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Joko Priyana

Anita P. Mumpuni

English for Junior High School Students

Gr ade

Pusat Perbukuan
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional

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Hak Cipta Buku ini dibeli oleh Departemen Pendidikan Nasional dari Anita P Mumpuni

English for Junior High School Students

Gr ade
Joko Priyana

Anita P. Mumpuni
Ukuran Buku : 21 x 29 cm
s Scaffolding English for Junior High School Students Grade VII/oleh Joko
Priyana, Riandi, Anita P. Mumpuni; editor Suharso .--Jakarta:
Pusat Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, 2008.
vi, 184 hlm.: ilus.; 29 cm.
Bibliografi : hlm. 163
Indeks. hlm.179
ISBN 979-462-959-6
1. Bahasa Inggris-Studi dan Pengajaran I. Judul
II. Riandi III. Mumpuni, Anita P
Diterbitkan oleh Pusat Perbukuan
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
Tahun 2008

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Scaffolding | English for Grade VII Students


Puji syukur kami panjatkan ke hadirat Allah SWT, berkat rahmat dan karunia-Nya,
Pemerintah, dalam hal ini, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, pada tahun 2008, telah
membeli hak cipta buku teks pelajaran ini dari penulis/penerbit untuk disebarluaskan
kepada masyarakat melalui situs internet (website) Jaringan Pendidikan Nasional.
Buku teks pelajaran ini telah dinilai oleh Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan dan
telah ditetapkan sebagai buku teks pelajaran yang memenuhi syarat kelayakan untuk
digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran melalui Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional
Nomor 34 Tahun 2008.
Kami menyampaikan penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya kepada para
penulis/penerbit yang telah berkenan mengalihkan hak cipta karyanya kepada
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional untuk digunakan secara luas oleh para siswa dan
guru di seluruh Indonesia.
Buku-buku teks pelajaran yang telah dialihkan hak ciptanya kepada Departemen
Pendidikan Nasional ini, dapat diunduh (down load), digandakan, dicetak,
dialihmediakan, atau difotokopi oleh masyarakat. Namun, untuk penggandaan yang
bersifat komersial harga penjualannya harus memenuhi ketentuan yang ditetapkan oleh
Pemerintah. Diharapkan bahwa buku teks pelajaran ini akan lebih mudah diakses
sehingga siswa dan guru di seluruh Indonesia maupun sekolah Indonesia yang berada
di luar negeri dapat memanfaatkan sumber belajar ini.
Kami berharap, semua pihak dapat mendukung kebijakan ini. Kepada para siswa
kami ucapkan selamat belajar dan manfaatkanlah buku ini sebaik-baiknya. Kami
menyadari bahwa buku ini masih perlu ditingkatkan mutunya. Oleh karena itu, saran
dan kritik sangat kami harapkan.

Jakarta, Juli 2008
Kepala Pusat Perbukuan

Scaffolding | English for Grade VII Students


Puji syukur kami panjatkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang telah
melimpahkan petunjuk, kesehatan, ketabahan, dan kesabaran kepada kami sehingga
penulisan buku Scaffolding: English for Junior High School Students (Grade VII) ini
Buku ini disusun dengan tujuan menyediakan bahan ajar mata pelajaran bahasa
Inggris untuk kelas VII dengan acuan Standar Isi mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris tahun
2006. Bahan ajar ini dirancang untuk pemakaian secara nasional dan oleh karenanya
guru di seluruh Indonesia dapat menggunakannya langsung di dalam kelas atau dengan
melakukan adaptasi seperlunya menyesuaikan KTSP masing-masing.
Materi dan tugas pembelajaran dikembangkan dengan prinsip-prinsip Pendekatan
Komunikatif untuk mengembangkan kompetensi siswa dalam keempat keterampilan
berbahasa, yaitu menyimak, berbicara, membaca, dan menulis. Selain itu materi dan
tugas pembelajaran secara integratif mengembangkan kecakapan hidup dalam arti luas
dan peningkatan kesadaran akan kebinekaan.
Materi dan tugas-tugas pembelajaran dalam buku ini diorganisasikan ke dalam
dua siklus pembelajaran, yaitu siklus lisan dan siklus tulis. Sementara siklus lisan
menekankan pengembangan keterampilan menyimak dan berbicara, siklus tulis
mengembangkan keterampilan membaca dan menulis. Sesuai dengan prinsip
keterpaduan dalam pembelajaran bahasa, kedua siklus tersebut mengembangkan
keempat keterampilan berbahasa secara terintegrasi. Baik siklus lisan maupun siklus
tulis tersusun atas empat macam kegiatan pembelajaran, yaitu pembuka, pajanan
terhadap bahasa target, penjelasan mengenai unsur-unsur kebahasaan, dan latihan
berkomunikasi dalam bahasa target secara terbimbing maupun bebas. Selain itu, untuk
keperluan pengayaan dan evaluasi, setiap unit dilengkapi dengan tugas terstruktur
berupa pekerjaan rumah dan evaluasi. Untuk memberi kesempatan kepada peserta
didik mengevaluasi dirinya secara mandiri, disediakan format evaluasi diri.
Materi dan kegiatan pembelajaran dalam buku ini lebih dikembangkan untuk
mendorong terjadinya learning pada diri siswa. Kegiatan-kegiatan belajar dikembangkan
untuk menjadikan siswa secara individu, berpasangan, dan kelompok kecil secara aktif
belajar bahasa Inggris melalui kegiatan memahami dan menggunakan bahasa Inggris
untuk mengekspresikan gagasan dan perasaan secara alami. Guru lebih bertindak
sebagai fasilitator, pemberi feedback, dan pendorong siswa agar berani mengekspresikan
dirinya dengan tidak mengabaikan pentingnya akurasi berbahasa. Dengan kegiatan-
kegiatan pembelajaran dan peran guru yang demikian, siswa terbimbing dan
Scaffolding | English for Grade VII Students
memperoleh fasilitasi dalam berlatih mengekspresikan dirinya sehingga secara bertahap
akhirnya mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik.

Sehubungan dengan terselesaikannya penulisan buku ini kami mengucapkan
terima kasih kepada berbagai pihak yang telah memberikan dukungannya selama
proses penyusunannya. Secara khusus kami mengucapkan terima kasih dan
penghargaan yang setinggi-tingginya kepada istri, anak, ayah, ibu, saudara-saudara, dan
kekasih kami yang telah dengan sabar menyemangati langkah demi langkah dalam
penulisan buku ini. Mohon maaf atas hari-hari libur dan akhir-akhir pekan yang tidak
bisa kita lewatkan bersama dan terima kasih atas pengertiannya.
Kami menyadari bahwa buku ini masih memiliki kekurangan-kekurangan.
Masukan dari berbagai pihak, terutama guru dan siswa pemakai bahan ajar ini, untuk
perbaikan sangat kami harapkan. Semoga bahan ajar ini memberikan manfaat bagi
pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di tanah air.


Scaffolding | English for Grade VII Students


Kata Sambutan ........................................................................................................................ iii
Kata Pengantar ........................................................................................................................ iv
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................... vi
Key to Pronunciation............................................................................................................... viii
List of Abbreviations .............................................................................................................. x

Unit 1 Hello, Im Adi .................................................................................................. 1
Introducing Oneself
Short Functional Text: Short Letters
Unit 2 Tina, this is Angelina ...................................................................................... 15
Introducing Others
Short Functional Text: Announcements
Unit 3 Open Your Book on Page 10. ......................................................................... 29
Commanding and Responding to Commands
Expressing Politeness
Short Functional Text: Instructions and Announcements
Unit 4 Can You Tell Me ...? ........................................................................................ 43
Asking for and Giving Information
Short Functional Text: Birthday Cards
Unit 5 Sweep the Floor, Please .................................................................................. 57
Short Functional Text: Signs and Short Messages
Review 1 ................................................................................................................................... 71

Unit 6 May I Have One, Please? ............................................................................... 79
Asking for and Giving Something
Expressing Likes and Dislikes
Functional Text: Descriptive Texts
Unit 7 Are You Sure? .................................................................................................. 95
Asking for Clarification
Giving Clarification
Functional Text: Descriptive Texts
Scaffolding | English for Grade VII Students
Unit 8 What Do You Think of ...? ............................................................................. 111
Asking for and Giving Opinions
Asking about and Giving Facts
Functional Text: Descriptive Texts
Unit 9 What Would You Like to Have? .................................................................. 127
Offering Something and Accepting an Offer
Expressing Likes and Dislikes
Functional Text: Procedures
Unit 10 Could You Help Me, Please? ......................................................................... 143
Asking for and Giving Services
Responding Interpersonally
Functional Text: Procedures
Review 2 ................................................................................................................................ 157
Bibliography............................................................................................................................. 163
Picture Sources........................................................................................................................ 164
Appendix 1: Listening Script ......................................................................................... 171
Appendix 2: Answer Key ............................................................................................... 177
Glossary .................................................................................................................................... 178
Subject Index ............................................................................................................................ 179

Scaffolding | English for Grade VII Students

Phonetics symbols Example Pronunciation

L see >VL@
L any >HQL@
H ten >WHQ@
4 hat >K4W@
$ arm >$P@
c got >JcW@
o saw >Vo@
8 put >S8W@
X too >WX@
cup >NS@
fur >I@
ago >J8@
H, pay >SH,@
D, five >ID,Y@
8 home >K8P@
D8 now >QD8@
o, join >G=o,Q@
, near >Q,@
H hair >KH@
8 pure >SM8@
Scaffolding | English for Grade VII Students


Phonetics symbols Example Pronunciation


Scaffolding | English for Grade VII Students


kb : kata benda
kki : kata kerja intransitif
kkt : kata kerja transitif
ks : kata sifat
kk : kata keterangan
pron : kata ganti
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Iicluie 1.2
5tudy thc pIcturcs bc!nw. AdI and Ida mcct fnr thc fIrst tImc. 5tudy and
wrItc what thcy say. (Pe|a]arl gambar-gambar dl bauah lnl. Adl dan lda
bertemu untuk ertama ka|lna. Pe|a]arl aa ang mereka katakan).
Adi says: ...............................
Ida says: ................................
A, Leud-in
Task 1
We neel diffeienl peopIe eveiyday. We aie faniIiai vilh sone of lhen
aIieady, lul nol vilh sone olheis. Do you knov hov lo gieel lhen` Do
you knov hov lo inlioduce youiseIf lo lhen`
Sonelines you need lo inlioduce youiseIf lo youi pen paI ly viiling a
shoil Iellei. Have you done il in LngIish` Leain hov lo iead and viile
shoil Ielleis and noie in lhis unil.
Hi. Cood noining. I
an Adi.
Cood noining. I
an Ida.
Iicluie 1.1
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Focus on Listening und Speuking
LIstcn tn thc fn!!nwIng dIa!nguc thrcc tImcs and thcn answcr thc
qucstInns. Thc !IstcnIng scrIpt Is In thc AppcndIx. (Dengarkan dla|og
berlkut tlga ka|l dan kemudlan ]auab|ah ertanaan-ertanaanna.
Transkrl ada dl |amlran).
1. Whal does Adi say lo gieel Ida`
2. Whal does Ida say lo gieel Adi`
3. Wheie is Adi fion`
4. Whal does Adi say lo inlioduce hinseIf lo Ida`
5. Whal does Ida say lo inlioduce heiseIf`
In paIrs, study thc fn!!nwIng cxprcssInns. (Secara berasangan, e|a]arl
ungkaan-ungkaan berlkut lnl).
DaIan peicakapan anlaia Adi dan Ida pada Task 2 kaIian nendengai Adi
nengucapkan saIan kepada Ida dengan leikala: Gnnd mnrnIng. Ida
nenjavalnya dengan leikala: Gnnd mnrnIng. SaIan Gnnd mnrnIng diucapkan
antara puku! 00.00 - 12.00. eiikul adaIah conloh-conloh ucapan saIan dan
GrcctIngs Rcspnnscs
Hi. Hi.
HeIIo. HeIIo.
Cood noining. Cood noining.
Cood afleinoon. Cood afleinoon.
Cood evening. Cood evening.
Cood nighl. Cood nighl.
Hov aie you` Iine, lhanks.
Task 2
, Lesson Proper
Task 3
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
In paIrs, cnmp!ctc thc fn!!nwIng dIa!ngucs and act thcm nut wIth ynur
partncr. 5cc thc cxamp!c. (Secara berasangan, |engkal dan eragakan
dla|og-dla|og tersebut dengan asangan ka|lan. Llhat contoh).
Adi : HeIIo, Tina.
Tina : HeIIo, Adi.
1. Sanusi : Cood noining, LaiIa.
LaiIa : __________________, Sanusi.
2. Andi : Hov aie you AngeIina`
AngeIina : _________________, lhanks.
3. LIizalelh : ___________________, Ieiy.
Ieiy : Cood evening, LIizalelh.
4. Wayan Legava : Cood afleinoon, Kelul Tanlii.
Kelul Tanlii : _________________, Wayan Legava.
5. Hadi : Cood nighl, Caiy.
Caiy : _________________, Hadi.
In paIrs, study thc fn!!nwIng dIa!nguc and answcr thc qucstInns. Thcn,
pcrfnrm thc dIa!nguc wIth ynur partncr. (Secara berasangan, e|a]arl
dla|og berlkut dan ]auab|ah ertanaan- ertanaanna. Kemudlan
eragakan dla|og tersebut).
Task 4
Task 5
Gnnd mnrnIng diucapkan anlaia pukuI OO.OO - 12.OO.
Gnnd aftcrnnnn diucapkan anlaia pukuI 12.OO - O6.OO.
Gnnd cvcnIng diucapkan anlaia pukuI O6.OO - nenjeIang lidui.
Gnnd nIght diucapkan saal leipisah pada naIan haii alau akan lidui.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
1. Wheie aie Wayan Legava and Caiy`
2. Whal does Wayan Legava say lo inlioduce hinseIf`
3. Wheie is Wayan Legava fion`
4. Whal does Caiy say lo inlioduce hinseIf`
5. Wheie is Caiy fion`
In paIrs, study thc fn!!nwIng cxprcssInns. (Secara berasangan, e|a]arl
ungkaan-ungkaan berlkut lnl).
Wayan Legava and Caiy aie nev sludenls. They neel in lhe cIassioon.
Wayan : Hi. I am Wayan Lcgawa. What's ynur namc?
Caiy : HeIIo. I am Gary. In fion Kupang. Whcrc
arc ynu frnm?
Wayan : I an fion Denpasai. Il is nice lo neel you.
Caiy : Nice lo neel you, loo.
DaIan peicakapan anlaia Wayan dan Caiy pada Task 5, Wayan nenpeikenaIkan
diiinya kepada Caiy dengan leikala: I am Wayan Lcgawa. LaIu Wayan leilanya
nana Caiy dengan leikala: What's ynur namc? Kenudian Caiy nenanyakan asaI
Wayan dengan leikala: Whcrc arc ynu frnm?
eiikul adaIah conloh-conloh ekspiesi unluk nenpeikenaIkan diii dan nenanyakan
idenlilas seseoiang.
Tn intrnducc ynursc!I, ynu can say:
I am Adi.
My name is Adi.
Tn ask nnc's idcntity, ynu can say:
Whal is your name` I am . / My name is .
Where are you from` I am from .
DI Ncgara Barat, kctIka bcrkcna!an dcngan scscnrang bIasanya nrang tIdak
mcnanyakan pckcrjaan dan status pcrkawInannya.
Task 6
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
LIstcn tn and cnmp!ctc thc dIa!nguc. Cnmparc ynur answcrs wIth ynur
c!assmatcs'. Thc !IstcnIng scrIpt Is In thc AppcndIx. (Dengarkan dan
|engkal|ah dla|og berlkut. Bandlngkan ]auaban-]auaban ka|lan
dengan ]auaban-]auaban kauan seke|as ka|lan. Transkl ada dl
Tania : HeIIo, ny nane is Tania. (1) _____________________________.
Viki : Hi. I an Viki. I an Viki. (2) _____________________________.
Tania : I an fion andung. And you`
Viki : (3) ______________________________.
In paIrs, havc a dIa!nguc wIth ynur c!assmatc bascd nn thc c!ucs. Lnnk at
thc cxamp!c. (Secara berasangan, bercaka-caka|ah dengan temanmu
berdasarkan etun]uk-etun]uk berlkut. Llhat contoh).
You : Hi. Whal is youi nane`
Miia : I an Miia.
You : Wheie aie you fion`
Miia : I an fion Denpasai.
1. 4.
2. 5.
3. 6.
Task 8
Tony/}akaila Yusuf/anda Aceh
Task 7
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Lct's p!ay a survcy gamc. ImagInc that ynu arc frnm dIffcrcnt cItIcs In
IndnncsIa. Gct snmc InfnrmatInn frnm fIvc nf ynur c!assmatcs by usIng
thc cxprcssInns In Task 6. Put thc InfnrmatInn In thc tab!c. (Marl
bermaln surte game. Baangkan ka|lan berasa| darl berbagal kota dl
se|uruh lndonesla. Daatkan lnformasl darl 5 teman seke|asmu dengan
menggunakan ungkaan-ungkaan dl keglatan 6. Tu|ls lnformasl tersebut
ada tabe| berlkut).
No Nane Iion
LIstcn tn thc fn!!nwIng mnnn!nguc. Thcn, answcr thc qucstInns.
Cnmparc ynur answcrs wIth ynur c!assmatcs'. Thc !IstcnIng scrIpt Is In
thc AppcndIx. (Dengarkan mono|og berlkut. Kemudlan ]auab|ah
ertanaan-ertanaanna. Bandlngkan ]auaban-]auaban ka|lan dengan
]auaban-]auaban teman-teman seke|as ka|lan. Transkrl ada dl
1. Hov does Ida gieel lhe cIass`
2. Whal does Ida say lo inlioduce heiseIf`
3. Wheie is Ida fion`
In grnups nf fIvc, Intrnducc ynursc!f tn nnc annthcr. Ynu may fn!!nw thc
pnInts bc!nw. (Da|am ke|omok ber|lma, sa|lng erkena|kan dlrl ka|lan.
Ka|lan bo|eh menglkutl butlr-butlr dl bauah lnl).
Cieel youi cIassnales.
TeII lhe cIass youi nane.
TeII lhe cIass vheie you aie fion.
Task 11
Task 9
Task 10
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Focus on Reuding und Writing
Rcad a!nud thc fn!!nwIng !cttcr and fInd thc IndnncsIan cquIva!cnts nf
thc fn!!nwIng wnrds. Thcn, prnnnuncc thc wnrds. (Baca|ah dengan
narlng surat berlkut dan temukan artlna da|am bahasa lndonesla.
Kemudlan ucakan kata-kata tersebut).
Rcad a!nud thc !cttcr agaIn and thcn wrItc T If thc statcmcnt Is TRUE
and F If thc statcmcnt Is FAL5E accnrdIng tn thc !cttcr. Lnnk at thc
cxamp!c. (Baca surat berlkut dengan suara narlng dan kemudlan tu|ls|ah
T ]lka ernataan benar dan | ]lka ernataan sa|ah berdasarkan bacaan.
Llhat contoh.)
1. Adi viiles lhe Iellei lo AngeIina. ( I )
2. AngeIina is fion IaIenlang. ( )
3. AngeIinas liolhei is Doni. ( )
Task 12
HeIIo Adi,
My nane is AngeIina. In fion Manado. In a sludenl. In 13 yeais oId. This is ny
phologiaph. Doni is ny liolhei. He is 15 yeais oId. He is a sludenl.
TeII ne aloul you.
Wiile soon.
liolhei ['br\cj= .........
nane [ncimj= .........
phologiaph ['Icotcgro:Ij= ........
soon [su:nj= ..........
sludenl ['stju:ocntj= ..........
leII [tcIj= ............
viile [raitj= ...........
Task 13
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
4. Doni is 13 yeais oId. ( )
5. AngeIina is a sludenl. ( )
6. AngeIina is 12 yeais oId. ( )
In paIrs, study thc fn!!nwIng cxp!anatInn. (Secara berasangan, e|a]arl
en]e|asan dl bauah lnl).
In paIrs, cnmp!ctc thc !cttcr bc!nw wIth thc cnrrcct wnrds In thc bnx.
Lnnk at thc cxamp!c. (Secara berasangan |engkal surat berlkut dengan
kata-kata ang teat da|am kotak. Llhat contoh).
she she he he an fion
Untuk mcmpcrkcna!kan dIrI scndIrI atau nrang !aIn (tungga!), ka!Ian dapat
mcnggunakan pn!a ka!Imat bcrIkut:
5ubjcct + am/Is + ...
I am a sludenl.
5hc Is Dona.
Task 14
Hi Viona,
I am Adi. I _____ 13 years oId. I am ______ Semarang. This is my holograh. Indah is
my sisler. _____ is 16 years oId. ______ is a sludenl. Rudi is my brolher. ______ is 19
years oId. ______ is a sludenl.
TeII me aboul you, Viona.
Wrile soon.
Task 15
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Rcad thc fn!!nwIng !cttcr and answcr thc qucstInns. (Baca|ah surat
berlkut dan ]auab|ah ertanaan-ertanaanna).
1. Who viiles lhe Iellei`
2. Who is lhe Iellei foi`
3. Whal is lhe viilei`
4. Wheie is lhe viilei fion`
5tudy thc fn!!nwIng cxp!anatInn. (Pe|a]arl en]e|asan dl bauah lnl).
Task 16
Hi Mia,
My nane is SheiIa. I an fion Yogyakaila. This is ny phologiaph. I an in lhe
niddIe. We aie sludenls. Ida and Asep aie ny cIassnales. They aie fion andung.
TeII ne aloul you, Mia.
Wiile soon.
Untuk mcmpcrkcna!kan nrang !aIn (jamak), ka!Ian dapat mcnggunakan pn!a
ka!Imat bcrIkut:
5ubjcct + arc + ...
Wc arc sludenls.
Thcy arc fion andung.
Task 17
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Intrnducc ynursc!f nr nthcrs as thc cxamp!c. (Perkena|kan dlrl ka|lan
atau orang |aln seertl contoh).
LxanpIe: Lydia/I sludenls/IaIu.
|qdia and | arc s|udcn|s. lc arc frcn Pa|u.
Lina and Andi/ny cIassnales/Makassai.
|ina and Andi arc nq c|assna|cs. Tncq arc frcn Ma|assar.
1. Nia/I sludenls/Suialaya
2. udi and Chandia/ny cIassnales/}akaila
3. Tina and Iandy/sludenls/Ionlianak
4. Tiaia/sludenl/Senaiang
5. Iiedy/sludenl/Iapua.
WrItc ynur nwn !cttcr tn a ncw frIcnd nf ynurs tc!!Ing hIm/hcr ynur
pcrsnna! IdcntIty. Usc thc !cttcr In thc prcvInus tasks as thc cxamp!c.
Ask ynur c!assmatcs tn gIvc ynu fccdback. (Tu|ls|ah surat untuk sahabat
barumu tentang ldentltas rlbadl ka|lan. Gunakan contoh surat dl tugas-
tugas sebe|umna sebagal contoh. Mlnta|ah teman seke|as ka|lan untuk
member masukan).
In paIrs, acccss thc Intcrnct nr rcad magazIncs tn fInd twn tcxts nf
pcrsnna! !cttcrs. Thcn, answcr thc fn!!nwIng qucstInns. (Secara
berasangan buka|ah lnternet atan baca|ah ma]a|ah untuk mendaatkan
dua surat rlbadl. La|u, ]auab|ah ertanaan-ertanaan berlkut).
1. Who viiles lhe Iellei`
2. Who is lhe Iellei foi`
3. Whal is lhe viilei`
4. Wheie is lhe viilei fion`
FInd a pcn pa! and wrItc a !cttcr tn hIm/hcr tc!!Ing abnut ynu. Usc thc
!cttcr In Tasks 12 and 16 as thc cxamp!c. (Tu|ls|ah surat untuk sahabat
barumu tentang ldentltas rlbadl ka|lan. Gunakan contoh surat dl tugas-
tugas 12 dan 16 sebagal contoh).
Task 18
C, Homework
Task 21
Task 19
Task 20
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Intrnducc ynursc!f tn nnc annthcr In grnups nf fnur. Ynu may fn!!nw thc
pnInts bc!nw. (Sa|lng erkena|kan dlrl ka|lan da|am ke|omok beremat.
Ka|lan bo|eh menglkutl butlr-butlr dl bauah lnl).
1. Cieel youi cIassnales.
2. TeII lhe cIass youi nane.
3. TeII lhe cIass vheie you aie fion.
Lct's makc a rn!c p!ay. Usc thc cucs In thc bnx. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
(Marl bermaln eran. Gunakan etun]uk ada kotak. Llhat contoh).
1. Afleinoon/Rini/Lanpung/a nev sludenl
2. Lvening/Iandy/Yogyakaila/a nev sludenl
3. Moining/Siska/Denpasai/ a nev sludenl
4. Hi/Sanusi/Medan/ a nev sludenl
5. HeIIo/}effiey/Manado / a nev sludenl
WrItc a !cttcr tn a ncw frIcnd nf ynurs tc!!Ing abnut ynu. Usc thc !cttcr In
Tasks 12 and 16 as thc cxamp!c. (Tu|ls|ah surat untuk sahabat barumu
tentang ldentltas rlbadl ka|lan. Gunakan contoh surat dl tugas-tugas 12
dan 16 sebagal contoh).
Moining/Ida/andung/a nev sludenl
D, EvuIuution
Task 23
Cood noining. I an Ida. I an fion
andung. I an a nev sludenl.
Task 22
Task 24
Iicluie 1.3
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Hnw much dn ynu !carn frnm thIs unIt? Put a tIck (\) In thc rIght bnx accnrdIng tn
hnw much ynu havc !carnt.
Aspccts Veiy nuch Much LillIe
Inlioducing youiseIf
Reading shoil peisonaI Ielleis
Wiiling shoil peisonaI Ielleis
In thIs unIt ynu !carn:
1. Hnw tn grcct snmcnnc, fnr cxamp!c:
GrcctIngs Rcspnnscs
Hi. Hi.
HeIIo. HeIIo.
Cood noining. Cood noining.
Cood afleinoon. Cood afleinoon.
Cood evening. Cood evening.
Cood nighl. Cood nighl.
Hov aie you` Iine, lhanks.
F, Summury
E, RefIection
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
2. Hnw tn Intrnducc ynursc!f, fnr cxamp!c:
3. 5cntcncc pattcrn
4. Pcrsnna! !cttcrs
To inlioduce youiseIf, you can say:
- I an Adi.
- My nane is Adi.
To ask ones idenlily, you can say:
- Whals youi nane` I an . / My nane is .
- Wheie aie you fion` I an fion .
5 + am/Is + ...
I am a sludenl.
5hc Is Dona.
Hc Is lhiileen yeais oId.
5 + arc + ...
Wc arc sludenls.
Thcy arc fion
afleinoon [o:Itc'nu:nj (|o) : soie
liolhei ['br\cj (|o) : saudaia Iaki- Iaki
cIassnale ['kIo:smcitj (|o) : lenan sekeIas
evening ['i:vnipj(|o) : pelang
fiiend [Ircnoj (|o) : lenan
fion[Iromj (prcp) : daii
he [hi:j (prcn) : dia Iaki-Iaki
inlioduclion [intrc'o\kjnj (|o) : peikenaIan
Iellei ['Ictcj (|o) : suial
noining ['m5:nipj (|o) : pagi
nane [ncimj (|o) : nana
nev[nju:j (|s) : laiu
S, VocubuIury List
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
FUN SPACE: the high five
The 'high-five' is very common umongst muIe friends when
greeting, The 'high-five' is when you und someone eIse sIup
hunds {five fingers} high in the uir,
oId [coIoj (|s) : lua
phologiaph ['Icotcgro:Ij (|o) : folo
she [ji:j (prcn) : dia peienpuan
sislei ['sistcj (|o) : saudaia peienpuan
soon [su:nj (||) : segeia
sludenl ['stju:ocntj (|o) : sisva
leII [tcIj (|||) : nenceiileiakan
viile [raitj (|||) : nenuIis
yeai [jc:j (|o) : lahun
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
In paIrs, havc a dIa!nguc tn Intrnducc ynursc!f tn cach nthcr. Thcn,
answcr thc fn!!nwIng qucstInns wIth ynur partncr. (Secara berasangan,
berdla|og|ah untuk sa|lng memerkena|kan dlrl. Kemudlan ]auab|ah
ertanaan-ertanaan berlkut dengan asangan ka|lan).
1. Hov do you slail youi diaIogue` Do you slail ly gieeling youi pailnei`
2. Whal do you say lo inlioduce youiseIf`
3. Whal do you say lo ask youi pailneis nane`
4. Whal do you say lo end youi diaIogue`
A, Leud-in
Task 1
Al schooI you have nany nev cIassnales, donl you` Do you knov hov lo
inlioduce lhen lo olheis`
Do you Iike coning on line lo lhe cIass` Whal do you say vhen you cone
Youi leacheis oflen viile announcenenls, donl lhey` Can you iead lhen`
Can you viile announcenenls as veII` Leain lhose and noie in lhis unil.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
In paIrs, study thc dIa!nguc bc!nw and thcn answcr thc qucstInns.
(Secara berasangan e|a]arl dla|og berlkut dan kemudlan ]auab|ah
Nana, Tina, and AngeIina aie in lhe cIassioon. AngeIina is lheii nev cIassnale. Nana is
inlioducing AngeIina lo Tina.
Nana : Hov aie you, Tina`
Tina : Iine, lhanks.
Nana : Tina, lhis is AngeIina.
She is oui nev cIassnale.
Tina : I an Tina. Nice lo neel you.
AngeIina : Il is nice lo neel you, loo.
1. Wheie aie Nana, Tina, and AngeIina`
2. Is AngeIina a nev cIassnale`
3. Whal does Nana say lo inlioduce AngeIina`
4. Whal does Tina say lo AngeIina`
5. Whal does AngeIina say lo Tina`
Focus on Listening und Speuking
LIstcn tn thc fn!!nwIng dIa!nguc. DnnI Intrnduccs Angc!Ina tn AdI.
Thcn, answcr thc qucstInns. Thc !IstcnIng scrIpt Is In thc AppcndIx.
(Dengarkan dla|og berlkut. Donl memerkena|kan Ange|lna keada Adl.
Kemudlan ]auab|ah ertanaan-ertanaanna. Transkrl dl |amlran).
1. Is Adi a nev cIassnale`
2. Whal does Doni say lo inlioduce AngeIina lo Adi`
3. Whal does Adi say lo AngeIina`
4. Whal does AngeIina say lo Adi`
5. Wheie is AngeIina fion`
Task 2
Task 3
, Lesson Proper
Iicluie 2.1
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
In paIrs, study thc fn!!nwIng cxprcssInns. (Secara berasangan, e|a]arl
ungkaan-ungkaan berlkut lnl).
Cnmp!ctc thc dIa!nguc wIth thc cxprcssInns In thc bnx. Act thc dIa!nguc
nut In paIrs. (Lengkal dla|og berlkut dengan eksresl-eksresl da|am
kotak. Peragakan dla|og tersebut secara berasangan).
DnnI Intrnduccs BudI tn NIna.
Doni: Hi, Nina. Hov aie you`
Nina: (1)______________.
Doni: (2)________________. Nina, lhis is udi.
Nina: HeIIo, I an Nina. (3)_______________.
udi: Nice lo neel you, loo. Hey, (4)________________`
Nina: No, I an nol. I an fion Suialaya.
5tudy thc fn!!nwIng dIa!nguc and wrItc T If thc statcmcnt Is TRUE and
F If thc statcmcnt Is FAL5E accnrdIng tn thc dIa!nguc. Thcn, act It nut In
paIrs. (Pe|a]arl dla|og berlkut lnl dan tu|ls|ah T ]lka ernataan BENAR
dan | ]lka ernataan SALAH berdasarkan dla|og. Kemudlan eragakan
secara berasangan).
Task 6
Task 5
DaIan peicakapan pada Task 3 kaIian nendengai Doni nenpeikenaIkan AngeIina
kepada Adi dengan leikala: AdI, thIs Is Angc!Ina. Adi nenjaval dengan leikala:
It's nIcc tn mcct ynu, Angc!Ina. I am AdI.
BcrIkut ada!ah cnntnh-cnntnh ucapan mcmpcrkcna!kan scscnrang.
I vouId Iike lo inlioduce Adi.
I vouId Iike you lo neel Adi.
This is Adi.
Untuk mcrcspnnnya, ka!Ian dapat bcrkata:
I an ....
Nice lo neel you.
Ils nice lo neel you, loo.
Ils nice lo neel you. I an fine, lhanks.
Aie you fion }akaila` Id Iike you lo neel udi.
Task 4
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Maya : Cood noining, Mis Nia.
Mis Nia : Cood noining, Maya.
Maya : In soiiy. I an Iale. I vas Iosl.
Mis Nia : Thals OK. Cone in, pIease.
Maya : Thank you.
Mis Nia : WeII, you have a nev cIassnale. I vouId Iike lo inlioduce Maya lo
you. Sludenls, lhis is Maya.
Maya : HeIIo. I an Maya. I an fion engkuIu.
Sludenls : Hi, Maya.
Mis Nia : WeII, loday ..
1. Maya is a nev sludenl. ( )
2. She is fion Medan. ( )
3. Mis Nia inlioduces Maya lo lhe sludenls. ( )
4. The sludenls gieel Maya ly saying 'HeIIo. ( )
5. Maya is fion engkuIu. ( )
In paIrs, study thc fn!!nwIng cxprcssInns. (Secara berasangan, e|a]arl
ungkaan-ungkaan berlkut lnl).
DaIan peicakapan pada Task 6 Maya leikala:
I'm snrry. I am !atc. I was !nst.
1. Apa aili |n scrrq`
2. Apa naksud Maya leikala |n scrrq`
3. Apa naksud Maya leikala | an |a|c?
4. Apa naksud Maya leikala | uas |cs|?
Ungkapan lm sorr bcrartI Saa mlnta maaf yang bIasa dIgunakan untuk mInta
maaf. Ungkapan !aInnya mIsa!nya: Sorr.
Kelika ninla naaf, kaIian nenuIainya dengan UCAIAN ILRMINTAAN MAAI,
diikuli dengan ILNCAKUAN KLSALAHAN, dan diakhiii dengan ALASAN.
Task 7
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Cnmp!ctc thc dIa!nguc wIth thc cxprcssInns In thc bnx. Act thc dIa!nguc
nut In paIrs. (Lengkal dla|og dengan eksresl-eksresl da|am kotak
eksresl. Peragakan dla|og tersebut secara berasangan).
DnnI, DcwI, and AdI arc In thc c!assrnnm. Thcy dn a mathcmatIcs task tngcthcr.
Doni : Hi, Adi.
Adi : (1)_______, Doni
Doni : (2)_____________. I an Iale.
Adi : Thals OK. Oh, (3)______________________. Doni, lhis is Devi. She is ny nev
Doni : Hi, (4) __________________. Nice lo neel you.
Devi : (5) __________________, loo.
LIstcn and rcpcat aftcr ynur tcachcr. (Dengarkan dan tlrukan|ah
1. Nia, lhis is udi.
2. Id Iike you lo neel AngeIina.
3. AngeIina is oui nev cIassnale.
4. Ils nice lo neel you.
5. Thank you.
6. I an soiiy.
7. I an Iale.
Wnrk In grnups nf thrcc. Makc a dIa!nguc bascd nn thc fn!!nwIng
sItuatInn. (Beker]a|ah da|am ke|omok beranggotakan tlga orang.
Buat|ah dla|og berdasarkan sltuasl lnl).
udi and Mia aie in lhe cIassioon. Il is in lhe afleinoon. They sludy logelhei. Ahnad
cones Iale. He apoIogizes foi coning Iale. Mia is a nev sludenl. udi inlioduces Mia lo
Nice lo neel you. Hi.
Id Iike you lo neel Devi. In soiiy.
I an Tony.
Task 8
Task 10
Task 9
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Ynu havc twn ncw c!assmatcs. Intrnducc thcm tn thc c!ass. Thc
fn!!nwIng Is InfnrmatInn abnut ynur c!assmatcs. (Kamu memunal dua
orang teman seke|as ang baru. Perkena|kan mereka keada teman-
teman seke|asmu. Berlkut lnl lnformasl tentang kedua teman barumu ltu)
Focus on Reuding und Writing
Rcad a!nud thc fn!!nwIng tcxt and fInd thc IndnncsIan cquIva!cnts nf
thc fn!!nwIng wnrds. Ynu may npcn ynur dIctInnary. Thcn, prnnnuncc
thc wnrds. (Baca|ah dengan narlng teks berlkut dan temukan artlna
da|am bahasa lndonesla. Ka|lan bo|eh membuka kamus. Kemudlan
ucakan kata-kata tersebut).
My C!assmatcs
HeIIo, I an Dina. I an 13 yeais oId. This is ny phologiaph vilh ny cIassnales.
These aie Tony and Vina. I an on lhe Iefl. Vina is in lhe niddIe. She is 12 yeais oId.
Tony is on lhe iighl. He is 13 yeais oId.
Name : Yeni
Origin : Bandung
Age : 13
Name : Andi
Origin : Makassar
Age : 13
Task 11
1. yeai [jc:j = ...
2. oId [coIoj = ...
3. cIassnale ['kIo:smcitj = ...
4. phologiaph ['Icotcgro:Ij = ...
5. Iefl [IcItj = ...
6. iighl [raitj = ...
7. niddIe ['mioIj ...
Task 12
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Rcad thc tcxt In Task 11 agaIn and wrItc T If thc statcmcnt Is TRUE and
F If thc statcmcnt Is FAL5E accnrdIng tn thc tcxt. (Baca|ah |agl teks ada
Task 11 lnl dan tu|ls|ah T ]lka ernataan BENAR dan | ]lka ernataan
SALAH berdasarkan teks).
1. Dina is 12 yeais oId. ( )
2. Tony is in lhe niddIe. ( )
3. Vina is 12 yeais oId. ( )
4. Dina is on lhe Iefl. ( )
5. Tony is 14 yeais oId. ( )
Ynu havc twn ncw frIcnds. Intrnducc ynur twn frIcnds tn a pcn pa!. 5cc
thc tcxt In Task 11 as a mndc!. Ynu may wrItc ynur draft In thc spacc
bc!nw. (Kamu memunal dua orang teman baru. Perkena|kan mereka
keada sahabat ena ka|lan. Llhat teks ada Task 11 sebagal mode|.
Ka|lan bo|eh menu|ls draft ka|lan dl bauah lnl).
Whut hus got u wuve but no seu?
Task 13
Task 14
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Rcad a!nud thc fn!!nwIng annnunccmcnt and fInd thc IndnncsIan
cquIva!cnts nf thc fn!!nwIng wnrds. Ynu may npcn ynur dIctInnary.
Thcn, prnnnuncc thc wnrds. (Baca|ah dengan narlng engumuman
berlkut dan temukan artlna da|am bahasa lndonesla. Ka|lan bo|eh
membuka kamus. Kemudlan ucakan kata-kata tersebut).
Rcad thc annnunccmcnt In Task 15 agaIn and thcn answcr thc
qucstInns In paIrs. (Baca|ah |agl engumuman ada Task 15 dan
kemudlan ]auab|ah ertanaan-ertanaanna secara berasangan).
1. Who does lhe Sludenls Associalion invile lo lhe galheiing`
2. When does lhe Sludenls Associalion hoId lhe galheiing`
3. Wheie does lhe Sludenls Associalion hoId lhe galheiing`
4. Who do lhe sludenls conlacl foi noie infoinalion`
The Sludenls Associalion hoIds a sludenl galheiing foi sludenls of giade VII on Augusl
15 al lhe haII. IIease aII sludenls cone.
Ioi noie infoinalion, conlacl Rudy al lhe Sludenls Associalion office.
Sludenls Associalion
1. announcenenl [c'naonsmcntj ...
2. conlacl ['kontktj = ...
3. galheiing ['gcripj = ...
4. haII [h5:Ij = ...
5. hoId [hcoIoj = ...
6. office ['oIisj = ...
7. sludenl associalion ['stju:ocnt = ...
Task 15
Task 16
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
In grnups nf thrcc, study thc tcxt In Task 15 agaIn and !carn thc
fn!!nwIng cxp!anatInn. (Da|am ke|omok bertlga, e|a]arl |agl teks ada
Task 15 dan en]e|asan berlkut).
Rcad a!nud thc fn!!nwIng annnunccmcnt and fInd thc IndnncsIan
cquIva!cnts nf thc fn!!nwIng wnrds. Ynu may npcn ynur dIctInnary.
Thcn, prnnnuncc thc wnrds. (Baca|ah dengan narlng engumuman
berlkut dan temukan artlna da|am bahasa lndonesla. Ka|lan bo|eh
membuka kamus. Kemudlan ucakan kata-kata tersebut).
Task 17
Teks pada Task 15 adaIah seluah ANNOUNCEMENT (pcngumuman) unluk
nenginfoinasikan sesualu.
Tcks ANNOUNCEMENT bIasanya tcrdIrI atas bagIan-bagIan bcrIkut:
1. Head, nisaInya ANNOUNCLMLNT
2. ody, yailu isi alau pesan daii pengununan
4. Wiilei, yailu pihak yang nengununkan
The Sludenls Associalion announces lhal each sludenl of giade VII shouId join an exlia
cuiiicuIai aclivily. IIease iegislei al lhe Sludenls Associalion office ly Augusl 31.
Ioi noie infoinalion, conlacl Ida al lhe Sludenls Associalion office.
Sludenls Associalion
1. announce [c'naonsj ...
2. shouId [jooj = ...
3. join [o5inj = ...
4. exlia cuiiicuIai ['ckstrc kc'rikjoIcj = ...
5. aclivily [k'tivitij = ...
6. iegislei ['rcoistcj = ...
7. infoinalion [inIc'mcijnj = ...
Task 18
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Rcad thc annnunccmcnt In Task 18 agaIn and thcn answcr thc
qucstInns In paIrs. (Baca|ah |agl engumuman ada Task 18 dan
kemudlan ]auab|ah ertanaan-ertanaanna secara berasangan).
1. Whal does lhe Sludenls Associalion announce`
2. Who is lhe announcenenl foi`
3. Who shouId join an exlia cuiiicuIai aclivily`
4. Wheie do sludenls iegislei`
5. Who do lhe sludenls conlacl foi noie infoinalion`
FInd an annnunccmcnt In ynur schnn!. Cnpy It and thcn answcr thc
fn!!nwIng qucstInns. (Carl|ah sebuah engumuman dl seko|ah ka|lan.
Sa|ln|ah dan kemudlan ]auab|ah ertanaan-ertanaan berlkut).
1. Who viiles lhe announcenenl`
2. Who is lhe announcenenl foi`
3. Whal is lhe announcenenl aloul`
4. Who do you conlacl foi noie infoinalion`
WrItc a shnrt annnunccmcnt abnut a studcnt actIvIty at ynur schnn!. Usc
thc nut!Inc bc!nw. (Tu|ls|ah sebuah engumuman mengenal sebuah
keglatan slsua dl seko|ahmu. Gunakan kerangka dl bauah lnl).
Task 21
Head ...........
ody .............................................................................................................................................
CIosing .......................................................................................................................................
Wiilei .................................................................
Task 19
Task 20
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Intrnducc nnc nf ynur frIcnds tn thc c!ass by cnmp!ctIng thc paragraph
bc!nw. Attach a phntngraph tn ynur paragraph. Prcscnt It nra!!y In thc
ncxt mcctIng. (Perkena|kan sa|ah satu temanmu keada teman-teman
seke|as dengan me|engkal aragraf berlkut. Lamlrkan sebuah foto.
Perkena|kan temanmu secara |lsan ada ertemuan berlkutna).
FInd twn annnunccmcnt tcxts In ynur schnn!. Cnpy thcm and thcn
answcr thc fn!!nwIng qucstInns. (Carl|ah dua engumuman dl seko|ah
ka|lan. Sa|ln|ah dan kemudlan ]auab|ah ertanaan-ertanaan
1. Who viiles lhe announcenenl`
2. Who is lhe announcenenl foi`
3. Whal is lhe announcenenl aloul`
4. Who do you conlacl foi noie infoinalion`
Cnmp!ctc thc fn!!nwIng dIa!nguc wIth suItab!c cxprcssInns In thc bnx.
(Lengkal dla|og berlkut dengan eksresl ang teat da|am kotak).
I an fine, loo. I an Deni.
Hov aie you` This is Iulii.
Nice lo neel you. I an soiiy.
Task 24
Task 22
C, Homework
D, EvuIuution
My FrIcnd
HeIIo, ny nane is ____________. I an _________ yeais oId. This is ny
phologiaph vilh ny fiiend. He is ... and so on.
Task 23
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Deni : Cood noining, udi. Cone in. (1)___________`
udi : Iine, lhanks. And you`
Deni : (2) ______________.
udi : (3) ______________ I an Iale.
Deni : Ils OK. Who is she`
udi : She is oui nev cIassnale. (4)______________.
Deni : Hi, (5) ______________. Aie you fion andung`
Iulii : No, I an nol. I an fion Suialaya.
Deni : (6) _________________.
Iulii : Nice lo neel you, loo.
Wnrk In paIrs and Intrnducc ynur partncr tn thc c!ass. (Beker]a|ah
berasangan dan erkena|kan asangan ka|lan keada teman-teman
seke|as ka|lan).
What dn ynu say In thc fn!!nwIng sItuatInn? (Aa ang ka|lan katakana
da|am sltuasl berlkut?)
1. You cone lo lhe cIass Iale.
2. You have a neeling lul you cone Iale.
3. You have honevoik lul foigel lo do il.
WrItc a shnrt annnunccmcnt abnut ynur c!ass actIvIty. Usc thc nut!Inc
bc!nw. (Tu|ls|ah sebuah engumuman mengenal sebuah keglatan slsua
dl seko|ahmu. Gunakan kerangka dl bauah lnl).
Task 25
Task 27
Head ...........
ody .............................................................................................................................................
CIosing .......................................................................................................................................
Wiilei .................................................................
Task 26
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Hnw much dn ynu !carn frnm thIs unIt? Put a tIck (\) In thc rIght bnx accnrdIng tn
hnw much ynu havc !carnt.
Aspccts Veiy nuch Much LillIe
Inlioducing olheis
Asking foi apoIogy
Reading shoil announcenenls
Wiiling shoil announcenenls
In thIs unIt ynu !carn:
1. Hnw tn Intrnducc snmcnnc, fnr cxamp!c:
2. Hnw tn rcspnnd tn IntrnductInns, fnr cxamp!c:
F, Summury
I vouId Iike lo inlioduce Adi.
I vouId Iike you lo neel Adi.
This is Adi.
I an ....
Ils nice lo neel you.
E, RefIection
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
3. Hnw tn ask fnr apn!ngy, fnr cxamp!c:
4. 5hnrt functInna! tcxt (annnunccmcnt)
aclivily [k'tivitij (|o) : aklivilas
announce [c'naonsj () : mengumumkan
announcenenl [c'naonsmcntj (|o) : pengununan
apoIogy [c'poIcoij (kb) : naaf
lag [bgj (|o) : las
look [bokj (|o) : luku
conlacl ['kontktj (|||) : nenghulungi
exlia cuiiicuIai ['ckstrc kc'rikjoIcj (|o) : ekslia kuiikuIei
galhei ['gcj (|||) : leikunpuI
haII [h5:Ij (|o) : gedung
hoId [hcoIo (|||) : nengadakan
infoinalion [inIc'mcijnj (|o) : infoinasi
join [o5inj () : leigalung
Iefl [IcItj(||) : kiii
neel [mi:tj (|||) : leilenu
niddIe ['mioIj (||) : lengah
nice [naisj (|s) : nenyenangkan
office ['oIisj (|o) : kanloi
penciI ['pcnscIj (|o) : pensiI
iegislei ['rcoistcj (|||) : nendaflai
shouId [jooj (||) : harus
sorry ['sorij (|s) : naaf
sludenl ['stju:ocntj (|o) : sisva
In soiiy.
S, VocubuIury List
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
In paIrs, IdcntIfy tcn Itcms In thc c!assrnnm bc!nw. Thc wnrds In bnx
may hc!p ynu. (Secara berasangan ldentlflkasl benda-benda da|am
ruang ke|as dl bauah lnl. Kata-kata dl da|am kotak mungkln daat
membantu ka|lan).
cIock cuploaid chaii
lalIe lag pen
look vindov dooi
A, Leud-in
Task 1
Iicluie 3.1
Duiing lhe cIass youi leachei usuaIIy gives you a Iol of insliuclions
(connands). Do you undeisland his/hei connands` In pulIic pIaces you
aIso find signs (insliuclions). Do you undeisland lhe neanings`
Announcenenls lhal you iead al schooI sonelines leII you lo do lhings.
Leain hov lo iead and viile shoil announcenenls in lhis unil. Lels legin.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Tcn Itcms I fInd In thc c!assrnnm abnvc:
1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 1O.
Focus on Listening und Speuking
LIstcn tn thc fn!!nwIng dIa!nguc. Thcn, answcr thc qucstInns In paIrs.
Thc !IstcnIng scrIpt Is In thc AppcndIx. (Dengarkan dla|og berlkut.
Kemudlan, ]auab|ah ertanaan-ertanaanna secara berasangan.
Transkrl ada dl |amlran).
1. Who is Iale`
2. Whal does udi say lo Mis Ralna`
3. Whal does | an scrrq nean`
4. Whal is lhe neaning of each expiession leIov`
a. Cone in.
l. Look al lhe picluie.
c. Open youi look on page len.
d. Sludy lhe diaIogue.
In grnups nf fnur, study thc fn!!nwIng cxprcssInns. (Da|am ke|omok
beremat, e|a]arl ungkaan-ungkaan berlkut lnl).
DaIan peicakapan pada Task 2 kaIian nendengai ekspiesi-ekspiesi leiikul:
Cnmc In, p!casc.
Lnnk at thc pIcturc.
Opcn ynur bnnk nn pagc tcn.
P!casc, study thc dIa!nguc.
Lkspiesi-ekspiesi di alas liasa digunakan unluk neneiinlah (COMMANDING).
, Lesson Proper
Task 2
Task 3
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
In paIrs, study thc fn!!nwIng dIa!nguc and answcr thc qucstInns.
(Secara berasangan, e|a]arl dla|og berlkut dan ]auab|ah ertanaan-
Dona : Hi, Andi.
Andi : Hi, Dona.
Dona : Oui leacheis use lhis cIassioon al 9 ocIock.
Andi : Yes, I knov. ul, Iook. This cIassioon is diily.
Dona : You aie iighl. Lels cIean lhe cIassioon.
Andi : OK. I cIean lhe lIackloaid. Dona, sveep lhe fIooi, pIease.
Dona : Suie.
Adi : I an soiiy I cannol heIp you.
Andi : Ils OK.
1. Whal is lhe neaning of c|assrccn in Our |cacncrs usc |nis c|assrccn a| 9 cc|cc|`
2. Whal is lhe neaning of c|can in |c|s c|can |nc c|assrccn`
3. Whal is lhe neaning of succp in Dcna, succp |nc f|ccr, p|casc`
4. Whal is lhe funclion of lhe void p|casc in Dcna, succp |nc f|ccr, p|casc`
5. UndeiIine lvo connands in lhe diaIogue alove.
6. Dona says Surc. Whal does Dona nean`
7. Adi says | an scrrq | cannc| nc|p qcu. Whal does Adi nean`
Task 4
ApaliIa kaIian nenceinali ekspiesi-ekspiesi di alas, kaIian akan nendapali lahva
poIanya adaIah selagai leiikul:
Vcrb + Nnun/Advcrb
5tudy thc dIa!nguc.
Iada ekspiesi-ekspiesi di alas ada kala PLEA5E. Kala PLEA5E digunakan unluk
nenlual peiinlah nenjadi 5OPAN.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
5tudy thc dIa!nguc abnvc agaIn and wrItc T If thc statcmcnt Is TRUE
and F If thc statcmcnt Is FAL5E accnrdIng tn thc dIa!nguc. Thcn, act It
nut. (Pe|a]arl dla|og dl atas |agl dan kemudlan tu|ls|ah T bl|a
ernataan benar dan | bl|a sa|ah. Kemudlan eragakan).
1. Dona and Andi aie in lhe cIassioon. ( )
2. Dona and Andi use lhe cIassioon al 9 ocIock. ( )
3. The cIassioon is diily. ( )
4. Andi asks Dona lo sveep lhe fIooi. ( )
5. Dona sveeps lhe fIooi. ( )
6. Adi sveeps lhe fIooi. ( )
In grnups nf fnur, study thc fn!!nwIng cxprcssInns. (Da|am ke|omok
beremat, e|a]arl ungkaan-ungkaan berlkut lnl).
In paIrs, dIscuss thc mcanIng nf cach cxprcssInn bc!nw. (Secara
berasangan dlskuslkan makna setla eksresl dl bauah).
1. CIean lhe lIackloaid, pIease.
2. Open lhe vindov, pIease.
Task 7
Task 5
DaIan peicakapan pada Task 2 kaIian nendengai ekspiesi leiikul:
Lkspiesi leiselul liasa digunakan unluk neiespon ILRINTAH (COMMAND) -
leisedia nanjaIankan peiinlah.
Lkspiesi-ekspiesi Iainnya anlaia Iain:
A!! rIght.
Task 6
Iicluie 3.2
Iicluie 3.3
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
3. CIose lhe dooi, pIease.
4. Iul lhe look in lhe looksheIf, pIease.
5. Iul youi pen on lalIe, pIease.
Cnmp!ctc thc cnmmands bascd nn thc pIcturcs. (Tu|ls|ah erlntah-
erlntah berdasarkan gambar).
1.____lhe dooi, pIease. 2. ___lhe look, pIease. 3. ________, pIease
4. ____vindov, pIease. 5. ___lhe look in youi lag. 6. ____ _______, pIease.
Task 8
Iicluie 3.4
Iic luie 3.5
Iic luie 3.6
Iicluie 3.7
Iicluie 3.8
Iicluie 3.9
Iicluie 3.1O Iicluie 3.11 Iicluie 3.12
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
In paIrs, ask ynur partncr tn dn snmcthIng POLITELY rc!cvant tn thc
sItuatInns bc!nw. Ask ynur partncr tn rcspnnd. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
(Secara berasangan, erlntah|ah asangan ka|lan me|akukan sesuatu
ang re|etan dengan sltuasl-sltuasl dl bauah lnl. Mlnta|ah asangan
ka|lan mereson. Llhat contoh).
Silualion : The lIackloaid is diily.
Connand : CIean lhe lIackloaid, pIease.
Response : OK.
1. The dooi is cIosed.
2. The vindov is open.
3. The lalIe is diily.
4. Ida slands neai a chaii.
5. The look is in lhe lag.
Focus on Reuding und Writing
Dn ynu knnw thc fn!!nwIng p!accs? Labc! thcm wIth a c!assmatc.
(Aakah ka|lan tahu temat-temat berlkut? Berl|ah |abe| (nama)
temat-temat tersebut dengan kauan seke|asmu).
_________________________ ___________________________
_________________________ ___________________________
Iicluie 3.13
Iicluie 3.14
Iicluie 3.15
Iicluie 3.16
Task 9
Task 10
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
_________________________ ___________________________
_________________________ ___________________________
In paIrs, study thc fn!!nwIng sIgns (InstructInns). Whcrc dn ynu fInd thc
InstructInns In ynur schnn!? (Secara berasangan e|a]arl tanda-tanda
(erlntah-erlntah) berlkut. Dl mana sa]akah ka|lan menemukan tanda-
tanda tersebut dl seko|ahmu?)
Iicluie 3.17 Iicluie 3.18
Iicluie 3.19
Iicluie 3.2O
Task 11
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Dn ynu knnw thc fn!!nwIng sIgns (InstructInns)? Whcrc dn ynu fInd
thcm? DIscuss thcm In sma!! grnups nf fnur. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
(Aakah ka|lan mengetahul lnstruksl-lnstruksl berlkut? Dl mana ka|lan
menemukanna. Dlskuslkan da|am ke|omok beremat. Llhat contoh).
1. Park hcrc.
a. Wheie : Iaiking aiea
l. Meaning : Iaikii di sini
2. Push.
a. Wheie : __________________________________________________________
l. Meaning : __________________________________________________________
3. Kccp tIdy.
a. Wheie : __________________________________________________________
l. Meaning : __________________________________________________________
4. Kccp c!can.
a. Wheie : __________________________________________________________
l. Meaning : __________________________________________________________
5. Put nff ynur shncs.
a. Wheie : __________________________________________________________
l. Meaning : __________________________________________________________
6. Put ynur bag hcrc.
a. Wheie : __________________________________________________________
l. Meaning : __________________________________________________________
7. Turn nff thc cnmputcr bcfnrc ynu !cavc thc rnnm.
a. Wheie : __________________________________________________________
l. Meaning : __________________________________________________________
8. Put thc rubbIsh Intn thc dustbIn.
a. Wheie : __________________________________________________________
l. Meaning : __________________________________________________________
1. Iaik heie.
2. Iush.
3. Keep lidy.
4. Keep cIean.
5. Iul off youi shoes.
6. Iul youi lag heie.
7. Tuin off lhe conpulei lefoie you Ieave lhe ioon.
8. Iul lhe iullish inlo lhe dusllin.
Task 12
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
WrItc rc!cvant InstructInns In thc fn!!nwIng p!accs. Ynu may rcfcr tn thc
cxprcssInns In Task 12. (Tu|ls|ah lnstruksl-lnstruksl ang re|etan ada
temat-temat berlkut. Ka|lan bo|eh meru]uk ada eksresl-eksresl
ada Task 12).
1. _______________________ 2. ____________________
3. _______________________ 4. ____________________
5. _______________________ 6. _____________________
7. _______________________ 8. _____________________
Iicluie 3.21
Iicluie 3.22
Iicluie 3.23
Iicluie 3.24
Iicluie 3.25
Iicluie 3.26
Iicluie 3.27
Task 13
Iicluie 3.28
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Rcad a!nud thc fn!!nwIng tcxt and fInd thc IndnncsIan cquIva!cnts nf
thc fn!!nwIng wnrds. Ynu may npcn ynur dIctInnary. Thcn, prnnnuncc
thc wnrds. (Baca|ah dengan narlng teks berlkut dan temukan artlna
da|am bahasa lndonesla. Ka|lan bo|eh membuka kamus. Kemudlan
ucakan kata-kata tersebut).
Rcad thc tcxt abnvc agaIn and wrItc T If thc statcmcnt Is TRUE and F If
thc statcmcnt Is FAL5E accnrdIng tn thc tcxt. (Baca |agl teks dl atas dan
tu|ls|ah T ]lka ernataan BENAR dan | ]lka ernataan SALAH
berdasarkan teks).
1. The nessage is foi lhe sludenls of yeai VII. ( )
2. The sludenls shouId go lhe Ialoialoiy. ( )
3. The sludenls shouId loiiov an LngIish nagazine. ( )
4. The sludenls shouId find an ailicIe aloul sludenl Iife. ( )
5. The sludenls shouId viile a sunnaiy. ( )
6. The sludenls shouId sulnil lhe assignnenl nexl veek. ( )
Assignnenl foi yeai VII sludenls
Co lo lhe Iiliaiy and loiiov an LngIish nagazine. Iind an ailicIe on schooI Iife and
viile a sunnaiy. Sulnil il nexl veek.
See Mis Ralna in lhe leacheis ioon foi fuilhei infoinalion.
Mis Ralna
1. assignnenl (|o) = ...
2. nessage (|o) = ...
3. nagazine (|o) = ...
4. loiiov (|||) = ...
5. ailicIe (|o) = ...
6. sunnaiy (|o) = ...
7. sulnil (|||) = ...
Task 14
Task 15
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Cnmp!ctc thc fn!!nwIng annnunccmcnt wIth thc wnrds In thc bnx.
(Lengkal esan berlkut dengan kata- kata dl da|am kotak).
Ynu havc a mcssagc frnm ynur Eng!Ish tcachcr that studcnts must
submIt thc assIgnmcnt ncxt wcck. WrItc an annnunccmcnt fnr thc
mcssagc. (Ka|lan una sebuah esan darl guru bahasa lnggrls ka|lan.
Tu|ls|ah sebuah engumuman dengan esan tersebut).
VIsIt snmc pub!Ic p!accs In ynur hnmctnwn and nntc dnwn thc sIgns
(InstructInns) ynu fInd. Rcpnrt what ynu fInd tn thc c!ass. (Kun]ungl
beberaa temat umum dan catat|ah erlntah-erlntah ang ka|lan
temukan. Laorkan aa ang ka|lan temukan keada ke|as).
cIean sveep dusllin luin off cIose
Ioi: Yeai VII sludenls
efoie you Ieave lhe cIassioon:
1. _____________ lhe lIackloaid.
2. _____________ lhe fIooi.
3. Iul lhe iullish in lhe ___________.
4. _____________ lhe Ianp.
5. _____________ lhe vindovs and doois.
Thank you.
Mi Caiy
C, Homework
Task 18
Task 17
Task 16
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Wnrk In grnups. WrItc cnmmands such as thnsc In Task 10 nn cn!nurcd
papcr and thcn put thcm In thc apprnprIatc rnnms In ynur schnn!.
(Beker]a|ah da|am ke|omok. Tu|ls|ah erlntah-erlntah ada kertas
beruarna kemudlan asang|ah dl ruangan ang teat dl seko|ahmu).
Ask ynur c!assmatcs tn dn snmcthIng POLITELY rc!cvant In thc
fn!!nwIng sItuatInns. (Perlntah kauan ka|lan untuk me|akukan sesuatu
ang sesual ada sltuasl-sltuasl berlkut).
1. The fIooi is diily.
2. The cIassioon is daik.
3. The lIackloaid is diily.
4. The dooi is cIosed.
5. You Ieave lhe cIassioon and lhe vindov is open.
WrItc an annnunccmcnt tc!!Ing 5 thIngs tn dn bcfnrc thc c!ass bcgIns In
thc mnrnIng. (Tu|ls|ah sebuah engumuman memberltahukan 5 ha| ang
harus dlker]akan sebe|um e|a]aran dlmu|al dl agl harl).
Hnw much dn ynu !carn frnm thIs unIt? Put a tIck (\) In thc rIght bnx accnrdIng tn hnw
much ynu havc !carnt.
Aspccts Veiy nuch Much LillIe
Connanding olheis lo do lhings
Lxpiessing poIileness
Responding lo connands
Reading shoil announcenenls
Wiiling shoil announcenenls
Task 20
Task 21
D, EvuIuution
Task 19
E, RefIection
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
In thIs unIt ynu !carn:
F, Summury
1. CnmmandIng, fnr cxamp!c:
Cone in.
Look al lhe picluie.
Open youi look on page len.
CIean lhe lIackloaid, pIease
2. ExprcssIng pn!Itcncss, fnr cxamp!c:
..., pIease.
3. RcspnndIng tn cnmmands, fnr cxamp!c:
AII iighl.
4. ImpcratIvc scntcncc pattcrn
Vcrb + Nnun/Advcrb
It hus four Iegs but cun't wuIk or run,
Whut is it?
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
lIackloaid ['bIkb5:oj (|o) : papan luIis
liing [bripj (|||) : nenlava
canleen [kn'ti:nj (|o) : kanlin
cIassioon ['kIo:sromj (|o) : keIas
diclionaiy ['oikjcnrij (|o) : kanus
dooi [o5:j (|o) : pinlu
diav [or5:j (|||) : nengganlai
eiasei [i'rcizcj (|o) : penghapus
fIooi [II5:j (|o) : Ianlai
go [gcoj (|||) : peigi
keep [ki:pj (|||) : nenjaga
Ialoialoiy [Ic'borctri] (|o) : Ialoialoiiun
Ieave [Ii:vj (|||) : neninggaIkan
Iiliaiy ['Iaibrcrij (|o) : peipuslakaan
neel [mi:tj (|||) : leilenu
pen [pcnj (|o) : puIpen
penciI ['pcnscIj (|o) : pensiI
iead [ri:oj (|||) : nenlaca
lhiov [0rcoj (|||) : neIenpai
luin off ['tc:n 'oIj (|||) : nalikan
vail [wcitj (|||) : nenunggu
vindov ['winocoj (|o) : jendeIa
viile [raitj (|||) : nenuIis
S, VocubuIury List
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
In paIrs, cnmp!ctc thc chart wIth thc actIvItIcs ynu havc at schnn!. Ynu
may npcn ynur dIctInnary. (Secara berasangan |engkal dlagram
berlkut dengan keglatan-keglatan dl seko|ahmu. Ka|lan bo|eh membuka
SchooI aclivilies
A, Leud-in
Task 1
We need a Iol of infoinalion in oui Iife. We oflen ask foi and give
infoinalion lo olheis lolh al schooI and oulside lhe schooI. Can you ask
foi and give infoinalion in LngIish veiy veII` Can you lhank peopIe
appiopiialeIy foi lhe infoinalion lhey give`
Do you ceIeliale youi liilhday` Do you ieceive liilhday caids` Do you
viile liilhday caids foi youi fiiends` Leain lhose and noie in lhis unil.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Rcad thc schcdu!c nn thc annnunccmcnt bnard bc!nw. Thcn, In paIrs
answcr thc qucstInns. (Baca|ah ]adua| dl aan engumuman berlkut.
Kemudlan, secara berasangan ]auab|ah ertanaan-ertanaanna).
1. Wheie do you find lhe scheduIe`
2. Hov nany aclivilies does SMI Tunas angsa offei`
3. Whal aie lhey`
4. Whal aie lhe aclivilies on Wednesday`
5. When do lhe sludenls have lhe scouling aclivily`
Focus on Listening und Speuking
LIstcn and cnmp!ctc thc fn!!nwIng annnunccmcnt. Thc !IstcnIng scrIpt
Is In thc appcndIx. (Dengarkan dan |engkal|ah engumuman berlkut.
Transkrl ada dl |amlran).
SchooI Aclivilies (Seplenlei)
Da Actltlt Tlme
Monday Dancing O3.OO pn - O4.3O pn
Wednesday Iainling O2.OO pn - O3.OO pn
Iiiday VoIIeylaII O3.OO pn - O4.3O pn
Saluiday Scouling O2.3O pn - O4.OO pn
Task 2
Task 3
, Lesson Proper
Allenlion pIease.
Do you vanl lo nake nev fiiends`
Do you vanl lo speak LngIish`
Cone and join us in lhe _______________.
Ils eveiy ________ al lhiee ocIock in lhe afleinoon.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
LIstcn tn thc annnunccmcnt agaIn and thcn answcr thc fn!!nwIng
qucstInns. (Dengarkan |agl engumuman tadl dan kemudlan ]auab|ah
ertanaan-ertanaan berlkut).
1. Whal is lhe announcenenl aloul`
2. Is lhe LngIish speaking cIul on Sunday`
3. Whal line does lhe LngIish speaking cIul slail`
LIstcn tn thc annnunccmcnt agaIn and dIscuss thc qucstInns bc!nw wIth
ynur c!assmatcs. (Dengarkan engumuman dl atas seka|l |agl dan
dlskuslkan ertanaan-ertanaan berlkut dengan teman-temanmu).
1. Wheie do you lhink you heai lhis announcenenl`
2. Who is lhe speakei`
LIstcn tn thc fn!!nwIng dIa!nguc. Thcn, answcr thc qucstInns In paIrs.
Thc !IstcnIng scrIpt Is In thc AppcndIx. (Dengarkan dla|og berlkut.
Kemudlan, ]auab|ah ertanaan-ertanaanna secara berasangan.
Transkrl ada dl |amlran).
1. Hov does Asep gieel AngeI`
2. AngeIina says: Can qcu |c|| nc |nc s|udcn| ac|iti|ics |nis scncs|cr? Whal does she
3. Rudy says: lc natc |ng|isn Spca|ing C|uo, tc||cq oa||, dancing, cqc|ing, and
suinning. Whal does he nean`
4. AngeIina says: Tnan| qcu tcrq nucn. Whal does she nean`
5. Whal aclivilies aie in lhis seneslei`
Task 5
Whut hus two hunds und u fuce but no urms und Iegs?
Task 4
Task 6
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
In grnups nf thrcc, study thc fn!!nwIng cxprcssInns. (Da|am ke|omok
bertlga, e|a]arl ungkaan-ungkaan berlkut lnl).
In paIrs, rcad a!nud thc fn!!nwIng dIa!nguc and dIscuss thc IndnncsIan
cquIva!cnts nf thc wnrds In thc bnx. (Secara berasangan, baca|ah
dla|og berlkut dengan keras dan dlskuslkan bahasa lndoneslana kata-
kata da|am kotak).
Task 8
BudI and TIna ta!k abnut schnn! actIvItIcs.
udi : Hi, Tina. Hov aie you`
Tina : Iine, lhanks.
udi : Do you join any sludenl aclivily`
Tina : Yes, I do. I join lhe lennis cIul.
udi : Thals gieal! Wheie do you usuaIIy pIay lennis`
Tina : We pIay al lhe lennis couil nexl lo lhe posl office. Whal aclivily do you join`
udi : I donl join any aclivily. May I join lhe lennis cIul` Il sounds inleiesling.
Tina : Suie. Cone on Saluiday al 3 p.n. We can go logelhei.
udi : Thank you, Tina. III cone.
Tina : See you, lhen.
DaIan peicakapan pada Task 6 kaIian nendengai ekspiesi-ekspiesi leiikul:
1. Can ynu tc!! mc thc studcnt actIvItIcs thIs scmcstcr? unluk mcmInta
2. Wc havc Eng!Ish 5pcakIng C!ub, vn!!cy ba!!, dancIng, cyc!Ing, and swImmIng
unluk mcmbcrI InfnrmasI.
3. Thank ynu vcry much unluk mcngucapkan tcrIma kasIh.
TuIisIah conloh ekspiesi-ekspiesi unluk mcmInta InfnrmasI, mcmbcrI InfnrmasI,
dan mcngucapkan tcrIma kasIh yang kaIian kelahui.
McmInta InfnrmasI
McmbcrI InfnrmasI
Mcngucapkan tcrIma kasIh
Task 7
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Rcad a!nud thc dIa!nguc In Task 8 agaIn and answcr thc qucstInns.
Thcn, act It nut wIth ynur partncr. (Baca|ah |agl dla|og ada Task 8
dengan keras dan ]auab|ah ertanaan-ertanaanna. Kemudlan
|akukan dla|og tersebut dengan asangan ka|lan).
1. Who joins lhe lennis cIul`
2. When does Tina usuaIIy pIay lennis`
3. Wheie does Tina usuaIIy pIay lennis`
4. UndeiIine lhe expiessions lo ask foi infoinalion in lhe diaIogue alove.
5. UndeiIine lhe expiessions lo give infoinalion in lhe diaIogue alove.
6. UndeiIine lhe expiessions lo lhank in lhe diaIogue alove.
Ask fIvc nf ynur c!assmatcs thc actIvIty that thcy jnIn. Dn nnt fnrgct tn
thank thcm. Put thc data In thc tab!c. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c. (Tanal|ah
|lma darl teman-teman seke|as ka|lan mengenal keglatan ang mereka
lkutl. ]angan |ua mengucakan terlma kaslh. Tu|ls|ah data dl tabe|.
Llhat|ah contoh).
LaiIa : Hi, LIizalelh. Whal aclivily do you join`
LIizalelh : I join lhe dancing and nusic aclivilies.
LaiIa : Thank you.
LIizalelh : Youie veIcone.
Task 10
Task 9
1. join [o5inj
2. aclivily [k'tivitij = ...
3. lennis ['tcnisj = ...
4. cIul [kI\bj = ...
5. vheie [wccj = ...
6. usuaIIy ['ju:cIij = ...
7. pIay [pIcij
8. lennis couil ['tcnis k5:tj = ...
9. inleiesling ['intrcstipj = ...
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
No. Nane of sludenl Aclivily
LIizalelh Dancing, nusic
In turns, rcpnrt thc thc data ynu havc In Task 9. Wnrk In grnups nf fnur.
(Secara bergantlan, |aorkan data ang ka|lan daatkan ada Task 9.
Beker]a|ah da|am ke|omok beremat).
Focus on Reuding und Writing
Answcr thc fn!!nwIng qucstInns. Cnmparc ynur answcrs wIth a
c!assmatc's. (]auab|ah ertanaan-ertanaan berlkut. Bandlngkan
]auaban ka|lan dengan ]auaban seorang teman seke|as ka|lan).
1. Do you oflen send liilhday caids`
2. Do you nake liilhday caids oi do you luy lhen`
Lnnk at thc pIcturcs. WrItc thc cnrrcct wnrd undcr cach pIcturc. Usc thc
wnrds In thc bnx. (Llhat gambar. Tu|ls|ah nama ang benar dl bauah
gambar. Gunakan kata-kata dl da|am kotak).
1. 2. 3. 4.
slanp enveIope idenlily caid posl office
Task 12
Task 13
Task 11
Iicluie 4.1
Iicluie 4.2 Iicluie 4.3 Iicluie 4.4
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Rcad thc fn!!nwIng bIrthday card. Thcn, answcr thc qucstInns. (Baca|ah
kartu u|ang tahun berlkut. Kemudlan, ]auab|ah ertanaan-
1. Whal is lhe lexl alove`
2. Who is lhe caid foi`
3. Who is lhe sendei`
4. Whal does AngeIina vish`
In paIrs, study thc tcxt In Task 14 agaIn and !carn thc fn!!nwIng
cxp!anatInn. (Secara berasangan, e|a]arl |agl teks ada Task 14 dan
en]e|asan berlkut).
Deai LIizalelh,
I vish you happiness and success in youi Iife.
Task 14
Task 15
Teks pada Task 14 adaIah seluah BIRTHDAY CARD (kartu u!ang
tahun) unluk nengucapkan seIanal uIang lahun kepada yang
Seluah oir|ndaq card leidiii daii lagian-lagian leiikul:
1. Grcc|ing (saIan), nisaInya: Deai ...
2. 8cdq/ncssagc, yailu isi alau pesan
3. Ccnp|incn|arq c|csing, nisaInya: Love
4. Scndcr, yailu pengiiin kailu
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
In paIrs, IdcntIfy thc parts nf thc bIrthday card In Task 14. (Secara
berasangan, ldentlflkasl|ah baglan-baglan kartu ucaan se|amat u|ang
tahun ada Task 14).
Rcad thc bIrthday card bc!nw. Thcn, answcr thc qucstInns. (Baca|ah
kartu ucaan u|ang tahun berlkut. Kemudlan, ]auab|ah ertanaanna).
1. Who ceIeliales his/hei liilhday`
2. Who is lhe sendei of lhe liilhday caid`
3. Whal is Anas nessage foi Dony`
CnmpI!c ynur bIrthday cards nr acccss thc Intcrnct nr gn tn thc
bnnkstnrc tn gct snmc bIrthday cards. 5hnw ynur bIrthday cards tn ynur
c!assmatcs. (Kumu|kan kartu-kartu ucaan u|ang tahun ka|lan atau
akses|ah lntenet atau ergl|ah ke took buku untuk mendaatkan
beberaa kartu u|ang tahun. Tun]ukkan katu-kartu u|ang tahun ka|lan
keada teman seke|as ka|lan).
ConpIinenlaiy cIosing:
Deai Dony,
Wish you a veiy happy liilhday. May loday le youi slailing day foi a
happy Iife.
Task 16
Task 17
Task 18
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
In grnups nf fnur, IdcntIfy thc cxprcssInns In thc bIrthday cards ynu
cnmpI!c In Task 18. WrItc dnwn thc cxprcssInns In thc bnx. (Da|am
ke|omok beremat, ldentlflkasl|ah eksresl-eksresl da|am kartu u|ang
tahun ang ka|lan kumu|kan ada Task 18. Tu|ls|ah eksresl-eksresl
tersebut da|am kotak).
Arrangc thc fn!!nwIng cxprcssInns tn crcatc a bIrthday card. (Susun|ah
ka|lmat-ka|lmat berlkut untuk membuat sebuah kartu u|ang tahun).
1. Love,
2. Wishing you a veiy happy liilhday.
3. Deai Caiy,
Task 20
Task 19
LxanpIe: Deai ...,
LxanpIe: Happy liilhday.
Cnmp!Imcntary c!nsIng:
LxanpIe: Love,
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
RIta wants tn scnd a bIrthday card tn hcr frIcnd, BudI. Hc!p hcr by
cnmp!ctIng hcr draft. (Rlta lngln menglrlm kartu u|ang tahun keada
kauanna, Budl. Bantu|ah dla dengan me|engkal draftna).
Wnrk In paIrs. Makc and scnd bIrthday cards tn ynur c!assmatcs whn
cc!cbratc thcIr bIrthday. (Beker]a|ah berasangan. Buat dan klrlmkan
kartu-kartu ucaan u|ang tahun untuk teman-temanmu ang meraakan
u|ang tahunna).
WrItc a bIrthday card and scnd It tn nnc nf ynur rc!atIvcs. (Tu|ls|ah
kartu ucaan u|ang tahun dan klrlmkan keada sa|ah satu sanak
saudara ka|lan).
Cnmp!ctc thc fn!!nwIng dIa!nguc. Thcn, act It nut wIth a c!assmatc.
(Lengkal dla|og berlkut. Kemudlan, eragakan|ah dengan seorang
Andy Is In thc Ha!!. Hc ta!ks wIth a c!assmatc, Angga. Andy nccds tn gn tn thc tnI!ct.
Angga : Hi, Andy.
Andy : Hi, Angga` (1)___________________________________
Angga : Oh, lhe loiIel is nexl lo lhe Iiliaiy.
Andy : (2) _______________________________________
Angga : Youie veIcone.
Deai (1) _______,
May I (2) ______ you a veiy happy (3) ________.
(4) Rila
Task 21
Task 24
Task 22
Task 23
C, Homework
D, EvuIuution
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Ask fnur nf ynur c!assmatcs thc actIvIty that thcy jnIn. Dn nnt fnrgct tn
thank thcm. Takc nntcs whcn ynu ask thcm. Thcn, rcpnrt thcIr actIvItIcs
tn fnur nf ynur c!assmatcs. (Tanal|ah emat darl teman-teman seke|as
ka|lan mengenal keglatan ang mereka lkutl. ]angan |ua mengucakan
terlma kaslh. Buat|ah catatan ketlka menanal mereka. Kemudlan
|aorkan keglatan mereka keada emat teman seke|as ka|lan).
In paIrs, havc a dIa!nguc In thc fn!!nwIng sItuatInn. (Secara
berasangan, berdla|og|ah da|am sltuasl berlkut).
You aie in lhe Sludenls Associalion Office. You neel a sludenl and ask infoinalion
aloul sludenl aclivilies. You lhank hin foi lhe infoinalion.
Ynur tcachcr cc!cbratcs hIs bIrthday nn 15 Nnvcmbcr. WrItc a bIrthday
card and scnd It tn hIm. (Guru ka|lan meraakan u|ang tahunna ada
tangga| 15 Notember. Tu|ls|ah kartu ucaan u|ang tahun dan klrlmkan
keada be|lau).
Hnw much dn ynu !carn frnm thIs unIt? Put a tIck (\) In thc rIght bnx accnrdIng tn
hnw much ynu havc !carnt.
Aspccts Vcry much Much LItt!c
Asking foi infoinalion
Civing infoinalion
Reading liilhday caids
Wiiling liilhday caids
E, RefIection
Task 26
Task 25
Task 27
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
In thIs unIt ynu !carn:
1. Hnw tn ask fnr InfnrmatInn, fnr cxamp!c:
2. Hnw tn gIvc fnr InfnrmatInn, fnr cxamp!c:
3. Hnw tn thank, fnr cxamp!c:
4. 5hnrt functInna! tcxts: bIrthday cards
F, Summury
Can you leII ne lhe sludenl aclivilies lhis seneslei`
Wheie do you usuaIIy pIay lennis`
Thank you veiy nuch.
We have LngIish Speaking CIul, voIIey laII, dancing, cycIing,
and svinning.
We pIay al lhe lennis couil nexl lo lhe posl office.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
aclivily [k'tivitij (kb) : kegialan
liilhday ['bc:0ocij (kb) : uIang lahun
caid [ko:oj (kb) : kailu
ceIeliale ['scIibrcitj (kkt) : neiayakan
cIul [kI\bj(kb) kIul
cIul [kI\bj (kb) : keIonpok
foollaII ['Iotb5:Ij (kb) : sepak bola
gieal [grcitj (ks) : helal
happiness ['hpincsj (kb) : kelahagiaan
inleiesling ['intrcstipj(ks) nenaiik
join [o5inj (kkt) : leigalung
nessage ['mcsioj (kb) : pesan
nusic ['mju:zikj (kb) : nusik
pIay [pIcij (kkt) : leinain
scoul [skaotj (kb) : pianuka
lennis couil ['tcnis k5:tj(kb) : Iapangan lenis
lennis ['tcnisj (kb) lenis
usuaIIy ['ju:cIij (kk) : liasanya
voIIeylaII ['voIib5:Ij (kb) : loIa voli
vheie [wccj (kkt) di nana
vish [wijj (kkt) : leihaiap
S, VocubuIury List
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Whal do you do vhen youi fiiends ceIeliale lheii liilhday` Do you send
lhen liilhday caids oi shoil nessages` If so, lhe liilhday vishes leIov nay
le usefuI.
1. Happy iilhday. Wish you aII lhe lesl of lIessing.
2. Ils youi liilhday! Think happy lhoughls and Iaugh oul Ioud! Wish
you aII lhe lesl. Today . aII day is jusl foi you. Happy iilhday.
3. Happy iilhday! May you achieve youi goaIs and nay Cod give His
lIessings lo you as aIvays.
4. Sel oul each day leIieving in youi dieans. Knov vilhoul a doull lhal
you veie nade foi anazing lhings. Happy iilhday!
5. Ive gol lvo foi you: The lad nevs is line fIies as youi age changes,
lul lhe good nevs is youie lhe piIol. Happy iilhday.
6. I vish you a vondeifuI Iife fiIIed vilh Iove and happiness. I hope
olheis liing you joy jusl as youve lioughl joy lo us. Then you can
vealhei any sloin and le aII you vanna le. Happy iilhday!
7. Whal shouId I say, vhen I see lhe slai Iighls liighlIy lhis nighl. Whal
shouId I feeI vhen I knov ny lesl fiiend is having hei liilhday. In
happy foi you. Happy iilhday, deai fiiend. Wish you aII lhe lesl.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Grade V|| S|udcn|s
Lnnk at what thcy arc dnIng bc!nw. Dn ynu knnw what thcy arc dnIng?
In paIrs, wrItc thcm dnwn. (Llhat aa ang mereka sedang ker]akan. Aa
ang sedang mereka |akukan?)
1. Iicluie 1:
2. Iicluie 2:
3. Iicluie 3:
4. Iicluie 4:

A, Leud-in
Task 1
Iicluie 5.1
Iicluie 5.2 Iicluie 5.3 Iicluie 5.4
Youi paienls oflen ask you lo do oi nol lo do lhings al hone, donl lhey`
You sonelines ask peopIe lo do lhings as veII, donl you` Whal do you
say, lhen`
Theie aie diffeienl piohililion signaIs al diffeienl pIaces. Do you
undeisland lhen` Can you viile such signs`
Do youi paienls sonelines Ieave you shoil nessages` Can you iead lhen`
Can you viile shoil nessages`
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Focus on Listening und Speuking
LIstcn tn thc fn!!nwIng cnnvcrsatInn. Thcn, answcr thc qucstInns. Thc
!IstcnIng scrIpt Is In thc AppcndIx. (Dengarkan ercakaan berlkut lnl.
Kemudlan, ]auab|ah ertanaan-ertanaanna. Transkrl |lstenlng ada
ada |amlran).
1. Wheie aie Dony and his faniIy`
2. Whal aie lhey doing`
3. Whal does Ialhei ask Dony lo do` Whal does Ialhei say`
4. Whal does Molhei ask Tina lo do` Whal does Molhei say`
LIstcn tn thc cnnvcrsatInn agaIn. Cnmp!ctc thc fn!!nwIng tab!c wIth
cxprcssInns nf cnmmandIng and thankIng as thc cxamp!c. (Dengarkan
ercakaan seka|l |agl. Lengkal tabe| berlkut dengan eksresl-eksresl
memerlntah dan berterlma-kaslh seertl contoh).
Nn CnmmandIng ThankIng
1. Cone heie, pIease. Thanks deai.
In paIrs, dIscuss thc mcanIng nf cach cxprcssInn bc!nw. (Secara
berasangan dlskuslkan makna setla eksresl dl bauah lnl).
1. Mop lhe fIooi, pIease. 2. Wash lhe dishes, pIease.
, Lunguuge in Action
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Iicluie 5.5
Iicluie 5.6
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Grade V|| S|udcn|s
3. Walei lhe pIanl, pIease. 4. Sveep lhe fIooi, pIease.
5. Wash lhe cIolhes, pIease. 6. Tidy up youi led, pIease.
LIstcn and rcpcat aftcr thc tcachcr. Opcn ynur dIctInnary If ynu dn nnt
knnw thc mcanIng. (Dengarkan dan tlrukan guru ka|lan. Buka|ah kamus
aabl|a ka|lan tldak tahu artlna).
1. Sveep lhe fIooi, pIease.
2. CIean lhe lalIe, pIease.
3. Cone heie, pIease.
4. Wash lhe dishes, pIease.
5. Wash lhe cIolhes, pIease.
6. Tidy up youi led, pIease.
7. Mop lhe fIooi, pIease.
8. Walei lhe pIanl, pIease.
9. Tend lo lhe gaiden, pIease.
1O. Open lhe vindov, pIease.
Cnmp!ctc thc dIa!ngucs and thcn act thcm nut In paIrs. (Lengkal
dla|og-dla|ogna kemudlan eragakan|ah secara berasangan).
1. Molhei : Sinla, vash lhe dishes, pIease.
Sinla : OK, Mon.
Molhei : ___________, deai.
2. Ialhei : Tend lo lhe gaiden, pIease.
Dila : ________
Ialhei : Thank you.
Task 6
Task 5
Iicluie 5.8 Iicluie 5.7
Iicluie 5.1O
Iicluie 5.9
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
3. Aji : Tina, valei lhe pIanl, pIease.
Tina : Suie.
Aji : ___________.
Wnrk In grnups nf thrcc. Pcrfnrm a rn!c p!ay bascd nn thc fn!!nwIng
sItuatInn. (Beker]a|ah da|am ke|omok bertlga. Lakukan ermalnan
eran berdasarkan sltuasl berlkut lnl).
Ils Sunday. You and lhe olhei nenleis of lhe faniIy aie lusy al hone. Ask olhei
nenleis of lhe faniIy lo do aclivilies.
Molhei is sveeping lhe fIooi.
Molhei : Ivan, cIean lhe vindov, pIease.
Ivan : OK, Mon.
Molhei : Thanks, deai. Tina, valei lhe pIanl, pIease.
Tina : Suie.
Molhei : Thanks.
Rcad thc fn!!nwIng dIa!nguc. Answcr thc qucstInns and thcn act It nut
In paIrs. (Baca|ah dla|og berlkut. ]auab|ah ertanaan-ertanaanna
dan kemudlan eragakan secara berasangan).
Rnny and hIs fathcr arc In thc gardcn. HIs fathcr Is paIntIng thc fcncc. Rnny has just
fInIshcd watcrIng thc p!ant.
Ialhei : Rony! Cone heie, pIease. I need youi heIp.
Rony : Yes, Dad.
Ialhei : Tend lo lhe gaiden, pIease.
Rony : OK.
Ialhei : And donl foigel lo sveep lhe yaid.
Rony : Suie.
Ialhei : Thanks, deai.
(A nonenl Ialei)
Ialhei : Rony! Donl louch lhe fence. The painl is sliII vel.
Rony : Oh, In soiiy.
Task 8
Task 7
Catatan: Kala PLEA5E daIan ekspiesi lahasa Inggiis dapal unluk mcngungkapkan
kcsnpanan. Kala DEAR dapal digunakan unluk mcrcspnn sccara Intcrpcrsnna!.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Grade V|| S|udcn|s
1. Wheie aie Rony and his falhei`
2. Whal is Ronys falhei doing`
3. Whal does Ronys falhei ask Rony lo do`
4. Whal does Ronys falhei ask Rony NOT lo do`
5. Whal does Ialhei say`
In paIrs, study thc fn!!nwIng cxprcssInns. (Secara berasangan, e|a]arl
ungkaan-ungkaan berlkut lnl).
DaIan peicakapan pada Task 7 kaIian nendengai Ialhei leikala kepada Rony:
Dnn't tnuch thc fcncc. Lkspiesi yang diucapkan oIeh Ialhei leiselul unluk
BcrIkut ada!ah cnntnh-cnntnh ucapan untuk mc!arang (PROHIBIT) scscnrang
mc!akukan scsuatu:
Donl cheal.
Donl disluil.
No snoking.
No enliy.
To piohilil sonelody doing sonelhing, you can use lhe foIIoving pallein:
Donl + V + ....
No + V-ing/NOUN
Task 9
Q: Why did lhe nan lhiov a luckel of valei oul lhe vindov`
A: He vanled lo see lhe valeifaII.
Q: Why did lhe nan lhiov lhe lullei oul lhe vindov`
A: He vanled lo see lhe lulleifIy.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Wnrk In paIrs. PrnhIbIt ynur c!assmatc In thc fn!!nwIng sItuatInns as thc
cxamp!c. (Beker]a|ah berasangan. Larang|ah kauan ka|lan ada
sltuasl-sltuasl berlku seertl contoht).
Sludenl 1 : Donl pick lhe fIovei up.
Sludenl 2 : Soiiy.
Focus on Reuding und Writing
In paIrs, study thc prnhIbItInn sIgn bc!nw. What dncs It mcan? (Secara
berasangan, e|a]arl tanda |arangan dl da|am gambar. Aakah
Task 10
Task 11
Iic. 5.11
Iicluie 5.12 Iicluie 5.13 Iicluie 5.14
Iicluie 5.15
Iicluie 5.11
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Grade V|| S|udcn|s
5tudy thc fn!!nwIng prnhIbItInn sIgns. DIscuss thc mcanIng nf cach
sIgn wIth ynur c!assmatcs In grnups nf fnur. Bascd nn thc sIgns, wrItc
thc IndnncsIan cquIva!cnts nf thc wnrds In thc bnx. (Pe|a]arl tanda-
tanda |arangan berlkut. Dlskuslkan artl setla tanda dengan teman-
temanmu da|am ke|omok beremat. Berdasarkan tanda-tanda tersebut,
tu|ls|ah bahasa lndoneslana kata-kata da|am kotak).
Task 12
1. paik :
2. Iefl :
3. iighl :
4. luin :
5. snoke :
6. Iillei :
7. enliy :
Iicluie 5.16 Iicluie 5.17
Iicluie 5.18
Iicluie 5.19
Iicluie 5.2O Iicluie 5.21
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Dn ynu knnw thc fn!!nwIng sIgns (prnhIbItInns)? Whcrc dn ynu fInd
thcm? DIscuss thcm In sma!! grnups nf fnur. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
(Aakah ka|lan mengetahul |arangan-|arangan berlkut? Dl mana ka|lan
menemukanna? Dlskuslkan da|am ke|omok beremat. Llhat contoh).
1. Dnn't bc nnIsy.
a. Wheie : edioon
l. Meaning : }angan leiisik.
2. Dnn't pIck thc f!nwcr up.
a. Wheie : __________________________________________________________
l. Meaning : __________________________________________________________
3. Nn cntry.
a. Wheie : __________________________________________________________
l. Meaning : __________________________________________________________
4. Dnn't cut thc trccs.
a. Wheie : __________________________________________________________
l. Meaning : __________________________________________________________
5. Dnn't !cavc thc rnnm dIrty.
a. Wheie : __________________________________________________________
l. Meaning : __________________________________________________________
6. Nn smnkIng.
a. Wheie : __________________________________________________________
l. Meaning : __________________________________________________________
7. Dnn't !cavc thc tnwc! In thc bathrnnm.
a. Wheie : __________________________________________________________
l. Meaning : __________________________________________________________
8. Dnn't dIsturb mc.
a. Wheie : __________________________________________________________
l. Meaning : __________________________________________________________
1. Donl le noisy.
2. Donl pick lhe fIovei up.
3. No enliy.
4. Donl cul lhe liees.
5. Donl Ieave lhe ioon diily.
6. No snoking.
7. Donl Ieave lhe loveI in lhe lalhioon.
8. Donl disluil ne.
Task 13
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Grade V|| S|udcn|s
Wnrk In paIrs. WrItc dnwn prnhIbItInns bascd nn thc pIcturcs bc!nw.
(Beker]a|ah berasangan. Tu|ls|ah |arangan-|arangan berdasarkan
gambar-gambar berlkut).
Donl le noisy. _____________________ ___________________
___________________ ____________________ ___________________
Rcad thc fn!!nwIng tcxt. Thcn, answcr thc qucstInns. (Baca|ah teks
berlkut. Kemudlan, ]auab|ah ertanaan-ertanaanna).
Nandas nolhei Ieaves eaiIy. She Ieaves a nessage foi Nanda.
1. Who is lhe nessage foi`
2. Whal does Molhei ask Nanda lo do`
Deai Nanda,
Sveep lhe fIooi and vash lhe dishes, pIease. Donl Ieave
lhe Ianp on. Save lhe eneigy.
Task 15
Task 14
Iicluie 5.22 Iicluie 5.23
Iicluie 5.24
Iicluie 5.25 Iicluie 5.26 Iicluie 5.27
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Mrs Ratna !cavcs car!y. 5hc wants tn !cavc a mcssagc fnr hcr daughtcr,
5Inta. Hc!p hcr wrItc thc mcssagc bascd nn thc c!ucs. (lbu Ratna ergl
agl-agl seka|l. la lngln menlngga|kan esan untuk anakna, Slnta.
Bantu|ah menu|ls sebuah esan endek berdasarkan etun]uk gambar).
Wiile lhe nessage heie.
Task 16
Iicluie 5.28
Iicluie 5.29
Iicluie 5.3O
Iicluie 5.31
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Grade V|| S|udcn|s
FInd snmc prnhIbItInn sIgns In pub!Ic p!accs and thcn IdcntIfy thc
mcanIngs. Ynu may wnrk In grnups. (Carl|ah beberaa tanda |arangan
dl temat-temat umum kemudlan carl|ah artlna. Kamu bo|eh beker]a
da|am ke|omok).
WrItc snmc prnhIbItInn sIgns fnr ynur schnn!. Put thcm In thc rIght
p!accs. Ynu may wnrk In grnups. (Tu|ls|ah beberaa tanda |arangan
untuk seko|ah ka|lan dan kemudlan tematkan ada temat-temat
ang teat. Kamu bo|eh beker]a da|am ke|omok).
Ynur tcachcr must havc wrIttcn shnrt mcssagcs. CnmpI!c thcm and thcn
answcr thc fn!!nwIng qucstInns. (Guru ka|lan astl te|ah menu|ls esan-
esan endek untuk ka|lan. Kumu|kan esan-esan tersebut dan
kemudlan ]auab|ah ertanaan-ertanaan berlkut).
1. Who is lhe nessage foi`
2. Whal is lhe nessage`
Wnrk In paIrs. Pcrfnrm a rn!c p!ay bascd nn thc fn!!nwIng sItuatInn.
Makc snmc nntcs bcfnrc ynu start. (Beker]a|ah secara berasangan.
Lakukan ermalnan eran berdasarkan sltuasl berlkut lnl. Buat|ah
catatan sebe|um memu|al).
You have a guesl fion AusliaIia. TeII hin vhal lo do and vhal NOT lo
do al youi hone.
Task 17
C, Homework
D, EvuIuution
Task 18
Task 19
Task 20
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
WrItc prnhIbItInns bascd nn thc c!ucs.
___________________ ____________________ ___________________
___________________ ____________________ ___________________
WrItc a mcssagc bascd nn thc fn!!nwIng sItuatInn. (Tu|ls|ah esan
berdasarkan sltuasl berlkut).
You shaie a ledioon vilh youi liolhei/sislei. You Ieave veiy eaiIy vhen
youi liolhei is sliII asIeep. Wiile a nessage foi hin/hei. TeII hin/hei
vhal lo do and vhal NOT lo do.
Task 21
Task 22
Mr Asep hus five sons euch son hus u sister,
How muny chiIdren does Mr Asep huve?
Iicluie 5.32
Iicluie 5.33
Iicluie 5.34
Iicluie 5.35 Iicluie 5.36
Iicluie 5.37
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Grade V|| S|udcn|s
Hnw much dn ynu !carn frnm thIs unIt? Put a tIck (\) In thc rIght bnx accnrdIng tn
hnw much ynu havc !carnt.
Aspccts Vcry much Much LItt!c
Reading signs
Wiiling signs
Reading shoil nessages
Wiiling shoil nessages
In thIs unIt ynu !carn:
1. Hnw tn cnmmand snmcbndy tn dn snmcthIng, fnr cxamp!c:
2. Hnw tn prnhIbIt snmcbndy dnIng snmcthIng, fnr cxamp!c:
F, Summury
Sveep lhe fIooi, pIease.
CIean lhe lalIe, pIease.
Cone heie, pIease.
Wash lhe dishes, pIease.
Donl cheal.
Donl disluil.
No snoking.
No enliy.
E, RefIection
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
3. 5hnrt functInna! tcxts : shnrt mcssagcs
4. Grammar
To piohilil sonelody doing sonelhing, you can use lhe foIIoving pallein:
Donl + V + ....
No + V-ing/NOUN
assignnenl [c'sainmcntj (kb) : lugas
cIolhes [kIcozj (kb) : pakaian
diily [oc:tij(ks) : koloi
dish [oijj (kb) : piiing
fIovei ['IIaocj (kb) : lunga
gaiden ['go:ocnj(kb) : kelun
heIp [hcIpj(kkt) : nenoIong
nessage ['mcsioj (kb) : pesan
noisy ['n5izij(ks) : ianai
yaid [jo:oj (kb) : haIanan
S, VocubuIury List
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Dn ynu knnw hnw tn cnunt? 5tudy thc wnrds bc!nw. LIstcn and rcpcat
aftcr thc tcachcr.
one [w\nj eIeven [i'Icvnj
lvo [tu:j lveIve [twcIvj
lhiee [0ri:j lhiileen [0c:'ti:nj
foui [I5:j fouileen [I5:'ti:nj
five [Iaivj fifleen [IiI'ti:nj
six [siksj sixleen [siks'ti:nj
seven ['scvcnj sevenleen [scvcn'ti:nj
eighl [citj eighleen [ci'ti:nj
nine [nainj nineleen [nain'ti:nj
len [tcnj lvenly ['twcntij
A, Leud-in
Task 1
Do you aIvays have aII lhings you need` You oflen need lo ask foi lhings
lo olheis, donl you` You sonelines aIso give lhings lo olheis. Can you
ask foi and give lhings lo olheis appiopiialeIy`
You Iove ieading and viiling, donl you` Can you iead and viile lhe
desciiplion of youi schooI`

ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
In paIrs, study thc fn!!nwIng nbjccts. NntIcc hnw cach Is cxprcsscd.
one lag six lags one iuIei lhiee iuIeis
one penciI foui penciIs one diclionaiy lvo diclionaiies
In grnups nf fnur, study thc cxprcssInns In Task 2 agaIn and answcr thc
qucstInns bc!nw. Rcpnrt ynur answcrs tn thc c!ass.
1. Hov do you expiess an oljecl vhen lhe nunlei is one` Cive an exanpIe.
2. Hov do you expiess an oljecl vhen lhe nunlei is lvo, lhiee, foui, oi noie` Cive an
In paIrs, study thc cxp!anatInn bc!nw.
Nouns in ILURAL foins (}UMLAHNYA LLIH DARI SATU) have -S oi -LS al
lhe end of lhe voids. Look al lhe exanpIe.
Nn 5Ingu!ar P!ura! Ru!c
1 penciI, look penciIs, looks + -s
2 lox, valch loxes, valches + -cs
3 diclionaiy diclionaiies y changes inlo -Ics
4 sheIf sheIves f changes inlo -vcs
Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Iicluie 6.1
Iicluie 6.2
Iicluie 6.3 Iicluie 6.4
Iicluie 6.5 Iicluie 6.6
Iicluie 6.7
Iicluie 6.8
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Labc! thc fn!!nwIng nbjccts. Usc thc cnrrcct fnrms.
foui pens ____________ _____________ _______________
_____________ ____________ _____________ _______________
Focus on Listening und Speuking
Ida has a bag fu!! nf ncw stuff. 5hc shnws thcm nff tn hcr frIcnd,
WInda. LIstcn tn hcr and thcn answcr thc qucstInns. Thc !IstcnIng scrIpt
Is In thc AppcndIx.
1. Whal has Ida gol fion hei sislei`
2. Is il a liilhday piesenl`
3. Whal is lhe coIoui of hei nev slalioneiy ilens`
4. Hov nany pink nolelooks has she gol`
5. Hov nany pens has she gol`
6. Whal slalioneiy ilen does she foigel lo liing`
7. Ida says Maq | natc cnc cf qcurs? Whal does she nean`
8. Whal viII Winda piolalIy say`
Task 5
, Lesson Proper
Task 6
Iicluie 6.9
Iicluie 6.1O Iicluie 6.11
Iicluie 6.12
Iicluie 6.13
Iicluie 6.14
Iicluie 6.15
Iicluie 6.16
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
In paIrs, study thc fn!!nwIng cxprcssInns.
Cnmp!ctc thc fn!!nwIng dIa!ngucs wIth rc!cvant cxprcssInns and thcn
act thcm nut In paIrs.
1. Aiif : I donl liing ny penciI. May I _____________________`
Dina : Suie. Heie you aie.
Aiif : _______________________
Dina : Youie veIcone.
2. Cilia : I need a piece of papei. Can ____________________`
udi : CeilainIy.
Cilia : Thanks a Iol.
udi : ________________________
3. Vina : I Iosl ny pen. Have you gol a spaie pen`
Cilia : Yes. Ive gol lhiee.
Vina : _________________________
Cilia : Suie. Heie il is.
In lhe nonoIogue in Task 6 you find lhis expiession:
Maq | natc cnc cf qcurs?
The expiession is used lo ASK IOR SOMLTHINC (ncnin|a oarang). Olhei
expiessions lhal you can use:
Maq | natc ., p|casc?
Can | natc ., p|casc?
The void ILLASL in lhe expiessions is lo shov IOLITLNLSS.
To iespond, you can say:
Hcrc i| is.
Hcrc qcu arc.
Task 7
Task 8
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
4. Vina : I need a nolelook. ______________________`
Cilia : Yes. Ive a spaie nolelook.
Vina : _________________________
Cilia : Donl nenlion il.
LIstcn tn thc tcxt In Task 6 agaIn and In grnups nf fnur, answcr thc
qucstInns bc!nw. Rcpnrt ynur answcrs tn thc c!ass.
In Task 6 Ida says:
Tncrc arc a pin| pcn, a pin| pcnci|, and a pin| ruoocr. And |ncrc is a|sc a pin| ccrrcc|icn pcn.
Ida says |ncrc arc ... and |ncrc is ... lo leII lhe nunlei of ilens.
1. Whal is lhe neaning of |ncrc arc ...`
2. Whal is lhe neaning of |ncrc is ...`
3. When does Ida use |ncrc arc ...`
4. When does Ida use |ncrc is ...`
In paIrs, study thc cxp!anatInn bc!nw.
THLRL IS and THLRL ARL nean ADA. You use THLRL IS vhen you laIk aloul
SINCULAR NOUNS and you use THLRL ARL vhen you laIk aloul ILURAL
NOUNS, foi exanpIe:
Thcrc arc tcn nntcbnnks in ny lag.
Thcrc Is a pcncI! in ny penciI case.
Task 9
Task 10
Q: Whal has lvo hands and a face, lul no ains and Iegs`
A: A cIock.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
LIstcn tn thc fn!!nwIng tcxt and nntc dnwn thc numbcr nf thc fn!!nwIng
nbjccts. Cnmparc ynur nntcs wIth a c!assmatc's. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
lvenly lalIes ____________ ____________ __________
_________ __________ ___________ ___________
Lnnk at thc pIcturc nf Tnny's c!assrnnm bc!nw. What nbjccts arc In thc
c!assrnnm and hnw many arc thcy? WrItc dnwn In thc tab!c bc!nw.
Thcn, tc!! thc c!ass thc rcsu!t nf ynur wnrk. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
Nn Itcms Numbcr
1. vhile loaid one
This is Tonys cIassioon. Theie is a vhile loaid in lhe cIassioon. ... and so on.
Task 11
Task 12
Iicluie 6.19
Iicluie 6.2O
Iicluie 6.21
Iicluie 6.22
Iicluie 6.23
Iicluie 6.24
Iicluie 6.25
Iicluie 6.18
Iicluie 6.17
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Nnw, nbscrvc thc nbjccts In ynur nwn c!assrnnm. WrItc thcm dnwn In
thc tab!c bc!nw. Thcn, tc!! thc c!ass thc fIndIngs nf ynur nbscrvatInn.
ThIngs In My C!assrnnm
Nn Itcms Numbcr (In wnrds)
1. desk lvenly
5tudy thc fn!!nwIng dIa!nguc and answcr thc qucstInns. Thcn, act It nut
In paIrs.
5ItuatInn: Donis pen is iunning oul of ink. He loiiovs a pen fion Vina.
Doni : Hey, Vina, nay I loiiov youi pen` My pen is iunning oul of ink.
Vina : Un, okay. I lhink Ive gol one spaie pen. Heie you aie.
Doni : Wov, youve gol a nice pen. I Iike il.
Vina : ReaIIy` I donl Iike il, you knov. Thals vhy I nevei use il.
Doni : Why` Il has gol nice picluies on il. I Iike pens and penciIs vilh picluies on lhen.
Vina : Nol lhe picluies. I Iike using a laIIpoinl, inslead.
Doni : I see. UnIike you, I donl Iike laIIpoinls. WeII, lhanks foi Iending ne lhe pen.
Vina : No piolIen.
1. Who loiiovs a pen` Whal does he say`
2. Does Vina Iend Doni a pen` Whal does she say`
3. Does Doni Iike lhe pen` Whal does he say`
4. Does Vina Iike lhe pen` Whal does she say`
5. Whal does Vina Iike lo use`
Task 13
Task 14
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
In paIrs, study thc fn!!nwIng cxprcssInns.
DaIan diaIog pada Task 13 kaIian nenenukan ekpiesi-ekspiesi leiikul:
| |i|c i|.
| |i|c pcns and pcnci|s ui|n pic|urcs cn |ncn.
Lkspiesi-ekspiesi leiselul unluk nenyalakan SUKA (|i|cs). Dapalkah kaIian
nenyelulkan ekpiesi Iainnya unluk nenyalakan SUKA` TuIiskan.
KaIian juga nenenukan ekpiesi-ekpiesi:
| dcn| |i|c i|.
| dcn| |i|c oa||pcin|s.
Lkspiesi-ekspiesi leiselul unluk nenyalakan TIDAK SUKA (dis|i|cs).
Dapalkah kaIian nenyelulkan ekpiesi Iainnya unluk nenyalakan SUKA`
Task 15
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Lnnk at thc !Ist bc!nw. Put a tIck () nn schnn! facI!ItIcs that ynu havc
In ynur schnn!.
Nn. FacI!Ity / Numbcr
1. cIassioon
2. conpulei ioon
3. Teacheis ioon
4. headnaslei ioon
5. Ianguage Ialoialoiy
6. science Ialoialoiy
7. spoils haII
8. lennis couil
9. Iiliaiy
1O. nosque
11. canleen
12. loiIel
Nnw, IdcntIfy thc facI!ItIcs at ynur schnn!, and thcn tc!! ynur c!assmatcs
thc nncs ynu !Ikc and thc nncs ynu dn nnt !Ikc.
Focus on Reuding und Writing
Rcad a!nud thc fn!!nwIng tcxt and thcn answcr thc qucstInns. Wnrk In
My 5chnn!
My schooI, Slale }unioi High SchooI 8 of Yogyakaila, is al 2O }I. Diponegoio in lhe
cenlie of lhe cily.
My schooI is lig. Il has 18 cIean cIassioons, len cIean loiIels, lhiee Ialoialoiies, a
lig Iiliaiy, a leachei ioon and a headnaslei ioon. Il has a leaulifuI schooI paik in
lhe cenlie of lhe schooI.
The conpulei ioon is nexl lo lhe Iiliaiy and lhe spoils haII is lehind lhe conpulei
ioon. Theie is a Iaige paiking aiea leside lhe spoils haII. Theie aie nolice loaids in
eveiy cIassioon. Theie is aIso a leaulifuI nosque in fionl of lhe leacheis ioon.
Task 16
Task 17
Task 18
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
1. Whal is lhe schooI Iocaled`
2. Is lhe schooI snaII`
3. Hov nany cIassioons does lhe schooI have`
4. Hov aie lhe cIassioons`
5. Hov nany loiIels does lhe schooI have`
6. Whal aie lhe loiIels Iike`
7. Wheie is lhe paiking aiea`
8. Is lhe nosque lig oi snaII`
In paIrs, study thc fn!!nwIng cxp!anatInn.
Rcfcr tn thc schnn! facI!ItIcs ynu IdcntIfy In Task 16. DcscrIbc nf thc
facI!ItIcs usIng cnrrcct adjcctIvcs. Cnnsu!t ynur tcachcr whcn ynu dn nnt
knnw thc Eng!Ish nf thc wnrds (adjcctIvcs).
The lexl in Task 18 is a DLSCRIITIVL TLXT. A desciiplive lexl desciiles lhe
chaiacleiislics of a specific lhing, foi exanpIe a specific peison, aninaI, oi oljecl.
The desciiplive lexl Task 18 desciiles an O}LCT. The lexl has nain pails:
1. lhe INTRODUCTION lhal gives geneiaI infoinalion aloul lhe oljecl (foi
exanpIe nane and Iocalion), and
2. lhe MAIN IART lhal desciiles lhe oljecl in delaiIs (foi exanpIe lhe
faciIilies il has gol, hov lig il is, hov cIean il is, hov oId il is, and hov
leaulifuI il is).
To desciile an oljecl, you need lo use an AD}LCTIVL, foi exanpIe IC, LARCL,
dan CLLAN. In lhe lexl alove you can find oljecls lhal aie desciiled such as
CLLAN cIassioons, a IC Iiliaiy, and a LAUTIIUL nosque. Can you find olhei
oljecls in lhe lexl lhal aie desciiled` Idenlify lhen.
Task 19
Task 20
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
WIth a partncr, study thc fn!!nwIng cxp!anatInn.
Rcfcr tn thc schnn! facI!ItIcs ynu IdcntIfy In Task 16. DcscrIbc thc
!ncatInn nf cach facI!Ity rc!atIvc tn annthcr schnn! facI!Ity. Ynu may
wrItc snmc nntcs In thc spacc bc!nw.
In lhe lexl in Task 18 you find lhe foIIoving senlences:
The conpulei ioon is ncxt tn lhe Iiliaiy.
Theie is a Iaige paiking aiea bcsIdc lhe spoils haII.
The spoils haII is bchInd lhe conpulei ioon.
Theie is aIso a leaulifuI nosque In frnnt nf lhe leacheis ioon.
The voids in loId aie PREPO5ITION5. Sludy hov lhe pieposilions aie used.
A Is ncxt tn (bcsIdc) B. A Is In frnnt nf B. B Is bchInd A.
IdcntIfy thc PREPO5ITION5 In thc tcxt In Task 18 and dIscuss thc mcanIngs
In grnups nf fnur.
Task 21
Task 22
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
KrIstI Is wrItIng a !cttcr tn hcr frIcnd. Hcr namc Is Nay!a and shc !Ivcs
In Bandung. Rcad thc !cttcr and answcr thc qucstInns.
1. Who viiles lhe Iellei`
2. Wheie does Kiisli Iive`
3. Wheie does NayIa Iive`
4. Hov nany cIassioons does SMI Malaian have`
5. Does lhe schooI have a nosque`
6. Does lhe schooI have lvo conpulei ioons`
7. Whal is neai lhe secuiily office`
8. Wheie is lhe gaiden`
WrItc a !cttcr tn ynur frIcnd. Tc!! hIm/hcr abnut ynur schnn!. Usc thc
!cttcr In Task 23 as thc mndc!.
Yogyakaila, 22 }anuaiy 2OO8
Deai NayIa,
Thanks foi youi Iellei and lhe picluie of youi schooI.
My nane is Kiisliana. In lveIve yeais oId and I Iive in Yogyakaila. In in cIass
VII A al SMI Malaian. Il is al 12 }I. Kenanga. Il is a good schooI. Il has nany
faciIilies. Il has eighleen cIassioons, len ieslioons, lhiee Ialoialoiies, a Iiliaiy, a
leachei ioon and a headnaslei ioon. Theie is a Iaige paiking aiea neai lhe
secuiily office. Theie is a leaulifuI gaiden in lhe cenlie of lhe schooI. Theie aie
aIso a conpulei ioon, and a snaII nosque lelveen lhe conpulei ioon and spoil
haII. I Iove ny schooI.
I lhink lhals aII. TeII ne aloul youi schooI, NayIa.
esl vishes,
Task 23
Task 24
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Acccss thc Intcrnct nr rcad magazIncs nr ncwspapcrs tn fInd twn nr
mnrc dcscrIptInns nf schnn!s nr schnn! facI!ItIcs. RcwrItc thcm In ynur
nwn wnrds. Prcscnt thcm tn thc c!ass.
Wnrk In paIrs. Gn tn nnc nf thc fn!!nwIng rnnms nr facI!ItIcs In ynur
schnn! and dcscrIbc thc rnnm. Ask ynur c!assmatcs tn gIvc ynu fccdback
tn rcvIsc ynur draft. 5ubmIt tn thc tcachcr and thc bcst dcscrIptInn wI!!
bc put In thc schnn! bu!!ctIn.
1. Iiliaiy
2. science Ialoialoiy
3. conpulei Ialoialoiy
4. Ianguage Ialoialoiy
5. canleen
Wnrk In paIrs. Havc a dIa!nguc bascd nn thc fn!!nwIng sItuatInns.
1. You need a iuIei. You knov lhal youi liolhei has gol a spaie iuIei. You ask hin
foi a iuIei.
2. In paiis, leII each olhei aloul slalioneiy ilens you Iike and you do nol Iike.
3. In snaII gioups of foui, leII one anolhei youi cIassioon in youi piinaiy schooI
in giade VI.
WrItc a dcscrIptInn tcxt nf arnund 50 wnrds !nng abnut ynur prImary
C, Homework
Task 25
Task 26
D, EvuIuution
Task 27
Task 28
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Hnw much dn ynu !carn frnm thIs unIt? Put a tIck (\) In thc rIght bnx accnrdIng tn hnw
much ynu havc !carnt.
Aspccts Vcry much Much LItt!c
Asking foi sonelhing
Civing sonelhing
Lxpiessing Iikes
Lxpiessing disIikes
Reading desciiplive lexls
Wiiling desciiplive lexls
In thIs unIt ynu !carn:
1. Hnw tn ask fnr thIngs, fnr cxamp!c:
2. Hnw tn gIvc thIngs, fnr cxamp!c:
E, RefIection
F, Summury
May I have ., pIease`
Can I have .`
Heie il is.
Heie you aie.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
3. Hnw tn cxprcss !Ikcs, fnr cxamp!c:
4. Hnw tn cxprcss dIs!Ikcs, fnr cxamp!c:
5. DcscrIptIvc tcxts
A desciiplive lexl desciiles lhe chaiacleiislics of a specific lhing, foi exanpIe a
specific peison, aninaI, oi oljecl.
The desciiplive lexls you Ieain in lhis unil aie desciiplive lexls of oljecls. The
lexls slail vilh geneiaI infoinalion aloul lhe oljecl (foi exanpIe nane and
Iocalion) and foIIoved ly lhe desciiplion of lhe oljecl in delaiIs (foi exanpIe lhe
faciIilies il has gol, hov lig il is, hov cIean il is, hov oId il is, and hov leaulifuI
il is).
caIcuIaloi ['kIkju:Icitcj (|o) : kaIkuIaloi
cenlie ['scntcj (|o) : lengah
cIean [kIi:nj (|||) : nenleisihkan
coinei ['k5:ncj (||) : sudul
cuploaid ['kcbcoj (|o) : aInaii
diclionaiy ['oikjcnrij (|o) : kanus
Iiliaiy ['Iaibrij (|o) : peipuslakaan
nap [mpj (|o) : pela
S, VocubuIury List
| |i|c i|.
| |i|c pcns and pcnci|s ui|n pic|urcs cn |ncn.
| dcn| |i|c i|.
| dcn| |i|c oa||pcin|s.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
neai [nicj (||) : dekal
nice [naisj (|s) : lagus
paik [po:kj (|o) : lanan
pen [pcnj (|o) : pena
penciI shaipenei ['pcnscI 'jo:pncj (|o) : iaulan pensiI
picluie ['piktjcj (|o) : ganlai
ieslioon ['rcstru:mj (|o) : loiIel
ioon [ru:mj (|o) : iuang
iuIei ['ru:Icj (|o) : penggaiis
sheIf [jcIIj (|o) : iak
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Chnnsc thc bcst answcr by crnssIng a, b, c, nr d. (Pl|lh|ah ]auaban ang
a|lng teat dengan menl|ang a, b, c, atau d).
1. Siska: Hi. Hov aie you, Tony`
Tony: ....
a. Thank you.
l. In fine. Thanks.
c. Cood noining.
d. Thanks.
2. Vina: HeIIo. My nane is Vina.
udi: ....In udi.
a. Cood afleinoon.
l. Thanks.
c. Hi.
d. In fine.
3. Donny: HeIIo. ... Whals youi nane`
Cilia: In Cilia. Hi.
a. Hi.
l. My nane is Donny.
c. In soiiy.
d. Thank you.
4. Siska: ..., Yanu`
Yanu: In fion andung.
a. Wheie aie you fion
l. In soiiy
c. Cood evening
d. Hov aie you
Task 1
Semester 1 Review
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
5. Cilia : Saiah, ... Iandy. He is ny cIassnale. Iandy, lhis is Saiah.
She is ny sislei.
Saiah : Hi, Iandy.
Iandy : Hi, Saiah.
a. he is ny fiiend
l. ils nice lo neel you
c. hov aie you
d. lhis is
6. Hani : This is ny sislei.
CaIih : ....
Hani : Hei nane is Mailha.
a. Whals youi nane`
l. Whals his nane`
c. Whals hei nane`
d. Whals lheii nane`
7. Rila : Mon, lhis is Maiio. He is ny cIassnale.
Maiio : HeIIo, Mis Ralna. Ils nice lo neel you.
Mis Ralna : ....
a. Hov aie you`
l. Whals youi nane`
c. Nice lo neel you, loo.
d. Cone in, pIease.
8. Donny : Cood noining, Miss Nia.
Miss Nia : Cood noining, Donny.
Donny : .... In Iale.
Miss Nia : Thals OK. Cone in, pIease.
a. In soiiy.
l. Whals lhis`
c. In fine, lhanks.
d. Ils nice lo neel you.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
9. Miss Ralna : Look. The fIooi is diily. Tika, ..., pIease.
Tika : OK.
a. cIean lhe vindov
l. sveep lhe fIooi
c. vash lhe dishes
d. cIose lhe dooi
1O. Mi Rudi : Donl pul lhe look on lhe lalIe. ..., pIease.
Cilia : OK.
a. Iul lhe look on lhe sheIf
l. Thiov lhe look
c. Tidy up lhe lalIe
d. CIean lhe lalIe
11. The sign neans ..
a. Dangei
l. Snoke
c. Donl snoke
d. No paiking
12. The sign neans ..
a. Tuin heie.
l. Tuin iighl.
c. Tuin Iefl.
d. Tuin aiound heie.
13. LIizalelh is in lhe Sludenls Associalion office. She speaks lo LaiIa, lhe secielaiy.
LaiIa : May I heIp you`
LIizalelh : Yes. ....
LaiIa : Suie. We have dancing, nusic, and svinning on Saluidays.
LIizalelh : Thank you veiy nuch.
LaiIa : Youie veIcone.
a. CouId you leII ne lhe sludenl aclivilies on Saluidays`
l. Wheie aie lhe sludenl aclivilies on Saluidays`
c. Do ve have cIasses on Saluidays`
d. Aie sludenls fiee on Saluidays`
Iicluie Reviev 1.1
Iicluie Reviev 1.2
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
14. Cilia : Lxcuse, ne. ....
Dina : CeilainIy. Ils nexl lo lhe Ianguage Ialoialoiy.
Cilia : Thank you.
a. Whal is youi nane, pIease`
l. Wheie is lhe loiIel, pIease`
c. Wheie is lhe Ianguage Ialoialoiy, pIease`
d. Can you leII ne aloul lhe loiIel, pIease`
15. Molhei : Cilia, nop lhe fIooi, pIease.
Cilia : Suie, non.
Molhei : ..., deai.
a. In soiiy
l. Thanks
c. OK
d. Heie you aie
16. Ialhei : udi, ... The painl is sliII vel.
udi : Oh, In soiiy.
a. donl louch lhe fence
l. donl snoke heie
c. donl lhiov lhe iullish heie
d. donl le noisy
17. The sign neans ..
a. Donl luin iound heie.
l. Donl luin Iefl heie.
c. Donl luin iighl heie.
d. Donl luin heie.
Iicluie Reviev 1.3
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
18. Donl paik heie. The appiopiiale sign foi lhe vaining is ..
a. l.
c. d.
Put cach cxprcssInn In thc bnx undcr thc rIght pIcturc.
19. 2O. 21.
22. 23.
a. Donl le noisy.
l. Tidy up youi ioon, pIease.
c. Donl pick up lhe fIovei.
d. Donl luin iighl heie.
e. CIean lhe lIackloaid, pIease.
Task 2
Iicluie Reviev 1.4
Iicluie Reviev 1.5
Iicluie Reviev 1.6
Iicluie Reviev 1.7
Iicluie Reviev 1.8 Iicluie Reviev 1.9 Iicluie Reviev 1.1O
Iicluie Reviev 1.11
Iicluie Reviev 1.12
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Rcad thc tcxt and answcr thc qucstInns by chnnsIng thc cnrrcct
Questlons 24 and 25 refer to the fo||oulng text.
24. The announcenenl alove is foi sludenls of ..
a. giades VII and IX
l. giades VIII and IX
c. giade VII
d. giades VII and VIII
25. The sloiy leIIing conpelilion in on ...
a. 8 Seplenlei
l. 18 Seplenlei
c. 8 Oclolei
d. 28 Oclolei
Ioi: Sludenls of giades VII and VIII
The schooI hoIds a Sloiy TeIIing Conpelilion on 28 Oclolei al lhe
schooI haII.
Ioi noie infoinalion and iegislialion, conlacl LaiIa al lhe
Sludenls Associalion office.
Task 3
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Questlons 26 and 28 refer to the fo||oulng text.
26. Who is lhe sendei of lhe caid`
a. Nadia.
l. Siska.
c. Ralna.
d. Nanda.
27. Why does Siska send lhe caid`
a. Ils Siskas liilhday.
l. Ils Nadias liilhday.
c. Ils Siskas naiiiage.
d. Ils Nadias naiiiage.
28. Whal does Nadia vish lhe foIIoving, LXCLIT ..
a. happiness
l. success
c. heaIlh
d. Iove
Deai Nadia,
May I vish you heaIlh, happiness, and success in youi Iife.
Happy liilhday.
Decenlei 9, 1995
Decenlei 9, 2OO8
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Questlons 29 and 30 refer to the fo||oulng text.
29. Who is lhe nessage foi`
a. LaiIa.
l. Ialhei.
c. Molhei.
d. LaiIa and Ialhei.
3O. The nessage leIIs LaiIa lo do lhe foIIoving LXCLIT ....
a. lidy up lhe ledioon
l. vash gIasses
c. luin lhe Ianp off
d. Ieave lhe Ianp on
31. In paiis nake diaIogues lased on lhe foIIoving silualions.
a. Youi cIassnale visils you al hone. Inlioduce hin/hei lo youi falhei.
l. You neel a nev fiiend al schooI. Inlioduce youiseIf lo hin/hei.
c. You vanl lo knov vheie lhe Iiliaiy is.
d. You vanl lo knov sludenl aclivilies lhis seneslei.
32. Wiile a liilhday caid foi youi fiiends liilhday.
33. Wiile a shoil nessage foi youi liolhei lo pul youi loys you Ieave in lhe
Iiving ioon.
Deai LaiIa,
Make up ny led and vash lhe gIasses, pIease. Donl
foigel lo luin lhe Ianp off. Save lhe eneigy.
Task 4
Task 5
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
In paIrs, !abc! thc nbjccts bc!nw wIth thc rIght wnrds In thc bnx. Thcn,
!Istcn and rcpcat aftcr thc tcachcr.
_______________ ______________ ______________ ________________
A, Leud-in
led [bcoj licycIe ['baisikIj
cai [ko:j chaii [tjccj
Ianp [Impj piIIov['piIcoj
sofa ['scoIcj lalIe ['tcibIj
leIevision [tcIi'vicnj loolhliush ['tu:0br\jj
raoio ['rcioicoj computcr [kcm'pju:tcj
Task 1
Iicluie 7.1
Iicluie 7.2
Iicluie 7.3 Iicluie 7.4
When you aie doullfuI aloul vhal olheis aie saying, you usuaIIy ask foi
cIaiificalion, donl you` When olheis aie doullfuI aloul vhal you aie
saying, lhey ask foi cIaiificalion lo you as veII. Can you ask foi and give
cIaiificalion veiy veII`
Whal aloul ieading and viiling lhe desciiplion of youi house` Can you
do lhen confidenlIy`
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
_______________ ______________ ______________ ________________
_______________ ______________ ______________ ________________
In paIrs, wrItc thc namcs nf rnnms In a hnusc by cnmp!ctIng thc
vncabu!ary wcb bc!nw.
Task 2
rnnms In a
!IvIng rnnm
Iicluie 7.6
Iicluie 7.7
Iicluie 7.8
Iicluie 7.9
Iicluie 7.11
Iicluie 7.12
Iicluie 7.1O
Iicluie 7.5
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
In paIrs, rcca!! thc nbjccts In ynur hnusc and put thcm In thc cnrrcct
cn!umn bc!nw. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
No Living ioon alhioon Kilchen edioon Caiage Caiden
1 leIevision spoon licycIe
Focus on Listening und Speuking
LIstcn tn thc fn!!nwIng dIa!nguc and thcn answcr thc qucstInns. Thcn,
cnmparc ynur answcrs wIth a c!assmatc's. Thc !IstcnIng scrIpt Is In thc
1. Whal is lhe good nevs`
2. When viII Ayu and Donis faniIy nove`
3. Is lhe nev house finished yel`
4. Whal is lhe nev house Iike`
5. Hov nany ioons aie lheie in lhe nev house`
6. Hov nany ledioons has lhe nev house gol`
7. Has lhe house gol a svinning pooI`
8. Doni says Arc qcu surc? Whal does he nean`
9. Doni says Did qcu nc| nisundcrs|and |a|ncr? Whal does he nean`
1O. Whal does Ayu say lo iespond lo vhal Doni says`
, Lesson Proper
Task 3
Task 4
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
5tudy thc fn!!nwIng cxp!anatInn.
Cnmp!ctc thc fn!!nwIng dIa!nguc wIth thc cxprcssInns In thc bnx. Thcn,
act It nut wIth ynur c!assmatc.
WuIan : Hi, Donny.
Donny : Hi, WuIan. Hov aie you`
WuIan : Iine, lhanks. Hey, leII ne aloul youi nev house, Donny.
Donny : WeII, il is a lig house.
WuIan : (1) ____________
Donny : Il has five ledioons, a lig Iiving ioon and a snaII gaiage.
In lhe diaIogue in Task 4, you find lhe foIIoving expiessions:
Aie you suie`
Did you nol nisundeisland Ialhei`
Those expiessions aie used lo ask fnr c!arIfIcatInn.
You aIso find lhese expiessions:
Yes, alsoIuleIy.
Thals iighl.
No. DefinileIy nol.
Those expiessions aie used lo gIvc c!arIfIcatInn
Theie aie olhei expiessions you can use lo ask foi and give cIaiificalion.
A svinning pooI` Thals gieal. ReaIIy`
Task 5
Task 6
Tn ask fnr a c!arIfIcatInn ynu can say:
- Aie you posilive`
- Whal`
Tn gIvc c!arIfIcatInn ynu can say:
- Of couise.
- Suie.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
WuIan : (2) _________________. Do you have a gaiden`
Donny : Yes, ve have a snaII gaiden and aIso a svinning pooI.
WuIan : (3) ___________ Do you nean a pond` We donl have a svinning pooI
al hone. OnIy a snaII pond.
Donny : Il is a svinning pooI. Ils lig. You nay cone ovei lo ny house and
svin anyline.
WuIan : Thanks.
Study thc fn!!nwIng dIa!nguc. Thcn, put a tIck () In thc cn!umn If thc
statcmcnt Is truc and put a crnss (X) In thc cn!umn If thc statcmcnt Is
Sinla and Aji aie laIking aloul Sinlas ledioon.
Sinla : Cuess vhal!
Aji : Whal`
Sinla : I have a nice ledioon nov.
Aji : ReaIIy` TeII ne aloul il.
Sinla : WeII, il has Iighl lIue vaII. Theie is a vaidiole foi ny cIolhes. Theie
is aIso a sheIf fuII of looks and doIIs and a cage of ny hanslei.
Aji : A cage in youi ledioon` Aie you posilive`
Sinla : AlsoIuleIy. I Iove ny hanslei so nuch lhal I vanl lo le vilh hin eveiy
Aji : Aie you suie il is cIean`
Sinla : Of couise. I cIean il eveiyday, lolh ny hanslei and lhe cage.
Aji : Is lheie a lalhioon in youi ledioon`
Sinla : Yes, lheie is.
Aji : Aie lheie any posleis on youi ledioon vaII`
Sinla : No. My falhei vonl Iel ne. I hang sone of ny picluies inslead.
Aji : I see.
Nn 5tatcmcnt Truc Fa!sc
1 Sinlas ledioon has lIue vaII.
2 Theie is nol a vaidiole in Sinlas ioon.
3 Theie is a looksheIf in Sinlas ioon.
4 Theie is a cage in Sinlas ioon.
5 The cage is veiy diily.
6 Sinla cIeans lhe hanslei and lhe cage eveiyday.
Task 7
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
What dn ynu say tn c!arIfy nr gIvc c!arIfIcatInn In thc fn!!nwIng
1. Youi fiiend says, You knov, Ive gol a lalhlul in ny piivale lalhioon.
You say, _________________________________________________________.
2. You say, You knov vhal, I keep a pel snake in ny ledioon.
Youi fiiend says, Aie you posilive`
You say, ________________________________________________________.
3. Youi fiiend says, My faniIy noves lo a nev house. Il has gol lhiee fIoois.
You say, ________________________________________________________.
4. You say, Cuess vhal! We have a nev cai! Il cosls one liIIion iupiahs.
Youi fiiend says, Aie you saying one niIIion iupiahs`
You say, _______________________________________________________.
5. Youi sislei says, Daddy says I can keep a pel puppy inside lhe house.
You say, _______________________________________________________.
Havc a dIa!nguc wIth a partncr and tc!! cach nthcr ynur hnusc. Ask fnr
and gIvc c!arIfIcatInn whcn ncccssary.
In sma!! grnups, study thc fn!!nwIng cxp!anatInn.
In diaIogues in Task 4 and Task 7, you find sone expiessions lhal desciile
sonelhing, foi exanpIe:
Ils a nice house.
Ils a lig house.
I have a nice ledioon nov.
To desciile sonelhing you can use lhe foIIoving pallein:
It + Is + a + adjcctIvc + Nnun
LxanpIe: Il is a nice house.
Il is a snaII gaiden.
Task 8
Task 9
Task 10
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Lnnk at thc pIcturcs. Ask and answcr abnut thc pIcturcs wIth ynur
c!assmatc In paIrs.
house - snaII
A: Whal is lhe house Iike`
: Il is a snaII house.
1. 2. 3.
fIoveis - leaulifuI svinning pooI - lig Iiving ioon - cozy
4. 5. 6.
gaiden - nice ledioon - confoilalIe house - lig
Task 11
Iicluie 7.13
Iicluie 7.14 Iicluie 7.15
Iicluie 7.16
Iicluie 7.17 Iicluie 7.18
Iicluie 7.19
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
In paIrs, study thc fn!!nwIng cxp!anatInn.
Thc pIcturc bc!nw Is thc rnnms In BudI's hnusc. WrItc thc namc nf cach
Wnrk In paIrs. Ask and answcr qucstInns abnut BudI's hnusc.
LxanpIe: Iiving ioon
Andi : Is lheie a Iiving ioon on lhe fiisl fIooi`
Ila : Yes, lheie is.
Andi : Is lheie a Iiving ioon on lhe second fIooi`
Ila : No, lheie isnl.
1. Iiving ioon
2. ledioon
3. lalhioon
4. dining ioon
5. kilchen
I5 THERE ..?
QucstInn : Is lheie a lalhioon in youi ledioon`
Answcr : Yes, lheie is.
No, lheie isnl.
QucstInn : Aie lheie any posleis on youi ledioon vaII`
Answcr : Yes, lheie aie.
No, lheie aienl.
Task 12
Task 13
Task 14
Iicluie 7.2O Iicluie 7.21
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Wnrk In paIrs. Takc turns askIng and answcrIng abnut rnnms In ynur
LxanpIe: kilchen
Anila : Is lheie a iefiigeialoi in youi kilchen`
ovo : Yes, lheie is.
Anila : Aie lheie chaiis in youi kilchen`
ovo : No, lheie aienl.
Focus on Reuding und Writing
Rcad thc fn!!nwIng tcxt abnut RIsa's hnusc. Thcn, answcr thc qucstInns.
My Hnusc
My house is on }I. Kailini. Il is lig and nice.
Il has lvo fIoois. Il has a Iiving ioon, a snaII kilchen,
and a lalhioon on lhe fiisl fIooi. On lhe second fIooi
lheie aie lhiee ledioons and a lalhioon. My paienls
ledioon is lig. My liolheis ioon is nexl lo ny ioon.
My ioon is snaII lul I Iike il. Il has Iighl gieen vaII.
Theie is a desk vilh a conpulei on il. I do honevoik
lheie. Theie is aIso a nice gaiden in fionl of ny house
and I oflen pIay in lhe gaiden. We Iove oui house.
1. Hov nany fIoois has Risas house gol`
2. Whal aie lhe ioons on lhe fiisl fIooi`
3. Whal aie lhe ioons on lhe second fIooi`
4. Who has lhe lig ledioon`
5. Who has lhe snaII ledioon`
6. Whal is lhe coIoui of Risas ledioon vaII`
7. Whal is in fionl of lhe house`
8. Who oflen pIays in lhe gaiden`
Task 15
Task 16
Iicluie 7.22
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
In paIrs, study agaIn hnw tn wrItc a dcscrIptIvc tcxt.
RcwrItc thc tcxt abnvc In ynur nwn wnrds.
In paIrs, study thc nntc bc!nw and thcn !Istcn tn and rcpcat aftcr thc
tcachcr. [ru:mj
2.pool [pu:Ij
5nund //
In lhe lexl alove you find lhe void 'ioon. The Iellei 'oo is pionounced [u:].
Thus, lhe void 'ioon is pionounced [ru:mj. Heie aie sone olhei voids:

pooI [pu:Ij
ioof [ru:Ij
goose [gu:sj
The lexl in Task 16 is a DLSCRIITIVL TLXT. A desciiplive lexl desciiles lhe
chaiacleiislics of a specific lhing, foi exanpIe a specific peison, aninaI, oi
The desciiplive lexl in Task 16 desciiles an O}LCT. The lexl has nain pails:
1. lhe INTRODUCTION lhal gives geneiaI infoinalion aloul lhe oljecl (foi
exanpIe nane and Iocalion), and
2. lhe MAIN IART lhal desciiles lhe oljecl in delaiIs (foi exanpIe lhe faciIilies
il has gol, hov lig il is, hov cIean il is, hov oId il is, and hov leaulifuI il is).
To desciile an oljecl, you need lo use an AD}LCTIVL, foi exanpIe IC,
NICL, dan SMALL. In lhe lexl alove you can find oljecls lhal aie desciiled
such as a IC and NICL house, a SMALL gaiden, and a SMALL kilchen. Can
you find olhei oljecls in lhe lexl lhal aie desciiled` Idenlify lhen.
Task 17
Task 18
Task 19
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
3.roof [ru:Ij
4.goose [gu:sj
5.moon [mu:nj
6.spoon [spu:nj
7.zoo [zu:j
8.choose [tju:zj
9.tool [tu:l]
10. broom [bru:mj
DIna wrItcs a !cttcr tn hcr frIcnd, AndI and tc!!s hIm abnut hcr favnurItc
rnnm. Rcad hcr !cttcr and answcr thc qucstInns.
1. Who viiles lhe Iellei`
2. Who ieceives lhe Iellei`
3. Hov is Dinas house nov`
4. Why does Dina Iike hei nev ioon`
5. Whal coIoui is lhe vaII`
6. Whal aie lheie in Dinas ledioon`
andung, 27 Oclolei 2OO8
Deai Andy,
Hov aie you Andy` I hope you aie fine.
Nov I Iive in a nice house. Il is in lhe counliy.
My house has lvo ledioons. My ledioon is ny favouiile ioon. Ils a nice ioon. Il
has lIue vaII. I pul posleis of ny favouiile singeis on lhe vaII. Theie is a snaII
sheIf foi ny looks and ny casselles. My ioon has a lig vindov. Il aIso has a nev
desk vilh a yeIIov Ianp. Il is a nice ioon. I Iike il.
Thals aII Andy. Wiile soon.
Task 20
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Chnnsc nnc nf thc rnnms In ynur hnusc and wrItc a dcscrIptInn abnut It.
The Iiving ioon is ny favouiile ioon. The ioon is veiy confoilalIe. Il has Iighl yeIIov
vaII. Theie aie lvo picluies on lhe vaII. .
Andy wants tn rcp!y DIna's !cttcr. Hc wants tn tc!! hcr abnut hcr
favnurItc rnnm, I.c. thc !IvIng rnnm. Nnw hc!p Andy wrItc hIs !cttcr.
Lnnk back at Task 20 fnr a mndc!.
WrItc a !cttcr tn ynur frIcnd. Tc!! hIm/hcr abnut ynur hnusc. Usc thc
fn!!nwIng qucstInns fnr hc!p.
1. Is youi house lig`
2. Is youi house nice`
3. Whal ioons aie lheie in youi house` Hov nany`
4. Whal is youi favouiile ioon`
5. Desciile youi favouiile ioon.
FInd twn tcxts dcscrIbIng a hnusc. RcwrItc thc tcxts and sharc ynur
wrItIng wIth ynur c!assmatcs.
C, Homework
Task 21
Task 23
Task 22
Task 24
Which room hus no doors und no windows?
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Lnnk at thc hnusc. Takc turns askIng and answcrIng abnut thc facI!ItIcs
that thc hnusc has gnt. Ask fnr and gIvc c!arIfIcatInn whcn ncccssary.
5tudy thc cxamp!c.
A: Hov nany lalhioons has lhe house gol`
: Il has gol, un . one, lvo, lhiee . lhiee lalhioons.
A: Have lhey gol lalhluls`
: Un, onIy one on lhe second fIooi.
A: ReaIIy`
: Yes.
Lnnk at thc hnusc In Task 25 agaIn. WrItc a cnmpnsItInn nf a dcscrIptIvc
tcxt tn dcscrIbc thc hnusc.
D, EvuIuution
Task 25
Task 26
Iicluie 7.23
Iicluie 7.24
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Hnw much dn ynu !carn frnm thIs unIt? Put a tIck (\) In thc rIght bnx accnrdIng tn hnw
much ynu havc !carnt.
Aspccts Veiy nuch Much LillIe
Asking foi cIaiificalion
Civing cIaiificalion
Reading desciiplive lexls
Wiiling desciiplive lexls
In thIs unIt ynu !carn:
1. Hnw tn ask fnr a c!arIfIcatInn, fnr cxamp!c:
2. Hnw tn gIvc c!arIfIcatInn, fnr cxamp!c:
3. DcscrIptIvc tcxts
A desciiplive lexl desciiles lhe chaiacleiislics of a specific lhing, foi
exanpIe a specific peison, aninaI, oi oljecl.
F, Summury
Aie you suie`
Aie you posilive`
Of couise.
E, RefIection
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
The desciiplive lexls you Ieain in lhis unil aie desciiplive lexls of oljecls. The
lexl slails ly giving geneiaI infoinalion aloul lhe oljecl (foi exanpIe
nane and Iocalion), and foIIoved ly lhe desciiplions of lhe oljecl in
delaiIs (foi exanpIe lhe faciIilies il has gol, hov lig il is, hov cIean il is,
hov oId il is, and hov leaulifuI il is).
4. Grammar pnInt
a. To desciile a pIace oi lhings you can use lhe foIIoving pallein:
It + Is + a + adj + Nnun
LxanpIe: Il is a nice house.
Il is a snaII gaiden.
l. Is lheie..` Aie lheie .`
LxanpIe: Is lheie a conpulei in youi ioon`
Aie lheie any posleis on youi ledioon vaII`
lalhioon['bo:0ru:mj (|o) : kanai nandi
leaulifuI ['bju:tiIoIj (|s) : canlik
ledioon['bcoru:mj (|o) : kanai lidui
confoilalIe ['k\mItcbIj (|s) : nyanan
desciile [oi'skraibj (|||) : nengganlaikan
dining ioon['oainip 'ru:mj (|o) : iuang nakan
favouiile ['Icivritj (|s) : favoiil
fiisl [Ic:stj (||) : peilana
fIooi [II5:j (|o) : Ianlai
gaiage ['gro:j (|o) : gaiasi
gaiden ['go:ocnj (|o) : kelun
good [gooj (|s) : lagus
house [haosj (|o) : iunah
kilchen ['kitjcnj (|o) : dapui
S, VocubuIury List
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Ianp [Impj (|o) : Ianpu
Iiving ioon['Iivip 'ru:mj (|o) : iuang lanu
nove [mu:vj (|||) : pindah
nev[nju:j (|s) : laiu
nice [naisj (|s) : lagus
second ['sckcnoj (||) : kedua
snaII [sm5:Ij (|s) : keciI
svinning pooI ['swimip 'pu:Ij (|o) : koIan ienang
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Lnnk at thc pcnp!c. What arc thcIr prnfcssInns? WrItc thcm dnwn as thc
docloi _____________ _____________


A, Leud-in
Task 1
Iicluie 8.1
Iicluie 8.2 Iicluie 8.3
In eveiyday Iife, ve oflen need lo ask foi and give opinions. Can you ask
foi and give opinions appiopiialeIy`
We aIso need lo knov facls aloul diffeienl lhings. Do you knov hov lo
ask aloul facls lo olheis` Do you aIso knov hov lo give facls lo olheis`
In unils 6 and 7, you Ieainl hov lo iead and viile desciiplions of oljecls.
Whal aloul desciiplions of peisons` Leain lhal and noie in lhis unil.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
_____________ ______________ _____________
LIstcn and rcpcat aftcr thc tcachcr.
docloi ['ooktcj secielaiy ['sckrctrij
aichilecl ['o:kitcktj painlei [pcintcj
fainei ['Io:mcj nechanic [mi'knikj
fiiefighlei ['IaicIaitc] saiIoi ['sciIcj
soIdiei ['scoIocj piIol ['paiIctj
nuise [nc:sj fIighl allendanl [IIait c'tcnocntj
leachei ['ti:tjcj diivei [oraivcj
phologiaphei [Ic'togrcIcj aslionaul ['strcn5:tj

Match thc prnfcssInn wIth thc apprnprIatc wnrk p!acc.
Nn PrnfcssInn Wnrk p!acc
1 docloi j. hnspIta! a. ieslauianl
2 nechanic l. office
3 fainei c. pIane
4 Iiliaiian d. shop
5 saiIoi e. Iiliaiy
6 secielaiy f. ship
7 shopkeepei g. sludio
8 fIighl allendanl h. iice fieId
9 chef i. voikshop
1O phologiaphei j. hospilaI
Task 2
Task 3
Iicluie 8.4 Iicluie 8.5
Iicluie 8.6
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Focus on Listening und Speuking
LIstcn tn AdI dcscrIbIng hIs drcam jnb and cnmp!ctc thc fn!!nwIng tcxt.
Thc !IstcnIng scrIpt Is In thc AppcndIx.
LIstcn tn thc tcxt nncc agaIn and answcr thc fn!!nwIng qucstInns.
DO YOU THINK` Whal does he nean` Does he ask foi an opinion`
2. Adi aIso says WLLL, I THINK IT IS A IILOT. Whal does he nean` Does he give
an opinion`
3. Whal does a piIol do`
4. Whal does Adi vanl lo lecone sone day`
5tudy thc fn!!nwIng cxprcssInns. Wnrk In paIrs.
Whal is lhe nosl inleiesling piofession in lhe voiId, do you lhink` WeII, I lhink il
is a (2) ___________. I lhink ils a gieal (3) ___________. Why` WeII, lecause he can
(4) ________ an aiipIane. A piIol fIies aiound lhe (5) _________: Asia, AusliaIia,
Aneiica, Luiope, Afiica, you nane il. Doesnl il sound gieal` WeII, I lhink I vanl
lo lecone a piIol sone day. Whal aloul you`
Hcrc arc snmc nthcr cxprcssInns ynu can usc tn ask fnr npInInns and gIvc
Tn ask fnr snmcnnc's npInInn, you nay say:
Whal do you lhink .`
Whal do you lhink of/aloul .`
Tn gIvc ynur npInInn, you can say:
I lhink .
I do lhink .
Task 4
Task 5
Task 6
, Lesson Proper
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Lnnk at thc pIcturcs. Takc turns tn ask fnr and gIvc npInInns abnut cach
nf thc jnbs bc!nw. Dn It In paIrs.
A: Whal do you lhink of a piIol`
: I lhink hes gieal.
A: Why`
: ecause he can fIy an aiipIane.
1. .
A: Whal do you lhink aloul __________________`
: __________________________________________
C: Why do you lhink so`
D: __________________________________________
2. A: _________________________________________`
: I lhink ____________________________________
C: __________________________________________`
D: ecause __________________________________
3. A: _________________________________________`
: I lhink ____________________________________
C: __________________________________________`
D: ecause __________________________________
Task 7
Iicluie 8.7
Iicluie 8.8
Iicluie 8.9
Iicluie 8.1O
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
4. A: _________________________________________`
: I lhink ____________________________________
C: __________________________________________`
D: ecause __________________________________
5. A: _________________________________________`
: I lhink ____________________________________
C: __________________________________________`
D: ecause __________________________________
5tudy thc fn!!nwIng dIa!nguc and answcr thc qucstInns. Thcn, act It nut
wIth ynur partncr.
Ida is in Andis house. They do honevoik logelhei.
Ida : Hi, Andi.
Andi : Oh. Hi, Ida. Cone in, pIease.
Ida : Thanks. May I see lhis pholo aIlun`
Andi : Suie.
Ida : Hnn. Is lhis youi nolhei`
Andi : No. In facl, shes ny aunl. My nolhei is leside hei.
Ida : I see. Whal does youi nolhei do`
Andi : She is a guide. She lakes peopIe on louis heie in andung.
Ida : Thal sounds gieal! I lhink a guide is an inleiesling jol.
Andi : Yes, ils an inleiesling jol. My nolhei Ioves il. And vhal does youi nolhei do`
Ida : WeII. She is a docloi.
Andi : Oh` Wheie does she voik`
Ida : In Mi|ra Scna| HospilaI.
Andi : ReaIIy` My uncIe is a nuise lheie. They nusl knov each olhei.
Ida : I lhink so. Hey, Iels do oui honevoik. We have lo sulnil il lonoiiov.
Andi : OK.
Task 8
Iicluie 8.11
Iicluie 8.12
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
1. Wheie is Ida`
2. Whal does Andis nolhei do`
3. Whal is hei duly`
4. Whal does Idas nolhei do`
5. Wheie does she voik`
In paIrs, study thc cxprcssInns bc!nw.
In thc dIa!nguc In Task 8 Ida asks WHAT DOLS YOUR MOTHLR DO` Ida ASKS
aloul a IACT.
Andi ansveis SHL IS A CUIDL. Andi CIVLS a IACT.
Hcrc arc snmc nthcr cxprcssInns ynu can usc tn ask abnut facts and gIvc facts.
Tn ask abnut facts, you can say:
- Is lhis youi nolhei`
- Whal does youi nolhei do`
- Wheie does she voik`
Tn gIvc facts, you can say:
- No. In facl, shes ny aunl.
- She is a guide.
- She voiks in Mi|ra Scna| HospilaI.
Task 9
Q: Why didn'l lhe fainei ciy vhen his daiiy cov feII off lhe cIiff`
A: Theie's no use ciying ovei spIil niIk.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
IdcntIfy thc prnfcssInns as shnwn by thc pIcturcs. Thcn, In paIrs ask
and answcr qucstInns abnut thc jnb. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
A: Whal is she`
: She is a fIighl allendanl.
A: Wheie does she voik`
: She voiks in lhe aiipIane.
A: Whal do you lhink of lhe jol`
: I lhink ils a good jol.
fIighl allendanl
chef phologiaphei
aichilecl fiie fighlei
fisheinan poIicenan
Task 10
Iicluie 8.13
Iicluie 8.14
Iicluie 8.15
Iicluie 8.16
Iicluie 8.17 Iicluie 8.18 Iicluie 8.19
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Wnrk In paIrs. Ask ynur partncr facts abnut hIs/hcr parcnts' jnbs and
ask fnr ynur partncr's npInInns abnut ynur parcnts' jnbs.
Focus on Reuding und Writing
In paIrs, rcca!! thc mcanIngs nf and prnnnuncc thc wnrds bc!nw. Thcn,
!abc! thc parts nf thc hcad.
cheek [tji:kj :
chin [tjinj :
eai [icj :
eye [aij :
foiehead ['I5:hcoj :
haii [hccj :
Iip [Iipj :
nose [ncozj :
Task 11
Task 12
Iicluie 8.2O
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Lcarn hnw tn dcscrIbc parts nf thc bndy bc!nw. Wnrk In paIrs.
1. 2.
a fat nan a s!Im vonan a ta!! nan a shnrt vonan
3. 4.
an nva! face a rnund face straIght haii cur!y haii
5. 6.
thIck Iips thIn Iips a pnIntcd nose a f!at nose
7. 8.
b!ack haii grcy haii rnund eyes a s!antIng eye
Task 13
Iicluie 8.21 Iicluie 8.22
Iicluie 8.23
Iicluie 8.24
Iicluie 8.25 Iicluie 8.26
Iicluie 8.27
Iicluie 8.28
Iicluie 8.29
Iicluie 8.3O
Iicluie 8.31
Iicluie 8.32
Iicluie 8.33
Iicluie 8.34
Iicluie 8.35
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
In paIrs, match cach namc nf parts nf thc bndy wIth Its dcscrIptIvc
wnrd. DIscuss thc IndnncsIan wnrds nf thc dcscrIptIvc adjcctIvcs. Opcn
ynur dIctInnary If ncccssary. 5cc thc cxamp!c.
Rcad thc tcxt bc!nw and answcr thc qucstInns. Thcn, cnmparc ynur
answcrs wIth a c!assmatc's.
1. Whal is Mi Danu`
2. Hov oId is he`
3. Hov does he Iook Iike`
4. Hov does his nose Iook Iike`
5. Hov do his Iips Iook Iike`
6. Hov does his haii Iook Iike`
7. Is he sliong`
8. Whal is lhe coIoui of his skin`
9. Is she diIigenl`
1O. Is she cIevei`
Parts nf thc bndy
DcscrIptIvc adjcctIvcs
Mi Danu
Mi Danu is ny uncIe. He is a fainei in lhe counliy. He is 5O
yeais oId. He is laII and handsone. He has iound eyes, a
poinled nose, and lhick Iips. He has sliaighl haii. He is veiy
sliong. His ains and Iegs aie sliong. His skin is liovn. He
is veiy diIigenl. He is aIso snail and honesl. He is a good
peison and ve Iove hin veiy nuch.
Task 14
Task 15
Iicluie 8.36
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
5tudy thc cxp!anatInn bc!nw. 5harc ynur undcrstandIng wIth a
c!assmatc sIttIng ncxt tn ynu.
In paIrs, cnmp!ctc thc fn!!nwIng dcscrIptInn abnut CaptaIn DavId
MIchac!. Lnnk at thc pIcturc and wnrds In thc bnx.
The lexl in Task 15 is a DLSCRIITIVL TLXT. A desciiplive lexl desciiles lhe
chaiacleiislics of a specific lhing, foi exanpIe a specific peison, aninaI, oi
The desciiplive lexl Task 15 desciiles a ILRSON. The lexl has nain pails:
1. The INTRODUCTION lhal gives geneiaI infoinalion aloul peison
(nane, jol, and age),
2. The MAIN IART lhal desciiles lhe peison in delaiIs (foi exanpIe hov
he/she Iooks Iike, hov laII, hov sIin/fal, his/hei face shape, nose,
eyes, foiehead, ains, and Ieg).
Sonelines a desciiplive lexl has a geneiaI connenl al lhe end, foi exanpIe:
Hc Is a gnnd pcrsnn and wc !nvc hIm vcry much.
handsone sliong
lIonde sIin
laII poinled
CaptaIn DavId MIchac!
Caplain David MichaeI is a piIol. He is 37 yeais oId. He is _______ and
________. He is ________ and has a ________ lody. He has _______ haii. His
face is _________. He has a _________ nose. He is snail. He fIies pIanes
aiound lhe voiId. We adniie hin.
Task 16
Task 17
Iicluie 8.37
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
DcscrIbc nnc nf ynur c!nsc frIcnds. Attach hIs/hcr phntngraph. Ynu may
fn!!nw thc qucstInns bc!nw tn wrItc thc dcscrIptInn.
1. Who is his/hei nane`
2. Whal is he/she`
3. Hov oId is he/she`
4. Hov does he/she Iook Iike`
5. Hov laII is he/she`
6. Hov does his/hei face Iook Iike`
7. Hov does his/hei haii Iook Iike`
8. Hov do his/hei eyes Iook Iike`
9. Hov does his/hei nose Iook Iike`
1O. Whal do you lhink of hei`
DcscrIbc twn nf thc studcnts bc!nw. Thcy arc (frnm !cft tn rIght) AnggI,
U!fI, 5hcI!a, LInda, and Yayah.
Wnrk In paIrs. FInd twn tcxts nr mnrc dcscrIbIng a famnus pcrsnn such
as a pn!ItIcIan, actnr, actrcss, sIngcr, paIntcr, and scIcntIst. Ynu may
fInd thc tcxt In thc Intcrnct, ncwspapcr, nr magazInc. RcwrItc cach tcxt
In ynur nwn wnrds and prcscnt It tn thc c!ass.
Task 18
Task 19
C, Homework
Task 20
Iicluie 8.38
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
DcscrIbc nnc nf ynur famI!y mcmbcrs. Attach hIs/hcr phntngraph.
Dn a survcy. Chnnsc fIvc nf ynur c!assmatcs randnm!y and ask thcm
abnut thcIr parcnts' jnb. Rcpnrt ynur fIndIngs tn thc c!ass.
Nn 5tudcnt's Namc Fathcr's jnb Mnthcr's jnb
Wnrk In paIrs. Ask ynur partncr facts abnut thc fn!!nwIng pcrsnns.
Dnn't fnrgct tn ask fnr ynur partncr's npInInns abnut thc pcrsnn's
Maishanda NaysiIIa Miidad
Halla Radjasa Cinla Lauia
Dude HeiIino SusiIo anlang Yudhoyono
Sheiina Cila Culava
WrItc a shnrt dcscrIptInn tcxt abnut ynursc!f. Ynu may wrItc ynur draft
In thc spacc bc!nw.
Task 21
D, EvuIuution
Task 22
Task 23
Task 24
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Hnw much dn ynu !carn frnm thIs unIt? Put a tIck (\) In thc rIght bnx accnrdIng tn hnw
much ynu havc !carnt.
Aspccts Veiy nuch Much LillIe
Asking foi opinions
Civing opinions
Asking aloul facls
Civing facls
Reading desciiplive lexls
Wiiling desciiplive lexls
In lhis unil you Ieain:
1. Hov lo ask fnr npInInns, foi exanpIe:
2. Hov lo gIvc npInInns, foi exanpIe:
E, RefIection
F, Summury
Whal do you lhink .`
Whal do you lhink of/aloul .`
I lhink .
I do lhink .
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
3. Hov lo ask abnut facts, foi exanpIe:
4. Hov lo gIvc facts, foi exanpIe:
5. Desciiplive lexls
S, VocubuIury List
Whal does youi nolhei do`
Wheie does she voik`
She is a guide.
She voiks in Mi|ra Scna| HospilaI.
A desciiplive lexl desciiles lhe chaiacleiislics of a specific lhing, foi
exanpIe a specific peison, aninaI, oi oljecl.
A desciiplive lexl legins vilh sone geneiaI infoinalion aloul lhe
peison, aninaI, oi oljecl and is foIIoved ly a delaiIed desciiplion aloul
lhe peison, aninaI, oi oljecl. Il nay have a geneiaI connenl al lhe end.
aichilecl ['o:kitcktj (|o) : aisilek
aslionaul ['strcn5:tj (|o) : aslionol, angkasavan
leaulifuI ['bju:tiIoIj (|s) : canlik
lig [bigj (|s) : lesai
liovn [braonj (|s) : cokIal
cuiIy ['kc:Iij (|s) : keiiling
docloi ['ooktcj (|o) : doklei
diivei [oraivcj (|o) : sopii, pengenudi
fainei ['Io:mcj (|o) : pelani
fal [Itj (|s) : genuk
fiiefighlei ['IaicIaitc] (|o) : penadan kelakaian
fIal [IItj (|s) : pesek
fIighl allendanl [IIait c'tcnocntj(kb) : pianugaii
handsone ['hnscmj (|s) : lanpan
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Iong [Iopj (|s) : panjang
nechanic [mi'knikj (|o) : nonlii, ahIi nesin
nuise [nc:sj (|o) : peiaval
ovaI ['covIj (|s) : ovaI
painlei [pcintcj (|o) : peIukis
phologiaphei [Ic'togrcIcj (|o) : fologiafei, lukang poliel
piIol ['paiIctj (|o) : piIol, peneilang
poinled ['p5intioj (|s) : nancung
iound [raonoj (|s) : luIal
saiIoi ['sciIcj (|o) : peIaul
secielaiy ['sckrctrij (|o) : sekielaiis
shoil [j5:tj (|s) : pendek
sIanling ['sIo:ntipj (|s) : sipil
sIin [sIimj (|s) : Iangsing
soIdiei ['scoIocj (|o) : piajuiil, seidadu
sliaighl [strcitj (|s) : Iuius
sliong [stropj (|s) : kual
leachei ['ti:tjcj (|o) : guiu
lhin [0inj (|s) : kuius
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Labc! thc fn!!nwIng fruIts, vcgctab!cs, fnnd, and drInks.
Task 1
Iicluie 9.1
Iicluie 9.2
Iicluie 9.3 Iicluie 9.4
Iicluie 9.5
Iicluie 9.6
Iicluie 9.7
Iicluie 9.8
You sonelines offei sonelody sonelhing lo eal, donl you` When
sonelody offeis you sonelhing, occasionaIIy you accepl oi decIine lhe
offei. Do you knov hov lo do lhen veiy veII` Whal aloul expiessing
Iikes and disIikes`
Do you Iike cooking` Do you Iike shaiing iecipes vilh olheis` If so, Ieain
hov lo iead and viile iecipes and noie in lhis unil.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
C!assIfy thcsc wnrds Intn fruIts, vcgctab!cs, fnnd nr drInks by puttIng a
tIck () In thc rIght cn!umn.
Nn Itcms FruIt Vcgctab!c Fnnd DrInk
1 noodIe

2 pineappIe
3 niIk
4 callage
5 caiiol
6 oiange
7 oiange juice
8 lea
9 cake
1O liead
11 avocado
12 soup
13 iice
14 chicken
15 cucunlei
Focus on Listening und Speuking
LIstcn tn thc fn!!nwIng dIa!nguc and thcn answcr thc qucstInns bascd
nn thc dIa!nguc. Thc !IstcnIng scrIpt Is In thc AppcndIx.
1. Wheie aie AngeIina and Iulii`
2. Iulii says lna| ucu|d qcu |i|c |c natc` Whal does Iulii nean`
3. Whal does AngeIina vanl lo diink`
4. Whal does Iulii vanl lo diink`
5. Does AngeIina Iike luigeis`
, Lesson Proper
Task 2
Task 3
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
5tudy thc fn!!nwIng cxprcssInns.
Cnmp!ctc thc fn!!nwIng dIa!ngucs. WrItc thc cxprcssInns In thc
bubb!cs. Thcn, act thcm nut wIth ynur c!assmatc.
When ve aie in a ieslauianl, ve oflen use lhe foIIoving expiessions lo ask vhal
one vanls lo have:
Whal vouId you Iike lo have`
Whal do you vanl, Iulii`
To iespond, you can say:
Id Iike lo have a gIass of oiange juice.
A gIass of oiange juice, pIease.
Whal do you vanl,
Adi` ____________
___________________ Id Iike lo have a cup of
lea and a lovI of noodIe.
Task 4
Task 5
Iic. 9.9
Iicluie 9.1O
Iicluie 9.11
Iicluie 9.12
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
5tudy thc fn!!nwIng dIa!nguc and answcr thc qucstInns. Thcn, act It
Iiedy is al LIizalelhs house. They aie doing honevoik logelhei.
LIizalelh : In liied. Lels lake a iesl foi a vhiIe.
Iiedy : OK. In liied, loo.
LIizalelh : WouId you Iike a gIass of iced lea`
Iiedy : Yes, pIease.
LIizalelh : Heie you aie.
Iiedy : Oh, lhanks.
LIizalelh : My nolhei nade cookies lhis noining. Do you vanl sone cookies`
Iiedy : No, lhanks. I donl Iike cookies.
1. Wheie is Iiedy`
2. Whal aie lhey doing`
3. Whal does LIizalelh say lo offei a gIass of iced lea`
4. Whal is Iiedys iesponse`
5. Does Iiedy vanl cookies` Why`
Whal vouId you
Iike lo have, Cilia`
Task 6
Iic. 9.13
Iicluie 9.14
Iicluie 9.15
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
5tudy thc fn!!nwIng cxprcssInns.
What wI!! ynu say whcn ynu arc In thc fn!!nwIng sItuatInns?
1. Ils a hol day. A fiiend of youis says, WiII you have a gIass of oiange juice`
You say, _________________________________________________________.
2. You aie visiling a fiiend. Aflei a vhiIe, she says Whal can I gel you`
You say, _________________________________________________________.
3. You cone ovei lo a fiiends house lo pIay. You jusl ale Iunch vhen he says
Wanl lo eal Iunch` You say, ______________________________________.
4. A guesl cones ovei lo youi house. You say, WouId you Iike sone lea` The
guesl viII piolalIy say, ___________________________________________.
5. Iive of youi cIassnales cone ovei lo youi house lo do an assignnenl. You offei
lhen sonelhing lo eal. You say, __________________________________.
In lhe diaIogue in Task 6, you find lhe foIIoving expiession:
WouId you Iike a gIass of iced lea`
The expiession is used lo nffcr snmcthIng.
You aIso find lhis expiession:
Yes, pIease.
Il is used lo acccpt an nffcr.
Theie is aIso an expiession Iike No, lhanks. Il is used lo dcc!Inc an nffcr.
Heie aie sone olhei expiessions you can use lo offei sonelhing, accepl oi
decIine an offei:
Tn nffcr snmcthIng ynu can say:
- WiII you have ...`
- Whal can I gel you`
Tn acccpt an nffcr ynu can say:
- Thanks.
- Id Iike ...veiy nuch , (pIease).
Tn dcc!Inc an nffcr ynu can say:
- Nol lhis line, lhanks.
- No, I ieaIIy vonl, lhank you.
Task 7
Task 8
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
LIstcn tn and study thc mnnn!nguc bc!nw. Thcn, statc whcthcr thc
statcmcnts arc TRUE nr FAL5E. Thc !IstcnIng scrIpt Is In thc AppcndIx.
Nn 5tatcmcnts Truc Fa!sc
1 Toni Iikes vegelalIes.
2 Toni cannol cook soup hinseIf.
3 You need nany fiuils lo nake soup.
4 Iiisl, you have lo loiI sone valei.
5 Ils easy lo cook soup.
5tudy thc cxprcssInns bc!nw.
LIst fnnd and drInks that ynu !Ikc and ynu dIs!Ikc.
Iood and diinks I Iike
fiied chicken

Iood and diinks I donl Iike


Do you sliII ienenlei hov tn cxprcss !Ikcs and dIs!Ikcs`

Wiile dovn lhe expiessions you find in lhe nonoIogue in Task 9.
ExprcssIng !Ikcs:
1. .
2. .
ExprcssIng dIs!Ikcs:
1. .
2. .
Task 9
Task 10
Task 11
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Tc!! nnc annthcr fnnd and drInks that ynu !Ikc and dIs!Ikc. WrItc thrcc
thIngs ynur c!assmatc !Ikcs and thrcc thIngs ynur c!assmatc dIs!Ikcs.
1. udi Iikes oianges, fiied iice, and niIk.
2. He doesnl Iike appIes, lea, and soup.
Cnmp!ctc thc fn!!nwIng dIa!ngucs wIth thc apprnprIatc cxprcssInns.
1. Cilia : _________________a lanana`
Nia : Yes, pIease.
2. Lni : ___________________ oianges`
Doni : Yes, I do.
3. Risa : ________________ a gIass of niIk`
udi : III have a gIass, pIease.
4. Tony : ____________________ sone pizza`
Adi : No, lhanks. I donl Iike pizza.
5. Ayu : ___________________ ice ciean`
Lusi : No, I donl.
Ask fnur nf ynur c!assmatcs If thcy !Ikc thc fn!!nwIng fnnd and drInks.
Task 12
Task 13
Task 14
Iicluie 9.16
Iicluie 9.17
Iicluie 9.18
Iicluie 9.19
Iicluie 9.2O
Iicluie 9.21
Iicluie 9.22
Iicluie 9.23
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Wnrk In grnups nf thrcc. Makc a rn!c p!ay bascd nn thc fn!!nwIng
Tvo of youi cIassnales cone ovei lo youi house lo do an assignnenl. Aflei a vhiIe,
lhey lolh Iook veiy liied. Offei lhen sonelhing lo eal and diink. CIassnale 1 accepls
youi offei lul cIassnale 2 decIines il. Offei cIassnale 2 sonelhing eIse.
Focus on Reuding und Writing
Labc! thcsc kItchcn utcnsI!s bc!nw.
Lnnk at thc kItchcn utcnsI!s In Task 16 and thcn answcr thc fn!!nwIng
1. Whal ulensiIs do you need lo nake a cup of lea oi coffee`
2. Whal ulensiIs do you need lo nake fiied lananas`
3. Whal ulensiIs do you need lo cook iice`
Task 15
Task 16
Task 17
Iicluie 9.24
Iicluie 9.25
Iicluie 9.26
Iicluie 9.27
Iicluie 9.28
Iicluie 9.29
Iicluie 9.3O
Iicluie 9.33
Iicluie 9.34 Iicluie 9.35
Iicluie 9.31
Iicluie 9.32
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Rcad thc fn!!nwIng rccIpc and In paIrs fInd thc mcanIngs nf thc wnrds
bc!nw. Ynu may npcn ynur dIctInnary. Thcn, practIsc prnnnuncIng thc
iecipe ['rcsipij (|o) : . seive [sc:vj(|||) : .
vaniIIa [vc'niIcj(|o) : . nixluie ['mikstjcj(|o) : .
ingiedienl [in'gri:oicntj (|o) : . lhick [0ikj (|s) : .
pul [potj(|||) : . scoop [sku:pj (|o) : .
lIend [bIcnoj(|||) : . Iiquid ['Iikwioj(|o) : .
add [oj(|||) : . faiiIy ['IccIij (||) : .
Rcad thc tcxt agaIn and thcn answcr thc qucstInns. Cnmparc ynur
answcrs wIth a c!assmatc's.
1. Whal does lhe lexl leII you`
2. Whal ingiedienls aie needed lo nake an oieo niIkshake`
3. Whal aie lhe sleps lo nake oieo niIkshake`
Orcn MI!kshakc RccIpc
vaniIIa ice ciean
aloul 5O oieo cookies
Iul a fev scoops of ice ciean inlo lhe lIendei.
Iend vilh enough niIk lo nake lhe nixluie lhick, lul faiiIy Iiquid.
Add lhe ienaining ingiedienls and lIend.
Seives: 4
Adap|cd frcn n||p.//cn.ui|iocc|s.crg/ui|i/Ccc|occ|.Mi||sna|c
Task 18
Task 19
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
In paIrs, study thc fn!!nwIng cxp!anatInn.
Rcad thc fn!!nwIng rccIpc and In paIrs fInd thc mcanIngs nf thc wnrds
bc!nw. Ynu may npcn ynur dIctInnary. Thcn, practIsc prnnnuncIng thc
1. add [oj (|||) : _____________________
2. lullei ['b\tcj (|o) : _____________________
3. cook [kokj (|||) : _____________________
4. ciack [krkj (|||) : _____________________
5. fIip [IIipj (|||) : _____________________
6. fiy [Iraij (|||) : _____________________
7. neIl [mcItj (|||) : _____________________
8. peppei ['pcpcj (|o) : _____________________
9. saIl [soItj (|o) : _____________________
1O. seive [sc:vj (|||) : _____________________
11. lasle [tcistj (|||) : _____________________
12. leaspoon ['ti:spu:nj (|o) : _____________________
13. yoIk [jcokj (|o) : _____________________
The lexl in Task 19 is a pioceduiaI lexl. A pioceduie leIIs hov lo do sonelhing.
Iioceduies usuaIIy incIude:
lhe goaI of lhe aclivily
any naleiiaIs needed in achieving lhe goaI
sleps needed lo acconpIish lhe goaI
Wilh lhe pioceduie in Task 19, lhe goaI is lo nake oieo niIkshake. The
ingiedienls shov lhe naleiiaIs needed lo nake oieo niIkshake. And lhe
pioceduie leIIs us lhe sleps lo nake oieo niIkshake.
Task 20
Task 21
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Rcad thc rccIpc In Task 21 agaIn and answcr thc fn!!nwIng qucstInns.
1. Whal does lhe lexl leII us`
2. Whal ingiedienls do you need lo nake fiied eggs`
3. Whal aie lhe sleps lo nake fiied eggs`
FrIcd Eggs
2 leaspoons of lullei (oi oIive oiI)
2 oi 3 Iaige eggs, depending on appelile
SaIl and peppei lo lasle
a snaII (1O") fiying pan
a spaluIa
gas iing, al nediun heal
1. Iiisl, neIl lhe lullei in lhe pan ovei nediun heal
2. Then, ciack open lhe eggs inlo lhe pan and Iel fiy unliI lhe yoIks legin lo
haiden al lhe edges (indicaled ly a Iighlening in lhe yoIk coIoi).
3. Using lhe spaluIa, fIip lhe eggs ovei and aIIov lo cook len seconds foi
ovei-easy, oi up lo one ninule foi ovei-haid.
4. IinaIIy, add saIl and peppei lo lasle, and seive.
Adap|cd frcn n||p.//cn.ui|iocc|s.crg/ui|i/Ccc|occ|.|ricd_|ggs
Task 22
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
5tudy thc cxp!anatInn bc!nw.
Wnrk In paIrs. Cnmp!ctc thc tcxt bc!nw usIng apprnprIatc scntcncc
Ynu !Ikc frIcd rIcc, dnn't ynu? WrItc thc rccIpc nf frIcd rIcc. Exchangc
ynur draft and gIvc cach nthcr fccdback. RcvIsc ynur draft bascd nn
ynur c!assmatc's fccdback tn prnducc a wc!! wrIttcn rccIpc.
Wnrk In grnups nf thrcc. FInd twn nr mnrc rccIpcs nf ynur favnurItc
fnnd and drInks. Ynu may fInd thcm In thc magazIncs, ncwspapcrs, nr
Intcrnct. In grnups nf fnur, prcscnt thc rccIpcs tn ynur c!assmatcs.
C, Homework
In lhe lexl alove you find lhe voids: fiisl, lhen, and finaIIy. These voids aie
caIIed scntcncc cnnncctnrs and lhey aie used lo shov pioceduies.
Senlence conneclois used in pioceduie lexls:
- Iiisl ...
- Then ..
- Nexl ...
- Aflei lhal..
My favouiile diink is lanana niIkshake. To nake a gIass of lanana niIkshake you
need one Iaige lanana oi lvo snaII lananas, vaniIIa ice ciean, niIk, and sugai.
This is lhe vay of hov lo nake a gIass of lanana niIkshake. (1) ________, lIend lhe
lanana, ice ciean and sugai. (2) _________, add niIk lo youi lasle. (3) ________,
lIend again liII snoolh and cieany. (4) _________, seive il using a gIass oi nug.
Adap|cd frcn n||p.//cn.ui|iocc|s.crg/ui|i/Ccc|occ|
Task 23
Task 24
Task 25
Task 26
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
In paIrs crcatc a dIa!nguc bascd nn thc fn!!nwIng sItuatInn.
Tvo of youi cIassnales visil you al hone. Youi nolhei nakes deIicious cakes. Offei
youi cIassnales lhe cakes.
What Is ynur favnurItc fnnd nr drInk? Can ynu makc It ynursc!f? WrItc
thc rccIpc. Ynu may ask ynur mnthcr fnr hc!p.
Hnw much dn ynu !carn frnm thIs unIt? Put a tIck (\) In thc rIght bnx accnrdIng tn hnw
much ynu havc !carnt.
Aspccts Vcry much Much LItt!c
Offeiing sonelhing
Accepling an offei
DecIining an offei
Lxpiessing Iikes
Lxpiessing disIikes
Reading pioceduiaI lexls
Wiiling pioceduiaI lexls
D, EvuIuution
Task 27
E, RefIection
Task 28
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
In thIs unIt ynu !carn:
1. Hnw tn nffcr snmcthIng, fnr cxamp!c:
2. Hnw tn acccpt an nffcr, fnr cxamp!c:
3. Hnw tn dcc!Inc an nffcr, fnr cxamp!c:
4. Hnw tn cxprcss !Ikcs, fnr cxamp!c:
5. Hnw tn cxprcss dIs!Ikcs, fnr cxamp!c:
6. Grammar: scntcncc cnnncctnrs
7. Prnccdura! tcxts
A pioceduie leIIs hov lo do sonelhing. Iioceduies usuaIIy incIude:
lhe goaI of lhe aclivily
any naleiiaIs needed in achieving lhe goaI
sleps needed lo acconpIish lhe goaI
F, Summury
WouId you Iike ...`
Whal vouId you Iike lo have`
Yes, pIease.
Id Iike . veiy nuch, (pIease).
No, lhanks.
Nol lhis line, lhanks.
I Iike lea.
Toni Iikes oiange juice.
I donl Iike coffee.
She doesnl Iike fiied chicken.
Iiisl, ... Then, ..
Nexl, ... Aflei lhal,..
IinaIIy, ...
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
accepl [ck'scptj (|||) : neneiina
add [oj (|||) : nenanlah
avocado [vc'ko:oco] (|o) : aIpukal
luigei ['bc:gcj (|o) : luigei
lullei ['b\tcj (|o) : nenlega
cookie ['kokij (|o) : kue
cook [kokj (|||) : nenasak
ciack [krkj(|||) : nenecah
decIine [oi'kIainj (|||) : nenoIak
diink [oripkj (|o) : ninunan
fIip [IIipj (|||) : nenlaIik
food [Iu:oj (|o) : nakanan
fiy [Iraij (|||) : nenggoieng
hol [hotj (|s) : panas
neIl [mcItj (|||) : nencaiikaan
nenu ['mcnju:j (|o) : daflai nakanan alau ninunan
offei ['oIcj (|||) : nenavaikan
peppei ['pcpcj (|o) : neiica
iecipe ['rcsipij (|o) : iesep
saIl [soItj (|o) : gaian
seive [sc:vj (|||) : nenyajikan
sveel [swi:tj (|s) : nanis
lasle [tcistj (|||) : neiasakan
leaspoon ['ti:spu:nj (|o) : sendok leh
lhiisly ['0c:stij (|s) : haus
vegelalIe ['vcoitcbIj (|o) : sayui-sayuian
yoIk [jcokj (|o) : kuning leIui
S, VocubuIury List
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
IIayeis: SnaII lo nediun gioups
Wiap a lai of chocoIale (oi sone olhei exciling gifl) in a snaII lox lhen viap
in a Iayei of papei. Nov on lhe papei viile a lype of lask lhal nusl le
conpIeled. Add anolhei Iayei of papei and anolhei lask. Repeal unliI you
have aloul 1O Iayeis. IinaIIy viap il in gifl papei (so il Iooks nice). The lasks
shouId vaiy - Iike sing a song, eal a leaspoon of nuslaid, oi vaIk lIindfoIded
lo lhe olhei side of lhe ciicIe. }usl liy lo le ciealive.
Sil eveiyone in a ciicIe and pIay a shoil snippel of nusic. When lhe nusic
slops, lhe peison hoIding lhe paiceI ienoves one Iayei of viapping and nusl
peifoin lhe lask viillen on lhal Iayei. Repeal unliI lhe Iasl Iayei of viapping
has leen ienoved. Al lhe end, no one viII vanl lo gel sluck vilh lhe package
lul lhe one lhal does viII gel lhe ievaid.
(Tarun scoa|ang cc||a| a|au nadian qang ncnari| |ainnqa da|an scouan |c|a| |cci|
dan |cnudian oung|us|an dcngan sa|u |apis |cr|as. Tu|is|an scouan jcnis |ugas
qang narus disc|csai|an c|cn pcscr|a. Tanoan|an |apisan |cr|as dan |u|is |ugas-|ugas
qang narus disc|csai|an di sc|iap |apisan |cr|as pcnoung|us sanpai |ira-|ira ada
sc|i|ar 10 |cr|as pcnoung|us (dan 10 jcnis |ugas). Tcra|nir, oung|us dcngan |cr|as
|adc (agar |cr|ina| |coin ncnari|). ]cnis-jcnis |ugasnqa narus ocrtariasi, scpcr|i
ncnqanqi, ncna|an scscndc| nus|ard, a|au ocrja|an dcngan na|a di|u|up |c
scocrang |ing|aran, a|au pi|ir|an idc-idc |rca|if |ainnqa.
Dudu||an pcscr|a da|an scouan |ing|aran dan pu|ar|an nusic. Kc|i|a nusic
ocrncn|i, pcscr|a qang ncncgang parsc|nqa narus ncnou|a sa|u |apis oung|usan
dan narus nc|a|sana|an |ugas qang |cr|u|is pada |apisan i|u. U|angi sanpai |cr|as
pcnoung|us |cra|nir sudan diou|a. Pada a|nirnqa, |ida| a|a nada crang qang nau
ncndapa||an parsc|nqa |api crang qang |cra|nir i|u|an qang a|an ncndapa||an
Adap|cd frcn uuu.funa||ic.ccn
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Dn ynu snmctImcs ask snmcbndy tn dn snmcthIng fnr ynu? If sn, what
dn ynu say? In paIrs, wrItc twn cxprcssInns that ynu can usc tn ask
snmcbndy tn dn snmcthIng fnr ynu bascd nn ynur knnw!cdgc.
1. ............................................................................................................................
2. ............................................................................................................................
In grnups nf fnur dIscuss thc mcanIngs nf thc uttcranccs In bn!d. Whcn
dn ynu thc uttcranccs?
1. Molhei : The Iiving ioon is diily. Can ynu hc!p mc c!can up thc !IvIng rnnm,
Nia : Suie, non.
2. Cilia : Oh, ny Cod. This lox is veiy heavy. Can ynu hc!p mc mnvc thIs bnx,
Legava : OK.
A, Leud-in
Task 1
Task 2
In oui Iife, ve sonelines aie nol alIe lo do lhings ly ouiseIves foi one oi
anolhei ieason. Thus, ve need lo ask olheis foi a favoui. We oflen give
heIp lo olheis as veII. Can you ask foi a favoui and give heIp lo olheis
You have TV sels, handphones, iadios, VCD pIayeis, oi lIendeis, donl
you` Can you iead lhe nanuaIs` Can you viile nanuaIs`
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
3. Dony : Oh, I need lhe penciI ovei lheie. Cnu!d ynu takc thc pcncI! fnr mc?
udi : OK. I viII.
4. Vina : III le finished al lhiee ocIock. Cnu!d ynu pIck mc up at thrcc n'c!nck,
Molhei : Suie, deai.
Focus on Listening und Speuking
LIstcn tn thc fn!!nwIng dIa!ngucs. Thcn, answcr thc qucstInns. Thc
!IstcnIng scrIpt Is In thc AppcndIx.
1. Whal does Molhei ask LIizalelh lo do`
2. Whal does Molhei say lo LIizalelh`
In paIrs, study thc fn!!nwIng cxprcssInns.
In lhe diaIogue in Task 3, you find lhe foIIoving expiessions:
CouId you heIp ne, LIizalelh`
CouId you pick ne up al Aunl Idas house lhis afleinoon`
Thc cxprcssInns arc uscd tn ask fnr a favnur nr ask snmcnnc tn dn
snmcthIng (ask fnr scrvIccs). Can you nenlion sone olhei expiessions
lhal you can use`
In lhe diaIogue you aIso find lhese expiessions:
Suie, non.
Of couise.
OK, anylhing eIse`
Thc cxprcssInns arc uscd tn say that ynu arc wI!!Ing tn gIvc a favnur nr
dn what snmcbndy asks ynu tn dn (gIvc scrvIccs). Can you nenlion sone
olhei expiessions lhal you can use`
The void ILLASL in lhe expiessions is lo nake lhe expiessions poIile.
, Lesson Proper
Task 3
Task 4
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
5tudy thc pIcturcs and ask snmcbndy fnr a favnur pn!Itc!y rc!cvant tn
thc sItuatInn. Lnnk at thc cxamp!c.
CouId you lidy up lhe lalIe, pIease`
Task 5
Iicluie 1O.1 Iicluie 1O.2
Iicluie 1O.3
Iicluie 1O.4
Iicluie 1O.5
Iicluie 1O.6
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
5tudy thc pattcrn bc!nw.
LIst fIvc thIngs that snmcbndy nccds tn dn fnr ynu. Thcn, cnmc tn tcn nf
ynur c!assmatcs tn ask thcm a favnur.
Rcad thc fn!!nwIng dIa!nguc and answcr thc qucstInns. Thcn, act It nut
wIth a partncr.
Tanlii vanls lo fax a docunenl. Mi Made, hei falhei, heIps hei.
Tanlii : Dad, can you felch ne lhal papei, pIease.
Mi Made : The papei on lhe lalIe ovei lheie`
Tanlii : Yes, lhanks.
Mi Made : Heie you aie, deai.
Tanlii : Thanks. Oh, couId you heIp ne again, Dad`
Mi Made : Suie, honey.
Tanlii : I vanl lo send a docunenl lul I donl knov lo use lhe fax nachine.
Mi Made : WeII. Lel ne shov you. Iul lhe docunenl you vanl lo send heie and
lhen diaI lhe nunlei.
Tanlii : OK. Then`
Mi Made : }usl push lhe slail lullon.
Tanlii : Hnn. Ils easy. Thank you, Dad.
Mi Made : My pIeasuie, sveelheail.
1. Whal does Tanlii vanl lo do`
2. Does she knov hov lo use lhe fax nachine`
3. Whal does Tanlii ask Legava lo do` Whal does she say`
4. Whal does Legava say lo Tanliis` Whal does he nean vilh his expiessions`
5. Whal shouId Tanlii do lo send lhe docunenl`
When you need soneone lo do sonelhing foi you, you can use lhe
foIIoving pallein:
V1 + O
Iass ne lhe iuIei, pIease.
Ielch ne lhal papei, pIease.
Task 6
Task 7
Task 8
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Thc wnrds bc!nw arc takcn frnm thc dIa!nguc abnvc. Gucss thc
mcanIng nf thc wnrds frnm thc cnntcxt. Cnmparc ynur answcrs wIth a
fax nachine [Iks mc'ji:nj : ... send [scnoj : ...
docunenl ['ookjomcntj : ... diaI ['oaicIj : ...
push [pojj : ... lullon ['b\tcnj : ...
slail [sto:tj : ...
5tudy thc cxprcssInns bc!nw.
Gn arnund thc c!ass. Ask ynur c!assmatcs tn dn thc fn!!nwIng thIngs fnr
A: Iass ne lhal iuIei, pIease.
: Suie. Heie you aie.
1. look
2. penciI
3. diclionaiy
4. iuIei
5. eiasei
In lhe diaIogue in Task 8 Mi Made says:
Heie you aie, dcar.
Suie, hnncy.
My pIeasuie, swccthcart.
The voids dcar, hnncy, and swccthcart in lhe expiession aie used lo
rcspnnd tn snmcnnc Intcrpcrsnna!!y. The voids cieale a cIosei
ieIalionship lelveen lolh speakeis. Can you nenlion sone olhei
expiessions/voids/phiases lo iespond lo soneone inleipeisonaIIy`
Task 9
Task 10
Task 11
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Wnrk In grnups nf fnur tn havc a rn!c p!ay bascd nn thc fn!!nwIng
You aie veiy lusy al hone. You do a Iol of lhings. Ask lhe faniIy nenleis lo heIp you.
Ask lhen poIileIy.
Focus on Reuding und Writing
5tudy thc pIcturcs. WrItc thc namcs nf thc fn!!nwIng app!Ianccs.
Task 12
Task 13
Iicluie 1O.8
Iicluie 1O.9 Iicluie 1O.1O
Iicluie 1O.11
Iicluie 1O.12
Iicluie 1O.7
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
5tudy thc pIcturc and answcr thc qucstInns In paIrs.
1. Do you have a lape iecoidei`
2. Do you knov hov lo pIay a casselle`
Rcad thc fn!!nwIng InstructInn and fInd thc mcanIngs nf thc wnrds
bascd nn thc cnntcxt. Dn It In paIrs.
P!ayIng a Casscttc and RccnrdIng nn thc Tapc Rccnrdcr
To pIay a casselle, foIIov lhese sleps:
1. Iiisl, pul lhe casselle in lhe lape iecoidei.
2. Second, push lhe ILAY lullon.
3. Nexl, adjusl lhe VOLUML.
4. Then, push lhe STOI lullon lo slop.
5. IinaIIy, push lhe IAST IORWARD oi IAST ACKWARD lullon lo
go lo an inlended pail.
To iecoid on youi lape iecoidei, foIIov lhese sleps:
1. Iiisl, pul a lIank casselle in lhe lape iecoidei.
2. Second, push lhe RLCORD lullon.
3. Then, speak inlo lhe niciophone.
4. Renenlei l push lhe RLWIND lullon lo ievind lhe casselle.
5. IinaIIy, push ILAY lo Iislen lo youi iecoiding.
Task 14
Task 15
Iicluie 1O.13
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
lape iecoidei ['tcipri'k5:ocj :
casselle [kc'sctj :
pIay [pIcij :
push [pojj :
adjusl [c'o\stj :
nachine [mc'ji:nj :
lullon ['b\tcnj :
ievind ['ri:wainoj :
iecoid [ri'k5:oj :
niciophone ['maikrcIconj :
In paIrs, study thc fn!!nwIng cxp!anatInn.
Rcad thc InstructInn agaIn and thcn answcr thc qucstInns.
1. Whal aie lhe sleps lo pIay a casselle`
2. Whal aie lhe sleps lo iecoid on a lape iecoidei`
3. Whal is lhe funclion of lhe ILAY lullon`
4. Whal is lhe funclion of lhe RLCORD lullon`
5. Which lullon do you push lo go lo an inlended pail`
As discussed in Unil 9, lhe lexl in Task 15 is a pioceduiaI lexl. Il leIIs hov lo do
sonelhing. The lexl in Task 15 leIIs you hov lo pIay a casselle and iecoid on
youi lape iecoidei. Il incIudes:
lhe goaI of lhe aclivily, and
sleps lo acconpIish lhe goaI
Wilh lhe pioceduie in Task 15, lhe goaI is lo pIay a casselle and iecoid on lhe
lape iecoidei. The sleps incIude sleps lo pIay a casselle and iecoid on lhe lape
iecoidei. Co lack lo lhe lexl and nolice lhe sleps.
Task 16
Task 17
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Rcad thc InstructInn agaIn and thcn dIscuss thc functInns nf thc
fn!!nwIng wnrds and phrascs.
Wnrk In paIrs. Cnmp!ctc thc fn!!nwIng InstructInn nn prcparIng a
prIntcr usIng cnrrcct scntcncc cnnncctnrs.
Wnrk In paIrs. Arrangc thc fn!!nwIng scntcnccs tn wrItc a gnnd
prnccdurc nf makIng a phnnc ca!! nn a pub!Ic phnnc bnx.
1. DiaI lhe nunlei.
2. Lnd youi caII.
3. Inseil a coin.
4. Iick up lhe ieceivei.
5. Iul lack lhe ieceivei
6. Slail speaking.
7. Wail foi lhe diaI lone.
In lhe lexl in Task 15 you find lhe foIIoving voids and phiases al lhe
leginning of sone senlences:
- Iiisl, ...
- Then, ...
- Make suie lo ...
- Renenlei lo ...
- IinaIIy, ...
Whal do lhey funclion` Yes, thcy CONNECT scntcnccs. They shov lhe
oidei of sleps.
PrcparIng thc PrIntcr
IoIIov lhese sleps lo piepaie youi piinlei.
1. ___________, pIace lhe piinlei on a fIal suiface.
2. ___________, ienove lhe lapes fion lhe piinlei as shovn.
3. ___________, open lhe Iapei Suppoil and lhe Iionl Covei.
4. ___________ lo ienove lhe Iioleclive MaleiiaI on lhe iighl side.
Task 18
Task 19
Task 20
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Wnrk In paIrs. Chnnsc nnc nf thc app!Ianccs bc!nw and thcn fInd thc
manua! bnnks. Prcscnt thcm tn thc c!ass.
1. Hov lo pIay a VCD.
2. Hov lo use a lIendei.
Wnrk In grnups nf fnur tn havc a rn!c p!ay bascd nn thc fn!!nwIng
sItuatInn. WrItc ynur cnnvcrsatInn.
You aie veiy lusy al hone. You do a Iol of lhings. Ask lhe faniIy nenleis lo heIp you.
Ask lhen poIileIy.
FInd twn InstructInns nn hnw tn npcratc c!cctrIca! app!Ianccs ynu
usua!!y usc at schnn!. Prcscnt thcm tn thc c!ass In thc ncxt mcctIng.
Wnrk In grnups nf fnur. Crcatc a cnnvcrsatInn bascd nn thc fn!!nwIng
You and youi cIassnales aie in lhe cIassioon. The cIassioon is diily and nessy. You
have lo cIean and lidy up lhe cIassioon. Ask youi cIassnales lo heIp you.
WrItc an InstructInn nn hnw tn dn nnc nf thc fn!!nwIng thIngs.
1. Tuin TV on
2. Make a phone caII
3. IIay a casselle pIayei
4. Any appIiance of youi choice
C, Homework
D, EvuIuution
Task 22
Task 21
Task 23
Task 24
Task 25
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Hnw much dn ynu !carn frnm thIs unIt? Put a tIck (\) In thc rIght bnx accnrdIng tn hnw
much ynu havc !carnt.
Aspccts Vcry much Much LItt!c
Asking foi seivices
Civing seivices
Responding inleipeisonaIIy
Reading pioceduiaI lexls
Wiiling pioceduiaI lexls
F U N S P A C E: Proverb
Prevention is better thun cure,
If is beffer fo be corefuI beforehond fhon fo fry fo
soIve o probIem offer if hos orisen.
E, RefIection
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
In thIs unIt ynu !carn:
1. Hnw tn ask fnr scrvIccs, fnr cxamp!c:
2. Hnw tn gIvc scrvIccs, fnr cxamp!c:
3. Grammar
4. Prnccdura! tcxts (scc cxp!anatInn In UnIt 9).
CouId you heIp ne, LIizalelh`
CouId you pick ne up al Aunl Idas house lhis.
Suie, non.
Of couise.
OK, anylhing eIse`
1. When you need soneone lo do sonelhing foi you, you can use
lhe foIIoving pallein:
V1 + O
Iass ne lhe iuIei, pIease.
Ielch ne lhal papei, pIease.
2. Sentence connectors:
Iiisl, ...
Then, ...
Make suie lo ...
Renenlei lo ...
IinaIIy, ...
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
aIIov [c'Iaoj (|||) : nenpeiloIehkan
lIank [bIpkj (|s) : kosong
liing [bripj (|||) : nenlava
cigaielle [sigc'rctj(|o) : iokok
covei ['k\vcj (|o) : penulup
daik [oo:kj (|s) : geIap
fIal [IItj(|s) : iala
inseil [in'sc:tj (|||) : nenasukkan
genlIy ['ocntIij (||) : peiIahan - Iahan
Ieave [Ii:vj (|||) : nenliaikan
pass [po:sj (|||) : neIevali
pIace [pIcisj (|||) : nenenpalkan
piepaie [pri'pccj(|||) : nenyiapkan
piess [prcsj (|||) : nenekan
piinlei ['printcj (|o) : nesin celak
quickIy ['kwikIij (||) : cepal
iecoiding [ri'k5:oipj (|o) : hasiI iekanan
ieIease [ri'Ii:sj (|||) : neIepaskan
ienove [ri'mu:vj(|||) : nenindahkan
iepIace [ri:'pIcisj (|||) : nengganlikan
sIovIy ['sIcoIij (||) : peIan-pelan
suiface ['sc:Iisj(|o) : peinukaan
vacuun cIeanei : vakun penleisih
['vkjucm 'kIi:ncj (|o)
voIune ['voIju:mj (|o) : voIune suaia
S, VocubuIury List
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Lels do a ioIe-pIay. Use lhe foIIoving ioIe-pIay caids.
Ta|cn frcn uuu.cncs|cpcng|isn.ccn
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Chnnsc thc bcst answcr by crnssIng a, b, c, nr d.
1. Tasya : I donl have any pen. ..., pIease`
Rudy : Suie. Heie you aie.
a. Whal is lhis
l. Take ne lhe pen
c. May I have one
d. Cive ne lhe pen
2. Hani : Do you have a spaie iuIei, Nila`
Nila : Yes. I have gol lvo.
Hani : ....
Nila : CeilainIy.
a. Can I have one of lhe iuIeis, pIease`
l. Aie you using lhen`
c. Wheie do you pul lhen`
d. Wheie aie youi iuIeis`
3. udi : May I loiiov youi look, pIease`
Cilia : ...
a. Thank you.
l. Yes, I do.
c. In soiiy In using il nov.
d. Whal`
4. Tiaia : Hov nany cIassioons aie lheie in lhe schooI`
Iika : ... lvenly foui cIassioons.
a. Il is
l. They aie
c. These aie
d. Theie aie
Task 1
Semester Z Review
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
5. Risa : Hey, lheie is a nev conpulei in lhe Iiving ioon.
Rudy : ...
Risa : AlsoIuleIy.
a. Thals gieal.
l. I lhink so.
c. Aie you suie`
d. I Iike conpuleis.
6. Aiis : My house is lig. Theie is a Iaige gaiden in fionl of ny house.
Dina : ...
a. ReaIIy`
l. May I loiiov il`
c. I donl lhink so.
d. Il is a nice gaiden.
7. Via : Wheie aie lhe looks, Dony`
Dony : ....
a. They aie on lhe sheIves
l. They aie on lhe lalIes
c. They aie in lhe cuploaids
d. They aie on lhe chaiis
8. Cilia : Lxcuse ne, vheie aie lhe sludenls`
Dila : ....
Cilia : Thank you.
a. They aie in lhe Iiliaiy
l. They aie in lhe Ianguage Ialoialoiy
c. They aie in lhe canleen
d. They aie in lhe cIassioon
9. Adi : AngeIina, do you lhink a piIol is a good jol`
AngeIina : ...
a. I lhink so.
l. ReaIIy`
c. He fIies a pIane.
d. He is handsone.
Iicluie Reviev 2.1
Iicluie Reviev 2.2
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
1O. Sinla : ..., Ralna`
Ralna : She is a nuise.
a. Who is youi nolhei
l. Wheie is youi nolhei
c. Whal does youi nolhei do
d. Whal does youi falhei do
11. Miss Tiaia is a fIighl allendanl. She lakes caie of ....
a. palienls
l. passengeis
c. fieIds
d. aninaIs
12. Mi Rahadi is a chef. He cooks food al a ....
a. hospilaI
l. ieslauianl
c. pIane
d. shop
13. Adi : Whal fiuils do you Iike`
LaiIa : ....
a. I Iike soup veiy nuch
l. I Iike pizza
c. Yes, I do. I Iike fiuils
d. I Iike appIes and oianges
14. Tina : Hov do you iecoid on lhis lape iecoidei, AIi`
AIi : }usl ... lhe iecoid lullon and lhen speak inlo lhe niciophone.
a. puII
l. diaI
c. pIug
d. push
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
15. Cilia : ... ne lhal eiasei, pIease.
Ldi : This eiasei` Heie you aie.
Cilia : Thanks.
a. Iass
l. Iul
c. oiiov
d. Thiov
16. AngeIina : Dad, gel ne an appIe, pIease.
Ialhei : ....
AngeIina : Thanks, Dad.
a. In lusy
l. Cel one youiseIf
c. Suie, honey
d. In soiiy
Rcad thc tcxt and answcr thc qucstInns by chnnsIng thc cnrrcct
Questlons 17 to 21 refer to the fo||oulng text.
17. Wheie does lhe viilei Iive`
a. Senaiang.
l. }akaila.
c. Suialaya.
d. andung.
18. Hov is lhe viileis house`
a. Il is Iaige.
l. Il is leaulifuI.
c. Il is lig.
d. Il is snaII.
My faniIy and I Iive in a nev house in Suialaya on }I. Kailini. Il is a veiy nice house
and I Iike il. The house has foui ledioons, one Iiving ioon and one kilchen. Theie
aie lvo lalhioons and one of lhen is nexl lo ny ioon. My house aIso has a gaiage.
eside lhe gaiage, lheie is a snaII svinning pooI. Theie is aIso a Iaige gaiden in
fionl of lhe house. We Iove lhe house.
Task 2
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
19. Hov nany ledioons does lhe house have`
a. Tvo.
l. Thiee.
c. Ioui.
d. Iive.
2O. Whal is nexl lo lhe viileis ioon`
a. Kilchen.
l. Living ioon.
c. alhioon.
d. Caiage.
21. Whal is nexl lo lhe gaiage`
a. Svinning pooI.
l. alhioon.
c. Kilchen.
d. Living ioon.
Questlons 22 to 25 refer to the fo||oulng text.
CurrIcd RIcc
1 cup uncooked iice
2 lalIespoons lullei
1 leaspoon cuiiy povdei
1/2 chopped onion
1/2 cup iaisins
2 cups valei
Iind a Iaige saucepan oi fiying pan vhich has a Iid, pIace on a nediun
heal, add lullei, and lhen add chopped onion. Cook lhe onion foi a
coupIe of ninules unliI il slails lo liovn sIighlIy.
Add cuiiy povdei slii vilh onions foi a ninule.
Add iaisins, iice, and valei.
Iul on Iid and sinnei unliI valei is alsoiled (aloul 15 ninules)
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
22. Whal does lhe lexl leII you`
a. Hov lo nake cuiiied iice.
l. Hov lo luy cuiiied iice.
c. Hov lo gel cuiiied iice.
d. Hov lo find cuiiied iice.
23. The foIIoving is NOT lhe ingiedienl lo nake cuiiied iice ..
a. 2 cups valei
l. 1 leaspoon cuiiy povdei
c. 1 cup uncooked iice
d. 2 leaspoons sugai
24. We need ... ninules lo cook lhe cuiiied iice.
a. 2O
l. 15
c. 5
d. 25
25. Hov nuch iaisins is needed lo cook cuiiied iice`
a. 2 cups.
l. 1 cup.
c. cup.
d. cup.
Wnrk In paIrs wIth ynur c!assmatc. Makc dIa!ngucs bascd nn thc
fn!!nwIng sItuatInns.
26. You and youi fiiend aie al a looksloie and vanl lo luy a pen. Ask youi fiiends
opinion aloul lhe pen lhal you Iike.
27. Youi fiiends visil you al hone. Offei lhen sonelhing lo eal and diink.
28. A fiiend of youis doesnl knov hov lo nake a phone caII. TeII hin/hei lhe sleps.
WrItc shnrt tcxts as Instructcd.
29. Wiile a shoil lexl desciiling youi nolhei.
3O. Wiile a shoil lexl on lhe sleps
Task 3
Task 4
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
_____. (1998). |ng|isn K-6 Mcdu|cs. Sydney: oaid of Sludies NSW.
Aguslien, HeIena, el.aI. (2OO4). Ma|cri Pc|a|inan Tcrin|cgrasi 8anasa |nggris (Vc|. 1). }akaila:
Aguslien, HeIena, el.aI. (2OO4). Ma|cri Pc|a|inan Tcrin|cgrasi 8anasa |nggris (Vc|. 2). }akaila:
ygale, M., Skehan, I. and Svain, M. (Lds.). 2OO1. Rcscarcning Pcdagcgic Tas|s in Scccnd
|anguagc |carning, Tcacning and Tcs|ing. Lssex: Ieaison Lducalion Liniled.
Nunan, D. (1989a). Dcsigning Tas|s fcr |nc Ccnnunica|itc C|assrccn. Canliidge:
Canliidge Univeisily Iiess.
Nunan, D. and Lockvood, }. (1992a). Tnc Aus|ra|ian |ng|isn Ccursc. Tas|-oascd |ng|isn fcr
Pcs|-ocginncrs (S|udcn|s 8cc| 1). Canliidge: Canliidge Univeisily Iiess.
Nunan, D. and Lockvood, }. (1992l). Tnc Aus|ra|ian |ng|isn Ccursc. Tas|-oascd |ng|isn fcr
Pcs|-ocginncrs (Tcacncrs 8cc| 1). Canliidge: Canliidge Univeisily Iiess.
Iiiyana, }oko. (2OO2). Dctc|cping ||| Tas|-8ascd |anguagc |ns|ruc|icn in an |ndcncsian
Prinarq Scncc| Ccn|cx|. UnpulIished Disseilalion.
TonIinson, . (Ld.). 1998. Ma|cria|s Dctc|cpncn| in |anguagc Tcacning. Canliidge:
Canliidge Univeisily Iiess.
WiIIis, }. (1996). A |rancucr| fcr Tas|-8ascd |carning. Lssex: Longnan.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Iicluie 1.1 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 1.2 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 1.3 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 2.1 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 3.1 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 3.2 hllp://vvv.nqpaofu.con/2OO4ings/lIackloaid-fIighl lv.jpg
Iicluie 3.3 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 3.4 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 3.5 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 3.6 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 3.7 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 3.8 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 3.9 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 3.1O The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 3.11 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 3.12 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 3.13 hllp://
Iicluie 3.14 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 3.15 hllp://vvv.3dvaIIey.con/gaIIeiy/d/16OO3-5/cIassioon. }IC
Iicluie 3.16
Iicluie 3.17 hllp://Ih5.ggphl.con
Iicluie 3.18 iesnan-laIi.nel/inages/pic-Ial-fasiIilas.jpg
Iicluie 3.19 hllp://
Iicluie 3.2O hllp://
Iicluie 3.21 hllp://
Iicluie 3.22 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 3.23 hllp://Ih5.ggphl.con
Iicluie 3.24 lhepiadonos.lIogspol.con
Iicluie 3.25 hllp://
UnIt 1 Hc!!n, I'm AdI.
UnIt 2 TIna, thIs Is Angc!Ina.
UnIt 3 Opcn Ynur Bnnk nn Pagc 10.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Iicluie 3.26 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 3.27 djans.fiIes.voidpiess.con/2OO8/O2/16O22OO8.jpg
Iicluie 3.28 hllp://vvv.doiselfoiyou.con/nedia/inages/6/3/
Iicluie 4.1 hllp://
Iicluie 4.2 hllp://sIv.iiskneliics.con/enveIope.jpg
Iicluie 4.3 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 4.4 hllp://upIoad.vikinedia.oig/vikipedia/id/lhunl/l/ll/Hall
Iicluie 5.1 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 5.2 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 5.3 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 5.4 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 5.5 hllp://vvv.secielpolion.liz/inages/iochuie2Opics/
Iicluie 5.6 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 5.7 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 5.8 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 5.9 hllp://niiioi-uk-il1.gaIIeiy.hd.oig
Iicluie 5.1O The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 5.11 hllp://Ih5.ggphl.con
Iicluie 5.12 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 5.13 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 5.14 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 5.15 hllp://
Iicluie 5.16 hllp://failhandgendei.fiIes.voidpiess.con/2OO6/11/
Iicluie 5.17 hllp://vvv.snokefieeuk.con/inages/SI-O19.gif
Iicluie 5.18 hllp://
Iicluie 5.19 hllp://vvv.evc3.oig/upIoad/iessouicen/Iikl/v_no-
Iicluie 5.2O hllp://upIoad.vikinedia.oig/vikipedia/connons/lhunl/6/6
Iicluie 5.21 hllp://i222.phololuckel.con/aIluns/dd153/alscuia/6OOpx-
Iicluie 5.22 hllp://
Iicluie 5.23 hllp://indo-dala.con/pdinage/69/52OO69_no5.jpg
Iicluie 5.24 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 5.25 lp3.lIoggei.con/.../s32O/len+pick+fIoveis.jpg
UnIt 4 Can Ynu Tc!! Mc .?
UnIt 5 5wccp thc F!nnr, p!casc.
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Iicluie 5.26 hllp://vvv.keslan.con/non-pul/linoi/IMC_7869
Iicluie 5.27 leanhusky-piincesunnei.lIogspol.con
Iicluie 5.28 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 5.29 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 5.3O The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 5.31 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 5.32 hllp://
Iicluie 5.33 hllp://indo-dala.con/pdinage/69/52OO69_no5.jpg
Iicluie 5.34 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 5.35 lp3.lIoggei.con/.../s32O/len+pick+fIoveis.jpg
Iicluie 5.36 hllp://vvv.keslan.con/non-pul/linoi/IMC_7869
Iicluie 5.37 leanhusky-piincesunnei.lIogspol.con
Iicluie Reviev 1.1 hllp://vvv.snokefieeuk.con/inages/SI-O19.gif
Iicluie Reviev 1.2 hllp://vvv.foloseaich.con/ISCO18/34775/
Iicluie Reviev 1.3 hllp://upIoad.vikinedia.oig/vikipedia/connons/lhunl/
Iicluie Reviev 1.4 hllp://upIoad.vikinedia.oig/vikipedia/connons/lhunl/
Iicluie Reviev 1.5 hllp://i222.phololuckel.con/aIluns/dd153/alscuia/6OOp
Iicluie Reviev 1.6 hllp://
Iicluie Reviev 1.7 hllp://vvv.evc3.oig/upIoad/iessouicen/Iikl/v_no-
Iicluie Reviev 1.8 hllp://vvv.nqpaofu.con/2OO4ings/lIackloaid-fIighl-
Iicluie Reviev 1.9 hllp://vvv.aieavoices.con/speich/inages/lhunlnaiI/DS
Iicluie Reviev 1.1O hllp://i222.phololuckel.con/aIluns/dd153/alscuia/6OOp
Iicluie Reviev 1.11 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie Reviev 1.12 leanhusky-piincesunnei.lIogspol.con
Iicluie 6.1 CIip Ail CoIIeclion
Iicluie 6.2 CIip Ail CoIIeclion
Iicluie 6.3 CIip Ail CoIIeclion
Iicluie 6.4 CIip Ail CoIIeclion
Iicluie 6.5 CIip Ail CoIIeclion
Iicluie 6.6 CIip Ail CoIIeclion
Iicluie 6.7 hllp://vvv.foloseaich.con/DX129/lxp28378/
Iicluie 6.8 CIip Ail CoIIeclion
5cmcstcr 1 RcvIcw
UnIt 6 May I Havc Onc, P!casc?
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Iicluie 6.9 hllp://vvv.adpioduclslogo.con/ILN-HLDCLHOC
Iicluie 6.1O hllp://vvv.foloseaich.con/CRTOO6/78542-244in/
Iicluie 6.11 CIip Ail CoIIeclion
Iicluie 6.12 hllp://vvv.lay-con.con/inages/CaIcuIaloi2O22Ocopy.jpg
Iicluie 6.13 CIip Ail CoIIeclion
Iicluie 6.14 hllp://vvv.chinaliadeionIine.con
Iicluie 6.15 hllp://vvv.foloseaich.con/SDC158/2827O5sdc/
Iicluie 6.16 hllp://vvv.donnai.con/TooIs/IMARK-IX2O.jpg
Iicluie 6.17 hllp://vvv.Iesyeuxdunonde.con/jeveIiy_fuiniluie/fain_lalI
Iicluie 6.18 hllp://
Iicluie 6.19 hllp://vvv.naxveIIvoodvoiking.con/upIoads/jeIIy2Ocupl
Iicluie 6.2O hllp://vvv.paliickseguin.con/designeis/Ie_coilusiei/
Iicluie 6.21 hllp://vvv.inleiioidesign-vel.con/Iukisan.jpg
Iicluie 6.22 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 6.23 CIip Ail CoIIeclion
Iicluie 6.24 CIip Ail CoIIeclion
Iicluie 6.25 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 7.1 hllp://vvv.josephviIIiangiaff.con/}oes2OSluff/
Iicluie 7.2 hllp://vvv.Iesyeuxdunonde.con/jeveIiy_fuiniluie/
Iicluie 7.3 vvv.engiish.con/.../engiish/loolhliush-phone.jpg
Iicluie 7.4 hllp://ing.aIilala.con/pholo/11127965/Lealhei_Sofa.jpg
Iicluie 7.5 hllp://vvv.Iesyeuxdunonde.con/jeveIiy_fuiniluie/
Iicluie 7.6 hllp://vvv.geines-onIine.con/diiecl/dlinage/
Iicluie 7.7 hllp://lh-sleeI.con/inages/pioducls/Iylia_chaii.jpg
Iicluie 7.8 vvv.vpcIipail.con
Iicluie 7.9 hllp://vvv.gIolaI-l2l-nelvoik.con/diiecl/dlinage/
Iicluie 7.1O hllp://peopIe.noziIIa.con/~faaloig/fiIes/2OO6121O-
Iicluie 7.11 hllp:// TCD-
Iicluie 7.12 hllp://nyphalciil.con/fuiniluie/inages/SANTA2OARAR
Iicluie 7.13 hllp://pholos.liavenel.con/162/775/943/2/A8D42D1L6A.jpg
Iicluie 7.14 hllp://
Iicluie 7.15 vvv.docksnoleI.con
Iicluie 7.16 hllp://vvv.paIacioonlheleach.con/inages/LivingRoon/
Iicluie 7.17 vvv.lusinesslaIIs,con
UnIt 7 Arc Ynu 5urc?
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Iicluie 7.18 hllp://Ih6.ggphl.con
Iicluie 7.19 hllp://jhoslaslian.fiIes.voidpiess.con/2OO7/11/ iunah3.jpg
Iicluie 7.2O The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 7.21 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 7.22 hllp://jhoslaslian.fiIes.voidpiess.con/2OO7/11/ iunah3.jpg
Iicluie 7.23 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 7.24 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 8.1 hllp://vvv.heaIlh-info-sile.nel/Docloi.}IC
Iicluie 8.2 hllp://vvv.piIolcenlei.oig/conlenl/HeIicoplei_IiIol.jpg
Iicluie 8.3 hllp://vvv.ihli.oig/inages/picluies/zhanghaiyan.}IC
Iicluie 8.4 vvv.geocilies.con
Iicluie 8.5 hllp://fain1.slalic.fIicki.con/88/24628636O_4c1ae8O722_o. jpg
Iicluie 8.6 hllp://vvv.leachalioadlIog.con/vp-
Iicluie 8.7 vvv.exceIovalion.con
Iicluie 8.8 hllp://
Iicluie 8.9 hllp://fain1.slalic.fIicki.con
Iicluie 8.1O hllp://agfinch.con/Ailhui_SaiIoi_ediled.jpg
Iicluie 8.11 hllp://vvv.peaceaIive.oig/inages/paiish2Osecielaiy
Iicluie 8.12 visionoflhefuluie.lIogspol.con
Iicluie 8.13 hllp://vvv.sekaigegani.con/inages/HoneCaIIeiy/fionl1.jpg
Iicluie 8.14 lIoody-cioss.lIogspol.con
Iicluie 8.15
Iicluie 8.16 vvv.acnesloies.con/inages/chef_naic2.jpg
Iicluie 8.17 vvv.dialIociossfil.con/aichives/Iiiefighlei-6...
Iicluie 8.18
Iicluie 8.19 hllp://
Iicluie 8.2O hllp://vvv.cIaiian.oig/cIaiianjols/inages/nuiseIace.jpg
Iicluie 8.21 hllp://1n4n5.fiIes.voidpiess.con/2OO7/O6/ piia_genuk.jpg
Iicluie 8.22 hllp://
Iicluie 8.23 hllp://vvv.dalingdynanics.con/lIog/upIoaded_inages/DSCO
Iicluie 8.24 hllp://vvv.gIassesonvel.con/inages/ovaI2Oface.jpg
Iicluie 8.25 hllp://vvv.gIassesonvel.con/inages/iound2Oface.jpg
Iicluie 8.26 hllp://Ih3.ggphl.con
Iicluie 8.27 hllp://vvv.naluiaIIycuiIy.con/inages/ieadei/
Iicluie 8.28 hllp://nakeupieviev1.con/vp-conlenl/upIoads/2OO8/
Iicluie 8.29 hllp://vvv.aafp.oig/afp/2OO5O715/279_f3.jpg
Iicluie 8.3O hllp://vvv.iendezvousvilhnadness.con/fiIes/
Iicluie 8.31 hllp://Ih5.ggphl.con
UnIt 8 What Dn Ynu ThInk nf .?
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Iicluie 8.32
Iicluie 8.33 inages.luycoslunes.con
Iicluie 8.34 hllp://Ih4.ggphl.con
Iicluie 8.35 hllp://
Iicluie 8.36 hllp://vailadesa2OO7.fiIes.voidpiess.con/2OO7/O9/loIed. jpg
Iicluie 8.37 vvv.exceIovalion.con
Iicluie 8.38 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 9.1 hllp://vvv.cooIeslfaniIyevei.con/vp-conlenl/upIoads/
Iicluie 9.2 hllp://vvv.couiiei-jouinaI.con
Iicluie 9.3 hllp://
Iicluie 9.4 hllp://upIoad.vikinedia.oig/vikipedia/connons/f/fd/Oiang
Iicluie 9.5 diIulednagnelics.lIogspol.con/
Iicluie 9.6 hllp://vvv.nicad.con/dovnIoad/appIe-fiuil-3d-nodeI.jpg
Iicluie 9.7 hllp://i.plase.con/u9/dannysnylhe/Iaige/4319O77. Caiiol.jpg
Iicluie 9.8 hllp://vvv.ciuisinchicken.con/pageinages/
Iicluie 9.9 hllp://vvv.ciuisinchicken.con/pageinages/
Iicluie 9.1O The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 9.11 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 9.12 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 9.13 hllp://vvv.couiiei-jouinaI.con
Iicluie 9.14 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 9.15 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 9.16 hllp://vvv.cooIeslfaniIyevei.con/vp-conlenl/upIoads/
Iicluie 9.17 hllp://vvv.couiiei-jouinaI.con
Iicluie 9.18 hllp://
Iicluie 9.19 hllp://upIoad.vikinedia.oig/vikipedia/connons/f/fd/Oiang
Iicluie 9.2O diIulednagnelics.lIogspol.con/
Iicluie 9.21 hllp://vvv.nicad.con/dovnIoad/appIe-fiuil-3d-nodeI. jpg
Iicluie 9.22 hllp://i.plase.con/u9/dannysnylhe/Iaige/4319O77. Caiiol.jpg
Iicluie 9.23 hllp://vvv.ciuisinchicken.con/pageinages/
Iicluie 9.24 hllp://vvv.liade2vin.con
Iicluie 9.25 picasavel.googIe.con
Iicluie 9.26 hllp://juslinnevillei.con/slock/spoon.jpg
Iicluie 9.27 hllp://vvv.dia.oig/exhililions/lao/lhe_vay_of_lea/
Iicluie 9.28 vvv.caseyandjanison.con/Assels/Teapol6K.jpg
UnIt 9 What Wnu!d Ynu LIkc tn Havc?
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Iicluie 9.29 http://
Iicluie 9.3O vvv.geines-onIine.con/.../MeIanine_IIale.jpg
Iicluie 9.31 vvv.gIolaI-l2l-nelvoik.con/.../Cas_Slove.jpg
Iicluie 9.32 hllp://vvv.fieedigilaIpholos.nel/inage/s_lefaI-fiying-pan.jpg
Iicluie 9.33 hllp://vvv.oulIavnel.con/~ocIass/peisonaI_giovlh/spaluIa.j
Iicluie 9.34 eagIevings-eyiie.con/TiffanyIoik.}IC
Iicluie 9.35 hllp://vvv.kilchenknifediavei.con/fiIes/16962O5/upIoaded/
Iicluie 1O.1 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 1O.2 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 1O.3 jdoiganizei.lIogspol.con
Iicluie 1O.4 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie 1O.5 leanhusky-piincesunnei.lIogspol.con
Iicluie 1O.6 hllp://vvv.nqpaofu.con/2OO4ings/lIackloaid-fIighl-lv.jpg
Iicluie 1O.7 hllp://vvv.IooplvandfiIn.con/lIog/lapeiecoidei.jpg
Iicluie 1O.8 hllp://vvv.josephviIIiangiaff.con/}oes2OSluff
Iicluie 1O.9 hllp://vvv.lhe-void-is-nol-
Iicluie 1O.1O hllp://
Iicluie 1O.11 hllp://vvv.supeiconpuleicli.con/inages/upIoads/O115O7436
Iicluie 1O.12 hllp://vvv.nedicaI-
Iicluie 1O.13 hllp://vvv.IooplvandfiIn.con/lIog/lapeiecoidei.jpg
Iicluie Reviev 2.1 The viileis docunenl
Iicluie Reviev 2.2 The viileis docunenl
UnIt 10 Cnu!d Ynu Hc!p Mc, P!casc?
5cmcstcr 1 RcvIcw
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Adi : Cood noining.
Ida : Cood noining. Aie you a nev sludenl`
Adi : Yes, I an. In Adi. In fion Senaiang.
Ida : In Ida. In fion andung. In a nev sludenl, loo.
Adi : Ils nice lo neel you.
Tania : HeIIo, ny nane is Tania. Whals youi nane`
Viki : Hi. I an Viki. Wheie aie you fion`
Tania : In fion andung. And you`
Viki : In fion aIikpapan.
Cood noining cIass. My nane is Ida. In fion Yogya. In 13 yeais oId. In
happy lo sludy heie. Thank you.
Doni, Adi, and AngeIina aie in lhe Iiliaiy. AngeIina is a nev sludenl. Doni
inlioduces AngeIina lo Adi.
Doni : Cood noining, Adi.
Adi : Cood noining, Doni. Hov aie you`
Doni : Iine, lhanks. And you`
Adi : In fine, loo.
Doni : Adi, lhis is AngeIina. She is oui nev cIassnale.
Adi : Ils nice lo neel you, AngeIina. I an Adi.
UnIt 1 Hc!!n, I'm AdI.
UnIt 2 TIna, thIs Is Angc!Ina.
Task 2
Task 7
Task 3
Task 10
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
AngeIina : Hov do you do. Ils nice lo neel you loo.
Adi : Wheie aie you fion`
AngeIina : I an fion Manado. And you`
Adi : I an fion Senaiang.
Doni : WeII, Iels ...
udi : Cood noining, Mis Ralna.
Mis Ralna : Cood noining, udi.
udi : In soiiy. In Iale.
Mis Ralna : Thals OK. Cone in, pIease.
udi : Thank you.
Mis Ralna : Righl. Nov, Iook al lhe picluie. Whals lhis in LngIish, Aii`
Aii : Ils a iuIei.
Mis Ralna : Cood. Nov open youi look on page len and sludy lhe diaIogue.
Allenlion pIease.
Do you vanl lo nake nev fiiends`
Do you vanl lo speak LngIish`
Cone and join us in lhe LngIish speaking cIul.
Ils eveiy Wednesday al lhiee ocIock in lhe afleinoon.
Angc!Ina Is In thc 5tudcnt's AssncIatInn nffIcc. Rudy mccts Angc!Ina.
Rudy : Cood afleinoon. May I heIp you`
AngeIina : Cood afleinoon` Can you leII ne lhe sludenl aclivilies lhis
Asep : Suie. We have LngIish Speaking CIul, voIIey laII, dancing,
cycIing, and svinning. Do you vanl lo join us`
AngeIina : Yes. Dancing, pIease.
UnIt 3 Opcn Ynur Bnnk nn Pagc 10.
UnIt 4 Can Ynu Tc!! Mc .?
Task 2
Task 3
Task 6
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Asep : IiII in lhis foin and ieluin il soon.
AngeIina : Thank you veiy nuch.
Asep : Youie veIcone.
AngeIina : See you.
Asep : ye.
Asep : ye.
Ils Sunday. Dony and his faniIy aie cIeaning up lhe house.
Ialhei : Dony! Cone heie, pIease.
Dony : Whals viong, Dad`
Ialhei : Look al lhe yaid. Ils diily. Sveep lhe yaid, pIease.
Dony : Suie.
Ialhei : Thanks, deai.
Ida : Mon, Dad, In soiiy I canl heIp you. I have lo do an assignnenl
vilh ny fiiends loday.
Molhei : Thals OK. ul pIease lidy up youi ioon.
Ida : OK, Mon.
Winda, Iook, Ive gol nev slalioneiy ilens fion ny sislei. Ils ny liilhday
piesenl. Lels see vhal I gel. Ils aII pink, lecause I Iove pink. They aie 6 pink
nolelooks and a pink penciI case fuII of pink ilens. Theie aie a pink pen, a pink
penciI, and a pink iullei. And lheie is aIso a pink coiieclion pen. Oh gosh! I
foigol lo liing ny coIoui penciIs. Weve gol an ail cIass loday, iighl` May I have
one of youis`
UnIt 5 5wccp thc F!nnr, p!casc.
UnIt 6 May I Havc Onc, P!casc?
Task 2
Task 6
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
HeIIo, ny nane is Ida. In in lhe sevenlh giade. Heie is ny cIassioon. Il is veiy
lig. Theie aie lvenly lalIes and lvenly chaiis in ny cIassioon. Theie is a
cuploaid in lhe coinei of lhe ioon. Theie aie lvo lIackloaids, a cIock, and five
picluies on lhe vaII. Theie aie lvo iullish lins lo keep lhe cIassioon cIean.
Theie is aIso a looksheIf leside lhe cuploaid. OK, nov Iels go lhe Iiliaiy.
Ayu and Donny aie laIking aloul lheii pIan lo nove house.
Ayu : Lislen! I have good nevs.
Donny : Cood nevs`
Ayu : Yes. We viII nove lo a nev house nexl nonlh. Ialhei loId ne
lhal lhis noining.
Donny : Aie you suie` He loId ne lhal lhe house is nol ieady.
Ayu : Yes, alsoIuleIy. He said lhal lhe house is finished.
Donny : WondeifuI. Whals lhe house Iike`
Ayu : Ialhei loId ne lhal ils a nice house. Il has a lig Iiving ioon,foui
ledioons, a kilchen, lvo lalhioons, and a Iaige gaiage. Theie is
aIso a snaII gaiden vilh an avocado liee in fionl of lhe house.
Donny : You aie saying lhe house has foui ledioons and lvo
ledioons` ReaIIy` Ils a lig house!
Ayu : Thals iighl. Oh, lheie is a nev svinning pooI lehind lhe house.
Donny : A nev svinning pooI` Did you nol nisundeisland Ialhei`
Ayu : No. DefinileIy nol.
Ayu : Oh, I canl vail!
UnIt 7 Arc Ynu 5urc?
Task 11
Task 4
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Whal is lhe nosl inleiesling piofession in lhe voiId, do you lhink` WeII, I lhink
il is a piIol. I lhink ils a gieal jol. Why` WeII, lecause he can fIy an aiipIane. A
piIol fIies aiound lhe voiId: Asia, AusliaIia, Aneiica, Luiope, Afiica, you nane
il. Doesnl il sound gieal` WeII, I lhink I vanl lo lecone a piIol sone day. Whal
aloul you`
AngeIina and Iulii aie lhiisly. They need lo diink.
AngeIina : In lhiisly.
Iulii : Me loo. Oh, lheie is a canleen ovei lheie.
AngeIina : Cieal. Lels go lheie.
Iulii : Heie is lhe nenu. Whal vouId you Iike lo have`
AngeIina : Id Iike lo have a gIass of oiange juice. Whal do you vanl, Iulii`
Iulii : Hnn. Id Iike lo have a gIass of iced lea. Do you vanl a luigei`
AngeIina : No, lhanks. I donl Iike luigeis. A gIass of oiange juice, pIease.
Hi. My nanes Toni. III leII you aloul ny favouiile food. I Iike vegelalIes veiy
nuch and I donl Iike neal. WeII, so ny favouiile food is soup. And you knov
vhal` I can cook soup nyseIf. Ils easy. Whal you need lo piepaie aie vegelalIes
such as polaloes, caiiols, callages, Ieeks, gaiIics, and nacaioni oi sausages. And
aIso sone saIl and sugai. Cul lhe vegelalIes inlo nediun pieces. Then, loiI sone
valei in lhe pan. Iul sone chopped gaiIics and lhen pul aII lhe vegelalIes and
nacaioni oi sausages inlo lhe pan. Add sone saIl and sugai. Slii and vail unliI
lhe vegelalIes aie cooked. The soup is ieady lo seive. Iielly easy, iighl`
UnIt 8 What Dn Ynu ThInk nf .?
UnIt 9 What Wnu!d Ynu LIkc tn Havc?
Task 4
Task 3
Task 9
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Molhei is Ieaving and asks LIizalelh foi a favoui.
Molhei : CouId you heIp ne, LIizalelh`
LIizalelh : Suie, non.
Molhei : CouId you pick ne up al Aunl Idas house lhis afleinoon`
LIizalelh : Of couise. Whal line`
Molhei : Al one ocIock. Is il OK`
LIizalelh : Yes, suie.
Molhei : Thanks. Oh, ly lhe vay, cIean up lhe kilchen, pIease. I
have lo go nov.
LIizalelh : OK, anylhing eIse`
Molhei : No, lhals aII. Thanks deai.
UnIt 10 Cnu!d Ynu Hc!p Mc, P!casc?
Task 3
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Reviev 1
2. C
4. A
5. D
6. C
7. C
8. A
1O. A
11. C
12. A
13. A
16. A
18. D
19. L
2O. C
21. D
22. A
24. D
25. D
29. A
3O. D
31. Ansvei vaiies
32. Ansvei vaiies
33. Ansvei vaiies
1. C
2. A
3. C
4. D
5. C
6. A
7. A
9. A
1O. C
13. D
14. D
15. A
16. C
17. C
19. C
2O. C
21. A
22. A
23. D
25. C
26. Ansvei vaiies
27. Ansvei vaiies
28. Ansvei vaiies
29. Ansvei vaiies
3O. Ansvei vaiies
RcvIcw 1
RcvIcw 2
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
accepling an offei : saying 'yes' oi lo agiee lo an offei
announcenenl : slalenenl nade in pulIic
apoIogizing : saying you aie soiiy
asking aloul facls : pulling a queslion lo gel facls
asking foi cIaiificalion : pulling a queslion lo gel cIaiificalion
asking foi infoinalion : pulling a queslion lo gel infoinalion
asking foi opinions : pulling a queslion lo gel ones opinions
asking foi seivices : pulling a queslion lo gel soneone lo do sonelhing
asking foi sonelhing : pulling a queslion lo gel sonelhing fion soneone
liilhday caids : caids usuaIIy senl lo peopIe ceIelialing lheii liilhday
connanding : lo oidei soneone lo do sonelhing
decIining an offei : lo iefuse an offei
desciiplive lexls : lexls desciiling lhe chaiacleiislics of a specific lhing,
foi exanpIe a specific peison, aninaI, oi oljecl.
expiessing disIikes : saying lhal you do nol Iike sonelhing
expiessing Iikes : saying lhal you Iike sonelhing
expiessing poIileness : shoving iespecl, shoving lhal you aie nol iude
giving cIaiificalion : saying sonelhing lo nake vhal you said eaiIiei cIeai
giving facls : infoining sonelhing liue aloul a peison oi an oljecl
giving infoinalion : leIIing facls aloul sonelhing
giving opinions : saying vhal soneone lhinks aloul sonelhing
giving seivices : doing sonelhing foi soneone
giving sonelhing : giving an oljecl lo soneone
gieeling : saying heIIo vhen neeling soneone
inlioducing oneseIf : leIIing youi nane lo soneone you aie nol faniIiai vilh
inlioducing olheis : piesenling soneone lo anolhei peison oi lo peopIe vho
did nol knov hin oi hei pieviousIy
Iellei : piece of viiling senl fion one peison lo anolhei lo give
nessages : piece of viiling foi sonelody lo give infoinalion
offeiing sonelhing : saying lhal you viII give sonelhing oi do sonelhing
pioceduiaI lexls : lexls lhal leII you hov lo do sonelhing
piohililing : saying lhal sonelhing nusl nol le done
signs : synloIs oi shoil nolices lhal nean sonelhing
iesponding lo inlioduclions : iepIying lo soneone inlioducing hin/heiseIf oi olheis lo
lhanking : saying sonelhing lhal shovs you aie gialefuI lo soneone
foi doing sonelhing foi you
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
accepling an offei, 129, 131, 14O
announcenenl, 22, 23, 38
apoIogizing, 18, 28
asking aloul facls, 116, 125
asking foi cIaiificalion, 98, 1O8
asking foi infoinalion, 45, 46, 47
asking foi opinions, 113, 124
asking foi seivices, 144, 154
asking foi sonelhing, 81, 82, 92
liilhday caids, 49, 5O
connanding, 3O, 31, 41, 58
decIining an offei, 131, 14O
desciiplive lexls, 87, 88, 9O, 1O3, 1O4, 12O,
121, 125
expiessing disIikes, 85, 86, 93, 132, 14O
expiessing Iikes, 85, 86, 93, 132, 14O
expiessing poIileness, 31, 41
giving cIaiificalion, 98, 1O8
giving facls, 116, 125
giving infoinalion, 45, 46, 47
giving opinions, 113, 12
giving sonelhing, 81, 82, 92
gieeling, 2, 12
inlioducing oneseIf, 4, 13
inlioducing olheis, 16, 17, 27
Iellei, 7, 9
nessages, 65
offeiing sonelhing, 129, 131, 14O
pioceduiaI lexls, 135, 136, 137, 149, 15O
piohililing, 6O, 61
iesponding inleipeisonaIIy, 147
iesponding lo connands, 32, 41
iesponding lo inlioduclions, 16, 17, 27
signs, 35, 36, 63
lhanking, 45, 46, 47, 58
giving seivices, 144, 154
ScoffoIding | |ng|isn for Gradc V|| S|udcn|s
Notes :
Anita P. Mumpuni, saat ini sedang menyelesaikan studi S1 pada program studi
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.
Riandi, saat ini sedang menyelesaikan studi S1 pada program studi Pendidikan
Bahasa Inggris di Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.
caffolding: English for Junior High School Students Grade VII disusun dengan acuan
Standar Isi mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris 2006. Materi dan tugas pembelajaran
dikembangkan dengan prinsip-prinsip Pendekatan Komunikatif untuk
mengembangkan kompetensi siswa dalam keempat keterampilan berbahasa, yaitu
menyimak, berbicara, membaca, dan menulis yang diorganisasikan ke dalam dua siklus
pembelajaran, yaitu siklus lisan dan siklus tulis. Sementara siklus lisan menekankan
pengembangan keterampilan berbahasa lisan (menyimak dan berbicara), siklus tulis
mengembangkan keterampilan dalam berbahasa tulis (membaca dan menulis). Sesuai dengan
prinsip keterpaduan dalam pembelajaran bahasa, kedua siklus tersebut mengembangkan keempat
keterampilan berbahasa secara terintegrasi. Baik siklus lisan maupun siklus tulis tersusun atas
empat macam kegiatan pembelajaran, yaitu pembuka, pajanan terhadap bahasa Inggris, penjelasan
mengenai unsur-unsur kebahasaan, dan latihan berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris secara
terbimbing maupun bebas. Untuk pengayaan dan evaluasi, setiap unit dilengkapi dengan tugas
terstruktur berupa pekerjaan rumah dan evaluasi.
Buku ini telah dinilai oleh Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP)
dan telah dinyatakan layak sebagai buku teks pelajaran berdasarkan
Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Nomor
tentang Penetapan Buku Teks Pelajaran yang Memenuhi Syarat
Kelayakan untuk digunakan dalam Proses Pembelajaran.
34 Tahun 2008 Tanggal 10
Juli 2008
ISBN 979-462-959-6
HET (Harga Eceran Tertinggi) Rp13.785,-
Joko Priyana, Ph.D., memperoleh gelar sarjana Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris dari
IKIP Negeri Yogyakarta tahun 1989, MA dalam bidang TESOL dari Canberra
University, Australia tahun 1995, dan Ph.D. dalam bidang Applied Linguistics
dari Macquarie University Sydney tahun 2003. Sejak tahun 1990 penulis adalah
dosen pada program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di FBS UNY.

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