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Nova Putraku Bintang (F2B021011)


Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Alhamdulillahhirrabbil'alamin, there are so many blessings that Allah has given but very little
that we remember. All praises we give to Allah SWT, God of the Universe for all His
immeasurable blessings, mercy, taufiq, and guidance, so that the writer can complete the

In compiling it, the author received a lot of help from various parties, therefore the author
expresses his deepest gratitude to: both parents, and the author's supervisor (Dr. Siti Aimah,
M.Pd) who have provided such support, guidance and big trust.

Hopefully all of these processes can give us a bit of happiness and lead us to a better step.
Although the authors hope that the contents of this pocketbook are free from flaws and errors,
it is bound to happen. Therefore, the authors expect constructive criticism and suggestions so
that this pocketbook can be even better. Finally, the writer hopes that this pocketbook can be
useful for all readers.

Semarang, 27 February 2023



Nouns make up the largest class of words in most languages, including English. A noun is a
word that refers to a thing, a person, an animal, a place, a quality, an idea, or an action.
Example: people, rabbit, tree, school, table, Semarang.
Nouns bisa berupa orang, benda, ataupun tempat.

Function of Nouns

1. Subject of Verb

Subject pelaku yang melakukan kata kerja atau verb dalam sebuah kalimat
Example: Dimas is sleeping
Disini dimas adalah noun yang berfungsi sebagai subject karna dimas yang melakukan verb atau kata
kerja tidur tersebut

2. Direct and Indirect Object

Object langsung dan tidak langsung
Direct object biasanya digunakan untuk menjawab kalimat what dan whom setelah acton verb setelah
kalimat transitive sedangan Indirect object bertujuan untuk menjawab to/for whom atau to/for whom.
Example Direct object: Dimas play ukulele in his room
Pada kalimat diatas terdapat tiga noun yaitu Dimas, ukulele dan room. Dimas merupakan subject
pada kalimat tersebut, ukulele menjadi direct object yaitu object yang secara langsung mendapat
action dari kata kerja
Example Indirect object: The manager gave him no choice
Pada kalimat ini manager tidak memberi dia pilihan ,tidak memberi pilihan kepada siapa ?
Manager sebagai subject sedangkan him menjadi indirect object yang merujuk ke to whom.
Indirect object secara tidak langsung mengikuti verb yang secara umumnya menjawab pertanyaan
to/for what atau to/for whom .

3. Subject/object Complement
Subject complement: Complement/pelengkap yang merujuk ke subject
Example: Nafi is the chairman of this company
Disini Nafi merupakan subject of the sentence sedangkan noun the chairman merupakan subject
complement yaitu kata benda yang berfungsi sebagai complement pelengkap yang merujuk ke subject
Nafi untuk memperjelas subject.

Object complement: Complement yang merujuk ke object

Example: They give their son a pillow
Pada contoh diatas they merupakan subject sedangkan their son adalah object dan pillow sebagai
objcet complement pelengkap dari object . Intinya adalah object complement ialah noun yang
melengkapi atau sebagai complement dari object
4.Object of Preposition
Object of Preposition adalah noun yang diatur preposisi atau object dari kata depan
Example: Our office is on the first floor
Pada contoh diatas noun first floor merupakan object of preposition dari preposition on, jadi ketika
ada noun yang tereletak setelah preposition atau kata depan seperti in, on, at, etc, of, an maka on itu
akan berfungsi sebagai object of preposition

Types of nouns

1.Concrete & Abstract Noun

Concrete noun adalah noun yang dapat diamati oleh panca indra
Example: Book, Pencil, Star, Moon, Fire, Wind, Classroom, etc.

Abstrac noun adalah noun yang tidak bisa diamati oleh panca indra, noun ini biasanya diakhiri
dengan akhiran : ace, age, ance, ancy, ion, sion, tion, dom, hood, ice, ism, ment, ness, ship, ity, ty.
Example: happines, emergency, freedom, motivation, effection, idea, love, spirit, life, time, age, etc.

2.Countable & Uncountable

Countable noun adalah kata benda yang dapat dihitung dalam segi jumlah atau satuan dan jamak
yaitu singular dan plural.
Singular (Tunggal) : a book, one pen, sun, moon.
Plural (Jamak) : books, cats, etc
Ketika countable noun dalam bentuk plural maka ada penambahan akhiran “s/es” setelah nounnya

Irregular noun
Yaitu tidak semua countable noun hanya perlu ditambah “s/es” ketika ingin mengubah dari bentuk
singular ke plural.
Singular: a woman, a man, a child
Plural : woman, men, children

Uncountable noun adalah kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung

Example: milk, sugar, salt, wind, dust, etc.
Uncountable noun juga memungkinkan bisa menjadi countable noun atau bisa dihitung akan tetapi
yang dihitung bukanlah substansinya melainkan takaran atau wadah dari uncountable noun itu.
Milk: a glass of milk

3. Common and Propper Noun

Common Noun adalah noun yang mengacu pada hal-hal yang masih umum, sehingga penulisannya
tidak menggunakan huruf kapital kecuali mengawali sebuah judul atau kalimat
Example: person, city, country, month, restaurant, park, hall, phone, etc.

Propper noun merupakan hiponim dari common noun, sehingga acuannya lebih spesifik dari common
noun. Pada umumnya penulisannya mengharuskan menggunakan huruf kapital, kecuali huruf kecil
yang telah ditetapkan sebagai bagian dari nama tersebut.
Example: Dimas, Nafi, Semarang, Indonesia, July, iPhone, etc

Write the nouns in the following sentences

1. The train stopped at the station.

2. A pack of cards is kept on the table.
3. Borobudur is a beautiful building.
4. This necklace is made of gold.
5. The fireman could not put out the fire.
6. My family is going to Lucknow.
7. The Brantas is a beautifull river.
8. Many new plants have been planted in the garden.
9. The shepherd took his flock of sheep to the grassland.
10. A crowd gathered around the injured man.



A pronoun is a word that is used instead of a noun or noun phrase. Pronouns refer to either a noun
that has already been mentioned or to a noun that does not need to be named specifically.

Types of Pronouns

1.Personal Pronouns
Personal pronouns adalah kata ganti untuk orang, benda, hewan, atau hal spesifik lainnya
Personal pronouns terbagi atas tiga yaitu sebagai subject.object dan possesive yang dimana possesive
ini dibagi menjadi dua bagian yaitu possesive adjective dan possesive pronouns.

Subject and Object
The know me
Can you help us?
I will wait for you

What is possesive adjectives and possesive pronouns?
Yaitu kata yang menunjukan kepunyaan possesive adjectives sendiri artinya kata sifat yang
menunjukan kepunyaan, bisa menjadi object ataupun subject.
My car is expansive
I love my car
Your cars are expansive
Our house is big
I will go to our house

Possesive pronouns memiliki arti kata ganti yang berfungsi untuk menunjukan kepemilikan, disini
tidak boleh ada noun setelah possesive pronouns.
This hotel is mine
Theirs have good quality
Mine is broke
This pen is yours, not ours

2. Reflexive Pronouns
Redlexive pronouns adalah kata ganti yang digunakan untuk menunjukan tindakan atau kegiatan yang
dilakukan diri sendiri
Ada delapan macam reflexive pronouns yang terbagi menjadi tunggal dan jamak atau singular and
Singular: myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself
plural: yourselves, ourselves, themselves
Dimas buys a new iPhone for himself
I make the birthday cake by myself
You have to take care of yourself
We accidentally hit ourselves while playing football
They themselves Invited Dimas yesterday

3. Demonstrative Pronouns
Demonstrative pronouns adalah kata-kata yang digunakan untuk menunjuk benda atau orang, ada
empat macam yaitu this, that, these, those.
This: digunakan untuk menunjuk sesuatu yang dekat, bisa disentuh atau dipegang.
These: digunakan untuk menunjuk sesuatu yg dekat, bisa disentuh atau dipegang lebih dari satu.
That: digunakan untuk menunjuk sesuatu yang jauh atau tidak bisa disentuh atau dipegang.
Those: digunakan untuk menunjuk sesuatu yang jauh atau tidak bisa disentuh lebih dari satu.

This my phone
These are my phones
That is my car
Those is mt cars

4.Interogative Pronouns
Interrogative pronouns adalah kata ganti untuk menanyakan sesuatu meliputi what, which, who,
whom, whose.
What: menanyakan suatu informasi benda ataupun orang.
Which: menanyakan pilihan dan belum pasti akan memilih apa.
Who: menanyakan orang.
Whom: menanyakan orang (jarang dipakai)
Whose: menanyakan kepemilikan.

What are we going to cook mom?
What was job before mom?
Who is that girl?
Who wants to try?
For whom did your mom make this cake?
Whom did you speak to?
Whose fried rice is this?
Which one do you prefer launch for Nafi? Fried rice or meatball?

5. Relative Pronouns
Dalam relative pronouns “yang” adalah kata penghubung yang menghubungkan dua kalimat atau
objek satu dengan objek lainnya, ada lima kata “yang” dalam relative pronouns yaitu who, whom,
whose, which, that
The boy who is watching tv is my brother
The children whom you met last night is playing violin
My house which I bought last month has a large backyard
The boy that has a cute smile is my cousin
Nova bintang whose wife Mays fenn is owner bintang joki store

6.Distributive Pronouns
Distributive pronouns adalah kataganti yang digunakan untuk menyebut sekelompok orang,
sekelompok benda, atau sekelompok sesuatu secara individual dan satu persatu.
Yang termasuk dalam dalam distributive pronouns adalah either, neither, dan each
Didalam distributive pronoun either ini mempunyai arti salah satu dari dua baik itu orang ataupun
Either of you has to come for my wedding
Either of student is smart
Either of the cars is my favorite

Neither disini memiliki arti sebagai tidak satupun dari dua baik orang maupun benda/kebalikan dari
Neither of them plays guitar well
Neither of the wallets is mine, sir

Each disini berarti tiap-tiap yang dimana masing-masing dari anggota group, anggota kelompok baik
orang atau benda.
Each of them has a big house
Each of this answer is correct
Either of the students is smart

7.Reciprocal Pronouns
Reciprocal sendiri artinya timbal balik, jadi reciprocal pronouns adalah adanya subject yang terlibat
saling melakukan suatu aktivitas yang sama terhadap satu sama lain seperti saling bertemu, saling
mencintai, sali bersapa dan lain-lain. Kata saling atau satu sama lain dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu
each other hanya untuk dua subject saja dan one another lebih dari 2 subject.
Dimas and nafi helped each other
Bintang, Nafi and Dimas are talking to one another in the park

1. Listen to ________ I say.
2. I know ___________you mean.
3. The little boy hurt __________ when he fell from the stair.
4. Ismat is as old as ___________.
5. Whom can I trust, if not _________?
6. I blamed _______ for not scoring good marks in the exam.
7. He set ___________a tough target.
8. The two men hate ________ other.
9. From _____________ did you get that information?
10. Either Ismat or Dharini left ________ books in the locker room.



Verbs are a form of that functions to describe actions or circumstances directly or indirectly,
seen or not seen. Simply put, a verb is an action word to describe something done by the

Types of verbs


Regular verbs are normal verbs which when changed to V2 and V3 both end in –ed


He learned guitar in his childhood

My pencil is borrowed by Nopa


Irregular verbs are verbs that almost always change when they become V2 and V3


This book written by me

My sister was bitten by a dog


Action verbs are verbs that are physically carried out by the subject. These types of verbs are what we

can call "real verbs".


The baby is just learning to walk

I ignored her and walked on


Stative verbs are verbs that are not actually physically performed. But it is done by other members of

the body, such as thoughts and feelings.


We agree with their

I agree he want alone

Transitive verbs are verbs that cannot be perfect or meaningless if they are not followed by an object.


I have painted my wall In broken white

The boy kicked the ball toward te goal


Intransitive verbs are verbs that make sense even though they are not followed by any object.


The cat acts funny

We arrive here together


Linking verbs are verbs that function to connect two different words, phrases or sentences. linking

verb acts as a liaison between the subject and its predicate.


Nafi feels happy

I keep healthy


1. Germany, England, and Spain ………… cities.

2. A lemon ………..sweet. It …….. sour.

3. Copper ……… Diamonds ………… expensive.

4. Airplanes ……..slow. They ………. fast.

5. Ice cream and candy ……..sweet.

6. Today ……… cloudy. It …….. bright.

7. My brother ……… married. He …… single.

8. I ……… from Turkey. I …….. from Canada.

9. Maths ……… hard. It ……….. easy.

10. Mariah … a beautiful girl. She ……… ugly


Auxiliary verbs have functions that are practically the same as linking verbs. the difference is,

auxiliary verbs also function to expand the meaning of a sentence. that is the reason why auxiliary

verbs are also referred to as helping verbs. There are 4 types of auxiliary verbs, namely have, do, be,

and modals.


I do finish my homework

Im making a glass of ice coffe


Definiton of Auxiliaries

Modal auxiliary is a group of auxiliary words that are part of the auxiliary which gives
additional meaning to a sentence. Auxiliary capital includes:

Present tense:
Can, may, will, shall, must, need, ought to, dare

Past tense:
Could, might, should, would

Rules for the use of auxiliary capital

1. Verbs cannot be added with –s/es if there is an auxiliary modal.

Incorrect: He can make a fruit cake.

Correct: He can make a fruit cake.

Incorrect: Katty must go to her office right now.

Correct: Katty must go to her office right now.

2. Between auxiliary modal words and verbs, they cannot be connected with "to"

Wrong: They can take this paper to that room.

Correct: They can take this paper to that room.

3. If the modal auxiliary is in the past form, the verb used must be the first (infinitive)
form of the verb.

Wrong: They could sing at the karaoke until midnight.

Correct: They could sing at the karaoke until midnight.

4. Interrogative sentences are formed by placing the auxiliary capital in front of the

Can your father speak English well?

Could you contact him last night?

5. The sentence to deny (negative sentence) is formed by adding not after the auxiliary

Would, must, can, need, could, should, with not often written in
contraction form, namely shouldn't, can't, couldn't, mustn't, wouldn't
and needn't.


will and would are usually shortened to 'll and 'd.

She'll call him back after dinner.

If shall not and will not be written in short form it becomes shan't” and
“won't. Mother won't give the money unless you beg her to give you
some money Mother shan't give the money unless you beg her to give
you some money
If can and not are written in a short form (contraction form), can not is
made into one word, namely cannot.
To form a question taq, the auxiliary modal is placed at the end of the

Jessica can study math, can't she?

You could see him last night, couldn't you?

1.___Arthur play soccer?
2.______ I have to do all my homework?
3.___they play in the school yard onevery break.
4.___the teacher like chocolates?
5. ___ Martin and Lester ride theirbikes after school?
6.______ she help her mother at home?7.
7._______ the girl like to walk her dog?
8.____the family go to the zoo oncea month?
9._____ all your friends wearfashionable clothes?


Definition of Adjective

An adjective is a word that modifies or describes a noun or pronoun. Adjectives can be used to
describe the qualities of someone or something independently or in comparison to something else.
Adjective adalah kata sifat yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan kepada siapapun mengenai kata benda
ataupun memberikan gambaran jelas mengenai apa yang dibicarakan.

Types of Adjectives

1.Adjective Phrase
Adjective phrase merupakan hasil kombinasi antara adjective sebagai head dan modifier atau
Homemade chocolate cake (modifier + adjective)
These hot drinks (determiner + adjective)
Many young women (determiner + adjective)

2.Compound Adjective
Compound Adjective adalah kata baru yang terbentuk dari penggabungan adjective dengan kelompok
kata/part of speech lainnya.
High-speed cameras (adjective + noun)
Well-known authors (adjective + past participle)
Good-looking men (adjective + present participle)

3.Adjective Position

a. Attributive Adjective
Adjective berada di depan noun atau kata benda
Beautiful girls.
Beautifull sebagai adjective dan girls sebagai noun

b. Postpositive Adjective
Adjective berada di belakang noun tanpa disela linking verb.
Someone special
Someone sebagai noun dan special adalah adjective

c. Predicative Adjective
Adjective diletakkan setelah noun dengan disela linking verb.
They are beautifull
They sebagai noun are sebagai linking verb dan beautifull sebagai adjective

5.Proper Adjective
Kata sifat ini menjelaskan suatu benda dengan suatu nama diri kata benda tertentu (proper
noun). Untuk adjective jenis ini, harus dimulai dengan menggunakan huruf besar.
An America pilgrim.
The Turkish empire.
-The West Java cuisine.
Quantitative Adjective

6.Quantitative Adjective
Digunakan untuk menerangkan seberapa banyak (how much) dari suatu benda yang
dimaksudkan, seperti little, much, no, any, some, enough, whole, sufficient, dan half
My sister brought too much money in her purse.
My dad thought that I will eat that whole pizza alone.

7.Numeral Adjective
Numeral adjective menerangkan sebuah jumlah dalam bentuk numerik atau angka. Selain
untuk menerangkan jumlah, numeral adjective juga bisa digunakan untuk menghitung urutan
dalam sebuah kondisi.
I bought five series of books.
My mom left me two dollars to buy lunch.
He won second place in the running competition.

8.Distributive Adjective
Adjective ini berfungsi untuk membagi sebuah kata benda dalam kalimat. Kata benda bisa
merujuk orang, benda mati secara satu persatu atau terpisah, seperti each, every, either, dan
You can take either side.
You should take neither side.
Every single day, my dog will be waiting on the corner of the street to see me coming home.

1. Dimas took a test drive in the _________ car.
2. There are three__________ giraffe in that zoo.
3. Are you looking for that _________ girl?
4. The ______________ man helped the blind-man cross the road.
5. Our English teacher, Mrs. Nana is a ____________teacher.
6. During Baraya festivals, all roads become very ______________ .
7. Keep your ______________ shoes outside.
8. Isla has __________ hair.
9. Our teachers are ___________ in teaching.
10. My mom makes ___________ cakes.


Articles adalah kata yang digunakan untuk membatasi pengertian dari noun
There is a hat on the table, that hat belongs to my mother
Articles dibagi menjadi dua yaitu definite dan indefinite

Types of Articles
1.Definite Article
The digunakan pada hal spesifik (sudah jelas ataupun telah diterangkan sebelumnya) meliputi: person,
thing, and idea
There is a boy in front of the library. The boy is looking at me.
The sun is bright
The happiness of my mother is important

2.Indifinite Article
A atau an digunakan pada hal yang tidak spesifik atau belum pernah diterangkan sebelumnya
meliputi: person, thing, and idea.
Kata ini digunakan sebelum singular countable noun
She goes to English course once a week
He is a teacher
Dimas is a student
My mother give me an orange

A digunakan untuk kata benda dengan diawali huruf bersuara konsonan

A car
A chair
A girl
An digunakan untuk kata benda yang diawali huruf bersuara vokal
An orange
An hour
An ant
Fill in the blanks with Appropriate Articles (A, An, or The)

1. Nafi got _____ new bicycle on his 4th Birthday.

2. Chinese is ___________ easy language.
3. Dimtas tasted _____ cake that his mother made.
4. Aluminium is ________ useful material.
5. Children, follow _______ rules provided by your class teacher.
6. Ullya switched on ___________ Air conditioner because it is too hot.
7. Have you seen _________________ blue sky?
8. Nafi went to Japan to study for _____ MBA.
9. Jeapara is _______ beautiful city.
10. The English teacher read _____ interesting story from the textbook.


Definition of Adverbs
Adverd atau kata keterangan adalah kata yang menjelaskan verbs, adjactives, atau adverbs lainnya.
Adverbs juga dapat menjelaskan frase, klause atau keseluruhan kalimat

Types of Adverbs

1.Adverb of manner
Adverb of manner adalah kata keterangan cara yang memberikan penjelasan bagaimana suatu kata
kerja itu dilakukan. Biasanya kata keterangan cara menggabungkan kata sifat ditambah “ly” seperti
cleanly, skillfully, carelessly, etc
Dimas plays guitar skillfully
Can she speak English in a lower voice?

2.Adverb of Time
Adverb of Time artinya memberikan jawaban atas pertanyaan “when” suatu aktifitas itu dilakukan.
Nafi will have Freeday tomorrow
It rained last night
Dimas did not go to work yesterday

3.Adverb of Plcae
Verb of place atau keterangan tempat memberikan informasi tambahan dimana suatu aktifitas itu
Ther are playing the ball outside
The cat is in the garden

4. Adverb of Frequency
Adverb of frequency memberikan penjelasan seberapa sering sebuah aktifitas itu dilakukan. Kata
keterangan adverb of frequenv biasanya diletakan ditengah.
The shop is often crowded
We have never meet before
She always gets up early

5. Adverb of Duration
Adverb of duration bermakna menyampaikan penjelasan seberapa lama suatu aktifitas itu dilakukan.
The system is temporarily off
I have been learning in collage for three years

6.Adverb of Emphasis
Adverb of emphasis atau keterangan penekanan memberikan makna lebih pada kata sifat atau kata
keterangan lainnya.
The pasta is very delicious
Nafi slammed the door quite hard

Fill in with the correct adverbs

1. You will begin this work ___________.

2. I go for a walk ___________ times a week.
3. Drive a little ___________.
4. You are not feeling ___________.
5. She ___________ comes to see us.
6. It was ___________ cold yesterday.
7. Your answer has been written very ___________.
8. I ___________ had my lunch.
9. I get up ___________ in the morning.
10. Behave with your elders ___________.


Definition of Preposition
Preposition adalah kata depan, kata yang dipakai didepan kalimat atau
Kata benda atau pronoun ini berperan sebagai objek.
Type of Preposition
1.Preposition of time
Yaitu kata depan yang menunjukan waktu seperti on, at, after, berfore, since,
during, etc.
Dimas was born in 2002.
We want to buy a jacket on Wednesday.
I will call you after dinner.

2.Preposition of place
Yaitu kata depan yang digunakan untuk menunjukan tempat atau posisi
seperti on, under, besides, inside, in front, behind, etc
Nafi is standing in front of us.
Where are you? I'm already in the park.
We learn jungler role in mobile legend game.

3.Preposition of movement
Kata depan yang menunjukan arah atau pergerakan seperti into, out of, to,
inside, around, past, down, etc.
The student comes into the class.
Please do not go! I will come toward the place that you mean.
We never know the inside of someone's heart.

Nafi has ridden his bike______ the river.
I haven’t seen Louise _____a month.
We waited _______six o’clock for the train to arrive.
A crowd of people pressed______ the movie star.
I found my sneakers______ the couch.
Many people became restless _______the long delay.
I am reading a book ________Judy Blume.
Basketball is my favorite sport_______ baseball.
The realtor took us_______ a number of houses.
Dimas sits_______ me in math class


Ajah Saputra et al 2020 J. English Department Students Error in the Use of Adjective Clause

DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/1477/4/042027

Andriani, E & Bram, B. 2022. Adjective Clauses in -er Suffix of Occupation Definitions in

Online Dictionaries

Azar, Betty Schrampfer. 1989. Understanding and using english grammar second edition.

New Jersey : Prentice Hall

Clear Grammar 4, 2nd edition: Keys to Advanced ESL Grammar, Keith S. Folse, Deborah

Mitchell, Barbara Smith-Palinkas, and Donna Tortorella Michigan ELT, 2013

Kresna 2019, Guidance Book English Comprehension, Pare : Kampung Inggris


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