagai perangkat
pelatihan prinsip dasar kelistrikan
starter dan sistem pengisian daya.
Deskripsi Spesifikasi Produk : 1. Motor
stater 12 volt 2. Altenator 12 volt 35 - 60
ah 3. IC regulator system 4. Volt meter
dan amper meter 5. Braket starter dan
alternator dibuat fleksibel 6. Panel
wiring diagram untuk perakitan wiring
alternator dan starter 7. Baterai 12 volt
45 ah 8. Motor listrik 1 HP single phase
220-230 VAC 50 hz 9. Stand terbuat
dari rangka besi dengan pengecatan
oven 10. Dilengkapi dengan roda
caster untuk mobilisasi 11. Dilengkapi
dengan manual book
Digunakan untuk pembelajaran
interaktif mengenai sistim pengisian
aki pada kendaraan ringan.
New vehicle components, connectors,
and factory wire colors.
• Provides an Basicd level of
instruction by duplicating on-vehicle
troubleshooting procedures.
• Intermittent and hard faults can
be inserted using the Instructor
Management Program (IMP) via a
computer connected to the trainer or
over the ATech Network System (ANS).
• Hard faults can be inserted by using the
built in keypad on the Charging System.
• Compatible with ATech’s Instructor
management Program (IMP).
• Ability to perform service manual test
• Courseware includes Instructor Guide,
Student Manual, and Service Manual
 Type : Digital Multimeter
Article No. KW060276
Description Automotive Multimeter
D C Voltage (V) : 326 mV, 3.26, 32.6, 326,
1000 +/-(0.5% +/- 2d)
ACVoltage (V) : 3.26, 32.6, 3 26, 750 +/-
(1.2% +/- 4d)
DC Current (A) : 326 MicroA, 3260 MicroA,
32.6 mA, 326 mA, 10 +/-(1.2% +/- 3d)
AV Current (A) : 326 MicroA,3260 MicroA,
32.6 mA, 326 mA, 10 +/-(1.5% +/- 5d)
Resistance (Ohm) : 326, 3. 26 K,32.6 K,
326 K, 3.26 M, 32.6 M +/-(2.0% +/- 4d)
RPM (Tach) (Rpm) : 600 to 320, 6000 to
12000 (x10) +/-(2.0% +/- 4d)
Dwell Angle : 3 CYL to 0-120.0 Deg. , 4
CYL t o 0-92.0 Deg. , 5 CYL to 0-72.0 Deg. ,
6 CYL to 0-60.0 Deg., 8 CY L to 0-45.0 Deg.
+/-(2.0% +/- 4d)
Duty Cycle 1.0% to 90.0%+/-(2.0% +/- 5d)
Frequency (Hz) 320, 32 00, 32K +/-(1.5%
Temperature ( Deg. C/ Deg. F) : -20 to
320/-20 to 750+/-(3.0% +/- 2Deg. C), -4 to 320/-4 to 1400 +/-(3.0% +/- 3 Deg. F)
Diode Check Test Cur rent 0.6 mA, Open
Circuit Voltage 3.0 V
Continuity Check Audible Thres hold <
20 dB
Dimension (H x W x D) (MM) : 189 x 91 x
Weight (Gr) : 450

 Untuk mempelajari cara kerja sistem

pengapian elektrik dengan model
tanpa distributor (CDI).
composition : Crank sensors, injectors,
spark plugs, fan, relay, RPM meter, selfdiagnosis
jack, emergency switches,
fuses, Key switch, ATS, TPS, WTS, MAP,
HO2S Minimum 2 Training Contents
Untuk mempelajari cara kerja sistem
pengapian elektrik dengan model
tanpa distributor (CDI).
composition : Crank sensors, injectors,
spark plugs, fan, relay, RPM meter, selfdiagnosis
jack, emergency switches,
fuses, Key switch, ATS, TPS, WTS, MAP,
HO2S Minimum 2 Training Contents

 Untuk mempelajari secara menyeluruh

sistem A/C pada kendaraan dilengkapi
dengan wiring diagrammnya, dan
penunjuk tekanan untuk masing
masing saluran A/C.
Compressor: approx. 5HP motor, inverter
RPM control type.
Composition : Compressor, condenser,
dryer, expansion valve, the orifice tube,
the evaporator,Blowers, piping, cooling
fans, the unit,
the control panel, Motor with speed
control, pressure (high-1, low-3), approx.
7 temperature gauge, etc. approx. 10
Fault insertion available approx. 3 PCB
board available to safety protection PCB
Board is connect PC with USB
Minimum 5 Training Contents
Manual Book
Modul Automototive A/C System
Untuk membersihkan bagian dalam
- Real-time switch control of cleaning
function is flexible and simple
- Cleaning tube uses adjustable coil pipe
- Power source of the equipment is
compressed air which is economical
and reliable
- Endoscope uses microspur HD
processing to produce clear and bright
images - Synchronized image of big and small
displays allows operators and users to
- It improves working environment of
engine and cooling efficiency of air
Technical Parameter:
- Working air pressure: approx. 2-8kg/cm2
- Voltage: AC 220V
Untuk daur ulang AC.
Recovery, vacuum, charge
LCD display
Leakage hunting
Semi- automatically operation
High/low pressure protection
Technical parameter:
- Input power approx. 800W
- Recovery ability approx. 350g/min
- Charge ability approx. 1000g/min
- Vacuum speed approx. 5mз/h
- Cylinder capacity approx. 10kg
- Compressor power approx. 3/8 HP
Sistem untuk pelatihan AC otomotif.
- Compressor : approx. 5 HP motor,
inverter RPM control type.
- HFC -134a.
- Composition : Compressor, condenser,
dryer, expansion valve, the orifice
tube,the evaporator, Blowers, piping,
cooling fans, the unit, the control
panel,Motor with speed control,
pressure (high-1, low-3), 7 temperature
gauge etc.
- 10 Fault insertion available
- 3 PCB board available to safety
- PCB Board is connect PC with USB or RS
Digunakan untuk pembelajaran
interaktif mengenai sistim air
conditioning pada kendaraan ringan.
1. Motor approx. 220 VAC/3HP,
2. Evaporator
3. Condenser
4. Filter, thermometer and manometer

Parts of ignition system are set on a panel

with power and wiring terminal,being
able to be seen the overall system at a
glance. By manipulating the controller,
able to check the waveforms and
changes in accordance with RPM speed.
The panel composing the ignition circuit
is made with aluminum CNC treated
Composition : Crank sensors, injectors,
spark plugs, fan, relay, RPM meter, selfdiagnosis
jack, emergency, switches,
fuses, Key switch, ATS, TPS, WTS, MAP,
• Mobile stand on four wheels
• Training stand equipped
• Central control unit CAN GATEWAY 2.0
• Functioning engine control unit
• Control instrument panel
• Electronic steering column locking
• Ignition lock, key and immobilizer
• Car airbag systems control unit (SRS)
• Automobile door central locking control
• The car door glass lifting mechanism
with controls
• All training stand components must
be connected in a single network,
presented in the form of an electronic
circuit with system components and
contacts for measuring. Contacts
are removable, making it possible to
simulate at least 20 system errors
• Ensured the possibility of running
control unit identification and
diagnostics using 16 - pin diagnostic
• Training stand ensured the possibility to
run diagnostics for all devices installed
in the control unit CAN network with
automatic help search, including the
following diagnostic operations
- Control unit identification reading
- Ensured the ability of detected systemic
error reading / deletion
- Ensured the possibility of system
parameters control
• Ensured the possibility of the control
unit coding / configuration, and the
engine actuators activation
• The stand has a closed structure- no
visible system installation elements and
sealed electrical circuits, wiring
• In training stand included
- Automobile oscilloscope
- EOBD diagnostics equipment
- Network power supply (220 / 12V) and a
battery (12V)
- CAN maintenance analyzer
• Training stand size: 2000x1600x1000
Simulator untuk sistem kantong udara
dengan kesalahan otomatis.
- Able to understand composition of
air bag system of automobile and
fundamental principles.
- Understanding the linkage among
Safety belts, airbags, PPD (Passenger
Presence Detector) and acknowledging
operation condition.
- Measuring change in waveform in
accordance to resistance by adjusting
the resistance from the seatbelt and air
- Able to measure by a multimeter,
oscilloscope, diagnosis etc.
- Composition : Driver/passenger seat
airbags, airbag modules, seat belts,
PPD sensor, air regulators, 2 air tanks
(approx. 10L), etc
Form 6.
Pemetaan Kompetensi Dasar Yang Dibelajarkan di Sekolah dan IDUKA

Program Keahlian : Teknik Otomotif

Kompetensi Keahlian : Teknik Kendaraan Ringan Otomotif

Kompetensi Dasar Tempat Pembelajaran

Pengetahuan Keterampilan Sekolah IDUKA
1 3.1 Menerapkan cara 4.1 Merawat secara berkala sistem
perawatan sistem kelistrikan kelistrikan √

2 3.2 Menerapakan Perawatan 4.2 Memasang Perlengkapan Kelistrikan

Perlengkapan Kelistrikan Tambahan (Asesories)
Tambahan (Asesoris) √ √

3 3.12 Mendiagnosis 4.12 Memperbaiki sistem kelistrikan dan

kerusakan sistem kelistrikan kelengkapan tambahan
dan kelengkapan tambahan √

4 3.3 Menerapkan cara

perawatan sistem starter 4.3 Merawat secara berkala sistem starter √ √
5 3.13 Mendiagnosis
kerusakan sistem stater 4.13 Memperbaiki sistem starter √
6 3.4 Menerapkan cara
perawatan sistem pengisian 4.4 Merawat secara berkala sistem √ √

7 3.14 Mendiagnosis
kerusakan sistem pengisian 4.14 Memperbaiki sistem pengisian √

8 3.5 Menerapkan cara

perawatan sistem pengapian 4.5 Merawat secara berkala sistem √ √
konvensional pengapian konvensional

9 3.15 Mendiagnosis
kerusakan sistem pengapian 4.15 Memperbaiki sistem pengapian √
konvensional konvensional

10 3.6 Menerapkan cara

perawatan sistem pengapian 4.6 Merawat secara berkala sistem √ √
elektronik pengapian elektronik

11 3.16 Mendiagnosis 4.16 Memperbaiki sistem pengapian

kerusakan sistem pengapian elektronik √ √

3.7 Menerapkan cara 4.7 Merawat berkala sistem penerangan

perawatan sistem dan panel instrumen
penerangan dan panel √
12 3.17 Mendiagnosis 4.17 Memperbaiki sistem penerangan dan
kerusakan sistem panel instrument
penerangan dan panel √

14 3.8 Menerapkan cara 4.8 Merawat berkala sistem Air
perawatan sistem Air Conditioning (AC) √
Conditioning (AC)

15 3.18 Mendiagnosis 4.18 Memperbaiki sistem Air Conditioning

kerusakan sistem Air (AC) √ √
Conditioning (AC)

16 3.9 Menerapkan cara 4.9 Merawat berkala sistem audio

perawatan sistem audio √
17 3.19 Mendiagnosis 4.19 Memperbaiki sistem audio
kerusakan sistem audio √ √
18 3.10 Menerapkan cara 4.10 Merawat secara berkala sistem
perawatan sistem pengaman pengaman √

19 3.20 Mendiagnosis 4.20 Memperbaiki sistem pengaman

kerusakan sistem pengaman

20 3.11 Mengevaluasi hasil 4.11 Melakukan hasil perawatan berkala

perawatan berkala kelistrikan kendaraan ringan
kelistrikan kendaraan ringan √

21 3.21 Mengevaluasi hasil 4.21Mengelola hasil perbaikan kelistrikan

perbaikan kelistrikan kendaraan ringan √
kendaraan ringan
: Teknik Kendaraan Ringan Otomotif


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