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Selain memiliki penduduk yang padat dan wilayah yang luas, Indonesia memiliki alam

yang mendukung tingkat keanekaragaman hayati terbesar ke-2 di dunia.

Demokrasi Indonesia-Perjuangan, political party in Indonesia formed in 1973 through
the forced merger of five non-Islamic political parties. In the final three decades
of the 20th century, it was one of two opposition parties officially recognized by
the government. Although it often was supportive of the policies of President
Suharto, its antigovernment faction—led by Megawati Sukarnoputri, daughter of
Kepemimpinan Dr. Noerhadi Magetsarisebagai kepala Arsip NasionalRI berlangsung
hingga tahun 1998. Sebagai penggantinya adalah DR.
Indonesia terdiri dari berbagai suku bangsa, bahasa, dan agama. Berdasarkan rumpun
bangsa, Indonesia terdiri atas bangsa asli pribumi yakni Austronesia dan Melanesia
di mana bangsa Austronesia yang terbesar jumlahnya dan lebih banyak mendiami
Indonesia bagian barat. Dengan suku Jawa dan Sunda membentuk kelompok suku bangsa
terbesar dengan persentase mencapai 57% dari seluruh penduduk Indonesia.[21]
Semboyan nasional Indonesia, "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" (Berbeda-beda tetapi tetap
satu), bermakna keberagaman sosial-budaya yang membentuk satu kesatuan negara.
Namun kebenaran tentang hal ini banyak diperdebatkan.[27]Di Pulau Jawa sendiri,
predikat kerajaan tertua di Pulau Jawa diduga dipegang oleh Salakanagara yang
berdiri pada abad ke-1 M di daerah sekitar Cianjur, Jawa Barat. Kerajaan ini
sendiri diperkirakan menjadi cikal bakal Tarumanagara yang berdiri pada tahun 358
Masehi. Keberadaan Salakanagara juga masih menjadi perdebatan di kalangan ahli
karena kurangnya bukti-bukti sejarah.[35]
On the accession of Queen Elizabeth, her son Prince Charles became heir apparent;
he was named prince of Wales on July 26, 1958, and was so invested on July 1, 1969.
The queen’s other children were Princess Anne (Anne Elizabeth Alice Louise), born
August 15, 1950, and created princess royal in 1987; Prince Andrew (Andrew Albert
Christian Edward), born February 19, 1960, and created duke of York in 1986; and
Prince Edward (Edward Anthony Richard Louis), born March 10, 1964, and created earl
of Wessex and Viscount Severn in 1999. All these children have the surname “of
Windsor,” but in 1960 Elizabeth decided to create the hyphenated name Mountbatten-
Windsor for other descendants not styled prince or princess and royal highness.
Elizabeth’s first grandchild (Princess Anne’s son) was born on November 15, 1977.
Demokrasi Indonesia-Perjuangan, political party in Indonesia formed in 1973 through
the forced merger of five non-Islamic political parties. In the final three decades
of the 20th century, it was one of two opposition parties officially recognized by
the government. Although it often was supportive of the policies of President
Suharto, its antigovernment faction—led by Megawati Sukarnoputri, daughter of
Kepemimpinan Dr. Noerhadi Magetsarisebagai kepala Arsip NasionalRI berlangsung
hingga tahun 1998. Sebagai penggantinya adalah DR.
nomor 92 tahun 1993 tentang Kedudukan, Tugas, Fungsi, Susunan Organisasi dan Tata
Kerja Arsip Nasional RI. Berdasarkan Keppres
whose cancer cells were taken, without her knowledge, for medical testing — and
without whom we wouldn’t have many of the critical cures we depend upon today.
His success at the polls was viewed by many analysts as marking the beginning of a
new, more democratic era of Indonesian politics.
Kata "Indonesia" berasal dari bahasa Yunani kuno yaitu Indus yang merujuk kepada
sungai Indus di India dan nesos yang berarti "pulau".[22] Jadi, kata Indonesia
berarti wilayah "kepulauan India", atau kepulauan yang berada di wilayah Hindia;
ini merujuk kepada persamaan antara dua bangsa tersebut (India dan Indonesia).[23]
Pada tahun 1850, George Windsor Earl, seorang etnolog berkebangsaan Inggris,
Later, when he entered politics, his populist appeal was rooted in part to those
humble beginnings.
Selain memiliki penduduk yang padat dan wilayah yang luas, Indonesia memiliki alam
yang mendukung tingkat keanekaragaman hayati terbesar ke-2 di dunia.
Pada masa pengambilalihan Landsarchief oleh pemerintah Republik Indonesia Serikat,
masih In the summer of 1951 the health of King George VI entered into a serious
decline, and Princess Elizabeth represented him at the Trooping the Colour and on
various other state occasions. On October 7 she and her husband set out on a highly
successful tour of Canada and Washington, D.C. After Christmas in England she and
the duke set out in January 1952 for a tour of Australia and New Zealand, but en
route, at Sagana, Kenya, news reached them of the king’s death on February 6, 1952.
Elizabeth, now queen, at once flew back to England. The first three months of her
reign, the period of full mourning for her father, were passed in comparative
seclusion. But in the summer, after she had moved from Clarence House to Buckingham
Palace, she undertook the routine duties of
800 pages details every knowable moment of the youngest Founding Father’s life:
konsepsi asli tentang statusnya sebagai Arsip Negeri RIS. Hal tersebut dimaksudkan
agar arsip-arsip pemerintah pusat dapat disalurkan ke Arsip Negeri RIS.
northern Sumatra, and he later established his own furniture factory in Surakarta.
By 2002 he had become a highly successful furniture exporter, with showrooms on
several continents, as well as chairman of a local branch of the country’s
influential furniture manufacturers’ association.
serta hak-hak dan kewajiban keuangan dan lain-lain. Tugas dan Fungsi Arsip Nasional
mengalami perluasan, sejak keluarnya Peraturan Presiden nomor
In 2005 Jokowi, as a member of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (Partai
Demokrasi Indonesia-Perjuangan; PDI-P), won election as mayor of Surakarta—the
first person to be directly elected to that post. He was extraordinarily effective
in reducing crime and attracting foreign tourists to the city. His habit of making
spontaneous visits to poor neighbourhoods and his refusal to accept a salary for
his public service contributed to his reputation for humility and honesty. In 2010
nomor 92 tahun 1993 tentang Kedudukan, Tugas, Fungsi, Susunan Organisasi dan Tata
Kerja Arsip Nasional RI. Berdasarkan Keppres
the sovereign and carried out her first state opening of Parliament on November 4,
1952. Her coronation was held at Westminster Abbey on June 2, 1953.
Ron Chernow’s Alexander Hamilton is not only the inspiration for a hit Broadway
musical, but also a work of creative genius itself. This massive undertaking of
sejarah merupakan ilmu yang mempelajari apa yang telah diperbuat atau dilakukan
oleh manusia.
Surakarta, Dutch Soerakarta, also called Solo, kota (city), eastern Central Java
(Jawa Tengah) propinsi (or provinsi; province), Indonesia. It lies along the Solo
River about 35 miles (55 km) northeast of Yogyakarta. Once the capital of Surakarta
principality under the Dutch, it was occupied by Japan (1942–45) during World War
II and was later incorporated into the Indonesian republic.
menggantikan Sriwijaya, sebelum kembali digantikan oleh Pagaruyung pada abad ke-14.
sejarah akan menitikberatkan pada pencatatan-pencatatan yang berarti dan penting
bagi manusia.
account of incredible devotion and sharp commentary on the pain of separation among
immigrant families.
Ron Chernow’s Alexander Hamilton is not only the inspiration for a hit Broadway
musical, but also a work of creative genius itself. This massive undertaking of
berkuasa 1808–1811 dan dikenal pro-Prancis) Kekuasaan Prancis berakhir pada tahun
1811 ketika Britania mengalahkan kekuatan Belanda-Prancis di pulau Jawa.[butuh
His success at the polls was viewed by many analysts as marking the beginning of a
new, more democratic era of Indonesian politics.
On the accession of Queen Elizabeth, her son Prince Charles became heir apparent;
he was named prince of Wales on July 26, 1958, and was so invested on July 1, 1969.
The queen’s other children were Princess Anne (Anne Elizabeth Alice Louise), born
August 15, 1950, and created princess royal in 1987; Prince Andrew (Andrew Albert
Christian Edward), born February 19, 1960, and created duke of York in 1986; and
Prince Edward (Edward Anthony Richard Louis), born March 10, 1964, and created earl
of Wessex and Viscount Severn in 1999. All these children have the surname “of
Windsor,” but in 1960 Elizabeth decided to create the hyphenated name Mountbatten-
Windsor for other descendants not styled prince or princess and royal highness.
Elizabeth’s first grandchild (Princess Anne’s son) was born on November 15, 1977.
Kata sejarah diserap ke dalam bahasa Melayu pada abad ke-13. Kata ini berasal dari
bahasa Arab, yakni syajarotun, yang artinya pohon.
The city has broad tree-lined streets and numerous historic buildings, including
most notably a palace (1745; of the susuhunan, one of the traditional princes of
central Java), a prince’s court (1788; that of the mangkunegaran, another
traditional ruler), and a Dutch fort (1779; now a garrison headquarters). Renowned
as an educational and cultural centre, Surakarta contains the
it should weave a narrative and tell a story in almost the same way a novel does.
In this way, biography differs from the rest of nonfiction.
Sejak Belanda melancarkan agresi militer yang pertama dan Elizabeth was the elder
daughter of Prince Albert, duke of York, and his wife, Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon.
As the child of a younger son of King George V, the young Elizabeth had little
prospect of acceding to the throne until her uncle, Edward VIII (afterward duke of
Windsor), abdicated in her father’s favour on December 11, 1936, at which time her
father became King George VI and she became heir presumptive. The princess’s
education was supervised by her mother, who entrusted her daughters to a governess,
Marion Crawford; the princess was also grounded in history by C.H.K. Marten,
afterward provost of Eton College, and had instruction from visiting teachers in
music and languages. During World War II she and her sister, Princess Margaret
Rose, perforce spent much of their time safely away from the London
adanya Deputi Pembinaan dan Deputi Konservasi, Pembentukan Unit Pelaksana Teknis
dan penggunaan istilah untuk Perwakilan Arsip
dan organisasi kearsipan pada masa pemerintah Kolonial Belanda (landarchief) dan
produk-produk kearsipannya. Setelah kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia, lembaga
kearsipan (landarchief) diambil oleh pemerintah RI
In 2005 Jokowi, as a member of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (Partai
Demokrasi Indonesia-Perjuangan; PDI-P), won election as mayor of Surakarta—the
first person to be directly elected to that post. He was extraordinarily effective
in reducing crime and attracting foreign tourists to the city. His habit of making
spontaneous visits to poor neighbourhoods and his refusal to accept a salary for
his public service contributed to his reputation for humility and honesty. In 2010
In 1973 Suharto’s authoritarian regime implemented political reforms to limit the
power of opposition groups and the number of recognized political entities to
three: Golkar, a pro-government group that controlled state institutions; and two
opposition parties, the Indonesian Democratic Party (later the PDI-P) and the
United Development Party. The Indonesian Democratic Party was created from three
nationalist groups and two Christian-based parties: the Indonesian Nationalist
Party, the Movement for the Defense of Indonesian Independence, the People’s Party,
the Catholic Party, and the Christian Party.
whose cancer cells were taken, without her knowledge, for medical testing — and
without whom we wouldn’t have many of the critical cures we depend upon today.
Titled after one of her most evocative poems, this shimmering bio of Sylvia Plath
takes an unusual approach. Instead of focusing on her years of depression and
tempestuous marriage to poet Ted Hughes, it chronicles her life before she ever
came to Cambridge. Wilson closely examines her early family and relationships,
feelings and experiences, with information taken from her meticulous diaries —
setting a strong precedent for other Plath biographers to follow.
Elizabeth’s early years were not auspicious. She was born at Greenwich Palace, the
daughter of the Tudor king Henry VIII and his second wife, Anne Boleyn. Henry had
defied the pope and broken England from the authority of the Roman Catholic Church
in order to dissolve his marriage with his first wife, Catherine of Aragon, who had
borne him a daughter, Mary. Since the king ardently hoped that Anne Boleyn would
give birth to a male heir, regarded as key to stable dynastic succession, the birth
of a second daughter was a bitter disappointment that dangerously weakened the new
queen’s position. Before Elizabeth reached her third birthday, her father had her
mother beheaded on charges of adultery and treason. Moreover, at Henry’s
instigation, an act of Parliament declared his marriage with Anne Boleyn invalid
from the beginning, thus making their daughter Elizabeth illegitimate, as Roman
Catholics had all along claimed her to be. (Apparently, the king was undeterred by
the logical inconsistency of simultaneously invalidating the marriage and accusing
his wife of adultery.) The emotional impact of these events on the little girl, who
had been brought up from infancy in a separate household at Hatfield, is not known;
presumably, no one thought it worth recording. What was noted was her precocious
seriousness; at six years old, it was admiringly observed, she had as much gravity
as if she had been 40.
penyelenggaraan segala urusan Arsip Nasional dipindahkan ke Kementerian Pertama RI,
termasuk wewenang, tugas dan kewajiban, perlengkapan materiil dan personalia,
What if you had twenty-four different people living inside you, and you never knew
which one was going to come out? Such was the life of Billy Milligan, the subject
of this haunting biography by the author of Flowers for Algernon. Keyes recounts,
in a refreshingly straightforward style, the events of Billy’s life and how his
psyche came to be “split”... as well as how, with Keyes’ help, he attempted to put
the fragments of himself back together.
In 1973 Suharto’s authoritarian regime implemented political reforms to limit the
power of opposition groups and the number of recognized political entities to
three: Golkar, a pro-government group that controlled state institutions; and two
opposition parties, the Indonesian Democratic Party (later the PDI-P) and the
United Development Party. The Indonesian Democratic Party was created from three
nationalist groups and two Christian-based parties: the Indonesian Nationalist
Party, the Movement for the Defense of Indonesian Independence, the People’s Party,
the Catholic Party, and the Christian Party.
The queen seemed increasingly aware of the modern role of the monarchy, allowing,
for example, the televising of the royal family’s domestic life in 1970 and
condoning the formal dissolution of her sister’s marriage in 1978. In the 1990s,
however, the royal family faced a number of challenges. In 1992, a year that
Elizabeth referred to as the royal family’s annus horribilis, Prince Charles and
his wife, Diana, princess of Wales, separated, as did Prince Andrew and his wife,
Sarah, duchess of York. Moreover, Anne divorced, and a fire gutted the royal
residence of Windsor Castle. In addition, as the country struggled with a
recession, resentment over the royals’ lifestyle mounted, and in 1992 Elizabeth,
although personally exempt, agreed to pay taxes on her private income. The
separation and later divorce (1996) of Charles and the immensely popular Diana
further eroded support for the royal family, which was viewed by some as antiquated
and unfeeling. The criticism intensified following Diana’s death in 1997,
especially after Elizabeth initially refused to allow the national flag to fly at
half-staff over Buckingham Palace. In line with her earlier attempts at modernizing
the monarchy, the queen subsequently sought to present a less-stuffy and less-
traditional image of the monarchy. These attempts were met with mixed success.
completely changed the trajectory of modern medicine. Rebecca Skloot skillfully
commemorates the previously unknown life of a poor black woman
Surakarta, Dutch Soerakarta, also called Solo, kota (city), eastern Central Java
(Jawa Tengah) propinsi (or provinsi; province), Indonesia. It lies along the Solo
River about 35 miles (55 km) northeast of Yogyakarta. Once the capital of Surakarta
principality under the Dutch, it was occupied by Japan (1942–45) during World War
II and was later incorporated into the Indonesian republic.
Joko Widodo, byname Jokowi, (born June 21, 1961, Surakarta, Central Java,
Indonesia), Indonesian businessman, politician, and government official who served
as governor of Jakarta (2012–14) and as president of Indonesia (2014– ). Joko
Widodo, commonly called Jokowi, who attracted international attention with his
populist style of campaigning and his anticorruption platform, became the first
Indonesian president who did not have a military background or belong to one of the
country’s prominent political families.
This “biography of the world’s most famous equation” is a one-of-a-kind take on the
genre: rather than being the story of Einstein, it really does follow the history
of the equation itself.

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