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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Nama : ……………………………..

Kelas : I (Satu) Nilai :

Alokasi Waktu : 90 menit

Hari / Tanggal : Selasa, 12-12-2023

Choose the right answer by crossing (x) a, b or c!

( Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang (x) a, b atau c!)

1. Ali : Good morning!

Eva : Good ……………!
a. afternoon
b. morning
c. night

2. “n – e – i – g – v – e – n “
The correct word is …….
a. Evening
b. eningve
c. veninge

3. Mother : Good……………. Dear

Soni : Good night mom
a. Morning
b. afternoon
c. Night

4. Susi : Good bye Rina

Rina : Good …………..… Susi, see you tomorrow.
a. Bye
b. soon
c. Fine
5. Shella : How are you?
Rully : I am …………………
a.Thank you
b. fine
c. sorry

6. What letter is it? It is….

a. [ ei ]
b. [ bi ]
c. [ di ]

7. X : How do you spell it?

Y : It is a ……………
a. t – l- e- a – b
b. t - a- b - l - e
c. t- b a- e- l

8. The first letter is…

a. p
b. a
c. w

9. Susan :What is this?

Wulan : It is a …..
a. Pencil
b. door
c. book

10. Dona : What is it?

Danu : It is a . . . .
a. window
b. blackboard
c. cupboard

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