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Mata Pelajaran : Basa Sunda Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 9 Oktober 2013

Kelas : VIII C Nama :

1. Jieun dua kalimah anu make Kecap Pangantet sarta jelaskeun, nuduhkeun naon kecap
2. Jieun kalimah make kecap :
a. Estuning
b. Bakating
3. a. Karangan Argumentasi nyaeta karangan anu tujuanana pikeun ....
b. Argumentasi dina karangan Argumentasi teh kudu dumasar kana ......
4. Jieun kalimah make kecap :
a. Pituin
b. Sabanda-sariksa
5. Bedana Informasi jeung Wawaran (Pengumuman) biasana nyaeta :
a. Informasi ....
b. Wawaran ....
6. a. Naon anu dimaksud Buku Teh Gudangna Elmu?
b. Naon anu dimaksud Koncina Nyaeta Maca?
7. Robah kalimah di handapkana Basa Lemes!
a. Sigana teh kuring moal bisa milu ka Bandung lantaran keur UTS.
b. Kunaon Bu Nina teh seuri wae, siga nu keur boga kabungah?
8. Jieun dua kalimah make Kecap Sipat!
9. Sebutkeun kecap bilangan nu husus pikeun :
a. Awi =
b. Daun =
c. Peuteuy =
d. Cau =
10. Jieun kalimah nu make kecap :
a. Panganteb
b. Panganteur Pagawean
Mata Pelajaran : Basa Sunda Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 9 Oktober 2013
Kelas : IX Nama :

1. a Naon anu dimaksud Hutbah teh? Pek ku hidep terangkeun!

b. Naha aya hutbah anu sumberna lain tina ajaran agama? Jelaskeun!
2. a. Dibagi sabaraha bagian Hutbah teh? Sebutkeun!
b. Dina bagian kahiji hutbah biasana sok dieusi ku naon wae?
3. a. Dina bagian kadua hutbah eusina nyaeta ....
b. Dina bagian katilu hutbah dieusi ku ....
4. Jieun kalimah make kecap :
a. Wanci
b. Hanjelu
5. Jieun 2 kalimah nu make Rarangken Hareup per-!
6. Jieun kalimah make kecap :
a. Tingberebet
b. Patingkoceak
7. a. Dina Carpon diantarana aya palaku, palaku teh nyaeta .....
b. Karakter saban palaku dina carpon digambarkeun ku pangaarang dina ...
8. a. Naon anu dimaksud hutbah kudu komunikatif teh?
b. Bakal kumaha balukarna lamun eusi hutbah nu ditepikeun teu nyusun?
9. Jieun dua kalimah nu make Kecap Pangantet sarta jelaskeun, nuduhkeun naon kecap
10. Jieun kalimah nu make kecap :
a. Wewengkon
b. Kakoncara
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tanggal : Rabu, 9 Oktober 2013
Kelas : VII Nama :

Read the following dialogues first!

Dialogue 1
Miss Laras : Good morning, students.
Students : Good morning, Miss.
Miss Laras : How are you?
Students : We are fine, Ma’am. Thank you. How about you?
Miss Laras : I’m fine too. Thanks. OK, let'your books on page 4.
Students : All right, Ma’am.
Dialogue 2
Miss Laras :Well, students, time is up. That’s all for today.
Students : Yes, Ma’am.
Miss Laras : Close your books and put them in your bag.
Students : OK Ma’am.
Miss Laras : Good bye and see you tomorrow.
Students : Good bye and see you tomorrow, Ma’am.

1. a. How are the students?

b. What are the greetings in the dialogue above?
2. a. How many instruction are there in the dialogue above?
b. Write the Instructions!
3. a. What are the Verbs 1 of the instructions?
b. What are the meanings of the Verbs 1?
4. a. Put them in your bags. Them refers to ... (them = ...)
b. Time is up. What does it mean in Bahasa Indonesia?
5. a. Where does the dialogue happen?
b. See you tomorrow means ...... in Bahasa Indonesia.
6. Fill in the blanks with correct response!
a. Abi : Move it here.
Adi : .....................
b. Ade : Erase the blackboard.
Dea : ..........................
7. Rearrange the following words into correct sentences!
a. your – with - please – friends – work .
b. back – to – go – seat – your .
8. Rearrange the following words into correct sentences!
a. schoool – and – Dani – the same – I – elementary – from – are .
b. pencils – book – a – have – I – and – three .
9. Fill in the blanks with correct Instruction!
a. Adi : It is very hot in this classroom.
Ida : OK.
b. Edi : I want to talk to your friend.
Dei : OK.
10. Write sentences by using the following words :
a. my b. they

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