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Refer to somebody/something adalah sebuah kata yang dipakai untuk mengganti atau merujuk pada

orang/makhluk hidup atau sesuatu yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya di dalam kalimat, refers to
dapat juga dikatakan sebagai kata ganti atau pronoun.


Refer to somebody/living things

- The laborer were protest for the province minimum wage in Jakarta yesterday. They fullfilled
the main street. (They refers to the laborer atau merujuk pada the laborer)
- Everybody know that Valentino Rossi is legend of MotoGP rider. He has called as The Doctor.
(He menunjuk pada Valentino Rossi)
- Joko Widodo is the seventh President of Indonesian. He is come from Solo. (He merupakan
refer to untuk Joko Widodo)

Refer to something

- Titanic was claimed as a very save ship at that time, however she was drown by the iceberg.
(she mengacu pada kapal yang bernama Titanic)
- Indonesia has a new circuit named Pertamina Mandalika Internasional Street Circuit. It is
one of the best circuit in the world. We proud of it. (It menerangkan kata sebelumnya yaitu
sirkuit Mandalika)
- He got a bike present for his brithday. It’s red. (It menerangkan kata sebelumnya yaitu

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