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Nomor : B-3980/DJ.I/Dt.I.I/PP.03/09/2023 7 September 2023

Lampiran : 1 berkas
Perihal : Partisipasi Lomba Mini Vlog

Yth. Kepala Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Agama Provinsi

Cq. Kepala Bidang Pendidikan Madrasah/Pendidikan Islam
Seluruh Indonesia

Dengan hormat,

Dalam rangka peningkatan mutu pendidikan dan motivasi belajar mengajar

Bahasa Inggris siswa madrasah Indonesia serta menindaklanjuti kerjasama antara
Kementerian Agama RI bersama Peace Coprs Indonesia untuk siswa Madrasah, maka
Kementerian Agama RI dalam hal ini Direktorat Kurikulum, Sarana, Kelembagaan dan
Kesiswaan (KSKK) Madrasah Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Islam akan mengadakan
Lomba Mini Vlog untuk Madrasah Aliyah dan Madrasah Tsanawiyah.
Oleh karena itu kami minta Saudara dapat menginformasikan kepada seluruh
Madrasah Tsanawiyah dan Madrasah Aliyah di bawah binaan Saudara dan dapat
berpartisipasi dalam lomba ini. Untuk informasi teknis pelaksanaan lomba dapat
menghubungi Ibu Ria Fachruriana (No WA 08563410000).

Demikian atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya, disampaikan terima kasih.

a.n. Direktur Jenderal

Plt. Direktur KSKK Madrasah,

Muchamad Sidik Sisdiyanto

Tembusan: Yth Direktur Jenderal Pendidikan Islam

Dokumen ini telah ditanda tangani secara elektronik.

Token : RgIetj
Madrasah English Community Mini Vlog Competition
Digital & AI's Transformational Effect on Madrasah Education
Sub Themes:
#The Effect of Digital & AI on Students' Learning
#Digital in Madrasah lives
#Digital & AI
Important Dates
Submission : 6-20 September 2023
Judging : 21-25 September 2023
Top 3 Announcement 25 September 2023 (The top 3 video will be
uploaded to MEC Instagram account)
Announcement : 27 September 2023 (MEC hybrid event)
a. Content
b. Performance (Language use, pronunciation, etc)
c. Cinematography
The provisions for Vlog
1. The scenes in the Vlog should be within the school environment, home, and places
that have been granted permission
2. Types of Vlogs can include reporting, monologues, and reality shows.
3. Participants should include the names of students and the school in the submitted
work / Vlog, accompanied by a credit title displaying the student's name and the
school's name
4. The Vlog's duration should not exceed 3 minutes (180") including the credit title.
5. Videos should be submitted in MP4 format, with a minimum resolution of 720P, in
landscape format (wider horizontally).
6. Participants must pay attention to copyright in selecting images, music, or
Eligibility: The competition is open to all active students of Madrasah from the MTs/MA
levels across Indonesia.
Representation: Participants must represent their respective Madrasahs.
Original Content: Vlog entries must be original and not a result of plagiarism or
unauthorized use of copyrighted material. Entries must not have been submitted to any
other competitions previously.
Content Guidelines: Vlog entries must not violate intellectual property rights, contain
elements of ethnicity, religion, race, and inter-group relations (SARA), or explicit content.
Responsibility: The content and views expressed in the vlog entries are the sole
responsibility of the participant/creator.
Participants are required to upload their videos to the MEC Committee's drive at (rename the video file into madrasah's name)
1st winner : Rp. 1,500K
2nd winner : Rp. 1,000K
3rd winner : Rp. 500K
Dokumen ini telah ditanda tangani secara elektronik.
Token : RgIetj

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