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Nama alternatif untuk Inggris adalah Albion.

Kata ini awalnya digunakan untuk

merujuk ke seluruh Pulau Britania Raya. Catatan paling awal dari nama ini muncul
dalam karya Aristoteles, Corpus Aristotelicum pada abad ke-4 SM.[22] Disebutkan
bahwa: "Di luar pilar-pilar Herkules terdapat lautan yang mengalir di sepanjang
bumi dan di dalamnya ada dua pulau sangat besar yang disebut Britannia; yang
terdiri dari Albion dan Ierne".[22] Kata Albion (Ἀλβίων) atau Pulau Albionum
kemungkinan memiliki dua asal-usul; dari kata Latin albus, yang berarti putih,
untuk merujuk ke tebing putih Dover,
Here’s another bio that will reshape your views of a famed historical tyrant,
though this time in a surprisingly favorable light. Decorated scholar Andrew
Roberts delves into the life of Napoleon Bonaparte, from his near-flawless military
instincts to his complex and confusing relationship with his wife. But Roberts’
attitude toward his subject is what really makes this work shine: rather than
ridiculing him (as it would undoubtedly be easy to do), he approaches the “petty
tyrant” with a healthy amount of deference.
Kebijakan ke arah pemikiran untuk penyempurnaan tugas dan fungsi Arsip Nasional RI
diwujudkan pada masa kepemimpinan
In 2014 the PDI-P selected Jokowi to be its candidate for the Indonesian
presidential election, which was held on July 9. He was swept to victory with more
than 53 percent of the popular vote, defeating former general Prabowo Subianto.
Though Subianto alleged that there had been widespread vote rigging and formally
challenged the election result, the country’s Constitutional Court unanimously
rejected his claim in August, clearing the way for Jokowi to take office on October
Pada tanggal 26 April 1950 melalui SK Menteri PP dan K nomor 9052/B, nama Arsip
Negeri berubah menjadi Arsip Negara RIS. Sedangkan se
Di Kepulauan Maluku, terdapat dua kesultanan besar yang terkenal, yaitu Ternate dan
Tidore yang berpusat di wilayah yang saat ini termasuk dalam wilayah Maluku Utara.
[63] Wilayah Ternate pada masa kejayaannya, yaitu pada abad ke-16, mencakup Pulau
Ternate, sebagian kecil Pulau Halmahera, Kepulauan Maluku bagian tengah, Pulau
Sulawesi bagian utara dan timur, hingga ke Nusa Tenggara Timur. Sementara itu,
Tidore pada masa kejayaannya yang juga pada abad ke-16 meliputi Pulau Tidore,
sebagian besar Pulau Halmahera, hingga ke Papua Barat.[64]
Nasional RI di Daerah TK I menjadi Arsip Nasional Wilayah. Seiring dengan
pengembangan struktur organisasi tersebut, beliau juga
Pada masa kepemimpinan beliau terjadi perubahan struktur organisasi yang baru
dengan dikeluarkannya Keputusan Presiden RI
Titled after one of her most evocative poems, this shimmering bio of Sylvia Plath
takes an unusual approach. Instead of focusing on her years of depression and
tempestuous marriage to poet Ted Hughes, it chronicles her life before she ever
came to Cambridge. Wilson closely examines her early family and relationships,
feelings and experiences, with information taken from her meticulous diaries —
setting a strong precedent for other Plath biographers to follow.
Ron Chernow’s Alexander Hamilton is not only the inspiration for a hit Broadway
musical, but also a work of creative genius itself. This massive undertaking of
In June 2022 Britain celebrated Elizabeth’s 70 years on the throne with the
“Platinum Jubilee,” a four-day national holiday that included the Trooping the
Colour ceremony, a thanksgiving service at St. Paul’s Cathedral, a pop music
concert at Buckingham Palace, and a pageant that employed street arts, theatre,
music, circus, carnival, and costume to honour the queen’s reign. Health issues
limited Elizabeth’s involvement. Concerns about the queen’s health also led to a
break in tradition when, in September, she appointed Boris Johnson’s replacement as
prime minister, Liz Truss, at Balmoral rather than at Buckingham Palace, where she
had formally appointed more than a dozen prime ministers.
The queen seemed increasingly aware of the modern role of the monarchy, allowing,
for example, the televising of the royal family’s domestic life in 1970 and
condoning the formal dissolution of her sister’s marriage in 1978. In the 1990s,
however, the royal family faced a number of challenges. In 1992, a year that
Elizabeth referred to as the royal family’s annus horribilis, Prince Charles and
his wife, Diana, princess of Wales, separated, as did Prince Andrew and his wife,
Sarah, duchess of York. Moreover, Anne divorced, and a fire gutted the royal
residence of Windsor Castle. In addition, as the country struggled with a
recession, resentment over the royals’ lifestyle mounted, and in 1992 Elizabeth,
although personally exempt, agreed to pay taxes on her private income. The
separation and later divorce (1996) of Charles and the immensely popular Diana
further eroded support for the royal family, which was viewed by some as antiquated
and unfeeling. The criticism intensified following Diana’s death in 1997,
especially after Elizabeth initially refused to allow the national flag to fly at
half-staff over Buckingham Palace. In line with her earlier attempts at modernizing
the monarchy, the queen subsequently sought to present a less-stuffy and less-
traditional image of the monarchy. These attempts were met with mixed success.
han kelembagaan Arsip Nasional tidak berhenti sampai disitu. Berdasarkan Keputusan
Presiden RI nomor 215 tanggal 16 Mei 1961,
dan organisasi kearsipan pada masa pemerintah Kolonial Belanda (landarchief) dan
produk-produk kearsipannya. Setelah kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia, lembaga
kearsipan (landarchief) diambil oleh pemerintah RI
DR. Noerhadi Magetsari, yang menggantikan Dra. Soemartini sebagai kepala Arsip
Nasional tahun 1991 hingga tahun 1998.
Fosil-fosil manusia purba seperti Homo erectus, yang oleh antropolog juga dijuluki
"Manusia Jawa", menimbulkan dugaan bahwa kepulauan Indonesia telah mulai
berpenghuni pada antara dua juta sampai 500.000 tahun yang lalu.
Namun kebenaran tentang hal ini banyak diperdebatkan.[27]Di Pulau Jawa sendiri,
predikat kerajaan tertua di Pulau Jawa diduga dipegang oleh Salakanagara yang
berdiri pada abad ke-1 M di daerah sekitar Cianjur, Jawa Barat. Kerajaan ini
sendiri diperkirakan menjadi cikal bakal Tarumanagara yang berdiri pada tahun 358
Masehi. Keberadaan Salakanagara juga masih menjadi perdebatan di kalangan ahli
karena kurangnya bukti-bukti sejarah.[35]
Kebijakan ke arah pemikiran untuk penyempurnaan tugas dan fungsi Arsip Nasional RI
diwujudkan pada masa kepemimpinan
Negeri diambil alih kembali oleh pemerintah Belanda. Nama Lembaga Arsip Negeri
berganti lagi menjadi Landsarchief kembali. Sebagai pimpinan Landsarchief adalah
Prof.W. Ph. Coolhaas yang menjabat hingga berdirinya Republik Indonesia
lbert Einstein was born at Ulm, in Württemberg, Germany, on March 14, 1879. Six
weeks later the family moved to Munich, where he later on began his schooling at
the Luitpold Gymnasium. Later, they moved to Italy and Albert continued his
education at Aarau, Switzerland and in 1896 he entered the Swiss Federal
Polytechnic School in Zurich to be trained as a teacher in physics and mathematics.
In 1901, the year he gained his diploma, he acquired Swiss citizenship and, as he
was unable to find a teaching post, he accepted a position as technical assistant
in the Swiss Patent Office. In 1905 he obtained his doctor’s degree.
pelayaran dan perdagangan di Selat Malaka yang merupakan jalur perdagangan maritim
utama antara India dengan Tiongkok dan merupakan salah satu jalur pelayaran
terpenting di dunia. Dari perdagangan tersebut, banyak budaya-budaya asing yang
mempengaruhi dan bahkan berasimilasi dengan budaya-budaya lokal.[40] Nama Sriwijaya
mulai meredup dan diperkirakan runtuh pada awal abad ke-11. Dharmasraya kemudian
terdapat beberapa kesultanan yang juga berdiri di Jawa, yaitu Giri, Banten,
In June 2022 Britain celebrated Elizabeth’s 70 years on the throne with the
“Platinum Jubilee,” a four-day national holiday that included the Trooping the
Colour ceremony, a thanksgiving service at St. Paul’s Cathedral, a pop music
concert at Buckingham Palace, and a pageant that employed street arts, theatre,
music, circus, carnival, and costume to honour the queen’s reign. Health issues
limited Elizabeth’s involvement. Concerns about the queen’s health also led to a
break in tradition when, in September, she appointed Boris Johnson’s replacement as
prime minister, Liz Truss, at Balmoral rather than at Buckingham Palace, where she
had formally appointed more than a dozen prime ministers.
The city has broad tree-lined streets and numerous historic buildings, including
most notably a palace (1745; of the susuhunan, one of the traditional princes of
central Java), a prince’s court (1788; that of the mangkunegaran, another
traditional ruler), and a Dutch fort (1779; now a garrison headquarters). Renowned
as an educational and cultural centre, Surakarta contains the
University of Sebelas Maret, which was created in 1976 by consolidating five
existing institutions. The city also has several museums, an archive, and a number
of libraries, some with various text and multimedia collections available in
digital format.
At the risk of sounding cliché, the best biographies do exactly this: bring their
subjects to life. A great biography isn’t just a laundry list of events that
happened to someone. Rather,
menggantikan Sriwijaya, sebelum kembali digantikan oleh Pagaruyung pada abad ke-14.
In August 2017 Prince Philip officially retired from public life, though he
periodically appeared at official engagements after that. In the meantime,
Elizabeth began to reduce her own official engagements, passing some duties on to
Prince Charles and other senior members of the royal family, though the pool of
stand-ins shrank when Charles’s younger son, Prince Harry, duke of Sussex, and his
wife, Meghan, duchess of Sussex, controversially chose to give up their royal roles
in March 2020. During this period, public interest in the queen and the royal
family grew as a result of the widespread popularity of The Crown, a Netflix
television series about the Windsors that debuted in 2016. Having dealt with
several physical setbacks in recent years, Philip, who had been Elizabeth’s husband
for more than seven decades, died in April 2021. On their 50th wedding anniversary,
in 1997, Elizabeth had said of Philip, “He has, quite simply, been my strength and
stay all these years.” Because of social-distancing protocols brought about by the
COVID-19 pandemic, the queen sat alone in a choir stall in St. George’s Chapel (in
Windsor Castle) at Philip’s funeral. The widely disseminated images of her tragic
isolation were heartbreaking but emblematic of the dignity and courage that she
brought to her reign.
pelayaran dan perdagangan di Selat Malaka yang merupakan jalur perdagangan maritim
utama antara India dengan Tiongkok dan merupakan salah satu jalur pelayaran
terpenting di dunia. Dari perdagangan tersebut, banyak budaya-budaya asing yang
mempengaruhi dan bahkan berasimilasi dengan budaya-budaya lokal.[40] Nama Sriwijaya
mulai meredup dan diperkirakan runtuh pada awal abad ke-11. Dharmasraya kemudian
Setelah Konferensi Meja Bundar tanggal 27 Desember1949, Pemerintah Belanda
melaksanakan pengembalian kedaulatan kepada Pemerintah Republik Indonesia, t
Einstein always appeared to have a clear view of the problems of physics and the
determination to solve them. He had a strategy of his own and was able to visualize
the main stages on the way to his goal. He regarded his major achievements as mere
stepping-stones for the next advance.
mengembangkan SDM di bidang kearsipan; yakni merekrut pegawai baru sebagai
arsiparis. Oleh karena itu, pada masa tersebut jumlah
Albert Einstein, (born March 14, 1879, Ulm, Württemberg, Germany—died April 18,
1955, Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.), German-born physicist who developed the special
and general theories of relativity and won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921 for
his explanation of the photoelectric effect. Einstein is generally considered the
most influential physicist of the 20th century.
Tahun 1967 merupakan suatu periode yang sangat penting bagi Arsip Nasional,
This “biography of the world’s most famous equation” is a one-of-a-kind take on the
genre: rather than being the story of Einstein, it really does follow the history
of the equation itself.
saat itu. Umat manusia sendiri sebenarnya belum sampai ke Sumatra, gelombang
migrasi dari Afrika ikut terhenti untuk sementara akibat erupsi ini. Gunung Toba
kemudian tenggelam dan kalderanya membentuk sebuah danau besar dengan nama yang
At the risk of sounding cliché, the best biographies do exactly this: bring their
subjects to life. A great biography isn’t just a laundry list of events that
happened to someone. Rather,
Dalam rangka penolakan tersebut, Lansarchief mendapat tugas khusus, yaitu: ikut
serta secara aktif dalam pekerjaan ilmiah untuk penulisan sejarah Hindia Belanda,
Ibu kota Indonesia saat ini adalah Jakarta. Pada tanggal 18 Januari 2022,
pemerintah Indonesia menetapkan Ibu Kota Nusantara yang berada di Pulau Kalimantan,
yang menempati wilayah Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara, untuk menggantikan Jakarta
sebagai ibu kota yang baru.[20] Hingga tahun 2022, proses peralihan ibu kota masih
istilah Kobunsjokan yang ditempatkan dibawah Bunkyokyoku. Sebagaimana pegawai-
pegawai Belanda lainnya,
Beliau adalah salah satu tokoh dalam perjuangan militer Indonesia, dan telah
menjadi tentara pada 3 zaman, yaitu zaman Belanda, zaman Jepang, dan zaman
In 2002 Elizabeth celebrated her 50th year on the throne. As part of her “Golden
Jubilee,” events were held throughout the Commonwealth, including several days of
festivities in London. The celebrations were somewhat diminished by the deaths of
Elizabeth’s mother and sister early in the year. Beginning in the latter part of
the first decade of the 21st century, the public standing of the royal family
rebounded, and even Charles’s 2005 marriage to Camilla Parker Bowles found much
support among the British people. In April 2011 Elizabeth led the family in
celebrating the wedding of Prince William of Wales—the elder son of Charles and
Diana—and Catherine Middleton. The following month she surpassed George III to
become the second longest-reigning monarch in British history, behind Victoria.
Also in May, Elizabeth made a historic trip to Ireland, becoming both the first
British monarch to visit the Irish republic and the first to set foot in Ireland
since 1911. In 2012 Elizabeth celebrated her “Diamond Jubilee,” marking 60 years on
the throne. On September 9, 2015, she surpassed Victoria’s record reign of 63 years
and 216 days.
Para cendekiawan India telah menulis tentang Dwipantara atau kerajaan Hindu Jawa
Dwipa di Pulau Jawa dan Sumatra atau Swarna Dwipa sekitar 200 SM.
Perubahan itu ditetapkan melalui Surat Keputusan Menteri nomor 130433/5, tanggal 24
Desember 1957.
Joko Widodo, byname Jokowi, (born June 21, 1961, Surakarta, Central Java,
Indonesia), Indonesian businessman, politician, and government official who served
as governor of Jakarta (2012–14) and as president of Indonesia (2014– ). Joko
Widodo, commonly called Jokowi, who attracted international attention with his
populist style of campaigning and his anticorruption platform, became the first
Indonesian president who did not have a military background or belong to one of the
country’s prominent political families.
Surakarta, Dutch Soerakarta, also called Solo, kota (city), eastern Central Java
(Jawa Tengah) propinsi (or provinsi; province), Indonesia. It lies along the Solo
River about 35 miles (55 km) northeast of Yogyakarta. Once the capital of Surakarta
principality under the Dutch, it was occupied by Japan (1942–45) during World War
II and was later incorporated into the Indonesian republic.
What if you had twenty-four different people living inside you, and you never knew
which one was going to come out? Such was the life of Billy Milligan, the subject
of this haunting biography by the author of Flowers for Algernon. Keyes recounts,
in a refreshingly straightforward style, the events of Billy’s life and how his
psyche came to be “split”... as well as how, with Keyes’ help, he attempted to put
the fragments of himself back together.
When in 1537 Henry’s third wife, Jane Seymour, gave birth to a son, Edward,
Elizabeth receded still further into relative obscurity, but she was not neglected.
Despite his capacity for monstrous cruelty, Henry VIII treated all his children
with what contemporaries regarded as affection; Elizabeth was present at ceremonial
occasions and was declared third in line to the throne. She spent much of the time
with her half brother Edward and, from her 10th year onward, profited from the
loving attention of her stepmother, Catherine Parr, the king’s sixth and last wife.
Under a series of distinguished tutors, of whom the best known is the Cambridge
humanist Roger Ascham, Elizabeth received the rigorous education normally reserved
for male heirs, consisting of a course of studies centring on classical languages,
history, rhetoric, and moral philosophy. “Her mind has no womanly weakness,” Ascham
wrote with the unselfconscious sexism of the age, “her perseverance is equal to
that of a man, and her memory long keeps what it quickly picks up.” In addition to
Greek and Latin, she became fluent in French and Italian, attainments of which she
was proud and which were in later years to serve her well in the conduct of
diplomacy. Thus steeped in the secular learning of the Renaissance, the quick-
witted and intellectually serious princess also studied theology, imbibing the
tenets of English Protestantism in its formative period. Her association with the
Reformation is critically important, for it shaped the future course of the nation,
but it does not appear to have been a personal passion: observers noted the young
princess’s fascination more with languages than with religious dogma.
When in 1537 Henry’s third wife, Jane Seymour, gave birth to a son, Edward,
Elizabeth receded still further into relative obscurity, but she was not neglected.
Despite his capacity for monstrous cruelty, Henry VIII treated all his children
with what contemporaries regarded as affection; Elizabeth was present at ceremonial
occasions and was declared third in line to the throne. She spent much of the time
with her half brother Edward and, from her 10th year onward, profited from the
loving attention of her stepmother, Catherine Parr, the king’s sixth and last wife.
Under a series of distinguished tutors, of whom the best known is the Cambridge
humanist Roger Ascham, Elizabeth received the rigorous education normally reserved
for male heirs, consisting of a course of studies centring on classical languages,
history, rhetoric, and moral philosophy. “Her mind has no womanly weakness,” Ascham
wrote with the unselfconscious sexism of the age, “her perseverance is equal to
that of a man, and her memory long keeps what it quickly picks up.” In addition to
Greek and Latin, she became fluent in French and Italian, attainments of which she
was proud and which were in later years to serve her well in the conduct of
diplomacy. Thus steeped in the secular learning of the Renaissance, the quick-
witted and intellectually serious princess also studied theology, imbibing the
tenets of English Protestantism in its formative period. Her association with the
Reformation is critically important, for it shaped the future course of the nation,
but it does not appear to have been a personal passion: observers noted the young
princess’s fascination more with languages than with religious dogma.
In the 1980s and early ’90s the Indonesian Democratic Party rapidly expanded its
vote share by appealing to voters frustrated by apparent inequalities in
Indonesia’s social and economic structure. Because the party blamed the country’s
social ills on the governing regime, Suharto attempted to undermine it. When the
party selected Megawati as its leader, the government engineered her removal with
the aid of a faction opposed to her. Her dismissal precipitated mass protests and
violence in Jakarta, and Megawati and her supporters eventually established a new
political party, the PDI-P, to challenge the government.

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