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Sekolah : SMAK Kolese Santo Yusup Malang Kelas/Semester : 12 /Ganjil

Mata Pelajaran : Peminatan Bahasa Inggris Alokasi waktu : 12 x 45 menit
Materi : Book/Movie Review KD : 3.8 dan 4.8

Melalui studi literasi, pengamatan dan penugasan dengan model pembelajaran discovery learning
peserta didik mampu :
1. Mengenali pola book/movie review dengan membandingkan dengan karya lain sejenis secara tepat,
2. Menjelaskan pola book/movie review secara tepat,
3. Menjelaskan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dengan tepat,
4. Menyajikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan melalui mind map secara tepat,
5. Menjelaskan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang sudah dibuat mind map
secara tepat,
6. Menganalisis kegunaan dan trend fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dengan tepat,
7. Mengunggah hasil mind map yang sudah benar dalam bentuk e-mind map/ brosur/ poster melalui
media e-portofolio (melalui G-SITES/llink pengumpulan tugas di RBK peserta didik)
8. Keseluruhan kegiatan tetap menjunjung tinggi sikap disiplin, menghargai karya orang lain, dan


PENDA TPACK, PPK  Peserta didik membuka Ruang Belajar Kosayu di

N Untuk melihat agenda hari ini dengan disiplin. (PKK)
(10  Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa di RBK (jika wali kelas) atau
menit) melaporkan ketidakhadiran siswa kepada walikelas atau
menginput dalam catatan siswa di RBK
 Peserta didik mengisi presensi di
dengan disiplin. (PKK)
 Peserta didik mendownload LKPD melalui RBK
 Guru dan peserta didik mengawali kegiatan dengan berdoa (PKK)
dipandu audio dari sentral
 Apersepsi dilakukan melalui (
zwSowZWChJPCm_bn4X37geCUxYvF9W4/view?usp=sharing )
 Peserta didik membaca langkah-langkah pembelajaran di LKPD
dan melaksanakan pembelajaran mandiri
KEGIAT Pemberian Rangsangan Peserta didik melihat sumber belajar dan media pembelajaran berupa
AN (Stimulation) tayangan video pembelajaran melalui Youtube
Peserta didik mengakses bahan ajar melalui RBK
 Menyimak dan menirukan beberapa model teks ulasan
(review),lisan dan tulis, terkait film/buku/cerita.
Identifikasi Masalah Di dalam tayangan video, guru mengarahkan peserta didik untuk
(Problem statemen) mengerjakan LKPD
Pengumpula Kegiatan Peserta didik mengikuti arahan dalam LKPD mengenai book/movie
n Data Literasi review
(Data Membaca dengan cermat teks ulasan (review) terkait film/buku/cerita dengan intonasi,
collection) ucapan, dan ejaan yang benar
Pengolahan Critical Peserta didik dan guru dapat saling bertanya jawab melalui “Forum
Data (Data Thinking, Diskusi” yang tersedia di RBK atau melalui media WA mengenai hal-
processing) HOTS hal yang belum dipahami oleh peserta didik.
Bertanya dan mempertanyakan hal-hal lain yang belum dipahami terkait fungsi sosial,
struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks khusus yang sedang dipelajari.
Pembuktian Collaborat  Menganalisis makna book/movie
(Verificatio ion,  Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
n) HOTS book/movie
 Peserta didik mengisi google form tentang ketercapaian LKPD
melalui link
 Membaca dan mendiskusikan contoh tabel analisis isi teks ulasan (review),lisan
dan tulis, terkait film/buku/cerita yang sedang dipelajari.
Communi  Peserta didik membuat hasil kajian dalam bentuk mengisi google
cation form LKPD melalui link
 Peserta didik bersama guru mengadakan Zoom Meeting untuk
melakukan pembahasan dari LKPD serta menanyakan kembali
hal-hal yang belum dipahami.
 Mempelajari cara mempresentasikan hasil analisis tersebut.
Creativity, Peserta didik membuat sebuah e-mind map/ brosur/ poster melalui
PPK media e-portofolio (melalui G-SITES/llink pengumpulan tugas di
RBK peserta didik) dengan tetap menjunjung tinggi sikap disiplin,
menghargai karya orang lain, dan multikultural.
Mempresentasikan hasil analisis secara lisan dalam kelompok masing-masing.
Membaca dan menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
beberapa teks ulasan (review),lisan dan tulis, terkait film/buku/cerita dari sumber lain.
Mempresentasikan hasil analisis secara lisan di depan kelompok lain.
PENUTU TPACK, PPK  Peserta didik mengupload tugas ke dalam Ruang Belajar Kosayu
(10  Peserta mengisi refleksi pembelajaran melalui google form link
 Peserta didik mengisi penilaian diri sendiri (multikultural) melalui
google form link
 Kegiatan pembelajaran diakhiri dengan berdoa

PENGETAHUAN Tes Tertulis di Ruang Ujian Kosayu Uraian melalui RUK
KETERAMPILAN Membuat dan mengunggah e-mind map/ Kedisiplinan, Kreatifitas, keaslian
brosur/ poster melalui media e-portofolio karya
(melalui G-SITES/llink pengumpulan tugas di
RBK peserta didik)
SIKAP Disiplin bergabung pada saat zoom dan - Kedisiplinan (observasi)
pengumpulan tugas baik LKPD ataupun ulangan - Multikultural (g-form link
Multikultural tumbuh setelah mLF7)
menonton/membaca movie/book berbahsa


Pada tahun pelajaran sebelumnya tidak dibuatkan G-Form untuk LKPD.

LKPD sudah dalam bentuk form pada tahun pelajaran 2021-2022 ini.

Mengetahui, Kota Malang, 11 Juni 2021

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata pelajaran

Petrus Harjanto, M.Pd. Agnes Endah Ayu Winarni, S.Pd. Milka Kumala, S.S.

Daftar isi lampiran


Lampiran 4 BAHAN AJAR


A. Bentuk instrumen : lembar observasi

B. Kisi-kisi :

Sikap Butir Perilaku

Disiplin Menunjukkan sikap disiplin dengan mengikuti zoom dengan tepat waktu
Menunjukkan sikap disiplin dengan mengikuti mengumpulkan tugas secara tepat
Menunjukan sikap disiplin dalam mengumpulkan tes tertulis dengan tepat waktu

Hasil Observasi dituliskan ke dalam Jurnal Pembelajaran di Kelas

No Hari, Nama No Kejadian Tindak Lanjut

Tanggal Absen
Penilaian Sikap oleh Diri : Sikap Multikultural
Link Google Form :

Course evaluation
Please submit feedback regarding the course you have just completed, including feedback on course structure,
content, and instructor.
Poor Fair Satisfactory Very Excellent
Mengenali pola book/movie review secara
Level Menjelaskan pola book/movie review
of secara tepat,
effort Menjelaskan fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan dengan tepat,
Menyajikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan melalui mind map
secara tepat,
Poor Fair Satisfactory Very Excellent
Mengenali pola book/movie review secara
Contri tepat,
bution Menjelaskan pola book/movie review
to secara tepat,
learni Menjelaskan fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan dengan tepat,
Menyajikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan melalui mind map
secara tepat,
Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
disagree agree
Cours Learning objectives were clear
e Course content was organized and well
conte planned
nt Course workload was appropriate
Course organized to allow all students to
participate fully
What aspects of this course were most useful or valuable?
How would you improve this course?

Mungkinkah hal serupa terjadi pada budaya kita di Indonesia? Mengapa?


Decide which part is CRITICIZING or PREDICTING or SPECULATING or ASSESSING from each text. Underline using
different color from the text

A: What's your favorite movie?
B: My favorite movie is Superbad.
A: Oh, why is that?
B: It's the funniest movie that I've ever seen.
A: That's true. It is a very funny movie.
B: You've seen it before?
A: Yes, I saw that movie the first day it came out in theaters.
B: Didn't you laugh through the whole movie? I did.
A: Me too. That movie brought tears to my eyes.
B: Mine too.
A: I have it on DVD at my house if you want to come over and watch it.
B: Sure, let's go.

A: Which movie is your favorite to watch?
B: I have to say, my favorite movie is Superbad.
A: Is that right? Why?
B: Honestly, it is one of the funniest movies I've seen in a long time.
A: You're right. That movie is hilarious.
B: I didn't think you saw that movie.
A: I went to see it the day it came out.
B: I was laughing through the whole movie.
A: I couldn't help laughing, either.
B: Same here.
A: I bought the movie. Would you like to come to my house and watch it?
B: Of course.

A: Out of every movie that you've seen, which one is your favorite?
B: I'm going to have to say that Superbad is the best movie ever.
A: You think so, how come?
B: Well, Superbad is super funny.
A: You're not lying, I found that movie absolutely hilarious.
B: I didn't know that you saw Superbad before.
A: I made sure to be in line to see it the first day it came out.
B: I couldn't keep from laughing throughout the whole movie.
A: I was laughing hysterically the whole time; my stomach muscles hurt afterwards.
B: That's exactly how I felt.
A: I got the movie when it came out on DVD, do you want to come over?
B: I would love to

Click here to read and listen to the conversation:
Or click this link to enjoy the Pear Deck

Read the text and then label it into the generic structure of the text!


By Torey Hayden

Translated into Indonesian ―Sheila: Cinta Yang Hilang‖

Reviewed by Danisa Mclean

Reaching out at someone can make a world of difference on his or her future. Torey L Hayden, she was a teacher
who worked with kids who are emotionally disturbed. She made a big impact on a little girl named Sheila.

A six-year-old who was put into her class, because of her disorder, and they thought that Torey could get
through to her. She didn‘t listen to anyone. This innocent little girl lived a hard life that no six years old should have to go
through. She grew up in poverty and her mom abandoned her when she was too little to understand. She was left with
her alcoholic father who always thought that spanking was the answer to everything. Kids don‘t know how lucky they are
to have parents who care about them and their future, until they actually read this story.

A teacher who sacrifices a lot just to reach one child, Torey Hayden could fit under that category. She inspires
teacher to keep on teaching. Even though they feel like giving up on their students, because they feel like they can‘t
reach them. Torey Hayden is faced with difficult decision, either she could stick with her principles or change the way she
handles things. If she changes the way she handles things then she would have a higher chance of reaching out to

Have you ever put your whole heart into something and then finally achieved it? In this book the characters did
the same. This book is very inspiring. It sits up good examples, to have compassion for other people, and you don‘t even
have to know the person, personally to care about their well fair. This book is filled with a lot of emotions; some parts of
this book may make you cry a little. When you read this book you actually feel like you‘re going through the same
experience along with Sheila. It makes you want to reach out to her, and let her know that everything is going to be


Name Items Rights Score Mastery (%) Note

1. _______________

2. _______________

3. _______________


No Name Carefulness Critical – Thinking Note




Bright Minds, Bright Future

 South Jakarta‘s international school, offering Kindergarten to Elementary School in purpose-built modern

 Spacious school with swimming pool, specialist sports areas, and adventure playground

 Our unique educational approach combines the best elements from Australia, New Zealand, and UK Curricula


For more details, please call 888 1245 00

Visit our website:

Jl. Anak Cerdas, Jakarta Selatan



International School

Choose the right answer based on the text above?

1. What is the communicative purpose of the text above?

A. To share an amusing story with others
B. To persuade the readers that Bright School is the best choice
C. To compare between International and National school
D. To ensure the readers that Bright is an international school
E. To describe how to enroll in Bright School
2. What is the text about?
A. Bright School
B. South Jakarta International School
C. Academic Colleges Group
D. New Zealand and United Kingdom
E. Spacious school
3. Which information is TRUE based on the text?
A. Bright school is the only international school in Jakarta
B. A New Zealand school is opened in Jakarta
C. Classes in Bright School are given in Australia, New Zealand, and UK
D. Bright School offers an international exam
E. Bright School uses Australia, New Zealand and UK Curricula.
4. ―Enrolling now for August 2009 intake.‖ The underlined word means …
A. studying D. registering
B. learning E. joining
C. coming
5. The text above is a kind of a/an …
A. vacancy D. advice
B. announcement E. advertisement
1. suggestion



 At least 3 years experience

 Willing to travel to other town

 Well-spoken in Mandarin and English

Interested candidates are requested to send their application letter and resume to:


Jl. Desa Lumpur 3 Pematang Siantar, 54100


Application letter should reach us before 30th October 2010

Answer the questions based on the text above!

1. What kind of advertisement is the text? Job vacancy

2. What position is offered? Sales executive
3. What languages must an applicant master for the job? Mandarin and English
4. What do the applicants send to the company? Application letter and resume
5. When is the due date? 30th October 2010


Name Items Rights Score Mastery (%) Note

1. _______________
2. _______________
3. _______________

Score = Right Answers X 10


Read the text carefully and then choose the right answer!
This text is for questions 1 to 5.
Review: The Iron Lady
By Avijit Ghosh
The early 1980s were difficult times in Britain. Those were hard times when Margaret Thatcher became the
country‘s first woman prime minister in 1979. By the time she quit in 1990, the Russians had fondly dubbed her The Iron
Lady and Britain had changed irrevocably.
Much of the drama and trauma that the nation underwent during her tenure in the 1980s is glossed over by the
director Phyllida Lloyd‘s venture in this movie. The movie merely skims the surface of all that Britain underwent; instead it
chooses to focus on the personality of Thatcher. There is no complexity or counterpoint on other.
Luckily director Lloyd has Meryl Streep in the protagonist part. Streep‘s magnetic performance makes up for the
script‘s shallowness. Streep and her long-standing makeup man J. Roy Helland earned Oscar for their work in the film.
They almost make us believe, as if we are watching the real Thatcher in action.
Streep not only captures the walk, the gait, the voice and the diction of the former British Prime Minister, but also
the changes in Thatcher‘s personality that comes with her growing confidence in the job. The early hesitancy is replaced
with authority and arrogance. The sharp physical contrast between Thatcher as Prime Minister and the frail, faltering
Thatcher of later years, who keeps talking to her dead husband, is stunning.
As a movie, The Iron Lady would have been dumped in the category of less-than-satisfying biopic. But Streep and
Helland have not only ensured that the movie engages the regular viewer. They have also made it a ‗must-watch‘ in every
acting workshop.

1. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To recount the life of Margaret Thatcher.
B. To describe the condition of Britain in 1980s.
C. To evaluate the movie entitled The iron Lady.
D. To explain the process of filming the history of Britain.
E. To entertain the readers with the story about British woman Prime Minister.
2. These are the people involving in the movie production and the award which are mentioned in the text, except ….
A. Oscar C. Phyllida Lloyd E. Margaret Thatcher
B. Mery Streep D. J. Roy Helland
3. What does paragraph 4 tell us about?
A. The interpretative recount of the movie.
B. The perfect actions of Streep as the Prime Minister.
C. The venture of Lloyd to gloss over the trauma in Britain in 1980s.
D. The acts doing by Margaret Thatcher during her tenure.
E. The viewer‘s opinion about the makeup man.
4. Which statement is NOT TRUE based on the text?
A. Meryl Streep plays as the protagonist character.
B. The movie focuses on the personality of Meryl Streep.
C. Streep and Helland earned Oscar for their work in the film.
D. The movie viewers will, as if, watch the real Prime Minister in action.
E. Margaret Thatcher had been dubbed as The Iron Lady by the Russians.
5. After reading the text, we conclude that the movie is….
A. Boring C. engaging E. less satisfying
B. Ordinary D. not satisfying

This text is for questions 6 to 10.

The 7 Professors of the Far North
By John Fardell
This book follows three young people, Zara, Sam and Ben, as they attempt to find their uncle and his friends after
being kidnapped. It leads them onto an icy adventure in the north pole, with lots of action and excitement.
The main characters are Sam, Zara and Ben, who are spending their holidays together with Zara and Ben‘s Uncle
Alexander in Edinburgh. Other important characters in the book are professor Murdo, an eccentric and power crazed
professor who is obsessed with genetic engineering, Marcia Slick, who has been subjected to a course of treatment by
her parents, but never wanted it, and 5 other academics, friends of Alexander, who kidnapped along with him.
The story goes that Alexander and the 5 professors, along with professor Murdo, set up a research facility and
university upon the isolated and hard to reach island of Nordbergen, in the Arctic sea. However, Murdo‘s ambition soon
got the better of him, and he left all the other professors stranded when they refused to cooperate with him. Many years
later, he kidnaps the other 6 professors and takes them to his secret hideaway. It is up to Zara, Sam and Ben to find
them before it is too late.
The book is worth a look, but is probably better suited for younger readers. And to me some of the aspects of the
book seemed a little unoriginal.
6. What is the text about?
A. A review on a book entitled The 7 Professors of the Far North.
B. A research done by university professors in the far north.
C. An adventure of Sam, Zara and Ben with 7 professors in the Arctic sea.
D. A fighting between three young people with kidnappers.
E. John Fardell‘s book entitled The 7 Professors of the Far North.
7. Who is Ben?
A. Alexander‘s son. D. The one who kidnaps the professors.
B. Alexander‘s nephew. E. A policeman who helps the professors.
C. The person who helps Murdo.
8. What happened when the other professors didn‘t want to cooperate with Murdo?
A. He killed them. D. He left them stranded.
B. He made their boat sink. E. He poisoned them.
C. He destroyed the result of their research.
9. Which of the following is NOT TRUE based on the text?
A. Murdo brings the professors to his secret hideaway.
B. Professor Murdo is obsessed with genetic engineering.
C. The professors do the research in an isolated island.
D. Marcia Slick has been subjected to a course of treatment.
E. Sam, Zara and Ben spend their holidays together in Nordbergen.
10. What does Tim say about the book?
A. The characters are not well developed. D. It suits young readers.
B. It is complicated enough. E. Its ending is unclear.
C. It is too long and boring.

This text is for questions 11 and 12.

Today, we‘ll familiarize you with our new product, LTC C500 cell phone. It is one of the best phones on the
market. It is Android 2.3 with 4.5 inch screen. Different from other android cell phones which are mostly touch screen,
this phone has a QWERTY keypad. It has a dual-core processor with 1 gigabyte RAM and 8 gigabyte storage. It has the
best camera, with 8MP rear camera (LED flash) and 2MP front camera.

11. What is the advertisement about?

A. A cell phone. C. A keyboard. E. A laptop.
B. A computer. D. A camera.
12. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about the product?
A. It is Android. C. It has a dual-core processor. E. It has keypad.
B. It is touch screen. D. It has an LED flash.

This text is for questions 13 and 14.

13. What can people use the product for?

A. To keep healthy. C. To reduce fat. E. To maintain stamina.
B. To increase fat. D. To be beautiful.
14. ‗Try it risk free!‘ What does the sentence mean?
A. It‘s risky. C. It has side effects. E. It has no side effects.
B. It‘s free of charge. D. It has no additives.

This text is for questions 15 to 17.

Attention, please.
Now, we have arrived in the park. You can go everywhere you like. If you go to the right side, you will find many kinds of
birds, on the left side there will be some games such as flying fox and boating. There is also a tree house. If you go
straight ahead, you can go to either the swimming pool, or the forest following the path beside it. It‘s 8 a.m. now Don‘t
forget to gather here at 12:30 p.m. sharp. We will have lunch and then go home.

15. Where should we go to play some games?

A. Near the swimming pool. C. To the right side. E. Straight ahead.
B. Near the bird cages. D. To the left side.
16. How long do they have to be in the park?
A. Six hours. C. Five and a half hours. E. Sixteen and a half hours.
B. Five hours. D. Four and a half hours.
17. Which of the following statements is TRUE based on the text?
A. The birds‘ cages are on the left side.
B. They should go everywhere together.
C. They should gather at the place after lunch.
D. We can find a tree house if we go straight ahead.
E. The path to the forest is beside the swimming pool.

This text is for questions 18 to 20.

To :
Subject : article refusal

Dear Ms. Sue,

Thank you for sending your short story entitled ‗The Havermout and the Foot‘ to Teen News Magazine. However,
we cannot accept it since we consider that it is too heavy for teens. Moreover, some of the vocabulary used is unfamiliar.
Anyway, we are happy that you have participated. We hope that you will continue participating by contributing
your article to us, for the sake of the teens in our country.

John McClair
Teen News Magazine Editor.

18. What is the email about?

A. Article refusal.
B. Teen News Magazine.
C. The Havermout and the Foot.
D. The teens in our country.
E. Sue‘s participation.
19. The editor can‘t accept Sue‘s short story because
A. it‘s too heavy for teens and some of the vocabulary used is unfamiliar.
B. it's Sue‘s first participation in writing a short story for teen magazine.
C. The teenagers don‘t like ‗The Havermout and the Foot‘.
D. John McClair isn‘t happy with Sue‘s contribution.
E. the editor has to work hard to edit the short story.
20. Which statement is TRUE based on the text?
A. The sender of the email is Sue Bowell.
B. Some of the vocabulary used is familiar.
C. John McClair is the editor of the magazine.
D. Sue‘s story is easy to be understood by the teens.
E. The Havermout and the Foot is the name of the teen magazine.

Complete a review of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Search for more information in the internet, magazines,
newspapers, or other sources.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

It‘s a movie about friendship and honor. With their safety and education sabotaged by the High Inquisitor, Harry
and his friends have no choice but to take matters into their own hands. Forming ‗Dumbledore‘s Army‘, Harry teaches
them outlawed spells and charms in secret.



- Written assignment : writing a movie review



1 Vocabulary

o Vocabulary is precise, varied, and vivid 30

o Vocabulary is adequate for grade level 25
o Vocabulary is simple 20
o Vocabulary is limited and repetition 15
2 Organization

o Organization is appropriate to writing assignment and contains context, text description, and 10
o Events are organized logically, but some part of the sample may not be fully developed 8.5
o Organization may be extremely simple or there may be evidence of disorganization 6.5
o Sample is comprised of only a few disjointed sentences 5
3 Transition

o Transition from one idea to another is smooth and provides reader with clear understanding that 20
topic is changing
o Some transition of ideas is evident 17
o There are few transitional markers or repetitive transitional markers 13.5
o No transitional markers 10
4 Meaning

o Meaning is conveyed effectively 20

o Meaning is conveyed but breaks down at times 17
o Meaning is frequently not clear 13.5
o Meaning is unclear 10
5 Grammar

o No or few grammatical errors 10

o Some grammatical errors but do not disrupt the meaning 8.5
o Many grammatical errors cause occasional misunderstanding 6.5
o Grammar almost entirely inaccurate phrases 5
6 Technique

o A few mechanical errors may be present but do not disrupt communication 10

o Mechanical errors are present but do not disrupt communication 8.5
o Mechanical errors affect communication 6.5
o Mechanical errors cause serious disruption in communication 5
TOTAL ……….

No Name Creativeness Hard – Work Note




BT : Belum Terlihat (The students haven‘t shown any signs/behaviors as described in the character building‘s

MT : Mulai Terlihat (The students start showing some signs/behaviors as described in the character building‘s

MB : Mulai Berkembang (The students have shown some signs/behaviors as described in the character building‘s

MK : Membudaya (The students have already shown the signs/behaviors as described in the character building‘s


Mom : O, gosh! What a messy room! I‘m tired of always reminding you to clean your room. When will you change
your bad behavior?

Tony : Don‘t worry, Mom. I‘ll make it tidy in a few minutes.

Mom : No, just do it now!

Tony : OK, Mom.

The sentences in italic are used to criticize. Here are some other expressions to criticize:
 Quite honestly, I didn‘t think much on the standard of acting in the play.
 To come straight to the point, I think our team needs some constructive
 I‘m afraid to tell you that your achievement has fallen recently.
 Honestly, if I said that everything was all right, I‘d simply be lying.
 I have listed many things I think are wrong. Where shall I start?

Maya : Yeah. BMG predicts that there will be extreme weather for some days in Indonesia. That‘s why we should
bring an umbrella or a raincoat.

Deasy : And…the most important is that we must watch our health. Many diseases are widespread during the rainy

Maya : You‘re right.

The italic sentences are used to predict something. Here are some expressions to predict:
 I predict that the little boy will be a great actor one day.
 I do believe that Suzan will be accepted at the state university.
 My prediction is that all students in this class will pass the final exam.
 I‘m a hundred percent sure that the girl will win the singing contest.

Harry : Do you think that David and Miko will come?

Rafael : It has been thirty past four. I bet that there is no chance of them coming now.

Harry : Why don‘t we practice the football now? We still can play with nine people.

Rafael : OK.

The italic sentence is used to speculate. Here are some expressions of speculating:
 I bet (You can bet) that our national football team will participate in Olympics.
 In all probability, it will be raining all day long.
 There is just a chance that the mobile can be repaired.
 It‘s unlikely that Nadya will continue her study abroad.

Mom : What do you think of Elly‘s play?

Dad : Great! She‘s so skillful in the piano keys that it creates a beautiful melody.

Mom : Yeah. She is really talented I think.

The italic sentences are used to assess someone. Here are some expressions to assess someone or something:
 Wonderful! I can‘t imagine that such a little girl can do it.
 I think the movie will be in the top in the box office movie chart.
 Maya‘s performance is really terrific! She is really talented.
 The man has written many novels. And I think his novels are always interesting.


Wiwin : Still busy, huh…?

Aretha : Yes. I‘m planning to hold an English camp.

Wiwin : It‘s good. So, what‘s the purpose of the camp?

Aretha : Well, to make us get accustomed to speaking English.

Wiwin : Hmmm…very nice.

Aretha : Thanks. And I intend to invite Mr. Charlie, our native speaker teacher, to participate in the program.

Wiwin : It‘s a really good idea. Need help to make the proposal?

Aretha : Hmmm… Thank you. Maybe later.

The sentences in italic are used to ask about/state plans, intentions and purposes. Here are some other expressions to
express them:
Asking about Plans, Intention, Purposes Stating Plans, Intention, Purposes

 Do you have any plans for Saturday?  I‘m going to stay at home.
 What do we want to achieve?  To make us able to speak English well.
 What‘s your plan?  I‘m going to meet Charlie to talk about the project.
 What is Anne planning?  She is planning to go to the concert tonight.
 What is your intention?  It is my intention to have my online shop.

Maya : Look! The book is really nice.

Deasy : I think it will be really helpful for our study. I hope I can afford to buy the book.

Maya : Why don‘t we put in the money to buy it? I think I also need it.

Deasy : Wow, really a good idea. Thanks, Sis.

The italic sentence is used to express hopes. Here are some expressions to express hopes:

 I hope I can meet Mrs. Atik today.

 I do hope that you can come in the meeting.
 I wish I were a bit slim (To want something to happen although it is impossible )
 We are hoping for a better mark.

Harry : How was the book fair?

Rafael : Mm… It was really good. There were many good books in the fair. If only I hadn‘t spent too much on
shopping, I have been able to buy more books.
The italic sentences are used to express regrets. Here are some expressions to express regrets:

 Much to my regret. I have to come back home.

 I regret to say that the plane is canceled.
 If I had been at home, I would have met my uncle.
 I regret doing the nasty thing.
 I wish ….

Book Review


This book is great as a way of understanding how our culture trains boys and girls to be different. We teach girls
that they can cry when they are sad, talk about their feelings, and share experiences with each other. We teach boys that
they need to ´buck up´ and be manly, to hide the tears, to face it like a man, to be the rock on which the females can
rely. It is no surprise that these lessons affect adults, and affect how male and females relate (or fail to relate) to each

In essence, a few core themes run through the book, being supported by various examples, and different
wording that help make the points clear.

First, men are goal-oriented and when they are stressed, ―retreat to a cave‖ to consider what to do. They want to
come to a solution on their own. To try to help them while they are in the ―cave‖ is counter productive. Men want to be
trusted and admired. They want to feel that the woman believes in them. To question a man is to show your doubt. The
book recommends if a man is lost while driving, or forgets something while traveling, to just be quiet and accept it. It will
show your trust in him to get there eventually or to solve the problem. I‘m personally not sure if this is always wise

Women, on the other hand, are nurturing, expressive, feeling individuals who tend to use poetic license such as
saying ―you ALWAYS forget to do that chore‖ or ―you NEVER listen to me‖. The advice given to men is not to react to any
of what women say literally. Most of what women want, according to the book, is just to be heard. Women don‘t want
solutions or answers. They want to feel that their feelings are being heard and understood ... they want to be held and be
told ―Yes, yes, I understand‖.

The book explains that men make the mistake of thinking women tell them things in order for the men to *fix*
those things. Instead, the women tell them things in order to share their feelings, but aren‘t seeking actual resolutions.

While I agree that women are trained to share feelings and to sometimes be overly emotional, to tell a man that
women never want resolutions, and always exaggerate, is not treating a woman as a logical human being perfectly
capable of wanting answers.

There is definitely a lot of helpful information in the book. It is good to understand that society trains men to
―retreat‖ to consider problems and that they consider interference during this time as ―harassment‖ instead of ―helpful‖.
It‘s good to realize that women have emotional cycles and can sometimes be happy, and sometimes sad, and that
nobody is always happy. This book definitely has interesting hints and tips, and interesting stories to share. It also has
many generalizations that, for many individuals, simply do not apply

Movie Review


Illustrating the current situation happening in Indonesia, Get Married presents the figures of unemployment. A
few big-name celebrities show up in cameo roles. The movie tells about a true friendship of four youngsters Mae (Nirina
Zubir), Guntoro (Desta ‗Club Eighties‘), Eman (Aming), and Beni (Ringgo Agus Rahman) who judge themselves as the
most frustrated people in Indonesia. Soon, they turn out to be street kids and spend most of their times at street,
bullying people who pass by.

Suddenly, it comes to a moment when Mae is persuaded to grant her parents‘ wish to have a grandchild. Mae‘s
parents, (Meriam Bellina dan Jaja Mihardja) firmly state that Mae must get married in a little while. Soon, they are busy
finding candidates who would marry their only daughter. However, along the process of finding the right one for Mae, the
three male friends of Mae turn out to be brutal evaluators for the candidates. In the mean time, Mae falls badly in love
with Rendy (Richard Kevin), a rich, handsome and kind-hearted man. Unfortunately Rendy, Mae, Guntoro, Eman, Beni are
brought into a misunderstanding, and soon fights break out between the two groups of Mae and Rendy.

Written based on some of youngsters‘ real-life brotherhood experiences—this story will stir you to your emotional
core while bringing out your sense of brotherhood. There are a lot of little things and big things that make this movie
worth watching.

The story is good, the banter is great, the relationships between the characters are great, and it‘s a fun time at
the movies. While some of the jokes are amusing, some of the fights go on a few bit too long.

The texts above are examples of a book review and a movie review. Review texts are used to summarize, analyze, and
respond/critique to literary works a public audience. The generic structure of a review text is:

1. Orientation – this gives background information, e.g. title, author, type of work, and setting.
2. Interpretative Recount – summary of an artwork. This describes the main characters and the pattern of their
relationships. It also deals with some selected key incidents.
3. Evaluation – concluding statement (judgment, opinion, or recommendation). It can consist more than one.
4. Evaluative Summation – the last opinion consists the appraisal or the punch line of the artworks being criticized.
Common grammatical features in review texts include:

• words describing characters

• present tense – changes to past tense if texts have a historical setting

• persuasive language used in judgment

Besides giving a review to a book, we can also give a review on other types of art works such as movies, plays/drama,
music (songs), TV shows, opera, exhibitions, concerts, and ballet performances.

Here‘s a movie review posted in written by Tom Moore. Read the review and answer the questions
that follow.


I have high expectations in quality films, especially for animation. Naturally, I‘ve been disappointed by the
majority of animated films to come out in recent years. Then now, Ratatouille has been so refreshing.

Ratatouille, directed by Brad Bird (The Incredibles, The Iron Giant) revolves around a rat named Remy, who loves
good food. Sadly, being a rat, Remy‘s fellow rodents lack Remy‘s sophisticated a palette. Seeing as his love of food isn‘t
appreciated by his kin, Remy practices his love of cooking in secret. Enter Linguini, a simple garbage boy employed by the
restaurant of legendary chef (and Remy‘s idol) Auguste Gusteau. However, Gusteau has been deceased for the last two
years, and is now run by Gusteau‘s old and short-tempered sauce-chef. After a series of madcap events, we find Linguini
and Remy teaming up. Linguini wants to be accepted, and Remy wants to cook.

From there you experience a story that is so charming and true that it would be unkind of me to delve into it
further. While the story is amazingly sophisticated, witty, and deep, we can always count on the director to deliver an
amazingly beautiful world for the story to take place in. The Paris in Ratatouille is so rendered, that it often takes your
breath away in places. The image of Remy seeing the city at night for the first time is simply a work of art. The lighting,
water, and effects animation are so amazingly done; it puts some live action cinematography to shame. While the visual
achievement is grand, it never takes centre stage instead of the story.

Regardless, this movie won‘t disappoint. See this movie. You are obligated to if you like movies.-Tom Moore

1. What is the genre of the movie?

2. What is the theme of the movie?

3. How did the movie reviewer assess the animated movies recently?

4. How did the movie reviewer assess RATATOUILLE?

5. How did the movie reviewer recommend the movie?

6. Leave your speculation about the movie in the space provided below.

Find the words in the text which have similar meanings to the following words. The first letter is already given.

1. rotate, turn round, spin (kkt) : r______ (par 2)

2. stylish, highly developed advanced (ks) : s______(par 2)

3. crazy, silly, wild (ks) : m_____ (par 2)

4. explore, look into, dig (kkt) : d______(par 2)

5. amusing, humorous, funny (ks) : w_____ (par 3)

6. shooting, picture making, camera work (kb) : c______ (par 3)

7. impressive, excellent, wonderful (ks) : g______ (par 3)

8. let down, upset, dissatisfy (kkt) : d______ (par 4)


Ahead with English

We teach children fundamental skill for fluent oral and

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Ahead with English

Linda and Steven

The text is an advertisement. An advertisement is a public promotion of some products or services. It usually
includes the name of a product or service and how that product or service could benefit the consumers. It aims at
persuading potential consumers to purchase or to consume that particular brand.

Media pembelajaran berbentuk PPT dapat dibuka melalui tautan di bawah ini

berikut adalah tautan untuk contoh PPT short movie review


This book is great as a way of understanding how our culture trains boys and girls to be different. We teach girls
that they can cry when they are sad, talk about their feelings, and share experiences with each other. We teach boys that
they need to ´buck up´ and be manly, to hide the tears, to face it like a man, to be the rock on which the females can
rely. It is no surprise that these lessons affect adults, and affect how male and females relate (or fail to relate) to each

In essence, a few core themes run through the book, being supported by various examples, and different
wording that help make the points clear.

First, men are goal-oriented and when they are stressed, ―retreat to a cave‖ to consider what to do. They want to
come to a solution on their own. To try to help them while they are in the ―cave‖ is counter productive. Men want to be
trusted and admired. They want to feel that the woman believes in them. To question a man is to show your doubt. The
book recommends if a man is lost while driving, or forgets something while traveling, to just be quiet and accept it. It will
show your trust in him to get there eventually or to solve the problem. I‘m personally not sure if this is always wise

Women, on the other hand, are nurturing, expressive, feeling individuals who tend to use poetic license such as
saying ―you ALWAYS forget to do that chore‖ or ―you NEVER listen to me‖. The advice given to men is not to react to any
of what women say literally. Most of what women want, according to the book, is just to be heard. Women don‘t want
solutions or answers. They want to feel that their feelings are being heard and understood ... they want to be held and be
told ―Yes, yes, I understand‖.

The book explains that men make the mistake of thinking women tell them things in order for the men to *fix*
those things. Instead, the women tell them things in order to share their feelings, but aren‘t seeking actual resolutions.

While I agree that women are trained to share feelings and to sometimes be overly emotional, to tell a man that
women never want resolutions, and always exaggerate, is not treating a woman as a logical human being perfectly
capable of wanting answers.

There is definitely a lot of helpful information in the book. It is good to understand that society trains men to
―retreat‖ to consider problems and that they consider interference during this time as ―harassment‖ instead of ―helpful‖.
It‘s good to realize that women have emotional cycles and can sometimes be happy, and sometimes sad, and that
nobody is always happy. This book definitely has interesting hints and tips, and interesting stories to share. It also has
many generalizations that, for many individuals, simply do not apply

Read the text entitled ‗Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus‘ and then answer these questions!

1. How does our culture train boys and girls?

2. How does our society teach girls?

3. What are boys supposed to be?

4. What does the book say about men?

5. How does the book describe women?

6. What do women want most according to the book?

7. What are the reviewer‘s views about the book?

What do the following words refer to?

1. The word ―our‖ in paragraph 1 sentence 1 refers to ____________________________.

2. The word ―they‖ in paragraph 1 sentence 2 refers to ____________________________.

3. The word ―we‖ in paragraph 1 sentence 3 refers to _____________________________.

4. The word ―they‖ in paragraph 3 sentence 1 refers to ____________________________.

5. The word ―your‖ in paragraph 4 sentence 3 refers to ____________________________.

6. The word ―him‖ in paragraph 4 sentence 5 refers to ____________________________.

7. The word ―I‖ in paragraph 4 sentence 6 refers to _______________________________.

8. The word ―they‖ in paragraph 5 sentence 5 refers to ____________________________.

9. The word ―I‖ in paragraph 6 sentence 1 refers to _______________________________.

10. The word ―it‖ in paragraph 7 sentence 5 refers to ______________________________.

Here‘s a movie review posted in written by Tom Moore. Read the review and answer the questions
that follow.


I have high expectations in quality films, especially for animation. Naturally, I‘ve been disappointed by the
majority of animated films to come out in recent years. Then now, Ratatouille has been so refreshing.

Ratatouille, directed by Brad Bird (The Incredibles, The Iron Giant) revolves around a rat named Remy, who loves
good food. Sadly, being a rat, Remy‘s fellow rodents lack Remy‘s sophisticated a palette. Seeing as his love of food isn‘t
appreciated by his kin, Remy practices his love of cooking in secret. Enter Linguini, a simple garbage boy employed by the
restaurant of legendary chef (and Remy‘s idol) Auguste Gusteau. However, Gusteau has been deceased for the last two
years, and is now run by Gusteau‘s old and short-tempered sauce-chef. After a series of madcap events, we find Linguini
and Remy teaming up. Linguini wants to be accepted, and Remy wants to cook.

From there you experience a story that is so charming and true that it would be unkind of me to delve into it
further. While the story is amazingly sophisticated, witty, and deep, we can always count on the director to deliver an
amazingly beautiful world for the story to take place in. The Paris in Ratatouille is so rendered, that it often takes your
breath away in places. The image of Remy seeing the city at night for the first time is simply a work of art. The lighting,
water, and effects animation are so amazingly done; it puts some live action cinematography to shame. While the visual
achievement is grand, it never takes centre stage instead of the story.

Regardless, this movie won‘t disappoint. See this movie. You are obligated to if you like movies.-Tom Moore

1. What is the genre of the movie?

2. What is the theme of the movie?

3. How did the movie reviewer assess the animated movies recently?

4. How did the movie reviewer assess RATATOUILLE?

5. How did the movie reviewer recommend the movie?

6. Leave your speculation about the movie in the space provided below.

Find the words in the text which have similar meanings to the following words. The first letter is already given.

1. rotate, turn round, spin (kkt) : r______ (par 2)

2. stylish, highly developed advanced (ks) : s______(par 2)

3. crazy, silly, wild (ks) : m_____ (par 2)

4. explore, look into, dig (kkt) : d______(par 2)

5. amusing, humorous, funny (ks) : w_____ (par 3)

6. shooting, picture making, camera work (kb) : c______ (par 3)

7. impressive, excellent, wonderful (ks) : g______ (par 3)

8. let down, upset, dissatisfy (kkt) : d______ (par 4)



Review adalah salah satu dari jenis teks yang ditujukan untuk meninjau/ menilai suatu karya baik berupa film, buku,
benda dan lain sebagainya untuk mengetahui kualitas, kelebihan dan kekurangan yang dimiliki karya tersebut yang
ditujukan untuk pembaca atau pendengar khalayak ramai.


Tujuan komunikatif review adalah untuk memberi kritik terhadap peristiwa atau karya seni untuk pembaca atau
pendengar khalayak ramai.


a. Introduction: berisi tentang gambaran umum tentang sebuah karya atau benda yang akan ditinjau. Gambaran umum
tentang karya atau benda tersebut bisa berupa nama, kegunaan, dan sebagainya.

b. Evaluation: berisi gambaran tentang detail suatu karya atau benda yang direview, bisa berupa bagian-bagian dari
karya atau benda tersebut, keunikan dan kualitasnya.

c. Interpretation: berisi pandangan penulis mengenai karya atau benda yang direviewnya.

d. Summmary: berisi kesimpulan penulis terhadap karya atau benda yang telah direviewnya.


a. Menggunakan present tense.

b. Banyak menggunakan adjective.

c. Sering menggunakan klausa panjang dan kompleks.


Captain Phillips is an upcoming 2013 American biographical action thriller film directed by Paul Greengrass based upon the book, A
Captain’s Duty: Somali Pirates, Navy SEALs, and Dangerous days at Sea, by Richard Phillips with Stephan Talty, and starring Tom
Hanks. It is produced by Scott Rudin, Dana Brunetti, and Michael De Luca. The film tells a biopic of merchant mariner Captain Richard
Phillips, who was taken hostage for several days by Somali Pirates when the container ship Maersk Alabama which sailed from
southern Oman drown along the coast of Somalia and then to Kenya was hijacked in 2009.

Captain Richard Phillips (Tom Hanks), a veteran merchant mariner, still lives in his native New England, and he’s a plainspoken family
man full of anxiety about the economically bleak new world his kids are facing. When his wife (Chaterine Keener) drops him off at
the airport, we can see reverse her. The film then cuts to Somalia, a land of dust and poverty, where the pirates are recruited for
their mission as if they were migrant farm workers lining up to be chosen for that day’s labor. Greengrass doesn’t have to fill in much
about the violent, chaotic breakdown of Somalia to let us know that these men have little choice.

The film does not generate quite the same level of excruciating suspense as some of Greengrass’ previous triumphs, but it
nonetheless holds us hostage as it proceeds. As for the four Somali immigrants, they are remarkably effective in their first
professional acting gigs.

1. The text is a review of a ....

2. According to the text, Captain Phillips ....

Reading the three plots of Marry Higgins Clark in All Through the Night concerns a stolen gold ornamental cup, a missing baby and a
will which seems deceitful. To solve the mystery, she revives her beloed characters; Alvirah, the former cleaning woman; and Willy
Meeham, the plumber who won the lottery. They left their life in Jackson Heights, Queens, for an apartment on Central Park. The
two have fun along the way solving the puzzle.

The pace is swift and the story is pure escape – totally fun Marry Higgins Clark. I admit, however, that I am still trying to know what
melody of the song “All Through the Night” sounds like.

This holiday season, put aside your chores and curl up on couch with All Through the Night. When you close it, you will be relaxed
and more ready to enjoy festivities. Then you might just want to tuck a copy into someone’s stocking or gift bag, as well.

3. What is the writer’s suggestion for the holiday season?

‘Laskar Pelangi’: The Audacity of Hope

This is a movie adapted from a best-selling Indonesian novel. It took 40 days of filming on Belitung Island, Bangka-Belitung province.
Involving 12 local actors, it reportedly cost Rp. 8 billion. With all the efforts of transforming Laskar Pelangi (Rainbow Warrior) into a
moving picture, will it satisfy readers’ imaginations?

Laskar Pelangi, the novel, was written by Andrea Hirata in 2005, based on his own experiences. It is about an inspiring teacher and
her 10 students in the poverty-stricken Kampung Gantong in Belitung. The poor condition of their school building does not dampen
their high spirits and hopes for a better future.

Two years later, the novel became a phenomenon in Indonesian literature. With its humanistic touch, Laskar Pelangi has sold more
than 500,000 copies and has won the position of Must-Read Novel in every corner of the nation’s bookshops and media review
pages. It has finally overcome the domination of teen-lit, chick-lit and even religious novels, the popular theme of today.

Andrea entrusted the filming of the story to the respected figures in the film industry, Mira Lesmana and Riza, as producer and film
director. In July 2007, Mira and Riri started the preproduction, which took a year to finish. Together with the scriptwriter Salman
Aristo they decided to create a different scenario for the film.

4. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

5. From the text above, we know that ....

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