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fi 1 foo eee ee AGREEMENT NO, PPEJ-17000072-01 | kai OPERATION & MAINTENANCE SERVICES FSO CINTA NATOMAS between JOB PERTAMINA — PETROCHINA EAST JAVA and oie PT DUTA MARINE co t eee cm acre eros c ee JANI ). PPE-171 4 AND MAINTE! VICES FSO CINTA NATOMAS Perjanjian ini dibuat den ditandatangani pada hari Rabu tanggal 13 September 2017 (‘Perjanjian’), oleh dan diantare AGREEMENT NO, PPEJ-17000072-0 ERATION AND MAINTENANCE SERVI FSO CINTA NATOMAS This Agreement is made and entered into this Wednesday of 13 September 2017 (‘Agreement’), by and between: JOINT OPERATING BODY PERTAMINA - PETROCHINA EAST JAVA Gedung Menara Kuningan 18" & 20" Floor, Ji. HR. Rasuna Said Blok X/7, Kav. 8. vakarta 12040 (selanjutnya disebut sebagai ‘PERUSAHAAN hereinafter referred to as COMPANY"), danfan. PT. DUTA MARINE, JK. H. Abdullah Syafei Blok A No. 29D Kel. Kebon Baru Kec, Tebet Jakarta Selatan 12830 (selanjutnya disebut sebagai "KONTRAKTOR' hereinafter referred to as “CONTRACTOR") PERUSAHAAN dan KONTRAKTOR dalam Pefjanjian ini selanjutnya disebut “Pihak” jika disebut senditi-sendii atau ‘Para Pihak” jika disobut bersama-sama MENGINGAT: BAHWA PERUSAHAAN adalah sebuah Badan yang dibentuk berdasarkan Kontrak Production Sharing - Perjanjian Operasi Borsama antara Trend East Java Limited dan Perusahaan Pertambangan Minyak dan Gas Bumi Negara (PERTAMINA) tertenggel 29 Pebruari 1988 dan perubahannya;-dan BAHWA PERUSAHAAN bermenang menangani etsploras! dan Produks! minyek di daerah Blok Tusan, Jawa Timur, Republik Indonesia, dan COMPANY and CONTRACTOR es individually hereinafter shall be refered to as “Party” or collectively shall referred to as “the Parties” WITNESS WHEREAS COMPANY is the Joint Operating Body formed under the Production Sharing Contract - Joint Operating Agreement between Trend East Java Limited and Perusahaan Perlambangan Minyak dan Gas Bum Negara (PERTAMINA) dated 29 February 1988 and its amendment; and WHEREAS COMPANY has charge of petroleum exploration and Production in the Tuban Block, East Java, Republic of Indonesie, and Is desicous of services hereinafter describe Pages pembayaran yang dilakukan oleh KONTRAKTOR. Dalam batss waktu yang ditetapkan di dalam Pefjanjian ini, setelah adanya pemberitahuan —tertulis. kepada KONTRAKTOR, PERUSAHAAN dapat memeriksa pembukuan, tagihan, bukti dan dokumen-dokumen lain yeng berkaiten langsung dengan Jasa yang dilaksanakan berdasarkan Perjanjian ini untuk meneliti ketepatan dan kepatuhan Within the time limit herein established, COMPANY may, following written notice to CONTRACTOR, audit and examine the accounts, invoices, tickets and other documents exclusively related to the ‘Services performed under this Agreement {for the purpose of verifying the accuracy and complianos with the provisions of this Asticle, provided that said auditors shall not 7 tethadap ketentuan-Ketentuan Pasal ini, disclose to COMPANY any information dengan ketentuan bahwa para seoured in the course of such audit which - pemeriksa tersebut tidak = akan does not bear on its above-mentioned - mengungkapkan kepada purpose. PERUSAHAAN —_informasi-informas! i yang diperoleh pada saat pemeriksaan : fersebut yang tidak ada kaitannya dengan tujuan tersebut di atas. 20 TU, IAN 2.0 TERMOF AGREEMENT hi . G 2.4 JANGKA WAKTU 24 TERM Perjanjian- ini berlaku sejak tanggal This Agreement is effective... on L 13. September 2017 ("Tanggal Efekti”) selama jangka wakty.6 (enam) bulan atau sampai Nilai Total Perjanjian teccapai atau sempai tanggel 28 Februari September 13, 2017 (‘Effective Dato") for the tem of six (6) months or until Total ‘Agreement Value has reached or until February 28, 2018 whereas Tuban Block 2018 dimana Kontrek Kerja Sama Blok ‘Tuban telah selesei, kejadian mana yang terjadi lebin dahulu, dengan tetap PSCs has been terminated, whichever occur earlier, subject to provision on the Articles 2.2 and 2.3 of this Agreement. mengacu pada Pasal 22 dan 23 u Perjanjian ini. ' Kontsk Kerja Sama PERUSAHAAN COMPANY's PSC shall expire on fi ‘akan berakhir pada tanggal 28 Februari February 28, 2018. Therefore, atthat time, et 2018. Maka pada saat _tersebut COMPANY and/or new operator for PERUSAHAAN danvetau operator Blok Tuban Block (‘New Operator) will Ui Tuan yang baru (Operon Ben?) _ evaluate the Agreement and if according Usasrabestiaiato ieee ae to the valuation of the COMPANY and / or (! aimaksud den I the new Operate its obtained that: u iat COMPANY roerent No, PPE-7000072.01 A Rp MAINTENANCE SERVICES FSO CINTANATOMAS Sen TRACTOR fi . Pasess ) lisan maupun tertulis pada Peranjian ini relating to the subject matter hereof. Any yang dilakukan di antara para pihak amendments to this Agreement shall be in berkaitan cengan pokok writing and signed by the parties hereto, fl permasalahannya. Setiap perubehan u tethadap Perjanjian ini akan dilakukan He secara tertulis dan ditandatangani oleh U kedua pihak yang berkepentingan. r Derrikian Perjanjian ini dibuat dalam 2 (dua) In witness whereof, Agreement is made and bu rangkep maesing-masing asli bermaterai seria executed by the parties on the date mentioned imempunyai kekuatan hukum yang sama dan above in two (2) original sets, respectively duty a citaridatangani oleh para pihak pada tanggal ‘stamped and having the same legal enforcement. u sebagaimena tercantum pada awal Perjaniian L KONTRAKTORICONTRACTOR PERUS NY i . PT. DUTA MARINE JOB PERTAMINA-PETROCHINA EAST JAVA, b GW Lu 5 “apy NL Akbarsyah President Director co rw | anne une ses cS jens C L Se Hee eee ee EXHIBIT "A" AGREEMENT NO. PPEJ-17000072-O1 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE SERVICES FSO CINTA NATOMAS SCOPE OF SERVICES u [ EXHISITA u PPEI-17000024-01 Page 1 of 15 Perry SCHIBITB i SCOPE OF WORK LNGKUP KERIA OPERNTION & REAINTENANCE SERVICES JASA 1 PERAWATS co co 'warropueion ‘Tuban Marine Terminal is an open, unsheltered ‘mooring in the Java Sea, 30 meters water depth, ‘about 18.5 km.north of Tuban East Jave, and is, 2. FENDAHULUAN, ‘Tuban Marine Terminal adalah sistam mooring ‘erbuka dengan kedalaman 30 meter ke bawah faut yang dioperasikan oleh PERUSAHAAN, opsvated by the COMPANY, Lokasinya berada oi Laut Jawa, tepetaya 18.5 km df vtara Tuban, Jawa Timur. C co Soi Cc The Vescal will be soft-moored by two (2) length ‘of 24 inch cicurnference mooring braldlings to sh. mooring log SPLA. ‘The Export Tanker will be tandem-moored with the vessel by one (1) length of 18 Inch circumference mooring braidlines Mudi/Stxowatl crude oil production is coming from Onshore, Central Plant Processing through ‘one (2) 19 inches nipatines, within AP about 39.0 that currently apzroximately 22,000 barrels ger ay, wile the ol is discharge through two 26” Kapal eken ditambatken dengan dua (2) mooring ‘broidlines 22 inci ke mooring leg SPM. Export Tanker aken ditambatkan ke kapal secara tandem dengan satu (2) mooring broidines 18 inc. Produks| minyak Mudi/Sukowati dikirim dari Central Processing Area darat melelul satu (1) ipa 10 inci sebanyak 12,000 barrel per hari dengan API 39.0, Minyak tersebut akan diatirkan ‘molalui dua (2) hose string 16 incl. Poa C comply with the International Safety Guide for il Terminal and Tanker (ISGOTT, ISN Code, and Safety Standard Regulation (HSE Handbook, latest edition) provided by COMPANY or other writen guidance approved by the authorized COMPANY'S representative, 2.2. CONTRACTOR hes an obligation to protect the Integrity, of the COMPANY's human, physical and financial resources. Realizing that. the world’s natural resources of air, water, and land are vital to mankind's global existence, progress and continued development, it Is considered that environmental protection to be paramount. { concern in the operation activities, The Manus points out hazards and outline safety precautions to observe and followen the Vessel. L hese string + 2, Sane 2. SAFETY ni u 2.1 Ip performing the Vlork, CONTRACTOR shall 2.1 KONTRAKTOR harus_bekerja. sesual standor International Safety Guide for O# Terminal and Tanker (ISGOTT}, ISM Code dan Regulasi Stander Keamanan (Buku Pandvan HSE, edisi ‘ertaru) yang diberikan PERUSAHAAN ataupun panduan terulis yang disetujul perwakilan PERUSAHAAN yang berwenang. 2.2. KONTRAKTOR wajlb menfaga Integritas sumber aye manusia, fisik dan keuangan PERUSAHAAN, Untuk menjaga sumber daya ‘alam terutama udara, air dan tanah yang vital Untuk eksistensl, kelangsungan dan kelanjutan hidup manusia, maka perlinéungen lingkungan harus dijaditan pechatian utama dalam aktivitas, operasi. Idontifikasi bahay dan tindaken pencegahan keselamaten disedakon di buku ‘manual untuk diperhatikan dan clpatuhi selama Cm berada di kapat. 23 Hot work terutama api terbuke, pembakaran dan pengelasan dilarang dan hanya boleh igunakan sebagai pithan terakhir. Tidak boleh ‘ada pekerlaan fot work tanpa persetujuan tertulis dari PERUSAHAAN. KONTRAKTOR enwannann Ae 2.3. Hot work, particularly open flame, buming, ‘welding shall be prohibited and only used 2s 2 last resort. No hot work can be performed without COMPANY written approval. [sean {} u SRE Eee eee fo {anes Eee tesa a 24 25 Ba CONTRACTOR shall follow COMPANY HSE Handbook for any Hot Work requirement, CONTRACTOR shail apply all relevant and appropriate standards required to achieve the standards, function, safety requirements ang cost effective design intended hy the Recommended Practice, Safety Manual, and ‘Operation Manual, subject to COMPANY approval CONTRACTOR shall confirm that the activites to perform the Work conforms to COMPANY's “HSE and CSMS Requirements" and “CONTRACTOR's Perforriance Management”. In general, deviations from all those requirements will not be allowed. ‘THE WORK OVERVIEW General Operation Requirement ‘The operation services of which the ‘CONTRACTOR shall provide wil include, but not limited to the following: ‘Operate the Vessel to receive, store crude oll production from Central processing unit end to ‘export tanker Indirectly via the SPM to which the Vessel is moored, Maintain good quality of Mudi/Sukowatl crude to be exported within COMPANY standard, Discharge crude oll for export/domestic via Metering and Proving systems and catch adequate sample via automatic sampling unit and tube, Processing produced water and discharge to overboard within limit of produce water can be discharged overboard via settling process and ‘ODM system + record system, Vessel maintenance Including spare parts and equipment calibration, Vessel administration including cass, flag, and statutory, © Crews and catering, © Providing Fresh water with total capacty 60 ‘ton/day for dally operation and consumable, ‘Operation support Including personnel transfer ‘and material handling, ‘Mooring hawsers and floating hoses Periodic Ingpection, maintenance and services 35 per ‘manufacturer and OCIMF guidelines, Periodic Under water Inspection, Maintenance and repair to SBM unit and chains EXHIBIT A, PPEs-17000024-01. Page 2 of 15 hharus_mengikuti buku panduan HSE dari PERUSAHAAN mengenai ketentuan hot work. 2a KONTRAKTOR harus mengikuti semua standar yang relevan untuk méemenuhi ketentuan standar, furgs keselamatan dan desain dengan biaya efektif yang dimaksud oleh Recommended Practice, Safety Manal, den Operation Manual, ° dengan’ disetujut PERUSAHAAN, 25 KONTRAKTOR harus memastlian bahwa semue aktifitas pekerjaan yang dllekukan sesuai dengan "Ketentuan HSE dan SMS” PERUSAHAAN dan “Manajenien Performa” KONTRAKTOR. Penyimpangaa deri ketentuan dl atas tidak diperbolehkan, 3. RINGKASAN PEKERIAAN 341 Ketentuan Operas Umum 4Jasa_operasi yang dlsediakan KONTRAKTOR ‘antara lain, tapl tidak dlbatas! oleh: ‘+ Mengoperasikan kapal dalam —menerima, ‘meaylmpan dan mengirim produks! minyak dari Central Processing Area ke Export Toner ‘melalul SPM dimana kapal citambatkan, ‘© Menjaga—kualitas—minyak ~~ mentah ‘Mudi/Sukowati untuk diekspor sesual standar PERUSAHAAN, ‘= Mengirimkan — minyak —mentah untuk ekspor/domestik melalui sistem metering dan proving serta mengambil sampel melalui unit dan tabung sampling otomatis, ‘¢ Memprosesalr produkst dan membuang ke laut sesual limit alr produks| yang boleh dibuang ke laut melalui proses setting dan sistem ODMean record, ‘© Perawaten kapal, termasck spore part dan poralatan kalibrasi, ‘© Administrasi kepal, termasuk class, flag den statutory, ‘+ Anak buah kapal dan layanan katering, Menyediakan kebutuhan air tawar untuk keperluan operas! dan konsums!sehari~ hai, = Penunjang operas, termasuk transfer pekeria dan penanganan material, ‘+ Inspekst periodik, perawatan dan servis, ‘mooring hawser dan floating hoses sesuni pedoman dari pabrikan dan OCIMF, ca eae eee ce (erga: Ee eee Cc ian ‘+ Periodic Inspection, Maintenance, testingand of Hose raisers, as per manufacturer and! OCIME uidelines. AAI task associated with the operation and tenance shall be the responsibilty of CONTRACTOR For duration of UTIUZATION PERIOD. ‘Operation ofthe FSO shell be in accordance with all applicable international Chamber of Shipping publication and in particular with the Oil Companies titernational Marine Forum (OCIMF} and international Safety Guide For Oil Tenkers & Terminal (\SGOTT), “particularly sections which are applicable to the oparation of FSO. CONTRACTOR shall take due cognizance ‘of these documents and shall embody all aspect which are applicable to the safe and proper ‘operation of the FSO. 3.2 Condition ofthe Vessel CONTRACTOR shall, throughout the perlod of service under this Contract, exercise due igence to make and maintain the, Vessel in ‘accordance with good marine practice and, a. In every way fitto carry crude petroleum and/or Ins dirty products, and, b, tight,” staunch, strong, In good order and condition, In every way fit for the service, with cargo spaces, facilities and equipment ready to recelve, store and deliver cargo In such a state as to obtain the safe, efficient and economic workIng operations and with a full and efficent complement of Master, Officers and crew fully competent, certified and experienced, for @ vessel of her tonnage, to services contracted for, 4, CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE 41 CONTRACTOR shall provide and pay for all provisions, deck and engine room stores, galley and cabin stores; Insurance of the Vessel; wages, taxes, Insurances ofthe Master, Officers and crew; consular and agency fees pertaining to CONTRACTOR'S matters (namely C1. & QPort Clearance, Launch Hire/Car Hire, Telegrams, Crew Handling Charge, Agency Permit classification fee and other fee to maintain vessels certificates; calibration fees (meters, ‘prover, portable ullage/temperature sensing EXHIBIT PPes-17000024-01 Page 30f 15 Inspeksi periodic bawah laut serta perawatan ddan perbaikan unit dan rantal SBM, ‘+ Inspakst pertodik, perawatan dan ull coba hose raisers, sesuei pedoman dari pabrikan Semua pekerjaan yang berkaitan dengan foperast dan perawatan merupakan tanggung Jawab KONTRAKTOR selama durasi PERIODE KONTRAK. Pengoperasian FSO harus sesual dengan semila ppublikasi international Chamber of Shipping yang beriaku, Khususnya Of! Companies International Marine forum (OCIMF) den Intemational Safety Guide For Oll Tankers & Terminal (!SGOTT), terutama bagian mengenai ‘operasi FSO. KONTRAKTOR harus memaher ‘okumen tersebue dan menerapkannya dalam s2gala aspek untuk kepentingan keselamatan dan operas! FSO yang layak. 3.2 KondistKopal Selama periode Kontrak, KONTRAKTOR harus ‘menjalankan ujikelayakan untuk menjaga agar Kapal sesuai dengan penerapan marin yang balk dan, a. dalam keadaan layak untuk menylrmpan rinyak ‘mentah dan produk kotornya, dan b. ust, fukuh, tangguh, delam kondlst balk dan layak dalam segala aspek Jase dengan rang katgo, fesltas dan peralatan yang siap'tntuk menerima, menyimpan dan mengirlmkan kargo agar tercapat operasi kerja yang aman, efisien ddan ekonomis dengan cllengkepl oleh Master, Pekerja dan anak bush kapal yang kompeten, tersertfkas! dan berpengalaman — celam ‘menangant kapal sejenis. KEWAJIBAN KONTRAKTOR 4.4 KONTRAKTOR harus memastikan ketersediasn semue persediaan den perbetalan di de wang resin, depur kapal dan kabin; asurans! kop; sail pala, asurorst Master, Pekerjo dan anak tat kapal;biaya honsular den keagenan yong berkaton dengan persoalan KONTRAKTOR (seperti Ida Cl & Q Port, Sewa Kapal Berkas/Mobil, Telegram, Blaya Peranganan ‘Anak Buah Kapal, lzin Keagenan; biaya asifkast dan bioyalainnya untuk pengurusan sertifkasikapal; blaye kalibras (meter, prover, A a t co [ c co t devices, ec}; MIGAS fees for safety eanipment ‘and others; government permit for using the vvosvel as FSO; all fumigation expenses and erattization exemption certificates; garbage dlisposal; al fresh water used by the Vessel and when required, Vessel shall suppiy fresh water to COMPANY's work boat in the ares. CONTRACTOR shall also pay all provisions oF caf:20re faclities { boat, divers, barges, etc. ), bors, maieriais, equipments, and” other related Ghird artios charge required for FSO system malitenance Includes the Vessal, SPM, hoses, mooring hawser, and mooring chalns.. ‘CONTHACTOR shall aso pay forall port charges, eg. light dues, dock dues, harbor dues, hhotbcrmaster fees, canal dues, pllotage, consular ind agency fees, tugs necessary for isting the Vessel tn, about and out the port for the purpose of this Contract, agencies pertoining to the CONTRACT, expenses of foaging and unloading cargoes, and all other charges vhatsoever except those herein stated as payable by COMPANY. CONTRACTOR. shall provide all oparaticn ‘service's scope that Include 4 Unit generator set Total, Capacity, 6,600 KVa‘with Zero Running Hours, Water maker with total capacity 60 ‘Ton/Day, 2 unit Boller with Turbine Exhaust Gas figutd phase heater. 5. COMPAY TO PROVIDE ‘COMPANY shall provide and pay forall fuel, Cargo Documents and Transport Charge as stipulated by Pertamine Shipping/Directorate General of Sea ‘Communications. COMPANY will provide hoses, mooring hawser, ‘and diving station required for hoses or mooring awser replacement. 6. BUNKERS CONDITION ‘COMPANY aiid CONTRACTOR shall Jointly appotat an Independent surveyor for validating the bunker inventory. ExHAMTA PE}-17000024-01 Page 4 of 15 ‘lat pengukur ulage/temperetur portable, dl); blaya MIGAS untuk peralatan keselamatan; izin pemerintah untuk penggunaan kapal sebagai FSO; semua biaya fumigas! dan serif pembebasan deraitization; pembuangan sampah;, semua alr bersih yang digunakan i pal dan; tka dfbutunkan, Kapal arus dapat rmemasck air bersih ke kapal kerja fain milk PERUSAHAAN yang berads di area, KONTRAKTOR juga wajib membayar semus persediaen fasiltas lepes pantai (kspal, enyelam, barges, alll, buruh, material, peralatan dan blaya terkait pihak ketiga lain Yong dibutunkan dalam perawatan sistem FSO. ‘termasuk Kapal, SPM, hoses, mooring havser dan mooring chains. 42 KONTRAKTOR juga wali membayer semua biaye pelabuhan, seperti furan ringan, Turan ddok, luran pelabuhan, biaya haroormaster, furan kanal,. biaya pelayaran, konsular den eagenan, kapal tug boot, yang umbutvlikan untuk membantu Kepal, blaye masuk dan keluar pelabuhan yang beshubungan dengan Kontrak Ini, keagenan yang berkaitan dengan Kontrak Int, blaya loading dan unloading \argo dan semua biaya lain kecvall yang disebutkan dist ‘akan dbayar oleh PERUSANAAN, 43. KONTRAKTOR wajib) menyediakon somus lingkup jasa operasi termasuk 4 set generator dengan total kapasitas 6,000, kVa dan zero running hours, water moker dengan total kapasitas 60 Tonfharl, 2 unit Boller dilengkapl Turbine Exhaust Heater untuk fasa ges den cairan. 5. KEWAJIBAN PERUSAHAAN PERUSAHAAN walib menyediakan dan membayer seriua bahan baker, dokumen kargo,dan bieya ‘ransportas! sesual yang telah ditetapkan oleh Pertamina _Shipoing/Direktorat —_Jenderal Komunikas! Laut. PERUSAHAAN akan menyediakan hoses, mooring ‘hawser dan pos penyelam yang dlbutukan untuk penggantian hoses maupun mooring hawser. 6. KONDIS! BUNKER PERUSAHIAAN den KONTRAKTOR akan menunjuk bersama satu surveyor indepencen untuk mengesahkan Inventaris bunker. KONTRAKTOR a ah jnaa} aoe Cc CONTRACTOR shall accept and pay to COMPANY ‘the bunker amount when Vessel is leaving COMPANY'S site to CONTRACTOR’s site. COMPANY shall accept and pay to CONTRACTOR the bunker amount when Vessel arrives at the COMPANY'S ste after completing the Reconcltion work. \VESSEL OPERATION SERVICES 7.4 CONTRACTOR shall safely manage and operate the Vessel during its operation including but not limited to smoothly handle the hand over ‘operation from the current Temporary Oi Storage Barge. 7.2 CONTRACTOR shall warrant that the vessal fully compiles with the ISM Code ands in possession of a valid Safety Management Certificate and will remain so for the entirety of her employment under this CONTRACT. The CONTRACTOR shall provide the COMPANY with satisfactory evidence of ISM code compliance. 7.3 CONTRACTOR shall fully responsible forall cargo ‘operation Including leading, storing, heating, dewatering, custody transfer, stripping, free ‘water separation, discharging, tank clearing, innerting, gas freeing, sampling, equipment calibration (meter, portable ullage, thermometer, etc) and maintsining Inventory and log. 7.4 Report for custody transfer to be prepared by CONTRACTOR includes Metering station report, Meter proving report and delivery ticket report. 7.5 CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit to COMPANY at 0500 each day the daly report as follows: ‘© Dally production report comprising: total Production, total product onboard, produced ‘water onboard, ‘© Bunker used, recelved, and available onboard, ‘© Fresh water produced, used and transferred, © Custody transfer, Personnel onboard, EXHIBIT A PPEY-17000024-01, Page 5 of 25 ‘akan menerima dan _membayar sesvai jumlah bunker kepada PERUSAMAAN ketike Kapa ‘meninggallan area PERUSAHAAN menuju area KONTRAKTOR, PERUSAHAAN akan menerima dan membayar sesuai jumlah bunker kepada KONTRAKTOR kKetike Kapal tita oi orea PERUSAHAAN setaleh pekerjaan perbalkan, 7. JASA OPERAS! KAPAL 7.1 KONTRAKTOR —walib—mengatur dan ‘mengoperasikan Kapal secara aman selama dures! operasi, termasuk menangani operasi serah terima secara lancar dart Kapal Penyimpanan Minyak Sementars, 7.2 KONTRAKTOR walib memastikan behwa Kapal memenubi 15M Code dan memiliki Sertifikat ‘Manajemen Keselamatan yeng sah selama keeseluruhan duras} Kontrak inl. KONTRAKTOR Wallb membertkan bukti pemenuhan ISM Code kepada PERUSAHAAN. 7.3 KONTRAKTOR bertanggung jawab terhadap semua operasi kargo termasuk pemuatan, penyimpanan, heating, pengeringan, custody tronsfer, stripping, pemisshaan free water, discharging, tank cleaning, Innerting, gas ‘freeing, sompling, kalbrast peralatan (meter, portable ullage, termometer, di) dan mengurus Taventarts dan fog. 74 Leporan custody transfer disiapkan oleh KONTRAKTOR termasuk laporanstasiun metering, laporen meter proving dan laporan. ‘aket pengiriman. 7.5 KONTRAKTOR —wajib menyiapken dan. mengirimkan leporan_berikut kepada PERUSAHAAN pada jam 05.00 setiap hari ‘sebagal laporan haria ‘+ Leporan produks arian yang teri dari: total Produk, total produk i tas kapa, alr produks! lataskapal, ‘© Bunker yang digurakan, diterima dan tersedia i tas kanal, : Air bersth yang dlprodutsl, digunakan dan ivonser, + Custody transfer, + Jumiah pekerja datas kepal, ane ah fe C ee ere ee See ee oo ete fc 1 ‘© Dally activités in Engine room and Main deck such as Maintenance, light/malor repairs and defective equipment/machineres. 7.6 CONTRACTOR shall supervise the Vessel Operation Service, conducting any related mooring and/or unmooring activities, and, whenever requested by COMPANY, provide fuel oll for the Vessel Operation, 7.7. CONTRACTOR shall provide operation support such as personnel transfer and material handling by crane, fuel transfer to/from ‘boat/borges as requested by COMPANY, catering, housekeeping and general cleaning services, comply with all the necessary Vessel Operation Procedure. 7.8. Partof the Works performed by CONTRACTORis to ensure that any CONTRACTOR’: Personnel assigned to work in COMPANY premises Is willing to cooperate fully and obey COMPANY directions, as required. 7.9 Vessel is to function as a metered floating storage aid -loading facility at Single Point ‘Mooring: Buoys (SBM) in the Tuban Merine Terminal, where she will receive crude oll from floating hoses or discharge same as required through floating hoses. 7.20 Vessel will be required to vacate the SBM and ‘anchor, returning to an S8M whenever directed to do s0 to receive or discharge crude oll as directed by the COMPANY’s Terminal Manager cor his Representative. 7.34 The Vessels engine shall at all times be fully ‘operational, inall respectson a continuous basis ‘oF on a 12 hours! notice basis, as decided from time to time by the COMPANY's Terminal ‘Manager or his Representative. If longer notice required for special engine malntenance or Classification Society survey requirements that may affect Vessel’s function as a storage and ‘export facity, this shall be subject to approvat by the COMPANY'S Terminal Manager or bis Representative. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 7.12 COMPANY will exercise due diligence to ensure that Vescel is employedasa floating storage and loading facility safely moored to a SOM or at anchor as mentioned atove, where she con always le safely eflost but notwithstanding EXHIBIT A PPEL-17000024-01 Page 6 of 15 ‘© Aktifitas harian df ruang mesin dan dok utara Seperti perawatan, perbaikan ringan/beser dan, peralatan/mesin yang russk. 7.6 KONTRAKTOR wajlb mengawasi Jasa Operasi Kapal, mengadakan aktfitas mooring dan/atau ‘unmooring terkait daa menyediakan bahan bakar untuk operasi Kapol jika diminta oleh PERUSAHAN, 7.7 KONTRAKTOR walib menyediakan tunjangan ‘operasi seperti transfer pekerja dan material fondling menggunakan crane, transfer bahan bbakar ke/darl Kapal jika dlminta oleh PERUSAHAAN, katering, housekeeping dan Jasa jpembersihan umum yang sesual dengan Prosedur Operasi Kapal. 78 KONTRAKTOR walib memastikan bahwe pekerja KONTRAKTOR yang ditugaskan di'area PERUSAHAAN mau bekerjasama dan mematul arahan PERUSAHAAN, 7.9. Kapal berfungsi sebagalfasiitas penyimpanan ‘an pemuatan terapung’ yang ditambatkan di Single Point Mocring Buoys (SBN) dt Tubin ‘Marine Terminal, dimana Kapal akan menerims ataupun mengirimkan minyak méntah dari floating hoses, 7.40 Jka suatu seat diminta, Kapal harus bise ‘meninggalkan S8M dan komball ke $8M untuk rmenerima atau mengirimkan minyak mentab sesual arahan Manager Terminal PERUSAHAAN atau Perwakllannya, 7.44 Mesin Kapal harus beroperasi setlag saat, secara terus menerus maupun dalam faso 12 jam sesvat arahan Manager Terminal PERUSAHARN atau Perwakllannya, ka Giperlukonpembertahuan lebih lame mengenal perawatan_mesin khusus atau ebutuhan survel Cassification Society yang dapat mempengaruhl fungs! Kapai sebagal fasitas penyimpanen dan pengirimen, maka harus" dsetuut Manager Terminal PERUSAHAAN atau Perwaklannya. Pereatujuan tersebut tidak boleh cltahen tanpa elasan. 7.42 PERUSAHAAN akan mengadskan uff kelayskan luntule memastikan Kapal clgunakan sebagai faslitas penyimpanan den pengiriman terapung yang dtambatkan secare aman ke SEM atau jangkar dan mengepung secara aman. Namoun A | u . i EaHIBTT A L PPEJ-17000024-01 Page ? of 15 ‘anything containedin this or any otherclause of -—_~PERUSAHAAN bukan penjamin keamanan dari f Pee see Ee eee or this Contract, COMPANY shall not be deemed to warrant the safety of such mooring, berth or anchorage and shall be under no ilabiity in respect thereof, except for loss of or damaze caissed by COMPANY's allure to exercise due iigence as aforesald, 8. IN-Fistos DUTIES 8. COMPANY wall provide hoses and mooring deiwser but Vesce!'s crew shall assist In ‘atnteining Ite Notwithstanding the Condition ‘of Use of Ports ef Tuban Marine Terminal itis derstood that CONTRACTOR wilat afl time be ‘fully responsible for the proper operation and ‘eintenanes of the mooring equipment and crude ie connections to the vassal. COLAPAISY shall have the option to utlize the Vessat (ar the receiving, segregating, storage, exzort, and back transfer of one grade oll {andlor its dirty products) always subject to: + Comclisnce with requirements to maintain stability consistent with safety, as required 6 ‘the Vessel's Master, + Any loading, pumping, segregation or back transfer instructions always to be within Vessel’s capability and in accordance with pracedures bearing in mind the stability of the Vessel, her safety and that of her crew, cargo and equipment. ‘+ Corspliance with the Indonesian Government's Custody Transfer snd/or Transfer Procedure. 9. MAINTENANCE CONTRACTOR shall perform maintenance activities for all Vessel equipment, including but not limited to: 9.1 Perform maintenance services to replace and repair any damage of Vessel equipment in accordance to the —_ manufectirer's recommendation. CONTRACTOR shall make the reports, keep and maintain such reports avallable to COMPANY review at any time, CONTRACTOR shall bear all the related cost for ‘mooring, tambatan atau pelabuhan dan tidak ‘memiki kewajiban apapun mengenal hal ini, ‘ecual! untuk kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh seselahan PERUSAHAAN dalam menjalankan ujt kelayakan di atas 8. TUGAS DILAPANGAN, 8.1 PERUSAHAAN akan menyediskan hoses den ‘mooring hawser nasnun anak buah Kapal yang ‘akan membantu menjoga borang-bareng tersebut. Dengan tetap mengacu pads Kondlsi Pemakaian Port Tuban Marine Terminal, KONTRAKTOR bertanggung awab penuh dalam ‘menjalankan operesi dan perawatan peralatan ‘mooring dan line connections ke Kapal 8.2 PERUSAHAAN dapat menggunakan Kepal untuk ‘menerima, — memisahian, menyimpan, ‘mengekspor dan mengitim kembali rinyak (dan/atauproduk slsanya) dengan tetap ‘memperhatikan hal berikut: © Memenuhi persyaratan untuk manjaga stabllitas yang konsisten dengan keselamatan, sesual yang dlkchendakt Master Kapal, © .Semua. instruksl, pemuatan, _pemompaan, Pemisahan ataupun pengiriman kemball hares sesual kemampuan Kapel dan prosedur yang berfaku dengan mengutamakan stabiltas Kapal serta keselamvatan Kapal, anak buahnys, kargo don peralatannya, ‘© Sesual dengan Custody Transfer dan/stau Prosedur Transfer Pernerintah Indonesia, PERAWATAN KONTRAKTOR wajib melakukan, aktifitas erawatan untuc seluruh peralatan Kapal, ‘termasukt : ‘9.1. Menggantl dan memperbaiki kerusakaen pada paralatan Kapal sesual rekomendas! pabrikan. KONTRAKTOR wajlb membuat laporan dan menyimpan laporan tersebut agar dapat cakses oleh PERUSAHAAN setlap saat. Serva biaya terkalt aktivitas perawatan ditanggune termasuk ‘oleh KONTRAKTOR, biaya conducting the maintenance activities services, penggantian material, Including the cost of any meterial replacement due to maintenance. Cc : exalt « U ei-17000024-01 Page 8 of 15 { 9.2 Periodic inspection, Maintenance, andtestingof 9.2 Inspekst periouit, perawatan dan ul cota hose, u Hoses, mooring hawser, SPM, mooring chains mooring hawser, SPM, mooring chains dan ‘and other FSO system facilities, as per fasitas sistem FSO lainnya sesuai pedoman manufacturer and OCIMF guidelines wherever _pabrikan dan OCIMF. applicable. Su 9.3 Perform inventory control of the Materials, 9.3. Melakuken kontrol inventaris untuk persediaan Consumables and Logistics supplied. material, consumables dan logistik. 94 Perform inspection, test, commissioning and 9.4 Melakukan Inspeksi, tas, commissioning dan receiving procedure of all Vessel equipment menerima semua peralatan Kapel yang clbeli U serviced or Material procured. 9.5 CONTRACTOR shall make all equipment such as safety, lifting, helideck, etc, fully certified and keep the updated certificates available to COMPANY review at any time. 9.6. Arrange for the maintenance, survey and repair of the hull, machinery boilers, ftigs, electrics and all other equipment of the Vessel as required for classification purposes andin order balk jasa maupun material, KONTRAKTOR harus memastiken semua peralatan keselamatan, lifting, helideck all ‘ersertifikasi dan menyimpan sertfikat terbaru agar dapat diakses PERUSAHAAN setiap saet, Mengadakan perawatan, survel dan perbaikan hull, machinery, bollers, fitting, elektrikal dan pperalatan Kapal lainnya untuk keperluan ‘lasiftasi dan untuk menjoga agar Kapal dalam 0 to keep the Vessel In good and effident ondis! balk dan efisien. u condition. q 9.7 Ensure that the Vessel and her equipment are 9.7 stan bahwa Kapal dan perelatennya 5 ‘maintained to statutory requirements of the dengan persyaratan statutory bendera Vessel's flag and __meintain proper ——_Kapal dan mengurus dokumentas! terkait hal documentation to this effect. ini, 9.8 Consult with the COMPANY before placing 98 ‘orders for expenses and major repair work melakukan pengelvaran dan perbelkan beser oC eee eee, technical and operational performance, and shall provide such other reports relating to the condltion of the Vessel and its performance as ‘the COMPANY may reasonably request from time to time. 110,EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND OIL SPILL RESPONSE CONTRACTOR shall. provide detail emergency response and ol spill contingency procedure and plans, which shall be Integrated into COMPANY'S ‘emergency procedures and are satisfactory to ‘COMPANY. Justin case required to deploy oil spill equipment, ‘contain and oll spill recovery, Contractor's crew 10.TANGGAP Which are not inclided in the maintenance yang tidak termasuk dalam —anggaran { budget; and perawatan, Uu 9.9 Report regularly in respect of the Vessel’s 9.9 Mengirimkan laporan berkala mengeral kinerja teknis dan operas! Kapal serta laporan lainnya terkatt dengan kondisi dan kinerja Kapal yang ‘mungkin dlminta PERUSARAAN dari waktu ke walt. DARURAT DAN ‘TUMPAHAN MINYAK TANGGAP KONTRAKTOR wajib menyediakan respon darurat secara detail serta prosedur dan rencane Kemurgkinan tumpahan minyak, yang harus digaburgken dengan prosedur—darurat PERUSAHAAN dan sosual dengan kemauan PERUSAHAAN. Jika diperlukan untuk mambersihkan minyak yang tumpah, pekerla KONTRAKTOR harus dapat L fae eee fl exit u 7 PPeH7000024-04 Page 9 of 15 { Must be able to asst and will be lead by membantu dan akan diptmein oleh OSC (On Scene ub Company’ 05¢ (Onseene Commander Commoner) PERUSAAAN. ian " 1H.PERIODIC ADMINISTRATION 11, ADMINISTRAS! BERKALA ba 14.1 CONTRACTOR stall prepare, develop, and 11.1 KONTRAKTOR walid menyiapken, i ‘peat the Terminal Operation Procedures from mengembangkan dan memperbanit Prosedir / time to tne. Al procedures shall he reviewed OperasiTerminal. Semuaprosedur horas u by COMPANY for approval before thelr dsetuju oleh PERUSAHAAN ‘untuk. sebelum operational. At minimum the following eloperaskan, Prosedur minimum yang hats ( Procedure shal be avallable onboard the vestel ada ci ates Kapalua minggusebelum Ui ‘v0 weeks before vessel DELIVERY: PENGIRIAW Kapal antara lan: + Loading Procedure + Prosedur Peruatan a ‘© Vessel Mooring Procedure + rosedur Penambstan Kapal U + Crane Operation Procedure + Prosedor Pengoperaian Crane + Inertng Procedure + Prosedu inerting ; «Personne Transfer Procedure ‘+ Prosedur Pergatlan Pekeria. Li + Bunker Procedure ‘© Prosedur Bunker : + cow Procedure + Prosedur COW + Tank Cleaning Procedure + rosedur Pembersthan Tank! () + Topping Up Procedure + Prosedur Topping Up rs} + Ullaging Procedure ‘+ prosedurUiteging ‘© Sampling Procedure '* Prosedur Sampling + + Recelving Production Procedure + Prosedur Penerimaan Produkt it ‘+ Dewatering Procedure ‘+ Prosedur Pengeringan Air u + Da-sopping Procedure «+ ProsedurDe-slopping + Hose Connecting Procedure + Prosedur Penyambungan Hose i ‘Star from Black ship Procedure + Prosedur Mull dart Blak Ship | ‘Abandon ship Procedure + Prosedur PeninggalanKapal ‘+ Oil spi Emergency Procedure + Prosedur Darurat Minyak Turpah Hot work procedure 4 Prosedur Hot Work a: 11.2 CONTRACTOR shall develop the record of all activities while the Vessel 1s In operation in the 412 KONTRAKTOR wajlb membuat laporan tas semua aktivitas saat Kapal beroperasi dalam feo —~ ot form of a:general routine reports. The reports shall include but not limited to the description ‘of scheduling report, services program, progress report, any specific problems ete, developed for ‘each of this period: + Dally progress report ‘= Weekly report ‘¢ Monthly eeport 1.3 The reports shall be submitted in a good quality ‘and a timely manner. CONTRACTOR shall be submited analysis reports i any significant dlserepanctes. 22. MANNING 2:1 Vessel Is to be fully manned in such @ manner acceptable to COMPANY and CONTRACTOR to bbentuklaporan rutin. Laporan in! harus memuat eskripsi jadwal, program perbalkan, laporan progres, permaselahan ll, yang. dikirimkan dalam period berikut: ‘+ Laporan progres harien ‘= Laporan mingguan * Laporan bulanan 41.3 Laporanint harus dikrimken dalam kulitas beik can tepat waktu. KONTRAKTOR walib rmengirimkan [aporan analisa ka ada katldaksasualan. 12.PEKERIA {2.1 Kapal harus memilki anak buah yang cukup sequal persetujuan PERUSAHAAN dan AL gee eee Co ct pee Sree eee fn (2 C oo Po oo ensure that operations requied will be conducted safely andefficentl, 12.2 the entire operation, navigation, management ‘and control of the Vessel shall be under the exciusive control and command of CONTRACTOR'S Representative. The Vessel shail be operated, and the Work shall be ‘provided, as requested by COMPANY. 12.3 CONTRACTOR assuines full responsiblity for supervising and directing all of CONTRACTOR'S Personnel, Vessel's crews, and shall be responsible for the safety of any passenger of the Vessel. 124 CONTRACTOR shal, at Its cost, mer, operate and maintain the Vessel with full complement of qualified officers and ship hands, CONTRACTOR shall, at COMPANY'S request, Fravide job descriptions and resumes of each of the key members of CONTRACTOR'S Personnel 32.5 Qualified Master, Deck Officers, Clef Engineer, Engineers, Certified radlo operators, Cargo and ‘Metering Controllers, Qulifed Lab. Technicians and sufficient crew are required to amply support all operations expected ofthe Vessel at anytime. : 32.6 Officers and crew are to be of high standard, ‘and Officers must have @ good command of the English languege and have the required sil and capability to. aiso support operation and maintenance of the metering id proving units throughout the Contract period. 123 continuous watches on deck, hoses, mooring hase, SPM, ae to he malntained on 2 24 hours basis anda respnsitle Ofer mst bein charge at all times (as per ISPS Code). 12.8 Any erew changes and transportation to and from the Vessel for personnel or equipment essential to maintain Vessel’s operation to be arranged by CONTRACTOR at their expenses. 12.9 COMPANY shall use their best endeavors to assist CONTRACTOR'S Agent to overcome such problems as may arise in changing out crew o transporting essential spare parts Including the transportation of CONTRACTOR’ personnel and supplies on the COMPANY'S Vessels on space available basis, All costs or expenses. for EXHIBIT A, pes-17000024-01, Page 20 of 35, KONTRAKTOR harus memastikan bahwa operasi akan dijalankan dengan aman den efisien, 122 Seluruh operasi, navigasl, manajemen dan kontrol Kapal berada ibawah kontrol dan Perintah Perwakilen KONTRAKTOR. Kapal harus beropsrasi, dan Pekerjean harus dilskukan, sesual permintaan PERUSAHAAN. 32.3 KONTRAKTOR mamilikitanggung jawab penuh dolam mengawasi dan memimpin semus Pekerla KONTRAKTROR, anak buah Kapal dan bertanggung Jawa’ atas _keseleratan ‘penumpang Kepel. 124 KONTRAKTOR wayib mengoperasikan; dan ‘memelinara Kapal dengan pekerja yang berkualificas. — KONTRAKTOR ——harus mengirimian deskrips! pekerjzan dan resume tiap Pekerja KONTRAKTOR jika iminta oleh PERUSAHAAN, 12.5 Master yang berkualifkas!, Deck officers, Chief Engineer, Engineers, radio operators yang bersertfkast, Pengawas Cargo dan Metering, Teknist Lab berkualifikasi dan anak buah kapal yang dibutuhkan untuk menunjang operast Kepal setiap saat. 12.6 Pekerja dan anak buch kapal herus memenuhi standar, Pekerja harus blsa berbahasa Ingeris. dengan balk dan merniiki kerampuan untuk menurjang operasi dan perawatan unit ‘metering dan proving selama periode Kontrak. 12.7 Mengavras! dek, hoses, mooring hawser, SPM secara torus menerus dalam basis 24 jam dan satu orang Pekerja.harus bertanggung Jawab stip saat (sesual ISPS Code). 12.8 Pergantian anak buah kapal dan transportasi dart dan ke Xapal untuk pekerja maupun peralaten untuk menunjang operasi Kapal aibjayal dan diurus oleh KONTRAKTOR. 22.9 PERUSAHAAN. akan mengusahakan untuk membantu Agen KONTRAKTOR dalam ‘menangani permasalahan yang dapat timbul dalam pergantian pekerla atau pengiriman spare part, termasuk transportas! pekerja KONTRAKTOR den persediaan suplal Kapsl. Seluruh biaya yang timbul dalam menyediakan ttaneanannes oh on feat ce 7 c loeat jase Cc oo {sans { anune providing such assistance shall be for ‘CONTRACTOR'S account. 12.10 All operations, 2. receiving crude for storage, segregating, measurement, export transfer, etc will be conducted by ship's personnel, but pursuant to explict instruction from the COMPANY or thelr appointed epresentative(s) or agents). 12.41 if COMPANY shall complain ofthe conduct of the Master or any of the Officers, CONTRACTOR ‘and COMPANY jointly shall Immediately Investigate and if the complaint proves to be well founded, CONTRACTOR shall, without delay, make change In the appointment. 413.INSTRUCTION AND REPORTS. 13.1 The Master shall be furnished by CONTRACTOR, from time to time, with ll requisite Instructions ‘and directions, both he and the Engineers shall keep full and correct logs which are tobe patent to COMPANY and its agents, and abstracts of which are to be sent to CONTRACTOR as required, 13.2 The Vessels command shall be responsible for carrying out the Instructions from the COMPANY’s Terminal Manager or his Representathe as far as the mooring of the Vessel, the receiving, storing, exporting, segregation, and transferring of the crude of andjor Its dsty products are concerned, and the Vessel's command shall specifically keep daily oll Inventories, togs, ecordsand reports as well as monthly fuel/water reports as instructed by the COMPANY's Terminal Manager or his Representative, 13.3 The Vessel’s command shall ensure that tllaging, taking of samples, performing Custody ‘Transfer are carried out in an accurste and efficient manner and in compliance with the Indonesian Government's Custody Transfer Procedure as directed by the COMPANY's ‘Terminal Manager or his Representative. 14.COMMUNICATION ‘Any communication equipment and/or facties required by the COMPANY cn board the Vessel in ‘order to communicate with their onshore offices, workboats, storage berge and production platform, will be provided by CONTRACTOR at exHIBITA Pe1-17000024-01 Poge 11 of 15 bantuan ini akan dibebanken kepada KONTRAKTOR. 42.10 _Seluruh operas, sepert! menerima minyak untuk disimpan, dfptahkan, elukur, aikirim ol akan ilakukan oleh pekerja kapal,namun Ssesuat dengan instruksijlas dari PERUSAHAAN atau perwekilanaya, 12.11 tka ada keluhan dari PERUSAHAAN mengenal peketjaan Master ataupun Pekerja, KONTRAKTOR dan PERUSAHAAN akan ‘mengadakan investigesi bersama dan jike feluhan tersebut —ebtemukan—benar, KONTRAKTOR akan mengganti pekerje. 113, INSTRUKSI DAN LAPORAN. 13.1 Master dan Engineers herus menyimpan log yang lengkep dan benar dan menjadi hak paten PERUSAHAAN yang dapat dikirimkan ke KONTRAKTOR ka dibutubkan, 13.2 Pimpinan Kapal harus bertenggung jawab alam menyampalian tnstruksi dari Manajer Terminal PERUSAHAAN atau Perwakllennye mengenal penambatan Kapal, panerimaan, enyimpanan, pengitiman, pemisshan dan ‘transfer minyak atau produk sisanya dan Pimpinan Kapal harus menyimpan laporan Inventaris, log, catatan minyak harlan. serta laporan bahan bekar/alr bulanan sesual Instruksl Manajer Terminal PERUSAHAAN atau Perwakilannya. 133 Pimploan Kapal harus memastiken bahwe ppekerjaan ullaging, pengambilan sampel dan ‘Gustody Transfer dilakukan secere skurat den efislen serta mengkuti Prosedur Custody Transfer Pemerintah Indonesia sesualInstruks! Manajer Terminal PERUSAHAAN atau Perwakllannya. 14, KOMUNIKASI ; ‘Semua peralatan dan/atau fasiitas komunikest di atas Kapal yang cibutuhkan PERUSAHAAN untuk berkornunikes! dengan kantor ol darat, kapal kerja, kapal penyimpanan den platform produkt ‘akan dltanggung biayanya oleh KONTRAKTOR. inmwinsann ah u cc BEE eee Ee PEE EEE Cc See cc p c u cae c CO {cone thelr cost, time and oxpenses. However, COMPANY may request CONTRACTOR to furnish special equipment on a reimburseble basis. {15.MEALS, ACCOMMODATION AND HOUSEKEEPING 15.1 CONTRACTOR shall provide aocommadation for all personnel onboard the Vessel, including but rt limited to appropriate beds and bed covers, blankets, pillows, and perform housekeeping services such as launcry and general cleaning of the Vessels living quarters. 18.2 CONTRACTOR shall provide meals/catering services forall personnel onboard the Vessel 3s directed by COMPANY’s representative, CONTRACTOR shall provide all the necessary equipment to provide catering services such as stove, cooking utensils, dishes, appropriate food and drinks, ete. 15.3 CONTRACTOR must ensure on regular basis to {do inspection and witnessed by Company reps. In accommodation, offices, bedrooms, bathrooms, tollets, galley, stores, provision stores, vegetable room, fish room and meat room and take action immediately any ndings. 415.4, CONTRACTOR shal provide office for COMPANY representatives furnished with standard office set 16. PERSONNEL, 16.1 General 16.1.1 CONTRACTOR shall propose personnel who meet the Minimum Qualifications specified below to conduct the Work for COMPANY'S approval. 16.1.2 CONTRACTOR shall submit all Curriculum ‘Vitae forall personnel that are proposed by CONTRACTOR for COMPANY'S approval prior to the execution of the Contract. COMPANY reserves the right to reject CONTRACTOR'S proposed personnel, and CONTRACTOR shall replace such personnel with the proper candidates at ‘CONTRACTOR'S cost, until the acceptance of such personnel by COMPANY. ex A PEY-17000024-01, Page 12 of 15 PERUSAHAAN dapat meminta KONTRAKTOR ‘untuk menyadiakan peralaten khusus yang akan dlgant secara reimburse. 115. MMAKANAN, AKOMODASI DAN KEBERSIHAN 15-1 KONTRAKTOR wajib menyediakan akomodast Untuk semua pekerja dl atas Kapal, tormasuk menyediakan tempat tidur, sepral, selimut, bantal yang layak serta melakukan kegiatan kebersinan seperti mencucl baju dan ‘membersinkan tempat tinggal datas Kapal. 15.2 KONTRAKTOR wb. ~——smenyediakan ‘makanar/jasa katering untuk semua pekera di ates Kapal sesual_Instruksi —perwakilan. PERUSAHAAN, —-KONTRAKTOR wali menyediokan, semua perelatan yang sibutubkan untuk jaca katering seperti kompor, peeralatan masak, peraletan makan, makanan ddan minuman yang layak, all, 15.3 KONTRAKTOR wajib melakukan inspeksi berkala ‘terhadap akomodasi, tantor, kamar tidur, kamar~ manci, toilet, dapur, tempat penyimpanan, ruang penyimpanan stok, ruang penyimpanan seyur, tkan dan daging dengan disaksikan oleh perwakllan PERUSAMAAN dan, segera mengambiltindakan jika ada temvan. 15.4 KONTRAKTOR wajb menyedieken kantor untuk perwakllan PERUSAHAAN dilengkapi dengan setmeja kontor standar. 116. PEKERIA 16.1 Umum 16.1.1 KONTRAKTOR akan mengajukan_pekerja ‘yang memenuhi Kualifkas! Minimum di bbawah untuk disetujul PERUSAHAAN. 16.1.2 KONTRAKTOR akan —_menyerahkan Curriculum Vitae semua pekeria yang akan disjukan ke PERUSAHAAN untuk disetujul PERUSAHAAN sebelum eksekust Kontrak dijslankan, PERUSAHAAN berhak menolak pekerla yang dlajuken KONTRAKTOR den KONTRAKTOR walib mengganti pekerja tersebut dengan kandidat yang. layak dengan biaya KONTRAKTOR hingga didapat andidat yang clsetujul PERUSAHAAN. eae eee eee eee eee cc c ca cr (ou) oo fi hi Cc 45.2 CONTRACTOR shall provide CONTRACTOR'S ‘wie can fulfill the minimum in good physical health as stated by ‘medical certificate. Shall have good safety and environmental ‘awareness and likes to participate in safety programs. Shall have good personality and good ‘cooperation with third party within Tuban Marine Terminal Atez, and can work with ‘ther co-worker without any problem, ‘Witting to works asa team member and able to works independently with minimum supervision. Honest, loyal and willing to protect COMPANY'S property. 16.2 Qualification Requirement 16.2.4 16.2.2 Barge Master ‘The Borge Master (BM) shall have 2 Ship Officer Certificate and the BM stall have at least ten (10) years Working exporience as S0/FPSO master/officer and fully certified STOW 85. ‘The 8M must have @ good understanding of all applicable codes, standards, specifications and safety policies and procedures. ‘The BM must have excellent interpersonal, planning, and organizational sills 2s well as ‘good written and oral communication abilities in indonesian and English language. Engineer, To meet the minimum requirement of this pesition, the Engineer shall possess ‘minimum Abii Tehnik Tingkat V {ATT V) or Sekolah Teknik Menengah (STM) and shall have at least ten (10) years, working experiance in similar scope on board tanker, having good English language both oral and written, capable to operate Computer (Microsoft Outlook, MS Word 2000 and MS Excel 2000), strong personality and have Fire Fighting and Safety course. 1613, EXHIBIT A, PE}-17000024-01 Page 13 of 15, KONTRAKTOR wali menyediakan pekerla yang dapat’ memenubi—persyararan ‘minimum di baw i Sehat secara fisik dengan dibuktikan oleh sertifat medis. Memiliki kesadaran_ yang batk mengenal keamanan dan lingkungan untuk berpartsipasi dalam program keamanan. ‘Memiliki kepsibadian yang balk dan dapat bbokerja sama secara balk dengan pihak ketiga di dalam Area Tuben Marine Terminal, serta dapat tokerjs dengan pekeria lainnya tanpa masslah, ‘Mau bekerja sebagal anggota tim dan dapat boekerjasendiri dengan pengawasan ‘miu. Jujur, setia dan may meniaga properti PERUSAHAAN, 1622 Persyaratan Kualifkast 1624. 16.2.2 Borge Master Borge Master (BN) harus memilk Sertifikat Pekerja Kapal dan memilki pengalaman kerja setidaknya sepuluh (10) tahun sebogal ‘Master/pekerj2 FSO/FPSO den bersertiikat STOW 5, BM harus memahami seluruh kode, standar, spesfilasi dan aturan dan prosedur keamanan yang berlaku. BM —harus emit kemampuan interpersonal, perencanaan dan orgenisasi yang batk serta_kemampuan komunikast tertulls don berbicara yang bak dolem bbahasa Indonesia maupun Inggris. Engineer Untuk memenuhi persyaratan minimum possi in, Engineer harus berpendidkan tninimurn Ai Tehnik Tighat V (ATT V) tau Sekolah Tekeik Menengsh (STM) dan rmemiikl pengalaman kerja setidoknya sepuiu (10) tahun di kapal dengan tngkup setups, depst berbahasa loggris dengan bak’ dalam berbicara_maupun tullsan, mampu mengoperasican komputer (ticrosoft Outiook, MS Word 2000 dan Mis Excel 2000), memiis kepribacian yang balk cc: L ‘anand oo i u 162.3, 16.2.4 162.5 1626 Cargo Supervisor ‘The Cargo supervisor shall poses minimur ‘education of Senfor High School, shall at feast ten (10) years working experiences in FSO/FPSO, having good English language both oral and written, Farllar with APL standard “Measurement of Petroleum using Positive Turbine meter’, API Temperature/pressure correction table 6/6A, meter Proving and calculation, capable 10 operate Computer ( MS word 2000 andi IMS Excel 2000 }, and have Fire Fighting and sofety course certificate Electriclan ‘The Electrician shall poses minimum ‘education of Senior High Schoo! or Sekolah Teknik Menengah (STM), shall atleast ten ( 5.) years working experiences in FSO/FPSO, hhaving good English language both oral and written, familiar with maintenance of Positive aisplacoment Turbine meter, Familiar with Flow computer Daniel 2500/Danle! 2233, API standard * Measurement of Petroleum using Positive ‘Turbine meter’, API Temperature/pressure correction table 6/6A, mater Proving and ‘calculation, capable to operate Computer ( [MS word 2000 and MS Excel 2000 ), and have Fre Fighting and safety course certificate. General Purpose Crew or Deck Hand ‘To meet the minimum requirement of this position, the General Purpose crew (GP) shall be en Indonesian citizen, minimum education Senior High School, has certification From the appropriate certified body to operate crane, and have at least three (3) years’ experience as GP on board tanker. Other Crew Other crew that required to perform the ‘Operation services, such as cargo operator, labman controller, Radio Operator, bosun, cook, laundryman, etc, shall be provided by CONTRACTOR with suitable qualification. 16.2.3 16.2.4 162.5 162.6 equa a Pe-47000024-04, Page 14 0f 15, serta pernah menfatent kursus Fire Fighting ‘ond Safety. Pengawas Kargo Pengawas argo harus _berpendicikan minimum Sekolah Meningkat Atas (SW), ‘memiliki pengelaman Kerja setidakaya sepuluh (10) tehun di FSO/FPSO, dapat bberbahasa Inggris yang beik dalam berbicara ‘moupun tulsan, mengenail standar AP! “Pengukuran Minyak Menggunskan Meter Turbin Positif”, Tabel_—_Koreksl Temperatur/Tekanan API 6/6A, Proving dan Kelkuias! Meter, mampu mengoperasiken komputer (Microsoft Outlook, MS. Word 2000 dan MS Excel 2000) serta pernah ‘menjalani kursus Fire Fighting and Safety. Pekerjatistrik Pokerja Ustrik harus _berpendidkon ‘minimum Sakoiah Meningkat Atas (SMA) atau Sekolah Teknik Menengah (STM), ‘memliki pengalarvan ker. setidaknya lima (6) tahun ot FS0/FS0, dapat berbshasa Inggrs yang baik dalam berbicara maupun ‘ulisan, mengenali perawatan Meter Turbin Positif, mengenalt Flow Computer Daniel 22800/Daniel 2233, standar API “Pengukuran Minyak —Menggunaken Meter Turbin Positif, Tabel Koreks! Temperatur/Tekanan API 6/68, Proving dan Kalkulasi Meter, mampu _mengoperasitan komputer (MS ‘Word 2000 dan MS Excel 2000) serta pernah menjalani kursus Fre Fighting and Safety. ‘Anak Buah Kapal atau Pekerja Dek. Untuk memenuhi persyaratan minimum ‘posal in, Anak Buah Kapal harus merupakan warga negara indonesta, berpendidikan minimum Sekolah Meningkat Atas (SMA), ‘memillkl sertifkat untuk mengoperasikan crane dan memilki pengalaman kerja setidaknya tga (8) tohun sebagat enak buah kapal di Tanker. Pekerja Lainaya Pekerjalainnya yang dibutubkan untuk jasa ‘operas seperti operator kargo, pengendal labman, operator radio, kepal Kelsi, kol, pencuci baju, dll disediakan oleh KONTRAKTOR sesuat kvalifkasinya, oh IS Corer eee te arate oer = C2 CT Ct om me | auEe C C co c 162.7 Special Tr 16.2.8 ing ‘The following are spectal trainings and certifications required to perform the work: ‘Sea Water Survival: All proposed crew Fire Fighting: All crew assign for fie fighting task First Aid: Crew assign for first ald (rnin 2 persons) (Crane work: Crew assign for material & craw transfer (min 2 person) and crane operator ‘must have licensed approved by MIGAS. Industria Relation CONTRACTOR shall comply with the current Republic of Indonesia. Manpower Regulations, as a minimum reference in providing the rights of CONTRACTOR'S Personnel. COMPANY reserves the right to Issue a Warning Letter to CONTRACTOR at ‘anytime if, in COMPANY'S sole opinion, CONTRACTOR falls to comply with such regulations or if such Incompllance resulted In an industrial disturbance by ‘CONTRACTOR'S Personnel. Notwithstanding ‘the above, CONTRACTOR shall at all times ‘take Immediate action to remedy any Industrial disturbance caused by ‘CONTRACTOR'S Personnel at CONTRACTOR'S expense. 162.7 xu A PPE}-17000024-01 Page 15 of 15, Pelatihan Khusus Boricut adalsh pelatihan dan sertifkast ‘husus yang cibutubkan: ‘+ Seo Water Survival: Sera pekerja 1628 Fire Fighting: Semua pekerje yang citugaskan dalam firefighting : Pertolongan Pertama: Pekerla yang itugaskan untuk pertolongan _pertama (minimum 2 orang) Pekerjaan crane: Pekerja yang ditugaskan untuk transfer materlal/pekerja (rninimum 2 ‘orang) dan operator crane harus mernliki sertfkast yang disetujut MIGAS Hubungan Indust KONTRAKTOR harus_memenuhi Regulas! ‘Tenaga Kerja Republik Indonesla sebagai referers! minimum delam memenuhi hak Pekerla KONTRAKTOR. PERUSAHAAN berhak mengeluarkan Surat Peringatan untuk KONTRAKTOR setlap seat jika, menurat__pendapat_ — PERUSAHAAN, KONREAKTOR gagal_memenuhl regulasi yang ada dan mengakibatkan gangguan oleh Pekerja KONTRAKTOR. KONTRAKTOR harus ‘mengambiltindakanjjka ada gangguan yang. dlsebabkan oleh Pekerja KONTRAKTOR dengan bieya —_ditanggung old KONTRAKTOR. enwsnsane ah. EXHIBIT "B" AGREEMENT NO. PPEJ-17000072-01 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE SERVICES FSO CINTA NATOMAS RATES OF SERV! {an joes Sa { aannaeed @ io Saat B PPEJ-17000024-01 Page 3 of 2 EXHIBIT B RATE OF SERVICES OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE SERVICES FSO CINTA NATOMAS DALY RATE FOR COMPANY'S OPERATION PENSES cATEVORY oun a oo rap Sa OaiyRata( TA) saosnenwo] co | sentssonm Jopsatars Sorns 0 mea louarora 8 ETT ESTATE CONTRACT VUES RTT ATSUBTOTACS. eat ereament Vue 0) 17,016,516,000 Nilai Total Penawaran [Total Proposed Value Rp 17,016,516,000.00 (in Words: tujuh belas milyar enam belas uta lima ratus enam belas rbu Indonesian Rupiah) Notes : 1, Seluruh Peralatan, tenaga kerja/Personnel, Material, biaya mobilisasi dan demobilisasi, den biaya rupa- rupa lainnya yang dibutuhken untuk menyelesaikan Jasa (diluar yang disediaken Perusahaan) sebagaimana disebutkan dalam Lampiren "A’, Spesiikas! Perusahaan/suplai dan seluruh tanggung Jawab Peserta Lelang sebagaimana disebutkan dalam Lampiran “A” yang termasuk dalam Nilai Total Perjanjan, Peserta Lelang menjemin balwa tidak akan ada tambahan biaye untuk menyelesaikan Jasa,_selzin dari perubahan yang disepakati dalam pekerjaan diluar dari Lingkup Kerja, (All equipment, menpowerfpersonnel, meterals, mobilization & demobikzation fees and other miscellaneous cost required to complete the Services (exclude Company provide) as specified jn Attachment "A%, Company's Speciication/spply and all Bidder’s responsibilities as stated in ‘Attachment "A" thereto are Induded in the Total Agreement Value, Bicléer guarantees that there will ‘Agreement No. PPEH-17000072-01 OPERATION & MAINTENANCE SERVICES FSO CINTA NATOMAS c Cc n i Cc sete, cc C Heer cc EXHIBIT B pex-t7000024-01 Page 2 of 2 ‘be mo ackitional charges to complete said Services, other then agreed change order for variance of work outside the Scope of Services). 2. Harga-Harga tersebut tidak termasuk Pajak Pertambahan Nila (PPN) (The above rates exclude Value Added Tax (VAT) 3. Periode/estimasi penggunaen yang tercantum di atas adalah hipotetis dan tidak akan dlanggap ‘merupaken komitmen kontraktual oleh PERUSAHAAN, (The periodfestimated usage listed above are hypothetical and shall net be deemed to imply any

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