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indd 1 1/15/2017 1:18:20 AM

Daftar Isi

Buku.indd 2 1/15/2017 1:18:23 AM

bab 1 bab 6

1 26
Pengan DKV
tar Tek
Infor bab 4

bab 2 bab 7

7 27
crea Ds.
tive Entre
writ- pren
ing bab 5 eur

de Pro
Graf bab 8
bab 3

13 30
Meng Teori
gam Peri
bar klanan

Buku.indd 3 1/15/2017 1:18:23 AM


My Book | 01

Buku.indd 4 1/15/2017 1:18:24 AM

A. Teknologi Informasi transmisi
Information technology (teknologi in- Hasil teknologi : mobil modern
formasi - TI) adalah istilah untuk
mendeskripsikan teknologi – teknologi D. Teknologi Informasi
yang memungkinkan manusia untuk: • Masa lalu: goresan/gambar, patung/
mencatat (record) prasasti, alat hitung, arsip, telegraf,
menyimpan (store) dll
mengolah (process) •Masa kini: komputer, faks, telekonfe-
mengambil kembali (retrieve) rensi, handphone, dll
mengirim (transmit)
menerima (receive) Mengapa informasi dibutuhkan ?
Dasar pengambilan keputusan
B. Data & Informasi Kegembiraan
DaTa ~ sekumpulan fenomena alam
(dlm bentuk angka, kata, gambar / E. Sumber Informasi
bentuk lain ) termasuk didalamnya • Pustaka [ilmiah, semi-ilmiah, pop-
hasil dari pengalaman, observasi dan uler]
penelitian. • Media massa [cetak, radio, TV]
Raw data / data mentah (dalam • Lisan [wawancara, telepon]
istilah komputasi) ~ angka, karakter, • Tulisan [surat, fax]
gambar atau bentuk lain yang digu-
nakan untuk mengkonversi kuantitas F. Perangkat Bantu
fisik ke dalam simbol dalam penger- Manual [pensil/pena + kertas]
tian yang luas Mesin mekanis [mesin tik]
Informasi = data yang terstruktur hasil Alat telekomunikasi
olahan Alat elektronis [komputer dalam berb-
agai bentuk]
C. Teknologi
Teknologi : ilmu yang berkaitan den- G. Cara Olah Data
gan seni atau sains dengan pengap- Perekaman awal [originating]
likasian pengetahuan ilmiah ke praktis Pengklasifikasian [classifying]
aplikasi praktis dari sains dalam in- Penyusunan/pengurutan [sorting]
dustri / bisnis Penghitungan [calculating]
Penyimpanan [storing]
Teknologi : ilmu yang berkaitan den- Cara pengambilan kembali [retrieving]
gan seni atau sains dengan pengap- Perbanyakan [copying]
likasian pengetahuan ilmiah ke praktis Penyampaian [distributing]
aplikasi praktis dari sains dalam in-
dustri / bisnis H. Cara Olah Data
Pengetahuan ilmiah : sistem as,sistem Data Mahasiswa
elektronik,sistem pembakaran,sistem Perekaman awal [originating]
pengemudian,sistem pengereman,- Pengumpulan data mahasiswa
sistem roda,sistem suspensi, sistem Pengklasifikasian [classifying]

PTI | 02

Buku.indd 5 1/15/2017 1:18:25 AM

I. Cara Olah Data alatan Teknologi Informasi
Penyimpanan [storing]
Simpan ke pusat data di komputer K. Abad Informasi
Cara pengambilan kembali [retrieving] MASYARAKAT INFORMASI  sua-
Data dapat diambil untuk diolah tu masyarakat dimana lebih banyak
kembali (jika ada perubahan data, orang bekerja dalam bidang pen-
penambahan jumlah mahasiswa) anganan informasi dari pada bidang
Perbanyakan [copying] pertanian dan industri
Dapat diperbanyak
Penyampaian [distributing] KARAKTERISTIK ABAD INFORMASI
Disampaikan sebagai informasi Munculnya masyarakat berbasis infor-
masi Bisnis tergantung pada TI
J. Sejarah Adanya transformasi proses kerja
ABAD PERTANIAN Re-engineers proses bisnis yang
Periode < 1800 konvensional
Pekerja Petani Keberhasilannya bergan- tung
Perpaduan Manusia & tanah pada efektivitas pe-
Peralatan Tangan manfaatannya.
TI melekat pada ban-
ABAD INDUSTRI yak produk &
Periode 1800 – 1957
Pekerja Pegawai pabrik
Perpaduan Manusia & mesin pe-
Peralatan Mesin layanan
Contoh : de-
Periode 1957 – sekarang pulsa
Pekerja Pekerja terdidik
Perpaduan Manusia & manusia L. Kompo-
Per- nen TI

Buku.indd 6 1/15/2017 1:18:26 AM

Hardware (HW) Kegiatan industri ini menghasilkan
Mouse, keyboard, monitor berbagai jenis barang, seperti pa-
Software (SW) kaian, sepatu, mobil, sepeda motor,
Game, windows, office pupuk, dan obatobatan. Industrijasa
Firmware (FW)
instruksi disimpan permanen dalam Industri jasa merupakan kegiatan
ROM ekonomi yang dengan cara memberi-
Brainware (BW) kan pelayanan jasa. Contohnya, jasa
User, programmer, analis transportasi seperti angkutan bus,
Infoware (IW) kereta api, penerbangan, dan pela-
Petunjuk penggunaan, aturan-aturan yaran. Perusahaan jasa ada juga yang
membantu proses produksi.
M. Kesimpulan Con- tohnya,
Sejak dulu manusia butuh informasi j a s a
Informasi = hasil olahan data bank
Komponen TI: HW, SW, FW, BW, IW d an

N. Industri
Industri adalah bidang yang meng-
gunakan ketrampilan, dan ketekunan
kerja (bahasa Inggris: industrious)
dan penggunaan alat-alat di bidang
pengolahan hasil-hasil bumi, dan dis- p e r-
tribusinya sebagai dasarnya. Maka in- g u -
dustri umumnya dikenal sebagai mata dan- g a n .
rantai selanjutnya dari usaha-usa- Pelayanan jasa ada yang
ha mencukupi kebutuhan (ekonomi) langsung ditujukan kepada para kon-
yang berhubungan dengan bumi, yaitu sumen. Contohnya asuransi, kes-
sesudah pertanian, perkebunan, dan ehatan, penjahit, pengacara, sa-
pertambangan yang berhubungan erat lon kecantikan, dan tukang cukur.
dengan tanah. Kedudukan industri se- Kebanyakan orang men-
makin jauh dari tanah, yang merupakan gasumsikan bahwa industri hanya-
basis ekonomi, budaya, dan politik. lah kegiatan ekonomi manusia yang
mengolah bahan baku/ bahan mentah
Bidang industri dibedakan menjadi dua, menjadi barang setengah jadi atau
yaitu industri barang dan industri jasa. bahan jadi. Padahal pengertian indus-
tri sangatlah luas, proses industri ini
Industri barang meliputi semua kegiatan manusia da-
lam suatu bidang tertentu yang sifatnya
Industri barang merupakan usaha produktif dan komersial. Kata industri
mengolah bahan mentah menjadi ba- berasal dari bahasa Francis kuno yaitu
rang setengah jadi atau barang jadi.

PTI | 04

Buku.indd 7 1/15/2017 1:18:30 AM

“industrie” yang berarti aktivitas, teta- baik untuk melayani maupun menun-
pi kata tersebut dasarnya berasal dari jang aktifitas industri yang lain ser-
bahasa latin yaitu “Industria” yang ta dapat juga memberikan pelayanan
memiliki arti kerajinan dan aktivitas. langsung terhadap masyarakat (ko-
sumen). Industri jenis ini biasanya
Dalam arti luas industri adalah suatu melakukan aktivitas di dalam suatu
bidang yang bersifat komersial yang gedung (perkantoran).
menggunakan keterampilan kerja ser- Pengertian prinsip ekonomi adalah
ta teknologi untuk menghasilkan sua- panduan dalam kegiatan ekonomi un-
tu produk dengan tujuan mendapat- tuk mencapai perbandingan rasional
kan keuntungan. Produk industri tidak antara pengobanan yang dikeluar-
hanya berupa barang (manufaktur) kan dan hasil yang diperoleh. atau
tetapi juga dalam bentuk jasa (pe- Prinsip ekonomi dapat juga diartikan
layanan), contoh hasil produksi dalam pengorabanan sekecil-kecilnya un-
bentuk jasa seperti misalnya perban- tuk memperoleh hasil tertentu, atau
kan, asuransi, transportasi, jasa pen- dengan pengorbanan tertentu untuk
giriman barang dan sebagainya. memperoleh hasil semaksimal mung-
Suatu Industri identik dengan tem-
p a t d i m a - n a Eko n o m i m e r u-
b e r - p a k a n
an ilmu
y a n g
langsungnya suatu perindustrian yaitu berhubungan dengan produksi, distri-
pabrik, dalam arti luas pabrik adalah busi, dan konsumsi mengenai barang
tempat manusia, mesin atau teknologi, dan jasa. Istilah ekonomi berasal dari
material, energi, modal dan sumber- bahasa Yunani dari kata oikos yang
daya dikelola bersama-sama dalam berarti keluarga, rumah, tangga. dan
suatu sistem produksi dengan tujuan nomos yang berarti peraturan, aturan,
menghasilkan suatu produk dan jasa hukum.
yang efektif, efisien dan aman yang
siap digunakan oleh masyarakat umum Prinsip Ekonomi memberi kita keun-
maupun dapat diolah lebih lanjut untuk tungan yang pertama adalah dapat
menghasilkan jenis produk yang lainn- memaksimalkan keuntungan dimana
ya. Pabrik identik dengan pengolahan mendapatkan hasil yang sebesar-be-
bahan baku dan menghasilkan produk sarnya, keuntungan kedua adalah
jadi dalam bentuk barang. meminimalkan kerugian dimana den-
Industri jasa adalah (Service Indus- gan pengorbanan yang sekecil-kecil-
tries) adalah industri yang bergerak nya. Prinsip ekonomi berlaku dalam
dalam bidang pelayanan atau jasa, tiga kegiatan ekonomi yaitu produksi,

PTI | 05

Buku.indd 8 1/15/2017 1:18:31 AM

distribusi, dan konsumsi. Penyaluran barang yang tepat
Prinsip Ekonomi dalam Kegiatan Pro- Memakai sarana distribusi yang
duksi dengan harga murah
Membeli barang dari produsen
Dalam kegiatan produksi adalah dasar secara langsung
dalam menghasilkan barang dan jasa Menyediakan barang dan jasa
sebanyak-banyaknya dengan biaya yang populer bagi konsumen
produksi dan pengorbanan tertentu. Membeli barang di produsen
Contoh Penerapannya - Contoh-con- yang tepat
toh penerapan prinsip ekonomi pada Menentukan lokasi perusahaan
kegiatan produksi yang berada diantara produsen dan
Mendirikan tempat usaha dekat
dengan bahan baku, tenaga kerja Prinsip Ekonomi dalam Kegiatan Kon-
atau daerah pemasaran sumsi
Menggunakan tenaga kerja yang
terampil Dalam kegiatan konsumsi adalah
Memakai bahan baku yang upaya dalam memperoleh kepuasaan
berkualitas terbaik, namun dengan sebesar-besarnya dari sautu barang
harga paling murah atau jasa dengan pengorbanan dan
Memakai sumber daya misalnya penggunaan anggaran tertentu. Contoh
modal, tenaga kerja, dan waktu seef- Penerapan - Contoh-contoh penera-
isien mungkin. pan prinsip ekonomi berdasarkan ke-
Memakai mesin modern dengan giatan konsumsi
produktivitas yang tinggi namun den-
gan biaya yang rendah Membeli barang yang berkualiatas
Menentukan harga jual yang Membeli barang dengan harga
menguntungkan terjangkau atau mura
Menentukan barang dan jasa
yang akan dihasilkan

Prinsip Ekonomi dalam Kegiatan Dis-


Dalam kegiatan distribusi adalah pen-

yaluran barang dan jasa dari produs-
en ke konsumen. Contoh Penerapan
- Contoh-contoh penerapan prinsip
ekonomi berdasarkan kegiatan distri-

Meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan

PTI | 06

Buku.indd 9 1/15/2017 1:18:32 AM


My Book | 07

Buku.indd 10 1/15/2017 1:18:33 AM

Iklan : pesan komunikasi pemasaran mengambil tindakan yang mengun-
tentang suatu produk yang disam- tungkan pihak yang membuat iklan.
paikan lewat suatu media berbayar
Sumber Asli : http://www.sis-
iklan adalah sebuah pesan komu-
nikatif dalam sebuah dengan tujuan tian-iklan-syarat-ciri-jenis-jenis-
promosi kepada masyarakat/konsumen dan-manfaatnya.html#ixzz4Vj6572Wu

Iklan adalah informasi yang isin- To identify these characteristics,

ya membujuk khalayak banyak atau Martinsen gathered a group of art-
orang banyak supaya tertarik kepada ists, musicians, and marketing cre-
barang atau jasa yang ditawarkan. atives and compared them with a
control group of managers and oth-
Dengan kata lain, iklan memberitahu ers in professions less associat-
kepada banyak orang mengenai ba- ed with creativity. Which personality
rang dan jasa yang dijual, dipasang traits stood out among the artistical-
di media massa seperti kran dan ly inclined? Martinsen found seven:
majalah atau di tempat-tempat umum.
Associative orienta-

Kata Iklan berasal dari tion: Imaginative, play- f u l ,

kata Yunani yang artinya menggiring have a wealth of ideas, abil-
orang-orang kepada gagasan. Penger- ity to be committed, sliding tran-
tian iklan secara lengkap yaitu semua sitions between fact and fiction.
wujud aktivitas untuk mendatangkan
dan menawarkan penemu/ide, barang Need for originality: Resists
dan/atau jasa secara bukan personal rules and conventions. Have a re-
yang dibayarkan oleh sponsor tertentu. bellious attitude because of a need
to do things no one else does.
Secara umum, iklan berwujud pen-
yajian informasi nonpersonal tentang Motivation: Have a need to per-
suatu produk, merek, perusahaan, form, goal oriented, innovative atti-
atau toko yang dijalankan dengan tude, stamina to tackle difficult issues.
kompensasi biaya tertentu. Maka dari
itu, iklan berupa proses komunika- Ambition: Have a need to be influ-
si yang memiliki tujuan membujuk ential, attract attention and recognition.
atau menarik orang banyak untuk

Creative W | 08

Buku.indd 11 1/15/2017 1:18:34 AM

Flexibility: Have the ability to Here are a few other recognisable
see different aspects of issues and characteristics of a proper creative idea:
come up with optimal solutions.
It’s highly relevant to the
Low emotional stability: Have a brand’s commercial strategy.
tendency to experience negative emo- It resonates with the needs
tions, greater fluctuations in moods and of the brand’s customers (and
emotional state, failing self-confidence. often with more serious is-
sues out there in the real world).
Low sociability: Have a ten- It has ‘zing’. It stands out.
dency not to be very consider- It feels fresh. It’s ‘right’ somehow.
ate, are obstinate and find faults It’s roomy. There is a broad canvas
and flaws in ideas and people. for creative expression that goes be-
yond one or two executions. It should
What a creative idea isn’t be possible to use it for anything from
banner ads to supermarket wobblers.
A creative idea is not a gimmick. It often seems obvi-
It’s not a pun or a catch phrase. ous, and makes people think
It’s not about using some new piece the job of finding it was
of technical gimcrackery. Or deciding easy. Usually afterwards.
on the colour green. These may be
the outcomes from a creative idea, Where do crea-
but the idea has to come first. tive ideas come from?
So how do you de-
fine a real creative idea? Controlled thinking
- and lots of it.
Well the first thing you Whether
should notice is that it’s it’s an
clever. Give good crea-
tive minds long enough to
think about a problem and
they should be able to
put the pieces together.

Buku.indd 12 1/15/2017 1:18:37 AM

advert, a song or a joke, the tech- or recording of signs and symbols. In
nique is more or less the same. most languages, writing is a comple-
John Cleese probably put it best. ment to speech or spoken language.
Writing is not a language but a form
Talking is good too. Traditionally, ad- of technology that developed as tools
vertising agencies would put writers developed with human society. With-
and art directors together to dis- in a language system, writing relies
cuss a brief and solve it through on many of the same structures as
the intersection of visual and ver- speech, such as vocabulary, gram-
bal thinking. These days the team mar and semantics, with the added
may also include a digital design- dependency of a system of signs or
er or UX expert. But some people symbols. The result of writing is gen-
like to tinker away on their own. erally called text, and the recipient of
text is called a reader. Motivations for
We do whatever works. writing include publication, storytelling,
correspondence and diary. Writing has
Also, we never forget that this type of been instrumental in keeping histo-
thinking must be nurtured. If the cre- ry, maintaining culture, dissemina-
ative team are only ever in the office, tion of knowledge through the media
or commuting or doing domestic things and the formation of legal systems.
at home, they’ll soon dry up. It’s vital
to get out of the office and around the As human societies emerged, the de-
galleries if you’re to avoid getting all velopment of writing was driven by
your ideas off of the furniture or decor. pragmatic exigencies such as ex-
changing information, maintaining fi-
We also believe it’s important to nancial accounts, codifying laws and
keep an eye on the latest films, recording history. Around the 4th mil-
books, music and news. Real cre- lennium BCE, the complexity of trade
atives need to be in touch with the and administration in Mesopotamia
world, even the other worldly ones. outgrew human memory, and writing
became a more dependable method of
But most important of all recording and presenting transactions
– we don’t skimp on time. in a permanent form.[1] In both an-
cient Egypt and Mesoamerica writing
This may be hard when there may have evolved through calendrics
are countless deadlines, but the and a political necessity for recording
amount of thought that goes into historical and environmental events.
an idea is usually quite transpar-
ent - even to people who’ve nev- Originality is the aspect of
er stepped near a creative agency. created or invented works by as
Writing is a medium of human com- being new or novel, and thus can
munication that represents language be distinguished from reproductions,
and emotion through the inscription clones, forgeries, or derivative works.

Creative W | 10

Buku.indd 13 1/15/2017 1:18:38 AM

[citation needed] An original work is
one not received from others nor With printmaking, there is a lot more
one copied from or based upon the confusion in the artworld, and in fact,
work of others.[citation needed]. It Bernd’s answer needs a bit of clar-
is a work created with a unique ification. When an artist does origi-
style and substance. The term “orig- nal printmaking, they make a printing
inality” is often applied as a com- plate from which an edition is printed.
pliment to the creativity of artists, The plate does NOT copy a work
writers, and thinkers.[citation needed] of art that was originally produced in
The idea of originality as we[who?] some other medium (an oil paint-
know it was invented by Romanti- ing, acryclic, etc.). It is a unique
cism,[1] with a notion that is often work, created solely as a print. The
called romantic originality.[2][3][4] pieces of the edition are signed and
numbered by the artist. (note: There
The concept of originality is cultural- are also “monoprints”, which are one
ly contingent. It became an ideal of a kind prints that an artist
in Western culture starting from makes - each one a
the 18th cen- tury.
I n

trast, at the time of Shakespeare unique piece - these a r e

it was common to appreciate more just like originals, ex- cept they
the similarity with an admired clas- are made by a printing process)
sical work, and Shakespeare him-
self avoided “unnecessary invention” If the printing plate - these days
plates can be made photographically
When an artist creates a unique art- - copies, or in other words, RE-
work, that is an original. That original PRODUCES an image that the artist
may be a painting of some kind, or originally made in some other me-
a sculpture, or a performance work, dium, and then the works in the
or one of many other kinds of me- edition replicate THAT image, then
dia. It seems that the types of orig- even if the artist numbers and signs
inal media proliferate daily. However, them and even if he or she makes
if the artist makes it with his/her some little extra unique squiggles on
own hands OR under his/her su- them with their own hand, and even
pervision (Jeff Koons has a huge if the gallery calls them “originals”,
workshop with lots of “helpers” as they are still reproductions. And what
does the glassmaker Dale Chihuly - is really important to understand, is
and so did many of the Renais- that they are of much less value that
sance artists), then it is an original. any kind of original created by the

Creative W | 11

Buku.indd 14 1/15/2017 1:18:39 AM

artist, no matter how they are hyped. that represent (or approximate) syl-
This is the area where the great- lables. A glyph in a syllabary typically
est misinformation and flat out frauds represents a consonant followed by a
in the art business have occurred. vowel, or just a vowel alone, though
A logogram is a written char- in some scripts more complex syllables
acter which represents a word or mor- (such as consonant-vowel-conso-
pheme. A vast number of logograms nant, or consonant-consonant-vowel)
are needed to write Chinese charac- may have dedicated glyphs. Pho-
ters, cuneiform, and Mayan, where a netically related syllables are not so
glyph may stand for a morpheme, a indicated in the script. For instance,
syllable, or both—(“logoconsonantal” the syllable “ka” may look nothing
in the case of hieroglyphs). Many like the syllable “ki”, nor will sylla-
logograms have an ideographic com- bles with the same vowels be similar.
ponent (Chinese “radicals”, hiero-
glyphic “determiners”). For example,
in Mayan, the glyph for
“fin”, pronounced
“ka’”, was also
used to rep-
re- sent the
syl- lable
“ka” when-
e v er the
pronun- ciation of
a logogram needed to be
indicated, or when there was no log-
ogram. In Chinese, about 90% of
characters are compounds of a se-
mantic (meaning) element called a
radical with an existing character to
indicate the pronunciation, called a
phonetic. However, such phonetic el-
ements complement the logograph-
ic elements, rather than vice versa.

The main logographic system in use

today is Chinese characters, used
with some modification for the var-
ious languages or dialects of Chi-
na, and for Japanese. Korean,
even in South Korea, today uses
mainly the phonetic Hangul system
A syllabary is a set of written symbols

Creative W | 12

Buku.indd 15 1/15/2017 1:18:40 AM


My Book | 13

Buku.indd 16 1/15/2017 1:18:41 AM

Our lesson on drawing portraits is you through in our illustrated lessons.
an illustrated step by step tutorial
that will teach you the skills and Our Pencil Portrait explains
techniques you need to help you and illustrates each stage of draw-
draw a convincing pencil portrait. ing a portrait from the initial out-
line to the subtle tones and tex-
Our section on the Proportions tures of the finished work. Our step
of the Head helps you to measure by step approach allows you to see
the size, calculate the shape and the stages of development that you
position the features of a face in need to work through in order to
your drawings. If you follow these achieve an image of satisfying quality.
basic proportions you should notice
an improvement in the accuracy of Our Pencil Shading Techniques
your portraits. These measurements will enable you to practice the skills
are something that you need to un- you need to improve your abili-
derstand before you start any portrait. ty to render tone and form. You
can copy and print a free exercise
Our section on Portrait Features sheet to test your shading technique.
helps you with the problems that you
meet when drawing the eyes, nose,
mouth and ears. Each feature has Firstly, the most useful technique to get
its own difficulties which we guide started and past the initial fear is to

Menggambar | 14

Buku.indd 17 1/15/2017 1:18:49 AM

simplify the major shapes of the face. to analyze how the features align on
the face. Using this technique will
If you are drawing from an image, then help you learn how things like the
you can even draw the shapes on your eyes, hairline, nose, ears, cheek-
reference photo before you draw them bones, etc. interact with each other.
on your paper. This will help you get
a good understanding of proportions Draw vertical and diagonal lines to get
a sense of how the placement of the
nose relates to the placement of the
mouth, and chin; how the corner of
the eye interacts with the neck and
jawline; or the relationship between
the eye and the edge of the nose.
This tip is closely relat-
ed to the previous one. We are
still drawing lines over our refer-
ence image, but this time their
purpose is to measure distances.

Sketching the features of a face at

and the distances between features.

The most common shapes used to

break up the face are circles and
triangles, but you can use whichev-
er shape comes closest to the el-
ements in your reference. Look at
your image — or live subject if you
are drawing from life — and try to
find the underlying shapes that create
the structure of the face and skull.
When drawing, it is easy to
let your brain take charge and begin
to draw what we think is there in- the correct distance from each other
stead of going with a fully observa- is very important to achieve like-
tion approach and drawing what we ness. Some people have eyes that
actually see. One way to overcome are closer together, others are wider
this problem is to draw lines in order apart, some have longer noses and

Menggambar | 15

Buku.indd 18 1/15/2017 1:18:50 AM

others shorter ones. All of these de- structor, said that drawing portraits
tails make up the person as a whole is one of the most magical things
and define their individual and char- there is because, by using the sim-
acteristic look. When you get the size plest of tools on a blank piece of
and distance of the features right, a paper, a person suddenly appears
face becomes instantly recognizable on it. I could not agree more, and
and can come alive on the page. I think he put into words exact-
ly what the amazing beauty of the
All of these tips are aimed at portraiture experience is all about.
improving and refining our observational Our lesson on drawing por-
skills and analyzing the individual and traits is an illustrated step by step
unique proportions of the person we tutorial that will teach you the skills
are sketching. Give them a try and see and techniques you need to help
how, after just a couple of attempts, you draw a convincing pencil portrait.
you will start to notice improvement
Our section on the Proportions
of the Head helps you to measure
the size, calculate the shape and

with ever new sketch you create.

This is tremendously encouraging,

to witness as we slowly improve
our skills and get better right be-
fore our very eyes. After all, that’s
what practice is all about, nothing position the features of a face in
but a beautiful journey of discover- your drawings. If you follow these
ing how much we are capable of. basic proportions you should notice
Gary Faigin, Craftsy in- an improvement in the accuracy of

Menggambar | 16

Buku.indd 19 1/15/2017 1:18:52 AM

your portraits. These measurements you through in our illustrated lessons.
are something that you need to un-
derstand before you start any portrait. Our Pencil Portrait explains
and illustrates each stage of draw-
Our section on Portrait Features ing a portrait from the initial out-
helps you with the problems that you line to the subtle tones and tex-
meet when drawing the eyes, nose, tures of the finished work. Our step
mouth and ears. Each feature has by step approach allows you to see
its own difficulties which we guide the stages of development that you
you through in our illustrated lessons. need to work through in order to
achieve an image of satisfying quality.
Our Pencil Portrait explains
and illustrates each stage of draw- Our Pencil Shading Techniques
ing a portrait from the initial out- will enable you to practice the skills
line to the subtle tones and tex- you need to improve your abili-
tures of the finished work. Our step ty to render tone and form. You
by step approach allows you to see can copy and print a free exercise
the stages of development that you sheet to test your shading technique.
need to work through in order to ion approach and drawing
achieve an image of satisfying quality. what we actually see. One way to
overcome this problem is to draw lines
Our Pencil Shading Techniques in order to analyze how the features
will enable you to practice the skills align on the face. Using this technique
you need to improve your abili- will help you learn how things like the
ty to render tone and form. You eyes, hairline, nose, ears, cheek-
can copy and print a free exercise bones, etc. interact with each other.
sheet to test your shading technique.
Our section on the Pro- Draw vertical and diagonal lines to get
portions of the Head helps you to a sense of how the placement of the
measure the size, calculate the shape nose relates to the placement of the
and position the features of a face mouth, and chin; how the corner of
in your drawings. If you follow these the eye interacts with the neck and
basic proportions you should notice jawline; or the relationship between
an improvement in the accuracy of the eye and the edge of the nose.
your portraits. These measurements This tip is closely related to
are something that you need to un- Our section on the Pro-
derstand before you start any portrait. portions of the Head helps you to
measure the size, calculate the shape
Our section on Portrait Features and position the features of a face
helps you with the problems that you in your drawings. If you follow these
meet when drawing the eyes, nose, basic proportions you should notice
mouth and ears. Each feature has an improvement in the accuracy of
its own difficulties which we guide your portraits. These measurements

Menggambar | 17

Buku.indd 20 1/15/2017 1:18:52 AM

are something that you need to un- achieve an image of satisfying quality.
derstand before you start any portrait.
Our Pencil Shading Techniques
Our section on Portrait Features will enable you to practice the skills
helps you with the problems that you you need to improve your abili-
meet when drawing the eyes, nose, ty to render tone and form. You
mouth and ears. Each feature has can copy and print a free exercise
its own difficulties which we guide sheet to test your shading technique.
you through in our illustrated lessons. Our section on the Pro-
portions of the Head helps you to
Our Pencil Portrait explains measure the size, calculate the shape
and illustrates each stage of draw- and position the features of a face
ing a portrait from the initial out- in your drawings. If you follow these
line to the subtle tones and tex- basic proportions you should notice
tures of the finished work. Our step an improvement in the accuracy of
by step approach allows you to see your portraits. These measurements
the stages of development that you are something that you need to un-
need to work through in order to derstand before you start any portrait.
achieve an image of satisfying quality.
Our section on Portrait Features
Our Pencil Shading Techniques helps you with the problems that you
will enable you to practice the skills meet when drawing the eyes, nose,
you need to improve your abili- mouth and ears. Each feature has
ty to render tone and form. You its own difficulties which we guidew
can copy and print a free exercise
sheet to test your shading technique.
Our section on the Pro-
portions of the Head helps you to
measure the size, calculate the shape
and position the features of a face
in your drawings. If you follow these
basic proportions you should notice
an improvement in the accuracy of
your portraits. These measurements
are something that you need to un-
derstand before you start any portrait.
Our Pencil Portrait explains and illus-
trates each stage of drawing a portrait
from the initial outline to the subtle
tones and textures of the finished work.
Our step by step approach allows you
to see the stages of development that
you need to work through in order to

Menggambar | 18

Buku.indd 21 1/15/2017 1:18:53 AM


My Book | 19

Buku.indd 22 1/15/2017 1:18:53 AM

Storytelling is the social and The story was then told using
cultural activity of sharing stories, of- a combination of oral narrative, mu-
ten with improvisation, theatrics, or sic, rock art and dance, which bring
embellishment. Stories or narratives understanding and meaning of hu-
have been shared in every culture man existence through remembrance
as a means of entertainment, edu- and enactment of stories.[2] People
cation, cultural preservation and in- have used the carved trunks of living
stilling moral values. Crucial elements trees and ephemeral media (such as
of stories and storytelling include sand and leaves) to record stories
in pictures or with writing. Complex
forms of tattooing may also represent
stories, with information about ge-
nealogy, affiliation and social status.

With the advent of writing and the

use of stable, portable media, stories
were recorded, transcribed and shared
over wide regions of the world. Stories
have been carved, scratched, painted,
printed or inked onto wood or bam-
boo, ivory and other bones, pottery,
clay tablets, stone, palm-leaf books,
skins (parchment), bark cloth, pa-
plot, characters and narrative point of per, silk, canvas and other textiles,
view. The term ‘storytelling’ is used recorded on film and stored elec-
in a narrow sense to refer specif- tronically in digital form. Oral stories
ically to oral storytelling and also
in a looser sense to refer to tech-
niques used in other media to unfold
or disclose the narrative of a story.

Storytelling predates writing,
with the earliest forms of storytelling
usually oral combined with gestures
and expressions. In addition to be-
ing part of religious rituals, some
archaeologists believe rock art may
have served as a form of storytell-
ing for many ancient cultures.[1] The
Australian aboriginal people painted continue to be created, improvisation-
symbols from stories on cave walls ally by impromptu storytellers, as well
as a means of helping the storytell- as committed to memory and passed
er remember the story. from generation to generation, despite

Vis-Storytell | 20

Buku.indd 23 1/15/2017 1:18:56 AM

the increasing popularity of written and to communicate information about their
televised media in much of the world. topic. Self-revelatory stories, creat-
Modern storytelling has a ed for their cathartic and therapeutic
broad purview. In addition to its tradi- effect, are growing in their use and
tional forms (fairytales, folktales, my- application, as in Psychodrama, Dra-
thology, legends, fables etc.), it has ma Therapy and Playback Theatre.[5]
extended itself to representing history, Albert Bates Lord exam-
personal narrative, political commentary ined oral narratives from field tran-
and evolving cultural norms. Contem- scripts of Yugoslav oral bards col-
porary storytelling is also widely used lected by Milman Parry in the 1930s,
to address educational objectives.[3] and the texts of epics such as
New forms of media are creating new the Odyssey and Beowulf.[6] Lord
ways for people to record, express found that a large part of the sto-
and consume stories. Tools for asyn- ries consisted of text which was im-
chronous group communication can provised during the telling process.
provide an environment for individuals
to reframe or recast individual sto- Lord identified two types of story vo-
ries into group stories.[4] Games and cabulary. The first he called “for-
other digital platforms, such as those mulas”: “rosy-fingered dawn”, “the
used in interactive fiction or interactive wine-dark sea” and other specific
storytelling, may be used to position set phrases had long been known
the user as a character within a big- of in Homer and other oral ep-
ger world. Documentaries, including ics. Lord, however, discovered that
interactive web documentaries, em- across many story traditions, fully
ploy storytelling narrative techniques 90% of an oral epic is assembled

Vis-Storytell | 21

Buku.indd 24 1/15/2017 1:19:02 AM

from lines which are repeated verba- in The Hero With a Thousand Faces.
tim or which use one-for-one word
substitutions. In other words, oral The story was described by Reyn-
stories are built out of set phrases olds Price, when he wrote:
which have been stockpiled from a
lifetime of hearing and telling stories. A need to tell and hear sto-
ries is essential to the species Homo
The other type of story vocabulary sapiens – second in necessity ap-
is theme, a set sequence of story parently after nourishment and be-
actions that structure a tale. Just as fore love and shelter. Millions survive
the teller of tales proceeds line-by- without love or home, almost none in
line using formulas, so he proceeds silence; the opposite of silence leads
from event-to-event using themes. quickly to narrative, and the sound
One near-universal theme is repe- of story is the dominant sound of
tition, as evidenced in Western folk- our lives, from the small accounts of
lore with the “rule of three”: three our day’s events to the vast incom-
brothers set out, three attempts are municable constructs of psychopaths.[
made, three riddles are asked. A Folklorists sometimes di-
theme can be as simple as a specific vide oral tales into two main groups:
set sequence describing the arming Märchen and Sagen.[8] These are
of a hero, starting with shirt and German terms for which there are
trousers and ending with headdress no exact English equivalents, how-
and weapons. A theme can be large ever we have approximations:
enough to be a plot component. For
example: a hero proposes a journey Märchen, loosely translated as
to a dangerous place / he disguises “fairy tale(s)” (lit. little stories),
himself / his disguise fools everybody take place in a kind of separate
/ except for a common person of “once-upon-a-time” world of no-
little account (a crone, a tavern maid where-in-particular, at an indeter-
or a woodcutter) / who immediately minate time in the past. They are
recognizes him / the commoner be- clearly not intended to be understood
comes the hero’s ally, showing unex- as true. The stories are full of clear-
pected resources of skill or initiative. ly defined incidents, and peopled by
A theme does not belong to a specific rather flat characters with little or no
story, but may be found with mi- interior life. When the supernatural
nor variation in many different stories. occurs, it is presented matter-of-fact-
Themes may be no more than handy ly, without surprise. Indeed, there is
prefabricated parts for constructing a very little effect, generally; blood-
tale, or they may represent universal curdling events may take place, but
truths – ritual-based, religious truths, with little call for emotional response
as James Frazer saw in The Gold- from the listener.[citation needed]
en Bough, or archetypal, psychological
truths, as Joseph Campbell describes Sagen, best translated as “legends”,

Vis-Storytell | 22

Buku.indd 25 1/15/2017 1:19:03 AM

are supposed to have actually hap- example: a hero proposes a journey
pened, very often at a particular time to a dangerous place / he disguises
and place, and they draw much of himself / his disguise fools everybody
their power from this fact. When / except for a common person of
the supernatural intrudes (as it of- little account (a crone, a tavern maid
ten does), it does so in an emo- or a woodcutter) / who immediately
tionally fraught manner. Ghost and recognizes him / the commoner be-
lovers’ leap stories belong in this comes the hero’s ally, showing unex-
category, as do many UFO sto- pected resources of skill or initiative.
ries and stories of supernatural be- A theme does not belong to a specific
ings and events.[citation needed] story, but may be found with minor
variation in many different stories.
Another important examination of oral- Themes may be no more than handy
ity in human life is Walter J. Ong’s prefabricated parts for constructing a
Orality and Literacy: The Technol- tale, or they may represent universal
ogizing of the Word (1982). Ong truths – ritual-based, religious truths,
studies the distinguishing characteris- as James Frazer saw in The Golden
tics of oral traditions, how oral and Bough, or archetypal, psychological
written cultures interact and condi- truths, as Joseph Campbell describes
tion one another, and how they ulti- in The Hero With a Thousand Faces.
mately influence human epistemology.
empts are made, three riddles The story was de-
are asked. A theme can be as simple scribed by Reynolds
as a specific set sequence describing Price, when he wrote:
the arming of a hero, starting with
shirt and trousers and ending with A need to tell
headdress and weapons. A theme can and hear stories
be large enough to be a plot com- is essential
ponent. For to the species
Homo sapiens
– second in ne-
cessity apparently
after nourishment
a n d

Buku.indd 26 1/15/2017 1:19:08 AM

before love and shelter. Millions sur- from event-to-event using themes.
vive without love or home, almost One near-universal theme is repe-
none in silence; the opposite of si- tition, as evidenced in Western folk-
lence leads quickly to narrative, and lore with the “rule of three”: three
the sound of story is the dominant brothers set out, three attempts are
storytelling narrative techniques made, three riddles are asked. A
to communicate information about their theme can be as simple as a specific
topic. Self-revelatory stories, creat- set sequence describing the arming
ed for their cathartic and therapeutic of a hero, starting with shirt and
effect, are growing in their use and trousers and ending with headdress
application, as in Psychodrama, Dra- and weapons. A theme can be large
ma Therapy and Playback Theatre.[5] enough to be a plot component. For
Albert Bates Lord exam- example: a hero proposes a journey
ined oral narratives from field tran- to a dangerous place / he disguises
scripts of Yugoslav oral bards col- himself / his disguise fools everybody
lected by Milman Parry in the 1930s, / except for a common person of
and the texts of epics such as little account (a crone, a tavern maid
the Odyssey and Beowulf.[6] Lord or a woodcutter) / who immediately
found that a large part of the sto- recognizes him / the commoner be-
ries consisted of text which was im- comes the hero’s ally, showing unex-
provised during the telling process. pected resources of skill or initiative.
A theme does not belong to a specific
Lord identified two types of story vo- story, but may be found with mi-
cabulary. The first he called “for- nor variation in many different stories.
mulas”: “rosy-fingered dawn”, “the Themes may be no more than handy
wine-dark sea” and other specific prefabricated parts for constructing a
set phrases had long been known tale, or they may represent universal
of in Homer and other oral epics. truths – ritual-based, religious truths,
Lord, however, discovered that across as James Frazer saw in The Gold-
many story traditions, fully 90% of en Bough, or archetypal, psychological
an oral epic is assembled from lines truths, as Joseph Campbell describes
which are repeated verbatim or which in The Hero With a Thousand Faces.
use one-for-one word substitu-
tions. In other words, oral stories The story was described by Reyn-
are built out of set phrases which olds Price, when he wrote:
have been stockpiled from a life-
time of hearing and telling stories. A need to tell and hear sto-
ries is essential to the species Homo
The other type of story vocabulary sapiens – second in necessity ap-
is theme, a set sequence of story parently after nourishment and be-
actions that structure a tale. Just as fore love and shelter. Millions sur-
the teller of tales proceeds line-by- vive without love or home, almost
line using formulas, so he proceeds none in silence; the opposite of si-

Vis-Storytell | 24

Buku.indd 27 1/15/2017 1:19:09 AM

lence leads quickly to narrative, and lore with the “rule of three”: three
the sound of story is the dominant brothers set out, three attempts are
storytelling narrative techniques made, three riddles are asked. A
to communicate information about their theme can be as simple as a specific
topic. Self-revelatory stories, creat- set sequence describing the arming
ed for their cathartic and therapeutic of a hero, starting with shirt and
effect, are growing in their use and trousers and ending with headdress
application, as in Psychodrama, Dra- and weapons. A theme can be large
ma Therapy and Playback Theatre.[5] enough to be a plot component. For
Albert Bates Lord exam- example: a hero proposes a journey
ined oral narratives from field tran- to a dangerous place / he disguises
scripts of Yugoslav oral bards col- himself / his disguise fools everybody
lected by Milman Parry in the 1930s, / except for a common person of
and the texts of epics such as little account (a crone, a tavern maid
the Odyssey and Beowulf.[6] Lord or a woodcutter) / who immediately
found that a large part of the sto- recognizes him / the commoner be-
ries consisted of text which was im- comes the hero’s ally, showing unex-
provised during the telling process. pected resources of skill or initiative.
A theme does not belong to a specific
Lord identified two types of story vo- story, but may be found with mi-
cabulary. The first he called “for- nor variation in many different stories.
mulas”: “rosy-fingered dawn”, “the Themes may be no more than handy
wine-dark sea” and other specific prefabricated parts for constructing a
set phrases had long been known tale, or they may represent universal
of in Homer and other oral epics. truths – ritual-based, religious truths,
Lord, however, discovered that across as James Frazer saw in The Gold-
many story traditions, fully 90% of en Bough, or archetypal, psychological
an oral epic is assembled from lines truths, as Joseph Campbell describes
which are repeated verbatim or which in The Hero With a Thousand Faces.
use one-for-one word substitu-
tions. In other words, oral stories The story was described by Reyn-
are built out of set phrases which olds Price, when he wrote:
have been stockpiled from a life-
time of hearing and telling stories. A need to tell and hear sto-
a ries is essential to the species Homo
The other type of story vocabulary sapiens – second in necessity ap-
is theme, a set sequence of story parently after nourishment and be-
actions that structure a tale. Just as fore love and shelter. Millions sur-
the teller of tales proceeds line-by- vive without love or home, almost
line using formulas, so he proceeds none in silence; the opposite of si-
from event-to-event using themes. lence leads quickly to narrative, and
One near-universal theme is repe- the sound of story is the dominant
tition, as evidenced in Western folk- storytelling narrative techniques

Vis-Storytell | 25

Buku.indd 28 1/15/2017 1:19:09 AM

to communicate information about their nealogy, affiliation and social status.
topic. Self-revelatory stories, creat-
ed for their cathartic and therapeutic With the advent of writing and the use
effect, are growing in their use and of stable, portable media, stories were
application, as in Psychodrama, Dra- recorded, transcribed and shared over
ma Therapy and Playback Theatre.[5] wide regions of the world. Stories
Albert Bates Lord exam- have been carved, scratched, painted,
ined oral narratives from field tran- printed or inked onto wood or bam-
scripts of Yugoslav oral bards col- boo, ivory and other bones, pottery,
lected by Milman Parry in the 1930s, clay tablets, stone, palm-leaf books,
and the texts of epics such as skins (parchment), bark cloth, pa-
the Odyssey and Beowulf.[6] Lord per, silk, canvas and other textiles,
found that a large part of the sto- recorded on film and stored elec-
ries consisted of text which was im- tronically in digital form. Oral stories
provised during the telling process. Lord identified two types of
story vocabulary. The first he called
Lord identified two types of story vo- “formulas”: “rosy-fingered dawn”,
cabulary. The first he called “for- “the wine-dark sea” and other spe-
mulas”: “rosy-fingered dawn”, “the cific set phrases had long been
wine-dark sea” and other specific known of in Homer and other oral
set phrases had long been known epics. Lord, however, discovered that
of in Homer and other oral epics. across many story traditions, fully
Lord, however, discovered that across 90% of an oral epic is assembled
many story traditions, fully 90% of from lines which are repeated verba-
an oral epic is assembled from lines tim or which use one-for-one word
which are repeated verbatim or which substitutions. In other words, oral
use one-for-one word substitu- stories are built out of set phrases
tions. In other words, oral stories which have been stockpiled from a
are built out of set phrases which lifetime of hearing and telling stories.
have been stockpiled from a life- a
time of hearing and telling stories. The other type of story vocabulary is
The story was then told us- theme, a set sequence of story ac-
ing a combination of oral narrative, tions that structure a tale. Just as the
music, rock art and dance, which teller of tales proceeds line-by-line
bring understanding and meaning of using formulas, so he proceeds from
human existence through remembrance event-to-event using themes. One
and enactment of stories.[2] People near-universal theme is repetition, as
have used the carved trunks of living evidenced in Western folklore with the
trees and ephemeral media (such as “rule of three”: three brothers set
sand and leaves) to record stories out, three attempts are made, three
in pictures or with writing. Complex riddles are asked. A theme can be
forms of tattooing may also represent as simple as a specific set sequence
stories, with information about ge- describing the arming of a hero,

Vis-Storytell | 26

Buku.indd 29 1/15/2017 1:19:10 AM

starting with shirt and trousers and described by Reyn-
ending with headdress and weapons. olds Price, when he wrote:
A theme can be large enough to be
a plot component. For example: a A need to tell and hear sto-
hero proposes a journey to a danger- ries is essential to the species Homo
ous place / he disguises himself / sapiens – second in necessity ap-
his disguise fools everybody / except parently after nourishment and be-
for a common person of little account fore love and shelter. Millions sur-
(a crone, a tavern maid or a wood- vive without love or home, almost
cutter) / who immediately recognizes none in silence; the opposite of si-
him / the commoner becomes the lence leads quickly to narrative, and
hero’s ally, showing unexpected re- the sound of story is the dominant
sources of skill or initiative. A theme storytelling narrative tech-
does not belong to a specific story, niques lore with the “rule of three”:
but may be found with minor variation three brothers set out, three attempts
in many different stories. Themes may are made, three riddles are asked. A
be no more than handy prefabricated theme can be as simple as a specific
parts for constructing a tale, or they set sequence describing the arming
may represent universal truths – ritu- of a hero, starting with shirt and
al-based, religious truths, as James trousers and ending with headdress
Frazer saw in The Golden Bough, a n d weapons. A theme
or archetypal, psychological truths, as can be large enough to
Joseph Campbell describes in The be a plot component.
H e r o With a Thousand For ex- a m p l e :
Faces. a hero
T h e

Buku.indd 30 1/15/2017 1:19:12 AM

poses a journey to a dangerous place lected by Milman Parry in the 1930s,
/ he disguises himself / his dis- and the texts of epics such as
guise fools everybody / except for a the Odyssey and Beowulf.[6] Lord
common person of little account (a found that a large part of the sto-
crone, a tavern maid or a woodcut- ries consisted of text which was im-
ter) / who immediately recognizes provised during the telling process.
him / the commoner becomes the
hero’s ally, showing unexpected re- Lord identified two types of story vo-
sources of skill or initiative. A theme cabulary. The first he called “for-
does not belong to a specific story, mulas”: “rosy-fingered dawn”, “the
but may be found with minor variation wine-dark sea” and other specific
in many different stories. Themes may set phrases had long been known
be no more than handy prefabricat- of in Homer and other oral epics.
ed parts for constructing a tale, or Lord, however, discovered that across
they may represent universal truths many story traditions, fully 90% of
– ritual-based, religious truths, as an oral epic is assembled from lines
James Frazer saw in The Golden which are repeated verbatim or which
Bough, or archetypal, psychological use one-for-one word substitu-
truths, as Joseph Campbell describes tions. In other words, oral stories
in The Hero With a Thousand Faces. are built out of set phrases which
have been stockpiled from a life-
The story was described by Reyn- time of hearing and telling stories.
olds Price, when he wrote: The story was then told us-
ing a combination of oral narrative,
A need to tell and hear sto- music, rock art and dance, which
ries is essential to the species Homo bring understanding and meaning of
sapiens – second in necessity ap- human existence through remembrance
parently after nourishment and be- and enactment of stories.[2] People
fore love and shelter. Millions sur- have used the carved trunks of living
vive without love or home, almost trees and ephemeral media (such as
none in silence; the opposite of si- sand and leaves) to record stories
lence leads quickly to narrative, and in pictures or with writing. Complex
the sound of story is the dominant forms of tattooing may also repre-
storytelling narrative techniques sent stories, with information about ge
to communicate information about their
topic. Self-revelatory stories, creat-
ed for their cathartic and therapeutic
effect, are growing in their use and
application, as in Psychodrama, Dra-
ma Therapy and Playback Theatre.[5]
Albert Bates Lord exam-
ined oral narratives from field tran-
scripts of Yugoslav oral bards col-

Vis-Storytell | 28

Buku.indd 31 1/15/2017 1:19:12 AM

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