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CREATIVE AND INNOVATIVE STRATECY generation 2 who is gen z ??? Generation Z is the generation born from 1995 to 2010 and has a unique character. They were born and grew up with technology and the internet. Their attitudes, lifastyle and thoughts cannot be separated from the influence of cyberspace. Here are 4 ways how we motivate gen z to discover their potential. Because the future of our nation will be peaceful or there will continue to be barriers between one community and another, in their hands is the future of this’ nation. Encouraging ideas Delivering creative and innovative ideas, this makes Gen Z feel recognized for its existence, this strategy is effective for increasing the motivation of gen z, because fees Modifying Ideas Modify the ideas of gen z. Because their ideas need to be considered realistically, not all creative and innovative ideas from Generation Z can be applied, but we can't just reject the ideas that are presented, but we must have a way of how these ideas become reality. Providing Feedback Providing feedback for generation z, to ensure that they continue to be enthusiastic and highly motivated, this is a way for them to know their shortcomings or mistakes, including their strengths and weaknesses. Give alternative and limited edition When generation Z is in a weak spot and not excited, let them think when we get involved in the 3 ways above. Limited direction is our way of inspiring them with ideas without getting stuck in. dependency. And of course that way, they will further establish themselves and declare themselves as people who have high creative power. https://fahmina.orid/gen-z-generasi-kreatif-penentu-arah-bangsa/

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