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TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................ii

Talking about Self.................................................1
Showing Compliment...........................................15
Showing Care.......................................................28
Expressing Intention.............................................49
Past Tense and
Present Perfect Tense...........................................56

Pertama-tama, Puji Syukur kehadirat Allah SWT karena denganNya kami dapat menyelesaikan
buku ini dengan baik. Dalam penyusunan buku ini, penulis mendapatkan banyak tantangan dan
hambatan, namun dengan kerjasama dan referensi dari berbagai sumber, hambatan tersebut dapat
dilewati. Penulis menyadari masih banyak kesalahan dalam proses penulisan buku ini.
Bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa internasional yang telah digunakan di banyak negara, baik aktif
maupun pasif. Di Indonesia, bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa yang banyak dijumpai di berbagai
tempat seperti tempat wisata yang sangat membutuhkan petunjuk bahasa Inggris untuk mereka, atau
bahkan bisa kita temukan di barang sekitar kita salah satunya yaitu smartphone. Selain sebagai bahasa
internasional, bahasa Inggris juga merupakan bahasa global yang harus dipelajari untuk melangkah ke
era yang lebih global dan memperluas kehidupan sosial, serta untuk memudahkan komunikasi dengan
orang-orang di luar bahasa kita.
Dengan kesadaran akan pentingnya bahasa Inggris, tidak hanya di dalam negeri tetapi di negara
lain, akan membantu manusia untuk terhubung satu sama lain dalam hal komunikasi untuk
memberikan manfaat dalam kerjasama global baik untuk kepentingan bisnis, urusan negara,
pendidikan, dan kehidupan manusia.
Dalam pembelajaran di SMA, sudah ada kurikulum bahasa Inggris yang harus dipelajari sesuai
dengan jenjang materinya. Dalam buku teks ini, kami menggunakan kurikulum 2013 yang diperbarui.
Dengan dibuatnya buku ini, diharapkan dapat membantu para guru, peserta didik, atau pembaca
untuk menambah pengetahuan, pengalaman, dan aktivitas yang menyenangkan dalam pembelajaran
bahasa Inggris.Kami sebagai penulis telah menyediakan materi pembelajaran,soal-soal yang relevant,
serta kegiatan yang dapat mengasah bahasa inggris untuk pengguna buku ini.
Keunggulan buku ini adalah meningkatkan potensi bahasa Inggris siswa dalam berbicara,
mendengarkan, menulis, dan membaca selain meningkatkan kosakata mereka dalam sesi bahasa
Inggris. Siswa akan memperoleh pengetahuan dan keterampilan sebagai hasil dari ini. Di sisi lain
siswa memiliki hak untuk membaca buku yang berbeda untuk meningkatkan kreativitas otak mereka.
Penulis berharap kritik dari pembaca dapat membantu penulis dalam menyempurnakan buku
selanjutnya. Akhir kata penulis berharap semoga buku ini dapat bermanfaat bagi semua pihak yang
The Authors

Arinda Diniyah Ardian Putri is a student at Universitas

Ahmad Dahlan, Indonesia since 2019. She majored in English
education. Now, she is in semester 5.

Sukma Nazzalna Safaah is a student at Universitas Ahmad

Dahlan, Indonesia since 2019. She majored in English
education. Now, she is in semester 5.

Salma Alifia Haritsah is a student at Universitas Ahmad

Dahlan, Indonesia since 2019. She majored in English
education. Now, she is in semester 5.
Devran Danuarta is a student at IKIP PGRI Pontianak,
Indonesia since 2020. He majored in English education. Now,
he is in semester 3.

Agus Kurniawan is a student at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan,

Indonesia since 2019. He majored in English education. Now,
he is in semester 5.

The Supervisor

Dr. Bambang W. Pratolo, M.Hum., Ph. D. is a senior lecturer

in Master Program of English Language Education,
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan. He has extensive teaching
experience on English Language Teaching in Indonesia. He
earned his Ph.D. on TESOL from Monash University,
Australia in 2015. His research interest includes teacher’s and
students’ beliefs about language learning, material
development, ELT in context, technology in language learning,
and teachers’ professional development.
Chapter 1

Talking about self

picture: 2.1

Tujuan Pembelajaraan:
Setelah mempelajari Bab 1, siswa diharapkan mampu:
1. Menggunakan bahasa Inggris dalam berkomunikasi tentang
pemaparan jati diri dengan guru dan teman.
2. Menunjukkan perilaku santun, peduli, dan percaya diri dalam
melaksanakan komunikasi tentang pemaparan jati diri.
3. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan dari teks pemaparan jati diri.
4. Merespon makna teks pemaparan jati diri lisan dan tulis.
5. Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis sederhana tentang pemaparan jati

Bahasa Inggris

A Warmer

What are you going to do today?

Number 1
Do you have any
interesting experience to

Number 2
Can you recall it?

Number 3
Will you tell your
experience to your friend?

B Vocabulary

Match the words with their indonesian equivalents. Compare

your work to your classmate’s.

Vendor (noun) Berteriak

Remind of Memilih
Grab Bersantai
Spend (verb) Membelanjakan
Step out (verb) Ingin (want to )
Wanna (verb/informal) Melangkah keluar
Pick (verb) Mengingatkan pada
Chill out (verb/informal) Mengambil dengan cepat

Answer key

C Reading
In this section, you will learn how to:Identify the structure of
recount texts; read and understand recount texts.

A. Answer these following questions.

1. Do you have any interesting experience to tell?
2. Can you recall it?
3. Will you tell your experience to your friend?

B. Read the following text about someone's


Meeting star
On Saturday morning at 9:30, I was walking down Sunda Street, looking for a record store. A
man stopped me and asked me the way to the Hyatt Hotel. I wasn't sure exactly where it was,
but I walked with him to the end of Sunda Street. He was very friendly, and his face looked so
familiar. Then I remembered where the Hyatt was and told him how to get there. He thanked
me and tried to give me something. I thought it was money. I said 'no' at first, but he really
wanted me to have it, so I took it. I found the record store and listened to a few records. D'
Masive had a new record that was number two in the top twenty. I decided to buy it. I looked in
my bag for my wallet and found a piece of paper the man gave me. It was a photo. I was so
surprised! He was a singer in D' Masive!

C. Answer these following questions based on the text in
Activity B.
1. Where was the writer?
2. What was he doing?
3. What did the man ask the writer?
4. How was the man's character?
5. Did the writer help the man?
6. What did the writer decide to buy?
7. What did he find in his wallet? Explain.
8. How was he when he knew who the man was? Answer key

D. Read the text and choose the correct answer to the

following questions.

I had a terrible day yesterday. First, I woke up an hour late because my

alarm clock didn't go off. Next, I ran out of the house trying to get the
9:30 bus, but of course I missed it. I wanted to take a taxi, but I didn't
have enough money. Finally, I walked the three miles to my school only
to discover that it was Sunday! I hope I never have a day as the one I
had yesterday

1. What happened to the writer yesterday?
a. He has a terrible day.
b. He gets a terrible day.
c. He had a terrible day.
d. He got a terrible day.

2. Why did he wake up an hour late?

a. Because he didn't set alarm clock.
b. Because his alarm clock didn't go off.
c. Because he didn't see alarm clock.
d. Because his alarm clock didn't work.

3. What did he do after having breakfast?

a. He got dressed so quickly that he forgot to wear socks.
b. He wear socks so quickly that he forgot to get dressed.
c. He ran out of the house trying to get the 9:30 bus.
d. He burned his hand when he was making breakfast.

4. How far did the writer walk?

a. He walked for two miles.
b. He walked for three miles.
c. He walked for four miles.
d. He walked for five miles.

5. What does the writer hope?

a. The writer hopes to discover that it was Sunday.
b. The writer hopes to take a taxi.
c. The writer hopes he never had a day like yesterday.
d. The writer hopes that yesterday will be better.

Answer key

E. Read the words taken from the text and find their
synonyms by the dictionary

1. wanted /wɒntɪd/
2. ran out /rʌn aʊt/
3. walked /wɔ:kd/
4. forgot /fə'gɒt/
5. missed /mɪsd/
6. burned /bɜ:nd/
7. woke up /wɒk ʌp/
8. hurry /hʌrɪ/
9. terrible /'terəbl/
10. quickly /kwiklɪ/

Answer key

D Vocabulary exercise
Complete the following sentences using the words in the box.
remember to use the correct forms of verbs.

E-pal|half sister | mother tongue|distant| run|sound | (be) into |

attend | commuter train | magnificent

1. Samuel and Sholeh are experienced in preparing a wide range of menus, from simple dishes
like boiled eggs and fried rice to the difficult ones like the delicious rendang and rawon.
They_____ really _____ cooking.
2. Is it true that you went scuba diving in Bunaken National Marine Park in your holiday? Wow,
it _____ really cool. I wish I could go there too.
3. What I love about ______ is that it takes us to our workplace and brings us home quickly
because it does not get caught in traffic jam.
4. The government _____ a television station which offers many useful programs and shows few
5. The teacher and the students were talking about the _____ performance of GARUDA, the
Indonesian national football team.

E Speaking
In this section, you will learn how to: introduce yourself
and others; say greetings and partings; perform a
monologue of recount texts.
A. Answer these questions orally.
1. What will you say when you have to introduce yourself to someone you didn't know before?
2. Is it alright if you ask his/her name

B. Study the following dialogues. Act them out with your


Dialogue 1
Today is the commemoration of National Education Day. Every province in Indonesia sends their
representatives to attend outstanding students gathering in Jakarta.

Asep : Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Ali. I study at SMAN 19 Bandung.
Denia : Hi, I'm Denias, I'm from Papua. Nice to meet you.
Asep : Nice to meet you too. Let's go to the crowd.

Denias and Asep go to the crowd and they meet a girl.

Sri : Hi, Asep. How are you?

Asep : I'm fine. How about you?
Sri : I'm fine too. Thank you.
Asep : Elvi, this is Denias, my new friend.
Denias : Hi. How do you do? Pleased to meet you.
Sri : How do you do? Pleased to meet you too.
Denias : By the way, what is your hobby?
Sri : I like cooking very much. I can spend my whole day for cooking.
Denias : Wow, great. My hobby is cooking too. Will you tell me how to cook special
foods from your province? I'd like to know them.
Asep : Alright my friends, let's talk about cooking later. We should go to the palace
to meet the President of Indonesia.
Denias & Sri : Let's go. We can talk about cooking later.

Dialogue 2
Cipto waiting for Andi and Yani, his new colleague at the airport.

Andi : Excuse me. Are you Henri?

Cipto : Yes. I'm Cipto Susanto.
Andi : How do you do, Cipto? I'm Andi from University of lakarta.
Cipto : How do you do, Cipto. Nice to see you.
Andi : Nice to meet you, too. Did you have a good journey?
Cipto : Yes. It was fine, thanks.
Andi : Let me help you to bring your suitcase.
Cipto : That's very kind of you.
Andi : Not at all. Let me introduce you to my friend Yani this is Cipto. Cipto this is Yani.
Yani : Hello, Cipto. Nice to meet you.
Cipto : Pleased to meet you, too. How's the trip?
Yani : Well, It's nice and exciting.
Cipto : Great, then. You must be tired. I'll take you to the Hotel first.
Andi : OK, Thanks Cipto

Pronounce these words after your teacher.
Some words have plural forms ending in an /s/ sound. Some
have plural forms ending in a /z/ sound.

/s/ /z/
• book-books/bʊks/ • day-days/deɪz/
• group-groups/gruːps/ • flag-flags /flægz/

• shout-shouts/ aʊts/ • leaf-leaves/li:vz/

• chief-chiefs/t iːfs/ • dog-dogs/dɔgz/
• state-states/steɪts/ • wife-wives/waɪfz/

A. Work in groups and perform a dialogue based on the

following situations.

1. You introduce yourself to Mr Hutagalung and he responds to the introduction.

2. Wayan is your friend. He introduces Sofyan, his brother, to you.
3. In the classroom, Dewi, your friend, introduces you to Tini, her sister.
4. At a meeting, you introduce Mr Lubis, your English teacher, to your father.

Kelas X SMA

B. Read aloud the following text. Pay attention to your
pronunciation and intonation. Study the events.

Last weekend, my friends and I went camping. We reached the camping ground after we
walked for about one and a half hour from the parking lot. We built the camp next to a small
river. It was getting darker and colder, so we built a fire camp.
The next day, we spent our time observing plantation and insects while the girls were
preparing meals. In the afternoon we went to the river and caught some fish for supper. At
night, we held a fire camp night. We sang, danced, read poetry, played magic tricks, and even
some of us performed a standing comedy. On Monday, we packed our bags and got ready to
go home.

C. Answer these questions based on the text in Activity B.

1. What did we do last weekend?

2. How long did we reach the camping ground?
3. When did we build the camp?
4. What did we do on the next day?
5. What activities did we do at the night of a fire camp night?

Kelas X SMA

G Writing
In this section, you will learn how to:
arrange recount texts; write recount texts.

A. Answer the following questions.

1. Do you have a diary?

2. What do people usually write in it?
3. What sort of advantages can people get from writing it?
4. Have you ever written your past experience in a diary?
5. If yes, what was it about?

B. Now think of your most memorable experience and write it

like a diary entry. Consider the following.
1. What was it?
2. When and where did it happen?
3. Who was involved?
4. How was it memorable? And why?

Kelas X SMA

H Reflection
After learning the lesson in this chapter, you are expected to be able to:
1. respond to the expressions of introducing, meeting and parting;
2. respond to oral instructions;
3. introduce yourself and others;
4. say greetings and goodbye;
5. perform a monologue of recount texts;
6. identify ideational meaning in the recount texts;
7. identify the structure of recount texts;
8. write a recount text.

Now, answer the questions:

1. How do you introduce yourself?
2. What do you say to greet people?
3. What do you say when you need to leave the person you're talking to?
4. Write your last holiday experience and tell it to your friends.
If you find some difficulties, consult your teacher or discuss with your friends.
t the end of this chapter, ask yourself the following questions to know how effective your learning
process is.

Kelas X SMA

Chapter 2

Showing Compliment

picture: 2.1

Tujuan Pembelajaraan:
1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri interaksi memuji bersayap (fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan).
2. Siswa dapat mempertanyakan antara lain perbedaan antara berbagai ungkapan memuji
bersayap dalam bahasa Inggris, perbedaan ungkapan dengan yang ada dalam bahasa
Indonesia, kemungkinan menggunakan ungkapan lain, dsb.
3. Siswa dapat memuji bersayap dengan bahasa Inggris dalam konteks simulasi, role-play,
dan kegiatan lain yang terstruktur.
4. Siswa dapat menuliskan permasalahan dalam menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk
memaparkan jati diri dalam jurnal belajar (learning journal).

B Vocabulary
Match the words with the definations.

a. Gorgeous 1. Extremely impressive or daunting.

b. Awesome 2. Very beautiful and attractive.
c. Impressive 3. Making you admire them, because they are very large, good.
d. Beautiful 4. Very good or pleasant.
e. Great 5. Having beauty; giving pleasure to the senses or to the mind.
f. Proud 6. To recognize the good qualities of somebody/something.
g. Appreciate 7. To give somebody the desire, confidence or enthusiasm to do
h. Wonderful something well.
i. Inspire 8. Feeling pleased and satisfied about something that you own or have
j. Though done, or are connected with.
9. Very good, pleasant or a lot of fun.
10. something that you think of or remember.

Answer key

A Warmer
Scan the QR Code!

Based on the video, please answer the question below!

What are these two boys doing on the video?


What is the first boy said to the women?


Do you often give compliment to your friends?


Do these people like being compliment?


C Pronunciation practice

Listen to the Audio carefully to know how to pronounce the word

correctly. Repeat after the speaker.

1. Gorgeous = /ˈɡɔːdʒəs/
2. Awesome = /ˈɔːsəm/
3. Impressive = /ɪmˈpresɪv/
4. Beautiful = /ˈbjuːtɪfl/
5. Great = /ɡreɪt/
6. Proud = /praʊd/
7. Appreciate = /əˈpriːʃieɪt/
8. Wonderful = /ˈwʌndəfl/
9. Inspire =/ɪnˈspaɪə(r)/
10. Though = /ðəʊ/

Kelas X SMA

D Dialog: Complimenting
Task 1:
Read the dialog carefully.

Grace : You look great today, Lita.

Lita : Thanks. So do you, Grace
Grace : Such a nice new haircut. It suits yourself.
Lita : Thanks a lot, I cut it a week ago. I am glad you like it.
Grace : Lita I want to ask you something.
Lita : Oh sure, please.
Grace : Have you finished writing the book we discussed two months
Lita : Yes. Come to my room. Look at this. What do you think?
Grace : Terrific. I like the cover. Let me see the contents. Oh this book
is excellent. You really did a great job.
Lita : Thanks a lot. You've inspired me to do this.
Grace : Your publisher should send it to all bookstores here
Lita : Yes, you're right. The publisher will do it for me.
Grace : Well that's great. I am proud of you, Lita. By the way, I have to
go now. Have a nice day!
Lita : You too.

Task 2:
Read the sentences. Are they true or false based
on the dialog above?

1. Three people are involved in the conversation. T/F

2. The conversation takes place in school. T/F
3. Lita is Grace’s friend. T/F
4. Grace has new haircut. T/F
5. Lita gives a compliment to Grace because finish the book. T/F
6. Lita wrote the excellent book. T/F
7. Grace compliments Lita’s book. T/F
8. Grace inspire Lita's book T/F

Compliment is an expression to appreciate or praise other people.
Compliment is useful to give encouragement so that people will keep on doing
their best and even improve their performance.
When to express compliment :
On general occasion,
When someone has done his/her best,
When you visit someone’s house for the first time,
If you notice something new about someone’s appearance.

Task 3:
Mention 5 the expression of compliment with the


example: example:
What a Wonderful perfomance! Thankyou!

1. .... 1. ...
2. .... 2. ...
3. .... 3. ...
4. .... 4. ...
5. …
5. ....

Task 4:
Pair work

Practice complimenting and responding to the compliments in

pairs. One of you becomes A, and the other becomes B

A1. B is working really hard. A B1. A is wearing a beautiful gawn

compliments B. B responds to compliments A. A responds to
the compliment happily. the compliment.

A2. B is showing a very nice score A B2. A looks beautiful in her new skirt.
compliments B. B responds to B compliments A. A responds to
the compliment the compliment.

E Speaking
Try to practice the dialogue below with your friend. pay attention to
the pronunciation and the intonation.

Jane : You look really beautiful today.

Anna : Thanks. I just got this outfit from the garage
Jane : Really?
Anna : I got it from my aunt’s garage sale
Jane : It’s really nice.
Anna : Thanks again. Your shoes look nice too.
Jane : Thank you. I just got these from Walmart.

F Writing

Write Compliment Expression To These Situations!


Your Brother Finished His Task In A

Short Time

Wow! you are so smart. You finished your
task so quickly.

Your Sister Looks Nice Wearing A Blue


..... ......................

Evan Is Very Kind Boy

..... ......................

Your Friend Looks Happy

..... ......................

Your Friend Gets The First Rank

..... ......................

G Reflection
At the end of this chapter, ask yourself the following questions to know how
effective your learning process is.

1. Do you know how to compliment people, and when do you need to do that?
2. Do you also know how to express care or sympathy to people, and when do you need
to do that?

If your answer is ‘no’ to one of these questions, read this chapter and do the activities again.
Don’t hesitate to see your teacher or more able classmates and discuss with them how to make you
understand and be able to use the expression better.

Chapter 3

Showing Care

source: wikihow
picture: 3.1

Tujuan Pembelajaraan:

1. Menunjukkan berkomunikasi tentang perhatian dengan guru dan teman.

2. Menunjukkan perilaku peduli, percaya diri, dan tanggung jawab dalam komunikasi
3. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada ungkapan
perhatian (care) serta responnya.
4. Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk mengucapkan dan merespon ungkapan perhatian

A Warmer
Scan on the vidio and please answer the question


What gifts did John bring?

What makes nani sad?
What are they doing to cheer up nani?

B Vocabulary
Write down the english words for the following indonesian words.

_ _r_ _ _r( verb) = selamanya

_ _ r r _ _ _ _ (adjective) = hebat

_ _ _ _ i r _ (verb) = menginspirasi

_ _ _ u d (adjective) = bangga

_ _ c e _ _ _ (verb) = menerima

_ _ _ _ es (noun) = salam/doa

_ _ _ _ _ n g (adjective) = penyembuh
sourse : sketsa menarik
_ _ o u _ _ _ (noun) = pikiran/angan/harapan picture 3.2

_ _ le (adjective) = pucat

_ _ _ r e _ _ _ _ _ (verb) = menghargai

scan to get the answer

Task 1
Read the dialog carefully

source : docplayer
picture 3.3

Today Diana is not feeling well. She is staying at home. She has just received a sympathy card from her
friend Clara who lives far away in Kalimantan.

The card says, “Sending you sunny smiles, warm wishes, and healing thoughts.Hope today finds you
feeling much better!”
Many of his friends also come to his house.

Micaila : You look so pale, i bring your favorite food, some tea and bake. Hope you
recover soon.
Diana : Thanks a lot. What a lovely friend you are! I really appreciate that.
Kristin : I’d also bring your book from school and some homework that you need to do soon
Diana : Thank you very much. I’m glad you do it for me.
Steffany : To help you feel better, I’d fluff up your pillow and straighten your sheets.
Diana : I am so grateful to you. You’re the best friends I have ever

Task 2
Read the sentences. Answer the question based on the dialog above!

1.Who is sick

2.Why did they all go to Diana's house

3.Who is clara?

4.How did Diana feel when her friends came to visit?

5.What did steffany bring for Diana?

Task 3

Mention 5 the expression of showing care with the responses

Im sorry to hear thatIt is very kind of you..

2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

D Speaking

Practice the dialogue below with your friend.

Pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.

Gabriel : Hi John, it's a coincidence that we meet here

John : Hi gabriel, yes I am accompanying my mother to buy vegetables

Gabriel : how are you?

John : I'm fine, Gab.

Gabriel : by the way, where was yesterday? why don't you go to school?

John : Yeah my grandma died yesterday

Gabriel : Oh, I'm sorry to hear that

John : Thank you gab, praying for my grandma

Gabriel : God bless you, greetings to your mother

John : Ok, i will tell my mom

Task 4: Pair work

Practice conversation, showing care and responding to them in pairs. One of

you becomes A, and the other becomes B

A and B were a friend.

Today, B has had a stomach ache

in the middle of school. A is a
response to the situation

source: google photo

picture 3.4

Task 5

Yolla : Yes. Come to my office. Look a t this. What do you think?

Cristine : Terrific. I like the cover. i will see the contents. This book is
excellent its a great job.
Yolla : Thanks a lot. You helping me to do this.
Cristine : Your publisher should send it to all bookstores here.
Yolla : Yes, you’re right. The publisher will do it for me.
Cristine : Well, that’s great. I am proud of you, Yolla. By the way, I’ve got to go
now. Have a nice day!
Yolla : You, too

Read the sentences. Are they true or false based on the dialog above?
1.Three people are involved in the conversation. T/F
2.The conversation takes place in an office. T/F
3.Yolla is Cristine’s sister. T/F
4.Yolla went to Batu with her family. T/F
5.Yolla wrote the excellent book. T/F

E Pronunciation practice

To know how to pronounce the word correctly.

6. Sick =/Sik/
1. Basket =/ˈbaskət/

2. Building =/ˈbildiNG/ 7. Confident =/ˈkänfədənt/

3. Protect =/prəˈtekt/ 8. Fighting =/ˈfīdiNG/

4. Clear =/ˈklir/ 9. Speed =/spēd/

5. Hopefully = /ˈhōpfəlē/ 10. Madden =/ˈmadn/

Showing care is an expression of feelings of pity and sadness when we know and see people
who are not lucky, have problems, or are in trouble. It also aims to let the other person know
that we care for him or her

For example, our friend is sad because he is sick. We can cheer him up by showing our
concern. This showing care expression serves to show our concern for the condition of others.

F Vocabulary practice

a) Tremendous (adjective)
b) Cancel (verb)
c) In accordance with (noun)
d) Registration fee (noun)
e) Reserved (adjective)

1. This hotel is full. We cannot get any room as that we have been ..............
2. The academic participants will get a free prize for the …………….. if they can pay it
one month before the due date.
3. The headmaster has to …………….. some school programs due to the changes in
funding policies by the newly appointed mayor.
4. The election committee works ………………….. the rules and regulations established
by the government.
5. The study trip to Prambanan Temple hasreceived…………….response.

G Writing
Write a dialog showing care expression with some topic below. You can

choose one topic for your dialog.

Topic 1 : your friend is having an accident and you are visiting him with

Topic 2 : your friend is failing in doing the exam, write your feedback
to cheer him up.

Topic 3 : on the road you are meeting a person who is losing money on
the street, give a caring response to that person

H Reflection

1. Have you ever had an experience of visiting someone being hospitalized? Who
was he/she? How did you feel? What did you say?
2. Have you ever given any showing care to someone? Who is he/ she? Why did
you compliment him/her?
3. How did your friend feel when you showing care him/her? How did you care
make him/her feel?

Chapter 4

Tujuan Pembelajaraan:
siswa diharapkan mampu:
1. menunjukkan kesungguhan belajar bahasa inggris dalam berkomunikasi dengan guru
dan teman untuk memberikan ucapan bersayap (extend).
2. menunjukkan prilaku percaya diri, jujur, dan tanggung jawab dalam melaksanakan
komunikasi tentang memberi ucapan selamat bersayap (extend).
3. mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari ungkapan
selamat bersayap (extend).
4. menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk mengucapkan dan merespon ucapan selamat
bersayap (extend).

A Warmer
Scan the QR Code!

Based on the video, please answer the question below!

what the meaning of the expression of congratulations?


when can we use the expression of congratulations?


what are the generic structure of expression of congratulations?


please mention three example of the expression of congratulations.


B Vocabulary

Write down the english words for the following

indonesian words.

a p p r e c i a t e (noun) = menghargai

_ _ _ _ m o _ _ _ _ (adjective) = otomotif

_ _ _ i e _ _ (verb) = meraih

a u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (adjective) = berani

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ c e (verb) = persetujuan

_ _ _ a n _ _ _ _ (noun) = keuntungan

a e _ _ _ _ t i c (adjective) = estetis

_ _ r i d _ _ _ (adjective) = diringkas
a _ _ _e (adjective) = lincah

_ _ u m _ _ (noun) = ketajaman

C Pronunciation practice
Scan the QR Code!

listen the video carefully to know how to pronounce the words. repeat after the

Appreciate = \ ə-ˈprē-shē-ˌāt \

Automotive = \ ˌȯ-tə-ˈmō-tiv \

Achieve = \ ə-ˈchēv \

Audacious = \ ȯ-ˈdā-shəs \

Acquiesce = \ ˌa-kwē-ˈes \

Advantage = \ əd-ˈvan-tij \

Aesthetic = \ es-ˈthe-tik \

Abridged = \ ə-ˈbrijd \

Agile = \ ˈa-jəl \

Acumen = \ ə-ˈkyü-mən \

D Dialogue: expressions and
Read the following dialogues and practice the dialogues with your friend!


lucy, I heard that you

won the Poetry
Reading Contest.
Congratulation, girl!

That’s right. I won

the second Prize.

Dialogue 2

Thank you
Congratulation on
very much,
your promotion.
Good Job!

Expression of Congratulations is used to congratulate

someone on their achievements or achievements.
Congratulations can also be said for certain celebrations such
as birthdays, weddings, Hari Raya, and many more.

Task 2:
Mention 5 the expression of congratulations with the responses.

Congratulations and BRAVO!

1. ...
2. ...
3. ...
4. ...
5. ...


I'm glad you think so

1. ...
2. ...
3. ...
4. ...
5. ...

Task 3:
Read the text below carefully.

Dear Nanda,
I was delighted to receive your graduation announcement. I
know that you have put in a great deal of work and effort to get
to this point and we want you to know that we are all very
proud of you. I enclosed this letter with a small gift. I hope you
will get yourself something you can use and enjoy. It comes
with my best wishes for your future.

Love, Nana.

Task 4:
Answer the followings question

1. Who is Nana?
2. Why is Nana congratulating Nanda?
3. how does Nana feel for Nanda's graduation?
4. what did Nana give to Nanda?
5. What is Nana's wish for Nanda?


E Speaking
Try to practice the dialogue below with your friend. pay
attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.

Jack : Chris, would you like to try these cookies?

Chris : Sure, thanks. What is the occasion?
Jack : I just graduated at last grade on my French course.
Chris : Well done! Congratulation!
Jack : Thanks. Let’s go celebrate it.
Chris : Good idea.

F Writing
Make some congratulation card using your own language according to
the information listed below.


Anna is an outstanding student in school, she

just won the debate competition.

Dear Anna,
congratulations on your achievment!
Winning an English debate competition is not something
which happens overnight.
I'm so proud of you!

love, Nana.

Jack just graduated and now he just opened a

restaurant business.



Your auntie is very happy because she just
gave birth to a cute baby girl for the first



G Reflection
At the end of this chapter, ask yourself the following questions to
know effective your learning process is.

1. How well do you understand the lessons in this chapter?

2. Can you do the task by yourself?
3. What are your plans to develop understanding in the lessons in this

Chapter 5

Expressing Intention

Picture 3.1
Source : verymindwell

Tujuan Pembelajaran:
Siswa diharapkan mampu:
1. Menunjukkan kesungguhan belajar bahasa Inggris dalam berkomunikasi dengan
guru dan teman untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan niat melakukan suatu
2. Menunjukkan perilaku jujur, percaya diri, dan tanggung jawab dalam
melaksanakan komunikasi tentang menyatakan dan menanyakan niat melakukan
suatu tindakan.
3. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan untuk
menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang niat melakukan sesuatu.
4. Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang niat
melakukan sesuatu.

A Warmer
What are you going to do

Number 2

Look at the pictures above. Do you know these

Number 1 types of sports? Discuss with your friends with
answer the following questions!
Which one do
you prefer to
do? Number 3
Why do you
Number 3 prefer to do that
Do you have a desire to one?
become a professional
athlete in one of the types of
sports above? Why?

B Vocabulary Builder
Look at the pictures in the Warmer section again. Make a list of any words that are related to
the pictures, both nouns and verbs. You only need to make 10 words, you are given the
freedom to choose any letter from A to Z, and there can be no more than 1 word starting with
the same letter.

1. __________________ 6. __________________
2. __________________ 7. __________________
3. __________________ 8. __________________
4. __________________ 9. __________________
5. __________________ 10. _________________

C Dialog : Expressing Intention

Task 1
Read the following conversation. Take turns with your friends doing the

Isabella : Hey, Sophia. What are you going to do this
Sophia : Hey Bella. I’m going to visit my
grandfather in Bandung. How about you?
Isabella : Hmm, I still do not have a plan for this
Sophia : Mmm, why don’t you go to the movie
theater and watch some cool movies?
Isabella : Well, actually that’s a good idea. But, I
have to do my homework first. Have you done your
Sophia : Nope. i want to do my homework tonight.
Isabella : Shall we do our homework together?
Sophia : Yeah sure, why not. images-two-girls-talking-image9226999

Isabella : Okay, awesome! I will go to your house at

6 P.M. is that cool?
Sophia : Yeah cool, see you soon.
Isabella : See ya!

Task 2
Answer the following questions based on the conversation in the Task 1.

1. What will Sophia do this Sunday?

2. What will Isabella do this Sunday?
3. What things did Sophia suggest to Isabella to fill her
4. Is Isabella interested in Sophia's suggestion?
5. What do Sophia and Isabella want to do together?

D Vocabulary Exercises
Make a sentence by including the words you have found in the section B.
1 word for 1 sentence.

1. _____________________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________________
5. _____________________________________________________________________________
6. _____________________________________________________________________________
7. _____________________________________________________________________________
8. _____________________________________________________________________________
9. _____________________________________________________________________________
10. _____________________________________________________________________________

E Grammar Review
Make sentences in the form of questions and statements using
Question form:

1. _____________________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________________

Statement form:
1. _____________________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________________

F Speaking
Ask the questions and statements that you have made in section E to
your friends. Then, write down their response.

Your questions and statements (Number)

Your friends response (B)

Question Form:

1 : __________________________________________________________________________
B : __________________________________________________________________________

2 : __________________________________________________________________________
B : __________________________________________________________________________

3 : __________________________________________________________________________
B : __________________________________________________________________________

4 : __________________________________________________________________________
B : __________________________________________________________________________

Statement Form:

1 : __________________________________________________________________________
B : __________________________________________________________________________

2 : __________________________________________________________________________
B : __________________________________________________________________________

3 : __________________________________________________________________________
B : __________________________________________________________________________

4 : __________________________________________________________________________
B : __________________________________________________________________________

G Writing
Write a paragraph about your weekend vacation plans with using;
would like to …, will …., going to…., and would rather …. in your


H Reflection
At the end of this chapter, ask yourself the following
questions to know how effective your learning
process is.
1. Are you able to compose sentences and express plans or intentions well?
2. Can you convey and/or write the text structure of statements and questions about
intention to do something completely and coherently?
3. Are you able to identify the forms and uses of I would like to, I will, I am going
to and would rather?
4. Have you been able to adjust the format of writing/delivery of statements and
questions about intention to do something?
5. Can you make statements or questions using I would like to, I will, I am going
to and would rather?

I Further Activities


Identify and write down the structure of the text about the intention to do something
that contained in the video.

Chapter 6

Past Tense and

Present Perfect Tense

source: wikihow
pict: 6.1

Tujuan Pembelajaraan:
1. Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri interaksi ·siswa mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri
kalimat Past Simple dan Present Perfect tense, (fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
2. Siswa dapat mempertanyakan antara lain perbedaan antar berbagai past simple dan
present perfect yang ada dalam bahasa Inggris, dan perbedaan ungkapan dalam
bahasa Inggris dengan yang ada dalam bahasa Indonesia
3. Siswa dapat membandingkan kalimat Past Simple dan Present Perfect tense yang
telah dipelajari dengan ungkapan-ungkapan lainnya.

A Warmer
Look at the picture below. can you guess what happen in the picture?
after guess the picture please answer the question under the

1. Did he ride a horse or a motorbike?

2. Did she draw a house or a heart in the sand?
3. Did he sleep or eat lemon?

Answer key

Scan for Warmer Answer

B Vocabulary
Look at your dictionary! After that changes the present
tense order below to simple past tense order!

1. Eat 1. …
2. Draw 2. …
3. Sleep 3. …
4. Drink 4. …
5. Arrive 5. …
6. Containe 6. …
7. Help 7. …
8. Play 8. …
9. Talk 9. …
10. Walk 10. …

Answer key

C Pronunciation practice
Listen to your teacher carefully to know how to pronounce the word
correctly . Repeat after the speaker.

Happened Dressed

Enjoyed Blamed

Imitated Appeared


Scan for imteractive information

D Explore: Past tense
Task 1:
Read the interview. Find these verb in the text and
which tense are they?

Cahaya : Hi, Bulan. What did you do last weekend?

Bulan : Oh, I did a lot of things. I went to a village last Saturday.
Cahaya : Who did you visit?
Bulan : I visited my grandparents. They live in the village.
Cahaya : Oh, I see. Who did you go with?
Bulan : I went there with all of my family. They were mother, father and my younger sisters.
Cahaya : Wow, that would be so fun!
Bulan : Yeah, it was so fun. And we also felt tired.

Answer key

Past Tense
We use the: ...
1. Simple past tense
to talk about an activity or activities completed at a specific time in the past.
to show that a shorter past action interrupted a longer one.
2. Past continuous tense
to talk about an action that was in progress when another shorter one happened.
to talk about past actions that were in progress over a long period of time.
3. Past Perfect tense
to describe the first action to take place when we're talking about two past actions.
4. Past Perfect continuous tense.
to describe an uncompleted action that took place before a second past action.

E Exploit: Past tense
Task 2:
Scan the QR Code below then Complete the dialogue with
the corrects past tense form of the verbs in brackets. listen
and check!

1. This year they (study) ________ did homework, (make) ________

projects and learning coding
2. Also, they (played) _______ games, read books, designed robots,
(go) _______ to the museums and helped their parents.
3. The three buddies (plan) ________ a camping trip in the woods.
4. They (have) ________ one rule: No packaged food! Only the food
from the natural.
5. John (stay) ________ because he was the guard of the camp area
6. He (sit) ________ on the rock and (wait) ________ for his friend in
fronts of the tents.
7. Three hours later David and Sam (come)_______ back with three

Task 3:
Choose the correct tense to complate the sentence

1. I was afraid to ask her out because she had rejecting/rejected me before.

2. I read a book that you gave me, could you lend/will lend me another one?

3. I was listening/ listened to music when she came in.

4. What have you been doing? I worked/ have been working a lot

5. Last night I dreamt/have dreamed that I was living In china.

6. The movie that we have seen/saw last Monday was really awful.

Answer key

F Explore: Present Perfect Tense
Read the text and name the tenses
in the phrases in blue.

Linda has just walked outside with Grandmother. She wears an apron. So far, she has finished
cleaning and washing. She has also gathered seeds and crumbs.
Now Linda and Grandmother are outside. Linda has just dropped some seeds on the ground to
feed the birds. The birds have not come yet.
Recently, Grandmother has moved in with Linda's family. She now enjoys living with them.
Grandmother has already sat down on the bench. She also wears an apron. She has just
finished cooking.

Present Tense
We use the: ...

Present Tense
1. Present Perfect tense
to describe activities or states that started in the past and have a connection
with present.
to describe recently completed activities and situation without mentioning as
specific time.
2. Present simple tense
to talk about habits and repeated activities.
to talk about facts and general truth.

G Exploit: Present Perfect tense

Complete the text with the present perfect

tense form of the verbs brackets.

Recently, it has snowed in Maria's town. In the last week, it 1.____(snow) three times. Maria has
always loved the snow. She 2.____(play) in the snow many times before.
Maria's dog, Sparky, has never played in the snow. This is Sparky's first snow. He has not felt the
cold yet.
Maria 3_____(recieve) a new sled for Christmas. She puts on her warm clothes and snow boots.
She pulls the sled up the hill. Sparky has run outside with Maria. Sparky 4. _____(follow) Maria
up the hill. He feels good!
Maria has finally reached the top. She sits on her sled. She rides down the hill. Sparky runs beside
the sled. They 5._____(reach) the bottom. Sparky has followed Maria all the way down the hill.
Sparky has decided that he likes the snow too!

H Writing

Write a conversation with a theme in bellow. Using the

correct past tense and present perfect tense!

a. You and your friends who want to hold a graduation night.

b. You and your mother are planning to buy an present for your sister's birthday
c. Your friend is making a celebration for winning at the Olympiad.
d. Someone new that you've met
e. Something you've recently read on internet.

II Reflection
At the end of this chapter, ask yourself the following
questions to know effective your learning process is.

1. How well do you understand the lessons in this chapter?

2. Can you do the task by yourself?
3. What are your plans to develop understanding in the lessons in this chapter?

Kelly, Paul and Iannuzi, Susan. 2019. Aim High Student's Book 4. OXFORD University
Guswindari, Risky. 2020. dengan judul "Contoh Dialog Complimenting
dialog-complimenting-others?page=all. 2021
English Admin. 2021. 40 Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Compliment dan Artinya.
Really learn english. 2010. "Present Perfect story 1 & 2". https://www.really-learn 2022


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