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Standar Kompetensi Lulusan : No. Soal Kunci Buku Sumber :good english1, akses (sri hartati ,S.pd)
1,2,3,4,5,6 B,a,b,b,a,c, Rumus Butir Soal :
 Berkomunikasi secara lisan dan tertulis ,7,8,9,10,1 a,c,c,c,a,b,
dengan menggunakan bahasa yang 1,12,13,14 c,a,c
sederhana dengan lancar ,dalam suasana ,15
 Memahami instruksi sangat sederhana
dengan tindakan dalam konteks kelas. 1. A: My name is Hatta ............
B: My name is Yusuf.

Materi : a. What is your hobby?

 Personal identify(perkenalan diri) b. what is your name?

 Greeeting and partings(salam pertemuan c. how old are you?

dan perpisahan ) 2. Nina: hi friends ….i introduce my self.
 Alphabets a. Am
 Colour b. You
c. Will
Indikator soal :
3. I am joe.I am………………Yogyakarta.
a. Menjelaskan bagaimana menyebutkan
a. Go
nama,alamat umur dsb
b. Come
b. Memperkenalkan diri sendiri kepada orang
lain c. From
c. Mmemberikan salam dan menjawab salam 4. Nani :hello ,laila
d. Mengucapkan alphabets dalam bahasa
inggris dan bagaimana cara membacanya a. Bye
e. Peserta didik mampu melaksanakan b. Hello
tindakan sesuai dengan instruksi dalam c. See you
konteks kelas.
5. Hanung : good evening Evi
f. Merespon instruksi sangat sederhana secara
verbal. Evi :………..hanung
a. Good evening
b. Good morning
c. See you
6. Tommy: good ……….candra
Candra: good bye Tommy
a. Morning
b. Good
c. Bye
7. Raisa: how are you nita .
Nita: …………fine thank you.
a. I am
b. She is
c. You are
8. Rina will go to sleep ,she says good ……to her mother.
a. Morning
b. Evening
c. Night
9. I am selvi.I……………………….in SD tunas bangsa.
a. Live
b. Go
c. Study
10. I am rio,I spell my name is…………
a. [a:],[i],[o]
b. [ar][ai][o]
c. [a:][ai][eu]
11. Mr Tono has a cow.The colour is………
a. Black and white
b. Black and yellow
c. White and green
12. I have a black bag ,Black means (berarti)…..
a. Abu abu
b. Hitam
c. Merah
13. Red and whitein Indonesian is…………
a. Merah dan kuning
b. Kuning dan putih
c. Merah dan putih
14. Blue in Indonesia is…………
a. Biru
b. Merah
c. Putih
15. I like to eat banana.It’s colour is…………
a. Black
b. White
c. yellow



Standar Kompetensi Lulusan : No. Soal Kunci Buku Sumber :mr

Rumus Butir Soal :
 Berkomunikasi secara lisan dan tertulis
B. Translate into indonesian for number 1-10!(terjemahkan ke dalam bahasa indonesia untuk nomor 1-10)
dengan menggunakan bahasa yang
1. Good morning =…………………….(selamat pagi)
sederhana dengan lancar
2. Good afternoon=……………………..(selamat siang)
3. Good night =……………………(selamat malam )
4. Good evening =…………………….(selamat sore)
Materi : 5. Good bye =…………………….(selamat tinggal )
 Personal identify 6. I am fine =……………………(saya baik baik saja )
 Greeting and partings (salam pertemuan
7. Blue dark =……………………(biru tua)
dan salam perpisahan)
8. The colour of banana is yellow=………………………….(pisang berwarna kuning)
 colour
9. Grey =………………………………………( abu abu)
10. Purple =………………………………………………(ungu)
Indikator soal : Write these sentences in up right letter
a. Menjelaskan bagaimana menyebutkan (tulislah kalimat kalimat berikut dengan huruf bersambung)
nama,alamat umur dsb 1. Hello
b. Memperkenalkan diri sendiri kepada orang friends……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
lain ………
c. Mmemberikan salam dan menjawab salam 2. What is your
d. Mengucapkan alphabets dalam bahasa ……
inggris dan bagaimana cara membacanya
3. Good
e. Peserta didik mampu melaksanakan morning……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
tindakan sesuai dengan instruksi dalam
konteks kelas. 4. Good
f. Merespon instruksi sangat sederhana secara
5. How are



Standar Kompetensi Lulusan : No. Soal Kunci Buku Sumber :AKSES KELAS 5,GEMILANG KELAS 5
1,2,3,4,5,6 C,A,A,D,B, Rumus Butir Soal :
 Mendengarkan : ,7,8,9,10, A,D,B,C,C,
Memahami instruksi sangat sederhana 11,12,13,1 C,B,A,B,A,
dengan tindakan dalam konteks sekolah 4,15,16,17 B,B,B,C,C,
 Berbicara : 21,22,24,2
Mengungkapkan instruksi dan informasi 5,26,27,28
sangat sederhana dalam konteks sekolah ,29,30,31, D,B,A,B,D
 Membaca: 32,33,34, ,D.
Memahami tulisan bahasa inggris dan teks 35
deskriptif bergambar sangat sederhana A. Choose the correct answer by crossing (X) a,b,c,d
dalam konteks sekolah (pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang a,b, c, atau d)
 Menulis:
Mengeja dan menyalin kalimat sangat 1. It is 07.15. Tulisan bahasa inggrisnya adalah . . .
sederhana dalam konteks sekolah.s a.  seven to quarter
Materi : b.  fifteen to seven
c.  quarter past seven
 Noun phrase
d.  seven past fifteen
 Daily activities
2. Rendi : ……………… wake up every morning?
 Food and drink
Sinta : At five o’clock.
 Pronoun a. what time do you
b. what time is ti
 Profession
c. do you
 Clothes and costumes d. you
Indikator soal :
3. The day after Tuesday is . . .
 Melalui latihan siswa mampu mengucapkan
a. wednesday
kata kata dalam bentuk noun phrase
b. thursday
 Menjelaskan rutinits diri sendiri/ orang lain c. monday
d. friday
 Melalui pengamatan siswa dapat membaca
ritinitas sehari-hari dalam bahasa inggris
yang benar 4. Yesterday was Friday. Today is . . .
a. thursday
 Memahami dan mengucapkan nama b. wednesday
makanan dan minuman dengan lafal yang c. sunday
benar d. Saturday
 Menyebutkan kata ganti atau pronouns
5. This month is February. The next month is . . .
 Mampu membuat kalimat dengan a. january
menggunakan pronoun yang benar b. march
 Melalui latihan dan penjelasan siswa c. april
mampu menyebutkan jenis jenis pekerjaan 6. This is an elephant. . . . . . . . . . . tail is big.
a. its
 Menyebutkan nama nama pakaian dengan b. his
lafal benar. c. her
d. their

7.Dana, Dani and Doni have a new ball. This is . . . . . . . . . ball.

a. your
b. our
c. her
d. their

8. Anna is . . . . . . . . . . She wants a glass of water.

a. angry
b. thirsty
c. hungry
d. happy

9. I help sick people to ge well again. I am a . . .

a. student
b. barber
c. doctor
d. farmer

10. Are you a typist? No, . . . . .

a. we are not
b. she is not
c. I am not
d. he is not

11. My mother is . . . . . . . . . . she is at home all day.

a. teacher
b. secretary
c. house wife
d. nurse

12. He works in a bookshop. He is a . . . . .

a. barber
b. bookseller
c. housekeeper
d. painter

13Are Andhika and Amir students ? Yes, . . . . .

a. we are
b. they are
c. she is
d. I am
14. There are . . . . . . . . . . seasons in our country.
a. 4
b. 2
c. 3
d. 5

15. his name is Dewa ……..has a pointed nose .

a. She
b. He
c. Her
d. His

16. Mrs woro is in the classroom ………………….is teaching.

a. Her
b. She
c. Their
d. Hers

17. Father is in the garden ……… cut the trees.

a. She
b. He
c. Him
d. His

18. Look at…..!

a. You
b. He
c. Me
d. She

19. I always have lunch in the…………

a. Morning
b. Night
c. Afternoon
d. Evening

20. Mother is in the kitchen ……….is cooking.

a. He
b. She
c. His
d. Her

21. What is he doing now?

a. Playing baseball in the field

b. Playing badminton
c. Playing volley
d. Swimmingpoll

22. Mother is eat a ………..of rice.

a. Bowl
b. Bunches
c. Plate
d. Sack

23. The ladies of moslem wearing ………

a. Kebaya
b. Veil
c. Sarung
d. Long dress

24. My mother is cold .She needs ……..

a. Jacket
b. Veil
c. Long dress
d. Kebaya

25. Today is kartini day .The girl is wearing ……….

a. A robe
b. Suil
c. Jacket
d. Kebaya

26. We are students .We are wearing … school.

a. Uniform
b. Sarung
c. T-Shirt
d. Batiks

27. I wear……..a for school.

a. Sport wear
b. Uniform
c. T- shirt
d. Dress

28. A: What drink do you like,Iwan?

B:I like ……….of coffee

a. Bread
b. A cup
c. A bottle
d. Fruits

29. We have…….for breakfast.

a. A bottle of coke
b. Rice
c. Ice cream
d. Butter

30. My mother goes to the market to buy…………..for the cake.

a. Fruits
b. Vegetables
c. Meat
d. Butter

31. My father drinks a ……..of coffee in the morning.

a. Bowl
b. Cup
c. Glass
d. Sandwich

32. I wear …………..for school ceremony.

a. Hat
b. Coat
c. T shirt
d. Shorts

33. My mother wants to go to a party .She wears a………..

a. Socks
b. Dress
c. Coat
d. scrafts

34. A: What do the students wear for jogging ?

B: They wear……………..

a. Dress
b. Sweaters
c. Coat
d. Sport wear
35. The weather is cold .i want to wear………….

a. Shorts
b. Hat
c. Shoes
d. Sweaters

B. Fill in the blanks with correct words !

(jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan jawaban yang tepat)!

1. I get up at……………………………………(the morning )

2. I eat breakfast at…………………………….(the morning)
3. She likes to………………omelette and to …………..Of milk(eat and drink)
4. A: What is the boy doing?

B:he is…………… the radio(listening)

5. How …………….eggs do you need?(many)

6. How ………………..salt do you need(much)
7. I wear…………………for school(uniform)
8. The students study lessons in the………………..(classroom)
9. We played soccer at the……………….(school yard)
10. I can meet the hedmaster at the……………………………(office)


Translate into Indonesian languagefor no 1-3

1. They have get breakfast together(mereka makan pagi bersama)

2. Sinta is wearing uniform when she goes to school(sinta memakai seragam ketika pergi ke sekolah)
3. My brother always go to shool early to the office(kakakku selalu pergi ke kantor pagi pagi)

Arrange the words into good sentences for no 4-5

4. Are- boys-the –wearing- beskaps(the boys arewearing beskaps)

5. It –a-loaf- is cheese- of(It is a loaf of cheese)

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