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Oleh : Testiana Deni W, M.

Anggarani Wilujeng, S.S, M.Hum

Penulis :
Testiana Deni W, M.Pd
Anggarani Wilujeng, S.S, M. Hum

Penata Aksara:
Testiana Deni W, M.Pd


Desain Cover:
Ahmad Syafi’i

Cetakan Pertama:
Juni 2015

CV. Rafi Sarana Perkasa
Jl. Villa Ngaliyan Permai I Blok E9
Semarang, 024-7611852


Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas

Muhammadiyah Semarang diwajibkan menempuh mata kuliah
menulis atau writing sebagai prasyarat penguasaan keahlian
berbahasa Inggris yang melengkapi keahlian lain yakni; berbicara
(speaking), mendengarkan (listening), dan membaca (reading).
Mata kuliah menulis atau writing secara khusus memiliki tingkatan
yang diawali dengan penguasaan word based-writing, sentence-
based writing, paragraph based-writing, dan genre-based writing.
Mata kuliah genre-based writing ini membantu mahasiswa untuk
merancang teks bacaan bahasa Inggris yang koheren dan
terstruktur. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, perkenankanlah penulis
berbagi informasi dan pengetahuan melalui bahan ajar genre- based
writing. Dalam bahan ajar ini terdapat beberapa bagian teori,
contoh teks, dan latihan menulis teks. Buku panduan ini juga
dilengkapi dengan analisis teks dan rubrik penilaian menulis.
Dari paparan di atas, penulis berharap bahan ajar ini
berguna bagi para mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang dan para pembaca pada
Salam Hangat,

1. RUANG LINGKUP.............................................................1

2. PENDAHULUAN............................................................... 4

3. URAIAN.............................................................................. 5

4. PENUTUP......................................................................... 35

5. GLOSARIUM................................................................... 36

6. LAMPIRAN LAMPIRAN................................................ 37



Mata kuliah ini merupakan mata kuliah untuk menguasai

salah satu keahlian berbahasa Inggris yaitu menulis.
Mahasiswa mempelajari menulis kalimat yang dharapkan
mereka memiliki kemampuan menulis sebagai dasar untuk
membuat paragraf dan teks bacaan berbahasa Inggris.
Bersama dengan mata kuliah lain, yakni; word based
writing, sentence based writing, dan paragraph based
writing, mata kuliah genre based writing ini membantu
mahasiswa untuk merancang teks bacaan bahasa Inggris
yang koheren dan terstruktur.


Bahasa Inggris adalah ilmu yang memiliki empat keahlian
dan dua komponen utama yaitu; berbicara (speaking),
menulis (writing), membaca (reading), mendengarkan
(listening), grammar, dan vocabulary. Keenam hal tersebut
saling berkaitan satu sama lain. Oleh sebab itu, mata kuliah
ini ditawarkan untuk membantu mahasiswa memperoleh
pemahaman yang komprehensif tentang menulis dan

merancang teks bacaan bahasa Inggris yang koheren dan


Mahasiswa dapat membuat teks bacaan bahasa Inggris ,

seperti; descriptive, narative, recount, explanation, report,
eksposition, procedure, news item, and review.


Pada akhir perkuliahan ini, mahasiswa diharapkan mampu:

a. Memahami definisi genre dan jenis-jenis genre
b. Memahami tata cara penulisan descriptive text
c. Memahami tata cara penulisan narrative text
d. Memahami tata cara penulisan recount text
e. Memahami tata cara menulis explanation text
f. Memahami tata cara menulis report text
g. Memahami tata cara menulis exposition text
h. Memahami tata cara penulisan procedure text
i. Memahami tata cara penulisan news item text
j. Memahami tata cara penulisan review text


Pelajarilah uraian materi yang dijabarkan secara detail

tentang menulis berbagai jenis genre dengan menggunakan
tanda baca, ejaan, huruf besar , dan tata bahasa yang tepat.
Pada akhir uraian materi tersebut diberikan soal latihan
untuk dikerjakan, dengan maksud untuk lebih memantapkan
pemahaman materi tersebut. Jadikan soal-soal latihan
tersebut sebagai bahan evaluasi diri.




Bab ini mempelajari tentang bagaimana menulis genre

sebagai dasar untuk membuat berbagai jenis teks dan
membahas pemakaian tanda baca, pengejaan, huruf besar
dalam penulisan kalimat dengan menggunakan aturan tata
bahasa atau structure yang sesuai.

Bahan ajar ini memiliki keterkaitan erat dengan mata kuliah
writing baik word-based writing, sentence-based writing ,
paragraph-based writing, dan academic writing karena
sebagai dasar untuk membuat teks berbahasa Inggris yang
menggunakan tanda baca, ejaan, huruf besar, dan struktur
bahasa yang benar dan tepat.


Tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dicapai adalah mahasiswa

merancang tulisan berbagai jenis teks dengan menggunakan
tanda baca, ejaan, huruf besar, dan struktur bahasa yang
sesuai dengan waktu penggunaannya.




Social Purpose : to describe a particular person, place or


Generic Structure :

a. Identification : identifies phenomenon to be

b. Description : describes parts, qualities, and

Lexicogrammatical Feature :

a) Focus on specific participants

b) Use of simple present tense

c) Frequent use of descriptive adjectives to build up long nominal


d) Use of verb being and having

Example Description Text

My Best Brother

I have a brother, his name is Febryan

Tri Maulana. Everyone calls him Bryan. Now, Identification
Bryan is 7 years old, and he studies at
Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Keling 1 Jepara.

Bryan has an oval face and black hair.

He is 120 cm and his weight is 22 kg. His
hobbies are drawing, reading, and swimming.
Bryan likes drawing anything that he likes.
When he walks on the road and he sees animals,
he will draw them at home.

Bryan also likes reading. He is different Description

from others. While some children like reading
comic, he likes reading newspaper very much.
He usually borrows newspaper in the
office’school. In his school, Bryan is a smart
boy. He always gets the first winner in the class.
Last month he got the second winner of
Mathematic Elementary School Competition.

Febryan is also a good boy

10because he is
willing to help his mother. He always makes
me and my parents proud of him.
Verb Of Being And Having

Simple Present Tense

Focus On Specific Participants

Descriptive Adjective

Practice 1

a. Create a topic about someone or thing and describe it using

semantic mapping diagram!

b. Develop your topic into a descriptive text!

c. Analyze your text based on generic structures !

d. Analyze your text based on lexicogrammatical features!

e. Give symbols for each structure and feature!

Social Purpose : to amuse, entertain, and to deal with actual
or vicarious experience in different ways. Narrative deals with
problematic events which lead to crisis or turning point of some
kind, which in turn finds a resolution.

Generic Structure :

a. Orientation : set the scene and introduces the participants

b. Evaluation : a stepping back to evaluate the plight
c. Complication : a crisis arises
d. Resolution : the crisis is resolved for better or for worse
e. Reorientation : optional

Lexicogrammatical feature :

a) Focus on specific and usually individualized participants

b) Use of material processes, behavioral, and verbal processes

c) Use of temporal conjunctions and temporal circumstances

d) Use of relational processes and mental processes

e) Use of past tense

Example Narrative Text

Farya and Levin

Once upon a time, there was a young

couple named Farya and Levin. Farya lived with
her family. Mr.Wahyu was her father. Farya
came from Moslem family. She was an obedient Orientation
person. Meanwhile Levin lived alone because his
parents passed away. Levin came from a
Christian family.

One day, Levin went to Farya’s house

in the afternoon. It was time for praying. Mr.
Wahyu asked Levin whether he would pray
together. Levin didn’t answer because he was
very confused to receive or refuse Farya’s father Evaluation
request. Finally, he told the fact that he was a
Christian and he could not pray like a Moslem.
Farya’s family was very shocked about it,
especially Mr. Wahyu. After that, Mr. Wahyu
prohibited Farya to meet Levin again.

Farya couldn’t refuse but she loved
Levin much. Farya and Levin often met in a
secret place and Mr. Wahyu didn’t know about
it. When they walked together in the park,
Farya and Levin listened to adzan. Farya asked
for permission to Levin to pray and he Complication

permitted Farya. Levin saw and waited Farya

when she was praying. She also read Al-Qur’an
in front of Levin. Levin’s heart felt

On the next day, Levin came to the

Farya’s house. Farya opened the door, she was
very shocked and she asked Levin to go out
rapidly from her house but, Levin didn’t want to
go. Mr. Wahyu knew about it. He was very
angry and asked to go out of his house. Levin
never gave up. He tried to explain that he loved
Farya much, so he wanted to be a muallaf. Mr.
Wahyu was silent for a few minutes and he
gave him a permission to be a muallaf. Levin
promised that he would come back when he
could read Al-Qur’an.

Two years later, there was no news about
Levin. Farya believed that Levin would come
back. She looked sad everyday so she got sick.
One day came a man in Farya’s house. He was
Levin. He came back. He could read Al-Qur’an Reorientation
and he could pray. Mr. Wahyu was very
surprised. It was hard for him to believe that
Levin had a big effort. Finally Mr. Wahyu
permitted Farya and Levin to get married and
they live happily forever.

Specific Participant

Past Tense

Temporal Conjunction

Circumstances of Time

Circumstances of Place

Practice 2

a. Create a topic about legend or fairy tales and describe it

using semantic mapping diagram!

b. Develop your topic into a narrative text!

c. Analyze your text based on generic structures !

d. Analyze your text based on lexicogrammatical features!

e. Give symbols for each structure and feature!


Social Purpose : to retell events for the purpose of informing

or entertaining

Generic Structure :

a. Orientation : provides the setting and introduces

b. Events : tell what happened in what sequence
c. Re-orientation : closure of events (optional element)

Lexicogrammatical features :

a) Focus on specific participants

b) Use of material processes or action verbs

c) Circumstances of time and place

d) Focus on temporal sequence

e) Use of past tense

Example Recount Text

Visiting Sunda Beach

Three years ago, We decided to visit

Sunda Beach. It was in Yogyakarta. It still had Orientation
the natural scenery. It had a beautiful sand.

We left our school at 07.00 a.m. by bus.

The driver drove carefully, we could see the
green ricefields along the road. We could enjoy
the fresh air. After spending two hours to get
there, we finally arrived at Sunda Beach at
09.00 a.m. Then, we visited some places there.
After that we played some games. We were
separated into two groups. We had to bring
baloons using our feet. This game was very fun
but tiring. Event
The game finished before dzuhur. We
took a rest and ate the lunch box that had been
prepared before. When the sun rose, the water of
Sunda Beach became more transparent. Next,
we searched starfish, algae, and seaweed. We
put them into a big jar. We liked to take pictures
near the beach. After playing in the beach, we
took a bath. We also met foreign tourists and
took some pictures with them. Lastly, we got in
our bus.
Finally, we slept in the bus because we
were very exhausted. Although we felt tired, we
felt very happy. We enjoyed the journey. We
arrived in Solo at 11.00 p. m. It was a happy
tour for our last meeting.

Specific Participants

Action Verb

Time and Places

Temporal Sequence

Past Tense

Practice 3

a. Create a topic about your past experiences and describe it

using semantic mapping diagram!

b. Develop your topic into a recount text!

c. Analyze your text based on generic structures !

d. Analyze your text based on lexicogrammatical features!

e. Give symbols for each structure and feature!


Social Purpose : to explain the processes involved in the

formation or workings of natural or sociocultural phenomena.

Generic Structure :

a general statement to position the reader. A sequenced

Explanation of ''why'' or ''how'' something occurs.

Lexicogrammatical features :

a) focus on generic and non human participants

b) use mainly material and relational processes

c) use mainly temporal and casual circumstances and


d) some use of passive voice to get theme right.

Example Explanation

How Does Sweat Form?

What is sweating? sweat is a salty liquid

produced by glands in our skin. Sweating is how
our bodies cool itself. When it is seen in a
microscope, each gland looks like a coilled up Statement

tube with an opening on the surface of the skin.

The production of sweat is partly

controlled from our nervous system by an
automatic reflex. When the air temperature
around us is above 99 degrees Fahrenheit, we
need to sweat just to control our body
temperature. Our bodies usually produce a pint
of sweat a day, but if our bodies are very warm,
it probably increases to as much as five or ten
quarts. Sweat is a delute solution that is filtered
out of the blood. When first made, sweat is
odorless. But evidently, the action of bacteria on
the skin causes the odors.

This is how sweat is formed. Closing

Focus on generic and non-human Participants

Present Tense

Action Verb

Conjunctive Relation

Practice 4

a. Create a topic about a natural or man made phenomena in

your own original idea!

b. Develop your topic into an explanation text!

c. Analyze your text based on generic structures !

d. Analyze your text based on lexicogrammatical features!

e. Give symbols for each structure and feature!

Analytical Exposition
Social Purpose : to persuade the reader or listener that
something is the case
Generic Structure :
a. thesis ; this can be in the form of :
position : introduces topic and indicates writer's
preview : outlines the main arguments to be presented
b. Arguments, consisting of :
Point : restates the main arguments outlined in the
elaboration :develops and supports each point or
reiteration : restates the writer's position
Lexicogrammatical features :
a) Focus on generic and non-human participants
b) Use of simple present tense
c) Use of relational processes
d) Use of internal conjunction to state argument
e) Reasoning through causal conjunction or nominalization

Example Analytical Exposition

Why Is Protecting Children Important

Protecting children is a well-known fact

that every parent must be aware. All children
have the rights to protection. They have the right
to survive, save, belong, and grow up in a
protected environment. A family is the first line Thesis
of protection for children. But, millions of
children are not fully protected. Many of them
have to deal with violence, abuse, neglection,
exploitation, exclusion or descrimination

Children are the next golden generation in
Indonesia. Not only the family, but all people
should be reponsible to protect children. As we
know, nowadays there are lots of sexual abused
to children in Indonesia. For example, the sexual
abuse happened in Jakarta international School
(JIS). JIS is an excellent school which has an
International standard for their students, but it
couldn’t protect children. Therefore, family has
to protect their children seriously.

Protection for children leads to posessive

attitude that make them could not actualize
themselves. So, protection for children has to be Reiteration
done in a right way. We, as parents, and people
around them should consider this.

Focus on generic

Simple present tense

Relational processes

Material processes

Practice 5

a. Create a topic about a case based on your own idea and

conclude your idea!

b. Develop your topic into an analytical exposition text!

c. Analyze your text based on generic structures !

d. Analyze your text based on lexicogrammatical features!

e. Give symbols for each structure and feature!

Hortatory Exposition
Social Purpose : to persuade the reader or listener that
something should or should not be the case

Generic Structure :

a. Thesis : announcement of issue concern

b. Arguments : reasons for concern, leading to
c. Recommendation : statement of what ought or ought
not to happen

Lexicogrammatical features :

a) focus on generic and non-human participants, except for a

speaker or writer reffering to self

b) use of : mental processes to state what writer thinks or feels

about an issue (realize, feel, appreciate)

c) material processes : to state what happens (is polluting, drive,

travel, spend, should be treated)

d) relational processes : to state what is or should be (does not

seem to have been is)

e) use of simple present tense

Example Hortatory Exposition

Mobile Phone Causes Accident

There are many people who use mobile

phone everywhere, especially in our country,
Indonesia. In this new globalisation era, a mobile
phone is the urgent shiff. Sometimes they use it
carelessly because they use it on the street. Theses
When people are driving on the way, they have
to focus on drving our vehicle. In fact, there are
drivers who use mobile phones unappropiately It
is dangerous for them and to the other driver too.

Nowadays, there are so many users of

mobile phone who don’t care about the traffic
rules. It belongs to the driver who easily use the
mobile phone everywhere. Because, there are
many drivers who choose to use mobile phone
recklessly. Ironically, there exist a mother with a
baby or children who prefer playing with her
mobile phone to pay attention to her safety.

As a good driver, you should never try
to use mobile phone while you are driving.

Simple present tense

Generic participant

Being verb

Specific partisipan

Strong modality

Practice 6

a. Create a topic about a case based on your own idea and give
suggestion for it!

b. Develop your topic into a hortatory exposition text!

c. Analyze your text based on generic structures !

d. Analyze your text based on lexicogrammatical features!

e. Give symbols for each structure and feat

News Item

Social Purpose : to inform readers or viewers about events of

the day there are considered newsworthy or important

Generic Structure :

a. Newsworthy event(s) : recounts the events in summary form

b. Background events : elaborate what happened to whom in
what circumstance
c. Source : comment by participants in
witnesses to and authorities expert on the event

Lexicogrammatical features:

a) short, telegraphic information about story captured in headline

b) use of material processes to retell event (many of material

processes are nominalized)

c) use of projecting verbal processes in sources stage

d) focus on circumstance

Example News Item

Beijing Sends New Envoy To Jakarta

Chinese Ambassador designated to

Indonesia, Xie Feng, arrived in Jakarta on Newsworthy
Tuesday, emphasizing his hopes for stronger Event
bilateral cooperation and the share of peace in a
Indonesia as an emerging economy that
played an increasing important role in regional
and global business. Xie said that the two
countries had moved into a new area of strategic
partnership. The two countries could work hand
in hand to make a more peaceful. Xie Feng was
the foreign ministry’s general director for North
America and Oceania in Beijing from 2010 to

For Indonesia, the new Beijing envoys

with US American experience will help us to
increase our understanding between Indonesia,
China, and United State of America.

Action Verb

Circumstance of place

Circumstance of time

Saying verb

Practice 7

a. Create a topic about a newsworthy event!

b. Develop your topic into a news item text!

c. Analyze your text based on generic structures !

d. Analyze your text based on lexicogrammatical features!

e. Give symbols for each structure and feature!

Social Purpose : to critique an art work, event for a public audience.
The works of art include; movies, television show, books, plays,
operas, recordings, exhibitions, concerts, and ballets.

Generic Structure :

a. Orientation : places the work in its general and

particular context, often by comparing it with others of
its kind or through analogue with a non art object or
b. Interpretive Recount : summaries the plot and/or
provides an account of how the reviewed rendition of
the work came in to being is optional, but if present
often recursive.
c. Evaluation : provides an evaluation of the work and/or
its performance or production; is usually recursive.
d. Evaluative summation: provides a kind of punch line
which sums up the viewer's opinion of the art event as a
whole; is optional.

Lexicogrammatical features :

a) Focus on particular participants

b) Direct expression of options through use of attitudional ephitets

in nominal groups, qualitative attributes and affective mental

c) Use of elaborating and extending clause and group complexes to

package the information

d) Use of metaphorical language

Example Review

The Innocent Man by Lee Kyung Hee

Innocent Man is a 2012 South Korea

television series. It is a dark melodrama involving
betrayal revenge and romance. This drama is
directed by Kim Jin Won.

Smart and promising medical student,
Kang Maru, has been in love all his life with his
slightly older neighbor Han Jae Hee, a television
reporter. He is an adorable boyfriend. But when
her situation takes a turn for the worse and Jae
Hee becomes desparate to escape poverty, she
meets a man who introduces her to a life of
comfort. Then, she turns her back on Ma Ru,
choosing money over love.

The brutal betrayal leaves Ma Ru fracture.

A few years later, Ma Ru is now 30 years old
and works as a bartender and no longer a “nice
guy”. He then meets SeoEun Gi, a young Interpretive
chaebol heiress who is being groomed to take Recount
over her father’s conglomerate.

Ma Ru decides to take advantage of her

as a pawn in his plans for revenge, and Eun Gi
falls in love with him, not knowing that he is
using her to get back to his ex Jae Hee, who
happens to be Eun Gi’s young, gold digging step
mother. Just when Ma Ru is beginning to
genuinely care for Eun Gi, she finds out the
truth and they break up. But a car accident
causes Eun Gi to lose her memory, and she
enters Ma Ru’s life again. What will this story

The drama above shows that promises
of a wealth of soap opera style pleasures. Every
episode brings suspense that makes us want to
continue to watch the next episode again.

This drama also has a crucial story. The Evaluation

viewers are asked to be patient to see the
fluctuation of the characters. This drama also
talks about the business topic, so for the
audience who don’t know about business and
economic have to understand hard.

Overall, we like the drama’s plot.

Especially the last episode that has really cute Evaluation

ending inside. Summary

Present Tense

Specific Participant

Circumstances of Time

Circumstance of Place

Practice 8

a. Create a topic about a critic for artwork !

b. Develop your topic into a review text!

c. Analyze your text based on generic structures !

d. Analyze your text based on lexicogrammatical features!

e. Give symbols for each structure and feature!

Social Purpose : to describe how something is accomplished
through sequence of actions or steps

Generic Structure :

a. Goal
b. Material (not required for all procedural texts)
c. Steps

Lexicogrammatical feature :

a) focus on generalized human agents

b) use of simple present tense, it is often imperative

c) use mainly of temporal conjunctions or numbering to indicate


d) use mainly material processes

Example Procedure

How to Make Vanilla Shake with

Banana Cream

I want to tell you how to make vanilla

shake with banana cream.

The materials that you need are; vanilla

powder, full cream milk, sugar, crystal ice,
banana ice cream, water, glass, blender, and

First of all, prepare the materials. After

that, take the blender, and then put two
teaspoons of vanilla powder, ½ teaspoon of
vanilla full cream, one teaspoon of sugar, crystal
ice, and pour 600 ml of water. Next, blend all
that materials for about two minutes. Then, pour
it into a glass. Finally, garnish it with chocolate,
fullcream, and add banana ice cream on the top
of it. Give a straw.

Now, the vanilla shake with banana

cream is ready to be served.

Temporal Conjunction


Action Verb

Generalized Human Agent

Practice 9

a. Create a topic about how to make or use something!

b. Develop your topic into a procedure text!

c. Analyze your text based on generic structures !

d. Analyze your text based on lexicogrammatical features!

e. Give symbols for each structure and feature!

Social Purpose : to describe the way things are with
reference to a range of natural man made and social phenomena in
our environment.

Generic Structure :

General Classification : tells what phenomenon under discussion is

like in terms of parts, qualities, and habits or behaviors(if it is
living), uses(if it is non natural

Lexicogrammatical features :

a) Focus on generic participants

b) Use of relational processes to sociocultural that and which it is

c) Use of simple present tense

d) No temporal sequences


Eggplant is a plant which belongs to a

Solanaceae and Genus Solanum family. It is a General
pure plant from India and Sri Lanka, and related Classification
to tomato and potato. The fruit or vegetable of
this plant is usually used for cooking.

Eggplant is a green plant which is usually
planted annually. This plant grows up to 40-150
cm. The leave is so big, with a crude lobus. The
length of this leave is around 10-20 cm and the
width is around 5-10 cm. Another kind of
eggplant is a half wild which is bigger and grows
up to 1500 cm.

The blade is usually babed. The colour of

eggplant’s flower is between white and purple,
with a corolla which has five lobus. This fruit is
classified into a berry fruit which contains a lot of
small and soft seed. The taste is bitter than others
because it contains alkaloid nikotin. It is made
eggplant closes to tobacco. Many kinds of Description
eggplant like telunjuk eggplant, Belanda eggplant,
pipit eggplant, white eggplant, and purple

Eggplant can be found easily in your table.

Do you know what are the advantages of eggplant
for our healthy? Eggplant can reduce a tight
nerve. It causes skopotelin and scoparone. It also
can prevent a cancer . It is also be able to
prevent aterosklerosis, because it can reduce fat.
Then, it can decrease a heart attack or coronary.
Lastly, this plant can decrease hypertension. So,
it has a lot of advantages which can influence our

General nouns

Relating verb

Present tense
Practice 10

a. Create a topic about a thing or place and describe your idea

into semantic mapping diagram!

b. Develop your topic into a report text!

c. Analyze your text based on generic structures !

d. Analyze your text based on lexicogrammatical features!

e. Give symbols for each structure and feature!



Tercantum di setiap pokok bahasan teks di atas.


Setelah menyelesaikan mata kuliah ini, anda berhak

untuk mengikuti tes untuk menguji kompetensi yang
telah anda pelajari.

Mintalah pada dosen untuk uji kompetensi dengan

sistem penilaian yang dilakukan langsung apabila anda
telah menyelesaikan seluruh evaluasi dari setiap modul,
maka hasil yang berupa nilai dari dosen atau berupa
portofolio dapat dijadikan bahan penilaian akhir.
Kemudian selanjutnya hasil tersebut dapat dijadikan
sebagai penentu standar pemenuhan kompetensi.




Sistem penilaian menulis menggunakan tiga hal, yakni;

format dan isi, organisasi dan koherensi, dan konstruksi
kalimat dan kosakata. (terlampir)

Anderson, Mark & Kathy Anderson. 2003. Text Types in English.

Hartono, Rudi. 2005. Genres of Texts. Semarang: UNNES Press.
Rukmini, dwi. 2010. Evaluating A Text for A Model. Semarang:
UNNES Press.



Analytical Exposition
Hortatory Exposition
News Item



Write one of the texts of genre & choose one of them! Don’t forget
to give social function, generic structures, and lexicogrammatical

Semantic mapping untuk topik skin

- important
organ Complex
- cover body

Parts/ layers Function

Protect body Regulate temperature

Hairy palm Hairless/ glabrous

Outer/epider Inner/dermis
- sole of - Leg
- Arm mis
feet - thick
- Face, etc - tougher fibres
- thin


Lingkaran menunjukkan subyek yang dibahas. Kotak menunjukkan

sub ide yang akan menjadi kalimat topik dari masing-masing
paragraf, baik pembuka, serangkaian deskripsi maupun penutup.
Kata-kata atau frasa dibawah kotak menunjukkan elaborasi dari sub
ide sebagai informasi secara rinci.

Skin is an important organ of human body. It covers all the body.
(short description / general classification)

There are two types of skin. They are hairy and hairless skin.
Hairless skin is called glabrous. The skin of palm and sole of our
feet is hairless. Hairy skin covers the rest of the body. (Description)

Skin is made up of two layers. The outer layer is called epidermis.

It is thin. The inner layer is called dermis. It is made up of tougher
fibres. (Description)

Skin does several functions. First, it protects human body. It also

regulates the body's temperature. (Description)

Therefore Skin is the most complex part of the human body.




31-40 Teks sempurna, sesuai dengan struktur generic,

amat penggunaan informasi relevan dengan subyek yang
baik dibahas, pengembangan ide baik

21-30 Teks secara umum baik, struktur generic sesuai,

baik penggunaan, penggunaan informasi yang relevan
dengan subyek cukup baik, pengembangan ide cukup

11-20 Secara umum cukup, meskipun ada beberapa informasi

cukup yang tidak relevan dengan subyek, penggunaan ide
atau informasi terbatas,pengembangan ide cukup

1-10 Teks secara umum kurang sempurna, struktur generic

kurang tidak sesuai, informasi relevan kurang, pengembangan
ide kurang


16-20 Informasi tersusun atau teroganisasi dengan baik dan

amat mudah dipahami dengan steruktur yang baik,adnya

baik informasi yang relevan dengan hubungan yang logis
atau koheren

11-15 Informasi sebagian besar tersusun atau terorganisasi

baik dengan baik dan mudah dipahami, struktur teks baik
mulai daripembukaan, isi maupun penutup, sebagian
besar informasi yang relevan terkait secara logis

6-10 Informasi dapat diikuti tapi agak sulit,

cukup pengorganisasian informasi cukup, pengembangan isi
tidak konsisten, atau diulang-ulang, paragraph kurang

1-5 Informasi sulit diterima, penyusunan teks dalam

kurang paragraph dan penyusunan paragraph tidak tepat



31-40 Penggunaan kalimat bervariasi danbenar, adanya

amat variasi panjang pendek kalimat, tidak adanya
baik kesalahan yang berarti dalam agreement, tense, kata
ganti, adanya kata teknik berkaitan dengan subyek,
penggunaan bentuk kata yang tepat

21-30 Penggunaan kalimat bervariasi dan benar, ada
baik beberapa variasi panjang pendek kalimat, tidak ada
kesalahan ynag berulang-ulang dalam agreement,
tense, kata ganti, adanya kata teknik berkaitan dengan
subyek, variasi kata-kata yang digunakan ada msalah
tapi tidak menimbulkan kesalahpahaman, pilihan
bentuk kata baik

11-20 Variasi kalimat sedikit tetapi sebagian besar benar,

cukup kesalahan grammer berulang-ulang, kurang variasinya
kata-kata yang figunakan kadang-kadang
menimbulkan kesalahpahaman, pilihan kata cukup

1-10 Terbatasnya variasi kalimat yang digunakaan

kurang memerlukan usaha untuk memahaminya, ketepatan
hanya pada kalimat-kalimat sederhana, banyak
kesalahan grammar, teks sulit dipahami, banyak
kalimat yang tidak lengkap, variasi kata kurang,
pilihan kata yang terpat juga kurang.

Total Nilai 40+20+40=100

Grade penilaian adalah sebagai berikut;

Tulisan Genre Mahasiswa

Kriteria Penilaian Kategori
91-100 memuaskan (A)
81-90 sangat bagus (B)
71-80 bagus (C)
61-70 sedang (D)
51-60 rendah (E)
less than 50 sangat rendah (F)


Kode/ Nama Mata Kuliah :ING322/ Genre Based Writing

Dosen Pengampu :Testiana Deni. W, S.Pd, M.Pd

Skor Maks : 100

Kompetensi Standar a. Memahami definisi

genre dan jenis-jenis

b. Memahami tata cara
penulisan descriptive
c. Memahami tata cara
penulisan narrative text
d. Memahami tata cara
penulisan recount text
e. Memahami tata cara
menulis explanation text
f. Memahami tata cara
menulis report text
g. Memahami tata cara
menulis exposition text
h. Memahami tata cara
penulisan procedure text
i. Memahami tata cara
penulisan news item text


(Tiap genre memiliki soal latihan yang sama jumlah soalnya

sehingga kisi-kisi soal dan sistem penskoran sama)

a. Create a topic !

b. Develop your topic into a text!

c. Analyze your text based on generic structures !

d. Analyze your text based on lexicogrammatical features!

e. Give symbols for each structure and feature!

Sistem Penskoran

No Soal Aspek / Konsep yang Dinilai Skor

a. Create a topic 20

b. Develop your topic into a text 20

c. Analyze your text based on generic 20


d. Analyze your text based on 20

lexicogrammatical features

e. Give symbols for each structure and feature 20


Jumlah nilai disesuaikan dengan kriteria penilaian 100



Testiana Deni Wijayatiningsih, M.Pd lahir pada tanggal 8 Mei

1984 di Purworejo, Jawa Tengah. Pendidikan diawali di SD Negeri
Plaosan Purworejo (lulus tahun 1996), SMP Negeri 2 Purworejo
(lulus tahun 1999), SMA Negeri 1 Purworejo (lulus tahun 2002),
Pendidikan S1 pada FBS Program Studi S1 Pendidikan Bahasa
Inggris UNNES ( lulus tahun 2006), dan S2 pada Prodi Pendidikan
Bahasa Inggris Pasca Sarjana UNNES (lulus tahun 2009).
Hasil karya penelitian dan pengabdiannya yaitu; Penerapan
Strategi Semantic Mapping untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan
Menulis Teks Report bagi mahasiswa Ilmu Keperawatan UNIMUS
( DIPA UNIMUS, ketua, 2011), Keefektifan Multimedia
Presentations pada Peningkatan Speaking Skill Mahasiswa S1 Ilmu
Keperawatan (DIPA UNIMUS, anggota, 2013), Reciprocal
Teaching for Improving Students’ Eleventh Grade Reading
Comprehension Achievement (2013, TEFLIN ke 60), Pemanfaatan

Model Total Physical Response dan Repetition untuk
Pengembangan Pembelajaran Anak Usia Dini/TK (DIKTI, ketua,
2013), Studi Komparasi antara Demonstration dan Discussion
untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menulis Mahasiswa (DIKTI,
ketua, 2014), Note Taking Pairs untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar
Sentence- Based Writing Mahasiswa (DIPA UNIMUS, ketua,
2014), Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Menggunakan Animasi
Pada mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris untuk Guru SD Pokjar Kabupaten
Semarang 2015.1 (Dana Internal UT-UPBJJ Semarang, anggota,
2015), Peningkatan Berbahasa Inggris Guru-Guru SD di Pokjar
Demak Bintoro 4 (Mandiri, ketua, 2011), IbM Kelurahan
Manyaran Kecamatan Semarang Barat Dalam Penerapan Metode
Total Physical Response dan Repetition untuk Pengenalan bahasa
Inggris Pada Anak Usia Dini/TK ( DIKTI, ketua, 2013), IbM
Kelompok Ibu-Ibu PKK Desa Kandri Semarang (DIPA UNIMUS,
ketua, 2013), Pengembangan Usaha-Usaha Vokasi Di Desa
Kedungwaru Kidul Kec. Karanganyar Kab. Demak (Dana
Pemerintahan Propinsi Jawa Tengah, anggota, 2014), IbM
Kelompok Guide Lawang Sewu Semarang (DIKTI, anggota,
2014),dan IbM Kelompok Pemilik Homestay Desa Wisata Kandri
Semarang (DIKTI, ketua, 2015).

Anggarani Wilujeng adalah perempuan kelahiran Malang
tanggal 21 November 1976. Tahun 1989 ia menyelesaikan
pendidikan dasar di SD Regina Pacis Semarang. Kemudian tahun
1992 ia menyelesaikan pendidikan menengah di SMP PL
Domenico Savio Semarang. Tahun 1995 ia menyelesaikan
pendidikan atas di SMA Negeri 1 Semarang. Pada tahun 2000 ia
menyelesaikan pendidikan S-1 di Fakultas Sastra (sekarang
Fakultas Ilmu Budaya) jurusan Sastra Inggris Universitas
Diponeogoro Semarang dan pada tahun 2009 ia menyelesaikan
pendidikan S-2 jurusan Susastra di fakultas dan universitas yang
Tahun 2006 ia bergabung bersama Universitas Muhammadiyah
Semarang sebagai dosen di Fakultas Bahasa dan Budaya Asing
program studi S-1 Sastra Inggris. Tahun 2009 ia menghasilkan
penelitian tentang "Ketimpangan Relasi Kelas dan Eksploitasi
Sosial Pada Tokoh dan Penokohan Andrea Sachs Dalam Novel The

Devil Wears Prada Karya Lauren Weisberger : Sebuah Kajian
Feminisme Marxis". Kemudian tahun 2010 menghasilkan
penelitian tentang "Analisis Gender Terhadap Ketidakadilan
Perempuan Pada Tokoh Firdaus Dalam Novel Perempuan di Titik
Nol Karya Nawal el-Saadawi". Tahun 2011 menghasilkan
penelitian tentang "Frasa Bencana Karena Muslihat dan Khianat
Sebagai Penanda Utama Pada Drama Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Karya William Shakespeare : Sebuah Kajian Semiotik" dan
penelitian untuk kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat tentang "Strategi
Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Melalui Game Bagi Siswa/Siswi SD :
Berbasis TIK". Tahun 2012 menghasilkan penelitian bersama
dengan Ririn Ambarini, M.Hum tentang "Integrasi Pengajaran
Grammar Dengan An Inspiring Song and Game-Based Lesson For
Young Learners Bagi Siswa Kelas 5 SD Supriyadi Semarang".
Tahun 2013 menghasilkan penelitian untuk kegiata


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