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KEMENTERIAN PEKERJAAN UMUM DAN PERUMAHAN RAKYAT DIREKTORAT JENDERAL SUMBER DAYA AIR JI, Pattimura 20/7 Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12110 Telp. 7396616, Fac. 7208285 Nomor : SM.O4_ AS (ILOK Jakarta, SOktober 2022 Sift: Penting Lampiran : 1 (satu) dok Hal : Penawaran Program Beasiswa Brasmus Mundus Coastal Hazards, Risks, Climate Change Impacts and Adaption Yth, Daftar Terlampir Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya Air Menindaklanjuti surat Sekretaris Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia, Kementerian PUPR Nomor SM.04-MS/2785 tanggal 21 Oktober 2022 perihal Penawaran Program Beasiswa Erasmus Mundus Coastal Hazards, Risks, Climate Change Impacts and Adaption, bersama ini disampaikan hal-hal sebagai berilcut: 1. Penawaran program beasiswa untuk program Master $2 bidang Coastal Hazards, Risks, Climate Change Impacts and Adaption, dan biaya seluruhnya akan ditanggung oleh pihak Erasmus Mundus; 2. Pemilihan program studi dan seluruh proses pengajuan tuges belajar mengacu pada SE Menteri PUPR Nomor: 02/SB/M/2019 tentang Pelaksanaan Pendidikan Lanjutan Program Magister dan Doktoral; 3. Terkait poin 2, bagi calon peserta yang telah diusulkan maka akan mendapat rekomendasi dahulu dari BPSDM sebelum mengikuti seleksi administrasi pendaftaran secara online. Selanjutnya, apabila ada calon peserta yang dinyatakan lulus seleksi beasiswa, namun pada proses awal pendaftaran tanpa melaporkan terlebih dahulu kepada Setditjen SDA dan BPSDM, maka rekomendasi untuk permohonan penerbitan SK Tugas Belajar dan administrasi lainnya tidak dapat diproses; 4 Calon peserta yang telah memenuhi persyaratan dan sesuai analisis kebutuhan organisasi Ditjen Sumber Daya Air, dapat menyampailan usulan kepada Sekretariat Ditjen Sumber Daya Air, paling lambat tanggal 03 Januari 2023; 5. Informasi dan keterangan lebih lanjut terkait program beasiswa dapat diakses melalui situs resin di https:/ /, atau sebagaimana surat terlampir. Demikian disampaikan, atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya diucapkan terima kasih. Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya Air, ‘Tembusan: 1. Direktur Jenderal Sumber Daya Air (sebagai laporan); 2. Kepala Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia, Kementerian PUPR. Meujudhan hemanfecten somber daya air yang brilanjudan Lampiran Surat Sekretaris Ditjen Sumber Daya Air Hal + Penawaran Program Beasiswa Erasmus Mundus Coastal Hazards, Risks, Climate Change Impacts and Adaption Yth, 1. Direktur Bina Teknik SDA, Ditjen SDA 2. Direktur Kepatuhan Intern, Ditjen SDA 3. Direktur Bina Operasi dan Pemeliharaan, Ditjen SDA 4. Direktur Sistem dan Strategi Pengelolaan SDA, Ditjen SDA 5. Direktur Irigasi & Rawa, Ditjen SDA 6. Direktur Sungai & Pantai, Ditjen SDA 7. Direktur Air Tanah dan Air Baku, Ditjen SDA 8. Direktur Bendungan dan Danau, Ditjen SDA 9. Kepala Sekretariat Dewan Sumber Daya Air Nasional, Ditjen SDA 10. Kepala Pusat Pengendalian Lumpur Sidoarjo, Ditjen SDA 11. Kepala BBWS Sumatera VIII, Ditjen SDA 12. Kepala BBWS Mesuji Sekampung, Ditjen SDA 13. Kepala BBWS Cidanau Ciujung Cidurian, Ditjen SDA 14. Kepala BBWS Ciliwung Cisadane, Ditjen SDA 1S. Kepala BBWS Citarum, Ditjen SDA 16. Kepala BBWS Cimanuk Cisanggarung, Ditjen SDA 17. Kepala BBWS Citanduy, Ditjen SDA 18. Kepala BBWS Pemali Juana, Ditjen SDA 19. Kepala BBWS Serayu Opak, Ditjen SDA 20. Kepala BBWS Bengawan Solo, Ditjen SDA 21. Kepala BBWS Brantas, Ditjen SDA 22. Kepala BBWS Pompengan Jeneberang, Ditjen SDA 23. Kepala BWS Sumatera I, Ditjen SDA 24. Kepala BWS Sumatera I, Ditjen SDA 25. Kepala BWS Sumatera Il, Ditjen SDA 26. Kepala BWS Sumatera IV, Ditjen SDA 27. Kepala BWS Sumatera V, Ditjen SDA 28. Kepala BWS Sumatera VI, Ditjen SDA 29. Kepala BWS Sumatera VII, Ditjen SDA 30. Kepala BWS Bangka Belitung, Ditjen SDA 31. Kepala BWS Kalimantan I, Ditjen SDA 32. Kepala BWS Kalimantan I, Ditjen SDA 33. Kepala BWS Kalimantan Ill, Ditjen SDA 34. Kepala BWS Kalimantan IV, Ditjen SDA 35. Kepala BWS Kalimantan V, Ditjen SDA 36. Kepala BWS Sulawesi I, Ditjen SDA 37. Kepala BWS Sulawesi II, Ditjen SDA 38. Kepala BWS Sulawesi II, Ditjen SDA 39. Kepala BWS Sulawesi IV, Ditjen SDA 40. Kepala BWS Bali Penida, Ditjen SDA 41. Kepala BWS Nusa Tenggara I, Ditjen SDA 42. Kepala BWS Nusa Tenggara II, Ditjen SDA 43. Kepala BWS Maluku, Ditjen SDA 44. Kepala BWS Maluku Utara, Ditjen SDA 45. Kepala BWS Papua, Ditjen SDA 46. Kepala BWS Papua Barat, Ditjen SDA 47. 48. 49. 50, 51 52. 53. 56. Kepala BWS Papua Merauke, Ditjen SDA Kepala Balai Teknik Bendungan Kepala Balai Teknik Pantai Kepala Balai Teknik Sungai Kepala Balai Teknik Rawa Kepala Balai Teknik Irigasi Kepala Balai Teknik Sabo Kepala Balai Teknik Hidrolika & Geoteknik Keairan Kepala Balai Teknik Air Tanah Kepala Balai Teknik Hidrologi & Lingkungan Keairan KEMENTERIAN PEKERJAAN UMUM DAN PERUMAHAN RAKYAT BADAN PENGEMBANGAN SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA 4 Pettrura No 20, Ksbayoran Baru Jaketa Selatan, Telopon (02%) 275 15708, Facsimte (02) 275 18709 Nomor — : o4-ms/ 2985 Jakarta, 2\ Oktober 2022 Sifat Segera Lampiran : 1 (satu) berkas Hal + Penawaran Program Beasiswa Erasmus Mundus Coastal Hazards, Risks, Climate Change Impacts and Adaption. Yth. 1. Kepala Biro Kepegawaian, Organisasi, den Tata Laksana; 2. Sekretaris Inspektorat Jenderal; 3. Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya Air, 4. Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal Bina Marga; 5. Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal Cipta Karya; 8. Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal Bina Konstruksi; 7. Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal Perumahan; 8. Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal Pembiayaan Infrastruktur PU dan Perumahan; 9. ‘Sekretaris Badan Pengembangan Infrastruktur Wilayah; 10. Para Kepala Pusat, Kepala Balai dan Direktur Politeknik PU BPSDM. ai- Jakarta ‘Sehubungan dengan penawaran beasiswa Erasmus Mundus Full Scholarship Coastal Hazards, Risks, Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation dengan hormat Kami sampaiken Penawaran program tersebut dengan rincian sebagal berikut 1. Pihak Erasmus Mundus membuka pendaftaran Beasiswa Coastal Hazards, Risks, Climate ‘Change Impacts and Adaptation. 2. Informasi dan keterangan lebih lanjut terkait program Beasiswa Erasmus Mundus Coastal Hazards, Risks, Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation dapat diakses melalul situs tesinl di httos:fwww.coa: oul, 3. Femilinan program studi dan seluruh proses pengaluan tugas belajar mengacu pada SE Menteri PUPR nomor : O2/SE/M/2019 tentang Polaksanaan Pendidikan Lanjutan Program Magister dan Doktoral. 4. Calon peserta yang memenuhi persyaratan dan sesuai analisis kebutuhan pada unit organisesi masing-mesing dapat disampaikan kepada Sekretariat Badan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia untuk mendapatkan rekomendasi pemilihan program studi paling lambat tanggal 10 Januari 2023. 5. Calon peserta yang diusulkan oleh unit organisasi maka terlebih dahulu: akan dilakukan seleksi untuk mendapatkan rekomendesi dari BPSDM sebelum mengikuti seleksi ‘administrasi. Bagi calon yang telah direkomendasikan selanjutnya melakukan pendattaran ‘mandiri seoara online sesuai dengan ketentuan pihak penyelenggara, 6. Calon peserta yang dinyatakan lulus seleksi beasiswa, namun pada proses awal pPendeftaran tanpa melaporkan terlebin dahulu kepada Pejabat Pembina Kepegawaian unit organisasi dan BPSDM, maka rekomendasi untuk penerbitan SK Tugas Belajar beserta administrasi lainnya tidak dapat kami proses. 7. Kementerian PUPR tidak memfasiltasi pembiayaan dengan mekanisme cast sharing. Demikian kami sampaikan. Kami berharep kesepapatan ini dapat dimanfaatkan sebeik- balknye, atas perhatiannya dlucapkan terima kasiye 81 © Tembusan: a 1. ‘Kepaia Badan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian PUPRO 2. Kepala Biro Perencanaan Anggaran den Kerjasama Luar Negeri Coastal Hazards, Risks, Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Erasmus Mundus Master’s Degree — Spain, The Netherlands and Portugal 4 Semesters long international postgraduate programme, with 120 ECTS credit units. Runs between Universidad de Cantabria (Santander, Spain), INE Delft (The Netherlands} and University of Algarve (Faro, Portugal). Provides students with top knowledge and skills on coastal hazards, risk assessment, climate change impacts and climate adaptation and mitigation Application deadline for Erasmus Mundus Scholarships: 15 January 2023 Application deadline self paying students: 1 May 2023 Programme start: September 2023 Erasmus Mundus Full Scholarships Available SEMESTER 1 ‘September to December ‘After being welcomed to the COASTHazar MSc programme, students start the academic year in Spain, st UC, with ‘courses addressing core competences in the thematic areas: Ovean and Atmospherc sciences; Coastal Dynamics ‘and Coastal Hazards; and partially in Modelling and Risk Theory. SEMESTER 2 January to July ‘At the beginning of January students move to IHE Delf, in the Netherlands, to stat the 2nd semester, where they wil ‘take more advanced courses such as Coastal Hazerds and Wave Modeling, Risk Assessment in Coastal Areas, Climate Change Impacts end Adaptation and Risk Reduction, The semester ends with an international 2-weeks ‘summer school in July. SEMESTER 3 Soptember to January At the beginning of September students move to UAlg forthe 3rd semester, in Portugal, where they will acquire ‘advanced skils in Coastal Adaptation, Risk Reduction, Fieldwork and Data Analysis, At the end of the semester, in “January, students have the option to follow a 4-6 weeks internship programme at one of the associated pariners, SEMESTER 4 February to August ‘The MSc thesis research will be done under the guidance of a lecturer from one of the partner universities, Depending on the topic and the student's choice, the thesis research will tke place at one ofthe three universities. ‘Some thesis wil be developed in connection with ane of the Associated Partners. CONTACT COASTHazar programme coordinator: Dr. Alvaro Semedo: Admission office: erasmusregistration-ch@un-ihe.o1 WHY THIS PROGRAMME Coastal Hazards - A global challenge The Coastal Hazards, Risks, Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Erasmus Mundus Master's programme delivers postgraduate education and training to top students from around the world to help them develop into highly qualified professionals who can safeguard society against coastal hazards. Welcome to COASTHazar! The Problem Half of the world population lives less than 200 km from a coastline. This brings hazards and risks that are increasing with climate change, coastal urbanisation and population growth. Lives, ecosystems, properties and economies can be at risk. To adapt to and manage the hazards and risks, holistic and mult-disciplinary knowledge is needed The programme ‘The COASTHazar Erasmus Mundus Master's is an international, integrated and inter-disciplinary programme structured in four semesters (120 ECs ~ credit units). It is based on the shared vision and complementary expertise of three higher education institutions: + JHE Delft in the Netherlands) + University of Algarve (in Portugal), and Universidad de Cantabria (in Spain) More than 30 associated partners from academia, public institutions and private companies bring the Programme a real-world perspective and a link to the labour market. Some partners are from countries that are considerably affected by coastal hazards, APPLICATION Application can be done by filling out and submitting the online application and all the necessary documents at the IHE Delft's website, Application deadlines 4. Application deadline for Erasmus Mundus Scholarship applications: 16th January 2023. 2. Deadline for sending English test results for Erasmus Mundus Scholarship: 1st March 2023 (provided online application is received before 15th January) 3. Applications received after the above-mentioned deadlines will be taken into consideration for academic admission, but not for Erasmus Mundus Scholarship. Application deadline for own-account applicants (or own-account): May 46. A total of 5 positions are available for self-payers or own-account students for the 2023-2025 COASTHazar Master's edition 4 5. Cost for non-scholarship holders (own-account) 1. Tultion fee for the whole programme: €18,000 2. Other costs: Insurance: € 40 per month / €960 total Cost for visa if applicable (around €300) In adsition, itis estimated that a student may need on average, at least € 1050 per month to cover costs of ving and travelling between universities. Outcome of the application Applicants that have indicated in their application that wish to be considered for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship, wil be informed about of the outcome before the end of May 2023. Erasmus ‘Mundus applicants that meet the academic admission requirements, but were not selected for a scholarship, may stil attend the programme if able to cover the cost of the programme by other ‘means (as own-account students). Own-account applicants will be informed about the outcome up to 4 weeks after the appli deadline. tion Notes: Applicants are advised not to wait until the last moment to submit their application in order to avoid last minute unforeseen problems in the online submission process. There is no separate application procedure for Erasmus Mundus scholarships. In the online application form, where itis asked how the studies are going to be funded, the applicant should select: Erasmus Mundus (If that is done, and the application submission is done before 15 January 2023, the application will automatically be considered for an Erasmus Mundus scholarship award) Information about the European Union countries group classification can be seen here.

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